I i ---gttPSMSRnssRswBBwMM ; , li hi I llMlinBBMnMlMMIIWMMffBMWMMMMMil TliniWMirilTBWITWrnT-T1 4 PAOR TVt) 1 J The Daily News PltlNCE HUPF.HT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t'ublUhed F.very Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. !!. F. F-ULLKX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth . $1.00 By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $ft.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year 7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters- Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in The paily .News Office before p.m. on day preceding publirannn. All advertising received sijbjeci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH xs$j& Friday; September 25, 19f Union Of B.C. Municipalities Endorse City Manager Plan. The city manager plan of civic government ha been endorsed by the Union of H.U. Mimteipalilie at Iheir annual convention. Thai is falling in line with the modern trend. -It means that before long we -hull be able to have a cily manager if we want it. The preejil government-may or may nfct ps- legislation giving effect to the recommendation, but ome government will do il in the near future fur it will, Ije demanded or Ibem in such a way that they will not be able fit refuse. The present melhodf of government by committees will be set aside as obsolete and the more efficient method will tak its place. Whalen Company f Plan Reorganization. The Whalen Pulp and Paper Company has a reorganization scheme in baud that Womis.s to give the present owner of the property a chance to recover part at lea-t of what they inve.-teu. They have the mailer hi band and within a few moilths the plan will either be adopted or rejected. In the meantime the ale of the properly i held up. II i to be hoped that whatever scheme is adopted will protect the interests of the present owners. There have been too many cases where the owners have been sold out to large ouNidc interests who have reaped the benefit of the failure of the pare nt concern. The company is paying now and if the business . carried on efficiently will continue to pay. Miners Of Britain Again Dissatisfied. Again (here is a lense .sllualioii in firenl Britain over th-quest imi of wages in the coal industry. The government stepped into the breach recently to preveJit a strike and the men wen! to work again. Now there is further Tlagreenienl and a con-ference is called to go into the whole situation. Britain depends upon her coal for her itidtitrial life". Cut off the coal supply ami everything, i cut off. Kery time the coal mineS are flo-eiri, even temporarily, much business . is lo-l 10 me country, ana ery nuen it never returns. No Country Can Advance Much Faster Than Others. If any country advances fasler than others in the mutter of high wages, it suffers o of business and Ihore i consequent unemployment. In Britain the wages are much higher than in many other European countries, heifce business goes In the oilier countries. In Canada wages are higher in the Wgl lhan the East, hence nmsl of the factories are in the KaL The Vet cannot compele. By the use of labor saving machinery mid by iilcrened effi-eieiicy a country may lie able to nay high wages fliid yet compete successfully, jnl j,s does lletiry Ford in the United Slates. That is exceptional and docs not disprove the general rule that the business goes to the country or Ihe section of Ihe country where wages are low. Wages Should Be High As Possible. We believe in high wages. We believe in men being paid as much as it is possible to pay (hem and slill make n success of the business. In cases where wages are Irish there ha lo be a spirit or co-operation with a 'view to getting the be nossj hie results. That spirit is not always in evidence in England Where the unions often Irv lo orb the output ad Mi'i injure Ihe coiniiry in which Miev live. NOTE: If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Koyal Yeast ' Cakes. Write for free booklet, "HOYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. W. OILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN.' i MUSICAL