x PAftJS fV70 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT w BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. CANADIAN SERVICES SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail fo all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . . . . $7.50 All advertising should be. in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday. October .29, I9.r. Elections Over So What Is Next? The elections are practically over and (here i nothing leN to do but cheer the victor. Who the victor will be, no one eaii tell, although we all have our guesses to make. Before midnight tonight we should be pretty well able tn guage the outlook. The general conduct of the election has been most satisfactory and Ihc result will be that everyone Avill be in a position to carry on in a neighborly and Tricinlly manner. There should be no hard feelings over Hit! result, no matter who wins. Whal we now have lo consider is the future. What is there of interest ahead of, us? Some will say let us gel back to busi-ties. Others prefer to thiilk of Christmas preparations. 11 seems necessary these days that we should have some interest oiltside our regular work. ' Possibly a rest iiml a devotion of our time and attention to work for a short season may be bene ficial. Dividing Interests Then Re-unltlng. During an election the rommiuiity becomes diideilTiose on the same side of the political. fence tend to draw together ami others 'to draw nwat. When an election is billet' i( is dif ficult to return lo normal but when (he election is looked upon somewhat in the light of a spori eyenF and everjbody'lieeps his temper amf behaves like a gentleman, the election leaves no scars. We are able to go on as before. That is the ease here today. We have all enjoyed the. fight. We have given and taken aiiil the: lowers -will Ioe like men. Don't Be Licked -Before ''-.' You Start. Without any reference to I he parliamentary contest now! going on. it is interesting 10 note the views of Sir Henry Thornton on success, lie says that many' people are licked before they go into the fight. They think defeat 'instead of thinking victory. Whatever we may think of Sir Henry's treatment of Prince Rupert, we must all acknowledge that he Is a big man ami has held many big jobs. The very fact that he was centre .forward on his college footballiam stamps hint as a man of soniewhat outstanding nbilily. He has had much experience, having fought his way up from the bottom and his suggestion is that defeat is largely mental. ' We all know something of the influence of mind over matter. We are aware thai as a man thinks, so "lie is. Courage is a great factor in liTe and the mental attitude affects everything we do. If we cultivate a spirit of optimism, adopt the courageous attitude, cultivate cordiality, geniality and success, we shall get much more ouf of life. . ii ph rut - r r- ii -s& ii i xvii n .044 UJ oik. uhu Steamship ag?nr suggests a Cliangca Winter Holiday A winter-time crossing to the Old Country, by the southerly route, is generally a most pleasant experience. Within the magnificent CUNARD and ANCHOR-DONALDSON Linen there li always warmth, comfort and enjoyment muiic, dancinc and other amuaementt. Outside, on ipacioui, sheltered decks you enjoy the crisp, bracing sea air. At meal times you have a ravenous appetite for the good things which the chefs prepare. Where economy is desired, one will find the Third Cabin accommodation excellent. Talk it ov.r with tht nearest $leamMp agent, or apply lo THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED, 822 Hastings Street, W. VANCOUVER, B.C. CUNARD AMOR-DONALDSON LIBERALS HELD BIG MEETING ".Many of Hie people of Prineel Honor! iii not yel ttetieve that' the West (inline Theatre last nipht. "Oilier do not believe grain will go through it. .The erection of the elevator has made I his a world port rather than a coast port. The development I the most important thing Ihat i. i ... 