k,y Ju y 31, 19SB. ive You 1 of Our w Taxi Tickets ? if v., i) have, save il. If El in: !- 'lie, get one. ,. i ltd' I'lil.itlcn i ' ii .i-k.-t. This tirko! Sy lii'd H y'"i " 1" liill. S!inn'.ii;i even i n, Au- 8. iiotween ami i u ricnil of (MI'S Will mijf around Hie city, Tli'rl Avtuio c i . lift will have lii ' ii:iu''l an In coal,- ie m- .i- Hie ui'ivcrs i- me you - "112 l If yon meet lit f a r i" -, .,k him yn Hie Hi1 Taxi's In ir!;e ' If you find Hie p h nit; . tiring turn lo our f ninl Hie $10 liill. )i ifK' riiusl ho exposed h u'. otherwise ho ill v..( ilfiwil. Ihe Prince Rupert transfer & I axi Co. Phonos 189-112 Service Unexcelled EGETABLE SPECIALS ii i ;i hi. 25c i-: ;i . ' II.- 25o fi In ... -. .' II.-. . . 25c III 1 t ;- 250 h s 0 Hi.- 25o In lp 0 II.- 25o In 3 Hi- 25o i. s 8 II,- 250 " v -u 'k . . $2.75 Do not fall to call In and tho demonstration of Ee apeline on Saturday only. iMussallem's 1417-423 Fifth Ave. East. in i n Phones 18 and 84 iveRoses Flour for reads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries ' ri children prefer ii Nut ynu make wild U - Hour. II is Ii I hi flavor, m-" il inily-ili(riMtciI Iiiiioih of prime Mnn- 11 n Who ut. Nutritious, Wholesome and Keeps Well John L. Christie Wood! Wood! Now n your chance ! DRY CEDAR ' r mail SG.00 f" .hi $3.00 1 ' II'I1 Crtn DRY BIRCH '".' $0.50 ydeTransfer 139 Sftronri AuaniiA jPhone S80 Night or Day vt uuy BOTTLES. COME TO Bemers" CLEARANCE SALE f lie GENUINE nnnnniMQ Nione 27. nn. Box 327 I Editor ill Daily News Goes Holidauinq i : - Mountain Philosophy TMIUMIMI HAY, iar,l,.or Canal. Kvery lime I ee i,n-l .Mountains wonder ,f we nol ? . ove J - illlelve. Look nir ni mi., i...... . . I men male ill' tiumlreil ami one liltle prohlcins that often make 4ife miserahle lor some people. The mountains staml as one of the tokens of the greatness of the Creator ami the pi'ttine of mankiiiil. We ileeiileil nol to go any far-j I her than llrin Hiver, nol 1ie-i-ause we were lired of it hut le-i iiu.-e )jek must he home at the liil of the week nml (iwen. likn many oilier females, is somewhat uncertain. Dick says Hie was out all night with a hwcII ami after M...1 il i i t il"!, to "irchaiV Ihe hlluWlnir lecr.l.e.l Tniiiiiionclni t P"" Plmletl )4 chalna iuithwe4t eorner "f lot inen.r Z 30 chilli: Ihence, weal SO r n. lt'. water's 1'ilKei ' more r..ll.rvvl.ur or iiieaililerlllR nf 1"'" P"1"1 .VSjmiS'nremenl. ml eonta.nl.tl il .ere, more or le-s FIEU,NQ STHANO. , Aipllcnnt. per Win. 0. MUeheM. t,..,l tnlv 7111. W LAND ACT. Nolle, of leuntloa V Apply to Pureha.. h? "Vtaletl " fa- WIHI.I..B.C. TAkK IKK" i TtlT lit tloe-Miller J, l.lin- .'..... line mi., ml ml to to apply nply tor per :.'".V minion to purclni'.e Ihn we -it ?ti hill. ihe northea! rnniir Lot i; " Hr.M'i ; n "mi iiiiiiiii iii lii rt'iniiiiit hiiw small we an ami .king at mountains such as those I have seen iS'or'ailufi.r ,M,w""r,:,!ll"''ont we are Ui .In anything real .' a iiiiiii In make mountain ami what will he ilu? He f I! V '""'f'.'f Ai '""""'Kl' H-fn that is I tmi J.iil. Ju. n.iild mm m-yer irmtale Ihe perfect arliilry iliiplaveil in (he work of nature WHoeveil ma.le ,h,,se mountiins iS? , ! ,! iriK so far Krealer l.an man that it is .inn.ossihle to think f IUI.-1II in mi; Mime leniis. Ileni'alh Hie shailn of the tu-Iienilous work of Die jrrpul artis.1 il i. nlnvost iniiimilile to con-reive of men ilixpuliiiK over yiicli trivial things as Church I iilon, religious ilenonilnations or Iielii-f, (he meauiiiK of scripture texts, the rijzltt or wrung of Iirohihition, framJilltiir, sniokinfr, Salfballi olisenance, ami Ihe ...... ........ ..t ...i..-ii.i.ii im.jjt js rilll(.r attractive. Here A I any rale we are j.omewar.l ,l(Me nrp a f,.w ,(, ,)lack hoach iKnimi mil are laKinp in some or (lie side xhows wo passed up last week. Triumph Hay is one of I hem. Wo are close to the foot of a waterfall and. as we nil, -pan look up the narrow hay a couple "f miles. We hae heen amusing iurolv trying In find goal on lit" mountain in front of us wilh I lie tiimiculars. Sn far we have m.i succeeded. A water ousel is cui'tcxying on the rocks among Hie riffles ami I suppose it is from Ihe lial.il of hoMdng thai it gets its name "dipper." The sun sol nn hour ago and It is now WATER NOTICE. Uh nd Starag. TAKE MITICK tint William ( SnUn li..-. i.ldrrx i- I .-k ! ' i ' tiii'iTi . i (J ..I.. It . . win apply f, r i IK.-u.f I., i,.k jhiI it-.- nun,. - in, In- iIjii ami i i,. si, iii- k.iiuu rall.ui i.f walrr mil ,,f an iiiii.aiii.it utrratn ulmli fl.ms s.i'illifrl , ,n,i ,r.i,n int., u. l arm n rll i ,.f i.urkffNirt llarii.tr, v.n.l.. H. lite -l.ir.itr.' Ukiii Mill m In.atiMl al Urn otiiri. ,.l ilu alrxaiu. TIm t'4'arily til llw rr rr.nr In Ih- it. a lid ii alH.iit S.utlti Kll Inn-, anil It will flil almnt artv t lamt Tt.n walir will in dlvrrliMl tmiH Hm trratii at a (mmiiI at Its Mur'P. anil lll b lined fur diiirfllc aiul rannorj imrixi.'M' Uhii Um land ilrncnbil a- lot KI8 and I il III II Imk A, Umen Clurlollr lilanda, ll.C. TtiU imiIUc wa ikhIimI u uif an.uiui on tlx. ikiii uay in Jtiiy, i .-. A ii'l.v of IhU nollre and an aniflralli,n pnrnitnt ttiorrtn and in th "Wal.T Art, IVII. A1II 1M lllffl 111 lUf (illlll .11 lltr Walfr lltM-iiitlrr at ITlnrs import, II .C illljc.'tl.ilis In Hie appllratlnll liuiy llV filed vi uh thr tiaul WatiT lliHiirdir tr with llx i i.inilmllf r i.f Water HUhU, I'arlla- miMii liiilldlnRK. virtnria. li.i.. witnin In 1 1 v iu arii r ttic rirn apHaran.-e nr tin- in, hit in a l.i.'al nouiH,r. The d.tl i,r Hie Hrl ptilillralii.n nf till mtllrc it V, r.. SPI.AN. Appllrant. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. TENDER FOR SOFTWOOD TIE8 SKALKIt TK.MiKHS, atldrfsod In Hie tin-ileralniH'il ami endnrMHl "TK.MiKII Foil TIKS" will lie rei-elvetl at Uif nrflre ur the C.eneral Tie Am-nl. lusgu mm. Can-aill.ili Kxprrt llldir.. Mrtllll Slreel, Montreal, until It'" ikhiii Mi.nitay. Ainrunt ;iiil m-.'i, Titr Hallway Tle Ui lie iiianu-rmtiirvd fnun Imuna- fir, lleinlnrk. 'ark cuir Tamarack nr Cellar lltnler, cut ih'-tup.n nrl"li,r tt, f-i-l''. and May 11. .....'. aii.t i.,iitiil liriM.'.ii January 11. v'if.'. anil Scnlcitilier nllt, iif, t.tt.U. .ni-h t'.an.nlltin .Natlnnal Hallway, In ar-niriliino- Willi Tic Scr.iriniUiin ,0. Stw I., tlalctl July mill. 1M:l. ... i.uu uiih ii.h vtri'iitl.iii or Jat'K erne mint lie peeled. Tender fittms ran i.ki.i.uI al Hie ..rr re. nf the Tie Airvni ti.iv. Turmlu. anil W1tinlN'K. r rriimjlhMifflei-r. Ihe i ieiwtr.il Tie 4 Rent. Htderii will not lie rnlirred unlets ininle mil nn ft'"" Mippllril liy the Hallway ' "Tlie"hiwet. nr any, tender not neee-.arlly .cetpl.tt. Oeneral Tie Aftelit, cjiiiaill&n .Nailcnal Hallway. Montreal, one. inly Hi.l. I nr.. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intantion to Apply to Purchaaa iinui , - dniiin i lu...... .... .. w ..,liii theme -mith llowlnir tie- h chill in; innce or li". ! ;e;;;ir to "point ..r ";;;;',n V' " , 'U,",n" INuYTrn'uMITmJ ,.rr Will. 0, M'l',''n,J battd July 7tb, 18.5, luk although light enough to read without artificial illumination. Lunch at Long Bay This motninig we took a run up Long Hay. We look several prmlus of (he mountains there1 and had lunch at Ihe inoulh of a mountain rill hut the deer f lUy were xery hullicr.sonie, Ihe only (place (hey have worried us since we left. There lias been a few hut not persistent like the Long Hay flies. We propose testing the stream here for trout in the morning. II has a good reputation and we have done .hardly any fishing so far. There has been liltle time. We take a lot of time gelling our meals and preparing camp Last nighl we slept in Ihe open and propose doing the same tonight. As long an Ihe flies are not liad flies hut they are already ceasing from trouUlinig. I have just Mopped n make up the In ii fire in order lo try lo get enough light to finish (his. Wo' have no other light except a flashlight and one cannot write by il very well. Hods have yet lo be made up and then we turn in after giving the launch the once-over to see if she is all right. W expect lo spend a good ileal of tomorrow righl hero. II, F. I'L'UO. ESKIMO BEING EXTERMINATED Are Falling Prey to Diseases of Civilization Says Mounted Police Medical Officer KD.MONTON, July 31. Xol many years will elapse before the Kskimo will, le exterminated by disease throingh adopting white men's method of hululalion, declared Dp. D. V.. Scull, who re-cenlly returned to Kdnuinton after spending one. year ill. Akluvik, in the delta of the Mclveiuie Hiver. He has been nciing as medical officer In the Koyal Canadian Mounted Police Arctic posts, ami working anions Indians and Hskimos in behalf of the department nf Indian affairs. While thin preiliclion has been made by others in Ihe past, Dr. Set .11 adds that Kskimos and Indians of the Delta are also .suffering from intestinal, purasitb attacks, tine to, ealiiig raw fish, rabbits ami ol hep meats; . Tills.', ho we vc r h e o I a i ins , lt',noJy n-ous priildeni, to. cimlefitrwitn, bul such diseases as cancer, appen dicitis, he stales are becoming loo prevalent aiming the Indians. In the old days when snow houses wore Iheir Jemporary homes, Ihe Kskimos were healthy, stales Ihe doctor, but since Ihey eomineneed living in cabins and shacks, tuberculosis has broken In rnnce inipert V"m!n!.M among them, and this dread iiutrlrt nf Prince unpen, aim mium.;. ... , . .. at shaniion nay, u.c. Mmwit inict.j menace threatens In wipe them T.Yf oriiT ih,ii Jurnea ii.iii. nut. Among Delta Indians, Strand' of ".Vy rrplfuT1 H '""' " ''I ' h' i.,.....rviiinii. lutein lo tipt'ly for. pel mis.- ... ten per coin mere wre symp toms nf tuberculosis. Their methods nf living were such that llu iliseas wits nn the increase. Are Law Abiding Speaking of law ami order in the north, Dr. Scott declared that the Kskimos and Indians of Ihe western Arcllc regions are the most law-abiding people in the world ami he could not recollect one police case during the year he whs among llieni. In Ihe east ern regions, however, where missionaries have not penetrated, an occasional murder was commuted, .bul Ibis, Ihe doctor says is really Ihe Ksklmos own law at work. Excellent fur calrhe were reported by trappers in the ilis-1 riot, and in the eastern Arctic. two Swedes have begun shipment of (heir three-year catch, which is estimated at $120,000. The; Jlp I Yl AT NetWI rtfiii;;;il;;:::1 1 !'' t.1: tri I in i 'A. AiJJ'inllllillli Kskimos also fared well, the average catch being around S2,0()0. Dr. Scott plans to reliirn lo the nnith, and nfter a year in government service will leave for London, Kngland, to lake up post-gradualo work. SIR HENRY TO OPEN STATION C.N.R.V, at Vancouver Will go on ; Air on