AQT! SIX Big - Specials For One Week Only for benefit of visitors, the public of Prince Hupert anil outlying districts. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect our slock. We guarantee satisfaction. FLOUR 98 lb. sack $G.OO 4i lb. sack ........ $3.10 21 lb. sack $1.65 SUGAR 100 .lb. sack $7.40 50 lb. sack $3.75 20 lb. sack $1.60 10 lb. sack 85c Icincr, 2 lb. parkel.. 25c Lump, 2 lb. packet . . . 25c ROGER'S SYRUP 20 lb. cans $1.65 10 lb. cans 85c 5 lb. cans 45c MILK 'St. Charles, Pacific, Carnation ., : $5.50 TEA Itlue nibbon, 5 lb. pkg. $3.50 Hlun Ribbon. 1 lb. pkg. 75c Maklins Hesl Cofrce, 2 lb. pkg $1.35 Malkin's Hesl Tea, I lb. 70c Supreme Coffee, 1 lb. pks. 65c Economy Tea. I lb. pkg. 65c Economy Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. ... 50c This brand guaranteed Al. Try II. POTATOES. Per sack $2.25 All our slock offered al reduced prices. 10 per cent, discount in our Dry floods Department. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Telephone 18 and 84. Big Assortment of Finest Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, etc., at reasonable prices West of England Store Phono 753. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exiuljt Stock of Fur Trimmings ul low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Noxt Q.W.V.A. Third Avo, Anyox Beat Alice Arm In Games But Lost In Total Points ALICE Alt.M, Sep. I0. Uringing with them an ideal of sunshine and all around good weather a learn of eight players of the Any ox tennis Uuu -came over ami battled the Alice Arm players on (be local courts on Labor Day. This is one of I he inter-league tournament plays between the clubs of Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm. Unfortunately Stewart rould not fill its schedule, and the tournament was played off be-; Iweeu Anyox and Alice Arm. The games were to be ten game sets, but the last half of the playing was cut to six game sets, in or der thai the complete program might be played off. While the Ano.x players carried back to (lie smoky town, the victory in amps, having won eleven out of the sixteen sets played, yet the games of the lournment by point-! won Rives the Alice Arm player a more favorable, showing, (lie cal team U'J as against ttO by i he Anyox Club, giving them a majority of 17. i'lie effectiveness of I he play ing of the two teams on the who). was fairly evenly matched, a large number of the games goin to deuce. Hut faults were very common. A great many double WATER NOTICE. Iri'lrlr Power purpose UDoti the L'lirnieer .mil tiinvf I. Canslar lilttrlrt. This nollre a-j turned .ari4lo1 ti t lu (yrftiinil art that I at 4w July. IMS. A ropy or thl notice ami ierge HlrhU, Parliament Bulldlnfi, Mrlor.a lt.:.. within thirty days after the appear anre or tills Ifilire In a loral newspaper. The date of the flnt publlcaUon of thl nuiire is tne inn nay or aurum. Bf. b.UIAttlt UOLU MI.AES Lll.. IM.. AppllrantJ B.i!.. Miwll Inlet. o.C. Islands, B.:. TAKE OTICE that Gosse-M.llerd. l.lin ileil. of Vanrouver B.C., oreupafloii Ml mun tanners, inlrnds to applv for ier-mllon to tinrrhase the follow Inr rte rrlbed lands: ComiiH-nrinr at a nost nlinted aooroil- matrly I i rhalns wel. more or lift, from I me iiiirinen corner u lain tT.l.. HtSSt'i: thenre south S rhalns; thence vest to rlialns; ttwnre toulh I chains; llienre west 40 chains, more or less, to l.earh; thence followlnr meanderlnr of liearh to point of rommenrenirnl. and umamiiiK tr acres more or less. COSSE-M1LLEIID LIMITED. Applicant Per Wm. 0, Mllchell. iiiimi inn in - i- s LAND ACT. a rent. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchas una. In tlx- lJiuf llnorrtliii lilstrlrt of Prince HUMrt. and beinr a- portion of Un iwetity-rour (. Ilange five (S. i:mi lilslrlrt. TAKE OTIi:E that Frlllrlls I.lli.lte.1 f l'rlii'-e ItiiiM-rt. U.C.. merrhanli. Iiiteinl to apply for permlssKHi to purrtiase tl' iniKiwinr artrnwa laiuiss Cninmeiii'liiK at a l.t planted at the northeast corner of lot twenty-four (Hi, rante five (j). Coast District; thence v,utli thirty-two rlialns: tlicire west forty thence intrlh elaht rhalns, nsire or less, to tilarli water mark; thence iiorllirasl alonir high water mark to point .f i-nmmcMi-eiiicnt. ami intalnliig- ci(hl) 80 acres, more or !. HUZZEI.L 3 LIMITED. Dated Aurust t nth. A.D.. 1VI DANCING At the Auditorium Changed this week to Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, beginning at 8.30 p.m. 1 Dance. 10c 3 for SSc Free Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Wc Didn't Mean to Shout Rudely But you don't have to fasten a Congo-lcum Gold-Seal Rug. It lies perfectly flat tothefloorand never kicks up or wrinkles in any way. Let your dealer tell you about the many other practical qualities of this beautiful, casy-to-clean floor-covering. faults were called in the services 0. Miss Hogberg 5. Miss Cham- jf both teams. Altogether the pion 0. Anyox players gave more alien-. Wen's Doubles lion to the placement of fheir re- A. Falconer 8, Townshend 10;' turn shots, which counted in the C Wurner, Gordon. as:iregate of the number of sets H. (iray 5, flroves 0; T. WJ won. Scores were as follows,1 Falconer, Slaynes. Anyox playtrs being mentioned) Mixed Doubles first in each case: H. (Iray 8, (trove 10; Miss Mens Singles illogiiorg, Mrs. Sawrey. (irey 7, (.roves 10; T. V. Eul-j T. W. Falconer 6, Staynes 2; oner 10, Slaynes ; Warner 4. Mrs. Kergin, Mrs. Hoy. Townshcmi 10; A. Falconer 1,' C. Warner 1, Town sli end 0; Gordon 0. iMrs. Falconer. Mr. Eve. Ladies' Singles A. Falconer 8, Gordon 10; Miss Mrs. A. Falconer 10, Mrs. Eve Sultillovich, Miss Champion. a; Mrs. hergtn 7. .Mrs. Hoy 10; uaoies' uoudics Miss Suttillovich 1. Mrs. Sawrey' Mrs. Keruin C. Mrs. Eve 5: "".Mrs. Falconer, Miss Champion. Miss llogbere (5. Mrs. liny 5: TAKE MTICE that Monty II. Moore. M i.. e..t till,.. ;i. M w.. ..... aterit for Hie Lnrlneer Gold Mines Lld..l ' ' . .:. ..ami.;. nh'ise edrtresi Is Liiirlneer Mine, Atllii.1 B.C., will nily for i Ikeus to take nti . m use &II rlilur feel ir m-iiimI nf i I r v ' -1 '- - ft iul of Wann Hirer which flows uestertv ' iiu uiiius iiitu iiKisii uir aiKJUl iisit and one-half mile south or Ihe Engineer I .nine, me iicr win ue diverted rruiii tt -, , -. , the itreaui at a point about two mile. from ihe terminus of the said river Into ti. T.rt.h I L SnH u-.ll lui nl f... I,.