This advertfeement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of RritUh Columbia. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - HRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince 'Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEX, Managing Editor. the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.0.0 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and theUnited States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page'. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Males on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 S8 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received suhject to approval. ., Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday. August 20, 1925. Mines at Stewart Very Encouraging The fuel that the' Premier (Wild .Mining Company is spend ing a lof o-f money on addition-, and improvements tn their piaui is an indication of the permanence Of the ramp. Tbo company will now be in a position tn handle twice as much ore as formerly and the result will be the employment of more men and' general industrial .improvement there. The action1 of the Premier" will encourage oilier concerns (o fprot-eed with more development work in order to put their 'mines on a producing basis. The Dimwell people have nlreody raised a good deal of money to proceed wilh the inslallaftoii of shipping facilitie? and it should spun be ono-of. (he sjeiidy producing, mines of the district. The fact that the slock ts almost all. owned in Hrilish t .oi ii m hi a is very eilcouraging. There, should be no difficulty;. in placing it on. a paying basis and H.IJ. people will in that easu reap the benefit. Many Congratulations On Stand Taken. The Daily News has been the recipient of many cougralii-1 latum on the stand laken in regard lb itinerant stock vendors. People who have purchased similar turks in the past and who see the folly of their actions 'are among lhoe who would like, to ee others protected. It u n great mistake to trust money wilh strangers, even though they bring with them authority to collect. Pulling money mid Purland Uatiar mines is a good speculation. Pulling it into eastern industrials is not even a speculation. It pure idiocy. Robbers Do Not Like Thought Of The Lash. , Tbo law uliows Hie application, or tbo lasli In those who take lo violence. One or Hie bank robbers who helped gel away wijlifthujool from the Hiiyal Hank hi Xanaimo, is to be given twenly daiiesi; . This Is a. class tij ji'uiii.-bmeiit (hat the robbers dji not like. They have no objection to erviug u term in prison nerause uiuy olleiilivu(bellj;r jiujail lliail lhe$ do outside. Hut to have the lash uppIieHiotlbeliiiack is i different tale. it is II. n ....I. I i.. ' i in- "fiiij ii-.u iiiMerreiii in crime.. Plenty Of Sport Plenty of sport is promised for Ihe forthcoming big lair Plenty of sport is promised for ihe forth coming big'fair winch opens a week from Tuesday. There will be a number of visaing iiaseliall and football loams ami matches will be played every day giving visitors plenty lo eo in Ihe way of fport. Home or. these games are likely lo be closely contested anil should prove good drawing em-jlor those who enjoy them. Hard To Classify Churches On Radio. Those Who have formed n habit of 'listening: in on Die radio say they have found it difficult to distinguish one church ironi another wiien they Helen in on Ihe services which are being broadcasted. They suddenly burst in at the middle of the prayer or the sermon or Ihe singing and lislon until-the announcement is made. They say thai when they do this llicy can seldom tell until llu announcement is made what denomination the church is. As a matter of fact the difference in religions beliefs are more imaginary than real. E. H. Shoekley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 'Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machines for Ihe manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock, Save handling charges by buying direct from Ihe source of supply. NATIVE MUSEUM John -Shop and Show Place at His I House ' Probably the first Indian' museum in Hie country lias been, Jcslabbshed al KiLwanga by John It.nkiiiiz. it naiii of Ilia! nlace. bis house into a show place for tourists. He has on sale Indian basket. -spoons, photographs ami other things thai