rlllay October 22, 1025, look for thiaTradeMarlt always delicious Only Kraft Cheese comes up to your expectations every time ana everywhere you buy it That's why it is Important to ask for Kraft and to tee the Ktaft trade mark when you buy. 60 CHEESE DISHES Our beautifully Uluiiriltd cbetM ttcip book koi Utt Mail coupon. 6.H saw r- i if w i -fa rr Lti,Ktfii SaJ ! ilp lol. NEW -:- SEASON'S caatacTrwiCTf&riraa Fancy V is X )f;it;l() .''I. - S..s'f . it li -ill kind Western super "X long range shot shells J rozen oait $25.00 Per Ton Tic Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish' "Cold Storage Co., li& PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sweetest Jjaid fhocolates i l i O-nires. imt Im 51.00 - id lf-i. 1 1 . pa' lx S1.25 S1.25 ' v r" . ..... -N it Outre, ht tut $1.25 tic Orient. ier lto $1.50 l.i, kh.il. ruir luiv S1.50 H. - mini (lie KaL iht box $1.75 I .-'ia Fancy Outre) ,. Two New Lines ' Maid Fruit limp, assorted ami Lemon fla- - J. .- II,; 40c ! Mm!-. h't ll 50c Ormes Limited Wholesale and Retail Druggists I' '" h X ( Store PiiiiifiT llnigK'-'" Phones 82 and 200 Sportsmen! See Us for Iltiiid '- Hiiii(i-!i Uil.hnst Jacks ' Paris Cable Axes S;i-. dr. STORK'S HARDWARE. LTD. I?14 Second Avenue Phono 143 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED building next door to Fnzzeii IIhIi Iiit Shop, ucross from tho Kmpri'! llidel Wn ciirrv n full line (if -IGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES Harnes Zarelll Proprietor Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try Valentin Dairy. 057 Wafkins senlalivc P. I'hone Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct oher 30. Hill Sixty Chapter llaaar, October 31. Moose and 18. tfl Products. Ilepre-C. Miller, Uluc 2J5. tf CP.lt. steamer Prince Mary Capt. Arthur Slater, houthboiind from Alaska to Vancouver, U duo here iiiiiioirow morning, . Jlrolher Hill aro holding i 'lance Friday evening, October -''I, 8. .'10 o'clock. :il I li r Immv Arthur' orchestra. Admission 50c. All invited. 210 The Liberal committee room. corner Second Ave. and Fourth Mre.t. next (0 the Walker'' Music dloro are open every'aftcr- ii"'jti and evening. !51 Alia Norsk kvlnner og menn, om er Intereteret I at start et sangkor, onfordres til at samles I Svenskeklrkcn 9th Ave. East. Fredagskvell 23 de. d.s. 21? Andrew llohmson, Indian, wn tun'.i IO ami cost in the city IimIiic riiUri yesterday afternoon t"i- intoxication. tlina Auckland, Indian woman, was fined $25 and r...is for supplying. t.aii ohlin was fined f20 aijil ' "-i- ami orucmi in pay a doc-- bill of I0 hi iln- city iwilice ronri yelenU) afiprnrHin for liaxing aiaulted Alfred Ander-n. link liljrar a diMinij by Judur ViMinir in the I'ouuly Uiurt i'lTi)a.v a'lrrnunii on a charge of theft, lie i doing a sentence -i uiree iiioiiIIih mi ne city jail lor ii)(lying liquor lo Indian i'orge li. Iluhby. (lonerii- live i-atididate in Hie federal elwiion. left on this morning'!) train for the interior accompanied by It. I,. MaiUand of Van eouier. Ttiey will hold meeting at I k. Terrace and Hmithern. The two new O.P.H. eamer I'rince. Marguerite nnl ItIii-'ss Kathleen have been taken ff tlii Yncom it-Victoria -Seat tle run for Hie winter and Hre being replaced by the Princes Alice and Princess Charlotte Tbf two Iiik boats will resumi- enice in May. Whitney Griffiths, a director if m. United tirain (Jrftwer will arrive in tbe city on this af iiM-iioon train. M. P. McCatfery chHirman of the local drain Hoard, will interview Mr. Orif inn- in ine interests of grain shipment through the elevator here. Passengers ked lo sail to morrow morning for the south on the steamer Prince llupert in elude Hev. and Mr. K. (J. Turner, Mr. W. II. Shortridge and Miss olive Walspn for Victoria: F. It How. A. II. Hudson. J. II. Hudson W. L. Crump. D. C. Mackar and ir. .lames Sinilli for Vancouver ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Church llazaar, Oclo ber ?l and 22. LO.D.R K. of P. whist drive and dance, November S. Anglican vember 5. Church Ilaiaar No- Minstrel Serenade, United :tiurcli, Novcniber 5 V d. Od.lfellnw' wlilst dance, Noxembor 111. Presbyterian November I drive and Church Haznar ll"'-al Purple Haznar iN'ovcm- ber 13. .1: Screainliigly funny ' farce, "Jane," WVslliolimv .N'livembor id llazaar .November 17 Haplist Church faaar, .November 20 St. Andrew's Ladles Auxiliary llazaar.- December 2. Lutheran,.