-....,. . 1111. Sport Chat eleven Crown firantetl Mineral Claim, 'he Alaskan KeUliikan baseball teain .,ii.Hi lands: ' the visitors from metropolis wh" S.iV.iS'a'fhrV.caine here lo attend the fa.r re- home on last nigtil. LAND ACT. the I'rinee There w appllrallon pursuant thereto and to the'.,, m l..LV(, l II l.nll iraiiif "'I'e .1 O.tsi U.1II ifaillf Water Art. IBM will he riled In the nfrire or the Water iierorder at Aiiin. B.C. u .yestenlay aflernofin between An .(mums may ur i.iru iim vain aieri . herorder or lth the Comptroller of Watrrl" " heiclllkan. but On a count of the inclement weather il was. cancelled. This aflernnnp the first of the football serie ! between Ocean Falls and Prince Mntr ii. Moore. Ajremj Hupert is scheduled lo lake plnee ' LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchaia tana. with Ihe second on Saturday. The Anyox baseball team arriv- lid in the city on the Prince in the Land ReeordmirDistriei nf rrinre Charles yesterday afternoon and Hupert. and situate at Shannon Ha is lo meet the locals today and tomorrow. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Len4 iu rriiice itu.xri Lam nernrnmr mt trie! of I'lUire turl, ami situate oil in soui.iwci snore or wiles is taiMl. Ii.:., ixliiir north tnametle froni Haystack Island, ami true east from ami i'imiii. yitkian ituui. TAKE M1TK E that Antlu Hrltlsll Col uinhla parklnn; Ounpany Limited. t vaiH'ouvi-r, !.: occnitatlMt Parker. In tends to apply for a fease of the foils. mr detcrllK-d lands: Coiiuneoclfiir at a t-l planted at lilr water mark on the southwest snore ol W ales Island In a position liearlnr not Hi niarnetlc from lliysta.k I1jih1 and ln.r eat ir.rtn isiaihi roini, sitkiaa iiani; .hence sootheaterlv alone tilth water mark rorty-elyht liumlrcd fret, more or less, to a post marked .No. I.E.; tltetice sotiineriy tu rnains, more or lessr lo low sier mark; tnenre .mrtnwesteriy a loos low water iar rorty-eirm nunnnxi reel, more or less; thence northerly 10 chains, or less, to olnl of rommenrenm siki wiiuiii.i.K 7 acres, more or less. A:0LO-HIIITfMI COI.IIMHIA PACKI.NO CO. LTD. 'Applleanl Per Waller E. Walker. Aiteni. imeo jiiiy Tin. LAND ACT. In the Atlin Land IMstrlct of catniar. TKE MiTICE that I. E'lphlel . rimer. i cw yum. 1S.T.1 U.S.A.. oreu 1 paiiini uroKer, inteuus to apply ror per Applicant, on-. 1 n In ntirelus.. tne followiaR He ' "iiiiiiein-iiiir at a pl planted atuit V I ,.ti;llll. .,.lllh ,.f ll.uin-.l. li..l..l ... ti.JT u. .n " will vil mr r.i li'ie r Tflirtsii ijisc. about eleven inlli--' iiili "f the Vuki.ii U'lHKlary line; Ihenrr w -i x'i ' iianis: ii i iice norm in mains li'Mi' east l i c.ialiis; (hence sontberl rutl'iVi niff alMiir the slnxe line or Tatrlsli Lake to p'l.nt of rommeuremenL said parcel (iiiiia.nmt no acres, more or less LLII'IILET OTT POTTER. ppllrauL . i rHi ijiwsijii. Aiteni IIJl'll AI1SIISI 1 "I H. IVfA. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply lo Purchase Lena. Ill the Land llecoi'dinc District of Prlnc liiiM-rt. and situate at lil falls Week which riows Into Ei-mll Hlvrr alsxil IN tulltf II. 1.1.111111 TAKE VITCE that Cllflwi P. flirt .f Prime Hiiierl, h.i:., orciiialloii lumLer-man, liilemls t apply for permission to purrhase tin firflowiur dnsrnlieil lamU; :ommeiicliiir al a post planted al the soiiinwest corner or l.ot nil, itanire fiwr thence ilnlns soiilheily; Ihencn iiiains wesienv; ttwni'e ciialn northern ; IlieiU'e 'JO i hulii- easierk tn iwilnl of rommenceliilMit. slut riiiilaltiliiir if, iithi llllllfe or IMS. P ItlKI I Appliaui ' Dated August Ktb. 18JJ, mi uer see THS DAILT rTEWS Thursday Sr:.i(r)lj CLOSE TENNIS ii WESTHOLME THEATRE ExtraSpecials TOURNAMENT Thursday Only, 7 and 0 p.m. for Fair Week In Every Line Watches from $1.50 up. Chains from 25c up. Pocket Knives from 25c up. Non-Hestruclihle . Pearl Heads from $2.00 up. Uracelels from 25c. up. Special Discount on Oild Cups and Saucers Real Monoy Savers Watch the Windows Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North SNAPPY BOUT ISEAL COVE WAS SEEN HERE PLAYGROUND Two Alaskan Boys Fought Ten Gyro Club Offers to Furnish Rounds and Joe Collier Given DecUlon Joe Collier ' of Juneau clearly ed the ncsed il to considerablu en- llnii:iKin f.illii.r llm lii'nl Good Games on Labor Day This Week TEHHACK. Sept. In. -Tennis enthusiasts frsm Usk raioe down on Monday to play off a tournament with Terrar as a return game lo one plnyed in l k about three weeks atro. The home layer came off victorious, win ning seven out of eleven el played. Itesillls were an follows (with visitors namg givvn first): Mixed Doubles Mrs., Thompson and II. Jones won from Mrs. Ilurnetl ainl V. Donald, 12-10. Mrs. Whitlow and, J. Smith lost lo Mrs. Harder and J. K. Frost. 3-G. Miss I. Iiurhnm and Mr. Han son won from .Mrs. Moiieklou mid H. M. Cory, 0-2. C. A. Ivilwai'ds and Mrs. II. Ad- tins lost lo Mrs. W. Farr and A. II. Barker, .-G. Ladles' Doubles Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Wliil- luw lost to Mr. Farr and Mrs. Monckton, i-0. Miss Durham and Mrs. Thomp son lost to Mrs. Darker and Mrs. Hurnelt, Gents' Doubles yiniMi and Swatison lost lo Cory and KennejC, 2-0. Hanson ami hdwards beat Barker and Frost, 0-1. Gents' Singles Swiinson lost lo Keneny, 3-0. Hanson wm from Frost, 0-1 I'.dwai'iis to Barker, :i-i. HALIFAX BUSINESS Equipment for City West- view Opening Deferred Having been approached by the . ... hoard of works or the city . , , ., ., . ' ouii-tpoinled of Kel- Joe Manila ., Meh .... , receiMHl .-.'.. ,in,iJ., ? recently a pel- bout that was staged hero in Ihe ;r""' ,e-ratepayers n he was one s t Theatre last ..1,1,. nlghl. ii It " area "M'Y asking , K. that a " ' K,I 'r children bo plac- e or Ihe snappiest bouts f.ijn the city and pmvok- J":1 "'r f r '? ('r" Uu, ,il lU r,,e,,llr niPflinK meeting. , large amlience that thai wit wit. leges had (troved one o fllie lel agurettations of good purlsnien who had eerMsile. Prince Hupert. The New Mellakalla vieit-ort relnrne nortli early lhi morning by gaboat. LAND ACT. Notice of Inltntlofl to Applr le Lease Lea In Prior Hufwet Uiel Heronlit is Irltl