PAOU rooa tud.y BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus Golfed 1 " - ill i a.NJ i- -oxtuu TM-K.tN' Yd - , COM& J fa Ever mo amnth(mc. . 2) will always TO NOO ACOOT taste better rsevt-u. KMowb . wweiH hnw or h or TO CO HOMg . IT -"SI creamed with vv ii iriaVni ilfl Canada "From Contented Cows" I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" o oflen you hoar Hint-remark. Jt is only because those people who make it, have had their fill of waxes, nils and chpap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try CI Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Slain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Ilepairltig. Class and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Ford Coupe . . . . $400,00 Ford Kedan .... S500.00 Ford Truck. . . . $20O..0O Chevrolet Ilelvy.. $300.00 Terms if desired. See the Ford Marine Motor at our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. Cartage, Warehousing, and blstribuliriK. Team or Motor Service, final, Rund and fl ravel. We Specialize In Plane and Furniture Moving. 4 Ceorge It. Tile was referee. 0S25 by Int l FcatIwc Sewvict. Inc. DARKNESS PREVENTED FINISH OF BALL GAME Sons of Canada and Gyros Met Last Night Latter Lost Through Not Being Given Their Bats Willi the(ivr.s still having tlii-ir hats to come, the baseball match last night with the Soils of i-anada was called on account f d.trkness after the first of the fifth innincr with the seorpstand-ing J to 5 in favor of the Sons. The (iyros had led pretty well all the way until the fifth when Dan idstone's ami gave out and he was replaced liy Tulloeh off whom Ihe Sons put fvc runs in the semi- darkness in which it was prac tically imiiossible In field, diet Shenkler pitched for the Sons. The score by innings was as follows: 12 313 i Sims of Canada.. 2 0 0 0 5 7; fiyro ('In 1 1 .10 1 TRAPSHOOTING Pete Rofvlk Was H'qh Scorer at Park Avenue Range Last Evenlnn Scores as follows were 'made; at Ihe weekly Irapshnnl of the Prince llupert Cun Club on tlir Park Avenue range last evening? P. Horvik 21 J. Lackey tf ' J. Keefe : 7 I). Stork 17 J. W. Scolt If. J. Harn.ey f, Sport Chat g n There will be ah inlenlalional flavor to the speed boat races to lie hehl in Del roil September 5-i in I'onnecl ion wit It the annual lietroit regatta. T. A. (".large, French challenger, will have an enlry for the Hritish Internal ional (llarrhsworth trophy The forthcoming race will be the I lurid-nth contest for the treas ured symbol of motor supremacy uiiirli vsii originally otfered by tin' lat known as Sir Arthur llarms-worlh. It will he the second race in American waters for the trophy which has; been held fie limes in Hfitisli waters once, in Frenrh water, nnce off Queens land lri'landkaniLihe oilier times ill nw,-il 'II. ..Knonnl .......I.Vi ... ,, i-nuiii vlll III q iTi'iird for the race is held by (iarfii'ld Wood of New York who brought the trophy to America in it.20, The time was 80.507 miles per hour. 1 The Ilrilish are alioul lo adopt Ihe American custom of charg ing adnllsstoh lo walch irnlf championships. They do not like to have to do il, for it means the passing of another of their traditions. F.veryoue interested in Ihe game realize, however, (lint something nuisl be done to restrict Ihe sie of the swarthing crowds m ( ,lhe xdiamiiinnship courses, crowds which In recent years have increased from n few hundred lo unwards of 30.000.! of whom a great many In their eawerness to nee everything pos-' sible forget all nhoul elhpielte. