AQ15 SIX " TEE DATLT We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Qiir Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Last Call for PRESERVING PEACHES Gel your requirement?. while they last Pearlies, per crale. $2.00 Prunes, per crate.. 51.45 Barllelt Pears for preserving, per box. $3.00 Hating Pears, per case $3.75 Hating Apples, 3 lbs. 25c Hating Apples jK?r box $3.50 Cooking Apples, box $2.50 Mussallem's 417, 423-5th Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 'Dem P.O. Box 23S. ers Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phono 27. DANCING i At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. I'ieco Orchestra. 1 Daiiro 10c 3 for 25c Free Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgor&on Block, Prlnco Ruport, B.C. Offices Hours J to 0. X-Ray Service Phono 68G. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday livening Phone 200 Richard Garrett representing W. Hi M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising In Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals .1 FRENCH CONSERVATIVES PLAN NEW LEADER WHO MAY REPLACE MEIGHEN KlttlOXTON, Aug. 2U- A spc- cial despatch to Ihe Journal says: The latest contribution to political discussion is Ihe an nounceinent in the French press of .Montreal of a strong movement tp -inducc Hon. E U. Pale.- naude In re-enler jiolijicsjnd lane tiie direction or an Independent Conservative party jn Quebec , , . The purpose as- outlined would he lo renounce the 'leadership' of Mr. Mcigliea aud io appeal-to the province on a protecUonjst 'policy. Incidentally afch lieuten ants as Messrs. Monty, Hefley and Fauleaux, would be supplanted. Tl is slafcd that a very large delegation -is shortly to wait upon Mr. Tatenaude and urge him to accept leadership of Ihe new movement, which he is exfiecled to do. V 1. Polilical speculation continues as lo the dale of the election, but as lo'llie probabililyvthat,parlia- menl is to bo dissolved- little donnl is displayed.t.. Likewise I fie Nolle ot Inltntlon to Apply to Lt Land In Casslar 1-an-l DItr1L npcortllnr DM- trlct Prince Itopert, B.C., and situate north I liurtiMi oty. I'urtiaiui ctiui. 4 TAkE MiTICK that the Cauadlan Fish- Injr Co. Ltd., or Vancouter, li.C, ocrupa-Hon, Sainton Canners, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the follow ln de scribed lands: Commenrinr at a Dost Minted at Dim water mark, 100 yards soult) or Indian Mnoke bouses; thenre northeast tit In in; thrnre rniitheasl one hundred and iweuty chains; thence southwest to shore linn one chain: thenre northwest follow mr the shore line to point or riimcnre- meni. one nurmrea ana twenty enams, ani i-ontalnlna iwelte arr, more or less. THE CAAniA.I FISHING Ol. LTU, Dated anth Ma. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Loaa Lanl In Prince Hupert Land iiernrdinr Dlstrle or Prince linpert, and situate at Ye talton Bay.-Masi.ett Inlet. TAkK MiTI'.E that Kurene II. SlmpsolU or Massrti, it. i... occupatirai raniierynisn. inn-iids in apply ror a lease or uie ror lowlnr descrilMHl Limfe. Phrenology MAY LEE, Ihn great lady phrenologist from Jerusalem, will rad your head like ait open. book. She will tell you all about your past and present. Don't miss this great op-porluntiy. 