of Prlur nnperL s sllnete'Mi l lie ssartlisi oiest of Hrltisk (j.iubi I lis. rortUtKl i.eiHl. lad bemr il rueut, PartUajd i'nl. and ban( nnrui ins ssm-lie rearte Istaad. from T ree Poittt. TAKE VITICE Inet Anaks Brillsh Cs.' WmMi Parkini ofnpsajs I.UiHIl. .. VaineuHver. U.C., orrulMllis)! Pwker. hs lesxts Mt aHlir for lease of Ik follow ma iteserllicd lemls: - Ojtisiwsariwr at a pm ptaMiest al hish eler aiMrfc at Siit Po. PnritesM iJinal; llsrnee swulnetsterly atons- kit Is wale mrk for furly-ritht huixlrwt fe-l in lt narked No. 3.S.E.: Ibenrn Sontttrrll IU ctuteu. ifrfire or e. lo low water metk; thewrc tmrtnweeief ly ausxi lo water mark ToMy eltbl koodriNt feH. tnoee or less; ibenee norilterly in rhalns. more or less, hi point of eominenrrnieni. aiel i yesieniay roimniereii the manor, ami ileenlml to offer to instal the of il in the first, .third. rmu"1,,!,n' J1"' -"" Prided, wl11 grounds ninlh rounds: lr.rp s.xth, eighlh and o purpose Ihe , lie pro-sexenlh. Manila won the fourth ,, and the second and " ,,,,l ilt M"1- tenth were oven. I . 1 Mh has Its proved' cr,u.p-; Collier, on the whole, too fast for .Manila and was able f" f"r PKrouii.l in ,,s,v"xv mv'" ,0 ', ,n to duck consistently. Holh men ) ,h were apparcnlly one-blow boxers " a.r,)n,.l,, r siin Pfrl" f"'"V H oilier misswl s.-xeral clianees to '" " the bout by the knockout ? '"pment iiulil m-xlj route but was either too anxious, "''I"!"1' .... . ' 1 ,1- cM lo i'lHs place; unable to rll..w up. On sex-' "P'wnl Ml, at s-enl Cove leral oecas.ons. he had his op- 'onneni V"1 "'1 " on the r..,,e, in a M.iliii wlp'i-e a kayo might easily have ,,r"e' ... J t.eru a.lm.nislered. In the fourth Arrnri.U for the rarimal ' ib to hold on ()rlo- when Manila had the best f I,v to- nosi-ed an r-,l'"r - 1umI 13 rf "' ptawnmn.!, . uty to knock ....I Collier at the; Urp, "w 'Tte, , r;l i form ind the eent promises loj r rlnliiment llml The h,M ro.l was Ibe l,et of'""" JB b""' novrl an'' cllve.' he lot and things Kot pretty, live-,,H ,lv. Hull, boxers were looking for 'V l.,o ...Ivanlair.. nn.l II, n! ;,;,',, lfl i the event, rasl fighting and exchange of f"'1 ,::',,, ttUft ,w-tieavy ' h,! '-! blows. Towards the end, ,,,,M;M-, '"'f'" both boxers showe. sigiw of fli.;p,l1Ml' UrirliMi rarni- ue. Manila had his left 0e1XH' lnciwr. mimic. !om.I in the tlnnl round and UiMtinn lnrlni and many other -uff. reU from thai handicap for j the remainder of the bout. 'ttriw urn iwiti nm George Cochrane referred the NEW METLAKATLANS iiout ami the rrieial timekeeper was Max lioilbroiier. There were three good three - LEAVE FOR HOME ound preliminariet: llerbie Mor- Party of Native Sportsmen Ex-gan of I'rinee Hupert vs. Tel En- pressed Appreciation of Re-derhill nf Ketchikan: George, ccptlon Given Them Here Howe vs. Ted Howe, and Itrick - Skinner vs. Didn (iurvlch. I Appreciation for the rece.ii..n 1. Eaporte referee the pre-!,l,,, bd i"v'" hasehall limiiiaries and managed tlie en-t'",' """d nrt Ihe other uirm tire tournamelit. ivrm oi in party who raine n.