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. MlniiY tm.wii . tii..inM 'fresh soiillieasl wind: haromeler. .iu.uj; leinperalure, 53; sea rough. t)KAD TllKK POINT llaining. light sotilheRst wind:'l; leinperalure, r,; (.a rhonnv HfLL HAllllon -Cloudy, calm; liaromelcr. 300: lempernture, f7 llirlil aii'oll a ir. ..... ....i.. .'tug Lome three mdea south of I I'ine Island, houiid for Powell lllver. Noon DKJHY ISLAND llafning, with strong soulheasj wind; fiaroine-ler, i9.l8; temperature, 50; sea rough. , DKAD TMlli I'OINT Raining, light soulheast Wind; barometer, 2V.U.1; temperature, 55; sen choppy; 8:30 a.m., spake steamer Prince John passing nut northbound. HULL llAUIIOIt-Parl elttinty. cnlm; barometer. 30.10; tell I per-. alure, fil); light swell. RECOGNITION GIVEN TO MRS. HENNING, SR. Round of Entertainments During Week at Which She Was Guest of Honor t ., I terniHin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. Moore, Fifth Avenue Knst, by Mrs. Morrissey as at fansell to Mrs. Helming, Sr., wh is leaving t&o city on Monday,' wtlh rr son lo ride in Chicago. This was Bne of a scrips of gatherings held ilurina the week for Mrs. Kenning, wtiosc. dennrliirv is mueh regret - leF by a very large circle of friendst Mrs. Ilenning has residett IH the city a long, lime ami has dauc 1.'oJ ()f liet public service. During the war she worked hard on llJ.e lied Cross committees and laler was an active nymtier of the Hospital Auxiliary, especially during Hie lime the nurses' home was heina: erected. Outside ef these organ ized activities it is pointed out by her friends that she has been ever ready In aid any worthy caiii-e or to help anyone who wis sick or in need. WHIST AND CRIBBAGE ST. ANDREW'S ROOMS Ladles' Auxiliary Is Responsible For Enjoyable Evening at Cards The Ladies' Auxiliary of the St. Aii.1rftv's .S...'i(; held a whU! Lord Xorthcliffe ll,en!a.n, cri,'l'a drive at ll.e soci ety's rooms last nighl, which was well attended and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. (i eorge Abbott was convenor of the I'otiuiilllco i it cliarSe, and sho was allied by Mrs.-.Janies Slnlp- wson, Mrs. John Murray, MM. iJack- McKiM'Jinle. and Jlri? Vcorge Scot). .1. S. SIiiiiisoii look tick els at the door. Winners of the prizes were: , Whist First, Mrs. Win. Anderson. . Consolation, MM. J. Field. First men's, .1. McLean. Consolation, V. Anderson. Crlbbage "Firs.l, Mrs. lien- Delgarno. Coiisolalinh, Mrs. Smilh. Men's firsl, A. O. Franks. Consolation, Hen Di'lgnrno, Uefreshiiii'iils were served at Ihe close by the ladles. VdvcrUse in 'i DnilV News JDn'ncc tbt$t mm TbROhlTO III Contra of Shopplno and Dusihess District 2V) hobMS VR ilh Prlv,!, BttM BUklMLANlLAN WIH.Itt 1 HOMMQH. yiMo MM. hniiiiununu'KKUirttmtmiitttiiiJti NATIVE SONS HAVE HAZELTON ASSEMBLY Officers Elected at Recent Meet' ina. with T. H. Walsh President hast Saturday night an A semidy of tti Native Sons of Canada was in-lilutwl at Ifniel