r "ember 1 i ; (i !, . .! Hi. . , , Per box $2.25. HEINZ Oven Baked Beans IEINZ PORK AND BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE loi J'n Pit doz. $1.40 . for 35c. Per dor. $2.00 Kir. Per iIok. $3.35 csm Olive Soap, 3 for tnllght Soap, 2 rarlon . . rtf't Custard Powder, ru frsce Turnlpi, ,S lh. fREMIUM PORRIDGE OATS r Orl.l I y 25o 85o 45c 20r! ILKIN'S BEST MARMALADE 60o I na a. O a m . it. If 25o fODIN HOOD PREMIUM OATS ' iri .,u kagi' 35c POULTRY FEED a aKonls for OkIMo M 11- Our next Freil Car Inn it few iluy. Follow- i 1 'lei's ror ilelivrry on nrri- " ahiy Kiiaranlooil. I'fr Sack 5 Feed Wheat .... .... $2.90 I'Kiivina clonni-il ... $1,90 P"i ft, fiKilvi' $2.00 Oats $2.25 Iu vie Egg Mash $3.40 llo Scratch Food ..... $3.50 moo corn ... $3.50 The Rupert ible Supply Co Ir Phonos: 210-211.212 and 298 List of Prize Winners at the WEEK-END Recent Fall Fair at Terra n SPECIALS y .Mir order. Our ' rapid nml we pay utti ntion MACKINTOSH HED APPLES -, J. rv. million. llol yearling trra.lc 1, A Thomson; 2, K. Olson. lU'cl milch cow grade--l. K to phone OWon; 2, V. King. I IU;M pure bred ynong slock ' 1, I). MrKinnon. i tl I 'I VHClf nl.l ..l.. 1 t ... v J-.., ,.,, ptiriiir i ,, 25c' K. Gordon; 2, k. OUon Swln Hesl spring pffc 1, .1. Went; 2, J Weill.. Poultry While Leghorns I, Mm. Mc-Connell; 2, Elmer MrConnell. Goose ami gander l, Mm, vamlcrlip. Het pair rabbit l. I' t Kenney. Qralns and Grasses Collection of grain, 10251. F. V. Holder; 2, Jan. Lever. Shear or wheal I, F. W. Huh-ler; 2, Ja. Lever. Sheaf of out 1, J. II. Golt-hurst; , Hamlin A Thomson. Skear of AUike clover 1, J. l. ColihuMi; 2, F Itohler. sheaf nil clover 1, Hamlin A Thomson; 2, Mlcbaud Itros. I'uil timothy eel I, Hamlin .V Tliorn.on; t, V. Holder. 3 head sunflower -I, F. iloh-ir; 2, Ja. Lever. I Sheaf of timothy , F. Iloh-jler; i, W. W. Hippie)-. i ddlflion grae ami clover 1, 1'. Holder; 2, Ja, I.ever. Vegetables Early ahhape 1, C. II. Thomas; 2. 1'. IJillyard. Iitr cabbage -I. C. II. Thomas; 2, Hamlin A Thomson. Itcrf raMiavo I. Jim Cook. Savoy rahbarf 1, Jo f.iKik; Mirhauil llro. I.rllur 2, X. SIhtwooiI. While apike pacivntterK 1,1 250J lv-r; . F. HohW. . lie i rnlkolion vi)ielable l,1 Knlnlin A 'llioiiHOft; 2. F. Itoh-Iim ; a. t;. II. Tbonn. l4l rollrrilOH VTlnbl4 I Hamlin A. ThiMion. rolkrlion vrFetabl (irown hy tKiyo or girU allmlinit imblir nrliool I. Hny'Tlinmu; . Hilly Hohlor; 3. Du-llcy Llltle Halt liuohH twitnlo I, R. Frank F. Frank; 3. W. W. llippclny. Whit luriiip- I. Ja. I.vr; ? Ililii lhthlr. 0 half Iohr rarrol -!. F. ltohli r: 2. Joh t'-ook. Tabl- li-l .1. F. Itohler; 2. Ilillir Itohler. iuilirlovrt I, W. J. Oootl-, win; 2. Miclwuil llro. Hlanrii rol-ry 1, Hamlin x rtu'k. v., uruuna v-oirec, irr in. VfftH. in gHHi town Sugar, 7 lii. for .... 50o ng Sugar, m Inilk. 3 lb-. 25oH n-Mald Purred Raisins, in V ... 