PAOS TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BHrripiI COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail r carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SB Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION BONDS OFFERED TO CANADIANS Dominion Government Loan Be ing Raised In This Country Through Syndicate TMHONTO, Sept. III.. oon.oou Vi per rem loan announced yesterday hy Hon. J. A. Itobb. minister of finance, cn-' mu of tin' Dominion Securiiie,; Corporation Ltd.. Wood. iiiinVly A Co.. A. K. Ames Co. Ltd., Na-j tional M tympany. Ltd., the Hank f Montreal, tbe l!.yal Hank of Canada and tbe Canadian Hank of Commerce. The bond are iteiii- offered today to Hie public hy .rarlieall)' pvery bond dealer and ticfc broker in Canada, as well a" through chartered banks. In ar ranjrin? for this Ions term fr- nanrin.' in Canada ralher than int another market fbe povcrnmcjft Thursday, Sp(. 10, j;5. ised lor refunding purposes, in-rinding tin- retirement of i?,-"OO.niui r lax free bond which a ill full due on December 1 next. In litis maimer l.o, the strict policy of retiriri: lax free bond by the Usual taxable issue is Itfiiiir followed. js believed thai (lie new issue should prove exceedingly attractive in iaua-ilian investor. The maturity is Thei fifteen years. In oilier word. syndicate han.lling the new 75,-! these bond run for ihe. same has followed the Hiry dial hasjttalehmsj lliefr bonds rise in been almost rfeidly adhered (dj during the last several years rbe Vietory Loan of 1JM7; 191 8 au.l 19 in were planned 'for Ihe Canadian market solely and the mjiindin? loads of 1923 and 1U21 were o fere. I in, the same manner. Short Term Financing Sljort term financing, such as ii urn he r of years as did Ihe tl:i maturity bond wbeti issued hi 1919 and which hav bertmie1 so jtoular amowp investor of all; Selling at Premium The new' Ifond are being of-tered at UT-iS and interest at which the Interest ret rim is over i.TJr ler yceHff llecau-x: of the -ueress of the 193 jStld l924flHe niiMiin? Joan, n is believed in circles that the present iJowi1l be guirkly snapped up. I IJWMOrH wiui were fortunate PflCHlPli to hae purchased the lt23. issue fif Ilefaiidins loan hoiidsijiae had tbe satisfaction of viltfe by. more than four iminls. Qwjitb? ;flise wbo iKireliased last year Have also witnessed a sub stantial movement uh tbe price paid. II is a fact that all Dom-inwn of Canada issues floattI since the war are now selling al a- siibsla'Hlial premium over the original issue price. In considerinc the new loan one vear arttte issues, have lietljauolhcr Kint upon wliich corn-placed in; tbe I njled Stales andui(Mil has bee made is thai new where I hf demand for such sliart i nfferinps of the highest pradw term bowl i o slron? that surhfol bomls have leen scarce dur- torrowiiiB is cheap. These horf lerm notes, bmvwer, are of interest only to Ihe (arse financial UX the last few week and from all indications, the volume of new bund issues will he unusually institutions and others who de-j ifcht diiring the remainder of the finitely require tbe return of j year. Ao tiiore Dominion ;nv-tbeir money within a very nbnrf , ernmeut financinz is exoected period. H i understood that the nro- e i jend us your1 none cad wo otil send vou this illustralcd; booh df beautiful Distributor fori (fDham K9L9RED aud most f the provinces and la lire .municipalities have already reed of tbe new i-sne will be. completed llicir requirement Supplies