IC ....... 1, tbtr 29, 1625. C9'.l'l i lie 8 COLORS at SMSLX .( KILLS - - HIES.MOTJIS MpSfJUITOES rfcrftoraietWarVfa ftvanmC SAtUiVr Inttinil. Will not .ln. IVrt tlor, larml m huran J animal. YourGrocfr orDrvgftut achinist ... i rale in hi . slip and ft viilu- f machinery, a job" It spotted loses hit job. " ! tM. boss whit-. a i' majr he i on. bailees on lielntt glass-- you witl i n mi "expert." 'intion is Iher-i if iiiilliirii. uoh Bulger Jeweller and Optometrist ART' Clothes to measure Steve King irJ Ave. Green 85 VENING RESSES in ILATEST DESIQNS AND "DEMERS" 27 p.o. Box 327 ur Coats & tacquettes ''"'luislin Stock of Fur minings nt low prices. C FUR Co. t Q.W.V.A. Third Ave MANY ATTEND ! BUSHBY RALLY Three Speakers Addressed Meet-' ; Ing In Empress Theatre Last Hie hall. Night ; George (i. Ihishby. nonnprwi-Mivp candidate, (icorgp . Nirk-jTn, Progressive, and H. r,. i Mitillaml of Vancouver were Hip jspnakers Hip final Conserva-jlivp mpcling of the federal election campaign which w,is ,p, last evpuiittr in u,p HntprpH I Theatre. An attentive henries was given by an audience which, before Hip meeting ended, had ...... ii iit-iiy wen mi H(. mating nncnmmodalion In Hip hall The only dislurlKtnce was the ill-tokened howling of a large wolfhound io)r which visibly an Inoyeil Mr. Iliixlihy in the course of his address anil which hp had lo ak hi uhers lo remove from i.. ii. orme prpsided ami. In his opening remarks, exprosse.1 graiuune ror the fart that a fair ami above hoard ramtmlgn hail bmi parried on by all parlies concerned. II had ben a plea, lire for him lo participate in II Mr. Iluhb wm Hip first ieaker. Af.T declaring Hint, if elected. Iip would not go lo Ot lawa with a flotirwh of trump els ami wilh hi lit of demands in his hand hut would oil and listen ami talk where necessary iH Hip interest of hi district. Iip iIpoII al oirip I.-iktIIi wild Hip t.vernmpnl railways ami ships 5. TIMBER SALE X747S. S-lrd TMdrri sill b rrrrltrd tiy iip- .Hirr or i sua ti irioru not lslr iIhs omn m ilir 1 rib esy aT r, ISti. fur Mm arrk of i.innrr 7I7S. U rut f.II.te IM m P'tir, MfSBhk sad emir n n .iliUIMI lr axsun lltr TiSon UtatMi. lnrlMMStsi IM- l. OlirM CktrVilIr ItlotO. T ifi ypsr will tar slliran for rr tots I or ltmbr rurMMr twHlniUr Oh CMas Fnrrs-isr. Vk-vsi. B.i' or lilniirt Famtsr, IttXrr luqwtl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X7427 M tLLil Ti:.M'KH ill tw rrrOl b Ihr OBim of Motf tl V Irlmu uui ttu-r IMq mm um UW If Ik U) nt Semmr. !-. tur Uv ISirHMW .it LlriSirc XI til. t. -til I.JII.aen fpl ..I Mrur. HraMnrk. no 'ajf ua ih ifie, i.ius uum. uiar r' lakl, jttrfi I krl-(l hltad OH ,111.1 la (f ) far H) b tHOrd for It '. ns-xl Iimsr. l uHtM-r mrHreUm r ihr i.hir fsr-r.iM. VmrH. Hi, ur Inftrln mtlr, Cmikv Httrl, B.I.. LANO ACT. Nstlts of lulsntls t Applr 14 rurthu Uit. In Uw IjiwI RprnnHsr nonirt sf rnor liDitl. m tmut r nan or ii imty-risr iflt, tttnrf ftte '4mi Iil.irtn. Tin; mitii:e imi rimnrs Limtipd r Itiim-i) lri. B.C. irwrtiumt. lotrml in pl; for prtiintiaa i perrhioe ibc fnlS.m lrtill tomtt: I'lSHKHSHiSf t t P"" PUnlMi It U hrnl rnrwr of M lwiit-ror (til.; xiitr ne . Mdrlri; tbnre ulh Oilrlv le rhm: lhnrt fonjr rfuini. Ihmrr imrlti Mtbl rhslm toirr ur !. injtltb urr mark; UtriHT northrstl ktnnr Ititfi irr mark lo rnl nt eitinnwnermrni. irxl ronlimlnr ruhiy (lo ttn. more r l. rnlZIEifS UMITID. vrpiH-siii MimI timi Hlh. so HI psrrLis on osmcs or chance PROHIBITED OTIl K IS III RF.RY OIVEX llwl I hw lo ln4riirlnl to Uirtlj enrurm 8sc-iiwi t nf Uw imminsl i:ir f i:mU klrl mkM II Sit liutlrlibls otfflK r.atdurl nur trlwnw. fiSlrlinrr. or nr- Ihni r ln klut Ii III lillmM of dr Irniiiiitnr Iki ars, Um hitKlrrs ht Kl. Ilrkru, iiiiiiuii ur rMmvs or injr prn-en litSnr w.lil nr iIImohmI of. ur dl im,. r tn rl', rr ur rnrrrhimtisp bv h moil or rhaiiro or mUnl rtunrr ml tkill or Sim iikIikm my (wrMsi lo Ukr tiHsiojr t oibcr viimMe (irpppriy r IMnr n Us- irnll of any n ot riiaiirr. Ii- utml w oilM-riw. or lo till tin any Mlfry or raffh". Thin Mrtna linen iKi apply lo rarrirs i iriii of i valup nut l x-rod IkO.en in any luitaar tirld for relirSmn or rharlt-alili IiirHT. proviiled HrmlMl la rir.t ubulnnt from llw Mayor r Um City i: hold inc miw. V. Ii. VICIiKHS. M . Cfttff of Vllr. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon lo Apply to Lsai Land. In I'rlnr fiuxrl IjivI tlnxirdlnr Ms-Irlil, and situate il .'"imli llarlwr. IMU Inland, shout one mil mtrtheaai frmn uie nuranrr to itiiti i.nsniwi. ano twmi one mile oulhorlv from Um nurlhrasi corner of l.ot BOJir. Take Imltre that Wallacr Flherle Umllril. of Vancouver, B.C.. oivuiallon cannerymen. Inietida to aiplv for a lea of the followlni prearrllx-d land Cnniinrnrlna; at a (mm nlanlrd about one HUM III I sotittMTlV dlrerllon rr.nn Hie norilieaul corner of Lot sos.ir: thence south f it r In l in; thence wnt r. 'io c-lwin; thence nortli 0.70 chain; then-e eaat'Tly ineanilcrlnir alonr the hlarh water mark lo t"! of roranieneeinenL atulj rniitalnlnt t .00 acre, more or 1c. WAI.I.At'K IISIIKItlES I.INITFP, Apldliant. timed enlcmher tsth. Itti, . . OOVtRNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notice of Application for Bur Llcana. NOTICE H IIKUKIIV fllVF.N thai nni Hie IStll dav lf octolier. !, Itifl Uli't'-r IHied Inii'iiiH to spplv to the Llauor Cimlrnl Board Mr a licence In rete'i M nremlaea. helnr Pari of the liullillnr known Skldesate lloanlinr IMme, Win ated at Skldcaale, noon the land do erllied a Lot in, ril.irk 4. arcordtnr to I' resl.iered man or plan iHwIlrrt In the land neaHtrv orrice at the City of I'rlnfe llutierl and nuniliereil (It. for the ale nf lierr tiv the tMa fir by the open Imille for eon.iimptlon nn the premle. rialril al Skliietale. n.u, una ivui day of September. totS. . tUMUMIl 0,. 8TKVK1VS, Owner. Applicant Every corner of the stove is clean aiu! shining when you use 2EB0 LIQUID STOVE POLISH Convenient to use no hartl rubbing. Gives brilliant, jet black lustre. AV your dealer for Zebo. If yuu prtffr pmste, use Zcbrs. Md br it. m.lrn ot IUtku Hlua. Mr. Itulihy Male.) thai it was; nflcessuny that other mlscellane-i ous freight business nhoiild be developel such as the carrying of "ilk. Hie entrance to the hrbor reipijred further im provements. Healing with the tariff. Mr. Hii-hby riiliculed the idea of L'niled Slates reioliatinn. He re-fprrpd to reduction of train secure, the fishermen's wharf. Higby Inland picnic grounds.! sz.a in in r Hp phai'KPii nuirnnnatrpmpnl in (upsiinnpil the slnconty of the i-oiiiipri,.,,, with both and, In Lihi-ral party and suappslei that eppakiiijt or roast service, oolnt- Yanrouvpr LihomU Ul I.. ..x . .. . """ '-- nucincy ami reu- atrainst I'rinco Hunert. It would abilil of ihp Union Sleamshin tiavp l.pcn holipr in npn,i in Q whh-h Hie Kovemrnent lines million dollars building a lour- h.mi pinuiaip. no ureil it holel al Prince llupprt than' Hip il.'popnii'iil or Hip Alaskuj buyiriK the Scribe HoIpI in Paris.l business llin.uKh Prince Itupert' He conclmb'd by yiatin? that Mr. ... . . . . u n.l irMal.. Ar l. r it ti 1 , ,,. wauauiitii i iii fiuiy. ii ejpciPd, would carry National line fronv Jappr lo dignity, foresiglil, dptermina-Pruipp Rupprt. Coasting freirthl Hon and rpasoned and Keasondl ralps ramp in for eritleUm and judrnvnl lo Ottawa on behalf of Mr. Hushby said it was IiIrIi this district. j limp Ihey wen1 looked into. Ile-i Tin- nv-eiinp closed wilh Ihrec ferrinjr lo Hip remark that had'rlieprs for Mr. Huahliy, the audi-! hppii rnaup mat he was loo old pmpp. regardless of political for the Job. Mr. Hushby remark-! color, joining in the Iribnle. ed: "I may not be as youna as l' utp.1 to bp hut 1 think I am still' i IrinriPP 1117 iADDRESS BY elevator would be a sreal hene-lil to Prince rtupert and district and rrfdil was dup those who had caucd il to be bnlll liprp.1 REV. BAISLER In connection wilh Hie shipping; Pastor of Lutheran Church Spoke 01 pram iimmsrii rrinee utipprl, vo uyro ciud Tesierday on Subject of Service A thoughtful address on the xuhjeel of service was delivered beforp (hp Oyro Club yesterday ariernoon by Rev. P. K. liaisler. pastor of l. Paul's Lutheran Qiureh. Mr. Halsler