25o a i u i in. niiilalih Tor 'akn. piP!, rlr. Thcnun: 5. W. C. Lilll. Woo- I. II. Halliwrll; Hamlin A Thonion. Slrinp linn I. F. Holilor; 2, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE soTirr-tj iiEnrnv r.ivr.M ttui n rrr rtMini orr llu, lunr im.I lii.inrl. it mihHM. SUlES rx'JHllJ Mliiuirr of 'uH l.iivtt Prpirinirnt, Vlftoru. II. t. t'"''li NOTIOI, IN THE MATTEIlK-"THE COMrAMFS CT " ll IN Tin- MVTTKR Or IIVfSTMENT :OM-Ctll.rMHt.. LIMITHI. TUK .NOTICE tlial 'th tlirtve Cwniny. . ii. rH.i.riHl nrrtri I al Prlnrr llil- wru H.i:.. lll aiily l III luxior Juiltr miSr, U Juir "f l suprpiiii" imuri if Ill'lllnn i:fniiiinia ai i-rnnr imi-iii TI,i.n.liV ih ISih iliv of I If li- t' ISIS, tl II" Ixir "f Hrvrn o'rhv-k Z .tl r,.iuui at llio Law C.lturH. r..iurl Himi. rrlnic Riii-tI. I.n., tor an I...... r..i.riiir iiw aui cmunany in Hi ivilntrr or r.aiiianl In the irnrr or th-tftialrar Slk Omipantfa. Mfj or Jn'ni "X l". C iiml-r "imn "' 1 1 It? ii al rrlnr Hupm. H.C.. llil ,M nay or Spl..tr.oAMj.iAl. illfltnf 'r ivmpnv LAND ACT. DIMrlrl or Prliir In irm l.an.1 llrronllnf IliirVrt. ami almal al th month or Tra i : ni-ri ri.i mm II..- Krallll lllVtT abolil IB lllltft rr.m Ta"'e "notice thai John A. Snillh or I.r... orru.allon liuntirr-Vn Prlnrr , Inii nuiHTt. i in I'pVv rr lrinllon to mir ii ? Ih" follow nir HmitIIm.iI ln.0; .2 Jr rr of lot ili nanin. four: ihnire SO r mint norlhir y; in ire au rhVint wpttrrlv, niori. or Im. to Ihi. Kr-r.n.r".,,... .i,inp id rhalnt muthrrlyi ih.'nre ae'rlwiim rastcrly. and runiaininr 00 serf', n.o. SMITH. JOHN A. Aiin.anl. TtT n. p. tu(, Arot. ft.iM iini M'" M LAND ACT. inttnllon to Apply ! Laaia Land in ?Mi5i rmi I ami Ki'mntinr m-'rlc 1 or rrlnril iuiimti. an;l almaio at Ym TVKF ' NOTICE ' Iwl Einn'M" H. ?Hri mII'.mi II C iwrnpnilon rniinrryman, ,,'&ffla' t'aS V.t plant-d shout ,,? 1 1 tfl. '" i. r"',,,, r rlr,: riiRina. "'" ri.. .inni tilth watrr mark to ronm.i.t.(rn.rnt, and rnntalnlni point of ". "V.nnBE it, sim ran AMilirint Cited flrd July, 1. Mrs. J. WVntz; 2, F. Hohler. Vegetable marrow i,'H. A. Swain 2. Mrs. Gill. Sipianh 1,-JfiP Cook; 2. Mrs. Gill. ujrtimliers I, .Mrs; K. M. smith; 2, Mrs. dills. Ifhnb'arb slalfcs 1, F. Itohler; 2. Archie 'Wippraley. Tfibferalk pnlaloPA 1, Ham-lin A Thomson; 2, C. II. Thomas. Aetrnl Jem potatoes 1, F. rranic; i, i. it. Frank. A.O.V. potatoes, nnmeil 1,'V W. Hlpppslpy; 2, F Frank . Onion 1. Hamlin A Thomson: jz, A. llallcy. rofii tomalnii f, Mr.. H. Jvintr; 2. Hamlin ,v Thornton. ttronn 1, Y (J. Litlle, IMXlCOCK. Swiii rli-anl I, I.anfVar A French; 2, F. Itohler. I'tirnpkln 1, '. A. Kin; 2, Mr. OllffH. (obi (iln polaloe.4 Hamlin 4 lliomaon; 2, F. Frank. Hulabatran I, H. A. Swain; 2, Hamlin & Thomson. Field Roots ' lMt rolli'dion fiehl rootn I, Hamlin A Thomson; 2, f. A. Swain; 3, F. Itohler. Manjrle 1, W. C. Litlle; 2, F. W. Itohler. Suirar beeU 1, V. 0. Ullle; 2. F. W. Itohler. Turnip 1, W. (1. I.illle; 2 Hamlin & Thomson. Carrot I, V. 0. f.illle; 2, Hamlin A Thomson. ' 1'aMiiips 1, Hamlin A Thorn on; t, A. rtailey. Fruits llest box apple 1, F. Frank; 2. J. H, tJollhurtt; 3, Hamlin A Ihonv-on. Yellow Trantiareiit 1, J. It ('ollhur.l; 2, Mr-. Itruun. Heal Anlrnclian 1, Hamlin A ;riHiniin; 2, fieo. Utile. Dudie--' or (thleiiberK 1, J. II Colthtir-I; 2, J. K. Coiton. flravennleln I, Chat. fiifiRfy 2. Mr. K. J. Moore. Snow 1. II. Frank; 2, A. Cote Wanner 1, I,. II. Kenney; 2 Hamlin A Thomson. Wealthy I, II. F'rank; 2, K. T. Kenney, "MeInloh lied 1, J, K. Oor-don; t, C. It. Gilbert. Iei1cioti I. Lanfear A Froneh; 2, It, thrift t. Winler Ilapana . 