PAOK TWO Tic QktVWt The Dailj News PIUNCfc RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. DAILY KD1TIOM Shall We Let Subscribers Dictate Our Policy? 5tui al your iuuh? end. LM SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $ 1.00 By mail In all part? of the British huipire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau ot. Circulations. Supplies 5M Heme's $4 Distributors for: (fDhmn K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. Saturday, Nov. I t. 1925. Yesterday afternoon shortly before dinner time, the tele phone rang and a lady protected at an editorial article which appeared esteiii.iy, wtuni MiggeMeU mm me person wimoiii tU family was not as good a citizen as the oue that hiid a family. Aaturally there might be a difference of opinion uu such a sub ject. It was, perhaps, rontiiiversial in character. The lady gave her name but the phone was not very clear and the result was that the editor did not catch iL What ho did hear was that the lady disapproved of Die article ami for thai reason proposed lo cifncei her subscription to me paper at the end of the year. As the editor did not know anything about subscriptions and did not care whether she siib-eribed or not she was referred to the business office. We assume that the lady in question, whoever she may be, would be the last one in the world to enjoy reading a spineles editorial from a person without opinions. In reading three or four short article daily she would be bound to disagree with many of them. That is experted. How timid it be otherwise? At any rale she would not want a paper to publish only thne pretty things lhat subscribers agreed wilh. People who want that had belter nol read the Daily News. Women Are Less Tolerant Than Men. As a rule women are le loleranl. than men. They are not willing lo look at two sides of a question. They will not admit that there is another side In most questions. People in business find lhat. Store keepers will not usually argue with a woman. It pays to agree with a customer and so Ihey often gel to think they rniil be right. The lady who disagreed with us over the question of families had a pleasant voice and doubtless is a most estimable lady in m'ot respects but die is representative of a type that holds very stmng opinion and will not usually give the opjxisilion credit for honesty of opinion. In this ene she apparently thought a year subscription to the paper would ne siiiiicieui lo in i inenre me opinion or me editor. We are glad that we are not so easily influenced. Anyone who doe not like lo read editorial opinion can always skip the column or lliey have the alternative of doing as thi lady suggested sjie might d. Develop Peace River Country Very Soon. The development of the' Peace 'River country cannot long oe delayed. I lie more people learn, about it the more anxious Ihey arnsto have it opened up by. a rnilwny. There is plenty of land of the best quality hi a good grain growing climate, and all that is needed is transportation. We are nol concerned over what company open tip tb-Peace country. If Hie Canadian National does j. the probability i thai a good