DAY ROTARY CLUB Good Program Enjoyed by Mem bers at Luncheon Yesterday Afternoon ADDRESS ON NURSING. There va ainusical day at lha luncheon of the Rotary Club yesterday afternoon when the pro,-jsram was in charge of Colonel J. V. .N'icholls. The Wcstholme orchestra ptayeii several selections, and thene were vocal numbers by Mrs. Sid .lohntonc and Miss .N'ada Johnson. In addition the club sang several choruses. There was a short variation in the firograni when Mis Randall gave an address on ftie nursing profession. She said it mattered little whether I lie hospitals were carried on as they are today, whether there wu a scheme of health insurance or a hospital las wa "levied. In any event there would ajways be, Ihe sick poor to lae care of. Today lher was no difference in ttie treat went meted lo Hie rich or poo; Each had the same fod and the same attention. The best of food and plenty of it was provided and plenty of linen. To keep np tto hospital and maintain it in a depree of efficiency wa looked itpojt as a eivie duty. The hospital in the early days meant shelter and a certain amount of nnrsing car?. II was a place in which to die. Today j it wa a place where sickness was prevented and a little spat added lo life. The nurses who eared for th i sick had tittle reward for their service. They cared for the young Canadians Mining into I he world, watched over the mother and nursed her hack to health, looked after the erippte and In sick. many, of whom came to I hem without -friend in the world. If the nurses were. able to Iielp ami cheer lite patient and for those who went down into the valley of the shadow of death make the time they spent here a little easier, that was their reward. REVEILLE IS STORY OF WAR AND AFTER It Bdns In 1918 and Shows the Great Events Which Closed the Horrible Cataclysm. September, IUIK. The V.reat War is nearins to its. close and Loudon is a whirlpool of hectic. artificial gaiety. The world Is pun? lo pieces; laugh while Iheru is yet lime. . . . happy laughter, - wild laughter, hollow lauzhlor! Any laughter rather than the laughter of the nuns . . but above all too laughter of Ihe flappers who live; for one end only; one burning passionate eonviclinn, Ihe boys who areoacx on a few days' leave, fllve them a pood time! Mothers of sons sit alone They hear the never-ending tramp of soldiers marching to Ihe grave. "Typical of all the flappers I Micky. .Before the war she lived with, her brother, Fred, over n I in' greengrocer's shop, sewing a, little atlil , keeplns the, twin room clean ... a little mother Then war took Fred from his work and Micky carried on alone, brave as a soldier, happy as a child, wailing for the bloodshed to end. Widow's Shop Downstair, u,e liny green Kroeer s it hop is kepi by a widow, lie mother of three fine boys: Sam, dour, strong and prim; Ted a careless, happy youth, and the Kid, the youngest, a thinker, but ever a boy": And Kid and Mick are just a little fonder of each oilier than mere friends. Abo,e Mick live a quaint pair of maiden sisters, the Misses Filch, existing on a pittance and very respectable. They had miss ed the glamour of love, but war had shaken Iheir reserve and sllrreil in them feelings which they hardly knew they possessed And then the (treat Nighl! The Boys are coming hornet Seven days' leave! The quiet lillln bouse is all agog with excitement which even the maiden sisters share. Mick is a flurry of Joyuiu expectation. Mother is quietly happy, walling with radlanl smile for Ihe brief re-uniun with her boys. War to Over Then Armistice! London raving mud! The hell of war a over' Hotels and street thronged with happy, riotous crowds, V This winter all the family can enjoy real underwear t comfort at surprising low cost CTANFI ELD'S Un-3 shrinlcable Underwear is made in sizes, weights and styles to suit every member of the family. Stanfield's fabrics arc soft as down and soothing to the tendercst skin. Stan-field's garments are cut and tailored to fit per fectly, without binding or bulging. Yet Stanfield's is not expensive. Compare it, garment for garment and price for price, over a long period of wear and