stressed Hie importance of measuring succes in life from Hie standpoint of service given lo one's fellowmen rather from the viewioint of ac cumulation of material wealth. dwsHting of Mellaknlla bar forMan' ,,v,! eminently successful the benefit of ttnall boats anti'rrom viewoinl were utterly .n. IiMh h- .iA.linr tiiii. min!''oW in Hie olher reppc. iug and sujsreslin that Ihej , ,wn, 'mpnrtanl Iulies of ser-Imildlns of a smelter at trile-ivlc' Mr- opined. water and a customs mill in the interior should be encouraged. Mr. Nlckerson Mr. Mrkersoti ojteneil by ..i. ..... i... ....!. . .i..i... ' were the making of eotumunitie bellpr places to live and the fav onilde aiherlislng of those com muniiies lo the world at large. While endeavoring lo place in ! he eilv fneillHAd foe nliraie.-ll f their ,"v' ", ,u,,uI.",,ll'velopiHen of the young people. to pek on tilatform. They.imra, lletmmiml ,louIJ nn,' ,, were not afraid of his cr lieisHisjfonfo,n Mp ltiMn urfrf(J like the Liberals were, lie said deplored Hie vices of intoxication he bad jusl come from the Lib- ani, .mU UnB nni1 ........wi ,. iral meeting where he had onlyjInuch effocUvfi worU ,JliBh, b(, been alowe, to speak five juln-f(,()nr jr ,,,,, eryicv. cur)M offered utes although he had been pro-!t,pr eo-operalion lo Hie mised twenty, Mr. MckereoiiUiiurcliPS in their work, then proceeded to ileal wiMi o- xh). sneaker dealt with the im-i cal matters such as the fisher-', .orlanre in every day business men's wharf which the board of lende had been urging, the elevator which he said Mr. Slork had had to point a gun al the head of life of pulling vnlue and industry into one's work rather than seeking lo gel "something for noth ing." (iambling through raffles Premier King lo obtnln, and tio ,c thought should be discour contracts whirh he charged were;aged. Hood asociales and con piven to favorites of the govprn-lgpnialily wilh Hip work in hand nienl. He siMike In favor of Obi! were necessary factors, he said. Age Pensions and, referring lo lo the success in life. Hie tariff, said Hint it wa ncces-j The club also heard violin Miry for Canada to sell her raw solos by (iyro Ilillie llulagno. resource lo the world until' Howard While, recently elected almli It lime irid n m iMrnln I t in am miki Irv lo ii iai knnltirk is in i the ) j cjult s1iilJ na such as populalion came when industries could be em barked upon. A tariff on lumber eitlerlng Hie Unlled Stales. forfWilsoii' nf Vjtncouv'er;J.' instance, would be 'fitlnY fiHhV business in Ilrilish Columbia. R. L. Maltland 11. L. Maltland spoke if n humorous and entertaining vein. Inferring lo Mr. Nickerson, Mr. Maitland wondered if he would have been running as a Progressive candidate If he had been Offered the Liberal nomii.nllon. Mr. Mail hind devoted considerable, lime ronlradictiiiK state ments made In Hie riding by Mm Manson and again urged (he nd-j visibility of n high tariff, llej M TjUilsff Look fof It I . VkKJr on the tinfoil. WaJil la your juajsnte of quai'ty sad flsvorjJJ, I AVOID IM. S&yl wfmmmmmmmmmm membership was Initiated! by President lki :auKhluri. (iucsu were 1 '!...- 11 t-1 ...... .r..'.l . chu of Prince Ilupprt; NJ Mc- oberl rmau .McLean, purser of the steamer Prince Iluperl, and Jack Crawford, purser of the steamer Prince (leorge BRANCH ROAD BEING BUILT ffalyway Company Agrees to Lease Ltne for Thirty Years from Company MONTHKAL, nctohrr 29. The following slnlptupnl was issue.! by Sir Henry Thornton, chairman and president of I he C.N.H from Hie hcadouurtrrs , of the syslem bore. " There has been morn or less discussion in the press Wilh respect lo the construction of a j railway from O'llrien on Ihp Na-jllonal Trnnsconlinenlal to Houyn, UupIipc, for the purposp of sprvlng a large tulhlug de-velopment which ituportunt ln-teresls propose lo make. 1 An Investigation made, sonic time URO by the ejperls of tho 0..N.1L disclosed the Importance of I Ii o district and tho necessity for the provision of transportation facilities for new enterprises and Hie ilpvejopine'nt of tho iratrie iiMstZf Die Can