tourists like to buy,, but besides that he has Jots of masks nlil Indian curios -nnil implement of the chie as welljsmok,,r s copies nf the famous Keene.! Harlan I. Smith, Dominion archeologisl, who came in from there yesterday, encourages the Kitwaiiga peojile to make use of their resources in this lin, to clean up their village ami make it attractive to the visitors, this incidentally while be is lookinK after flic perpetuating of the totems which at that place like most oilier, have -gone to decay. Anything to do with the Indians or with natural history interests Mr. Smith. He ha -sent out a number of requests for information regarding Indian" markings face ami symbol in the fashion of the coast Indian painted on the rock with a terra eolta color ed pabi, A local Indian told me it used to mark a land boundary between two tribes. PATTULLO TELLS OF Prince Iluperl, the metropolis of Northern Hrilish Columbia, i piaking steady progress, acrord- lii to Hon. T. I). PaMullo, minister of laiuls, who arrived from the Xnrlh Tuesday, says the Vancouver Province. "All that Prince Iluperl now needs to give it new iiupclu i power or manufacturing purposes," said Mr. paltullo. "The district- has all the necessary re-f sources of agriculture, timber.', fishiivg and mining, and rail ami water transportation. What i now required i power for manu- farluriug 'purposes, is simuly a ..II.... ... lit ...rrf.t..1 i.. have all done well, and when condition are compared wilh condition in oilier portion of the world they believe that llieir ho si a nappy one. reopie can bulh niako money ami live ilndcr nibsl pleasltig ennditions. "Adjacent lo Prince Iluperl (here are hundred of nook and bay that are delightful lo Ihe eye, wilh Ihe best or fishing and limiting on the fliasl. In tbo PRINCE RUPERT HAS SMALL FIRE LOSSES City Occupies Enviable Position In Report of Tire Marshals 'for Province Cli dliwae-k. Oranbrnok. Ferine,' Iki'luwna, Ladysmtih. Merrill, Xa-j inainio. iXew Westminster. Xcirtli A T lITUf A MP A ' A,i"M",,i' PfrtHJovpiitlam. Port Al-; A I III I W A 111 A ewi.-Port 'Mpody. Prince "wise.' iA 1UI eelstoke. ttooiand. Pinion . , j Arm. VdttcitvivVr. VtiiMin ni1 Vit-, Laknltz Establishes CurJo, , ,,., m;,iiy of which r much s-maller eitie. than I'i iihm IlnpfKj in point of population. I Hi.' I.s in U'riiK'' Hupert fire, district. IntalliiiK i2."L wns smaller than infill l lie other HM teen fire district of I ho province willi the exception r Ilan'llnn4imlj who lias tinned the Trout room ofKl'ortP, r Ihe reports fshi ws that of the .1.082 fire in liie .i-..vince duftnir the, year 2iU wen- auwl by sparks from Imniieys. Chief other causes of fire. were defective chimneys. iouro and earelossm'ss. The Man in the Moon ."AYSi- 1 I THKHK are siiitis of a difference between Chinese and llnl-ish in Prince ltuierf. A colli, sicui took plane yi-stt-nlay be-'tween a CIrinauiMii s delivery car null the city fire wagon. NHVKJt Jail fin- a telephone girl. She ha your number. I 1 1 1 1 1 that women ran driv motor fti.s a well n men. If and recently received a letlewl -were a woman I'd send a guy from . II. .McUtllum eonlaining the following paragraph: "I have come across one rase of Indian markings on the rooks at mile Ul.U on this division of jhe .f...N. Haihvay. It. fk about fifty feet from the tracK on a rock bluff on the north side and t easily found. II consists of to Hie torn u he eon til not .ar anything belter than thatv aboii! me. "I.IFF. is a gaiiibol," the skittish old man. declared WO.MKX supply Ihe men, the perspiration nn l Lgirls Hie worry. THE hand that moves the ara-dle rocks the' wrorid, and Uie ncks are big and ooHie thick and fast. I KXOW a pretty romtniil li'iloraoher. bill t know it 1. ACTIVITIES HERE " - "r pmii , or eollipetetll. Says There is New Spirit In this ; City People Making Their Homes Here Now WK'ltK live "out a funny people. We win-re Hie je begins. AX investor i one who wants five per cent dividend. A sucker is one who looks for twenty per cent liut never gel U. WHAT drive from really help an aut is having ilii-i'et jon ealle ! the bai-k seal. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 29, 1915. Hon. Dr. I; II. Voung. minister of education and member of Ho- matter of gelling a sufficient In- "egisiaiure r.