Most of Whiskey has been used up through 1 1 drain on it through illicit traffic with States LONDON. Sepl. I. - Fifteen million dollars i t lie eslimal- - -ipduiuotl iluring the your by Knglwh financiers lr-laii lii-cl hip loaded wdh lupior iiilendcd tu ass.mgc ui -i of A m orionis. Available export liquor figure show a ,i r i filly per cent in the Ijitiiif. Many ship formerly y 'I hi the illicit Iraffir are now idle. K Kli'lmieii generally welcome Hie stiflilig f the traffic li'ige drain of the jasl few year ha nlmot exhausted mi k of old whiskey, nuxl of Hint available now being nialure. a. . .. ) - -ft S. V V 1 VI n - h r, mail, a a . . . b 1 a a a .a a b. a B u HON.A.MEIGHEN: 1 raB,B..l-.l., ' a- . I - - A cwitirxv --.iiuciiuifcMi v. www..--. try reduced Hundred Million Dollars During Hit Regime 1 1 int. sept. 10 rhaiKf f H'n. M .-hen. i umen all v1 . !ip I.iI.tbI Unvern- ' nrhiev.Mi.rnl an a inir term of office. "viiiuriMiuui . I.. Maekeniie King. ...M.. l.n. lant lared Dint Id rrnime YVINf.llAM. (Int.. Sept. 10. II UHiui Meighen, .leader of llr l.oimervalive. declared yc- ti lav that II wii the nroiiosal l.f II. I ...... .. linn ......I. I.. Illtl 'f 'III' 1 . IT 1 .." il ath on self-reliance and an ii tin akeahle protective policy c miii y. pui m'a 1- st policy everywhere in Hi leullural anil cominerclal life. 'A sound, strong and definite T Tirnrv n a irn 1 BUI.1K mfmwm jL,t t Jiiv un A V ORDER STANDS ' W dill W t - W H - M I patlnn Members Will Not Er- foct Freight Ratos Victory Vll TOIUA. Senl. 10. The rail way (;ommisnu's recent order OliailVlllLr U D..I lw ... n.l tri.tilll .flll , . . .a .. v, r. r . .v. .1 ..1. t 1. I ...... . 11 ill. I rill 1 1 ii.nii.n 1... 1 . 1 11 rn. i. ..... I HI. FJ 11b .-- up ion or three lueiii hers of the i iivi 11111 nipt iimr imii ...... . " judgment nnd llilllsh t.oi- lllhin vielm v will ulnn.l Till s tho upiiiuoir Of Premier Oliver are TRACES OF LOST pur; AIRPLANE FOUND HOXdl.Ul.r. Sept. 10. -Two life prrrrving Jark-p marked "toiled Stale ySV$'Hitve ln picked up on I lie braeli ten mile from llito. They are believed l he from tin "II-faled seaplane 'P.N-0 No. I whirl, was forced down in the Francisco-Honolulu flight last week. Two aviators' coals were also found. ,.ed Mpen.lilure nv Nil I Kh "no diirimr the pai - w hile I ho taxation wa : -enl of that formerly 'In- Liberal adminiD-n- iiwav ddit tial bei-n in-v H8.1,nft0.oon, I.-- than il Ip Die MeiKhen tiov- UKY WlllX ENUNCIATED on Protection, Declares Mslghen vaMa - i CANDIDATE AGAIN ! Former Leader of Progressives Cannot Spare Time Party to Contest Manitoba Seats WI.VNII'KU. Sept. 10. Hon. T A. Urerar, former leader of Hn-Progrefinive. d e f i n i I e 1 y an-liouiired today that he will nol lie a candidate in the forthcoming federal election a. hi bu.l-nc demamU all hi attention. The Progressive. announce Dial I hey will place candidate in all uum ni. op Fall Hi., .him I .tat of Manitoba ami pos1hly in Hie city of CASH GRAIN MARKET FOR VANCOUVER IS TO ' innipe? PHILADELPHIA STILL HOPE FOR PENNANT IN BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL1 NKW YOllK, Sept. 10. Hreak 1.,.. niiii with WashiUKtou in a and, in Hie best Interests of the fom-.j-mne series, Philadelphia's into erred a .,.,..,...1 illlllM ,av,. ,wn reviveu, pnlii y in the only mean by which e ran live and tiro.tner." said tin 1 x Preinieiv though Washington I si HI lead- On.- Iiv seven games. Pittsburgh whs defeated by 1 while the (lianls were ..11,. Seven and a half game . . J. . I . a irif 'lie leaner. COMMENCE OCTOBER 1 vvC(ll Sept. 10. A cash grain market will start lo function here on tictoner i, or before that dule at the call of the lK,a,,l of grajn commissioners. Bid FIRE AT TAMPA TAMPA. Florida, Sept. 10. Fire in the plant of the Tampa Shipbuilding '! Kuffioeerin.f T.onipany la.-i night destroyed I ' r II... 1... II. the iiiajurov m " the toss being estimated al '8500.000. kept in a more secure place. STOCK MARKET II. G. Silver Daly Alaska .. Dunwpll (iladsliuuv HiuclWm Did. .00 1.25 2.00 L. and L. .' 