Doings of the Mosquito Fleet svhlch Is the Chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity LNO CT. r'hrlrfhr 1141 'Ki Villrd. Urn r B.i:.. urrnMllMl Ml im) Ui into far jr it l r-' plinlMt oppratl-vr.i. itxHw nr !, tram Ti.r , III! ITU ulll rboHM; ItwSi iwtfv ur kt. . Vttl.lHn IJVIITIJi. AMitlclSt Ptt Win. 0. MilrML AnL WATia rtoTicr. i ine Hiihwett ulioro nr Wales nui. it r luiiiiof i,,..ik .. ... i. iiai ,o- i .r,"F ii"iui iiinmirui: inn !'UVkjW,,,SlJ,.5I! !.'." fr,m' kii ' i.N. VT,,CK Vm Anslo'lirltlsh Cnl h'mivee '"nrmny limited, nf i. .... -j ' l'iion ,si'er. in I !l I I (111 In a r.v.ttl.... t.-.i... I. I rt . I . V"Mk l.lund and true B fn InLiiiil ai.i.1. v fiirii .?!f,.''r!Jf ",,,nr l,lrh wo"" 1. . 1 . Imndreil reel, innre or ilierlL iiMH.,..nwrk,Ml Nft' -E' ,h'M"' rr Li" r nlns, inoie or less, to low ""'"'V liorlliwenyrlv alonif if u'.i-l. ni i'!!"' '?. rrt.v elirtit tiunilnsl feel. le ir 1.. .. i. V " ' ,,,r' l" H"i"'"i I '-uiMlnliir e ii in ., ..'.'i'.'"""1 nr riiiimieneenieni, arret, hu.n. ..r i..a. Ant.n niimsu. cntHMnt PACKINO CO. I.TIV r iv..... AJ,I!,!:" ,i iVk" 'or, Aimi, Seme Waterfront tier wharf under const i-in-f ion w.i'pifrotil hii taken' tfic city can lioal of i rrully unproved np- commercial .buildings second to in n budding stand- few on I he Pacific coast, mg Hip Mounter j l no ono eaji gainsay! Halibut Fishing Itnpeil i, not rnp-j Iaila,t im i.Pll arriving in into her own a;fatTy good nuaniiVie but in if il.Mtliirtion on n,e fon. part r , u,.k 1(rj)vM Ilpsidenl , Uh KxC,,we haxii l,c. ! absent ror f,.w ,(S Iowit than gPner-rciiwrK upon IlifiaMy prevailed last week. . -mnnl and Mi. b. Vftli Hip arrival on Monday of , :v in llic minds of 23 1 .ikio pound n refrigprator : lotiriftl who visit ,.ar ,,i,orlhge devcloperl on Tus- " particularly by ,toy uj,feh neilalH thr .-..iiineiilly grwd American schooner Tnnitv tak-. f Hie city's growth hpr ii.tKKI pound catch to il Wild Hi. Hf-jSil.. The wpek's sale, have (.radically enmplptp, tni m!irjjed j, Canadian boat 1 , f.o.s eohl Mnr-lpjciiiiiy off the bel prii-ps for , '...r plant rapidly second class cthe. (jt V. I ami Hip new Tro-tneday uMy American anil one Canadian boat in with fi litlttl lf 17 0110 r,,.!.... " '" ' iu of l.t.ntlon U Applf to LM Uatf . t lamj IUTr,l. 10 J"l"-i swroi lNiini. e Imin-rt, iitd riMUM j -i -i uf iirititn lolwu , i ' nui. and at spi Arrivals :" ' ana I. iMsnat' .. ,. . . . . vi rrwn Tr c.iui. I rom .Monday unlil yeslPrday nn,m H' foig vhiter in., ami um..,!. x ' xnfu iimm-.i. iihvp tnarkpl catrlte- lid wek. .'"r"t!5"..r,Hrkrrr;ii..l? Aii.Prtciiti--Htft-k. Alia, Ar- u h,h ,,n''- ,SWBn1l:,,u,r;-,e: -:" i . .mi. c nuiMi; fnr, (iUoiy. Alki,, r..t h"Jif?'rf!li V."t Hrisk, A.i!rnt, Uncoln, lamijra. -1 ; ihmw. -HiitK-rij tiiy. lUtrn, llhoi.a. and Im- if... ii. low yttlrr . ... :rrt?T.K:SS:,,h,"SF"",,,r F- lB1m,, H- f rnmHHoriunm. m I crnrfl. l-'isbrr, Alkpit, Ko1m, rniTiin tu?ini !l'ru.iril- A., Jo Itaker, Xan-; v. ktn ' ltiiu , lilu. nM u.t p. iiorrppn anil Wu-r K. Wtlkrr. w i; '.!.!. LAND ACT. inn n.Mrkl of frM iiitlr l Wistwii i ..I-., o.c iNa. nr. S.A. Crpooolpd pilum and oilier hp- t iiiumIm u ppi io pwiiiiii rvssHry hulldina material hav- I ins arrived fur the building of Hip nrw l'rbwp Ilupert Kwvl Go.' wharf, filualPd pI nf Hip YmpIiI Qnti prpiiiiw, the Currie pllp JHpr li eoiHU.PiMwii wfk on Hip drivinir of m!p. (in Monday Hie liiirboat M.T. 3, LTJ.'." . jf" Cant. It. IIWI, flairhip nf Hip i .m.iit iMi4rM( ' fluhby Inwinp flet, low I Hip '.winrMnrnt. tint 'JIM IMIP itrtvpr to war uinni whr il. wilt be upd in t-oii-nitiHH -with lopKiwK HffaHon l.pintr onrriPil nu in Hut dU- Irk-t. u"!- . .-i 'WHIi I.Hhi (f (he Mnrino i.kMK.n r.nT. ir,.liici (io.. Tncomn. was in n!i! rf. 'i. '!Siirrf lwn n Tupsday aeoiiianipd i arm or wri ikituiw ciniy uppral.l il finli reduction t n 'i'r.;.Jii ,HJ' -: planl In Hawk lnll. Alanka, t n,-Mi itmui h flontlnff riltirtnm plnnl nt or:. KPll.ikn. While in the city n.ii-.iir tiHi rmrr ir ami Mrs. I.pbn visilPd with i nhirit , Qwrn ciurMi Mr. and Mrx. (. Hutil.y. i'lii- twillrr toxlrtt on , . lw IMH rtnr Joly. itti.; ,, . . , niiiirii hhI m i.iirtii.iii, a Complicated Time ml i, i.m -w'jikT 'A el,! , ... . . , - i: fiM in iiw. rriw of ii; Cnpl. AIpx. Ilarhe, okipper H 'in .M.hiw JlSSTIl r"i'lh- fond ship MapKiP. a power wtru, it.c. uiihin r,,midiPBlp. coinplaiitls, lias Iippii rlr 'lV ir"i.S',.nlovlnir a vpry Micressful .Pn- WATCa NOTICE. UK llui Moinv If lunrf. If I nrln.-fr Onlil MIiim l.lrt., - i;.lliirrr MIim, .UIIU,! ' r i liienw to ukr aniil rTi t utoihI or viilrr li i' i hirh fliiw WMlrl.v , -Hi T.iri-h Uki iIhwI ln un to dale nut ran up a:uiii a r'pat nnR ove,r last wrpk-end while on a fishinjr trip lo Sh-wallans l,akn. Maaifie has !-' n WATSR ' NOTICE. . n II,. !', W. i"p " h,!lt'".? li. inih ita iSliiir -Mins. AlUn, . , .W"," "V iVi will Im .livpriMl mom to ln-n.l u " ",,T'' V ".i., nmuii olKiut two inll..if -fr,;,.'';,J V, rtw westerly aiul Mil..'. - ..( tlm bl rivnr Inlll ll HlllhT l-OT. '"I". . . I. ,.Tl .1 . . ..... ...... . ...... w ..I l.. ll .llll ' - WATER NOTICE. . ...... .. III. ...P'7".n...:r Jnilneer Hold Mines I .Id.. , ,p.v fi.r a llrenre Mine. Allln. '."ii 'r jen ruble Teet to take and use ,. .r creek whl. h '."LT.i'ir rtS Si tnlfl iNVesI Taku rlnws elrrlv. v and i"i "r1 Te VMpr Arm l't ''ln, ii M Vlreiim at. a tlm will lie illverled f"" about the '"""i n"rat H.lnl M Chliii. .irthein rtneM"" "v, ',1 r,,'llr !,," and will ., '.,'Ve ' i ! Hip l-nirlneer est rm.u I i.pnn the nilno , , ,,,,, Mine. . Tills ""A '.y.' duv of July pllrstion piirw.... .. " - ,,,,,,, ,M nfrlro f A.fJ.'.. .", t?. Vr ef 'it Allln. . HI. fC. or llie a r . , msy De rill'il .Vl.r ., . T wSier "loArr W w.U. m as ... aro.p in Hip cnjriiiP room, a - Alex ,put il, it was comnli. oalpil as drp!iin u bahy with Mihl liatulK. 1 llowpvcr. KViitu- uy tliliijfM yot riuhted a, u,P maritipfi -rHtirnpfi to -Snl Con wMX, JilllP Hip wornt for thpir pxperivnees. ' Mrs. HiiItI AVnrd, n.-com- iwnipd hy her son 'Harry, and a party of friend will leave port pt.rly next month aboard 'heir roaslul' eruiscr Itonana In spend a .two week's vat at in Hip vioiiiily of Welcom A earvo of 100 Inns nf fish meal will O Ipmled .ilmanl Hip I'rincpss Hna ifor Hip soulli oPr -Hip wppJ o'inl from Hip JtUprt Alariufil'roducls plant. Tucks Inlpt. r. WjiilP canvassiiiK on I tin watprfront this week in rin- neplion with tin Fair Hoard, ticket, spllinp eonlrsl, "Miss Atte- Hiip llenriekspn, a fnrmpr Kx- hihitH.n nupen. had Hip misfor- lune lo slip from plank ui'o Uip water in thpsvicinity of the Hunt doek. Willing hands im- tnwlinlHy oxlrrcated her from Hip perilous position and but for a ppxerp wpllimj Hip youn? tady was lit Hp tho worse v. Tor hr unwelcome experienrc J'ower boat leaif P.. fishinc for ilie .New Kupland Fish (. at Hip A'nle Island ciuinery had pump work donp, at llie Aker bWH-Thnmsnn phops while in torl "this wpek. . lUiunch Joy llir.l, dipt. Jack rVkok, bavin: terminaled hpr conlrmcl on lowltiff piles for elevator com st ruction work, is now on tho Mfl.ean ways underjrn-inR n jreneral overhaul and rp-liaiutinp. . Vic ..Markland, -skipppr nnd nwxinr of the trolling boat Cub. who has been IroIIinp in the vicinity of North Island, west of the Oucen Charlottes, .relumed no port tlifs week for supplies. Vic reports thai the (rolling season hns bpen fairly pood in that district. The activities of the Yaehl Club members Ibis week has !ccn confined In swimming parties nt Sail Lakes, livery nfler-noon ami evening boats have bpen pullini,' out for the. popu-ir acijualic rendexvons. Charlie Starr and C. A. Kirk-entlall, of ftsh buying fame, were i(uf to Kbatail.t .l.ake over last week pnd on n fisiiing trip anil brought home a good catch nf trout of various species. Dr. AV. T. Kprgin' power cruiser Funbpnjn 111. Is on tho Mtil.oon ways for a complete ... aiyl vill tie iimmI for livilru-, ilroin ""'.", t1u uoicr will 1 divert-' overhaul, ,.i.,.i including j l n.l in rr Hon anmn o new nniv i - iMoim.,., iji..wr,Jd..'r- J''rLlSf ,M, tim i i p. iK.i.t tne h,'I ro'E.. planking work on the hull. riMln. t Thu iH.llre a Mine. Thl l' l'r" ," ' . ,,.v of July. "ind ..n the tut dy or, " V ,V.y .tr nnllre ami an an-.'.7 ,r. ""'": M 7.SJianl Vh'rHo and to .the ... . I" "'. lllfll 111 lllf I'll" r W jt i liernrder at Allln, Oli-n li' tllt d with the Mid Water with llie OiMipl roller ur Wafer imeiit l!iilllint, Vlrlorla. inn u day afler tlm aiar- "I a iiH-ai new iiMr. ,i. ir . Ih first piihllralloti of till ...V'. ,,h ''"y "f Mnrnn. inn. d.iKMl Ml.XKS I.TIi., INC. Applleant. Montr H, Mmire, Ayent, LAND ACT, ntonllan to Apply to Laaa Land Ff.V. . ... .,,"J,,'r, l.n. lieeordin -ii ti t of I'rmre liiinert. and milium with the Willi uiei.i L . .mi iMrliameiit ' !.?,rvi7iri Vitl'in thirty. l. " ii Iiuildinir. iiir'J., ..,, or ,hl. " ""'t,;Kf.l.I, !. v BetlnaM'I'rntik. A twnt. lady lourist recenlly nskcil a locnl slorokei:ier bow many pells n -silver f gave a .vear. The lady was evidently getting fox ranching and chicken ranch ing slightly inixed. 'Micro comes tho bride" was lite slogan .on . Ilia westbound passenger train on Saturday last, and it arose by "Oeorge. nuhhy, Ihoilugbnal Jilng, parading up and down the train with a beautiful hntitniet at flownrh obtained at the Jlu.ellon flower Aliow, which he aiteuded lasl Friday. fiporgc While, an old timer in ilocitl natilical circles, ha re- oeMly .iur,cfiHsd (lie popular niwry-igo-rouiiil niiparatus al the. exhibition ;grounds tfronv Hon Self, fleorge nys be Is not too old yet lo rillo Hip buoking rcmmiriiHer .or vi'f r " within tiiiriy, broiic'i.s and alve Hie rislnir oen. Si'v."".? fir r wrTtr .i1 omtlon something lo lalk t.boul Sr'-tB '"rir't ''J?ohiption or mis notieo 'Vltli 'till curt in view, 'the new is Ai.ifiii j1'''- " mim:s i, til, inc. owner Is busy putting his re lS n.i,.idMDri::,'A.nt. (contlnMed on page ilx) JLV .?.-mJL.... ? Augoit 29, 1925. THK DATL"? JTEW3 PAQS FIVB lriMi. uHiwiiiMR nawu, ipp xurli a iond girl afp)y''lhaf naip to iirap her ;fair naiiip into liwivputf;, hut fnelM arp'-ftftfta. and hoip she jfixV. 'Alex -was not 'inN' sure or the walcin in llw iantu o enjtatred Ulie erviis tf -ktppcr Mfiiiwcii lo do Hip pilot mis. who .vi.hnlly kmnva whw t,c ftfkn flPO SAn find one on 'dip least provocx 'io.i The iory in llwit tMasip liccauip ni'rvouM on thn rptura 'up. Iiif iiprvousiip h.finp p-countp) for hy ll.p funrfy noiPH "inanaiinir frj, ii." ffIi.,ii. K"h men Jil.oard Wool J1'hv hi un -pnih-iivftr tin imrP t!n' vn- vuw and it wa4lieii Hint .Maa- fiip Hcizcd ilic (lui.ortunilv 10 Hint) up on 4 rock aim i.l l.prsplf. Il ,wa not q inu;h tl.p-upltinc nf fatip il.iirtpd apafn thai women Hip :iIuim hut "the Voiupjicallops which We will Refand your Railway night. Ico Cream and Cnnfcclionery. Wholesale and Relail. Let us pleaso you. "DEMERS" Exclusive Ladies' Oilfillers. P.O. Hox 327. Telephone. 27. 3rd Avenue. DENNY ALLEN CO., 021 Third Avon. China. Crockery, Glassware, Kitchen Hardware. THE ECONOMY STORE OF MUSSAL-LEM GROCERY CO., LTD., 117.123 nth Ave. E. Groceries Fruits, Presh Meals and Dry Goods. Phones IS and St. ECKOFF STUDIO & REGENT HOTEL ROOMS, 2nd Ave and Oth St. Latest Scientific Photographer and Arlit. Resl of work at reasonable prices. THE A. W. EDGE CO., 2nd Ave.-Jlm Hlk. opp. C.P.R. Ticket Office or Boat Fares Prince Rupert Merchants Invite You to Their First Annual BUYERS September WEEK 6th to 12th, 1925 This is also EXHIBITION Week. You'll have a splendid opportunity to view the products of the soil and industry of Central meet old friends and business acquaintances to have a real, happy holiday at small expense. Prince Rupert merchants will do their utmost to make your trip one of Pleasure and Profit Free BANQUET to Registered Buyers ST. REGIS CAFE Thursday Evening, September 10, at 7 p.m. Launch Trips, etc. Free DANCE to Registered Bayers AGRICULTURAL HALL Friday Evening, September 11, at 9 p.m. Hailway or Hunt Fare will be refunded to each out-of-town visitor whose combined jiurchalse. amount lo not les than $100. Itefiinils will lie based on excursion rales applying at the time. Boat fares on which there arc no reduced rates will be refuiicl on the basis of fare and one-lhird. Sugar, Canned Milk, Flour and Feed are exempt from merchandise to make tri One 1 1 u nil red hollar. ' When you arrive, register al the Hoard of Trade Iloonis, City Hall, deposit your receipt for transportation paid and get a BUYERS' BOOK. Hours: 11 a.m. lo 12 noon. While the Secretary w'heu we may expect you. RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION. GKOHOK HHYANT, President. G. 0. MINNS, Secretary. You will he the Honored Guests of the following Prince .Rupert Merchants: ACME CLOTHIERS, Kxchhnse Hlk., :ird Ave. M-n's and Hoys' Clothing ' Specialists. Hired lintH.rlers uf Hritisli Manufactured (ioods. The Store of (Quality. ALBERTA MARKET. Fresh and Smoked Meats. Groceries, Fruit and Provisions. Imported 'Groceries a Speciiiilv. BACON FISHERIES. Smoked, Shell and Fresh Fish. Government Wharf. BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS. Huy your Home Furnishings at Harrie t. )rd Avenue ami 1st Street. Phone 12:t. B.C. BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. L. Murray Fuller, manager. Fresh Meats, Fruit" and Vegetables. Mail orders given strict attention. P.O. Hox S77. B.C. FUR COMPANY, Hrd Ave. All kinds of Haw and Made-up Furs in Slock. Repairing and Remodelling done oir the premises. Trapper's Exchange. BENSON STUDIO, Third Avenue. Portraits, Enlarging, Interior Views, Flashlights. Kodaks Developing and Priiiling. BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR The Most of the. Rest for tin Least. Special arrangements for oiil-of-lown 'Hslomors. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD., Cow Hay. Lumber of every description carried in slock. .Roxrs our specialty: BRYANT & GREER, LTD., 217 Oth SIrecl. Thp Olojhcs Simp for Men. Snil', Rninconls Jaeger1 Goods and Haberdashery. - BULGER & CAMERON LTD., Hrd Ave. Jewellers and Opticians. BOSTON CAFE, 3rd. Avenue Open Day and Nighl. Luncheon, Dinner nnd Private Parlies a Specialty. COMMODORE CAFE, Hid Ave. The FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD., 3rd Ave. m. MacKENZIE Dealer jn Furniture Sec our Shoe Specials during Ex- and Ranges. Out-of-town business hibilion Week. Phone '157. solicited. y FRIZZELL'S LIMITED Hutckers and W. J. McCUTCHEON, the Largest Drug Provision Healers. 3rd Avenue. Phone House in Northern 'H:d The leader 10. . - since 11) 00. We still lead. MRS. J. M. GRAHLMAN, 3rd Ave. McMEEKIN'S GROCERY, 3rd Ave. Ladies' and Children's Hendy-to-AVear, Hosiery, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Trunks, Suit Cases and Hags. MRS. S. iFRIZZELL, 3rd Ave. During Fair W.eek Your Week of Saving, Our Week of Selling, Bargains in all departments. GROTTO CIGAR STORE, 3rd Ave. netft to Ortne's Drug Store. Try our Famous Grolto Mixture a tobacco that satisfies. MRS. GOLDBLOOM, 3rd Ave. 'Imported Gowns, Suits and Coats, .Millinery and Furs. J. L. 'HILDITCH, Federal Hldg., 3rd Ave. -Hry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Hemstitching. Sale now on. HOTEL CENTRAL American and European Plan. Peter Rlack, Proprietor, HOWE & McNULTY, 2nd Ave. General Hardware, Sloves and 'Paints. MAX HEILBRONER Diamonds, Watches. Jewelcry. Mail orders so-liiiled. THOR JOHNSON, 720 2nd Avenue Ready-lo-Wear and Made-ito- Measure 'Clothing, lints and Caps and Men's Furnishings. JABOUR BROS. LTD., Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7 1 It SI. - Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Roots and "Shoes, Hoys' Clothing, Rubber Hoots, Rubbers and Slicker Coats. KAIEN HARDWARE CO., 008 3rd Ave. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sporting Goon's. Monarch Ranges, , Paint, etc. Cafe of Distinction. Open day and STEVE. KING, 3rd Ave. and Fulton St., High-class Groceries and Provisions. Mail Orders receive our strict atlen lion. MUNRO BROS., Cor. Fulton ami 3rd Ave. Groceries, Provisions, Fruits. Reliable 'Shippers. THE DAILY NEWS Northern Hritish Columbia's Newspaper The paper everybody reads. Call in and get your subscription entered up. ' ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists. The Rexall Store. Kodaks .ind Photo Supplies, Magazines and Stationery. PARKIN-WARD -ELECTRIC CO., 3rd Ave. Electric Supplies,' Radios, Eviiirudes, Marine Engines and Supplies. .PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE, 3rd Ave. Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Milliard room in connection. H. F. Self, Prop. PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL "A real Gootl Hotel" II. H. Rochester, malinger. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Mtisb-al Instruments and Sheet 'Music, Colombia Phonographs and iltecords. ROSE, COWAN & LATTA LTD. Printers, Loose Leaf Billheads and Supplies. SILVERS1DES BROS. Paints and "Wallpaper, Burlaps, Kalsoniitif, Art Supplies. ,.ST. REGIS CAFE, Oldest established, eating house in the city. Upstairs dining room suitable for luncheon and dinner parties. .SMITH & MALLETT LIMITED, Plumbing. Healing, Pipe, Valves, Fillings, ' Out-of-town business solicited. Men's Clothier, Sole Agent for Ct'lc- 'CEO. D. TITE, The Quality Home Fur- braled "Art Clothes. KIRKPATRICK & McLEOD, Oth St. Men's Wear nml Boots and Shoes. KNOX HOTEL .01 IRoonts. Hot and Cold Water. Moderate Prices. THE LACASSE 'BAKERY, t 7 3rd Ave. "1 he Homo of Domestic Bread." nisher. Furniture, Carpets, Squares, Linoleums, Window Shades, Toys and Fancy Goods. Third Ave. P.O. Box 1017. 'SYD. THOMSON, representing Glrcss Bros.. Vancouver, B.C., Wholesale I-mils and Produce. LA PARI8IENNE BEAUTY SHOP, 1lh THOMPSON HARDWARECO., LTD. St. Shampooing. Manicuring. Elec tric Facial mid Scalp Treatments, Hair Bobbing, Cutting, Hair Dressing. Graduate Operators. J. LORNE MACLAREN J.TD.,, nth St. cor. 3rd Ave. Masoli "& tRisch Pianos. Brunswick Phonographs and Records, Sheol Music nnd tlnstru- nteitts. porters and Dealers in Wallpapers, MoRAE BROS., LTD. Rooks, Stafion- Painls, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, cry, Printing, '.Victor Gramophones Hriishcs, etc., Reaver Hoard Distri- mid 'Records, Kodaks, Rfliningtmi hnlors. Typewriters. -General Hardware and Ships Chandlery. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Ladies' hud Children's Ready-to-Wear, Geu-oral Dry Goods. Jaeger lTnderwenr, Hudson Ray .Blankets. Pictorial Review Patterns. WEST OF ENGLAND SILK STORE Latest in Silks. Grcpe-de-Chines. Serges. Flannels. Dress Goods. JW. W. WRATHALL, 3rd Ave. Stationer. Victor Vielrolas and Records and Radio Supplies. MAKE THIS TRIP YOUR ANNUAL OUTING il