Lumber Brick Cement - Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 .S52H2E l i "Never did the outlook appear lrij:tiie) fin- the return of 'the (..literal candidate in Skeena rid- is llian it doe today," declared Fred Stork, M.P., who relurri- cd on last nishl's train after ilieuLirly of dr4yin)f si.imkIiiik h 'nr.'iuht visitin;; hi 'constituents In the interior. He ;u attended lh Smit Ihts Fair and the Telkwa llarhemie, ImiIIi of which h sail were splendiillv siiiTessful affairs. Stalin? that his own (rip wa very successful, Mr. Shirk says that a keen interest is already beins taken in Ihe Itulkley Val-' ley in I be forthcoming feeral elect inn. At the.lliithie mine, Mr. Stork firel the opening shot of the Liberal campaign by addressing a iiieellnji of Uie mlnwrs. Hie member, tocether willi a party of visiters, was taken throtieh the Diilhie mine, awl all wrpp amazed al the developmofil there. Durhft: his trip Mr. Stork cov ered thoroughly tbe territory around Smilhers and Telkwa. BUSHBY IS CONFIDENT Conservative Candidate for Fed eral Seat Sure That He Will Be Elected After In-. terlor Trip Exlreinely confident that he will achieve a signal success at Ihe itoll m the tori hcomtns federal eleetkm. erve (. Itusbby. Conservative candidate, returii1 to. tbe city last :n?lil tiom a I rip to the interior, where, he de clares, a wonderful rerepton was given trim. Mr. Husbby at tended the Smitliers Fair and Telkwa Barbecue, artinc, with Archie Knipht and Hu?h Mc lean, as a siartin? jud?e in the horse races at Hie latter point. .Mr. Husbby also covered the country around Smilhers and Telkwa ralher thoroughly by au- iHinobile a r I slates that be found there many obi friend and supporter. . Mr. Buehby took an etecial iuteiesl in tbe activities of tbe firm of Sealf A I)oMtson at SmHhers, wfikh recently conceived an idea for the market ing of the produce of tbe country. He found tbe firm well equipped with- cold nlorapr idanls al Sndlbers, and inter- vtevrcil Mdh Mr. Sealjr and Mr. IIoimIsoh. the principals. Mr. Husbby amiounces thai be is alwtul to oimmi a speaking tour, in the course of which he will rover Ihe entire Skrcna dl Iricl. EXPOSING WILD CATTERS COMMENDED BY PAPER 'Victoria i'liiic In ejiMisinn the acttvilie of wilil-ml" niiuin? nimpaHiesho jmfviticial minis! ei of mine is performing a ueful public er- vice. Hi intention to continue that oliey should scare away from Hrilisb Columbia those individual who try to got rich quick at other people' exjtene. This province is due for very considerable expansion in mineral production, (t can deliver the goods. Hut Ihe public in entitled to adequate protection auip?t unscrupulous promoters, j Hrilish Columbia ha had all tbci ' black eyes of this kind that it can Mlatid. Two or llirce victims very naturally lose a pood deal of their sense of proportion and oflen blame the province for their experiences. The salesman who is in such h hurry (hat be ha scarcely a minute lo breathe, wbo tell hi prospective clieni Itiut there is no lime for invest ixal ion and that the "deal" must hernnrlii-'d at once, should be watched. Often a nijihl's sleep over his proposal will spoil his frame A prospi.d thai, will not slaml reasonable inquiry is suspicion on the fare of it. V. V. Harry, srcncrul njjent. passriiRcr deparlmeul, at San 1 ranciscti. arrived in the city on Iftl 1.. I - t - imc.Ii- r 'i noi mini jasper Park and boarded the sleamer Prince (ieorse lo make ilmrounil. I'np to Alaska and