AOI! SIX TOE DAILY HEWS We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any oilier sloro in Canada. x Goods marked in plain figures according lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Eto. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRESH BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND FOWL. Compare our prices. Ito 1 1 in Iteef. per lb. . . 6c Pot Unas',, per lb 10c Oven Iloast, per lb. 12'2c Hamburger Steak, lb. 2VG (ainer's Hani, per lb. 40c Gainer's Hacon, per lb. 45c Saturday Special Gainers Pure Lard, per lb. in hrtcks 25c Your money back if this is not the best lard ever used. Bulkley Market (Formerly P. II. Fish Market Phono 178 'Deniers' Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 5 Pieec Urchestra. 1 Dance toe 3 for 2Dc Free Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black. 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, tin' Ki-i'al lady phrenologist fiiitn Ji'iMi-tilem. will read your head like an open book. Sb' will tell you all about yur past and prcscnL Don't miss this real opportunity. 820 Third Avenue Wost. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office llogrs--9 to C. X-Ray Service Phone CS6. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnlngj DROWNED BOY BODY FOUND Little Willie Smith Fell Into Doep Water When Standing on Culvert The body of seven year o'd. William Smith, son of Mr. and! Mrs. William Smith, Hays Govt) (Circle, who was drowned yester day at 12.30 noon when he fell off the culvert on the dry dock embankment while fishing, was recovered in seven feet of water about 25 yards from whore bo fell in by City Police Constable Potlerton and Dominion Con stable Null at I o'clock yesterday afternoon. As the tide receded, the body was noticed on (he botlom by i man from the dry dock who wisl assisting the officers.- Immcdi-alely il was brought to the surface artificial respiration meth ods were applied by P. H. Ash- Dr. J. P. Cade and Dr. J. A. West, who arrived on the scene on being notified. According to Malcolm Smith, five year old brother, the boy was standing on the culvert w her he overbalanced and fell in Iho water. Struggling for a vhil he sand and the younger ladi rushed home to tell his mother.! It was thus half an hour before LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purc-has uina. In I'rlure nupert Land District. Rt-rordwi District or rrinre iuiri. inn suua e at shannon Uiy, B.C., Masselt Inlet, y.C. Island. TAkE ."OTICE that James HchIIiii Stranr. vf Sunnyslde, B.C., occupation anuerytnan. -intend to apply rur twrtiiis- slun to purchase tbe ful lowing described lauds: - Lminienrlnr it a post planted 14 chains south Sidce. west, nsure or less fron MHithaeit corix-r of Lot 1 S I a t tlieurv tuuth 30 rhilns: thence p;i 3a chain". HHtre or less, to water's edre; thewe follow Inr ntcamlrrtnr or tiearn lo ixiini of eomnienrrineiit, and contalnlnr IS acres, more or less. JAS. ritlJII.VG 5TIUli. Applicant. Per Win. 0. MIlcnelL AreiiL DatPd inlr 7th. t. LAND ACT. Notlca ot Intintlon to Apply to Ltiaa Land In Prince llupert Ijml lierordlne Vi irtrl or Prince Iiuprrt. and sltnate at Bartlett point, Wales Island, British C.nluniPla. TAKE OTICE that Anrlo-FrltWi'.Col- umhlr Parklnr Omipanr l.imlt.-d. of VancfHiver. B.r., orrupatlon Parkers, In lends lo apply for a lease or the KHIaw Inr dombed lands: Conmienrlnr at a post planted on 'the o mi in soore or turnrii i-oini. wale I. land, al hlth water mark: tlx-ncn In in easterly nirrrtinn alonr nirh water mark rorty-eiem ounirei reel, more or les lo i post marked No. IiE.: thence iith erly 10 rhains, more or less, lo low water mark; ttienre In a westerly direction along; low water mark forty eltht hundred reet. ni'-re or less; then-e northerly in chains to point or mmmenrement, and eontilnlnir 7 acres, more or leas. A.NGL-B!llTIlf r.