820 Third Avenue West. HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Go. Third Avfnue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. Prevent Summer Headaches and Summer Neuralgia Don't get out of sorts in hot'weather. Regulate your system -" and keep your blood stream pure by taking the famous fruit medicine "FRUIT-A-TIViS" The FnAt tonlo laxative oral. Hospital recovering from an npcrafiun toliowitrg an injury to her ool. HAZELTON -.Tlw. .lUtriol ir!i viiil.l .. ill. nn' dlazeltou and .New llazellon there roninicnclni; at a poM planted about, i II p wilh her sisters, Mrs. James w uiaili?'irrijr mull lilt" .i.e.. njnirr M',,..., I.. , t i t . , .r Lot isso, itanire s, coast insirici: luruuull and Mrs. Anderson Ihenre esl six chains; thence north three chain, more or less, to hlrh water mark; Ibence easterly" aloha him water mark ta point of roinmeiirrnienl, and ronutninir I acres, more or les. ELCE.XE II. SIMPSON. Piled Hrd Illlv. (S. LANO ACT. nLj I -i; Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Leaaa Land In Skpplia llinr - I iiiH l.i.irlt n.. AppllcanLj Rupert,. B.C., and situate uo yard's north wt ...iurr nrifir. t'earMi isiann. H.c. i i .tciiii mat tne luinadlan Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, B.C Sallnrm t'mnnftm lnl.1 in . .ni. Notlca of Intsntloa to Apply to Purchat for permission to lease I be follow Inr de- In Skeena flanre 4 Un1 Rerortllns: nis-l Commencinr at a tmst nlmiMi i hirh trlct of Prtnrt. Riinrt SI C. mntt altnal! wstpp tnarlr in f..t r..., M. . . u Haystack Island, south of Wiles Island, line; thence east one chain: thence north i "'lie nnoqrra ana twenty chains: Itirnr TAKE SOTICE thai th Canadian Fln- est to shore line on rhun- ifi, in Inr Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver, B.C.. oerun j a southerly direction rollowlni Uie shre ion. Salmon Canners. Import's to atn-iyl line to t-olnt or eommpneelTipfil ind pt. or i--niiiti'in iu purciiae ine louowina; laiiiuipr iwpirn acrea. netre or less. nerriDco inns: Coinmenrinr at a post planted at hlrh water mark on west shore of lla-stark Island: thence north seen chain; itwnce eat seven chains; thence south Wood! Wood! Now is your chance, 'dry cedar l ull load $6.00 Hair load $3.00 Large sacks ... .. . .. 50o DRY BIRCH I'er load ... ... . . $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. THE CAVUHVN HSIIIMl C'. LTU inifi iih mi its LAND ACT. seven chains; thence west seven chains,! Notice of Inltntlon to Apply to Purchaaa and rontilnlnr rive acres, more or less. Land. THE CAXsMA FISIIINO CO LTD In the Und Rerorilinr Mslrtcl (rf I'Hnce Hated tfnd Var ltiiirrt. and Mtuale at lllr Fall Creek . whirh flows into ErMall Hlver alemt - 1 1 miles mail Its lixmih. i TAkE MllCE Ihit Cllflon V. Kiel or ,i-riii. i HiiH-i i, ji.i... .KTupitHKi Imntx-r- I man, liueivds to apply ror pernilanion to ; ' purrliaee the rolltiwinir deschlieil laixls. Miiincormr at a t"t planted at the ftfilllhwi.itt riirfij .C f ,.t r.1l fi.n. rA... Ihence il) chains mitherly;' Ihenre ti riuin westerly; tnenee ) chains northerly ; thenre . n chains easterly to point or r.,iiiiiirnrriiHiit, arid cirtitalninr aerea. more or leas. C. P. IllFL. Applicant. Pa