August .11 ;.. MO.VTilF.AL, JuIy;3lv4Design ed lo yht iiiost jiniIei tv radio slalion, jii; Oitnada im'd. to furnish Hie last word in broadcast insr C.X.H.V. will go on the air at Vancouver on the night of Tuesday, August II, when Sir Henry Thornton K.H.K., chairman amt president of Ihn Canadian Xa-lional Ilailways, will in person ollicially inauguralo Ibis latest addition lo the chain of broaden ing stations operated by the radio department of (he system. Sir Henry Thornton Is now in Ihe west on his annual lour of Inspection and cladly made. Ihe inauguration of C.N. It.V. part of his 'Vancouver program, because he is a firm believer in Ihe value and usefulness of radio. Sir Henry has frequently availed himself of opportunities to use the broadcast as a means of reaching the people generally anil of gelling into touch wilh Hie large unity of employee -who go lo make nn Ihe slalT nf thu.C,X.H. C.N.U.V. is I ho first station creeled in Canada under. ; I ho new regulations nf Ihe. radio brancli, department of mariniyiimLfishor- ies, which, department- bus coin liol of wireless in tliu dominion. The station is of Die remote, con trol typo. The opuratinu room and aerials being situated ten miles from Vancouver where the studio control are most conven iently in the Canadian National Hallways station building A the latter place all broadcasts ,iii.Jui.MMi.n.firiewfu'(i Victor Talking Machine Conrptsy from the studio, or from oilier points in Ihe city are controlled and amplified before being returned to' Ihe transmitting point. The location of Hie transmission station is an admirable one, being on Lulu Island al the mouth nf the Fraser Hiver where it flows into the Pacific. DISTRICT ENGINEER CALLS AT JUNEAU J. P. Forde There at First of Week on his way to Western Alaska J UN HAL', July 3 1. Coming north in Ijio, interest of llniDoiii-i inion government of Canada, J. I. Forde, of Victoria, engineer wilh the International Houndury Commission, arrived in Juneau at the first of Hie week on his yacht the Wahlrona and left for Skagway. From that point he will go lo (Hacier Hay lo make an Investigation of- the position of the Alaska-Canadian houndury line in thai locality and estimate tho distance (Irand Pacific Glacier has receded behind the Canadian line. The water port al-lo'ved by Ihn receding of Ihe glacier is Ihe. only one owned by Canada on Ihe northwest coast, north nt Prince llupert, Mr. Fordo is accompanied by his son ami bis daughter, who is al Skagway, will join the party on the yacht to mako Ihe trip west. He plans lo slop i-er al Juneau on his return trip. .Mr. Forde is chairman of Ihe commission which arranged for (he Ml. Logan .Mountain Climbing expedition and is a well known mountain climber. Ho met Capl. M. II. McCarthy and three mem bers of the party who are aboard Ihe Yukon, when Ibe steamer docked in Juneau. tJol. V. W Foster, a member of the expedition said thai lie ami Capl. McCarthy were taken on llielr first strenuous mountain climb-iilg trips, In Ihe Canadian Rockies, by Mr Forde. ty ins E Jm ; T-. 1 .it"ii , . Process musiccXlWerfecti Of all the wonderful advancements marvelous improvements-the new Victor records stand alone-lhe unrivalled accomplishment of all time. Acclaimed for over a quarter of a century everywhere as the finest-Victor Records have now attained that for which many have laboured dreamed-PERFECTION. All August releases are the new Victor () Process Bear them at any "Hit Matttr't Voice" dealer to-day. Dealers still have some of the 55c. records. paqs rm y Li.'