id i Vin;ou'i IC. KILLS w UtS. MOTHS MOSQUITOES ttMMFLFLEA9 LMfiuosjurn rrlu(aJ WorVf fltramt SrlwitlAe bxhwtWl Rmnh ImUluM. Win nut 0tki. V iloAnr. Unnla. Inhuman 9r Druggist O I Our Eyes Bother You? 'IK i cully iulalpl ' (ii'i-rn optical j Tin-. added In l i,tiiriinr of : - . ti.. mill Willi r J .. k Mill- j is i U,i , c. , . ..nvpr. j.lnr- ! j vi )IiiIUiII $twl I lake ire of ' miiip. Phones: 189, 112. p run ! ipiii-al sprvipp u --urn you tin f irluni. Lenses Ground on the Premise hn Bulger Jeweller. indling! ai'fl t)i)'ii' v. , no! k0' some 1 v. the tint luimllc onl in . is "Cope y Kiln Dried Wood." mler n load of ' value. Full load 00 or nicely tied bundles, for $1.00. Our Tail number is nasy ,iinr. "it , nitu . our mutlo. IT mi ears loday you e Minn again. 50o Is i 'haw tiny or night IF ' an tunc," I K or nil kind l' ii' i o nrnmplly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Covo Tie Prince Rupert ransfer & Taxi Co. ggs irrivingDaily I. very Kgg Otiaranlccil liner's Horn, noun heller, fhulf or whole, per Id. A0o K, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Fish and Fowl. U I Mini Low Prices. ulkley Market f't'o, V Kerr Manager Phono 178. Dairy and Culinary i lluller. five lbs. bulk -t. Mr 'George Storey. ' llufler, five lbs., Hi. brick I, Mk. J. It. Ktnnyer; 2, Mr. Gp0. Hforpy. - Kgg. while 1, Hamlin ami Thomson; 2, Mr. K. ilellman. brown I, Mr, o. iuH-pn: 2, Mr. K. Ilfllnuin. Home-mude randy I.Mrs. V. . J niter; 2, Mr.. C. Tuck. I While bread I, Mr. V. H. Sherman; 2. Mr. Fred lliffou j Gruliam or whole-wheat bread I I. Mr. .1. L. Lainlry; 2, Mr, s. Ivaroon. I Hyn bread I, Mrs. R. Hell-man; 2, Mr. S. Ivtirsnn. Mu n i I, Mr. K. Helliimn: 2. Mr... It. Mel). Hunlpr. Fruit cake 1, Mr. Has so Hert; 2. Mr. I). Mcl. Hunter. Hark rakp I, Mr. W. g. Fllier; 2. Mr. C. O. Minn. While rake, iced I, Mr. II. II. Kaslinan; 2, Mr. F. Sraddpn. Spwijrp pako I, Mr. W. It. CurnUli; 2, Mr. W. S. Fiher. liiiisfpr-hrenil I, Mr. K. Hell- man. Shorllireail I, Mr. H. II. Fafman; 2, Mr. O. O. Minn. Lemon jtle 1, Mr. K. Hell- man; 2, Mr, u. lues. . Apiile iie I, Mm. !lao Herl; 2. Mr. W. S. l'iher. I'umpkin pi. . Mr. I'.. Hell. man; 2. Mr. C. (I. Minn. While eooklM 1, Mr. K. Ilellman; 2. Mr. 11. Mrl Hunt ¬ er. (linger rook If I, Mr. K. IIHIuian; 2, Mr. II. Hifiiih. I)rp cake I, Mm. K. Hell- inaii; 2, Mr. W. 11. lUlnlun. Women's Work Manufactures Grains and Setds if' lt f.j' av September 10, ll)5 vnrz rxrtt a. I i km) Darijr ana1 Culinary Exhibition Prize List ItaiilHmut I, Mr. G. Turk' 2. Mr. K. HellmnH. Diwoim. (iickll 1, Mrs. J. Howe; 2. Mr. G. S. Minn. Galihaice, iirkle.t -1, Mr. G. !. Minn; 3, Mr. H. Hltiiiaa. i:rrwl. ftirkl'Ml I, Mr. I. Me. Hunter: 2.' Mr. C. 1. Minn. Sisrrt pirkle I, Mr. I. Mc l. Ilunler; 2 Mr. J. Hflwe. Sour pirkle I, Mr. H. Mcl. Ilunler: 2. Mr. J. llmve, Muxliiril pinkie I. Mr. J. Howe; 2. Mr. K. Hellman. Haplierry vlnnpar I, Mr. I. Mil). Ilunler: . Mr. 0. . Minn. Tomato kelHiun I, Mr. U Minn; 2, Mr. K. Ilellman. Tomato ehulor I, Mr. 1 . W. Ilohler: 2. Mr. K. HelltnaiK Other rhulney 1, "Ml. Itohler. 