SUBSCRIPTION RATES l City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year $1.00 $0.00 $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ...$ L40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page...' $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion....' 2c per won I Legal Notices, each insertion., . . .,. ....15c per agate line Contract Rates ,on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone ' - - 98 86 All advertising should be in Tim Daily News Office before I p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1923. Power Is King In Industrial World. Power is king in the industrial world. The place that can offer plenty of cheap power is the one thai will make progres-. Just now power is Ihe one thing Ihal Prince Rupert lacks. There are plenty of waterpowers in Ihw district but none of them are developed. If the Canadian Pacific Railway officials or any other group is willing to put its money into a big power development scheme it should receive every possible encouragement front the people of Prince Rupert and doubtless would gel il. We want the power ami we do not waul to load the oily down with debt in order to gel it. If we are backed up lo the wall we cair probably do it but il would be belter for a privale company to 'harness? the falls and sell us the power. Woollen Industry i Is Analyzed. The Manitoba Free Press has mi editorial article dealing with the woollen industry which should prove of interest in view of the persi.stent efforts of the manufacturers (o raise the duty on woollen products. Following is what Ihe Winnipeg paper says: 'The pondition of the woollen industry is much lo Ihe fore in Canada, the United Stales and Oreal Itt'itaiu. A number of Canadian woollen mills have closed in the last few month claiming that they are unable to compete in the Canadian market against goods imported from abroad. There is a demand from the Canadian woollen manufacturers for increased protection bv means of a higher tariff on imported woollen goods. At the present time the Canadian woollen manufacturer is pro tecled against the outside "manufacturer by a tariff duty running from twenty to thirty-five per cent. 'The British woollen manufacturer who t'njoys no tariff !M l.'tl O'Oi) Itrilivli woiiIIpii fi:m lii'i'n mil nf work ililP to Ihe failure of the employers and employees to reach a wage settlement. The employers attempted lo gel the workers to lake a wage reduction of ten per cent, which Ihe workers turned down. The employers have now proposed a wage reduction of five per cent, which has aim been unacceptable lo the workers. The Hrilish manufacturer claims (bat the state of the industry makes it necessary for him to cut his costs in order to be hide to carry on. ) "Inthe United Slates, where the woollen manufacturer has the greatest proleclion of any industry in (hat conn try, Uie manufacturers claim that they arc losing money and a ten per cent cut in the wages of the mill workers has been ordered. Under Hie Fonlney-.MrCunilier tariff of 1022, woollen goods entering the United Slates are taxed fripn twenty to forty-five cents au pot i ml and there is :pt ad valorem duty of from forty to fifty per cent on lop of thai. II is. perhaps safe to say that Ihe woollen industry in the United Stales is just about as highly protected as any in Ihe world. Yel.lhe manufacturers are in difficulty and are culling Ihe wages 'of their employees. "We hav this situation, then: the woollen industry is in difficulty in free trade llritain; in Canada, with a medium tariff, comparatively, and in Ihe United Stales wilh a sky-high lariff. Buyers On Strike In United States. "In a booklet sent to Ihe Free Press by the Canadian Woollen nnd Kuil floods Manufacturers' Association, the claim is niad; tlialJtnsjed of the Canadian, tariff having been lowered in 1022 nnd P.12.1 'it' should have been increased as was done in the UiuMell Stales. YelViUt U,Uj.ijgh yj'ojeclfou Ihe. wp'ollcn itUlrtvi,,'t'"-in (Jueen the Uniled Slates is experiencing a severe depression and is' 1 clnclilni. ..... ...w. TI... ........... f,. il.:.