Liurdar August 20, 1925. Highland jnen Note Paper WHEN YOU REPLY TO A LETTER. OR . INVITATION Yt:: friend will admire your taste if votir slatiotierv is . ..rerl smart, new. . HIGHLAND LINEN is irreproac hably i:!r t'il Hie smartest shades of color Violet, OM Hose' dre l""1' ""J White ami with deckle edge in grCy and while. ClNimaul 65c. per box T I: v the right 1 1 im-t ..-k i..r HIGHLAND LINEN (r W ll.l i- , l.rtliT. , Crane's Kid Finish $1.35 box FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MONTH END CLEAN UP WICKER FURNITURE 1 only Scttco at hail price 525.00 1 only High Back Chair 50.00 Library Table ut 520.70, 535.00 .md 533.70 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phono 123. One Door F..i-i U.nly N Oilut' Why Does labor Day Come on Monday? P',"ln . Hi.' fit t Monday in , - h i.-ii.iw wl... ,. iv .I ' , ,i .i,i,.ir ii I h . :giKrtnuiit to help his f With Ihe Monday wiishii --h and decided to declare a Imli. lay. HOUSEWIVES WHO USE OUR "SOFT-FINISH" SERVICE tunc 52 such holidays every year. Soli finish docs all the u hing. dries ever? thing and imih tin' flat work. Only a little light ironing for yon to do. Soft-Finish 7c. per lb. 1o per pleco. Minimum charge 51.25. IANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phono 8. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert "TCIimN, WRANCELL, JUNEAU. JKtCWAY Atl I 10. 17, 21. 28. 31 P VANCOUVER. VICTORIA an. SEATTLE A.M 5. . . 15. 22. 2 l'" BiuB.MOe-.n Al.rt Bay. 8w'"" "V. CMI Fall.. K . c"pb,l mr. and Vantoutr a,ar Saturday 11 a.m. tncy for all Staamahlp Llnta Full Information from W. O, ORCHARD Otnaral Aganl. Ccrnar of 4th Slra.t and 3rd Anonua, .Prlnca Rupart, B.o. Local and Personal 0M- Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phono 078. If two cars at your service. Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. If For Hie busy man or woman. a Drown car saves money. Phono 80. ir we event or tno season Dulklcy Valley Fair at Smilhers, September 3 and !. , Dr. A. II. Dayne. formerly of this city, has decided to onen a dentist office in Prince George. ileopi'iiiiifj sent. I. studio of Danjo, Mandolin and Guitar, llaila S. Dry ant, 112 Fourth Avenue West. 201 Westholme Tonight The Bostonlans In High-Class Vau (Jcvllle with Mrs. Wallace Held In "Broken Laws." 201 M. E. Ferriera, who lias resid ! iii'ii- for the past five mouths, is now clerk at the Prince lieorge Hotel at Prince George Stewart s Orchestra of Kin eolith, will play Ihe latest dance music and own compositions, iu Hosloti Hall during l air Week 202 hnighls of Pythias Wilis Drue and Dance, Monday, Au aust at, 8.30 p.m., Iloslon Hall i. ills 75e: Ladies 50c. F.very IhxIv welcome. 202 Prince lUipcrl's great hinter land will be on display at the lliilkli-y Valley Fair Smillif r- September 3 and 1. See it ami nun out lor yourself. Miss Mattel Westenhaver has arrive in the city frojn Call forma to pay au extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Weslenhaver, Second Ave nue. Charles Booking, general man ager of the Oranby Co., arrived in Ihe city from tb I last on last night's train and proceeded to Anyox on the leamr Prince ltuierl. It. C. I Hack, a Saskatchewan (IriiKKist licentiate and brother of inoige II. Dlack, general man ajjer of Ihe British Columbia Lumberman, Vancouver, is a fis iinr in ibe city, having arrived from the south on tbe Prince llupert yesterday morning. Mr. Dlack is thinking of locating in the relail business in tins dis trie I. At a bridge aud dance in honor of her guests, Mrs. (Dr.) TaiL Prinee llupert. Mis. Geo. Little of Terrace and her sister. Mrs. Kincaid. Seattle, Mrs. O. Hanson entertained a large number of rrieiitl from town, at her Lake Kathlyn home on Wednesday evening. The early part of the evening was pleasantly passed at linage, m winch the prise win ners were Mrs. J. P. Kirkpatrick mil Mi. Olias lleid. anil F. Oek-leshaw and J. U. Turner. Excel-kill lvfrr-liuii-iils were followed lv daneiii.'. Interior News. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kuinlils or Pythias Whist Drive und Dance, August 31. Dulklcy Valley Fair at Smith-ers, September 3 ami t. Diiptisl Church Ladies' Aid llazniir, November 20. St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Ilazaur, December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid llaaar. December 4. If Troubled With Diarrhoea YOU SHOULD USC IT WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT RELIEF DAILY rTRWi THB PAGM THR1H! Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafo of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Rreakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Hcfreshments Our Specialty is Home Made ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Ilelail. You will bo pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLASfi CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 131. if When hack from the holidays try Valei.tin Dairy. Phone 057 t' Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorne of this city, hare been visiting in Prince George. D. Duchan was fined $25 iu the city police court ths moin ng for intoxication. Our low rales' have been an outstanding suecess and we shall continue on Into basis. Drown Taxi. Phone 80.. tf Sister M. Clara of St. Joseph's Academy is sailing tomorrow morning on tho. Princess Mary for Vancouver. W. Wong. Cbiuese. was fined 5 in the city police court this morning for driving a motor vc-iiit-le without a license. Westholme, Monday, Musical Eckardls. Special children's matinee at 3 p.m. Admission: Adults 75c, children 25c M. E. J'rendergast of the Ilail- way Matl Service sailed this morning on Ihe Catala for Van-jomer,, where ho. will spend a vacation. - ; George Kimball, charged with having liquor in his possession for unlawful purposes, was fined ?50 in the city- police court thi morning. A 5,000 stock of French Kvening Gowns, Afternoon Dresses and Wraps will be here until .Monday. We invite your inspection. Universal Trading Co. 201 W. J. PiUman, Mis. Pittman iiid family, formerly , of Prince llupert but now ;nf Prinee ieorge,' has-just retincd to his home after a five months' auto trip to Vancouver and vicinity. . I'rince llupert people-' wishing to make themselves acmiainted with the resources of tlto interior cannot do better than yiil the Dulklcy Valley a the time of the fair on September 3 and 4. St. Andrew's Anglican Wo men s Auxiliary will hold a Tea and Sale of Home (looking and Fancy Articles at the homo ot Mrs. J. C. McLennan, The Ce dars. Harden Street, on Wednes day afternoon from 3 Jo 0. F. E. Halls, head uf the con tracting firm of Gnrter-llalls- Aldinger Co., Lid., arrived in the cily on last night's train to pay i visit of inspection Jo the work on the elevator contract here. He Is accompanied on tbe trip by Mrs. Halls and they' are regis tered nt the Prince llupert Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. McR. Young were the guests of honor at a surprise party at which Mrs. 11. A. Carney was hostess nt Prince George. The occasion was a surprise visit, of Mrs. Young's sister, Mrs. Van Houteu of New York, who plans to remain until Christmas. Mr. Young has gone! lo utletid the eonenliou of the! bar association iu Winnipeg. Entries for the Hock Drilling, ami Wood Chopping Contests elose ou the evening of Sept. l.i Unless there are at least fivoj entries in the double-hand drill-! Ing contest and sufficient entries' in bolh of the oilier contests,! This valuable preparation has been Ibese- ileitis will be omitted from On tllQ market for this lM. r-iirtitv vnar .M.inld I,,..,,.....,,. 1 ......I .... I , ,1 - mi iimi tun. l.uiill I'll-' ,ri- ".""!; l-rlmenH; ! '.ManuUrturrd only by The T. Mil. positively close at midnight on burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. ept. 5. I Church Notices J Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning service, at 1 1 o'clock. Subject: "The Winsotnencss of Christ." Evening worship at 7.30 o'clock. Subject: "The Discour aged Joy." Good singing and addresses that will iulcrcsl you. must cordial invitation to all. United Church The Church of Service. Pas tor, Hcv. G. G. Hacker. Deaconess, Miss Isabel Haddock. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock. Topic: "Why I Am Not Afraid to Die." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Topic: "Climbing by Hard Knocks." Ilev. Hacker will be the speaker at .both services. The Salvation Army Hear Staff Cap!, and Mrs. Carrulhers this week-end. Services full of song, .testimony, prayer and helpful scriptural talks. Saturday 8.15 p.m. Sun day 1 1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Pub- tic meetings every Wednesday and Thursday 8 p.m. Young people's work. A perfect hive of happiness (includes all agesi. Sunday' 2.30, Tuesday 7.30 p.m..' Hoy Scouts. Friday 7.30 p.m., Girl Guards. A hearty invitation to all. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 11 o'clock Subject: "The Importance of the Kingdom of God." Evening wor ship at 7.30 o'clock. Subject: "llroken Vows." Preacher, llev. II. II. Grant, D.D. A hearty welcome is extended to strangers. Mrs. A. Couture and family are sailing tonight on the Prince llupert for Vancouver, where they will spend the winter. C.X.H. steamer Prince John. Capl. E. Mabbs, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, is due iir port Monday morning. steamer Princess Ena, Capl. W. Palmer, after loading freight here, cleared at 8 o'clock this morning for Vancouver via cannery points. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A Johnstone, southbound from Skeena and Naas river points to Vancouver, was in port from 11:30 lo 12 o'clock this morn tag. .... , r.. v James Gorman, C.X.H. and dining car superintend ent from Winnipeg, arrived (n the city on last nights train ami will sail tonight on the Prince llupert for Vancouver. Col. Leader, retired Imperial Army officer now making his home at Duncan, Vancouver Is land, is a passenger making the round trip north on the steamer Princess Mary this week. Dr. II. G. Williamson of Na- naimo, who has been engaged in research work iu this district for Ihe biological board iii connection with the lagging of salmon, is returning south on the Prince II u perl tonight. W. 11. Meelter, who is connected with the Northwestern llailway at Sioux City, Iowa, arrived in the city on last night's train from Ihe East and will spend a week, here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meeker, Meeker Hloek. Power boat Spey. skippered by II; K. l.ambly, arrived in port yesterday arternoon from Lewis Island, having on board Miss Hernice Hoss, liperl Hoss and the Misses Enyd and Megan Morris, who have been spending the summer vacation, at the Lanibly ranch. SALT LAKES SERYICE Launch "23" will leave the Prince llupert lloalhouso on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days eery hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. i PlllNCE fit PERT HOATHOUSK1 Phone 381. SsMOND b SAWS o.i IB (.r i in i id 1 Machine Knivgs I They tay sharp longer I V . ..... .M.H. a.u. " .-.- . 1 'IN? ONTIAl ' Vn ! Ijl tOUVt TOM,NTQ tt. hhi.ii.!, I1P Th ru OS Lv. SEATTLE .... Ar. PORTLAND . . Lv. PORTLAND .. Ar, DENVER Ar. KANSAS CITY . ervice STANDARD PULLMANS DAILY SEATTLE to KANSAS CITY, DENVER i Making Close Connections tq i ' . East and Southwest 11.15 p.m. . 9. 15 a.m. 1st day . 9.35 a.m. 1st day . 10.15 n.mJ 3rd day 8.45 a.m. 4 Ih day- Try the Union Pacific System Going or Returning. Good Meals. Courteous Employees. Double Track The UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Union Station, Seattle, 1405 4th Avenue Two Candy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers Tender Jelly Patties in Mint aud assorted Fruit Flavors at 40c lb. Purest Milk Chocolate Three kinds: Plain Milk, l'eamit Milk, aud Almond and Filbert Milk, at 50c lb. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones' 82 and 200 Films developed and printed for amateurs. Mail orders have prompt attention. SPECIAL : TRAIN " ' --: v to " Telkwa Barbecue, Sept. 7 Standard Sleeping Cars and Day Coaches Leaves Prince Rupert 11:39 p.m. Sep. 0 Arrive Telkwa 8:39 a.m. Sept. 7 Returning Leave Telkwa 11:39 p.m. Sep. 7 Arrive Prince Rupert 8:39 a.m. Sep. 8 Stops made at ail stations en route. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP. Make Your Reservations Early. C.N.R. Ticket Office . - - Third Avenue. Or Local Agent at Your Station. II COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Bailings from Prince Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, at i.99 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at 0.09 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, i.99 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands und Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE FRINCS RUPERT OAILV Sunday 1 1.30 a A. tor I'rlure Oeorce, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poiuli Est;ru Canada. Unlltd sutea. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcl OfUca, S2S Third A, Prlnc Rup.rl. Phona 280. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Satanr trum frlnce Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bat. and Al.rt Bay, Tuaaday, S P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 19 A.M For ANYOX, ALIOS ARM, (TEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT BIMPSON and Naaa Rliar Canntrtta, Friday A.M. I2S 2nd Ataituo. i. Barnalay, AatnL Prlnoo Rua.rA, B O LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzcll Hulehcr Bhup, across from Iho Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor saw aaMBBI