A I ..ja J ;'f TJLG2T9T0 ---- fee dvFL-t jiKr5 a Serve Wsiara with a rnesj" jr .T food Wi "LZT id 3es3t? eiv organs. The Daily News PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. . H. F- V13U.ES. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, 'T D,ai' of '-"Tier, per month . By mail to alt part' of Ibe I$nlih Kmpire and the Uaiied States, in advance, -per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display Adverliiig. . - - f 1.40 per inch per insertion TranienrAdrertiig' on Front Page. f2.89 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. V.V. 25c per line Clarified Advertisings per insertion.; 2e per word Legal Notice, each iu-rJon '. 15c per agate line Contract Rale on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - DATLT XDITI0V 98 8 Friday. July 31. 7.50 AH advertising boM Ie in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preeertinj; publication. AH advertising received Wjeci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Clrculatlont. Invention And Future Wars. While derrjlH f terrible invention designed tn re- rotiiiKinize warfare ma -inke me average perMto witn im-miHiy feeling uf drtHlv llirrei- iiojliinp more certain than that tnc)i intcnHofi if they can be put to practical He, will tend I. Ut tMirleu fMtwre war even (hough the fir-l Mn. may re-nttj -in lernbl morialil. With recent deteliipmeut" iu ttie way of. ffenHe -and defefcive armaitienU and al-o m tbe air. the old ' r . - - - . . . . ..method "r-lwiig figbliug in dlhf Hiwer rer of gn wtfl diapear jut. a lnu and arrow- gave place lo gun ami group fighting Iipiace maller indivMlual engagement. ' COPPER CONCERN i Kovt Important Enterprise IU Kind in Canada Says Mining Review of Bfii ia? A V"wr fifMii.v, Lli ha I. aat --Jill i. - lac7-i aari il tanriant coi'ir satn- 1 12 r.UTri- ta -aaauia. -as an !analfi ul the fwW'r -itaalion tin- iVfrfT Kx-L'ir!atMa .. of N- Yori. The uau; i ;i y-ar wlL, irut tat f the rf-r1y aarf raatpateat. -. t 1 eaaaralivcU rimt equ!-i-tMM and oifJallalion. The fet-iwe-iiutl prt-"-! Uwiav ua43 of Jth- Hi4-a ie--k mir a Aflj-n. ;and Uur Alhahjr proper! whi-h ar- -ltl-d awr WrnrMm. tiraaifT. rn xMi ! ova eal ; la !. and an inrr in I Lc SI- (Crow r Xe- Pa. Coat. iVunjouv Ltd. Prreat da; irv-darln ai1 earauis pr-rt fr 'iraiihy CDnddaifJ ar iftirl ou an ealirHjr 4ifferml -el of -.!.- Imh Iban Hum- i-otainio? rvr wnir il pal 4hi4eitd rrrd. At the ewi or t?2t. the HiMn ton t ier cent cupfwr. in Ui- lKn ! wbirh I here a le -IfJ Almost tlie eiiliie aci-ooonotla- ?' lion of the CP.lt. tcaciier I'rin.l f Chart'.' le. when h izi Do you take Yeast lor health? If to, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quaEty for over 50 yezrs. Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a Errlc sugar, in trpid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flavor is in proved by adding the juice of an orange. ROYAL YEAST CAKES ,5HJ.e; Urn of 1 er cefit ct- ler and aaa.Mda Um of pobahte ai4 ti ha a ore carryiB- S wr erat con- a freh a a '!-aii riiitance( ' iree. the property wiM be HMnad to cm- a the rwi My brr aa iaier-laia oanl of fmr thx thr aalioaat awiiiin ciwMhiar can-anoant. tet i- beiny !iil. la 12I, liranby HoIi.lalea lMi?!a t'ay. ?fo rolr of a laade the he! olKortn? .t any yur.2 Amervi'i ..unt who fa'U here next MouilaV on hp v tn ) ,n Ince Ruprt Slat-war. will he taken tin wflh i8' a party of 1 60 member of the Jul 31. 1915. I'itMiur?' Commandery Kni?hl' V. Wlla-e. ihe e.lnor Templar an.l a maller trroup ofCanaiian Filiei Xew Jerey Templar frouiin Montreal, ba I rankfonl who are to make the lri tlown Ihe Yukon Hiver lo Da -on. The I'illliurg iwrly, Wbfch re-lreen the prenu'er coniniand-. Irrr ;of 'Kniglda Teniplar In the united Stale, and include a sreal many millionaire templar. I will leave Hie Charlotte at Skajr-Iway frtr Ihe Ion day trip Iliroupr. Hie iniennr of Alaska. A pectal While- Pa; and Yukon train will carry Ihem 110 mile inland lo While i!ore, and two boaU will .be requisitioned for the even day trip -low n IbO river to Dawon anil back to White Home. On the return to While !lnr.e, the party wjll go muuily will decide whal i In-fl fur ilclf, Ihe refill will he',,' "pecial train lo Carcro and a prneroii Canada. A r They offered hlra a putnenhlp If he could brat a tJttl money. Bat he. hadn't the money, and the opportunity u gone. Don't let Uck of rooncr tpotl the opportunity that may eorae to yon. M", One dollar wiO apen Unkxt Bank Sarlac Aiooum, UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager Hittii arro Tagih Lake on the . TuNhi to We.fl Taku. They will rHum outli on Ihe Prince I.ouie. TONIGHTS PICTURE IS MASTERPIECE OF MIRTH "Introduce Me" Is Said to Show Douglas McLean at his Best Yet "Introduce- Me," Iouln Mac- ; Lean 'm new nereen comedy which ; cornea to the WeIholme theatre jlonitflil and Saturday, cannot be ; compared with any other Mac-ILean picture. The -trtry ha a il'lirioii vein of hutiior. laugh which come with ?aping ud-'denne. a beauty of nackpround .and a finish in lit techniquo. It .enely ami comlcly ilraiuali. of the rnian, iiunlilie returned lo l'ie city after a trip to .the fihinc bank juvtje-fnjonnt rif-Hie traw-ler-i V' the iCanadtan Fih & Gold Storage Company. Mr. Wa! lace eaid that, in hi niind.liere wa ?io doubt thai Hii port LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of Prince ftu-j pert, and -ituate about one and a half mile eal of Ma-oett Lighlhoue at the mouth of Ma. ett Inlet, (traharn Island, Itrit-, ish Colimilda. ' TAKK NOTICF. that Langarai Pihing Si Packing Company! Limited, of Victoria.. H.C., occupation. Paekers, intends to apply; for a Ieae of the following de-l cribel lands: Commencing al a pout planted at Hie northwest corner of Lot Seven. Graham Iland, UritUh Columbia, about one and a half mile east of Maelt Lighlhoiie at the mouth of Mastett Inlet, Craham llnnd. Hritih Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or le to low water mark; thcore westerly, along low water mark one hundred and uixty chain; thence southerly five chain; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement. s-toU Wtfvaaw- tic Crms-ir af Ifcel P-ifC. H-n. C W. ii. all re'tcTJ -t AHwrfa. Trna aa ar-, ir the ciiy Ui -.eaiay n the iraia. He rtf"rt- thai Ihe .j, i.rw--cli h he j.raift v r p4. He hi war .. VV'nna wrf tn faanlr i t j. repeal iod w4Jt ht-y uh Ihem in ! cvure -f Z 1 n licit Maara. ! reore-ea! the Caaty ! lilenarnt in Le 'Pr racial U-m t f(arv. wn aa irrtval ia the cj1v y eeaiar" Iraia. He ha heen aialiag a bahe tr ;. ' 1fce .prajric aa4 cajae ,.t; t.. Jka ctu'! far a Ih-JkUv. He aill lwra eal trcm kere nr !.T.P. and containing eighty aere,l tii.i ua more ii.-rc or nr lc. icjt, the IMk ltrtaw ati4ttett I lb?' VWO.r e-lerlay carried. On-lTta wa for aa eilaiHi f the r.i t1( the CftW Sloraye a;1 the f.''ier .re jiri-Ml fr ' Sr 'rr-i'larikujr .cf rcrtain ir-e). The Mao in the Moon j 1 .FTLKMAX is- a ataa ii.c a iaib once a 4ay. PLAY a lillle Xer. Hr a lillle rhal. Mai- a litlte ckH ehiaa?e. Then pn ;l yoar hat. per. The Alletrhr Broctiic have Tb alaty prai wi!h ceae! IF yfl ttoa't waal la alTer ifevekte aWoat S.t(laa ioa a Urns ihe UitHrahie holetart t vitk itchy feH .loa't ret lieo- ot re awmrinz I.Hi r ceat of Pari aad ttrift with lartlin?in? lo the jai arrhira eppr. awl M i aHntarl that aMaae u a mile flaw air!H..v. I jjioh. A MAX wtia i rich and art i toe rat ir iW. not ataay tiae to iiptay ialetli?ece. year inre the cle of the world in bve with a x.u iful Aniencanl I WAS dUaiipoialetf in thl war. depile the fact that lb av- sir! he ehaii'.- to in a Pariailor" playin? fnotball. U hatl eratre price realiz-1 for ropper railway lati " Hi friend aan-jtwejinc f their nice l.rll-itl.rtB- -a l.Hr a poaatl le than the aeto ae"t tne sirl hut rfaji ant? average for 1923. The rotapany o inlrrMioca tUe youthful bero, earned, ia I a bare who i tlmefore lore! to poe before depreciation and deple- a a great Am-riean Alpini-I that lin. After charging off ?l.Oi.- he may fnll.rv hr wMtbeart to 765 in 1924 far deppeeiatton al (he A!p. oilefiontfier wl "a deficit of 'The iiitr,r btwo- inerrity i'ZSiilX The eoMpaar clo-eo a!"np Ibr-uvti romance, fun and lb year with a net urnln of thrill- lo t- rliniax. when Doaz cah and quirt aoeU amounting if comellej to elmb the inoanf - The progre of bniHaii invention alHig thee line piay!. l.636.U(t. erjuai lo 4i.7t a ain. or lo.- the zirl. He scales mean that future fighting will be prevented. The highly eien-lific nation may I" in a po-ilion lo dietale Ut one le developed along Iheoe line.. It may eon'lilnle might a right but it will at leal be Ie brnlal. ' -. ' '" -Y.' ' Local Business . . Political Campaign. "II would be ginwl nevpanr bti-ine a well a gtmtl service lo !aiiada for all of the iiew-iiwl.r" to -tre- election new and try and work up fiich'n loal in(erel in llie mailer a wjuld gel every vider lo go to Hie jhiIIs '-Ji, Ihe Haull tile Marie .Star. Publisher wtnild le doing onielbing for tliemelve and Iheir town a well a dichnrgiiig a patriotic re-.'pfi-il(ility. Ttjtiiexl genenil elwlion flnmbl be made a local nfatler, each ijij-f r endeavoring lo gel il-t reader iriterenj and Ihor-onghly iuforrnrd lo loral bniie conditions and wlful might be done lo inipnive lliein, in-ofar n political action can. Many excellent editor liclievn in llie lime honored method of diru.i!ig only "national' iii.(iori? in a catitiai?n. The Star ha been foinnl fault with for .frankly biking Hie ground that Ihe welfare mid development of Algomn i ile firl conaij. eralion a well a il la-t. This attitude ha been adopted be- cau.e lhii jupcr ha Vome lo believe that if. a local newspaper Iid-7 a ilul; al all to dUcJiarge, it i- lo ee thai its own dUlritf c(.e t iTMifrly prt-'eiled. IJilil Algoma.; necjls and pro- iriiii,.nrr;iuiurniifini l-y-'ljgyqgu fefl&Wfll pj' OJI-!llCri ine niar uiiiik. ti iioninn i put in much tinreron Ihe Lesigiiedf igne II... lt.. I. ..- t t mm ..!! uii' or mo proineiii oi i'voiiiuon. mkiii mailer.; Mini nres for aitfiitiofi are (hoiighl by the Slur lo need its eanie.l alien lion before Ihe general prohlcm of (he world which have o many able 'men lo decide ihem. The .Slar believe tlial'nut alone lionld it specialize on AlgtimaV local problem-; tit IuiicJhmI by a federal election, but Ihal t would not be doing iU duly lo i( mnlcr-J if it dii not do mi, II heievc Hint memlierf of parliament'-; fir-l care jhould be to exh;iut local lopic before going on lo -.how how Canada can be Mived by a particular parly. It believe that if each com- hare. Since the end 'iranKy hat nduee of 1921 heer nn-eipice. ttrave an it hank avalanche, i ebaei aero hol I MIA I measure all rneatrl Uraia by Ihe length aiul rtdoe of lhf-ir hair. T make nmaey at bor.e racing or gamhling ia wheal i about a ea-y a pulling your trfni-er on in Ihe upper berth of a Pullman leerer. IF you want In farl nrneihins lo an. anl. taking aeconnt of tmli eham by a hear andjtell one of the ailor boy that current earning, a much slroaz- finally arrive at the uinmit far er trea-nry pojinn nmr in ahad of hi competitor. evience. .the descent of the Beak Inas jail. Aecideally .rolling tiim-wlf IfNIPUTC TCMPI AD init a tremeadoa bow hall. foula era be ARP fflMINn HFRF pUnterin tree Princess Charlotte, Due on Won-, day, Will Have 160 Aboard Enroute to Alaska downward I u mill In? ,er eliff an.l Mil ta lell Hie ret woald t.il the lecture. A nnti i ", - It nltvJ AnCioa I ar , thr -lar aal i4 a vr" allrarHve I i Ten Years Ago ine wi-s navy ran luffing out of them. LAND ACT lick Ihe A HEAITIFLT. woman docn'l need in he anything ete. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He- cording DUtriet of Prince Ilu pert, and xituale about two miles in a northerly direction from nooney Point, Maett Inlet. Graham Nland. Uritioh Columbia. Take Notice that Langsra rihing & packing Company Llmiled, of Maietl, B.fk, oceu pation Packers, intend lo apply for a eae or the following de -eribed land: Commencing at a post planted two miles in a northerly direction from Rooney Point, Maett In lei, Caham Dland. British Col umhia; thence easterly five chain; more-.-or, less, to lo- water mark; thence northerly along low water mark one hundred and lily chain; thence westerly five chains; thencs southerly, one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to polnl of, commencement, and containing eighty acre, more or les. LAXn.MlA FISIILXn & PACKING PACKIX0 CO. LTD. Applicant. Per E. H. Simpson, Agent. Dated Jane 13th. 1025. USD SCT. NWrtlM U mtHf U LM LmS In kfu luaf i Uwt futnn, fnurt of Wlmrr lUrtmr, Pur- liUM BC If?. i- bu- i vwr. S.C, otM. iSiftTiSS?. lo Ul" Wyi?tZ (UAitnrnrtnt ti p,-( ,.tiiii4 11 hlrk one kandml tixt imj rtuinc iZ.L,l .-JthflT dlrreli l,jaX,li thTtwrS1 line, to t.fl f,f r., TrLi itininr irn.o urt, nmt t,r u., tJ(H&PWl,V'" 00. LTD tD ACT. fetl f InUdtlM U !- u Ltui i . MsPdlBV filale-l! ..T. . "'" T.tC .lOTICt. I tut hr J(4i.m t.,,, ; ,"'" - ss'ra, IMlMhil in as d im,lef n,, .in,,,,, tZITL: ivTi" LAXOAIIA FISIIIXO & PACKINCi f , trr CO. LTD.. Applicant. unT,T Per K. II. Simpson, Agent.l HXTJZ WSM, rJTT Dated June lOlh, 1925 LpiRitVi ' LTD Going up! The daily demand for Kellogg's the corn flakes with the marvelous, flavor that no others can equal. Kelloge?' are ready to terve. No sticky pots and pan. Afterwards. Just fill the bowl add milk or cream. Especially fine with fresh or preserved fruit. For sale at grocers everywhere. Served in all restaurants and hotels. CORN FLAKES OMWrrU ALWATS laO hm - U, mmtttu mtmfftt jw, in -V W m lm f. M. IwtHMf. fw m mm mmdm 1 Ttftt lkt ..4rf.l fl.-M Immmi r h KilWl'l Cmrm FUkn. Cmmrtt it vMk Mr r.7l-t i.mL YmIIn- CORN Boat Builders! We have 20,000 feet of 1-2 Inch, 5-8 Inch, 7-8 ! ana l inch Cedar Boat Lumber which we mu! sell as we require Ihe yard p:. . ? ;i lork. DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." warned BEST PROCURABLE SsCtOtCO' 7 lJt : ilUT BOTTUO 4 6UAANTttOBy J " enoftuci or icotino N, f4aAt The Orlolnal Label look for it at the Vendor and ln$ll" ORANT'8 BE8T PROCURABLE." Tilt flill'rtltnrninl . ..I I .1 . I liV " "" "I nut MiitiiiitMi or tiispinjr" onpior Minimi imard or by Hie (lovernmeul oi Orttish Columbia