1...:...... Equality of the wesl with the Kasl is what we want, nothing more." Mr. PattuHo ami Kre.1 Stork were Ihe c)iief speakers "ill the meeting hut -twenty minute was also allowed lo 15. V. Xtckerson and was taken full advantage of by him. Alderman Casey presided and Introduced the speakers. .Mr. .fckerson di.l nol make any new points but reiteraled and emphasized some of (lie things said before. Fred Stork Fred Stork spoke of the policy or misrepresentation which had been carried on. He told of what had happened to the railway during Hie ten years from the time the Liberals relinquish ed control until they again look charge and plophcsic.1 that if the Conservatives were again returned there would he a reversion lo the old policy, lie spoke at some length on trade matters ami look pride in the recovery of the value of the Canadian dollar until it was now above par. This had been made possihle llinmsli incVcasc ire Canadian exports. Mr. Slork said be still believed in Ihe liurier policy and the eievaior 'was Ihe first fruits of Ihjs. Prince Rupert today had the elevator and Ihe same terminal raleHs Vancouver. -and he prophesied thai great results would follow. While at Ottawa he had given .the best that was in him. Here Since Early Days Mr. Pattullo took exception to beinsr spoken of as a stranger. He and Alex Manson had been here before the city vra started and had wor.ked ever since in Ihe inleresls Of the place. He spoke of the nee.) of unily in Canada and a spirit of toleration among all the people in a country with such diversified interests. lion. Arthur Meighen was opposed lo Ihe Hritish preference which had been granted by the Liberals. Had the .Liherals opposed such a measure they would have been hounded as rebel. I he speaker wenl on to dis cuss the trade treaties which he claimed were a great benefit lo Canada. He claimed that the I' ailed Slides was great in spile f the tariff and not because of it. Allowing for the number of trllcles on the free list Ihe U.S. tariff was only fifteen and hal per. cent on. an average whereas Ihe Canadian tariff was sixteen and a half per cent. The United Stales was nol in any better post Ition lo.lay than Canada. Tin meeting was responsive lo the speakers and everyone wa given a good hearing. TERCENOTES K. .1. Conway of Ihc (iranby Co., Anyox, returned home on Monday aflef a short business trip lo Terrace. A.' Y. Wilson, Heino, wlio accompanied a number , of limber cruisers to Kalum Lake" oti Sunday, reluriie.l borne mi Tuesday. Dr. 11. It. Oranl, Prince Ituperl. spent a short holiday In Ter race Ibis week, as the gtiesl of )Mr. and Mrs.?,. 11. Oilberl. lie returned lo Prince luipert on Wednesday. Oenrge ' Lillle lefl on Mondav on n business (rip lo Ids lumber yards jn smilhers. las. 'liirnhull,. Ilazellou. ar rived In inwn on Tuesday. Chris Haugland who has spent I wo months alibis farm at ork- lon. Sask. relumed home on Sunday. Ho reports crops In 'that district as very good buU .illine 'f,w,lfllrm4 vfrn soriil!y iHtl.tffljX UP Illr.ll1nf oiieralion. Kn rout" home he stoppeil otT lit ll.Wltnn to v i i his Inntlier, Kin 1 1 wlio tin Ix-rrt in the liupii:il their fur !'cral - innnlff and who is very slowly Hon. T. D. Pattullo and Fred rorovcrm fmm hi cerifxi nc-Stork Give Addresses and rinVnt in Hie woo.U here. Nlckerson also Speaks r ELEVATOR IS MENTIONED THE MAN IN THE MOON snyi: lie e evaior : Here. JllarlJSK a u Hon. I. I. Pattnlh. anijd much Ani, llr0!s,.s hWon inerrimeni at Hie l.ig meeting l'An, ir youerosMl tier vJ.W . lo in! up Aml'JiI. ynn swflro. TODAY peopjo are v'ing n:l I should tike (iV m.w just h.nv many know what fliey nee vol in --about... i o,..., i,b p ' "" ' SUKJighUy asked a (he freight rates question. f.r,l(l V(1,.