. I I A, f LAND ACT. I Nolle of Intantion lo Apply to Laaa Land! In Prince llupert l.au Hecnrdinx 11-Irli't of Prince llupert, and sllu.ilit nlu lh norlliwejt roasl ur llrlllsh Culmil-bla. Portland canal, and liclnir at spll Point, Portland Canal, and bearing. (..l ...i.ki.k... ...mi , , m , uii.,, Pearse Island. TAkK .Ml TICK Hut An?lo-BrUIU Columbia Parkin Company l.lioluJ, of Vancouver, H.C.. occupation packer, latent! to apply for a lease or lli follow-Inir described laud: Cniiiinenrlnir at a poM planted at tilth water murk at spit point, Portland Canal; llicnrc southeasterly altnif In frit water mark for forlv-elaht hundred feel to o post marked .No. 3.S.K.: Ihrncn southerly IU rhalns, more or leu, tu low water mark; thence northwesterly a Ion if low water mark forty-elirhl hundred feet, mure or less: theuce northerly It) chain, more ur less, lo point of riatiuienreiiHiit, ami coliiatiilnfr 75 acvea, mora or le. AM1I.O-HIUTIS1I COIIIJIIIIA PACkl.VO. CO. '.TP.. Appucaill, Per Walter R. Walker, Akcih. lUled July iJril, Mi. 4 ' l LAND. ACT. Nolle, of Int.nllon to Apply to L.a. Land In Prlnrt Hunert Laful Uecnidin Ola- irlct t.f prince llupert, nd situate on tli aoutltwett short of Wale I-laud, H.C., lie I n if imrlli uiainietle fruttt Haystack Island, and true east from isianu conn, MiK.u istau.t. TAkK MITICK thai ARalo-llrltlsh C(,l iimbla Packiuir Coiupany Limited, of Vancouver. II. C, iMTUpatlou Parker, In tend to apply for a lease of the follow I ll If ikwcrilied land: Coinineni'inir al a poM planted at ttlffh water mark on the southwest shore ot Wale Island In s position Itearlmr north! uuKiietlr fnun llayslack Island and tru; east rroiB Island Point, Sltklan Jslaud; llience southeasterly alotiR hlirli waier: tnuik (orly-elrhl liundred feet, more or, less, to a post marked No. 3.K.. thence souilivrly IV chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence uurtliwesteiiy alotuci low water livtrk folly-elirlit liiiudieil feel, more or less; thence northerly 111 chains, more or le, to point of conuueneemcut, ami coiitalninir 76 aeres, inoiv or les. AMllx-imnisil r.itLlMli PACKINO m.- LTD.. Applicant. Per Waller K. Walker. Aircut.; Dated July 4tlt. ID!.,. I LAND ACT. Nolle, of Int.nllon to Apply to L.aa. Land In Prince Hupert Land Hecordlmr ,lns trlrl uf Viinre Hupert, and situate al liarllt'lt Pultit, Wale Island, Urlllsh Coluinhla. TAKK MITICK Hint Andlo-Hrltlsli Col umlihi Parklnir Comiwiny Limited, ot Vaui'ouwr, ll.i:.. iHTiipathui Parkers, In tendi lu aiiply tor A lease ot the following: described lands: t'.oiunienvliiit al a post planted on the soutli hltore of Harllett Point. Wale U-land, at ItlaU water mark; thence. In an easlarly dirtftlon alouir IiIrK water mark forly-elt-ht hundreil feel, more or le, to a Post marked .No. I.fc.i llience soutli- erly lit chain, Inure or less, to low wattr mark; thence In a westerly tllrerllon akmr low water mark fnrly elfht hundred feel, more or less; lliencn northerly tu rlwtiiia lo point of eommencement, and I'ontalnltir 7ft acres, more ur less A.NULU UltlTlsll COI.CMH1V PAt:kl.N0 CIV I.TII. Applicant. rr Wklier E Walker, Agent. mien juiy- i ivyj Records ,( 1 1 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, ; ; , And Dry Cleaning ! ' W'c Hi'e. ready ihy timtj; to receive your phoney callj to take your instructions, to lake personal charSii of your Laundry and : Dry Cleaning. Don't Miss BENTS Summer Clearing Sale GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave, Itepairing, Ilemodelllng on the premises, f.lazlpg and Cleaning -$9.50 Phones Day; Green 120 Night! Black 709