deal of the grain will come here. If the O.P.R. gel. control, it too will likely have running rights lo Prince Rupert over the National rails. In any case we snn( jo benefit. However, the first consideration i the good of the people who live in the Peace River bell and- the general advantage to Canada and it is sure that Uii is' a, work wbjch will prove a greal advantage in up a new fertile country and in advertising the agricultural opportunities here. C.P.R. First On The Ground. The ttP.R. is the first on the ground in the. Peace River country. I he company is standing pat and hobliilg lo what it control. Ji will probably continue to keep possession of Hie key lo the situation in the railway ' now running into the country from Edmonton. ' The Canadian Pacific cannot possibly hold on indefinitely and haul Die gram through Edmonton. The cost would be loo great. They want n western outlet anil the outlet should he through Prince Rupert. We should welcome the C.P.R. here for they are an agpressive company and would add to our pros perity. If there is anything Prince Rupert people can do to help induce the CP U. lo f urn tl attention to this- port, Ihev will doubtless do it. ,.JW- ITH ' " k 'A -T't lift i.m-HU'.l Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster aStock your winter's supply or Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 sfflK-Bazsstatfi Waterfront Whiffs Good Prices The fan : hat Tlinnksfc-ivin. Day was a public holiday ii.d i: interfere wilh Fish Iai-u,iiiv activities on Mondjty and business hs usual w.ts the nriler of the day. While arrivals were light on the first business day of the week when two I'.aiiaiJiao schooners, landed 9.500 pound. ..' halibut the demand was tins' anil the calelie imlled town and tde and 'fte for tu-" an.! second class catches. .Now thai the halibut fist) season is pact it-ally at an mi I for IP?5 the close season com ing inio eneci io-niornnv schooners of hot he fleets are de-sfrou.s of bringing in as nine!, fish as possible on the final trio of the season and for thi rea son Ihre is iiiite a bunching Ut of boats. As it will take several days fur the majority of the boats to reach port with halibut from the deep sea jrround it is therefore, anticipated that heavy irriVals will be coming in during the early part of the comtn week, though recent rough weather may tie the cause of broken trips. Wilh the subsequent arrival of an additional rn,no pounds or halibut prices fell several points. Canadians and Americans averafc-inp around t ic for first class catches and 0c for .second class fish yesterday. From Momlay unlit yesterday noon the total halibut marketed on the Msh Ijictianse was ,m. - 100 pounds, a drop of 73.0O0 pounds oer the same period last week. Arrivals Schooners marketing ealcbeis (Ids week from Monday unt:l yesterday noon included the fo r lowing: Canadian Kaien, Aiken, Point May, Fisber, Maude, Nautilus. Nuba, E. I.ipselt, liibson. Hiiigteader, Mali, Alii, ' Selmn, Ttamp and Mayflower. American Hjrisk. Auha .1., Valorous, InipVrtal, ' Lincoln, Ziwilh, Akutan, Swan, lialey. Sitka. Porflock, Forward, Marine.