led Awausi 4th, n, LANO ACT. In tlw tillo UikI IHstrlrl or Caaotar. TAkK MiTICK that I, Ellpblet rotter, or Sew York. S.Y., U.S.A.. occm palliHi hri.ker, Intends to atply ror ,-r illusion to pnrrliaee tlie Pillowlnr de srrlhed latwls: '.oiiiiiicn.lnr al a post planted alxwt 0 rh.Hi south of llarlnv's point m the west ide r tsmii Lake, about ele ulh or tlw lukon tioiitidary Ifiw- thrnre Wi -I in riuin-, tlH'llii nurlh 40 chains; iienre eani an u.iiu; tliem-e snutherl) follow Inr alonr tin- hnre line of TaifMi Lake U. (i nil or , iiiimeiiri-iiirut. -aid pared ' ' iitalimir o rr-- moi' or lcs tUI'III.ET MTT I'OTTKH. Applicant. I il Law Mm, ArenL Pal' il A':-:ift tbtll, IV; CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO PLVMOUTH-CHCRBOURa-LONOON As'aula sept, It oct, tu. ,or. 7 AhWula Sept IV. on I?. o. 14 Au.-inia .. Sept. o-t. y, ,t,v. fl I TO LIVERPOOL Alaunla . Sri. I. 4 Auranla .. Sept. II TO OLASOOW. -saliirula eepi. i, ort. Atheiiia sent. 1 1 Letitu . . Sept. ii FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL t ariiilliis srpl r. I arotila .. Sept. I i:aiinania .Srni. tv Kraiimiila . . Sept. ye IU tniHIVUKa AND tOUTHAMPTON aqillUlila Srpl, . 30, Oct. 1i Heretiirarla Sept. r,. Oct. 7, ja Mann'laiila .. .-pt . on. 11. .ov. ( TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW Tiisi'anla -nl :. 1 imrronia Sept. l Callfnrnla. fi. IS Transvlvanla. .Sep. ti 1U ruT-IUUTn-CM.HBOURO-LONDON . l annila . . ept, r, Mhanin ., sept, 11 TO PLYM0UTH-CHERBOUR0-HAMBURQ Andanla .. Sept. 6. oet, 10. Mov II FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL SryUila Srpl, s Samaria Sept It Money order and drafts at lowest rates Full Information from Arents or ?j Company, orricea, ea luamn 8t, W Vancouver, B.C. Waterfront Whiffs continued from page fie cently aoiuireil 'stud' over die jumps in readiness for Fair Week. j Tugboat P.U.T.. Capt. Harris Kerr, returned from (icorgc- town on. Wednesday morning with a scow load of lumber for the Big Hay Co.'s yard. I A new ti h.p. Palmer engine arrive .' I his week consigned lo AkerherK-Thomson for iustalh-i tor iiic winter. Hob Krlzxcll is installing a 00 h.p. Hmmerson enttlnn in early W last week. Around ' Ue ,boal Miss IU,l,crl ' l ... 'v..., .r'.t.. Sooth HerVl!..., .,n.i,I..P...I.I "T Hll spew! iri.H i.-ii-inuil I - lirifhl-u IVCUI l-inuri - " .-.i..".. "" -'Uuil but no dale has been particu larly discussed. It would depend upon the time required by, the election bureau to get ready. Thef prime minister in hfs speech on epl. 5 is expected to foreshad ow dissolution, but. not toVan use ise wds was done ! to gardens but at Week. may crop up duriu? Fair was a fuj whlcii relieved the cold.' . . , r ...,.n i.. NN line in r port this week tin? f ?i'.,.,.ii.,,. i. I, UlMVVUPft I IIOll!ll- Mltti - 1 nounce any dale for an elcction.,prT,cipllaUon for twenly-four hours uti record locally. Mrs. Hubert McCarthy is a pa-i -1 hent in ihe Prince Hupert (ien- Sljchael I.auzon, Hie first while LAND ACT. joined later by her sons, Mitchell and Tom, who will altend school there.' . .lay afteron- 1,5 of ram I wrk doc ou ii-ii; Mf rt- mis uuiu mo Heaviest lilson. er had repair :urdy. t Molars and "Monks" "Doc." tilapperlon came off the denial dry dock on Tbtirwlay r,?.K K,lranga', 11,6,1 Mon,,a-(ful new sel of molars. I,c. it apcl sevenly. , j, wi ,tlauurae u 'ew : fashion in face trimmitigs . ... -tiid Mrs. ai t xi i l.b. Marshall left for iuletuh lo we haf uu ancvuyer where she will be .,ri, .i,..,.