( ,for ,,,, milium iMii.iii iiri.in r.urs hut. roillhed eievaior win ne oi no no vauie. His hair so sler n i Imllof lilai'k s s .i neat. Mian w'it at. A LOT of people wl " vide today will lose Iheir . and a lot of those who thin Hiev lone won may find ih.v lia- reallvj lost. ! AMO.VO the, things that are Heeling are the permanent wave, the honeymoon and popularity. JAKK says-that's ail rot. The only thing that's reiilly fleeling is Iho pay eheek. Colleen Moore established her self beyond question with such successes as "Klatitrng Youth" and "So Ilig," hut in "Sally" she riss to even greater heights. Her role of the forlorn little drudge in the orphanage, who through sheer force of her own character rises to the fame of a great dancer, affords Ihe star wide opportunities for the exercise of lier talents. Miss Moore has long shown a decided pen chant for hoydenish comedy, and Ibis she indulges in to the fullest. She also tAkft advantage of tboe moments of poignant pathos which are provided her and likewise reveals an ability to "gel tier teelh Into a hit of real drama when the plot losses it he, way. , . J KisbXn!fitn.'il bbfiml lint.d in 1 lie Ten fHsl'Mtn aV IBiaaMaaWi ier casi or pro.luclioit. 'Hieiselsi af truly I'tt-iul.-' rt i I ti lit --I li ii.A. kninvl n Hill) Vrtre lhif rtnd Wifi lawn fele of a niuili-niilliouaire. The plodography also stirs one lo high praise. In Ihe cast Miss Moore has Lloyd Hughes as her leading man while the chief comedy role H in the hands of Leon Krrol, who Created the same pari in .ieg-febfs stage version. Krrol is al his funniest on the screen. WRIST RADIOL1TE Sturdy Dependable A lervlcf able write watch.' that lUnda the bum pi of outdoor utel better than higher priced, dellcite;. vatchei. Telli time in the.dirk. $5.50 ir v y y y ? x i y y t f . i' v v v y n UJLllTnr mil 3m i I'm lain Ten Years Ago lr: Prlnco Rupert iAsslies here this fall ha heen set forward by Attorney General i Howser from December 2. er la. .N'eiiilr IK lo I'he Women's Home llakery was openwl today on Third Ave. by Mrs. James. A STEADY BOY. Fanner llaye Thai Jones boy Ihat used to work for you wunt me lo give him a lob. Is he steady? Fanner See.le Well, If he was any steadier he would be LAND ACT. t Motlo of tnttntton to Apply to Inm) In I'Hnrr tiuiwrl Utsl tlrcnlinr ht ' lriL and oiuitr at Cut, ...i-n l.iimt atMMil so.Au lMln oiiOitI fn.n. Ox Mirmr imnuwrM im i.r Spvr IUn.lt and about ft. an timid -at from Rihi- it' Tiki" nolle that Wltlire filwrlr Llmllist, of VaiiriMitrr. B.i: . Ot-rupalliai mnurr)urM. iiiirnii ippltr for a lrae "f IIW! Wl"ln prrtrrUwd (imI r.miim-nrln at a m plnlol tlmnt Aii.oo rbain in a Mmthati'r1jr dirrrtionl fissii Ob- ulrrnie inlirl rful of spi4-r llwl. aiul tt.ae rlulix MO tnm. SrlvHHifr !'; IIotht tuuih 1 l rltaln . I Ihrurr ! I.St rhtln; thriira tiorlli tlrrtr n'iniVHn alonr Oir line .r tilth tM ! t or roiiiinfiwnini. ami! rriUIMnt 1.00 trr, tuner or Iru Wallace rinr.iiit:9 limits. AppllranLI nl-l sninilvf fih. I LAND ACT. In IIm Atttn Und PIMrlcl of Canlir. TAKE NOTICE thtt I. EtlphlH .toll Coiwr. of yev Vom. M.Y U.S.A.. orrtl- pallon bmker. Infrdu in apply for per- ni.s.nn in p..rrna in 10 rriDed land. Osiiinenrinr at a tout pttnlmt alsul 10 rhilu nHith of liirliir'i point on the wrt Hide it Trth Ijke. about eleven mile wmili of the Yukon boundary line; ihemv' ma. ( in li.n.. f h.n. n...lfta Aft Iienee et to rtialn; llienre oilhcrl followlnr alone the lMre line of TattO. Lake lo ixMnt of rnininenremenL t)d rarcrl omlatnlnr M arrea, more or leaa,. tLII III.ET ?(OTT POTTFR. AppllranLi JfreH l.twvm, Arrni .Haled' tnr. loth io MINERAL ACT. ' Cartlflcata of Improfamanta , Spokane Mineral claim, altuale In the Atlln Mlnlnr DlvUlnii of c.alar rllrlrt. on the wett aide of Illr llorn Mirer to the eai or and adjolninr the; Mwln Mineral Claim. Tkvv. .OTirE ihat I. feed l.awnn. , airent for Arne . Lawann. Free Miner' irtlfleal .No. 707UC, Intend . tltlr dura from ihe dale hereof, lo aphly to Ihe Mlnlna lleeorder for a Cerllflrale. of lm proveifienl". for llw purpose of dhtatnlnt a Crown Oranl of Ihe ato elalm, And flintier take mulre ihat artlon. lindff aefllim S7. mll I'e ronnnenren oe fore the laue of anrh Certirirata or Im provemenM. naied tlil ih da or tnmat, .r t LAND ACT. Nutiee nf intantlen to Addiv to Laaa Land III ITliw-e liuperf Land llerordlnr IHitrlrt ut rnt't lianse 5, and altnalo on stj.ttlt tiarliael Hand. . . TAKE MTlf:K ihat Alfred swanaon, tit I'rliu-e llntwrt, iH-riipaiioii wanner., in Mid' lo apply for a leaft nr Hit follow ttim ..