- and tilndys. Rough Weather HoiikIi weather lias been gen eral in the outside waters and some of the smaller boats Imv been in for a dusting while mak-j (ng port, althotish no tuirtirula daiiiHse ha been done eilhei materiallv or abysieally, due to the earefutne'ss of the skipper.. The majority of the smaller schooners have already made preparations for winter anchorage and those remaining out have been forced to tnke up shelter for some time until I lie wind abated. However, ttie big fellow are slickinz it out and there are ill number of American schooners away north hauling in the fish. Very little fish has shown up in inide waters ae- rordinz lo skipiiers of sin craft try-ins their luck while returning home. Many 'Nlmrods Out- I hicks, gpesn and deer Hail aN exciling time over I ho' tmli.l.'tv week end lust seemed lo weallii -he onslaught of the' many par lies of ninirods in heroic manner and in many case came off firs! hel. Not only vdid parlies of light and heavy artillery leave for the chase last Friday nighl in coastal cruisers, but a number of intrepid hunters scoured the countryside across the harbor and around MiHIakalla on Sun day and Monday in sardine chat ers with but minor results. Reports, from (ieorpelown slate lhat the geese have been prelty well driven from their hanov leeuing grounns ami mil rnr a few prnod ba?s ul (he beginning oi ine season only a stray one now and nurain falls to a aim. The same thing can be said of Hie thicks. At this season sp many jiunners have been 'pumping lead al llieni Inslead of Itilo Hieni that they have cither decided to move to a eafer sjiol or are so wise lhat lhe,y fly awa.v before the hunters lcavn home. Two Invalids All's right with the world. Our old friend Don Clapperion has joined the walcrfronl. ganig again aftpr having spent a couple of weeks visiting with Hob Warrior at his palatial winter residence on Fifth Ave. Fast, once known as the hospilul. Hob liad been I A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Misa C. C. M. Smart. font. SnMc.. a-rite:--' a-as tmuliUst with f. inT.a l : imi'lin, mi. shnnnsi tu wit w i looking face- 1 iri.i - t itiff but thcf 'I In "t b) In r. Jut irtcniJ, bo Lad the tame a 1 was, uh. 1 South Battle V nl.ite ago I a) blfniiS i 1X1 reall.r i fu.-k a bad , - r. u:.''ir, f a:.".", so iwa tn utd .?4 me to u Attn I tad taken tw h. l thrr9 my face. ai;d I now 'av.' a 'ear, imooth anj ttItHj roi von."' nit ii It I.t Tl I" Jlilburn Uo, Limited, Toronto, Uiit baMiKi ml her a stu uuuus lime id it and finally dcci.n-d lo go on dr dork and jret ii.'.--ssary repairs made. llowex.T, I lungs to Hob sct-nietl lit Mr lame and J ere long I Kk- was invited 10 joiiij li i lit in mi enforced real. Then, the iuetion of eutertaiftment came up and the moJ thrillinK. Urn! Iioe could thina of was aj crihbagc tiiurmmenl. the win-, ner to take (be castors off bolH: beds. We are glad lo report. that the distinguished invalids are pt-orivtnjt satisfactorily. "llrie ttichl it was a hectice que, , The outside was'ni in When the host kn.N'ked off the stopper I I If a quart of i..m don's sttr. The Ingred It.. apt. C. I.umt-ipiisl. retiirnetl to