-.! ,fr LAND ACT. onltKikers a better iew of his lunch finders. ( Hy the way; did y0o hear Ihe i ii... ...... ii... ii.. i Miw hia Olbsnnot. Merrill and er., cireUj ani,liaI,. S'hm Ihe Miss It. Oibson or l'enticton are cp.h. boat Oiler arrivesl. dis-visnllnu with their sister, MUs K.'umj as a niiniature ark bav-(.ibson or Hie Hnzellnn Hospital itlg uboard pome, mules, poals, nursins staff. rjdofrs, tn-ars an.1 monkeys, Mr. Illuller was tearful lest the ani-, Alex A. Oonnon will leave next, mals caujhl eold and asked luesday for l'rince ltUNrl where i)oc jf he coubt put them inside lie has acrepled a posiliun on the tltc jioernmerit shed until starf of F. 0. Uawson & Co., Lid. Imorning. Of eaiue gmxl bearl-; ed Doc agreed.. but soon wished jayiii - oi i.nwary is vmi- n iiadn l. Just as Jie itwl to bed Ihe animals seemed lo be trying lo start a war and sleep was out of Ilia question. 'Quickly donning some clolhes Doc marched downstairs and inlo Iho shed there to find that one of the monkeys had managed In prab the tail of a dog in the raxo next door, which lo show its resentment had in lunt taken a firm mouthful of brother dog. After several unsuccessful at tempt to loosen the monkey's hold of the do's tail !oc had a brain wave. CoiUiix on his hands and knees he pulled several wry faces at Ihe monk, and that did the trick. The monk, quickly let go of the dog's (ail and slunk bak into the corner of his ease blinking as much as lo sav "I'll promie 'o be good if you'll quit the funny faces." Sieve Ilidley of Kilkatln was forced lo put into port ibis week aboard bis power boat Kay, hav ing stripped his camshaft and crankshaft ffar. This trouble was fixed al (be Akerbers- TIioiiisoii shops and Sieve left on ;i'uesday lo continue his seining operation- fur Ihe Summer- villc cannery. Capt. Julius 'Johnson, owner and skipper of the powor boat ll.ily, arrited in port on Tuesday from I'orl INsliiglmi lo have a Manzrll nutiniuilic oil feeder in stalled. Cap Is risbing on the Skeena river. t:apl. Waller Oreen of Port Suiiion was an arrival In noil tin week lo have new iilon ring and a new cross head nin fixed on Ills i-nstnc. Power boat . Proieel Park, lender lo the Vn1laco lliherien, wan hi, nor! tUU week for minor repair work. (iy luliei'l.x of Port Sliiipon in having a new 0 h.p. Vivian engine insluilfd in liU trolling boat Condon which in Hearing completion on Ihe Cow Hay. Creek wayn. The new craft ia 20 ft. long, 7 fl. fl in. beam and hai a ilrnfl or J fl. 0 Iim. Foxes Doing Well Andy .Vph. who wilh hit liroihrrs m running a blue fox farm on N. Maud, Kilkalla Panxnge. arrived' in port on Thursday after a three monllia v. to 'he fur farm, Andy Knallf mil at hem. 1 pwk thre lbM. KsM al U Ib41c lerrs, r r)t t 3L 'AUJ'A A CO, M Ttaspre Jtt, TimM, OpI. Ihjn in Capt. lid. Paulson! i trolling boat. Kd. arrived instates, thai tins year lhe;fartn port on Wednesday,,a!l l"H"n enrlr-hr.1 by the. r- from .orth Island