-.. lli-fl lanHlt ..rni.K-l.rliir al a pot plan led on IIk oimiIi point "f North liarhaei talandi Oien around huh water mark to the iiiiit or roii.ineneement, and conlalnlnt to aerea. more or iea. AI.EMK.ll AWANSON, AnpiiranL . E. Wriahl, a gent, Dated Orl-.li.-r tAlli. Itn. I'rluye Muferl, ti,C,. LANO ACT, Nolle of Inlantlon to Apalr to Laaa Land In I'rlni- llupeit iJind niTordlna- lilatrlrt or (ini liauae i, and aiiuale on So.ilh narl.arl Island. TAkK Norir.E Dial Alfred Ruanaon, of jo.peri, h-,-ii,iiimii. 2,Rrluer in-'lid i-.HH-e to apply for leaie. 4r ih follow-1 11 ir lrerllM-d landas O'liitnriD-Int- al a p"t planted on the notilll pnlnl r South IUriae tulandi then around hlati water mark t tii IMilnt or eoriiiiienc.iiient, and eonialnlnt o irrea, n.orn or . Al.Hllin SWANSfIN, . ... Alipllranl n A. E. Wr it, Aent. Haled Oep.her 6th, j." ' I'rlure Unpen, U.C, inc SB! October 29, 1915. The Canadian I'isli A Cold Storage Co.'s trawler Jame Carrul hers, dipt. KniKhtltall. Unloaded iuo.000 pounds or halibut yslerday. oilier bnat.s in n-Clll.led l4li Sitka, 5.000 Hounds: THKSK are ihe days when a Tiih.rti f nun ..o.m.ls- Citrnnt. sock on each foot is worth any., noil 'nnunds: (Hurler. 7.000 number on the Jaw. pound. I DOW A in .Nova Scotia they are A, 4lf wl nlcm. having a raal election eelehra. JorB ,,f ,,l( ,Hf u, ,al(l of (t. lion, l-lfty. barrels of rum was washed ahnr' there the ther day. AFTER ELECTION SALLY JS COMING Musical Comedy Play Shown In Picture Friday and Saturday This Week Directly following the election "Sally" the musical emwdy success is lo he re (jroiltiretl in pic-lure at Ihe West holme J-'ri.Jay and Saturday of this week. Sally is a colorful and delightful story, beautifully polygraph ed and "staged." and the directum of Alfred Ii. (!ren is worthy of the highest praise. Xtm u5 jour rum? cnitv) Hester CIGARETTES OF V NEW STANDARD EXCELLENCE ulAGlf, Supplies thus IIUJ iHustulcd llUlUlUl ICANADIANj PACIFICJ .aanviri rJ IT! twbcr'rv.wufuJX tjg Homclf Vl Pistributory fori (fDham K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plasler Slock your trinltr't tupplj or Nanaimo-Welling- ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Steamship and Train Service I .A. PRINCl RUPtRT lKt PRINCt CNARLC Will hi f' RUPtRT r .. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ItATTLC and Ihlernvs! a i rRIOAV at ajn, and SUNDAY, II am, I (. PRINCC RUPCRT r. r ATCWART an.1 ANTOX, WIDNCtDAY, It .. PRINCC CHARLCI for ITIWART, IATUR0AT, 10 atm, a.a. princi john tormnhiir ror Vancouver u quckn chaaiotti IILAN0. PAIItNQCR TRAIN LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILT tacapt 11.10 .m. for PRINCE 0I0R0C, E001T0. Winnipeo, all xinta lutein :tnda, I'niied su-n A0ENCV ALL OCEAN ITEAMIHIP LINES. Cltr Tit tat Otfka, S2S Third Aa, Prist Rupn. Pk ' Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far KETCHIKAN. WMXCUl, jUNUO. 0tWr , l-M F UNCOUTU, VtaOlU aaa1 SaTTlI OdaU I J, U. frJul . , . Si. minus lutitia rf ButadaU. l.anoa Ba, Eaat Ratla Balla, Ottan Palla, Namo, Ala't CamptaM RUt', and Vancoutir aitry (atgrdaf 11 .m. Ajaata for all Staamahla Ltna. nfrmaOa froav- W. O. ORCHARD Otnaral Aoant. 0rnte of 4lh Strati and 3r Aaau. Print Ruftrl, al.a UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saiiintt rrom Princa Huport. " !I!,!WI", IOTO",. . Al.rl Rat. Tu.aoai, S f . N r VANCOUVER. VI0T0RIA, AlaM ,. Iwanaon ka Salwedat. 10 '' X' f0"T 'PSON and Nat Rl,.r Cannarlaa. Thurtdar s' Tad a I..T0N' A.nut. N0K' J. h'Ct ""WANT, Sun..,. p.M. . Brnti, Aat. PriM Rr. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi nd.lilionnl mnclilncs for the niniitiruclnro of SASH, DOOR8, MOULDINC8 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER aho corricd in stock. Have handling clmrgos l.y Inlying direct fr0In the sottrco of supply.