- ...... .....I.. ..i n..n.. :.. np 1 nnrinairnri ) .VYSt- About Alleged Monster Information comes,, from Victoria that a long ami remarkable sea monster had befit Observed disport ill: itself in the neighborhood of Queen Charlotte Islands; atid this monster is said to have a strong resemblance to the celebrated sea serpent which use, lo appear regularly in the news columns in the summer weather when excitement was at a low ehb and the police department was on vacation says the .Manitoba Free Press. The extraordinary burst of crime, however, in the larger cities of the I'niled Slates and Ihe incident connected wilh Ihe enforcement of prohibition have made span-exceedingly tight in these latter days and the sea serpent lias not been called upon for unite a while; consequently, now that it has swum into Canadian waters and curled its scaly coils in the full view of some good news paper man, we 1ml II welcome as an old friend jihd are glad to see it looking so fit and like itself. Graham Island Variety This (iialiani Island sea-ser pent, says John J. van valken-burg. looks like nothing on earth. It is of enormous length, is two feet thick, has a head as big as a pickle factory, anil its nostril are visible lo the naked eye al five hundred yards, which is near enough. It lias eyes like illuminated sugar barrels, and they stand out on its face like doorknobs. Altogether a distinctive and intriguing conformation. II i giccnish-hlack along its bask. with a Idaek and yellow belly, and it dived beneath the waters when it was approached by boat, Indicating that il has either a shy or a suspicious nature. Altogether a high-class sea serpent dime in the best conventional style. this H.t. serpent, as we sav. is evidently a docile creature shunning human intercourse; in Ibis it is not like one of it-brothers of some years ago. lie. loo, was a large and homely hand's. ster, but wilh a spirit of lib prolecliou..Jias a shut-down or lockout on his Since July,' own. v lien ptioioKrapners aut prying strangers approached tm close be used lo detach his large and flinty scales and flick them at Ihe intruders with great speed and fair accuracy. He never actually made a hit on any of the newspaper lads, but several innocent bystanders were lerribl upset and the- Hying scales knocked a number of skeptic and critics absolutely speechles who bad been denying Ihe animals existence. That was a real good sea, serpent, that one va. and sold millions and millions of newspapers in a season when everything resembling news im gone and died. Punch,' Personality and Pep Ah, well, in this crowded age. when Chicago thugs and Arab Sheiks bat Ho each other for front page space, and prime ministers and wars in China are ffd to gel a couple of slicks m the inside columns. Ihe poor oio sea shake hasn't mueli chance. iSo the fact thai he lias once (again made the grade,, via I be Charlotte Islands, shows. tohc a srrpejil of punch. personality. and pep. We will be it 1 "IT . r 1,1 . . ' ",m,T ,. 'Ktad to bear more of him. 1M I "iUV MU, I- 111,11 mi: Illll l II I" III I"M1!'II IHIIS J JIUTt United States put the. prices of woollens so high lbal the buyers'B. nave gone on siriKe I lie weji-Kiiowtt worm, ine consumer, has turned and has refused lo pay the prices the retailers have been! demanding. The retailer could, no doubl, do nothing else. Ill would se'eni that you can get a higher price for your good- through (he aid of a tariff but there is no law (o compel anyone! to imy your goods, In the end Ihe wool producer and the wool manufacturer nre hanged on Iheir own gallows. "The Canadian woollen manufacturer is protected against Ihe outside competitor by a duly running from twenty lo Ibirly-five per cent: How much higher has this lo be raised in tinier to preserve to him the Canadian market? Can the people afford to pay more? Boat Builders! We have 20,000 feet of 1-2 inch, 5-8 Inch, 7-8 inch and 1 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber which wo must sell an we reipiire the. yard ypace for oilier slock. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert August 19, 1916. The annual flower show of the Hrince Jluperl Horticultural Society was onened in the Hoard of Trade rooms yesterday after noon by Mrs. F. ti. Dawson, vice president of the society. Prominent iiKoug tlie prize winners were M. M. Slenheiis, V. J, Kirk- 'pal rick, Mrs. T. McClymont, Mrs Dawson, I'.. Van Custcl and Mrs ill. L. Mcintosh. (iAWTIIOIlXrs are selling month oiunns. Doubtless an- ! Winnipeg Editor Takes Fling at j0,,,atjn; sner;il election. siory ruousnea Locaiiy TOrillSTS ojijeii to Visit the! prairies lieeause ;ii this time ofj year they .lnyir not .dug but news of the crnp.