- Church Ladies' JJu'b&r, December t. THh DAiLT ffwWB u , XSr Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Hreakfanl. Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinner and after Theatre nefieslnnentH Our specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itetail. You will be pleated with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 i Two cars at your service ShedJon Taxi. Plioi.c 1 34. If Mr. V. 11. ghortridge will sail liillliirrnvl' nwiriiillL' mi Dm tona. T. A. Clarke, assistant district forester, left Tuesday night on the Cardena for Swansou I lay on depart mental business. School Inspector II. C. Fraser, who is on a lrfi to the Hella iUiola illslrlet on official duties is expected back in the city nexl Wednesday. the Liberal committee rooms, corner Second Ave. and Fourth Street, next to the Walker's Music store are open every afternoon and evening. 251 The Catholic llazaar, under Kmpre Theatre on Sixth Street, will be continued until tin Mis Olive Walson. who has been visiting htve for the past two weeks with her ister. Mrs Frank Salter, will refnrn to Victoria on the Prince Hupert tomorrow- morning. The case brought in the County Court by .1. II. llobertson of Maett" against C. T. Cabrera has been adjourned lo a dale which will be sel at the sitting of the County Court at the firs of next month. Dr. Harlan I. Smith,' Dominiov nrcliaelogist, who spent the summer at Kilvvang.i, was the speak er at a ineeling of the Women! Canadian Club in Vancouver yesterday. Hi subject was "Pre historic Art in Canada." Judgment in full for the in the sum of G0ti;H5 wn uiven by Judge Young- yesterday in the Con tily Court ".in the case of the Orniihy Consolidated Min ing. Smelting & Power Co. v.. James Smythe of Aivjaiish. Claim was fur hospital treatment and embalming fee Tor 'defendant's wife who died. L. W. Patiuorc nppenrfd for the plaintiff and Smythe, who did mil appear, wa not re present ei I hy counsel. vrcortlhig to wonl. receive! here Archibald Lilfle, Del roil mining engineer, who bonded the aerial prospecting expedition in- lo the Cniar district from 'rliiee Hupert this .summer.'' has token a 20.000 n year position with a New York iniuliijr concent. ;ol. J. Scolt Yv illiani,. .pilot oi Iho exinMlition, ha now rcturued to his lieudiuarleis In Miiulreal. He, loft his plane at Vancouver and if is his intenllon lo.tuaki. another trio north nexl suniiiie, NO TIME LEFT. A -young Fife servant girl wa? asked the oilier day If she slept well mid enjoyed her bed. sleeii vveel enough." she renlled I Ladies' Aid "but I inna say muckle uboot enjoy In' ma bed." "Dear me, why?" ,".IuIt because I'm nae suner bedded Than I'm sleepin, ati' am nae suner wauken than I'm uu. Aid I've nae time hie enjoy maseP avy . . Yorkshire Post, 1 MAN NOT ALLOWED TO ' DISPOSE OF HIS BODY Is Property of Relatives Once He Is Dead and Must be Buried If They Say So LONDON, Oct. Under; Fnuliidi onimoii law a man may. leave hi properly Id whom he will but hi body be cannot di-poe of a it become the properly of hi relative at hi death'. A recent cae occureJ here whicji illulraled (be point. A man directed In hi will: "my body will be given lo one of tin London hospital, preferably King' Oolh'ge Hopit,al, for anatomical ue providing that when il i finished with it shall be cremated and. the abe cal to Hie wind." A relative, however. Uia claimed the body for burial in the family grave, and buriel therefore it will be. The claic inlance i that of a generation ago, when a body of London medical men coif cerned for the dearth of tiuhjert for dieclion in the medical echooln formed themelve into a li ineiiibcr underlak- reamer 1'riuc- llupert for Vio-ircicl lllg 111 Ills will UJ n-atc "i" U"u for dieetiun. Xol one body, however, went lo the school, because they were all buried b) relative. ATTEMPT MADE TO ENTER HEILBRONER , STORE FROM REAR i An atti'inpt was made last evening to forcibly enter Max lleilbroner jewelry store from the rear. At 7.30. before the night watch:. lan arrived, Mr. lleilbroner was sitting alone in bis workshop when he heard the door leing tried, lie immediately tightened up all the fasten ings and the would-be breaker ceninr when the li-t of prizej,m. ?nu. a ;hmc xvtiiclt looseu- winn.-r will Ih announced. dKr from il hiciies. Hy I this time Mr. lleilbroner had Dance for the benefit of a sick' a re0lver which he keeps Norwegian In Metropote Hall ilt m... .i...i. rr nrti vmrpnri4 Saturday night. Llndseth's or chestra. Refreshments. Come and help a good cause. 