1, II. A. Swain; 2, A. Cote. A.O.V., named I, I.. II, Kenney; 2, W. T .Atlvvooil. lly-lop Crabs I, K. T. Kenney; 2, Lanfear A French, ' Trandeendenl Crnli I, Mr-. K J. Moore; 2, Hanvlin A. Tbonitnn. I'lums I. Mr. K. J, Moore; 2, Iinfear A French. Ilrailthaw (phimV U Mm. C. It. Gilbert; 2. Mm. K. J. Moore. l'eae.h plum I, I. It. Frank. fireenjraRe plum I, E. T. Kenney; 2, Mm. Chri-lie. Heeve pltin I, I. II. Frank; 2, Cha. Toombs. A.O.V. plum 1, Lanfear A French: 2. W.J. Oooilwln. Italian prune 1, Lanfear A French ; 2, L. H. rvenncy. TraKedy prune" -1, Mf.. Christie.;. 2, Hamlin A Thomson, A.O.V. prune 1, Lanfear A Frenrh; 2, I. It. Frank, , Ilarllell nears I. fleo. Illltle: 2. C. It. Thomas. iUuCiU Flemish lleanty pears 1, I. ft. Frank: 2. L. II. Kenney. A.O.V. pears I. J. II. Coll luirsl; 2, Lanfear A French. Itesl collection I, F. Frank; ?, Lanfear A .French. Itesl collodion small frulla I, Midland Hros. Flowers Dixplay cut flowers I, Midl and Hros.; 2, Lanfear A French. Six aslcrs 1, Lanfear A. Fteiu'li; 2, Mrs, J. II. Youiig. Twelve sweet peas I, Mrs. Cook; 2, Mrs. W. King. Six dahliUH I, K. T. Kenney; 2, Mrs. H. Kintr. Twelve panties i, Lanfear A French; 2, Mrs. J. Wentx. Six rose I, Mrs. C. H. (1U-Lert. Islv jrftinlial .Tim. Svunn 9 Mrs. C. II. (iilberl. Itoipict cut flowers I, Mrs. H. KIhik; 2, Mrs, Cook. FoltnRc plnnl 1, Mrs. Dover. Geranium 1, .Mrs. Thomson; 2, Mrs. Christie. Loaf while bread I, Mrs, Geo. Dover; 2. Mm. K. Smith; 3, Mrs. K. Olson. Loaf yeast brown bread t, Mrs. Geo. Dover; 2, Mrs, F, Iloh-Icr; 3, Mrs, J. II.. Young. DouKhnuf 1, Mrs. K. J. Moore; 2, Mrs, W. li. Smilli, 12 maccaroons 1, Mm. Geo, Dover; 2, Mm, Christie, l'lalu fruit cake 1, Mrs. II. Victor Christie; 2, Mm. Harry King. Layer cake 1, Mrs. Geo. Dover; 2, Mrs. W. S. Anderson. I'an buns I, Miss Kiln Frank; 2, Mrs. Gills. Fancy loaf 1, Mrs. Geo. Dover; 2, Mrs. Harry ' King; 3, Mm. Jones. Apple pie 1, Mrs. K. M. Smith; 2, Mrs. Vanderlip. Home made mince meal pie; 1, Mrs. F.. M. Smith; 2, Mrs. W. King. , vv Deepvplc 1, MMi.ook; Mrs. HaTrv'ittnfcr', noion vvniie eata-ii numim A-VfhT'imson; 2, Mrs. K." OIhoii Ioien brown eggs1, Hamlin A Thomson; 2tlX. Sherwood. Jar strawberry jam 1, Mrs. Gills; 2, Mrs. K. M. Smith, Jar raspberry jam 1, Mrs. W. King; 2, Mrs. C, T. Thomna. Illack currant jelly lj, Mr.. Gills; 2, Mrs. J. WcnU, , Itfd currant, Jelly 1, Mrs. flllU- l ..t MlUll-A Grab apple Jelly -,i,': Mrs Christie; 2V Mrs. II. King ' ('aimed cauliflower. J, ' Mrs K, M. Smith; 2, Mm. Hrnun. Canned peas I, Mrs. W. It. Thomson; 2, Mrs. F. Holiler. Canned beans I, Mrs,, Thomson; 2, Mrs. F, Holiler. (aimed cherries 1, Jim. C. Toombs; 2, Mrs. K. Hohlor. Canned plum 1, Mrs. W. King; 2, Mrs, G, Toombs.