(Lt;VBH PACklSO OK- LTD. Appllran'. I'er aner t. tvaixer, Afem Dated July Id. tvS. LAND ACT. Nolle or Intention to Aoolf to Lsaaa Land In Skeeni Hanre i ljnd Olstrlct. Prince Riifiert, B.C.. and situate (in yards north or winter llarlior. Pears Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fh Inr Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. B.C.. oceupa ion. sauiun manners, intends to apply for permission to lease I he follow Inr d. scribed lands: -- Coimnenclnr at a imisI planted at hlth water mark 40 reet frotn rtick on shore lln: thence east one rhaln: tbenc north one hundred and twenty chains: thence west 10 snore line one enain: inence in a southerly direction rollowlna the sltore line to point or commencement, and eon-j laiiiius rrn, UMirf tir less. THE CAVUUA FISHIn CO. LTP fiated IIMh Mar, ttt. This Is your last chance for Preserving PeachesI Alberta Peaches The llest for Preserving Special price per crate $2.00 Pears, per doz . . . . 40o Orapes, per lb 20c drapes, per basket ... 75o Appriss, 3 lbs. for . . . . 25c Apples, per box S2.65 Watermelon, per lb. . . 7c tasaba melon, per Its. . , 8c ltuy while they lust . Mussallem's Phone 18 or 24. Fifth Ave. E. V E YOUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. A Sweet Breath at all times & v ift After eallnft or mokint Wrijlrya frrtivrn the moutk and nrtn the bratk. Nerm are soothed, throat I refreshed and dlgef tion aided. So easy to carry the little peeked WRIGLEY5 - after etery mealiu any resruc steps bndge, dry dock fiiisl aid man, am by that tune the ami .M. u. blepp, u.b. cusiomsioul of stunt. uld be lakr-i body was oilicer. These proved inclTeclua! nie father s a gas engineer ;ii owing lo the long submersion n,e ,,y dock. ind life was declared extinct by 'ptn u.c. I mlerlakers have charge of funeral arrangements. PRIME MINISTER WILL NOT COME HERE UNTIL AFTER ELECTION HELD VICTOHIA. Aug. lit. ". L. Mackenzie King isil Itrilish Coluutiiia tins autumn, uncording to Hon. J. II. King, minister of public works, but lie will be here next year. Should there be no election this fall several of the ministers will be on the roast for a visit. In again apd will Uien lour the province, holding meetings at all he important centres. DRYDOCK DELAYED. vurroiUA, auK. ij. ,tii- opening of Ihe bift drydock nt Ksiuimalt will tint lake place until next year instead of in December as planned. The work will not te complete.! before thai lime. TIMBER SALE X7343. aled Tender will ! reeelred tjr the Minister of l-and.- al Victoria out la let inan lm on the I Tin day r SepteiHM!. Itth. for tt(e purrlUM- ut Licence Mill, to cat i.iHMUHHi net or otfar. spruce, oalsani and liemlocK, on an area situated n the tat Ann or Praney Intel. Haute .'. : nisirtri. Thrre ia )eai will te allowed fori removal or limber. f urther ixrlietilar of the chtef 1'or-ester. Mciwla, It.c, or Msirtrt Forester, Pflliep Itnperl. B.C. TIMBER SALE, X7199: Celled Tenders will I, l receied by ttie Olstnrl t'oresier not later than nwva on -prucf. Cellar, Hemlock and Balsam aw- rs. Two tt' year will be allowed for re-moral or timber. Eurther tartlciilars of tlie Chler Poret-er. Victoria, or tlie Olstrlct Former. Prince Hniiert. B r. TIMBER SALE, X 7342. -ealed Tenler will be received by the Minister or I-ands not later than n'mn n the th day or A urns I, l:., for the . ... ... ,.r vitM . m.. . i fan . TIMBER SALE, X 7208. SeaM Tenders will be received by tlie Miiii-Iit- or Laud not later thin mem ji the tilth day of .iia-usl, Ir6, for tlw pnrrlia or l.lceuee X7!foK. to