port oil Tuesday uiKht havinp aboard I.oni. Amadio ami party who had sjveni tin- previtHi- eight day hunt in around the t'impania Island district. Kacb hunter got a deer but no hints. tine of the tiuist tMtetfut buntinfc parties wits that taken out by lit UOfCH mru,- ilmttwi lnd llr rnnntiK iraunri m pnnrr- itaperr. aft ail it Xiatimta Itavt ; TAkfc .xoTii.t: nut iiutrri t:. On f V'nr..t,rr, M.c. ..tna.Hital raHtieryTinn. mm irn.m-. fail LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to LmmI onr mllr nontlwrlv from eornrr or tt so33i Take rx.tlrr that Wallarc Fldu-rlrt Umllrd. uf Vanr.riiiir. It.t"... ormruutrm r liner jinrri. Intrrut. in apply for a Iraur or inn rniolna pn . rllird land: Coniiiirnrina it a pott planteit alHit ftfl. mil.. In . ....... -1 ......... I.... thr tmrlhra! nrn r of Lei SOJSI': lla nrr, MMiiti rhalii.; Hi. tier rl S.OA rhalna; llimrr rr.rlli n.TO rhaln; thenre raalrrly nirindrrlnr alonr hr lilth witrr mark tn pot of mniuiiriiiH-rit, and rontilnlna I. no arrr. more or lr".; iisin-rtiF.s umitko. Appiirnt. naiet aroirmlwr ?atti. tot LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltata Landa In 1'iitirr liiiwi-i land Ilrronlliir M-irlrl. and llnati' al ir. Splrrr Idand. mn ao.OO rliain. -..iitlielerly from t!t ealri'tne ii..rllii i . n. of -plrrr land lid rliaiiii. rad Srlioon-rr fait. Take nolr ttiAl WalHre Fluherlea l.lllillro. of Vaiu'oiitiT. Ill', ormnalltin rwniwr)'mrn. Intrrid. to apidy for a ea ui u.r loonwinr ir. ewwa laini: O.IIHIM'lirlna at a 01..I r.UolAl ,.00 rhalm in a v.iilhealrrly rtlrrrtl.nij iriMii inn riirrinr nortnrt run nr spirrr itMiHt. and f (io rlialn rat friim SiHner faaa; tlirnre nitilti t.SI rhaln-; Itwnrr nad 4 l halna: llirnrt" north- rlerly' iiiran.lrin il' Una of nirn tide to ,,f romtiieiirrmrDt, and ronlalninr nil acr.' morr nr Ima. WAI.LACK FI5IIF.IIIF.S LIMITFO. . . . Applicant. Oiled September ItUi, Ufa, t .uk. nur I ai.Si. W o I rtl.UrrllMI. f. B I ntihrrX-u a xw , l.tni.w-, Kma a SafUl. our i l.eara. I . K Mai n iuh. l"rol J. J Whahn mtp k Pif Co Lta. Whah'B Cutt. ti Hlprr i . I.M. Whah ruf 4 elt r.n. lt.1. I.r. Krtt BotiOin. Varrtajr ii:sil .. Banlbn. HUtSar (Mate) .. IMMUiniiMk, Mfrt .. IVtaUiniW. HrrU) MW .. .tadrrin. An- UllVtf. J..IHI William auk. ivirr Hawaii. mm vi. 4 r SnHI. UIU A . Lid. - i:aaaiaiaiu. n. 4 i s caatHBitiaia. n. A m i.4lBHI. Hmtrt CHI4H. W. S. Ori. T. M TMif. ! 1 alVln.. saanirl r MrilMMW. l aaadiaa Hunummi nvSrMiai 1 MMKttaa mraSnina tH.niM t Imwnu. r. Marnu. r. s flallrr. Iiara M, Mi HMra MrMra4 I W. Vrlul..a. W K. W !. Arthur . II MrAlKtrrw. V. r. Vlrk.-r. V. II. aerr. Oraaa A. (KteraWir. imasatia,. r. s MHutwm. Ml 'lln. Tkunaa A Hn.n. J. V caanMrtMiH. n. A Sun Hill. T. J. .. . , THiana. :. lit tftard. r. M. MeUfara. K. A MrlMoaM V n- Itn-ar. laaar Vlrlh.lMM. It J Iakrtr ValW rruO jtmm I.M Catf'V. Ales. MeRae. aboanl hiJ'.1' JK IH!!!?!: IS power lioat l.ot M.. CHtVsitinj Ukrl-r Vatlry n-rrVifi--M u. M. of i. McD.ll.inler and llill Wil-j 'tLJiSS iiV kins..,,, for a wiks sblg on. v., TXSlti:. Poi cher sland. I he parly tltor-; I'aMdlan iHaaaawai lMrlitiU Cm. (,hlv coMhed the bosh armitid!:- Kitkatla Inlet reMillinz in stees. j aaa !