you'll find it the most economical you can buy. Wear Stanfield's this winter and enjoy greater underwear comfort than you ever dreamed pos' sible. I il At ritktl .V.. A. C Uim wtifki ul. rl' Ctltlim llJty ' Skirt. t Drivtri. ISut 11-11). U It a Camilla BUotUU UmltML Is early mormnz before Mick and mother return home. There is a Inlter on the toati The Ilgh' llf nTthi.lii' x'r. 1 $,L mil 4' wbrfe-faced -sirt lust tnoans and Uafls.jj, A grent silence, i J Thejrj' isyot. mo?ijjvt6?the story of Iteveille shown tonight and tomorrow at the Went holme Theatre. CATHOLIC TEA AND SALE SUCCESSFUL Many Ladle Patronized Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon In Home of Mrs. Oiler Besner A highly successful tea ami sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Catholic Ladies at the beautiful home of Mrs. Olier Uesner, 303 Fourth Avenue Kast. A large number of ladies patronized the event and the financial result. In aid of the forthcoming bazaar, wan ub-stanlial. , ParliculHr mention was maita of the beautiful decoration of the living room and ditihig room with seasonal llowers. Mrs. Ilesner and Mr. J. C. (lavlgau received, Mrs. I). Morrissey and Mr. A. K. Wakefield poured and lho.se serving were Mrs. J. Arljiur Smjlh, Mrs. ft. V. Nickerson, .Mr. K. V. MarenlKtle, and .Mrs, Joe Oiiron, Mrs. .1. Lome MacLaren assisted with refreshmenlM and Mrs. A. I Oillies and Mrs. I.eveque had charge of Hie home rooking I all ies, Mrs. J. M, Campbell was Whether you work inJoori or out you'll find there' & weight tnd fibric pirticularly uited to you. And Sunfield great range of tyle and lizej and weighu and price enablci you to gel juit the garment you want at the price you want to pay. There! a iize, tyle and weight in SunfieliTi for every member of the family, priced from $1 to $10. Stanfield's Underwear cashier and Mrs. J. J. Muldoon had charge., of the raffling of a pair of pillowslip, donated by Mrs. J. V.. (iavigan, which wen won by Mrs. M. M. Mnnl.aehlan with ticket So. 1. In the course of tlia afternoon High! fill pftino selictionn were rendered hy Mm. Frank P. Kenny Mr. Jarvis Mrt.eo and Mis Xada Johnon wen appreeiated n vocal numbers, the former be-ng Heconipanle.1 by Mrs. F. P. Kenny and the taller by Miss nianehe Curl in. PRESBYTERIAN TEA AND SALE IS HELD Sum of $30 Realized at Affair Taking Place Yesterday In Home of Mrs, George Rorle The Ladles' Aid of the Pres. hylerian Church held a lha and sale or homo cooking yesterday afternoon al the home of Mr. Oeorge ltorie, 22(1, Fourth Ave. west, annul 3ii jieing reiize(, Mrs. Horln received assisted by Mrs. Joe Orecr, president of me Aid. Mr. I). (, Slewarl and Mrs. T. K. I'rltiBlo nresided at the lea urn and those who as- staled In serving were Mr. L. V. Kergin, Mr, ban Jiirbour. Mrs. V. I). Vance, Mrs. James I,, Leo, Mrs. W. II. Wilson Murray and Miss Lee. Mrs. I). Mel). Hunter and Mrs. J. o. i-decn had charge of Uio home cooking sale and Mrs. Sam Massey was cashlcf. AdverlUo In the bally New iICANADIANJ kXlurlTi n f Mf' Hurl md pr$tft Itilf It-ll. jm j Hr r-"-. V. IMS' trf Hot. "tttm wfc II t IM tl), M 1114. M$f t-ti t II Tt Aim Jlurt 4 !. S: fill V,ii IMt li-lt). ! I Ml. A. lit tlfmtrt ifuM WH, 11.11; II. IIJ. N. m ! ImIi JUm IH .ft. (' tt l ll l It. .NV IHI MmU ftal(Mlu t It r -4 lit. t1Mrtt4 tltl tUmfsUl mr frr J tM y 4i m txlW nM(. Writ lt I- tjAxnturt UMtTLO Tnn, NX IM Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fm TAicotiw, naotu ui jurni "u tt iH. rilHttSS AIT . ... ror mi, iiMM f, tuti biiu ". om riu. mm, Cmpli Rltr, tn4 Vncuir litj SMfl II -". Sn iw M SImtM0 Hum. ! 1,m" w. a oscmaso a(ri gti. Ctrntr tf H ltt H Aist, rrmtt Rwtwt, B O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siitint troio fnnt Krrt. f VANOOUVSR. IOT0SIA, SotKIM . TM4r W ' Of VANCOUVIR, VIOTOSIA, AIM , SflS WW' " tot ANTOX, ALIO! ANN, STIWAKT. )?. M. fOAT SIMPSON tn Nui Rlitr Cnn !, H1 A.BV. uMrt s CORBY'S cnc-rf ai. ert rrrrn CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Bottdiin Bond urxer Dominion Gowrnmcnl wWiion The Qu(tli(y Wlifslcy of Conoda- siDccl850 m. 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