f fp nnce Fr Whih Sandy lay, len ays jd Wha - gt t. The ity ob onvert 4 tore to . : f 3V ew teepne™ ‘ bie was first ahe su ame it en at : he al wi Ray c ir iticism . rsed . option the de novel ’ have r f pul Mike Krue rit tn , I nee nd eorge Casey rf H or Bill Long Na ol new ne the y wa il kept is Giardano tn 4 oid q m ' q 1 ut I 1 at b plant ng de r Maxim Schapiro on the concer nen Fred tre and al Jones of Ray Jones Line peo you that Printed y YOUr part icular B give thi is eatin tiveness. N he sy : plied by hat ng dean you inting Co, ig se kupert Daily News September 26, 1952 Frank McLean, who has been on a Visit to Eastern Canada for |the past month, is on his way! j home to Prince Rupert. He is in| |Calgary, renewing old friend- | Ships. Mr. McLean lived in Cal- gary in the early days Mayor H. Whalen and most of the aldermen will go to Ter- jrace next Wednesday to take} | part in that viilage’s 25th an- |niversary of its incorporation Council received an invitation from A, J. Harmon to attend and | Alderman Casey said “we glee- | fully accept.” 4 vd ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garne - ; i Y HEADS rOLICE—Police C:ef . 4 r an t Class A, the next into Class B Joseph Griffith of Outremont. = ee Bill Long have rr ep ore y aren 5, Cal. ers | and 50 on. | Que., was elected president of ie tom a month-long va- | “It was like going from one | the Chief Constables’ Associa- ca : *P ae ed A request that definite action be taken to con-, country into another,” she | tion of Canada at the group’s |8*" 910 Mlerior Be | the commented. “There was a ter- | snnual conference in Winni- eae vo | trol disposal of garbage at € city garbage dump} rific difference in the attitude | peg (CP Photo) Mrs, Gimmermister’s daughter | Ip , ure , an ntality of th children. Oe ) land two grandchildren are| Will be made by the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher eae ettees Sane tre eee spending a short visit in the lc ouncil to the city council and to the health ‘Gepart- dard of education was high in| city. They arrived aboard the a nt. o- ——__——| England. They felt the abse an Prince George ce. { | x Pa ie es cess ,| Denning, T. G. Bateman, Mrs.|°f @ standard curriculum a little | Bad Manners : : This decision was made at the H. Ridsdale iM J. L,|diffieult to get used to. Each| Dr. Hector MacDonald's mother | initial meeting of the Parent- aie, and Mrs. dg. ischool principal sets the cur-| Can Break and brother-in-law, who have} Teacher Council for the 1952-53) Webster ona been visiting here for the past! season. ae meeting will be held Oct. In England at the age of 11) ‘ month, left last night for their Present condition of the gar-| 27. | emai child takes an examination | Love A airs none a eee bage dump was considered by | which decides whether he or she | members to be a menace to city | |will go on to university. Tho | LONDON (CP)—Advice on when | , nae ~. = og nag ger acne | examinations are difficult and | to break an engagement is given Dy i = 7 Bier & Vialy WO MOE) The P-T Council also decided | red ot lonly about 25 per cent pass. in a booklet by Leonora Eyle a VON ito contact the Junior Chamber | The teachers said ® usually} who tackles many problems con- of Commerce seeking its sup-| @ LO.D.E. Bake Sale N. B.C.) works out that only the bright- | fronting engaged couples <); ly port in a drive to instal “scotch-| Power, September 27. (227) |er students get university train- | Honestly, if you are used to ime lite” on all city school children’s Stodee’ Winkat Deis Mikeiedes ing, just as it does in Canada, | decent table manners could you | bicycles. Scotch-lite is a lumin-| @ png Ms) Urive Hasurcay,| put the result is atrived at ey live with a husband who sucked |ous material for use as reflect- | Sept, 27, Moose Temple, Every-|4 somewhat different ma:net up noisily, who chewed with lors and is considered a great | Me Welcome. CER | cree eerie meee rs oe \ I { , lecte afety factor : syclists b aeelcicaticis sia os | his mouth open and who ejecied Mouth-watering desserts can aaa : Bone od for both cyclis '® Kindergarten enrollment at | fruit stones on his plate?” she | be prepared with grapes, Grapes| gee sian oe ee eevee YOU CAN DEPEND OW | k are an excellent buy and are in The material may be purchas-| rooms Sept. 29 and 30, 9-12. | No amount of lovesickness, she | pent " . enre to }ed for 20 cents a bike and the (228) | When kidneys fail to : , plentiful supply, so be sure