-.e TERRACE BEAT USK in connection with Ihe Fair Week activities was expfeitiied 1mI niglit by Herbert M.ireln..iu TENNIS TOURNAMFNT ''' or" of MHik.n iMr. -Mtireluwuii with Ibe nitire. Enthusiasts Had a Number of ,j f ih opinion that hU pro- ts seres, iw.r or is-s. AMiLii MklTlsil coi l Wills I'M. UNO :). LTD . Applicant ref Waller E. Walker. Aicin ! halert fulv nrrt. lfl I LAND ACT. j Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. In I he Latfcl liccomin Duiricl of prince; rtirpert. ami sltnate at tM iimmiiii nfl isiar rails i.rcek siniro fHiws inio lite' Install River ahuul IS miles from; It iMonlli. I TAkE NOTICE tlMt John A. Smith uf Prince Itoperl. It r. orrupalloti liunhei ' ma. Inteisds to app.v for writiss..Mi to, isjrrhsse hi follow later descrtped land 'Mneirliiir al a pod rlanlel 'al Hie MMithwest corner nf Ul 1&; Its lire four. I t hence ao rhalns not tberly ; llieme so chain westerly, iieire or less, to the ! : tall lllver; thence an chains snuilwrh tlwiice le rtMin easterly, ami ronlalninr 99 acres, more or less. JOIIJI A. fMITII. Appll Sill Per C P. met. Akcnl ! Iisiivt Snrml Milt. t I LAND A0T. Netlee of Intention lo Apply to Lease Lend In I'rlliep HUiert I.sikI ItiTiinliiK liuirn i.f I'rhiee liiiierl. ami sinuie al Vr- is.utn nar. nseti ini.'t. I TAItK AOtll f I Its I t'nvelMi II Hluii,.,yi DrDfiDTCli IMDDAUIMr "f '. ,-UallKi ramierjiiiaii, 1VL.1 lJ I HiVJ "',,Jf iiVtM-rlJITi ,nis - HALIFAX. N.S.. Sept. 10. l x-ports for the finM nix iiioiiIIm of l'J25 arc nhosvn al 1 0.07a.-131 its compared with lo10l,-405 in Ihe Hit nit- perioil of 11) -'I, itn.l impoi'ls , ul ?H, 005,33 n luainxt l,H()C,;ioJ In a ieiorl Allowing im-renM'd aellvillen for the port of Halifax, iueil hy Hie llaif.i.r Maslcr. Shipping tonnage In and out .lining Hie kix inontlis wliV 7,52 1,7 1 H lonn aaltiKl 5,Jirt,fj80 Ioiih in tho Miniilar period yf lastl year. vCti!tiini tceeijilH for the periods! Wire $1,751,871 (IKllilltt 8l.5iU.Jt0. Advertise hi the Ihily Newt e.iKiliiriirlnlr at a IKtit t.laute.1 ahnnl o rhalii westerly fititii the S.K. w.rner r I i.l K.&U, liame I, Cim'i lilslrlrl: tl.i lire west ell rlialns; llieiiee iHirlll three ihalns. ii n. re i.r Isms, Ui hlrh ualrr milk; llieme easterly ahiinr Mm water mark lo ImiIiiI of miiniiieiireiiieiii, and cutitalnlnt M nr., ...tirr ur ir.s. tXOKSF. II. SIMPSON, Arpllranl, I... eM July, totl MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improsements. !l.satie Mineral i:isin, slnutn in the Allln .Ml nine lilvlslmi of lilstrlrt, on the Hesl sl.le nf lllir Kuril HMwr in ihe easi of ami s'ljitininr ihe f-'inin ir"' ai i f,jM, T.1I.K SilfMI-' His. . r..,i ..u... rrl.'.,,.t"f ?" I awsnii, i res, Minsr-s rerilflrale .V.i. 7H74SC, hilrniK , tHlv .Isvs fn.m Ihe ilale lierei.f, u. atly to the MI11IIU llemnler fi.r a lerllflesle of Iiu nniviiiii-iii- ii.r Die ilirtm- or iHitsliillis . . ul. IIi-iii ..r il... - ' ' I"' sihivp r.4l, Mid riirilt.T mkr ti..ln thai ai'llun iinder iT iiii.hI ,k r.iinineiireil he " i.ertlfl.-alf nf Im (iniv.