cut una Hio'jJ reel or Cedar Poled ami ItlHis on an area situated about three lolles on Hi and arcoss river rnxn Iteimi slallofi. Ilanae tfoasl lilslilrt. Two ill jfears will In- allowed ror re MHival of tlmlier. ' lurtlK-r particulars or tlie Chu-r Fore ter. Vicioria. B.C.. or lilslrlrt loresler, Prince ltnert, H i;. LAND ACT. Notice or Inlantlon to Apply to Laasa Land In skeetia rtatire t Land nisirlct. He cnrdlna; Plslriet Prince Bttprrt, ind sit mle soitthwi'st point or Wales Island. TAKE .MiTlCf' thai tn. Canadian pish iiisr i.o. Ltd.. or Vaneotiver. B.C.. occupa tion, salmon rauners. iniMwIs In apply 'or permission to it-ase me ronowini oe sen tied lands: (jHMiienrinr at a post planted II tit ar It water matk on Southwest polnl on Wales Island, B.C.; thence north one chain; thence east ten chains; thence south one chain tn shore line; thence west alonr hore line to point of coiiiioeiiremeot, and contalninv one acre, more or less. THE CANADIAN PISHIXO CO. I,T1. tiaiMl ssnrt ar s IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. BRITISH In Ihe Mailer or Iw AdmlulMratkm Art; and In tlie Mailer or the Kslate of Jack Chris-lofr. Ieeraei Intestate. T.UP MITI' H that l.v order of Ills lhrtl'r IV Veil Ynlltir tnaile the lilli fljvl their llidrblrdnrss to roe forthwith KiOltMtS A. WATT. Of final Administrator PrlD'-e Ruiiert. B.C Dned Ida lom day of July, mi. EDMONTON MAY KEEP NON-RESIDENTS OUT OF HER HIGH SCHOOLS EDMONTON. ag. ID. At a meeting of (he Ddiimntoii pub lic school board ii was decided to notify all high srhool students at (ending in the city w ho aro non-residents thai lite hoard will reserve Mie right to reject any lpplii'ation.s for admission by lon-tesident students if their number exceeds that for which 'lie Hoard is able to provide ae-rommodatiun under present con-dilions. the nclioti aroe from a controversy which the board Jias been carrying on wilh the deparl-uient of education regarding pos sible help from the government! in the matter of 'olleelinjr fee' accommodation to provide for the eer-iurreasini; number of non-resident se- king to gain admission. SEES VISIONS IN 000 Foot Long Will Travel S00 Miles an Hour Pn tnterl KANSAS tJITY. Aug. 111. Kd- will not! ward IlirkcnhackiM-, former mo tor c&r racer and world war fly-in," ace, delved .into the future of air lnt el, in m addre ye things he forrafteil: Airships 3,000 feet long, trav- any event Dr. Kiner will be herc'cllins on a trade wind 50,000 feet above the earth at 500 mile an hour. Oct-au crosfiiig tllrisilde-i viv-in? one day senic from New York to I'aris, Airtdanos, e-trrying freiyhl aiulj iKisencerj, iiymp across UnlliMl States u a day, realnrly.jro"'',t,ri,,tc Dirigibles with a period of a year. Air-lines eris-ersHig United Stales. RIFT IN THE LUTE wlicrfiiiMin xlii- mmwereil the Children of French Mother Ob ject to German Stepmother With Disastrous Results WTNNIPKii. Aujr. 10. Afler D" WATSONS StoUT Builds Up Your Health PjuII mm! at h.a. a lark- f. whlrh ukH Kald at all l-dlI star, r writ M M. AMilV A CO. M TpM St, Totmi. Oat. THREE CRIMINAL CASES BEFORE ADJOURNED SESSION OF ASSIZE COURT WHICH OPENED HERE TODAY. (continued front page jiioj from non-resfdei.t pupil, which win ,,t. (.omi,.UM by L. W. Pat-1 me inner nas rrniseu.- in tew norC- of that fact, it was decided that! A , nM.4,w, ,rrve) Jntm it would bo fnathiKable at tbo otailsi .,riMHI in ciliirc Bf A0ti., present time to extend seliiMil -.,.- ohiuw lliiirt today. The same jurymen who acted at the ppeuiiig of the A.Miie in June haxu been retained for this' adjournal sesaion. On court convening after the arrival of Mr. Jim tire D. A. Mar-I AIR DEVELOPMENT donahl from lh south on the steamer Prince Itnperl, His I.ord- Flylna Aco Thinks Alrshloa 3.