-' dinned peaches I, Mrs, K. M Smith; 2, Mrs. W, King, Canned mixe( pickles 1, Mrs H. M. Smith; 2, Mrs. Geo, Litlle Jar cucumbers I, Mrs. K. M smith; 2, Mrs. G1IU. Jar relish I, MrsF. Dohlcr; 2, Mrs. Geo. Lllllc. :, Comb honey J, Mrs, V. S. Anderson; 2, I. 11, Frnnk.' Home m'ade candy t, Mrs. J 11, Younir. Lemon pie I, Mrs. Vanderlip; 2, Mrs, K. M. Smith. Minerals ftesl bona flile prospector's in dividual collection of ore sped Process mens 1, J. A. Midland. Photography Landscape view t, W. O. Sparkes; 2, Felix DeKergom-meaux. Live stock view 1, Hamlin A Thomson. Fancy Work . Fancy apron 1, Miss Ella, Frank; 2, Mrs. Agar. Pillow cases, crochet trim 1, Mrs. Amsbury; 2,' Mis.s Ella rank., , Pillow cases, scalloped edge, and initial 1, Mrs. R M. Smith. Xightdccs, embroidered, while frMrsTITaniirrt; 5, 'Mrs. Thom son. I Afternoon tea clol and three napkins 2, Mrs. Geo. Keith napkins missing). Afternoon cloth, embroidered in while, not over 15" wide 2, Mrs. Amsbury. .Duffel runner, while, filet trim 1, Mrs. Hamlin. Dest colored cushion 1, Mrs E. M. Smith. Itesl paper flowers I, Mrs. J. Jones. ! School Competition I Grade 1, coloring with crayons 1, Mary Maxim; -2, Uarbara Sherwood. j Orado 2, painting, flower, fruit or leaf I, Thresa Dejardines; 2, Gertrude McConnell. Grado 3, lettered alphabet 1, Fred Nash; 2, Jean Dover. Grade" (, freehand from nature 1, Helen Smith; 2, Freddie Mist. Grado 5, geometric design, colored 1, E. Paddock; 2, V. l'addock. (rude, lettered panel 1, Janet Young; 2, Margaret Glass. Grade 7, butterfly or other insect from nature, colored t, D. McOnwnn; 2, Mona Greig. Grado H, penmanship 1, Kathleen lUirnelt; 2, Dessie Moore. High school, map of Uritish Columlito I, J. J Simms; 2, Mury Wilson. The greatest musical experience of your life lies in store for you if you have not yet heard the new Victor I Records. Dance music as Paul Whiteman really plays it songs as John McCormack actually sings them in fact all music as famous Victor artists personally render it. is now yours But only Records can bring you music like this WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR Sweetest Jaid Chocolates "The Candy of Better Quality" which are made with fresh dairy cream and are guaranteed to give satisfaction to the most critical. There arc no conditions attached to our guarantee, your money hack or a new box. You must lie satisfied. Assorted Fancy Centres Assorted Fancy Centres ... Nuts and Fruits , ,..' . ... . Nuts and Hard Centres. . ' . . . Cherry Cocktails Little Bits from the East Peppermint Wafers ... FOR SALE 1 lb. 2 lb. 1 lb. It lb. box $1.00 box $2.00 box $1.25 box $1.25 1 lb. box $1.25 tV, lb. box $1.75 Mi lb. box 50c Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists. Hexall btore. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street, Phone 82 and 200 Wholesale and Retail Druggists Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. prince:rupert, B.C.