2, Mr. K. 0. Klrkial- nrk. Apple Jelly I. Mr, luek; 2. Mr. J. Howe. Aprirnl Jam I. Mr. I. Mel. Ilunler; 2. Mr. K. Ilellman. (;iMielerr.v Jam I. Mr. U. Mrl). Hunter; t. Mr. J. Hfl- Slrawlierr Jam I, Mr. U. l-Minn: 2. Mr. !liea. Haspl'ry Jniu I. Mr. ! i..ii i imipr: .urii. i.. ii ii- man. Plum Jam I. Mr, h. Hell-man: , 2, Mm. Turk. - He.l riirrint Jelly I. lurk. 2. Mr. .1. Howe. Itlack rurranl Jelly I. -r!, II. L. Lan.iry: '2. Mrs. l. MpU. Hunter. itraniie mariiialailH I, Mrs. .1. Howe; 2. Mr. H. fintlh. Hnpberry. eaniH't I, Mrs. u j Norrington; 2, Mr. 1'. J. Mc- r'"r",i('k Chprrie. canneil I I I. Mr. Mr, I) n. Mel). Hunter; 2. Mr. II. M. Hale plums, ranneil-t, Mr. I.. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lnase Land tit.ii..i r . In Land lleconltng uisirici. I Prince. Iluporl. nmi .llual. Forguson nay, .a"' . V Take Wlen r.osse-Mll-Irril. Limilril. of Vancouver. H.ti.. ..ii,m Salmon Canner. In- followlim ( Pcrinen i""""- app'roxiinalcly 20 d'"'"9 " r ... ....rll.wesl corner Lot i.7t, tiotitli 3 chain; thoncc so ilh 2 Ihcnco vest 10 chair.; H.nlns; thence west 10 c hnins lo Imi.nrlnrv of Lot 1571, limned ooulh H chain; t .once west 10 chains; tlicnco north 20 llienco cast 2 chains, chains; " L I, lo heach; Ihonce following mean.lerlnrf of shore lino lo point of commencement, ami containing 22 acres, more r '"""VinssiVMILLKllD, LTD Applicant. lcr Wm. n. Milchell, Agent DaUd June 26th, 1025. IMinn: 2. Mr. I). Mrl). Hunter. Slrawlierrie. canneil I. Mr I). Mel). Hunter; 2. Mr. K. I'ear. caiineil--l, Mr. I). Mc-I). Ilunler; 2. Mr. J. Howe. I'eaehcs, canneil I, Mr. I). Mcl). Jlunler: 2, Mrs. C. n. Minns. Tomatoes, canned I, -.Mr. H. Mcl). Hunter; 2, Mr. K. Hell-man. Corn on eoh, canned , Mr. !; Mel), Hunter; 2, Mr, fi. ('.. Minn. Heel, canneil I, Mr. F.. Ile!l-man; 2. Mr. I). Mcl). Ilunler. I'eas, canneil I, Mr. I). Melt. Hunter; 2, Mr. J. Howe. Mean in pod, ranncil I.Mrs. H. Ho Thomson; 2, Mr. E. Ilellman. Collection, no wild 1, Mrs. I). Mrl). Ilunler; 2, Mr. K. Hcll- man. Collwilion. wilil I, Mr. K. Ilellman; . Mr. H. L Landry. Quaker Oats Special 1 Mr. ii. .nrn. iiunier; 2, .Mrs. k. Lake of Hie Wooil Special--I. Mr. I. Mel). Hunter; 2, Mr. K. Ilellman. Ofrilvie Hour Mills Special, scone I, Mr. I). McLeml. K W. Olllett Co. Special 1, Mr. A. Ivarson; 2, Mr. A. I'rlnre. Hakeil bnwn hwin Mr. F Ilellman. Two iloilies, under 12", cro-ehel I, Mr, (i. Itasso-Ilert; 2, Mr. Frank Moore. Women's Work Two iloilie, under 12". eni-broiilerpil in white I, Mr. (J. Itasso-Ilert; 2, Mr. Frank Moore. Tlirre liandkercliief, in tat-llnsj, onK-het or emhrolilery. elc, I. Mr, (i. Holme; 2, Mr. () fiuelpa. Trav elolli. erochrl I. Ml Ceorplna l'aul;. 2, Ml Cora William. Tray clolh, white emliroiilrry 1. Mr. (). Ouelpa; 2, Mr. S Itateher. Tea clolh, 3u", while emliroi-ilery I, Mr. John Mcllae; 2, Mr. S. Ilatrher. Tea cloth, 30", eolored em-brftiilpry or applliiue 2, Mr. A. I). OIHie. Tea cloth. 