- ""ip chargwl tiie ijraud Jury In the annus ami akeil thai it return with its finding in the cae of Hex pciia at 3 o'clock this afternoon. 'j'he petit jury' was also exrused until that lnotr. The I. lard Itiver munler i-hv were also put In the hand of Hie Orand Jury. Tin accused in thi lenlay before the Adverlwitig ca,,, namNI "a" Club. Hern an shim nf I!h.!LmI, Jim UmjI. t'.lein Loot and Kdie.. Ih' last rnent ioiteil henir a woman. Alftl or .Moeasin is the name of Ihe nathe whom they are ehurRiHl with killing. GAME BOARD SITTING. VltrniHIA. Auv. 10. A sc. sioit of tin- (iaini" ltnnnl t knu held here lodav. M. II. Jackson H,e' presiding, for the .tnir!e of! dale are de- erulsimr' eulsinr!ll,D,,, fur oprnuiif "i Kaioei iiii(ii mix in tuiioriMii parts or ine proviiitf LAND ACT. Nolle st.lntantlen lo Apply to Purthas - . Land. ' In the LM ncirfen putrw-i (,r pnnrt Iwnwl. and Minaie t Bit rH ciek wMril.riows mm t.-UM Hirer about 1 Ritt. rrntn il iuomio TAKE, Olf E Iksl CHflon P. Kiel of Pnure liaprrt. B.l .. (KTU)llon lumlvr inaa. mieiMtf t aan rr peemlai'in lo Mlrrt)e IM MJuWIIMr derilil Isttds i:miiihk'os ii a rmt PtaMed al In MiMltrwtl enrare of i l tlk. UtetSre W clMma -Hiltvrls. Ikmrr rhain we.i- burytnf; two wttes, the secotnl of "?i, rUtmjimmTty: twen-e whom was a frenchwoman, O. 1. meat, and emtaiMuc iere. mure H. Hoskins nf this ejty took un-l1"- ,: P hlfl to himself a third, a whlow whose . , . , .... tmm" AptJiram. .if. , ; imeo 1 1 to. itli. ... . , (lerinan nationalily was abscur- mfy . i ed Iiy lier married name of Annie '..f1, riofMlmau. Hokln has three Not, "tticsi; u Apply u Puethasa . . Land. children, the widow one. I he in toe Land hrMuu Outnei 4 mwr match was arranzl with the as .he tutt day r siisu-t. tfi, tr itx-i distance of a .... . , ... I I ..... - t fl.l .Iti. I ... t n..vl I.I r separatioti' piitut. Totmie channel, eld expert. The ceremony took place i. .to rui zm.onii reel boa ra measure or in i,lv tl.i ..,. 'marriage by mail' flwrrl. and sliaate al the in' oin t Ittr Palls i;ree- which riow mi ih ! ltH llMer- alxihl la milt - n xul lie IHntitli TK XOTin: thai Jor.ii A Slnnh of, PrlHre 1mssti. H.: . vrttpalioo luinbet mm, intend" u iny tnr ermui'.ii to pttrctease i(h folkiwina- deoeritied land ifcslttJienetHf al a immI planted al the smiUiwesi UUlwesI corner eontre r U.t thence 1" rhaWs rhilns northerly northerly: . Ilwwr an chain- west a a wee?k (Tk, wiiit. which ii be ne sitiil sain wnn wits an an chains nttirrty: tttence lu Msterly.4an-J nrfitatsjlor aeres. agreeable way out to him. It mot or ,fcr. was poinletl out that Iho 'mar- ' ,tf,lS ' aJ.w. riane had irom well until nnn dav, '"'' el. . . . ri I'ateo Autnsi uui. i. lloskins rams' home from work, 1 .'""' ' reel r,r our. Hemlock. BaUam sod! 'tnd dico credl lie children .pruce m Mtjolnlnr IMtnci. Two i years will le alkiwnl rr re riiovii of tinilM-r. further iartinilr or Ihe Chler Korea r. Vt'-Uirla. B ... or (ilstrlrt ' I'oresler, ;'riic iufMrt, h.i in ixiiice court llotkin was eharped by. his wife with lion- . . . . . supiMjrt Him oniereu to pay eiou., ,tMri, or . to the trsuii Hivet. .,f LAND ACT. Ny!n"lmerlaTreMTtL-Vt!l's FrfleCll Wife fnMeiie.1 Up injNotli. or Intention U i Apply to Purchase imatrinnry Ithino, il was said, en nVr Z MtMSn mS masse and oul for reparation. TA,$;:;-tS1WiM;rrni HescntiiiK tlie dtsf riminalion nn,, i.nuitasi. or iu-inre unpen. o.r,,a- shown lloskins reJniked his wife.',v VrnXTill t,!i Il.lCK. iow-ist nesenii laoos: lite tifl in I he Illk Widened to a;r1taai northern rnii the soullwa.l ror lar Inl-'e uot rent rin. lilnod IMOOU urovcil proviu lliii lllii.M.r( kcr Prp . r' turner