and llinnn mal '! milliner or young where he .has been fishing h:iif,," ,wo sfparaie litter of j season, and the installation ,ijleveif . pups being liiplu-led.' the new engine will be made w,,irn rbn4dered very stood' immediately. When Ihe einrine 'returns' a mum; tin farmers.' has t n installed Can is miinitiThe clonal siuw to be udiulr down to ihe llarnard Cove floating cannery to add to his slake D" WATSONS StoUT Builds Up Your Health Hbly adapted tor lyt raising and Andy is very satfsfiff vitli Hie manner in which things arc go-' ing. INCREASE FINES TO ' AUTOMOBILE SPEEDERS VlcTolUA. Aug .'J. "I am' goiiiK to tin r'ase all fines against tlinc persons who ' a v oouvlrlcd ft driving aiitoniobll'W lo the eonmin ilangei." mid Mxg-j Mtrnte (o-rge J, tallowing lite cwiivictiou of tvio drivers in 'be Provincial Police tUmrt. "Fast' driving aliyig the, hixliwny,' which are of leti enough crowdii) villi. n:ir. i. IU...K. I,. tA.,1 In. I ious accident and eke so sjfor for tb thr die (he the a of the aeiieral public offpnd- cm will be proeculea and dealt wllli more sevfirty unless speed lag slot.' j 1 LAND ACT. j Nolle of IsUatlen to Aplf U PurchaM Laed. Is Ur Ijtwi Hervmina IM.irict of pritK' itaitiert. a a pi rO" f Lot, leat four 11.. K4iie rtr (i ,i Cssul Utstrtet. Ta k 1. KiiTirt: ibt rni-eir. iuniid' Of rrlnre Rupert, BJT. . lortrhaMa. imeswli w tvy lor prmttawkm purrhtMi thr rBOossliur drwribrd Ian: I tWWeitrlBa' al a IxiM bhaterf al Die aueUsraat rc.mer of Kit tstettt) rur l . Iiate fl5 (ii. 1 .nasi Iilslrlel: thenre, south ttiA-ly two cluiin, tinmrm forty rhJlh- Ih-nre n-.rlh Mfht rhalB. 1 hsire or less, pi hi ah staler mark. IbentV otUwasl tUmi Mfk waler maik t laMnt. of fts)tMremeiil. aixl roouinlnr elahti, acres, inorr r l rHILL-'S UUITFIi. i ApoO'lul 1 iMhsf vau. nth. .tK tm. ; LAND ACT. Notlca ef lntrtliate Appli U Pwrchait Land. la 11m I41IMI Imrnrdinr IHstrKI r I'nnre nupasri. ana Mluau al toe iwmiiii i.I if Falls i:rtk which flo tutu ihe Kcetall aiver aUl I a toilrs rruroj lie 1 aoulii. , TtkH Mltlr.C ttul Jokn t Slnllta of PrUtc HmvrL M l... orciuull Ksmtiee i (HirriM v tne rntttxaina: dei-rlliI Umu iMMBencinr al a t.l pfMetl al the soheel cortier or I Ml; lUllle frutr. Ihesire ! cImIm sau titer It- thmrm hi rhalM wnlerly. mirr or less, pi lit r UN wr: uenre la rhalns Mmlherls: itMice .fa rham. Mlerly. awl MAlalMD o acra. tnore or les. Jo1 A. KM I Til Per r. p. Hie iw shksi 1 1 in. iatt LAND ACT. ApplKaul el. A f-t. Notlca of Inlantlan ta Apl U Laaaa Lae. In Mevna llssta . I ami Insinej. He esjTHK riralnrt Ptlc! niipert. B.r . and annate H mile neih of watea Island i.aMserr. rn waies imM. n.:. TALC MiTK I. thai ihe I .ntdlao trials la a Cn. Lid, or Vancmsef, hi. occntta llnh. MmuM lanwrs. lnU-i.t u appit! fr i-ertm.'ilMi to lease the roitaaAni di riri lamls- 1 Omoetvinr at a post planlesl at hiri' alee mark, near p.rtnt u mil northl rrorn (-mncry on Walea Island ' tlH-n'r north one rha'n: tlx-ore s lenhaiut: llienre south lo shore line one rhsTn. Ihence east foHiiinr the shre line p prtM r r.ninf nrritH-nl, ami nmlalnlnf at aere. more or mi: i:) m. Htimo a, tTi llslrd jaih M. It. LAND ACT. Notlca of Inltntlon to Appli to Laaaa Laos' In Skeena H n re land lustrict. lie eordlnr IHstrlrl prince Imperl. aiet all uaie aHilliest point of Wales Island. TAKK MUK K thai tlie Canadian llh Ilia- .d., or Vancouver. B.r. sireua Ibin, Haltmm (dinners, Inlrnds In applt for permission to lease the folhmlnir de scrllnxl lands: - Comnwnrinr at a r"! flanlet at hlah svaler nnrk on - Miihwrst point on Wales Island. Il.i:.; Ihro.