-ini'iHt fii,.,l 11,,. '. U (HI " It ' ' 1 ' Us uf'ilt, Kb. JACK PICKF0RD "The Hill Billy" A stirring melodrama leIN Ihe Mtnpi. hoy mnt ( -unple -efirl wliu wove a -niipii- wiil never fatle from Hie iiieiiimv. . liygoite day- ainoiife'! Hie -iinple, lnnu. lv :,. h tiirfcy lull reffioiiv A liott-l;e r nw,gn, . a few heartache, a few good laugh. sp, Keniiiiie Ihrillv Strong eiM. Jack Plckford, Lucille nicksen, Frank Leigh, Ralph Yerley, Maine Gear J.J " m Keckley Mid COMEDY. "HOT STUFF." (THC SPAT FAMILY l TOPICS OF THE DAY. 35c. end 10c. pair Visitors Announcement! This store Is not a member of the Hela'.l Merth:nti' Association and Is not included In the list of thote contributing towards the refunding of fares. Therefore we must make you some Inducement to offset the other fellow's advantage. Walk downstair and you will save enough montoo a $100.00 order to pay your hotel bill as well as your fare. Uso our store service free. SPECIAL PRICES ALL THI3 WEEK. The Rupert Table Supply Co. Special Values for Fair Week Kver ili ..irt(neiil h i- . ..iitrtiuilril ami thing mlerlieil evirll) u repi'--Knitting Yarn, grey, hlarks and ltaUir, (Snlf Yam. nil rotor, 7 lll . (ihilil's (io 'ie, nil wiM.I, (iirneil t . . ; s. mh lllark Wor-lei" oe, ue 7 to l. t iMir Ladies Art Silk lliwe, 2 mir . lollies' Fleere Lined lliMMlier, nil -i.. -, n t Iwulirs' JAIMiKIt jMire wuol el-, Ii . (iiri's OitiiliiiialiHiis, winter weight. -i itt Ignites' Himiw Dremsna, each 0 (iiri's HimiAHiii hrc-ets ?0.i.'. x.tln.j (..( n (.allien Manuel DrtH.ea, $8.,n l.m f... (Iiri's Serge Skirl, ulealetl u wail frh 2 Ladie' Serge Skirla. values lo 7 :.', It.' Indies' HainroaU, vulnes to Jin "." fir. Jap Oepe. all color, Prints, dark anil light, 1 yard for . . (iiiigliani' .ID incli. iniMrleil. .h-i for no Yards lllaek Messaliiie Silk. :t m , per Snleen', Murk nut I rolored. .'1 yiit-'l lot . ('ireiilar Trieolelle. jwr nnl . . .... Vivella I'laiiliel, striped, etr, per .ifi.. . While l-laniieletle. 3l iiirh. : itr-U ... Ijidle-' OiHon drawers. U iwirs fur Ladies' Soil, n only, lo elear. In (i.--nrl C.orels, Hearing tine, to 7 TiO. , JliJ 11.00 7Sc Be W JUS IMS II M JU5 1J.J5 J5J0 $US SM $9.50 $1X9 JtX5 $1X0 JI.W $1X0 fx $l $1X0 $1X4 $.'0 Mmi oilier line- will lie on ale for Ihi t are ttrrivmg eery da;. ;ind will he oii'd.-i' the lore. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Fulton SL and 3rd Avo. Phon'' UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C,L.Tu. Sailinra froiu I'rinre Hupert, or VANCOUVm, VI0TORIA, lsntes , aee- ler TeMe, I' (( 'r VANOOUVin, VIOTOKIA, Alert Ms,, n loaneen Isl'" For ANVOX. ALICE ARM, STIWART. Sundtf, S r.M. fee eORT tlMeiON en Nasi Riser CeseseUs. friees Ass -uMh.H US test Atenwe. 4. Bersslev. AfMl. "urv WELCOME, VISITORS mi are riinli.illy invited lo make n-e ur " "iir vi-il, leave your pnn-el- here whelh' i ; -lore or nol. SHOE SALE We utv plaiuieil Tor a hig xlioe sale (lining I'"' We are offering lri'iiieniliii hargaiiif t'-P' Liil'h wliieli we ure discontinuing and 1 It i ' Fares Refunded M I'lease reiiieniher llml we are nu'inhor- ol "P ehunls' ANHot'inliuii and we iTfuinl luie- 1 llliyLTS. LOOK FOR THE SIGN. .s, "Faros Refunded." Member's of Retail Morcnam JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phono 045. Cor. Third Avo. ana -