to : remove excess acids | believes, will change the way a|make the most of them while |°0UMCi! was unanimous that this : ; and wastes, back- prospective bride feels about |they are in season. Here ,| would be an excellent invest | @ Legion bring — the missus | a ve | uch manner in front’ of | aot: setae Ge; eae, ee j night Friday, Sept. 26, 8:30 p.m.) follow. Dodd's | hel : ; simple recipe for grape mix-| ee Geod entertainment for mem-| Kidney Pills stimo- ¥ Iriends And a young man with-| ture that can be used to make} All parent-teacher associations Lises and trinnts (227) | ate kidneys to it the grace to teety 2 hat | either a pie, whip or roly-poly. |in the district assured the coun- sy = nad ier aster iain ; ompany and who allows an oo ; |cil they were agreed with a raise’ @ Lutheran Church Ladies Aid| better, work better. { woman to stand while he Grape Mixture {in council membership fees from | tea and sale of homecooking| tec dee Yale eated is the man who lets 5 cups (1 quart) grapes (pre-|75 cents to $1, of which 40 and fancy work Saturday, Sept. on "a. iis pregnant wife carry buckets ferably blue) cents is sent to the B.C. Parent- | 27, from 2-5. (297) 1 co i panieiecaineeeion ( f coal upstairs he added ’g cup sugar | Teacher Federation instead of j : : Miss Eyeles advises that any 2 tablespoons cornstarch ‘the former 20 cents and 10 @ S.O.N. Whist and dance Fri- ould-be bride or groom who Dash of salt leents will be allotted to the/|@#y, Sept. 26. Good prizes. Re- veriences a deep disquiet re Wash grapes and»separate the|council instead of the former|freshments. Music by Mike ding the manners or stand-/|skin and pulp. Heat pulp to| five cents. _Colussi, Admission $1.00, Every- ard of the other hould get boiling point and boil gently 5| Those present at the meeting bedy welcome. (it) e fa t minutes, rub hrough a sieve tO} included Mrs. H. Mark. Mrs. A. @ We wish to express thanks UL 4 e sé vever mind if the engage-| remove seeds. Combine pulp and | Logan, Henry Powell, Mrs. N.' for the return of the steam iron ent ring ias been bought and skins and cook together 5 min- | Halliday, Mrs. H. Rensvold, Mrs. | and teapot taken from the Au- your friends will Valk os ar — ns. cl oes R. Tough, R. G. Moore, Mrs, K.! ction Rooms last Saturday. We unt of embarrassme starch ¢ salt and blend smoc sollte : iis : ; : : ‘ i ; amoul r oe rt i yd ra Lad cae Hardy, J. S. Wilson, Mrs. J.' realize this error was unavoid- Looking into the crystal ball of fashion... a be painful as marriage un § : Oo grape \- > afin cate the wrong person.” Stir into the rest of the grape eran waters at oe i we see the soft feminine silhouettes of fall . : — artie < rhe, writer does not confine mixture and cook until thick, Th d Sh Ww | volved : iit interpreted in these suits. iticism to men. She warns Stirring frequently | IF 0 er sass ccuinaaplicbes Secale es ‘ ie that young women who put If a family is very fond of 'H Id F aig ee irning cigarets on the table, grapes, triple the, quantity of e or OBJECTIVE $3500.00 / ‘ , ind wet glasses on the piano, grapes, cook and store for sev- GIVE GENEROUSLY Good quality, reasonably priced Gabardines not likely to make a com- eral Gays in the refrigerator Mi H and Pic‘and Pic. priced from— rtable home for a man and When making a dessert, take ISS orne : dren—or for herself third of the grapes and add the A huge decorated basket full Y, cup sugar, 2 toblespoons corn- of miscellaneous gifts was pre- RED SHIELD 29 95 starch and dash of salt as above.| sented to Margaret Horne when SERVICES ‘ M M k aie : ses eee she Was guest of honor at a me a rs. ar rO MAKE GRAPE PIE shower at the home of Mrs. A. The Salvation Army op- SMARTLY KNITTED SUITS : Pour the grape mixture Into) Fp Janes, 1425 Second Avenue foes tenes Does President of an unbaked pie shell. Cover with | west Seteniie” oad oars a lattice top of pastry and bake| ‘The shower, given by Mrs. J.