22 Mi Marmot Porter Idaho .. Silver Crest Surf Inlet Terminus Premier wail Dune. Munro Losee Breakfast Provision at Road Camp Number One ALSO AT LARSEN CAMP Hears are all right if they don't uH awa wilh the haeou, accord-nix to Duncan Munro, foreman of Number one construction caiiip' on (he new road- acros Kaien Inland to (Sallow ay Ilapiil. Dears have heen hanging around that ramp a good deal but (he other night one broke iuln the camp larder and carried off the only, slab of hacon they had. llappily they are within phone call of the city and I'. W. Anderson sent otil another Mali which is he in? Several hear liave also been seen around iXumher Two camp hul Alderman Iarscn, who is forrman there, lias city authori ty to Veep them out of the larder and no far there have been no depredation. Shooting bear or nuy other name on Kaien Island is forbid den by law and anynnecnught ulnu a sun wflhiii i(-onfines is liable to set into trouble with the police SMALL FISH SALE AT EXCHAGE TODAYi There was a small fish sale at the local Exchange today Price were well maiu!ain6d. Arrival were: American , Prosperity. 22.000 pound., a! 14.50c anil 7c, to Hooth 1'ish- ic. Talooih. lU.OOO pound, at 1 1.50c and 7e. to Cohl Storage Canadian Aiken, poumls. al 13.10.- iul Or. to Atlin Fisheries. Fanny F.. 5.000 pounds, at l.i. ind 6c. to ('old Storage. COTTONWOOD TIMBER HAS BEEN PURCHASED NKW WKSTMINSTKIt, Sept 10. Laminated Materials Com pany Iitil. lias purchased limner tracts containing S25.tiOO.oo feet of cotlonwood and 100.000,-000 feel of timbei' from other interests for U200.000, A. II. Land, manager of the company, announces. The timber is to lie used in manufacturing veneers. .IKMi .0(1 W Hufus Howe Sound 22.00 (iranby 17.00 Asked 1.05 .2d 1.75 2.08 .02 .25 .10 LEAGUE BASEBALL National Leaguo Chicago 0, Pittsburgh 7. ' American League .New York I, Boston 5. .20 .12 .015 .10 2.20 2.35 .18 (ilaeler lo .15 Indian 01 . ,00 Selkirk 01 .ottt llayvlew 115 .00 H Washington 7. Philadelphia 0. FELIX BATT TALKS SHIP OFF TAHITI Six Thousand Mile Conversation Carried op Last night by Local Young Man - Felix Batt, who has just completed the Installation of a new amateur radio transmitter, was last night In communication with U.S.S. Seattle of the United States naval squadron returning from a summer crulto to Australia and New Zealand. .Her position was Just off the Island of Tahiti In the South Paclflo, a distance of approximately 6,000 miles. Communication was established by code on a wave length of 38 rrvjtres and the power used was about the same as uted for an ordinary 50 watt light. Station 5QT Is located at tho Klnslor home, 211 Eighth Ave. East. Associated with Felix are N. Klnslor and C. BAD WEATHER HURTING FAIR Attendance to Bul.ldlnn Holds Up Well But Snorts Ground Gate Is Bolng Lost In spile of the extremely in clement weather, attendance al the fair, is holding up well, al though the rain is. causing the loss of the sports grounds' gate which were largely counted upon. On Tuesday 228perons paid admission to the Ketchikan Prince Hupert football game, and on thai night r(8'.persons (III children and 521 adults) exclus ive of season tickel holders, paid admission to the building. Lat year 520 persons paid admission on the opening night. The hall admission yesterday totalled 802 persons - (730 ad ults and ISO children) as com pared with 071 on Hie second day of the fair last year. The art display Is proving popular, 251 persons entering the first night and 235 yester day. ENGLISH FOOTBALL LONDON, Sept. 10. llesiiltS In tho Kngllsh League First Division foot Dull games yesterday were a follows: Burnley, I. Bolton WamTrs I. Kvertou Birmingham 2. Newcastle tut led I, Blackburn .Hovers 1. 25 Boston Grill A'' Ice Cream goes with dinner Large tpstair Dining Hall, i with newly laid dancing AnWMihnpjt ...... w ... nt ..jr. n.lln.,ll"ll una, . . t'C Iloor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vl. XV NO, "in. PltlXCK nUPKUT, 11.(1, TIU'HSl.AY, SEPTEMBBIl 10, 1025. TMurdiv'i cireuuuon. isit Slrttt 8ltt 378 PRICE FIVK CENTS. HUGE SUMS ARE LOST LIQUOR SMUGGLING PRINCE GEORGE DISTRICT HAS BEST AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY AT EXHIBITION Fifteen Million Lost by British Financiers In Liquor Smuggling BACON STOLEN BY BIG BEAR IbUbUbUbB iKF 9W HIV Hail David, John Crelpilsa and William Pierrtsh, Indian rhters representing 10,000 people in Ui'itisii Columbia, who ure on Pie.r way to see the King in regard to their laud. Pterrish lot an arm while serving with the Canadian mounted lUHe in the tale war. Terrace Close Runner Up for Coveted Prize; Francois Lake Third The Prince Ueorge district carried off the Fair Board's up lor the best district display oi agricultural pioduels at the i25 Exhibition hut was given a close run by Terrace. KitMiin-.aluin and Lakelse district 1'. 