30", crocheted I, Mr. 0. (iuelpa; 2, Mr. A. D. (Hllie. Luncheon clolh, 3C", and ser-vioitp , Mis Minnie Paul; 2, Mr. K. O. Kirkpalrirk. Luncheon cloth, 36", and er-vielle I, Mrs. W. Cornish. Centrepiece, 27", silk embroi dered, colored I, Mr. rranK Moore; 2, Mis M. Almon. Centrepiece, 1 8" to 27", while cmiirtililereil I, Mr. (. Ander son; 2, Mrs. O. Cmelpa. Library scarf, colored embroi dery I, Mr., (imup; 2, Mr. II. Hanson. Library scarf, crocheted I, .Mr II. Hanson; 2, Mis Kdna Mclvor. Dresser scarf, crocheted I, Mrs. . Ilasso-lterl; 2, Miss (!. Paul. Dresser scarf, embroidered I, Mrs. J. Moen; 2, Mrs. S. Ha I - cher. Dresser'ur buffet",sels3Mleces I, Mr. W. L. Sandison; 2 Mrs. O. (Juelpa. Pair pillow slips, while em broidery I, Mrs. O. (iuelpa; 2, Mrs. S. Ilalcher. Pair pillow slips, applitpie or colored embroidery I, Mrs. S. Hatcher; 2, Mrs. C. H. Mordaunl. Pair fancy hand towels, embroidered I, Mrs. John Mcllce. Pin cushion I, Mrs. 0. Has-o-Hert; 2. Mr. Frank Moore. Lamp shade, in silk 2, Mrs. A. Akeibers, Haby's bonnel, crocheleil I, Mr. Frank Moore; 2, Mrs. O. II. Monlaunt. Ilahy's carriage pillow I, Mrs. W. M. Iirown; 2, Mrs. Frank Monre. Haby's carriage cover I, Mr. II. II. Dahl. Child's knitted sweater I. Mrs. (teorge Munro; 2, Mrs. A. Prince. Lady's knitted wool red Jacket 1. Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Lady's silk swealer, knitted or crocheleil I, Mrs. D. McLeml ; 2, Mrs. Frank Moore. Pair men's sock 1, Mrs. W. II. Kertdn; 2, Mrs. (1. Hnrje. Lady's underwear, 3 - p i e c e, nialcheil, embroidered I, Mrs. O. (Iuelpa. Shopping hag- -I, Mrs, J. M. Campbell; 2, Mrs. T. I'riest. Handbag, in beading 2, Mrs 0, llasso Pert Hardangcr work 1, Mrs. 0. Anderson; 2. Mrs. If,' Hanson. Culwork 1, Mr. Montesano; 2, Mrs. O. fiuelpa. Card table eoer 2. Mrs. T. Priest,. r Men's knitting or needlpwork I, II. Smith. ; Hedspread, colored emtirfiidery or applique I, Mm.. A. Wick. Grains and Seeds Sheaf, Timothy 1, Hillie Itohler; 2, James Lever; :t, F. W. Itohler. Sheaf of Western rye 1, F. W. Itohler. Sheaf, eoIleclon (not 1 ess than four varielies) I, F. W. . 1. i I i ti in - t.r1. .:t r iiunier umyai iianK rjipciai ;, 2, Haellon Hospital Farm; 3,1 W. C. CleniPnlson. , Sbpaf of red clover I, Itillie Itohlrr; 2. Jarne Lever: 3. Hamlin A Thomson. Sheaf of Alsike clover 1. Hil-lio Holder; 2, James Lever; 3, F. W. Itohler. Sheaf of alfalfa-trl, Mrs. It. Iirown: 2, llnmlfn A Thomson: 3, F. W. Itohler. Sheaf of fodder corn I, Jas. Lever; 2, Hillie Hohler: :t, F. W. Itohler. SliPaf of Spring wheat, other variety I, James Levi-r; 2, F. W. Itohler; 3, J. 11. Stanyer. Sheaf of Winter wheat I, James Lever; 2. P. W. Itohler, Sheaf of oats 1, llazelton Hospital Farm; 2. Hamlin A Thomson; 3, !'