outli. DAILY; 1?kS8 Tbjurday. c 9 LIBERAL WIN SCHOOL EXHIBIT is assured; is excellent Fred Stork, M.P., Highly Pleased Drawing Shown at Fair Com- wlth Election Prospects j Opened Campaign at t Duthle Mine mended by Judge, and Also the Manua Tra ilnq Products One T lluv feature of lh' fair that always; in!erel pupil ntlendint! srhniVVaiid the parent i and friend of ,lboe pupil ij Ihe avhibit of sthd rfr, par-j In this Ihe' nnuncialion SeliiH.! narticfnniedf a well a the puldic and hiphi schools, ami xhuwed some ei- rellenl reuM. Asked rpiinlln' 'he sebaol exhihil. John, Kyle, ihe itxe. said he wa glad to sc tfth an exhibit. Some of the wrk was splendid, e-'eially that from one iwiMleulnr scImm'I. He frongly urjed ..uuples ,,' this work should ! ent to the provincial exhibition at 1 New Westminster, where it could In-placett in ctHiipatition with sim ilar work frani the other .ehooN of Ihe pMMviace. He considered Ihe design work part iciilarl. (;hoI, bat Mature drawing wis n4 a well repreciii.-d in lb. exbibU. Mr. Kyle also judsed the man ual Irainin? awl industrial c- hilHts. He spoke most highly of Ihe work Ml Ho i doing the srbtMds ati.l ii need that marine work shooM i"- encourage I. partieHlarly vifb a view lo en- ciHirapins iirteresl in )nal-lMiM - ins:. In Ibe Industrial departmeni Mr. Kyle deplored the lack entries. There were only one o- two piecVsv ia wmMl-worin? and two in sheet-metal work. He considered a tht eftou! wubl stimulate nffort in lhee Prie li4s i laanpnl Irainnr. department I6m-s: wooaworK limde MorTion. lirade 7 Kre.1 liiaawell. Hon orable luenliwu Minn. lirade K K. Morrlaon. lirade ft J. ifnn. (Srade l Hank of Montrea'. inetlal wou for the cla by N. Kinslor. II. Heilbronner, J. Sims I. Kalsnyama, Y, Katuyauia. J Parker, C. Tbooipon. A. Cad F. Kicbmond and A. Phillip. f suite of dinini-rMni furniture Drawfpg tirade fi Man Vee. (trade 7 Virlnr Tboma. Crade 8 V llrookbank. trade" 9VM. MrKenxie. The Mao in the Moon . YSr- IK yon vi. ii tue fair On a l nny night. You'll :.! your ills At one.- set riiriit. If you visit lb A fair When the sub is skininc. You'll ncwr be any Hel r.-pininp. A Yoi:.Mj stood Al the fo..i of the tree And looked at the frtill Swing aiiractiyHy; And he , i.l loJiairfeir . iie; hutkeirtmi 'VpiB : "I wfsh I liad the i To tat $ ...iHie apiin. IT seem , alural lo call a Ltlking parrot p0y even H10117I1 Statt baby on Eg!e Brind II you cannot nur him. Do not nperiment with foodi and fik his htaJtk. mar b hit lift 1 For 67 year. Eagle Bf and haa been ihe leadinc infant lood. Write lor lrt htlplul Baby Wellaie.Booki The Borden Co. Limited rzz Phone 123 BETTER STILL CALL AT OUR STORE. Wo will be only tpo pleased l slii.w Vn our !uiKf liM,k nf House Furnishings iiulmlinp WUIoii and nuit-ter riis. niiam .mil priiilvd linideiiuis. draperies ami cnrt nii goods, beijiling and ImhI-rt'otn furniture. diniiiK rtinm mid living mom furniture, haliy carriMr' K-rrt. We jirejwy frciplil to your netircsl luliou. Remember the Store BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue and First Street the parrot male. talker is always a IF yotj wih to 1" popular, do nothing. Kvery lime you dg any thing worth while you trend on stHoebody's Um WIIK.N aterybody Ue a type writer, wfcal will Ibe school : ear hers tto for a living? A MOIto.V i one f lhe suys ibal i likely to de velop a persmtalUy later aud te-couie great. THhltK'S a HHteh diffecence ' iietweea real money aad tbe thing Ibe. stock sellers promi-ii