-e no'ih one chain. Ihence eal len i-halns; llienre aoulh ow chain to shore liiw; llienre est alonr shore linn lo ,rn T eotntnenretuent, and rtjlimillliw- "lir srr.-. more '-r f THE 'Ati.tM imilINO CO. LTD. nated tfnd Var. Itfl 0,1 Your Meats and Provisions Cash and Carry Boiling Ileef, ner lb.. . .Qo Pot Ibm-d. ifi- lb I Or, Bound Hleiik, per lb. . ,20o Hlioulder Million, ruiict 22'. lluinorN Maroii- None Beller, per lb. 45o UpJIiver Kggs, fresh, pcnlox 450 OuiiiorV l.nnl. I lb, hrkks 25o ' Phone 178. Bulkley Market (ieo, NV. Kerr, inniuigcr. Satardar, ug:,t sj. 19Jj WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9.00 8aiurday Mallnoo, 3 p.m. The New Juvenile Bostonians l. mler the Ihrc' timi of Mi- -, , In Select Vaudcvlllo Program New 8ongs, Dantei md Comedy Numbers Mrs. Wallace Reid In "Broken Laws" A lompelluig. itrainalo' -lory nf lb' Jhxx iarlie- n Clntliiwi Kc - -waNing ron 1 n lilhi'riiig iiiouiid on the Hlihed i - fliiblit'ii Wrtti-lietl wide-efi fnm the Um- J iiiolher's lover --Uler. hi father drinking i' pilirull) ymiiig aLi iioUinotia nsdlioiie id. iiiatitUtiglitttr Hit sliadnw f tlpn rliair- .1 1 deailing for her son'-, life Ihe awakening . terlHiiinieiit wilh a big moral. Sir. WuII.k ! rule whb'h slamps lier one nf the n.. rh-lci.. Nulableral. Mm. Wallace Held, Percy Marmot, nmv; Wallace, Arthur Hankln, Pat Moore, Jacqueline Stundert, Virginia Lee Corbln, Jane Wray. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission $1.00 and EOc. Matinee 50c and 25c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Oper-tlng O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Piltin makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our dant In eijuiiH'tl tu handle al. kiric's u( MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3Sf SALMON TROLLERS lleforc uiilftldng it will pay ton to iiic' t . t Trulling (iear. Wu li.c n line of Salmon nooan Swivells.'Cuttyhunk and Gear of nil kind In our stork you will find everything yon Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of nil i 1 --- Hull and Coppor Paints, Galley Stoves and UU'UmK If it's fur Ihe boat wc have it. Iloaln nre losl every year by fire -have yon t ' 5 Pyreno Flro Extinguisher yet? We sell Ihem. (jail ami sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Host Office) SAVE Ladies' New Fall Coats One of Ihe motl imorliiil mr"lmi 11 woin;in Ijie rnurip of a year ih her rail coal. Heidi-wo avn riitleiivor lo secure gormeiil-i lha (lie in 111 ti I c ami liuloreil lo till tlie iloiiiiiinl or . !lll. If you liiivo oeniioii to buy your now yon v' 1 n uplcmliil rlfoire here. Ml t Ii o new mIiiiiIi'm at moilerule iric- r -.:;- $15.00 to $65.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. K''iil for lloeiroof Hosiery, Nemo IJoiVe' I1 ';' Meview I'atleniK. Tiiriiliuir rv NValhOii's I "w Areh Uefeinler .Shoes nud Dominion llnhb''