. W. Itohler. Sunflower heads (subscription lo Farm and Home) I. F. W Itohler; 2, James Lever: 3, Itillie Itohler. Timothy, seed I, Hamlin A Thomson; 2, F. W. Hohler: 3, James Lever. Peck Winter wheat I. F. W Itohler. Peek while oaM I. Hamlin A Thomson. Swede turnip I 'subscrip tion to Farm and llomi-,, Thus. Hall; 2. J. II. Stalner; 3, F. W Itnlilpr. While turnips l', "Hamlin Thomson; 2, V. W. " Itohler; 3. James Lever. Yellow turnips 1. Hamlin A Thomson. Mangels I, Hamlin A Thomson; 2. F. W. Itohler; 3, James Lever. i Sugar beets 1, Hamlin A Thomson: 2, Jaines LtiVer: 3, F. W. Itohler. While carrots I, Hamlin A Thomson: 2, F. W. Itohler; 3. James Lever. . lied carrots 1, F. W. Hohler: 2, Hamlin A Thomson; 3, James Lever. Pumpkin Olaf Hanson Spe-rjal), l W. Hohler; 2, Jas. Lever. Manufactures Article such ns vase, jardiniere, elc I, Mr. Dobh; 2, Alex Hudema; 3, A. Akerherg. Pattern drawing hy exhibitor in Sec. I I, Alex Hudema; 2, W. II. Perry. KxHinple furniture I, W. V. Tntlersall; 2. M. Delgarno. Model, house or other subject to scale I, 11. Delgarno; 2, 11 Keltlay; 3, Jack Oibson... .JlyA. Hay n Ion of Anynx was a nassenser south on the Prince Charles last night, bound for Montreal en route to the Old Country on a vacation trip. V m IhEverjIiti ol "Nugget" there's the same high quality the which has made it Sialiy e supreme shoe polish throughout the world. Hogget ShoeMish fn Black. Tan. Twwy RtJ unJ DotlBmen. Jt WhlU Drtutng (coJW ami Hftfe Qtarut flyiM), i Removal Sale! Tremendous Price Reductions SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS Serg e and Silk Dresses Regular price $10.00 for ....$7.50 Regular for price $12.00 g QQ Regular price $17.00 for Coats and Suits Regular price $18.50 for Regular price $25.00 for $13.50 19.25 12.75 Rearrprice,?32-00 for 24.50 Regular price $20.00 15 00 Regular price $28.00 22 00 Regular price $45.00 fori Regular price $65.00 for 33.75 48.75 Sweaters All odd lines of sweaters, a large assortment, were $5.00 to $12.00; now $2.95 to $3.50 Cotton Crepe Kimonas in assorted colors, were $3.50, now. . Kimonas $1.50 Silk and Wool Kimonas, were $10.00 to $15.00, f( now tfiv.vvr These are only a few of the many bargains. Everything in the storais being offered at like reductions Mrs. S. FRIZZELL Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. IIHHlBBBHsBBslHPBB EVOLUTION NOTED IN e tt Ten Years Ago j In PMnco Rupert September 10, 1915. City Clerk K. A. Woods has re ceived word that K. II. Maynard, recently wounded at the front. lias recovered from his injuries and expects to be m service again very shortly. A novelty at this year's fair will be n fish restaurant conducted by Mr. and Mrs. William Shrulisall with the assistance,, (if. the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co., the Atllii Fisheries, Horvik Fish Co. and the leading hotels. The police lasl night seixed a Chinese lottery outfit at a Chinese resort on Third Avenue and. as a result, a number of Orientals who recently arrived In town from the south will appear in police court. NEWSPAPERS OF TODAY One Hundred