2 5H Lieut. F. It. (SoW. H.C.N.V.IL, who has len hrre for the at Mek on naval reserve business, will return to Ksipiimalt on the steamer Prince Hupert tomorrow morning. n.nd stood waiting for lii visitor should he persist in breaking in. In the meantime, a call was sent for the police and, by the time Scrg-ant McHllnchy had arrived, the intruder had de camped. OLD MR. CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE "After taking Adleiika I feet better than for years. At my age (CO il i ideal so different from other medicines." signed W. W. Carter. Adlerika is a simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., which re moves HAS in ten minute and often bring surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that. full. bloated feeling. Hriugs out old waste-matter you never thought was iu your system, excellent for chronic constipation. Urines Limited, Druggists. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dighy Island Foggy, calm; barometer, 30. IS; temperature. 18; dense seawards; 11 p.m. spoke steamer Prince Hupert left Prince Hupert 10 p.m. northbound; 11 a. in. spoke steamer Mogul, Anyox for Vancouver, at 8 p. hi. t83 miles from Vancouver. 1 Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.22; temperature, 3D; sea smooth. Hull HarlMir Cloudy, strong mirth vvinirt barometer, 30.17; temperature, 5t; moderate swell: S p.m. spoke tug Pacific Mn-nc'i abeam iNoble Island southbound: 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome. IvVo miles south of Cape Caution bound fur Heaver Cove. Noon Dwby Island Foggy, calm; Uiiromeler. 30,10; temperature. ; dense seawards. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.2 1; tempera lit re, 15; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Cloudy, fresh northwest wind; barometer, 30.- 18; temperature, 51 ' frrs All shoes arc easilu anuivu witn ThtandardisvaI(Kj Ctvnjbodukiwsi ihcajimTit Compare the cjuantidj PACK THRtfF Fred Stork, M.P. Liberal Candidate respectfully solicits Your Vote and Influence at the forthcoming Dominion Election on Thursday, October 29 Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT IDiI PRINCE CHARLES uitl Iravr PRINCE RUPERT rr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami mtertiKSlUt Jtim ttrh FRIDAY at 8 a.m. and SUNDAY, 11 p-m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART ami ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES fur STEWART, SATURDAY, 10 p m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fortnightly rr VANCOUVER tla QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tictpt Sunday II:3U a.m. for , PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, all IX'"" tasti-rn caunla. I u'tMl Stair-. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlca, S2S Third A, Prlnca Ruptrt. Phona 260 UcatuoianT Vacific vVaaiurarX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far inctiiU.1, fHANOU, JU.SUO. SUCWAT Far TAXCOMl. YICT0R1A ui StATTU OriiW 9. 19. 30 Octilrr 13. 23. Nanalcr 3 IS. TmCfSS KATUCE For Butadata, 8anaon Bay, Eait Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla. Namu, Alart Bay, Campbtll Rlttr, and Vancouiar aiary Saturday 11 a.m. Aoancy (or all Staamthlp Llnaa. Full Information from . W. C. ORCHARD Oantral. Agant. Cxrnar of 4th Straat and 3rd Atanua, Prlnca Rur-rt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing truiu I'rince Rupert, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon 8a, and Atari Bay, Tuatday, S P.M. ' ,'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIKPSON and Naaa RUar Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. I2S Znd Atanui. . Barnalay, AtanL rnm, aupvt. B.a swell; 10.15 a.m. spoiv.' steamer Catula near Swanson Hay HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert . 11. 11. Petler, H. S. McLeod, II. L Mailland, II. W. Hunt, C. Carmichael, and D. C. Mackay, Vancouver; Hustacu T. Cuckrell, North Vancouver; H. II. Pontlfer, Montreal: K. T. Kennev. Ter- moderatejrace: A. (iiHMleiiough, Smilbers; S. H. Senkspeil, New llazcltou; Mrs. P. K. Wilson, AUeyne Wright and Philip H. Wilson, Prince lleorgc; Mr. and Mrs.. K.i L. llobertson, Calgary; Mrs. T.! Hall, Salvus l-Uist; W. 11. Oal- l brail h, Port Ksstugton; AY. Mur iiJ". city. Central ' J. A. MaeNeill and n. J. Henry, I. jN.lt.; S. C. Anficht, Ynucbuver: II. J. Drown, Port Kssihglon. Advertie in the Daily News. 'ART' Clothes Overcoats to measure Steve King Third Ave. Green 85 i