ion anil tjie tiny are now away lo a goo.) atari, says the Omi- neca Herald. A leam c;nne up from Terrace and installed the officers. .Among the visitors were: H. T. K-nirey, J. M. Hall. A. C. Toombs, J. II. Smitli. J. II. I.ever, Teil 'jolmslon, T. J. Kirk-lialrick, J. H. oiing. W. A. Kirk-pal rick. The following officers were elected and installed: President: T. It. First Viee-Pret.: DoneJI. Second Viee-Pres derson. Walsh. A. Hoy Mn- ; W. W. An- Sergeant-at-Anns: Ppter Car rigan. Chaplain: llev. A. C. PtHiml. Secretary: t:. II. Wrinch. Treasurer: Clyde Hunt. Inside (iuaru: W. Larmer. ( tut side ( in. n d : Iter! Cox. Historian: I it. Q.x. CANADIANS LANDED MOST HALIBUT TODAY Fares ThlsMornlrtg ToUlled 142,003 Pounds of Which 65,000 Pounds Was From American v Boats Halibut ntfftral marketed here this, morning folalled 142,000 pounds, four American boals landing 05,000 pounds and six Canadians, 7T,Sfl pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Senator, 2iMNW pound, at 10.2c and 5e, Ut the inadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Ilainter, 25,000 pounds, at I0.3r and 5r, lo the I tooth Fisheries Co. - Valorous, 8.OQ0 . pounds, at !2.3r and , and fay, t.500 pounds, at I tr and 7c, lo the Pacific. Fisheries. Canadian Livingstone 11,-20.000 pounds at 1 0.0c ami e, and Scrub. 17,- 000 pmimK at 1 1.8c and 7e, to the Canadian Ftsh & Cffhl Stor ' age l. . i i Dolphin 11, tQrt, IVP',lf. title immI ?r; AIM, 15.000 pound,. .it IO.Cc ,,ii. I ftc, and Selma. II, 000 pound -. at tic nnd 7c, lo Ihe Atlin Fifhi'Hes. N. ami .. 5,01)0 iMiunds, at tO.Rc and to the lloyal Fish i'.onilany. NEW GRAIN SEASON OPENS MUCH BETTER THAN DID LAST YEAR WINNIPI l, Aug. i'J. Willi an even half million Ini-lii'K of grain loaded on t .niaillan National line during the week of Angus) 21 lo inelusiw, the grain movement tor 1025 i now In-ginning Id gel niiiler way, ii'dcordlng to the Can ulinii Nuii nal railways officials hero. Duruiu' i he week 005,000 hush pIh wen marketed on Canadian N ii t mil a i r .linst 127,00(1 bushels in the sam ltl weri' last yead. Thai ' period of ISI2I. Load- :i'J) oars against 25 1 VVantetl For Sale For Rent Bill SALK Upholstering and furniture repairing done on Ihe premises by expert workmen. Let us ruote you on repairing your old furniture. Ileasonable prices. Call and Inspect our workshop. Furniture hought, sold and exchanged. Agents for the PHK-Mlfclt HANftK. Prince Rupert Kxchanye. Phone 52. tf Foil SALi:, No. I Timotliy Hay sr,.iMi per ton F.O.I I. Smith-era. Loaded immediately upon receipt of wire and shipped C.O.D. subject to inspection. Kvery bale guaranteed. Haled straw llt.00 F.O.It. SmHhers. Can he seen in wsrebouse on Ihe track a' Smllhers. Chapman & Chapman, Sinilhers. FOIl SALK AT TF.RIIAUR. ll.U Five roomed house, well fin ished; living room 22 x 24, fireplace; three bedrooms Ml x 12 and hig kitchen; I acres with fruit trees eight years old; the minutes from station and post office. Apply Mrs. F. T. rinss. Terrace, H.C. FOIl SALK. Two No. 5 Under wood typewriters, one with all the latest attachments. The typewriter you will eventually buy. ADDHKKSOUttAPH with stencil for prices only. Apply P.O. Ilnx 270, city or telephone Mine 105. FOIl SALK. Al Anyox. 0R0 speedy runabout "Kagle;" 26 x 0; 80 h p. Peerless four rf-Itiular engine as gnol as new. Apply Cap'ain Nedden, har' "(Jraneo," Anyox. H.C. 203 FOIl SALK. Cheap. Contents of completely furnished rooming house, o on! I business oiitwr turtlly. toefytlitng In first class eondilioti. , Miss Carson, ,218 .Syyftmt.yVEep.He, . It FOIl RAt.K Ort HKN'T. Seven roomed fully modem house $750 Player piano Tor 500 with 30 music rolls. Apply Mrs. Atkins, Pltnhe 23R. If FOIl SLK. Fully emiipped res laiirnul nl Port Cleiueuls al n snap' price. Owner has other Interests. Wrllo Itox 270. Daily News. tf TO RENT FOIl HUNT. Pianos, player piano, pholiogrnphs and sew ing machines. Walker' Musin Hliire. tf FOIl nK.'t.---Ywn room furnish ed apartment by day, week or month. Phone lied C07. It FOIl KKN'tV Mndeh. house, live rooms and halji. Munro Pros FOIl IIF.NT. Clapp npnrlment Weslenliaver Urns. - if against 7(iJ nrs with rilry elevalors are InihusheU last ynr. lnsnectioiiH hi'ller shapi. for the receplion nurturing Ihe week were .'III ears this y.-n: rp than last year Is against 208 in the wtrrBspond-mdicai.'d ny Ihe fact that lolaljiiLg week of l'jvt. Deliveries of raln i (lle or the finadlan.jgriiln by the Cnnadlan Nnllonnl National lnit. on Augusl 27 was from August I lo Angilst 2ij hnvi. r. I himhels ngalnsl 0t7,000 been 20rt Mrs. Iiuslielh ;i-i year. Since Angilsll ' ' ' ; 1. when il,. (rrain season opened.' Miss Catherine Newell 0" Fv 83'' r(,r ''otilaining 1.1 10,000 ercft. Wash .. , ttv RIK.S, (r Ml, bushcla imife hcen loaded as u W . Nier ion, lifth vcnue ffll iv. sjr R;'tr- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE Foil SAl.F.. IHning room niiles, bedroom suite. Chesterfield ' suites, ranans, stoves, betj linen, towels, window blinds. iniaiti .inioieiiin anu nriiiirei linolemnni lounges, chair. ChiiTionieres, Dressers. steads, mattresses and springs, Dining tables, kitrhen tattles, table oilcloth. A. Murkengie, Furniture House. Phone 775. WAKTCB .N I I'll j m li.'iii.' offeri'd lo Public or liili Sfliool girl in return for light service. Mi. H. o. p. ii. It. .v 705, Prince ili.-rj. Hi'.. .'o;i WAN TKD Kvpeneneed hoik- kep r, lpls ami general office ilcrk wants position.-Itox 271, Dally News. 201 HnUSF.KKF.PHIl wanled for young family al Alice Arm. Apply Itox 26&. Dnily New oitlcc. -t- WANTKD - A small furnished! house Ity Sepl. .'il. ncjir ele-.ilor. ll-iv '.'7.'. Daily Nems. WANI'K.D. Ueneral ervanl. Ap ply Mr. Hesner. .tii.'t rourih Ave. Kji. If WANTF.D. llain dressmnkln. Ilaaaonalde rale. 718. Iraer Street. If fMiY WANTKD. Apply Hot 2. Daily mw oflHM. BOARD HOAIID The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. HO A It D and lloom or Hoard only. Phone Red 707. LOST LOST. Near lloepiUI la I Mon day atterttemt, gray hat with initials in Inatdt fcmJ. Kinder pleae Phone Itlack SIS. tf TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call (leorge, Paul or (lust) 3peeial and 7 imssenger Stnile-- haker-4 at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Arross Kmpre-N Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Pi. Di.t 177 Baggage. Furniture Movlna. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Ilox C'JQ FURNITURE. New anil Secondhand Furnl ure Store. We Hoy. Sell and Kx- ehauge New and Sec mid hand Ooods. QUO. PAHADOPULIS, 39 Third Ave. Phoie fitfl. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Slewart visit Keith's Cnta in King Kdwanl Hotel , now rn-mmlellcd. Up-to-date Dining loom and Lunch Cannier BOB KEITH - Manager. COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Colnmbin Ileeords - no scratching. Finest ro-prodiiclions of lalesl Fox Trols, Rungs and Insl rumen lal music by world famed artists. Call In nnd hear Ihein. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue PntNCE RUPERT TIDES Sunday, Aunust 0 High ... 10:57 a.m. Ifl.n fl 22:.H p.m. 10.7 " Low .. . I :.'l(5 a.iii. I.I " 10:12 ti.m. 7.7 " Monday, August 31 High II:IH a.m. Irt.l ft. 23:11 p. hi. 20.7 Lmv 5:32 a.m. 2.8 1 17: It p.m. 0..1 Tuesday, September 1 lli; h ?:3t p.m. ID I a l ow 0 ' I a. in, I 7 18 30 p.m. 5.0 Articlfi Lot M WATXS SOTICt Olifrt :n r uM ik: N.. i in Ulvtl i..l. ln i" V . -i,ii. i WIN iH4t I... 4f "I I. .. tr. ..... '.IJ.M I ' 4 h, . t .frli. I,, .-t Ii. ml.. I Ik i Krnt .1. ll.JIIM. UKm .1 1 lonr, rau n iM lr tuiliw. i tr r IIm Hi.-.i su. ft, ana win i- . m l(v i.l. . via Mrt fii i Mh irtmiirt .4. ii.. liti. a rut.t .,r ii ,llrl.4i (awrl.tlil t'. . v ikr i. iii . rnw it ih wiit (NJtMIH In llr . Sllh lk Nl Wil twin Hm v '. IWI iU all. r Oil. Ii. In UI ).l Mir flNI l in. ;tt. u, i.l l Wtlh . Mini' IH I LAND CT aika UUMImi I Ulail ksillrll I ...! " M eckiii( .j i i I vumih, a .-. . tut anrnbfd U'.i wMtlh tir ,.f riji' v ttut, ii imn lr SMlt. twain. I nuns: Mm mi. i i In .riafl is rtm- mmiHi i-Mirars i rfeai. .. sal; Ma ne ti '. f".a nim . ait t'-r w LAM) ACT Natka at laltnllon la A1 W l"" is rrmr hhimti i r nnon ihr mmiih r vi, rhain Ix.rlh tr Sernr Indian lir T1f?5tiTlcr IM' ' .4I. nt yiMrtl. Urn ll parkrr ml. n.l- n if lllr MIi (lis !' (HHiriM'ln at i . rhalM m.rlh " nf Imtlan tiewn thrnrr ikirlhrrlt thrlirr Mlowinr "Mm In a !'' x.llllWly S rlMMiv i rlMlna. In Im.iiiI jVMlUlfllftt IS rrr". ti' PaiM Jiirt- Jllh. 'fl , ..J In Hi" I j nA H in liuri. aist -il'. V.H1H1 ri'Vi- "n alNHil is iiiil- ' TAkK Nolli l On" 1 Villi, l.lmltml '.r i linn IhihImt nirfii' i ' Milt rnl" iertin low lllg ibrlllml I" 1 I MhllWO" ltl Hi ' flMlM IHltllKTlt I'"'" ncf i U.I i.l?.. IH"" rilli m.rilirrlt ; llini' IV; llll'MM- III I'M'ii-ilillnt v.r"rrlv I" I WM, (nit n .tiKlnms '"""'riuNCt: luTihT niii ntiii ih In l-rinrr liurrrl !"" ( i MMfTlT ilirwii- . 'I It, a iiiarfc.i rf Id Hm fi Wart. Uin mi. alnnt !. ili it SSMII Win I v i. r. ' frr VViHr I . . im USO CT, all ' lalaallM u e u la Us Uad a..r.i -. t. nar. 4 . . , ' tlti t stii r. i"i v ' . air Slrasr. ..f Sum. Msmxl man SlMtMl ! ptlfrtli" ' rrttwtf Un - ,4 ' J , . i LAND ACT ...I,. .1 1.. U Ap."t " 1 ''"'"'i'V ivy r t" . Nattea ot Inlantlo" W " . I ana. . . ft. ' liuirin r rniiM' N, n it slianiion H " . (I I I.lali.l 1 ' .v ''. '-"... .i..i .nit ,j TAKF. OTIi.r ", . ' , Slrnnr. nf smins-i" , ,'r Miiiifh nun. inii'iHi stun In Hrrhss lt i.ii.i.i . , H T Cr.nilnrnrlnr il I'"" " , , V (Hllll Jilf. wfl. I"' ,' , ! "L w.iilUeM ciirhor ' ' 1 ..hi " Zf sniiiii so i-nm: "Ir" ' . ,'if V rniinwhit niranifrrinr Hr...'.hiim I1 ' i'l r " "! ..( mnw or " 'Ir jas, wi DUid uly Ttb. S.M (I. " IIP PPP WW-