| Hospital; Homes fer $1 9 95 p T Cc i| in a hot oven, 425°F., until pastry | yg Currie and Mrs. Janes, was + er gg le BER gs : . “ OUNCI is golden brown, Serve cold the third fot Miss Horne in the} leas; ReMsious und Wel- irs. H. Mark is the newly 70.MAKE GRAPE WHIP past few days. She is being mar- fare Bureaus in every shal til ‘anit wr Prince Ru- Chill the grape mixture and | ried here Friday to Frank Clapp. major centre. eS Y A a | ts : a _ ea a wo add two egg whites. Beat until! Margaret's sister, Marion, and | / spf eso me ae ‘‘ the mixture holds a peak. Pile light-| her mother, Mrs. C. Horne were | Appointec _ conve rieteigd tes x. yin individual sherbets and| among the guests. Others were: | om S e@ ore emraenakuiina tn oe ake — j serve with custard sauce, using | Mrs. Sam Currie, Jr., Mrs. Sam | o dai ain r sel oe ge the egg yolks. Serves 6 to 8 |Currie, Sr., Mrs. Eddie Clapp. | LOCAL APPEAL ra a es a ASSOCIE ’ + . | . a > CORAPE , r rs. M. ckerson, Mrs. Frank | Wilson, representative to the TO MAKE GRAPE ROLY-POLY ee eee Mees SEPT. 5-26th er linie © ee: W sieve tas slightly sweetened | “* , ey ree 1H | hee : . a" D ntal Clinic Committee; W. D Prepare a ligh ly +i ao Strachan, Mrs. Cuture, Mrs. A.|Tom Christie—Campaign Chair. fs iriffiths, representative to the baking powder biscuit dough Ronald. Mrs. J. L. Macintosh,| ‘ ‘ . 5 ‘ities Civic C 3 : : sing 2c * Roll out one- ee , oe : SO.) Ed Gladding—Campaign Treas. e ivic Centre Association, and using 2 cups flour ( Mrs. D. Scott. Mrs. J. Valder- . Mrs. J. Denning, publicity con-| third inch thick. Spread with haug. Mrs. W. Tocher, Mrs. Campaign Headquarters venor the grape mixture and roll up Sh iiates Love Mrs. Reuben Scherk, G. PERCY TINKER & CO., LTD. ‘ like a jelly roll, Cut into ae Mrs Sowalt, tert. W. Geddes BESNER BLOCK — PHONE &7 Mrs. Dave White, Sr. of Banff, inch slices and bake on a eens: es fo = cama Alberta, is visiting her son and ed baking sheet at 400°F. for daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. | about 15 minutes, or leave whole e Cliflord White, in the Federal and bake for 20 minutes, Serves | Bldg sa S1xX QUAKER OIL HEATERS Models priced from ‘$9.95 134.95 1 year’s guarantee, Terms as low as $15.00 down— $6.00 per month on balance. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY nbn McRAE BROS. Exchange Teachers Discuss REGINA @—Some of the dif- | chatting ferences between Canadian and | children | English elementary schools were! She said that in England it is |noted by two Regina girls who the custom to segregate pupils With teachers and} have returned to this country|with common defects such as}/ after a year overseas as ex- | deafness or short-sightedness. | | change teachers | Problem children go into the} | Miss Margaret Stevenson | rooms for the maladjusted. Miss | |taught in Leicester and Miss {Stevenson is still undecided | | Marie McDonald was assigned to|whether the latter system is| a school in Stoke-on-Trent in the | good. Hones Midlands. | “It seems to me,” she said, | | Miss Stevenson said she spent | “that this type of child needs | | the first two months of her term {some association with normal! | observing teaching methods in| children rather than to be plac- | | different types of schools and | ed With his own kind.” ‘City Garbage Disposal § vstens | | "SALADA’ | TEA BAGS Make ( Education In English state schools a, noon-day meal is served on the | |school premises. “It was no small job seeing | that 40 little pupils had their | proper quota of a hot noon-day meal, minded their table man- ners and making sure there were no casualties involved.” Miss McDonadd taught danc- ing, music, English, social stud- ies, art, mathematics and P.T.' |to boys and girls 10 and 11 years | old. Miss McDonald taught danc- | “streams” of classes. She said that in England the children are | “streamed” into different classes according to their 1.Q. with the| |very bright children going into} A WORD TO THE WISE This is the time of year to check your FLASHLIGHTS and SATEEN: Be sure i see the fine selection at— a 3rd Ave Box 1118 SI; if os e H; [ ti an Tailored of the finest materials by hands skilled in the art of making fine clothes. We invite you to look over our new fall stock of Shiffer-Hillman suits and topcoats. WATTS & NICKERSON} MEN’S CLOTHING SHARON S SALE . 25¢ 50c 75c $1.00 Booties, Mitts, Underwear T-Shirts, Undershirts 79c $1.00 25¢ Come in and see our other items teo numerous to list— Boys’ Shirts, Sweaters, Rompers Socks, Ponts including School Coats, Dresses, Boy's Pants, Pyjamas, Skirts, Blouses, Jumpers, Tunics, Jeans, Hats, : Overalls and many other items, 9% CALVERT HOUSE. Canatuan Whistey CALVERT DISTILLERS You'll welcome CALVERT HOUSE first, for its smoothness, light body and delightful bouquet . . . again, because its outstanding quality brings you rare value. It’s the best buy in finé Canadian Whisky! LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. NEO Rrsenan IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA |