uUy, November II, 1025 NEW -; SEASON'S Fancy Frozen CANiniAhf Ocllt $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A nr A! onrm a i 11 K tM a - B-v US B H I V. Old Style Peppermint Patties Fresh Made, Delicious 35c. per lb. .i ii. nu ir ine i.imn mm' r i.i.i T Mi. be I Uiiid S.e i.il w . h,u hid1 for yrars. Ormes Limited I I' UW. Dl'UKKi-l Hex. ill fill M'P 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 W rn rrotii H ii.m. f.' ! p in. '. ' 'cai .X .i nt, in I (i . -ii. s '! Iloiui iv- 1 1. in) I.' i - : (.iii. .i.el 7 ( ! (.m. Furniture Bargains! 3 ONLY OAK DINING ROOM TABLES Ohioiig. u x s 1-: . ii $21.00 2 SETS ONLY, OAK DINERS Hlip Li iith i Si-..l-. Si t - $32.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 Canadian Pacific Railway VACiric -oast Services Sailincrc from Prince Ruoert " "ICHUAN. WKANlitlL JfNUU. SUCWW Nw.Iht IS, 30 Dflr 14 ,ANC01VI ViaoitU .J inir K..,U 3 20. Dfcfmlsf 4. 18 'of . Si. ritWCtSS BEATRICE . u,,, tnt Vncour ir tnuritf 11 a.m. "cr .- lot til at..ki. 1 r.nmM ... W. 0. ORCHARD Otntrd tnl. -mtr 01 4th 8lrt and 3rd nu, Prlnci Ruprt, B.o. I Tun UAUji n&wa e i - i i Greeting Cards That you have been looking for. They are simply boautlful expressions of the engravers' art, with the right sort of design and sentiment that appeals. Discriminating buyers are assured that thoy can save one third the price by placing their orders with us. Printing done right hero In our own shop. No delay. Orders completed In 24 hours. Telephone No. 0 and our representative will call. I n w III Local and Personal ll.O, Undertakers. Pnone 41. Try 057. Moose ami 18. Valentin Dairy, Phone tf "Jan.:" at WeslliOMiie, Monday, p.m. Moose UirUlnia Tree will held on December -'0. Walkins enLalivc 1, be Products. Ileum-U. Miller, Hluo 95. If Currio's Taxi and Messenger Sei-icc. Ihuue 0(57. Scrviv day am nijjia. island, Carlto i Cafe. if Mrs. A. Hullan will return In Manxi'il mi id,. pi,t(.p j0,n t uiahl afler having Bjcnf a roupi.-tt da in lie t-i y on buniiien-. Ib'lierl WaUon aplieared in I In: eily iiiihci! eourt Dim inoiniiiK "n a eliargc nr iieiMliim witlioul ;. hei'ii.i' and wa remanded u it 1 i Mumlay. i. A. iMiillainl. )m al manage; "f I lie Imperial Mil Cn., returne I "ii the I'rineertx llealrice lhi miu-ititiit from a huine (rip tn I 'i'imii Tails. It. I . Davis am) J, ). Mane ! CmIkui'V. who hue been vinilni-x in I lie eily for the pad day nr '. aded lhi morn i ii on th Catala fur Vancouver. 'M'.lt. steamer Princess llea'-ine. r.apl. Tom Cliffe. arriieJ Ikuii Vancouver and wayportu at '. iT. ihi. mom i iif ami Mailed at I :'M mi her relurn south. ii'iirjcp II. .Nadi'li, deput minister of land, returned to Vu-ioria on Hie Caiala Ihi morn-iiik- Last uiflit Mr. Nadeti wa-in ctinferene with the Yach: t;iun on the Cow Hay waterfront liipslioit. I.oui I'earork, uli-ionlraclor at I lie eli-vator, is a patient in I lie Prinra llujierl (ieneral llos-pilal suffering from scalp injuries kuolaiiieil on Thurwdaj I'M'tiinu when a piece of cqu:-meni fell on his head. l. D. .McJIa!er. manager ! Hie Prince Ituperl Spruce Mill. and his on, Harry .MrMa.ler. who han been on the statf, nailed this moiling oil the Priiiee Deal nee for Vancouver wher. they will upend a holiday while Hie mill lit closed down. A. F Curtis, acemintaiit, and V. J. McDonald, another inemlter ( the lan almt nailed for lli- Miiilh ou the I'rineens I teal rice Carl liudlafoon wan dimied in the eily police eourt yelenlnj allei-mioii on a ehnrrr of driving! a motor vehicle while in a Male f intoxication. Serjeant lUilev n ml Coiixlahlee Mncdoiiald. l'ol-I'Tton and Crate- testified that aei ue.l wa drunk bill J. McR.n city foreman, tar witnen fm I In1 iti-fenci1. aid he a tint, no tin- eae n ilimioed by Mau-ilrale