- i. :.. ... , , t ! I aarl.1 Vattrr irii-it r.n. I.ld. and docks, lo the tune of several v.Mrl s-rwi(4ri c.. 114. falling lo lite prow- ,f VJ!,0v,J,V,Hrt,, ' ": Kiinuers. To put a fit liner elimav ' Kauri, dr..' rbii 11. oo the tutdertakimr -II. MeD. wil-i ol. til fully killed a deer. The I,ois M.! i-aan- Vartrj Hrrrlnrwmi i n. U . , . ... , liana.-!. JSm returned to port on Mneadav ,-,--. w. 4 afternoon having beesi bejd up by. J,,lJ,' HSJi,rd4lA? rad weather. On Wednesday Oeorpe IlryanU skipper ami owaerof the 6oalal cr,iicr llarln. left purt-Hitti Join Mcltae and parly for life itard-ner Canal dilncl on a little hiinlinz trip. The llarla left a day earlier than originally in tended witB the object of search-" ing for Alex. Mcltae ami the I.o1 M. which tliey paasetl on the wnv out. u Schooners Alliance and Dun-das have been up on the Ward way ibis week for overhaul pre-(eonlinned on paire five I LAND ACT. Nollct af Iflttfivion to ACply'to Lull Lan4 ant lu-Kly. Mm. mHr. lUtrrty, Vr. VI K, r.K t:wrta' J., a irrtw TaltoM. J. M Mirtltnir ratlHtr IJinlln! AH.rria I nt mtmmt ZrlfW. irlrs II, II. f SakL VHte Ui.r.V. l-tlSHr On raatry. nmry .. Mwo. it. II. A II. n . . U. J. II. A II. U n.c. I jmI a iHr.iiirai trnirjr Ltd. . . H.r.. I.M. I A InrrstnirHt Arniry Lid. . . RrM, T llat. 1 RX. laml A Intratnirai Arrnry Lid. .. Vowrll, . W VtMatpR, A. W K.c. Laad A Intrftiiirnl Atrwy Ltd. . . U.C. I.iimI 4 Inir.lnwiil Afrnry Ltd. .. Il.i:. I.iihI A Intratiiirfil Aarnrjr Ltd. .. ttiM-aa. Oaorar i l.l, F. S. IhiwbK f. S. Clmirtita. r. '. Iwiirulf. F. S. iTiirmm jo iiii iriiMt or ina . ioi i .imirsM.. Ira mnvL r.-l r. a. ..un...w-i, i.mihi i v i it !.ow ora. vv . iiiirirwin. im. iirira raain-. more or ! rrrii imiiiiwihi ror-' i iriiimt.. r s. .. nr of Lot IStK. i.i 1 . 1 irnnrr S; Oimrr rnll.mitir iiwanitrriiij- ..f (bore line of Mid !!atKt t. point of i-ixnnirnrrtnrnt, nt rortutelii. fv, arr'. timt or laaa. ii.nonr i'. ooasc. Aptitirant Pr Win. 0. MI'rhrlL Aen Moron. F. Fllarnti, II, . ' Innrnt. I'. S. . . V.lar, A. Jhiiuft I' li I I Htl4..l U'.ll.r. Anit,raimni. Wall.rr Krraln. lit. W. T. , a rain. Or. W. T. I vlihtsrn. I lie . . . . MrtiMin. r.. n. A. . una. In I'florr nuprrt Uiul Rrrnrtllnr Hl i Miriii..,. n.hMu. i i.i Illirrir Ltd. trlrt. nut alio.!, .i .n,.i ii.Pi..r 1 Pitt ilM.itl ..i.. liitta nortlirad fnm iVrrt.',''..!u i.'A inr rniraor an.i . ...... tlw nuritran s-a I'riHlnrl Kn.ltel, patlil (rlalr) . Taylor. A s I.Mi.l.Hi. William 1 ..ritHlin. Mrs. ClirOtlnr , limliilm. F. F. Tliaalu, v II. . . Ilarlmaii, Anton SI1I1I01111. licit Or. A Orrrn. nrell, John , I.kiiian, Jolrn Oiulitrrd. Lawretire luiiaorth. William r. Srhandrrjl. Amlrl .... llarrlMHi. Vlrlor ft. ... J Iterr. MariiH O llMrlHaon Cn, I Imlled llnlrltrson (11. I.linlird 'iirtla. Charlr V. kapt.lrr, Delia Hire. F.alate of Samuel c. . . Illtitham, Mra. Ollre I'rrrrr, t'liarlea Wlmlle. Mr. Oeo. F. . IUI'Ii. .A. A., A Wonl, J, C Morrison, 1, T Wood, t. C Ilea 11 ,110,1 1, W. 0 Illrr. F.Mafr of Samuel C 'Mierk, John ..... Ilaldi, A. A. AMR liner.on. liolwrt n. 'fieed I'rrrrr. tharl ketidrtrka, T. M TlH.lllpM.ll, W Bnller. Mra. J (1.. I.I. mid, Marlon WnV" ' TAX SALES Sales of Land for Unpaid Delinquent Taxes in the Rupert Assessment District ' I lirilr'KV HVE .AOIIHK IUL WIim-Ji llw lh d "t IMirmU r. tvti, al UV lmt uf A .a at , it....!kIi i ..n.-.tar. ut llw or irirr itnt-ri. n . I i" n 1'nWn- Annum ttie Ua na, m. n. i , ,,, uh- n. r.n. 111 In- MM Hl lirivmMrr wi i.w .h lnigiK-iil uv- iwiut l Mid wrn mm n uh, ,,4 tl r ii.ii-it-i lH". t' l. tiMluitlnr Ow " I.t a.ltiH-llsini Mitt Ml. If llw hUI auHNrni m . SI -I IMs-rllilrf. tVll. to l soxirr W. llM Mhki . r.. ami miiiimi m iiw iimriii M swum ui i..i LIST OF PROrtRTICSl nm: or rniso. assisshi. a J. Cn. (V SHORT ld;Cail'Tli of fnrtTV itaaoc s, coast rxsTmcT Lttt . II U lS pari. iu arm. DM , f trm IM St. J al ......,. l i, ul swh Srriiun I. TvM I, an arm MVS swim 1. Tft . II acn .. Mir W'V at Ifar. W (t. -lM I nltaa 10, TmwMfi I, it J rtwl . . 'tl : fcS . ha t a aaaoi 4, coast oi strict 10. arrr . t. I, 11 ai-w ft. as arnw , I ff. If int. , il. m ... .... fail (H n sartarr HIhMj. r, 4 . IM ttaa (riarfavrr HltbU.. U.St arrr . UM fast (Mrr HlrMai rtr . im tall isarfatv Hiiki. ta.t" an . Lt list. 1st arf .'tmt Hit. It nr ' f I KAMOI S, COAST DISTRICT .,11 t, A Ma. U.I K, a arra .11 .aa. Lut I. S arras . 1 11 A4. MM rra .11 st, ia , um la. tai . 1 a. I ( arrra . . . .11 III. ISA a-n- .111 tit. arrr ml Ml mr-m . WW . . - llt I I.mI M3 t: i are kna a BbiM im tit. . arrr ill. M arr lH .17. Lul SI. L-l lot -If. ait. 11 SIS. It .11, L.'l StT.ll siu an-. tM arr. 7a. f arrr SS.a arm . ... Ill rr IjM (It fad. IS lai WV, M If a arrr. Lm at laat. i t. tot WW k t artv- ill aif S4tUMrt) CrtMa, M arrr ail lad s Lot ISI ISA H I at m it t arr. I'lrt 1 1 , 1ST arm I..H tl. I St arm . ,11 t7 1 Klark aae tat. S arm . 11 till. arm ua i rtt. se arm Lot I. SI arm Lao I MO ;i. laa rm 11 ISM AattL Ul I III Sal VV. f SI i m ists iwoi. i..'ii t'ra 'si W w", "'- l.m ii tt ii La L lt Lilt lot 11 I.t 14 11 11 11 lot I.H I...I tMl 11 lot IJ.I I ol l.iH list. 1 Hot. ft I .arrr . Ull. MIS arm . lit. St arrr. Iff I. l arm . lttt. arm . . . t:S, II arm .. ITtl. arm lift KK. St arm tTts. ti arr 11(1 uts. t: tt. Is its, sai.ta arm 1711 V. lo arm ltS Wl. is am-. I7U Goal Curtbw. it arm It J. 1 1 1 arm ... Il. 117 arm tail, li: I arm . ia arrr. tt. !! arm 111. Ita.oal a.rr. . . a)SS. al I arm 1M l tmt. In I anal 1 1 ad s SS. I " arm III tl arrral arm lad lOaJ. US. SS arfr. t.f III. M.t arir I.l IIIMI Ml. A of UH I. I.7S arm l.m Itlta. J7.a arm 11 itll. 11 arm 11 S1l. 171 arm . 11 lift. 1 a arm I a nt. t.l arm 11 sssi. Iti arm Ftk mt t.H (lata. Vi tat.1 Sec. IS 7p. I hi It arm ... AV'S of VV V, anl t, M Srr. II Tap. I ha aa arm F4 .if SWH I IS l-S t ad. Il a. sar. II TWfi. mt 4Wi VaMl 11 I. rr, II. Tap I IS l-S arm sit at Srr. IS, T. I, St arm . M H AaaM. 11 t Sr. tl Tap I. to t-SI WV, mi 1 tad S UNi Srr. tl Tap. I. Ha aa arm t AT H t MVti (Ctad H Ml. Srr. Lsi U AL4 Mrf. It I aW.'fi, ; taip; I IS I I arrr. .. SWH A Mat. lot S. Srr. ft. Tp. I. t f-1 arm SFi Aa1. t S. Sar.rt. Tap. I. T-a arrr. CASSIAR DISTRICT l m ill. la arm Lot Til. MS.t aerra 11 Tit, ill. 1 arm It 7 la. Itl arm 11 Til, ItS.S arm 11 J IS, (it ,t 11 7tt, ts.7 arm UH 717. I.S arm . 