-i Allln, will be a illal load to start Hie undertaking P-engcr g-mg throngh on the and lo Ibis end Ihe citizen are ' r,n" " umiorrow moni now bending their every effort. "There is a new spirit in Prince Iluperl. Where formerly many who went in did so with the idea or eventually moving elsewhere, ing bound b.r Telegraph Oreok. vMr. and Mrs. D. U, Mellae an I family are on a vnenUnn trip to Ralirornia. Writing here. Mr. the contrary opinion is now held.' Mcl,,U! f Hie splendid :nn- I'hose who came in Ihe early days n,MUn '"InbH at the Panama Pacific Imposition inan Diego. old-llniers of Prince Jtjiperl, will early days Ihe government placed Ihe trench, s. a reserve on practically all government lands adjacent lo Prince Iluperl. The residents are now asking that these lauds be offered for sale as they are desirous of purchasing suburban homes in Ihe numerous beauty spots. ')l. Diklflj-Aildelllowe and tieorg'c-jfLeek. three w-i.ll fJoitllry, nounfry. or ine uid where niey win enter military service. Mr. Shoekley will do bis share in making muniiiotis, (teorge Leek expecl to Join ihe Army Service tlorps while Mr. Howe' nbleelive HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. K. Lang, Lois Mason, l-'ln Mylmg, :t, rjry.uo, lUtlUn nrnwn, Mr. Hichard.on. Hid. i ... . aiuson twins ami draco Taylor ihiiwuc. jiosion Joy Habes; W. H. Hucknall. Mr. and Mrs. H. McArlbur and family, Thomas Adair, II. C. t;bb, D. I'. Davhl-son and II. Hycr. Vancouver; Mr. and Mr. W. II. Korscult, Mrs. Sabine, Mr. and Mrs. J". K. Halls and James (lleason and sou. Winniiioir. sIi.m m mi t'ei-lmii. II,.. .l.nti.l,.i,i .ir..n ' '" " ui'iii'.iiisn .Marian sillier and M I Mil clly gets or II fficicnl flrn1Clnrk..OeorBnintt-n miii-. t'. dcparlmenl possesses nr perhaps both are laclors in the en-vlable position Prince Rupert hold rrom' n Are slandpoinl. The annual report ot Ihe provincial rire marshal, which has .- ruiin, .ill. mill .Mrs. II. n. linihani. Oaluarv: Mi ami Mrs. s. Xolllngham, Los AngMes; M, w. Hrakenbury, Pilnian; Harlan I. Smith, Olla-wa; Waller .1. Kills, Xmv York t'Hy; S. X. Chrlsllan. John Hover just made its appenratiee shows, and A. Smitu port I'dward- r thai during the year IU21 the cilv Arkell. Tenure. ' surrcred the mnll loss of fI..H5. iron ire o the 3 i clly niml-' Alex Mir,ainf( and Ram Mo- tiimiiiien in me province, there ran, clly Mrs AV (Ann ! I . I J I i " "iii' mo-ii Mint nn, greater .ir ami Mm K Seberk loss tlian They were por' l.arl 8 Mulder, tiweden msm -- Distributors for - ; K9L9RED -L -r'' Li '.m' NURSE INSTALLED AS INSTRUCTOR FOR i SALVATIONARMY WORK Lieut. Kenney Formally Given Charqe of Young People'a Activities In City Lat night taff I'.aplain Car-rut hers of the Salvation Annv installed I.iful. Kenney a instructor for Hie young eope'. ctiilie here. Mis Kenney li. been here three w-ek and will, nation. Packer, inlands to apply L'irobauly be continued here dur- for a lease of the following do ing the wittier eon. she is a! ncribed land: ' ix-adiiHle nure from liraee Hu1 Comineneiug at a not planted pital. Wiimipeir. and ha had at the northwest corner of Lot .'our year miK-rience in yountr.ieti. riratiam bland. HrUish people work. Her ie. il ereir0umbla, about one and a half will he the flirt litmrrt and oih-jmile east of MaMtt LishttiQuso eis eoiierted with the Salvation at thr mouth of Mawett Inlet. Army activities. (Iraham Inland. ItrHlah Gultim- iipiain i.arrumers reiuni to bia: I hence northeriv five chain. fWrartgi'll on Monday after eom- ideling an iniieiion trip. BATTALION ORDERS ylly Lleiit.-Colon- J. V. NieUolU, Officer 'oniinnnding. 11 Hn. Xwrth -U.C. Ilegl. JOtnd Ha. C.K.F.) IlegimeHtal shotd for oix-i-ial priie. Sunday, Aug0t .10. at MacMehnll Oeek mure. Fiml boat al in a Jn. All member are reiueted to altend I In snoot. Applieation are invited In fill vaeaneie in Ihe ndlnwinv er- t inn : MgnalliiiR Ibahl vaeaneie mr Mznaiier. s..MTlal eoiir will be " eimdiieted duriiiK the winter iMiion. .Macnine iun several varan- cie for uiaehine gunner. Train ing conuneiMje on reinrn of in lroctor from Sarew ('amp. , Atnhtilanee lour aeanele open for instruction in pirl rtld course eiindueled by Major Tre- mayne, i;.a..m.i;. Ilerruil attested at the Arni- nury a! 8 p.m. Tw .U and Tliursilay evening. S. D. JOIIXSTOX, Major and Adjutant Alld. 1st Hn. N.II.O. hegt. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He cording District of Prince Ilu perl, and situate at llooney Point, (Iniham Island, Hrilish i.olutJibin. lake Xotlco Hint Lnngara Fishing A Packing Company Limited, of Maxell, H.O., occu pation Paekcrs. Intends to apply for a lease of the following. described lauds: Commencing at o post planted at llooney Point, , Oraham Islnnd, fi-in.i r.t iirmsii uoiumma; uionce northerly five chains, more or less, lo low water mark; thence westerly along low wulor mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred ami sixty! Chains, more or less, to point ofl commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LAXOAIIA FISHING & PACKLVnl PACKING t:0. LTD. LAND ACT Notice or Intention to Lease Land Applicant. i'er is. u Simpson, Agent .Dalcd June 18th. 1025. Apply to In Queen Charlotte Land n0-cordlng District of Prince nnd situate about one and a nan mnes. east of I JL'lllliniltlM nt II. .. II., fiiuiuiii isianu, Columbin S. Valpy and TAKF XOTJCi: that Lnffn. Fishing & Packing i'u, or Victoria, more at less to low water mark; ! hence westerly, along tow waler mark one humlrl and sixty tjhatna; thence noutherly five attain; lhanee easterly one hundred and ixty chain, more or !, to point of commencement, awl containing xslgbty acre, mpro or Ie. IXGAItA ITSHLVh fii I'ACKIXU CO. LTD.. ApplleanL ! Per V.. H. Slmpon. Aent.s Dated June toth. IBM. i LAND ACT notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He-' ordlug District of Prince Tin-1 lri ano siiuaie aooui two miles in n northerly direction from llooney Point. Ma sett Inlet. Oraham Island, Ilritlh Columbia. Take Xolfce that Lnngara ' Kkhlng & Packing Company " AmU, of MassetL H.C occu-J patlon Packers, intends to apply, I Tor a lease of (he following de-jl scribed lands Commencing al a post planted two miles In a northerly direction from llooney PoinL Mnselt In-i let, Graham Island, Hrilish Col-; utnbla; thence ealerly, flvoi chains, more or less, to low' water mark; thence northerly; along low walcr mark one hun-' Ired and Uy chains; thence westerly five, chains; thence' southerly one hundred and sixty ehMns, more or loss, lo point of ! eomjnenccmeuL and containing1 eighty ncres, more or loss. LAXO AIIA FISH UNO .V PACKING PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant Per K. II. Simpson, Agent Dalcd June 31 It. 1025. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply' to Lease Land In Land Iteeordlng District nf Prince Hupert. and slluato at Ferguson Hay, .Massctt Inlet, Q.C. Islands, H.C. Take Xollco that flose-.(ll- lerd, I.imlled. of Vancouver, H.C. occupation Salmon Canners, Intends lo apply for a lense of Hie following described lands: Commencing at n post planted approximately 20 chains oast1 from northwest comer Lot 1571 ;j Ihoncc south 3 chains; thencci west ift chains; Ihcnco south 2 chains; thence west in chains lo west boundary or Lot 1571; thenco soulh 8 chains; thence west lo clinlns; thence north 20j chains; thence cast 2 chains,! more or Jess, lo beach; thence, following meandering of shnra' Hno to point of commencement,) A? iU1'1 C0ll'"lff 22 acres, more: nOR8K.Mir.LKIU), LTD, Applloant, Por Wm. 0. Mitchell, i oucu Dalcd June ?ntti insR. Agent Sltlrjiil', ,tWi f T lrl ' EE 3HINGLE3I Agents for Prince Rupert Spru:e Mills Spruce Shiplap, ,$15.00 per Af Cedar V-Joht Double Check Cedar iRustic Cedar Channel Ruitic Cedar Boat Lumber Albert & McCaffery Ld. Phones 116 and 117 4. mm CH- C.A , virnuyPBr 'oinjpndvoii fthif HlttftrjW -nowes . ...... TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Dlack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHDY, Man. Dir. NigM PhcnM ew Cr. Mt Black 7B Kindling! Wli.-t, . Vitiitlliv y lluii '! d' tA lii a In rr ' vs Ihe he II,. Bsf! Dry Kiln Dried WooJ'! Slioiibl . j , . till ynii '' Fulltcjl 5G.O0 or nicety IM boniln G for 91.00. Our Taxi to rAMrmd- i ServH"' ft n yM u our Will use (hem . S0 I our charge -i "all the ilw Dray altendetl i. i Stand 345 Third Aft. Also Seat Co The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co, Phones; 13, 111. Big Ileuifil'i! S. Fall Millinery Coats and Dresses Including French Beaded Dresses In the Latest shades Mr, lb-ill h.-ed from n Inn invite your " Hie lute. I in !h Modr Bent's Third Ave. Phone 651 Assortment of Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, etc., at reasonaitl I"1''1 West of England Store Phono 753.