chains mn-lher t ,,14l. ,4.ierty; Uteitrn It than a marria,Tp license, and lliu' enam ... .. erlv p pair ami inetr respefiive projteny latnm split up and lived apart. HAILSTONES LARGE HENEGGS FELL HICH.MIKST, Aim. IH. Heavy damage to properly was caused recently in I lie region of (iulatz, when during a lonn hailstnno as larjfe as hen's ejjKs fell. The; storm exteinti-d aloiitf the Itiver! Serelh Into the provinces of lles-sarubki, IMirudJa, Telcea ,'artd Kuslemlje. In itddilmn (o Ihe property ilaniafte prop were destroyed In severnl plan-. JUDQES SNARE SPEEDERS I.ONDOX. All?. III. ScorrhifiK luolorlsts an- beinir frowned on or Jotv, A.H. if. I was appointed Ad-jhy I.oiidiui tiitiKislrales dereased, and all parlies havinr claims arsltist ihe said estate are hereby re-HHiO'd to same. prserly reefr to tnr on or before the iloih day or Mirtil. .U. tvtr.. and all parties Indcbled lo lliei , .... ... . Cd. During the first thri'o liiontliH of this! year 2.573 wne prosecilled in the .Me(rtpiilitiin district for speed- estate an- reoulred II pay tlie amount of,"1- Wlioin Z.SIIP Were COIIVICl Advertise in tbe Dally News onltii-rlv , llK ii' e in rluHis west I'Hii nt niiito U' rliietil. and con-no acrrs. nArr or less PIIIME Itrpf'HT SPIU CE Mill'. iMIld lllu-t Pet .lh I'".' ASK FOR P i.ium t lllral lite'. "After all It's the Best." rem Blue Ribbon Tea John L.Christie Sale- Atfent Prince Rupert, B.O. Wednesday, Augmi l9 tJj5 INVOICE No. A 1255 All gomls nt lliis store lipnnng Hie above u rsh;- ,.. Inghrr number, lime lieen received into our t ; Keliniary. HCT. Those Goods nrc subject to no special reduction UJi per rent reduction i effeclive op t,n of-,, nt our tdre under our M'lieilulc of stock tut u.,, r , . your. In other word- any K'oils reeeivei! prim . r, I. 1 lir. if not already -old, do not justify hrW : r . , instead of Iipiiik an ael are arliially u lialnid CUSTOMER'S PRIVILEGE It i- the rii-tonier'- privilege to deinatid ,i ' fc dioi otiut on all pood who Ii do iml l-,ii .( h, . Iliaa .I2.V vvhii li . uver- evei' item on Ih. fr of good- rcrei."( on Ki brtiary I. l'Xj:, pro , i cs for -atiie. I'.redit in ' ounls are not -nbjf r ilisfoiiiiL OUR GUARANTEE No department in Ihi- -lore will be allowr " ' (lie iiiMine iiiiinlter on .my tirlirle in Un- -l- i-f snvt the (li-iiniiil for iJei.irtiiienl;il ., This Policy to be Maintained Next month we will atiiinuitie Hie ntv Hie ltr-1 -h 'in ii t re eied on Man Ii I. Jtl'j . i-eiil di iiniot Will be Ho'ii elferliyi mi ,. t:, in IVliittaiy. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY ONLY, 7 itnd 0 p.m. C0R1NNE . )nlncc Griffith" Ueclasse OiriMie linflilli, exdir leaol, llower in .in ali-orloitg lot of -o iety it. height i;rlnne, niore radiantly Iwmilifol I hint ever. g.ixe iii weallli and poition (or love. For me raphirou- roinaiiri -he had crtficed Ihe ! . ' i don -iM-ict Ihe pre-lige of high iwial i night mii-ou limgiie- were wagging. (vnngl t sunn lied her. t IvtiiikIiI a reigning leaut hrr Ihrone. atrh lln- lieaiiliful girl fijht l . I'niiniueiil ra-l. Corinne Griffith, Lloyd Hughes, Clivo Brook, Rxl-llffo Fellowe Bertram Johns, Lllynrt Taihman, Gale Henr;, Louise Fazcnda uid "Iher-. COMEDY "THE ORGAN GRINDER' PATHE REVIEW Admission 35c and tfc. BUYER'S Trained Animal SHOWS Acropolis Hill TODAY ONLY, WEDNESDAY Afternoon at 2 and Evening at 8 p.m-Tickets $1.00; Children 50c Art Silk Floss Huilalile for ktiitliug Silk Hwenler- a- ui n ui Monari'h luiilling Hook-. ' have llti in ill r mg colors: Purplo, Nlfjgcr, Scarlet, Mahogany, Sky, Olive Cree" Goldon Drown, Maize, Tucksla and Nllo Grcon. Al Ihe rt'ittoiiable prire of Phono 045. 50c. A skein JABOUR BROS., LTD. Corner Third and Scv"""