-"t . THE reason Prince Ilnpcrt people ned til pbiy tennis is hr-eause so "few ol Micm operate lawn mowers. I AM happy again I have just read that aU IJje hi tie pot aloe have been ruined by the rain. Until I that last chestnut appears annually, I Jefcl Dial Ui newspapers have not fulfilled their destiny. I KNOW some people who ar.l so down on their luck tthat lhe would be in danger even If the wore o pairs of braces and a bell. SOME people run ouf of mot. v and wilh Others it's just the opposite. no sooner will the vnenlios lolls be paid than a five lube set ! will be needed to start Hi" (..iiiiiimi H' i world. CANADIAN BACK FROM OLD LAND Professor at Bristol University Visits Place or Birth on Prairies and Discusses Problems Wl.N.MPKU, Ait?. 18. Tlf growing importance nl i.anioi.i as. one of the lead In? units of the Hrilish Htupire was stressed by C. M. Maclnnis, professor of colonial and economic history, at Hie u'niversty. of Hristol,- Falk land, uion In arrival here n-i his way lo Calgary, Alia., the place of his birth. "To my mind nothing can stop Ho- North American continent from becoming cvMiittfally the chief Influence of the fill lire, and I feel that iii the years t come there is syery liklthood jf Canada becoming I6e cenlre of Ihe Hrilish Commonwealth of nations, with the. necessary political power transferred to her," he said. Professor Maclnnes graduate I at llalhousie ami Oxford Universities. He lost the sight of both eyes as the result of wounds re- ; reived during the war. This handicap did not prevent him from taking up his present po itfoti. He is the author of "The Hrilish Commonwealth and il t'nsolved Problem." "There may be some who would advocate thai Ciiuada should go forward a an itnte-peiidenl nation, outside the Hril ish Commonwealth. I fail lo ser this line of reasoning, for . Ihe fact that Canada is within Hi? F.mpire, appears to me one ol Hie chief reasons of her strength declared Prof. Maclnnes. "I wish," continued ihe visitor. 'that . Canada would. consider! mor.etham: jdieJ ihVsial present. Hi? ,Wdvl4lilli? Sf i taking a jharp. iji Jl respousliiiiiu m the djsfain; par('it Uj Umpire. for 1 1 1 a i reason t wouiu wcn-ouir morn of Ihe colonial service lieiiiK thrown open to Canadian. t he secretary for the , colonies and overseas dominions is alive to Ibis fact and I bone that il will materialize." He also, em phasisetl Ihe importance of I tin Pacific in the future alfairh ol Ihe world. ASSAILANTS OF POLICE . OFFICER PLEAD GUILTY Sentence on John Tartanvllle and A. Asselln s Reserved by Judge Young John Tarlanville and A. Asselin. charged wilh resisting arrest and assaulting a nollcu olllcer in the A battered old bat, on a Iriplcxecutiou of his duties on Comnx i around Ihe world, arrived hero Avenue early Monday morninir, last niht ami is on exhibition elected for sneedv (rial and in McCiilclicnulrt drug store. Il pleaded guilly on appearing he stalled from the Panama Kx- fore Judge Young in the County position at Hun Jbcgo and came Court yesterday afternoon. Sen here hy way of .ew jork. II will lence was reserved pending m lie sent from Prince llupert In investigation Into the criminal Alaska and will then go across; records, If any. of Ihe men. Tbny the Pacific. Word has been received from Him prairies Ihal it will be unnecessary to send more men from this city lo the harvest. Advertise in the Dally News wer represented V. Pal more. in court by L HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. Mrs, H. (i. Drown, Mlnne apolis, Mrs. Krneat Hlue, llyder, STEAMSHIPS CUT RATES s BECAUSE BUSINESS POOR LONDON, Aug. !. Shipping freights are at present in a bad way. Hale have fallen to hvel. below those of pre-war days ami represent losses to many ihip-owners. Large litnr companies are experieneing a great dearth of demand Vor Iheir space mot cut ralps to absorb mrgoe- which wouM ordinarily go m tramp steamers. This policy i said In le insufficient In fill the liners with remunerative cargo and conse quently several concerns have curtailed sailing programs anil laid np several boats. Many ear-go steamers nr returning to home port here in hallal rather than accept rates quoted in some trades. D. S. Cameron, fisheries overseer for Ihe central division who arrived by Hie flying boat UN from the south on Monday ever. in?, returned, lo his headquarters at Swanson Hay on the Cardenr. last night. Mrs. Cameron .vol family are .spending Hie summer in Vancouver. Notice of LAND ACT Intention to Lease Land Apply to In Queen Charlotte Land lle-ordiiiK District of Prince llu pert, and situate about two miles in a northerly direction from Ilooney Point, Masselt Inlet, firnharn Island, Hrilish Columbia. Take .Notice that I.angara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Massed, H.C, occu pation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted two miles in a northerly direction from Ilooney Point, Massctl In let, Crabam Island, Hritisli Col tirnbia; thence easterly five chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark one hun dred nnd sixty chains; thence westerly five chains; thence southerly one hundred' and sixty chains, more or less, lo point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANOAIlA FISIILNO A PACKING-PACK 1. NO CO. LTD. Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Dated June t.1th. 1025, LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Ilo-cordlng District of Princo llupert, and sltuale about ono and a half miles east of Massed Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet, Oraharn Island, Hrlt-Isli Columbia. TAKH NOTICR that I.angara Fishing & Packing Company Wednesday, Augns: J9 PA(1B! two :'3. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ruport Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 11. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. HUMORIST AND i me mail ui nit muuu BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Hns nroduced Minerals s follows: Placer Hold, 77,lH2,Or;l; Lnle (,(,,) ?t mil! Silver. snK.S21.ri70: Lead. .70.548.r.7S: Copper. IH7.lHO.a7S; I7L107; Miscellaneous Minerals, l.t:U.:Ub; Coal nl 'ike, 2n0,HS0,0lS; .Stone, Rrick. Cement, etc., 12,225,SI 1 ; making lis Mineral Produclion to ti,,- FOR SALE f'PK c e I 11)21 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal nnd the fees lower than h; nf "any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Hrilish Kutpirc Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties the security of w' h guaranteed by Grown Grants. Full information together wilh Mining RepirU ard Map, may be obtained g iv addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. ,.H( Practically all Rrilish Oolombin Mineral Properties upon whu li de . work ha been done are described' in some one of the .miiinl Report of Up M of Mtocs. Thoe considering mining invclmeiil -houM refer Ift urh report- T' are available -without charge on application lo Ihe Department of Mines. ,.... Hi Reports of Ihe tieolngi al Survey of Canada. Pacific Riiilding, Vancouver, nv mended as valuable: sources of information. .1. K. Smith, Seattle; V. 0. Hroad, O. S. Mill. K. Twadel!. V. F. Isltp and 1). U'.Neil Hayes, Stewart; Kenneth Philp. Loot: Lake. Sask.; James Lamb. Cas-iar; J. J. Murray. Vancouver; II. YVaiigh, city; Mr. and Mo K Lnwler, Ketchikan; K. K. Xi -bolls. Hollers Shows, Vielmn. Central J. ti. lleexes. C.N.IL; John M -t'.alloio ami Mr. ami Mrs. Wi! ham Morrison. St'W.irt. Holt. Seattle; K. W . Johnson. ii(y. Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings antThooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED In building next door to Fnziell lluMicr Sbo l -from Ihe Kmpren Hotel We carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor Limited, of Victoria, H.C, occu-, palion. 'Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, (Iriiham Island, HrllUh Columbia, about one and a half miles east of Massetl Llichthotie! al the mouth of Marlt Inlet. j Graham Island, HrHIh Colum-i Ida; thence northerly five chains,' more or les to low water mark;! thence westerly, along low walcrl mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly flvei chains; tbenco easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, 10 point of c6mmcncemcnl, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANOAIlA FISIILNO & PACKLNll CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. H. Simpson, Aent. Dated Juno tQth. 192.V LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land lle-cordlng Dlslrlcl of Prince Hit- pert, and situate at Ilooney Point, Oraharn Island, , Hrilish Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing ti Packing Company Limited, of Massetl, H.C., occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of tho following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at Ilooney Point, Oraharn Island,1 Hrilish Columbia; tbenco nor-! tberly fivo chains, mora or less, lo low water mark; thence west-j erly. along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; tbenco easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or loss, to point of commencement, nnd containing eighty acres, more or less. . LANOAIlA FISIILNO & PACKING) PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant. Per 12. II. Simpson, Agent. I Dated Juno I2lh, 1023. Kindling! hen yon KindliiiK why Hung thai will in a hurry? u Ihe Pes I there i-Dry Kiln Dried Should you ordr this Villi Vet fill" you use our cars will use llieut a i our ehnrge day "all Ihe limn." Dray work of a attended lo pn-mi Wood-Full lo4 $6.00 or nicely tied bundle. 5 for $1.00. Our Taxi ruim1 to remember, II ' "Servlee" is our ' 50c Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones! 189, 112. 1 1 I Wood! Wood! Now Is your eli. ' 3 DRY CEDAR Full load fJJ Half load 3.J( Largo sacks DRY BIRCH Per load ... ... . HydeTransfer 130 Second Avenus Phone 580 Nloht or P WE BUY BOTTLES.