11 TVS, (. arm 1 . . . i . lt I07t. rial. l-S Inl la I'la.'f arm" .' lt till 1, o arm 11 m, iao arm 11 tstf. F. so arm IM 13(1 (Ml, lMk. It, i arm .... 11 Inr.l KH. US arm . . 11 Stiff. Ill arm 11 sail siirfare nirhii, I.St arm lt tail swv, its arm qUSIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 11 t, laa arm 11 tt, ail arm 11 9S SHffarr Itlalita. SI, AS arm 11 I To, si arm 11 tSt Sfc, Stt arrr 11 lit. Ill arm 11 SIS. I arrra it stt. iaa arm I j.l 791 vf.U. l arm IjI 7 AKt". IM arm l.t SSta Ml, S arm 11 1179 MVU ut i. S7.S arm 11 I , ALU of N 11. 19 arm it uas. u i.r si nr wi(. iii arm s ant 1 Al 1 1. u nr m v at n t m lad lSI, MVH at .iw'i. 10 arfr 11 Kit Mt of S 4 of sKti. SM arraa 11 tan k or sr;u, 111 arrr.. 11 17ft MVVi, Ite.tS arrr I j.l ITTn Wli. I0 aerra It till Wt It tit MtA of SWU.' Ut SJtrfff-p .aaa F,U Srr. St. Tap. . mo arrr SKV,. See. S, Tap. , ISO arrr Plan 401, Swbdn. PL Stttlon 32, SS, S4, Taip. 1, Ranja S tt It. fslaM-k 11 nr lot 1 ind. 4 Ini In lt 3, Itlofk it of Ij.t t 11 I A t Hlork II of Lot I It I A t Work II of I.M a . . , Ita I I.i III It lurk A of 1 1. 0 11 s lil.u k r. of Lot u IjiU I A t lll-M-k A or t j.l . . , , jd 4 A I Hlork r ut lot II It I A f lllork 0 of 11 tl .... 0 A 10 Hlork C or lot IS . . ., Ita I A t It lurk h of Ioi (A 11 3 JllrMk n of Lot IT Il 3, I. I ItWwk' A of 11 IS Uit A A 7 niork A of I ol I , . iu t. m iiiork of 11 u ' Lot S lUiark R of o S tola I A 5 (llmk li of Lot li ... Lola t, 3. I niork II of Lot IB . . . 11 10, lllork It of 10 (rcnllinird on j.att rtvt) II no asi It I.M l'.ai. lai.i s.Sa II. M l,7a i oaa.aa i.m ! J.aa . .u 1 la it 10 I 71 OH tt.S 1 7A.SS II at ITS tffta sa.ta it at sat tt It tt Hit m a tit i tl.aa la oat It aa las TS aa.U St as II 11 mm 19. i at a Iff)) loan 17 to tl.oa It ai SS ai f II tt M Sffta s . a Alt aw i.r laaa, IIIH Ui f 7.a tiaU l7t isaa Itl aa la) a SM.aa III.N 14. t I.T tsaa III ii It SIM IS.U I It 4.J . tTt.TS StS 1 it as IS.SI a.aa TS.tS ta a t a.aa It St.Tt Pt.tS ia a ta 11 la la tajs PH-fS IJ.SI H.I a SS.a ft. a It to I to a at s 1 v. 1 its I. to IT.tT tliao t.SA IS.St 1 S3 l.t ll.ffS SI tl 41. I0.IS IS. An SI.S4 111 01 tl SI ?. its IAO0 IT.All It AO matt I0.0II in.iw tt.TO I tn 111, tl.ftt IS.TI ISO no tsa.AA ji . 'HI 1: at tl ta in 41 1 1 4 ; li'M 11 N li 1 II 1 IS IS It IS I II I S3 I a ! 1 AS II 14 ' tt a 11 f- tt ! It '. la 41 it 1: fl 10 ; : . t 4) I". l l tt . ti I t 0 1 I . I f t a t.i tlu : I IS IS I tt t t 5 l till till ma it, I It I a. It aVa; Itl I) M . It 11 a: ll i as V. la a. f 1 SS a; at) Tmt a f. ii 'if s ti its a ta to III s 1 St 11 41 a II t IS II SI I s t I 19 I It Sff t.ts I 14 1 ta stff s.t ttt I m lit? tt tl 11.11 I.ST trf sa.ST T4 IJ IT. t.ll .S t S3 111. IS J.S tJl SSft I nit 1 1 i.t J ti.t; 3.IA 3 St Itl t.JS T.tS t.SI :I0 a. an l. I. IS 1 .an la, 00 ' A.AA 3.11 11. An , ..... son .11 I ,nn I S.An 1 i.f S AO t ,ffl T.fl 1 l,S 3 AA 1 .IS son 1 snn 1 i.t' son 1 snn 1, t,tl snn l,s son ' VAA ' l.ffl on 1 snn f .U 3 no I . SAO 1 iti s no 1 U S.oo ' t.tJ Pri nee 1 ' 1 1 t ' 1 ' t' i!! i t it" , e t i 111 ! 1 if if It