per Cent Added to Voting Intelllnence by Present-Day Attitude Premier (Sreenfield of Alberta says that Canadian newspapers sacrifice dignity for srusalion-nlism, and hinder rulhcr lliau facilitate governnienl. by their criticism, says the Vancouver Sun. Premier Oreenfield is unjust. The difference between newspapers of 50 yenrs ngu anil news papers of today is that irtd-time edilors wer interested la uar- lles, while modern editors are interested in good government In Horace Greeley's day. polite leal parties could count on their newspapers through I hick and thin. Today, except in lsolut cd cases, political parties mu?t earn newspaper support. The newspaper lias heroine. the mouthpiece' of the people nil her than the mouthpiece or the parly. Thai transformation may he inconvenient, sometimes, fur politician's, but it has added 100 per cent to the voting intelli gence of the peuple. Within the science of polities is no natural urge for progres- ..... . t ive evolution. That urge inusi , come from without, from some form of organized and crysiai-liied public opinion. If the rl..ll..i;nn nf llir. nrii SlllllP- J l.l(i I 'IUII IW4i.- . V. I' " - i times bile Ivkv shrewdly, ponu- Cjans Minum rniirmiiri ...... birth, even of new ideas, is probably more, painful, as Itacon said, even than death. TIMBER SALE X7420 SfW'it lenders will be wt-lvfd ty the i.i-k.t ii... in tiinu niMiii un Hie lltlh day' r Seplriulwr, lS. Tor UmJi iliri lule ui Lirrurv a " ! , . .Villi luy. kiiuaw A"". .. ,"V'-"'i null ttrl ot Minire, U-iUr. Ilrinlm-K "'l llaliuii imwlnlt. . . imr id vr will l llofMl rur re- lllll lit UllllxT. ...... Jt rnrllvr tmriii'iuar in ne .mn run;-..-rr. Vuiuna. n.: ur limrli-t Kun-ilfr. I'iiiiih IiiuutI, n.r- TIMBER SALE X7106 TIht will Imi orrnfU fur le l rubll it immiii iiu llif IkI vUy nf Orlo-. .. ... i.. .I.- ..rri.. t.r Hit. I'nrwil Slin- l-r. in., in ' . . . . .XTIlin, III I'lll SIU.IIUU llliri w. r.nlar i'ulA a mux ua u rr idjiiln- In l.m i. lirtit-est "f iiiiu". , . . , .. i . , .. , .. , i...m.r . Tlirre ! '' 'IH t .... Hil .. ur i rrmuviil r tlmbi-r. I I'rtivlilmi oul tiiy mi. uiwdi iu "" lii tuiiiim in iri'it uiy subinit s iini Minivr in imi iiim.U'ii ai hit ikiut wi ...... ami trvalnt wm but. lurllifr lurliriimr- or me t.niri iwrn er, Vlrliirw. B (... or niiiriri urrirr, I'rlm-e MiiinTl, B.C. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTir.K IS IIKIIHIIV fltVKM that II n-wrvr rtKlinir uwr Lit mm, Haiiw . Coast (ilttrlit, l raiirlli-J. II U N.illtN. Iipjiuty Minijior of Lanili Lamia iriartnirnt, , Virlorla. B.C ' sua stpu mil CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cloanlng. We are ready at any time to receive your phono call, lo lake your instructions, to lake personal chargo of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Opisn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mveiilugs Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Bent's Third Ave. Phono 051 L!1 m