McClymont. K, I-. ,Inne, iilv Milieitnr, iritecnlei1 whil--W I ullon apueured for (ius- '.il-i'ii. ANNOUNCEMENTS Screamingly funny farce "June. Westholme, November 16 Kazanr .November 17 llaptisl Church Dazaur, November '. Ladies' AM St Andrew' l.:idie" Auxilhrv Itaraar. December 2. Lutheran Chun'h 111 i- 'W.irnS - I l.ndie' Aid CUNARD T4 Si ANCHOR DQKALOSOr; r Back Home tot SHSfSTAS :i "ATHENIA" Frrm HaliUs lo Lontonie" nd Ctafw. tat'lni Dec 14 . " ASCANIA" From llalllai t Pijrmotth Cherbourg an4 Lonilon. Special oxcitralon. peraonally etcorted by D.rii K. Whllhani. SaUIni Drc. 14. Full Information Irom a.nlt, or Campanv'a oTncea. C2JI l!aa- tlnja 5t. Vancouver. ft DISTRESSING KIDNEYJTROUBLE Terrible affliction quickly relieved by "Fniit-a-.tos", Two cars Sneddon Taxi. ALBERT YOUNG "Eight year ago I wa hid 0p with inflammatorjr rhrumatism, scarcely able to move hand or foot. There wa Kidney Trouble, miser-able Indigestion and Liver difficult it. An Boon aa I began to use "Fruit-a-lives", I could see an improvement. I wa relieved of my Constipation and Liver trouble, and have been 100 better of IlheumatUm and Kidney Disease' Mrs. Albert Young, 39 N. As-pland St, Worcester, Mass. Truit-a-tives" combine the concentrated essence of luscious fruits with valuable tonics. They restore the kidneys and liver to normal action, increase the flow of gastric juices, and make the digestion complete and natural ajiin. 23c and 50c at all dealers. at your ierviee Phone. 134. tf W Taxi and Teannfen service. Day and ni?ht. Dybhayn. SMITHERS Sue 1. tf Private Ghlielmas Cards printed by Roe, Cowan & Liilta, 4tb Street. tf We dancer '03 - hopper, Hall,-Saturday night. Lind-seth's orchestra- G Mr. and Mr. J, K. Milne ami family mailed t hi morning on the Princess Balriee for Victoria. They arrived yesterday morning from Massed where Mr. Milne has hi-en connei'li 'i witli the pro vim-ial public work department. Mr. and Mrs. Ja. SlurKeon d- -iijrlitfolly enlertamed some thirty yoiuin peopli Irk! nifilil at Iheii n'siilcnee. toati Hays tive Ave ne. The eveninir was happily enl in dancing, gttmes and eoiiimiiuity sinitim;. reficslimi'ii! lieinji M-i-vett at midnilit. Af-lerward- danein? was continued nitil the early hours. A meelinu- of t In eonrea-ntion members and adtieranls of Hie. First Presbyterian Cliunli w:!i be held in the church ou Tuesday, .November I nt 8 p.m. foi the purpose of taking steps t. fill the present vacancy and extend a call. JOHN I.. CIIIIISTIK. Secretary lo I In- Congregation. JC7 II. Ashwell, i.iiiil wanlen 01 the (rrand loitjie l.p.D.F.. Vai couver. paid a fraternal vi: with the local !(.!. on Wednesday and addre-".l the ineinbeis Mr. Ashwell wiui on his wnv home afler an vmled holid.iy in Filmland i-.in.iin? a tour bullies coming un iiV liis juris diction in M.C. Mr. and Mr. II. 1. Krflty onlfr- Iniiiftl ii iiuiulii'i ( frlcinN lo ,i liriilgc fiuriy on l u.'silay I'veuin in htmor nT Mr. .-uul .Mr.. J. I'. Kirkpalrirk who are leaving for Viuicouvor on Sa! unlay. Tliero Wi'i'c xi.v lalils oi purs Is vi"i Mr. II. W. Shan..' nn.l li- s Wednesday and as a result oi their active endeavor over Juil poppies were sold and a hand some sum added to the fund fo the rare and up-keep of soldier' graves. x FUll first Church Notices Baptfst Church Moriiinc service at II o'clocl.. Stilijecl: ThrouKli the Valley." A study in the Shenerd Psalm. Ilible school at I.:I5. Kvenins worship at 7.;t0. "An liiearna'i. Conscience." A subject that will interest you ami make you thin. Arrange lo be present. Salvation Army Musi.'!! Fred Dorin of Wran-Kell, Alaska, will be Hie speaker at tiulli services Sunday. II a.m. Holiness of Heart will be the I heme. 7..'tO p.m. The text will be found Human 5, C. Don't miss the sons' service. Special talk lo the younjr people by Lieu' Newberry. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. We will be glad lo wel come the children. Wednesday Ilible Class. Thursday and Sa' unlay, public meetings. United Church The Church of Service. Ilev (icorjre H. Hacker, pastor. Miss Isabel Haddock, deaconess. Morn- in: service at II o'clock. Con turned report on , Conference Sunday School at 2.30. I'.veninp service at i.JO. I'icture service. slmwitiv pictures of Japan. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Knlisli I.ullierai: Cliurcli. Melropolc Hall, Third Avenue. Ilev. P. II. Di;sler. li.D ,iator. .Morninw service at II. Sermon topic: "How to overcome your enemies." Sunday School at 13.15. Kveuin? service il i.30. Sermon topic-: "Some prob lems and. nisibilities." Solo by Mrs. Jarvis Mr I. .!. The cboi: will sins "Tlioiisand Voices llin-r- in?." Iteporl of Every Member canvas. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at II o'clock Mjnjeci : 1 limit'" we or an an- itel from heaven ." Suudav School at 12.30. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: "Arter ilealf. What?" Ilev. Dr. Charles .1 Cameron will preach ai both ser vices. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. A. Proeunier. Sunuyside: T. E. Carlwrisht and Norman .Nelson. Vancouver; If. A. Manvooi'. Winnipeg; .1. II. Asbwell. Cbilli-wack; Mr. and Mrs. Uionoeoi:. .luneau. Central I'. W. t'.hambers. W innipeg. 1-. DiiK'tin ami It. .1. Walktand. '..N'.lt.: P. Sheehuii. city. TOO LATP TO CLASSIFY SALI. Hatty class coi'dit ion . 4.44i44.4. I"t HKXT. Newly decorate.' three roomed bouse; hot and cold water. Apply rear 22.1 Second Avenue W'e. 207 Itul SKWDHK wanted either fo" school tf rl or general .scrvan.. Phone Itlack 232. f rarr iifi' in Phone 7t2 CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON -Vi-jII.J ... . ,VY TO GLASGOW. - '" v.v at FROM HALIFAX TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-LONDON -"-HI'.l ... III-.-, it. TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL 'mania . . Jan. i i j-maiiu . . Ib. ir. TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW 'lnia m-. ii FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ! Kran.i.nia ,, .uiii., . ,,v. ii-'hii.i .mii-M . . iw.-. TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON -.iih-ii nil.li.'ii ill!! IUIII' ; .ll'idlia .. . v lire I 'prljtoH aim K. iii kl.vlihv and H. iTIioinpson Uu nii-n s. After Hum jrarrfs rcfrculiiiiout .I'.v I ho liolf.. I S - !m Kathleen, second r. uud .Mrs. .1. I. li'i'laincd a nuuilnM diUlslilcr ot 1'O'wiu'y cn-nf licr uirl mentis on edn.'.day nfliMuonii ion I ho oocasion ir her clcvcntu liillnlay. In additkm lov Mic pkMidlil Muiijwr. the plrls enjoyed a iiumlier of guinea mid ainun-ing coittit, th,' winners of which received aii aclive uriuw. A pominillee . MilsfstillrT nf rV11TA;7;;'-s W,VM r -.. ..-o men had .viauifiauia v.. lipc. it vqinuiiia . in-. Jan m. . j(i Hrr. naan.i . . n . .... jau. l.ir.-h TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW ir.iMi)i.iii. i .'aini.i-.inia, .- i AllH'iiia . I ' . r.aii Iv tm. . In-.-. 19 u rLimuuin-tMlHBOURa-LONDON TO PLYMOUTHCHCRBOURGHAMBURG Ali.iJii.4 Ii. , Hi. Jan i l. Man-h I s Money irlr. in.1 draria at luwent ,...1K1 . , il,,r ,nr"nninon rmm inu or ovniui .hii(.iii) i . .11 ICO, o? naiinr M. a? .rJ SAW. ii wiih a SiMONDS SAW Stays sharp longer. aiMOSOl CANADA AW CO. ITO, MOhTnCAli VANCOUVCH (T.4CHN, N.a. (ocoa alHam drink"'- ilucre'i Jieafii in every drop. ie ciip ofTlealth at the Vreakfast table that means efficiency at the business Desk BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA Has a full rich flavor delicious to the taste; it is invigorating and sustaining. Henry C. Sherman, Professor of Food Chemistry, Columbia University, in his book "Food Products says: rr "Cocoa, in addition to the stimulating property, due to thealkaloid theobromine, and the flavor which makes it IjSb has a considerable food value." WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1750 DORCHESTER, MASS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt Ticket Offke, G2S Third Aia, Princt Rupert. Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Dlieralon and Uii. TAlit ,noth:k that llrmy aicri-rl.-h ari'nt rr th.- Kniniiiir r,..( Mini's Ltd., In. . MtlM.tr atMn-Mt U Kiikiihht, U.I ., will apply for a hmi tn take and uf 50 ru. ft. ht .orcinul of Miltr out or Wann lllv. r which ri.. r.ierl and drain-Into Tml'li ljk abiml two and one hair mile illi nf lit- rniin.-rr Mln. Th watrr will Im tlivprtr.l rrom llir otrrani at a (Nilnt about two mile, from the trr inlnn of IIm Hal1 rlvi-i Into TarKh Lakv ami will be unl tor hvlm elvi-trl.- iv.wri .a .urHwi uiH.ii i lie cnyiueiT .nine, whom' iK.litiur are dernl,n1 tt rlevrn rrown (ranliHl Mineral Claims surveyeit ai l.ol No, tf, 19. tlM, 101. 19V. 9I). IK. 7. vns. g?u. tn. and ii.'.t. i)roii. I. caiai lilntrirt. Thin iK.M.r .' h.i.-U on tlx Froutut on I he ICIh day of O.'toler, lJ. A ropy or una notire ami appni'aUoii pursuant thereto anil to the Water Ail. I KM. will be flleil in the mre of the Water lU-rorder al Alltn. H.c.. Objertiui ina b filed wllh the UI Water Heconler or Willi the Comptroller or Water Itlrhts. I'arllainenl Buililint. Vlrtorla. B.C.. within thirty days after the appearanre r this not ire in a local newspaier. The date or the riral publlrallon or this tn.-tire I llie Villi day or October, ml. E.NGINKKK GOLD MIMKS LTD. INC. Henry 0. illc i-.rlrh, Ayent. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land, in i-ruire mieri i.aim iteeoruina lusiriri of I'oa.t Itainre It, and altuale on Smh llarliarl Inland. TILL' AhTI.'l' flk.t Alr.l Uu.H....t ... I Prliire Hup. rt, iwriip.iil.ui Mariner.. In lend lo apply ror a lease or tho rolhiw itir ueseritH'd lands :- Coiunieni-lnr it lis planlrd on the south point or Sontn naihael Island: then around tilth water mark to the point t roinii.i'iirviiH'iil, ami cunulnlint to acres, more or leas. ALtllEU 8WASO ... A. u. WrUhi, Dated orttber Htb. 1 vss. I'ttuce hupert, B.C. ApplKaul Aimi.' V Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Will h-atr PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and iiitcriurdUk' MitnU eaili FRIDAY at 9 ajn. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART and ANVOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN roriUJgnily ror VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 8 p.m. for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point Ealtm Canada, t illicit Slates. Phona 260 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saillnr Irom Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaen Bay. and Alart Bar, Tueaday, 6 P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bar, and Swanaen Bar, Saturday, 10 AO For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RWer Cannerlea, Thuradar pun. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM, 8TEWART, 8undar, S p.m. US 2nd Awoftuo. t. Barnalar. AgenL Prlneo Nuaart. U.O. TUGBOATS Night Phonos 687 539 Gr. 238 BlacH 735 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machines fur (lie manurucliire of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in stock. Save handling charges by buying direct from the source of supply. WATER NOTICE. New fall Dresses UP-TO-THE-MINUTE STYLES AND MATERIAL Moderate Prices "Demers" House, of Quality Phono 27 P.O. Box : Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 575 DENTIST