there is belweea a movie kis and Ihe real thing. IT lakes abMit a morh ceur-ge to refuse to sign a Hilion u it would to fafe I'donel AU if he ran amuk with hi gnu. MANY WOMEN USE SlftlPLE MIXTURE Many apt recuie tbe quick action of simple buckthorn hark, glycerine. He, a mixed in Ad- lerika. This remove OAS from Ihe Alomar h to len minute and brings out surprising amount of obi wavle mailer you never though! wa in yw4ir system Adlerika tp that full, hlou'ed feeling and make you enjoy eating. II is an excellent Intestinal evacuaul for the relief of obstinate constipation or allied r,tit-ach trouble. Urines Limited. Iiruggi!. SCHOOL PUNTS ArF EXCELENT PRODUCTS The exhibit of scjiool plan's al tbe fair i an cxn-llenl one this year. Theae plants are pro cured for the pupil in the form of rooted slip early in the oa- tn. and are tuken home and aared for by them. They include rHchsia. begonia and geranium, awl a a result of the .11. triliiition 87 plants are shown all in bloom and showing excellent care. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnca Rupert Mr. and Mrs. V. 1 Ableson. Prince Iluperl; Mr. and Mrs. U. X. Nelson, Price, Utah; V. C. Young, Mr. and Mr. W. W. Hut-ton. T. .1. Stephens, H. S, Kdge-coiiihc and W. SHckuey, Vancouver; 1'. Woram, T. i'aichfn, William Mitchell, Jim lliiuu. Waller Marshall, S. McClytuorit, L. ii. Ilest, W. Smith, J. Munro, It. Main, William Kcilh, J. Paul, William Chapman, J'. Main, (). K. Lord, .1. McSwan, Sandy Allen and J. Chapman, Ocean Kails; Hev. P. II. Kelly, Xamii-ino; Mrs. L. II. Warner, Smlth-cis; Mrs. It. W. Cassel and daughter and W. J. Carrlgan, Terrace; O. A. Taylor, Port lia- isington; John Vlen, Hums Lake; iMr. and Mrs, X. M. Malock, Sul-,'vus; K. A. Hlnw, Wlnniieg; H. II. (JuesH and Sum Kakln, Telk-wa; II. Kcrgln, Alice Ann; J. ',. .lohiison, (l. Moffell, F. Jluck-! ner, J. Cody, II. Smith, J. MtColl.1 'II, Shim, K. Ilrown. J. MrDou- gall. II. Iteane, O. Heaubien, S. McKeown. W. Hrure,- p. Hush and C. Parmlter. Anyox; W, I.. McLeod, Seattle. Central Mr and Mn. V. Junnton, PetrrshurK; 0. II. Tycho nH Ham Lever. Smilhers; J. Hckcii. Al lllooin, Charles Caulhcrs an I J. (Nhorne. Vancouver: Willinin Jeffrey, C. Xelsnu aud P. Price. Clnxlon; Mrs. J. HoMtlk and child, Woodcock; X. II. Atkinson. Califary; K. K. Peterson and W S. Cnmt.bell. C.X.H.: Miss F. It Kemp. Kilwanta; K. W. Pcmhei Inn, port l!sltitttoti ; P. Slleve- nard and family and i. .Moffell. Anyox; Myrtle Casey, llydcr: Ibirolhy Meehan, Stewart; John II. llree. Terruee: Auilrew 'I'ntf Mr. and Mrs. K. imdnward and Mrs MaKitr. port Kssingion : Mr. Maruniler. Mr. Mitts and Mr. Ceilrrhrdm, Halifax; Harry Slack. Iiivi'inesa. Our New Coats Are tb". c.. . "OCMERS Latt' HmmI ia a mrtnbi , Mrrenant' et tends a to . OUl-of-t 'A Fair Prices Fair Dealings "Demers Phone 27. P O, Bi Ml Third Avesya Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist., Boilermakers, Blacksmith, PU" makars, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIMO. Our plant in equipped to handle ali kliirfs cf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S" TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 538 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. 0. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nl9ht phon 6S7 Cr. 601 Black 7 Wood! Wood! Now v DRY 'CEDAR Full load Half load . . Iinre sacks DRY BIRCH per load . $j.ofl J5.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second enUDI Phone 580 NlgM ot WE BUY B0 n