udiun National Hallway system. Keep Out of the Puddles COURTLY Sir Walter Raleigh- -cynic savant and first-class fighting mandesired a favor iro n good Queen Bess. A puddle in the que 3ns path made his opportunity. Across it he fl ing his costly cloak. Her majesty, smiling at his devotion, trod on, dry shod, and Sir Walter's unique self-advertising produced results. Though most advertising is less spectacular to-day, it is far more serviceable. It smooths out the every-day pathways of each one of us. Because of advertising, luxuries and necessities that once would have been worth a king's ransom are yours at little cost. Advertising pits merchant against merchant, artisan against artisan, manufacturer against manufacturer. This competition brings out the best there is in everything jor your personal benefit. You wouldn't know about many boons of modern life were it not for advertising. That is why you are not taking full advantage of the better things in life to-day if you overlook Read advertising and keep abreast of .the times Morp Ihau one project for the I'onslruclion of a railway into i the Houyn district seemed to he' under promotion and prompt action was essential if the National Hallways syslem was not lo find itself eliminated from the field. For these reasons it was decided Dial a line should be built by a separate company and franchise without calling upon the re sources of Hie Canadian National. Work Commenced "The line into the Houyn dis trict from O'llrien has been located and work has commenced UitVCOhicftcJi.liaA been let lo the lowest bidder of a numler of well known contractors. The estimated cost of Hie lino is somewhere less than three million dollars and arrangements have been made wilh respect to finance through prominent bankers. As the work proceeds Hie funds necessary for the payment of the contractors will be advanced by the bankers.. Interest will be paid at the rate of fou and a half per cent per annum, but will be paid only as nnd when the funds are drawn. Upon completion of the work and lite delerminaltoh of the exact cost, bonds will be Issued nnd sold for thai amount. The proceeds will be used for tho purpose "of liquidating the temporary loan provided by the bankers durina construction." "All payments In connection wilh the rntprprlsp, whether with respect In construction or finance, will bear the certification of the proper engineering, legal and financial offlcrr of Ihe Canadian National. The Crown lias been authorized in the usual way lo lease tho .properly from the constructing company for a period of thirty years al a rental based upon four nnd n half per cent Interest and sinking fund reiiuiremenls on the bonds issued and outstanding. Advertise In tha Daily News. fa ib rmi Sportsmen! We are Headquarters for Sporting Goods of all kinds We carry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us for Hand Logger's Supplies Gilchrist Jacks and Parts- -Cable Axes Saws, etc STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue TAkh' .MITII K that John Jacuh Euwler, oi urem uiarier, piianie, rancner, in trjid lo apply ror pcrnilnslnn to pur clwe the rollowlnr desrrtlied land.4: ComnieiH-:ii at a pout planted on the e.t hank id the Stiklne hlver, near the Creat Olarler, at mitheat corner thfncn rmmlnr north XI chain; thence in a westerly direction so rhaln thence in a southerly direction 10 chain) thence in an easterly nireriiou so rlialu. to cum menretwiil mmi. Dated Aurual Hat. tsts. J0U JACOB rOWLla. Phone 143 TUGBOATS .Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE . NOTICE IS IIEHtuT GIVEN that til reeerve cvlaima; over Lot 1 1 IV, Hants 4 Uuaal District, la cancelled. U. II. N.UlE.N. Deputy Minister vf LamU Landa Department, Victoria. B.C. tin! SefU HQ. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. Reeora'int Dlatrlcl of TalnraDh Croak Night Phones 687 533 Gr. 238 Black 735 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load ... ... .. $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 8econd Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.