11 Hlack of Forks, district agriculturalist, who judged these exhibits, awarded first p.ize to Prince George with a tolal or 800 points. Terrace had S2." poinls and the Francois Lake district, falling short in certuii. icpartmeiils, was given 575 points. Points were awarded as follows: , Prince George '.rain in sheaf and agricultural seeds Mfalfn, clover, elc Table Vegetables ...... Stock vegetables.. Fruit t Dairy produce, etc poultry produce, etc. rrangement Total drain in sheaf and seeds Mfnlfn, clover, elc Table vegetables V: Stork vegetables . . . .-. f. Fruit Dfiry produce, elc. . i. .... 1 . - rounry produce, eic. . Arrangement ... .Torrace i-i.- Total .' . .. . Francois Lak'o (5 rain in sheaf nnd seeds , t . Mfalfa. clovers, elc i . . .... Table vegetables Slock vegetables ..... Fruit, dairy produce, poultry -produce. Arrangement ........ Toal Mr. Illack, in conimenlltur briefly to the Dally News Ibis morning on the district collec tion, said they were excellent exhibits which would compare most favorably with anything he had previously seen in nuy part of the province. The arrange ment of the exhibits, he said was particularly excellent, show ing a great deal or taste on the Piirr of those who had been in charge. The only Quality 1)0 70 55 55 15 50 50 00 00 10 45 50 15 50 no 05 :i5 :i5 Variey 05 10 :i5 35 15 . 35 35 50 50 30 35 35 30 35 05 15 25 25 none Total 155 110 00 00 00 85 ' 85 185 800 110 110 85 75 85 180 825 15 110 70 70 170 57 were not sogregaled as they should le.fhus making juilgini; more difficult. This is the fifth fair that Mr Hlack has judged litis year. He-foro coming hero he officiated at the Woodpeoker, Prince Ceorge. Smitliors, and Vander- lioof fairs. He wilt lio here un til next week when he-will go lo Terrace and Inter tld Quesnel criticism that anil Salmon Ann on his way Mr. Illack had to make wa Hint (hack Ik his headquarters 'n the sloek and table vegetables liramt Forks. Fair Attractions To-day 2 p.m. Baseball. Anyox vs. Prince Hubert. 4.30 p.m. Football. Ocean llls . Prince Hupert. 6 p.m. Hock Drilling Contest. Carnival grounds. Evening. Hand Com-ert. Captain Ash - Shooting and Hoping. SIXTY MILLION LOGS MEASURED That Is Total Record for 1925 of Forestry Department In This District The log scaling to the end of August in this district amounted to a total of C0.CCrt.273 board feel since the first of the year. For the month of August the total was 11,801,30. feet. This wa made , up a follows: Douglas fir 108,078 lied cedar l,C83,t2l L'oasl spruce ........ 5,071.01)4 Hemlock 2,033,733 Balsam 800,827 Jackpine Cypress Interior spruce .- Cottonwood In addition to. measured by the NO DECISION 8,202 60 . 141.5SG 71,013 the lumber department, there were a lot of poles, piles and lies scaled. Piles. ami poles are measured by lineal feet, ties individually; ccmlwood and pulp-wood by the cord. Following was the Aujgut output: Pole .:.;-;.:!-.105A330; Hemlock piles ?,337 Cedar piles 05,100 Cordwood 238 Shingle bolts ....... , 30 Fir ties 2,102 Spruce ties 757 Hemlock ties ...... 21.135 Pine 78,739 Pulpwood .... 471 GRAIN RATES Letter Received from Chairman of Railway Board of VANCOL VKll, Sept. 101 V decision on British Columbia's application for revision of the rates 70j in grain coming west for domes-80 He consumption cannot be ren- lered prior fo the revision of the rates generally, according to a letter received by (he Vancouver Hoard of Trade from Chairman McKeown of the Hoard of Hallway Conunissiont rs. NUNS RESCUE YOUNG GIRLS Plunge Into River and Bring Two Ashore but Third Drowns NKW YOHK, Sept. 10. Two Catholic nuns clad in the garments of their order plunged inlo t Ii e Hudson Itiver yesterday, swam some distance and rescued 'Vii young girls who were struggling in the water. A third hild was drowned. CANADIAN LIQUOR CAPTURED BY U.S. Boat Caught Fire Wlron jBelng Towed In and Sunk by Qunflre ' PllOVIDKNCi:. H.I.. Sept. 10. While being lowed here Hit morning by a coastguard cutter, the Canadian schooner Dawn with 800 cases of Honor aboard, caught fire and was sunkf' ,by gunfire from a patrol boat. 'The boat and Cargo are valued al more than Tim rrew escaped Whti thr vessel as eapi ured Tuesday olffHt,