SUNOCO jj I I Chatter II 11 Free II III OIL for Ford: Try a filling and be convinced Kaien Hardware Company CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servke, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to take your instructions to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass a.nd Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 208 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST HAVE YOUR FURS . REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor 8erb;e, JJohI, Hand and Gravel Wa Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. BRINGING UP 0CO tIT TRUE 1 J-tM.t. iHEL f I HZRQ TMVT TOOR f Fo Y WILL SUPPORT A ! TARIFF REDUCTION Forthcoming Halibut Conference In Seattle Mentioned at Board cf Trade Meeting The deputy iniHister or marine .iiiil fisherie- in a comiiuiuiration last night advisi-d tli- I-al hoard d trade coiirrriung the conference lo be hdd in Seattle on Aiiffu-t 10 for tin- purpose of dis-rii-.-nig the i.iriff. un halibulj When the mn'ii'1' was brought to I fie at.'ejiliiio r t ti.- hoard, the president slated Miat ho Was at-I'Mi.liut: the conference a a re- lty iinsenl alive of the halibut boat! owners, and would he interested in trying to hae the duty on halibut entering the United Slates removed. The surest ion yerned to lie very favoi-ahly received by1 the tin-urtiers present and it-was; at agreed (hat one half of the ex pense nf hi- trip he paid by the hoard of trade. PRINCE RUPERT NOT RECEIVING PUBLICITY President Nlckerson Tells Board in of Trade What He Found In the East O. W. Xickersiin, president a,( .the board of trade, said last night at .'it flip rprlft:n tniintlilv riiAolincrl of the ,fard (hat he had fottndU. ul when lie was, east that not one of t.He C.X.H. lirfUdablc had i-rince Miipert nuinlioiud on the cover. He said also 'that,' wheif a tram stopped nt a divisional jioint coming west at which a sign was put out stating where the train was going, no mention was ever made of Prince Kupert. lie brought thi lo the. attention! of the board to be taken tip when Prince Rupert's other claims were ore-ented to . Sir Henrrl riiornlun fur ronsiilration. TERRACE NOTES Mr-, ijreig returned on Mon day after a proloirged absenct1 during which she visiled Van ily couver nnd the Oueen Charlotte Islands. This week I he Sunday school celehraleir- Flower Snnday and a J. lieauliful conl ributioit Was sent down to the Prince Hupfrl Hos pital. Miss Fountain, provincial sec relary to the Canadian (lirls in Training spent the week end with Miss MiDougall. She left on Monday for (ii-tcomlic where she will visit the CO LT, camp On Saturday Miss MclHiugall invited a number of her friends In meet Miss Fountain. Tom Itoss of Memo, spent the vik end In ibwit. t, Mrs. Ifnlltwi'lt reluf fled front iteuio on Saturday. Ilev. and Mrs. V. J. Parsons have moved lo tlieir place on the hill. Mrs. Lipp returned from Haz cllnii Uuspital on Sunday. Mr. Mauville has left Halt Hros. and returned lo SasKal chewan. Mr. Chapman has laken his place. Mrs. Marlin sjient the week end in Prince H'jprrl. Miss F.lla. Frank has returned liuine from Prun'e lluperl. Mis. Cook's friends will be uiai to i ' ii r n -he is making a rapid recovery from her opera lion and is expected home on Saturday. FATHER BATTALION ORDERS Lieut. -Colonel J. W. Xicholls,. Officer Commanding, 1st Hn. Renting one half nf the assessed North K.C. Regt. (103nd Hn. owners on a valuation basis or C.E.F.; U)y plebiscite at the next muni- leipal election. No action ha yet Hand practice in the Armoury. been taken. The two-year system fileMlay and Thursday eveningsjfor election of al.leiinan cannot 8 p.m. prompt Recruits attested Tuesday andfehange is made mursuay evenings ai o p.ii). Rifle raiige,firaetice at Me-Nicholl Creek, Sunday. August 9. Boar lenviw Cow - Hay at 9.30 a.m. All member nf the regi ment must attend at least two practices at McNichol) Creek range during the summer months order to comply with musketry regulatious and earn the govern menl grant. , Annual musketry training and Iprize shoot 'weather permitting McXicholl Creek range. Sunday fu ' . .V V""" V" ' MW naj hi w.jn, to, ami 10..10 a.m. Inspection of the Qiiartertiuis- ter's Stores will be held by the District Ordnance urficer during econd week in August. All ranks are notified lo have clothing and equipment in their os- ession in readiness if inspecting ofneer should demand production of eamo. '"V . - I).: .JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant Attd. 1st Hn. N.H.C. Itcgt. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. It. F. Marpob-, V. II. Hrown. II. W. Ilickfiell, Uapt. T. V. Sandys Wunsch, Mrs. Ititislein and fam and Mrs. J. D. Mcplie, Van ouver; Mr. and Mr. It. C. Me .rutchard, Winnipeg'; Mrs. J. Mndfll and son, Fdmonton; Mrs. William Coop, Prinee Oeorge; II. Tiudale, Tnrnnln; John M Cooper, Washington, D.C.; Itev. W. II. Day and family, Ooodfish like, Alberta; Mrs. V. tlale Francois Lake; Mi,aml-r.Ms. . n. Logan, Prince Albert; Mrs. It Aykroyd and daughter, Wain- wright; Mrs. F. W. Aykroyd, Ter race; Mrs. porter and .Miss .lenti Porter, Morris, Man.; A. 11. Cas-and son. Precolt, Arizona; Al fred It. Whitman and IL Klleide. Los Angeles; T. M. Ovens, Tclk-wa; X. Parsons, C.N.H.; F. D, Jones and K. V. Morrison, Fort Langley. Central Oeorge S. Hill, K. A. Lnring, Miss L. Panler, Miss Florence Anderson ami Miss Josephine Howell. Vancouver; It, L Thur- ber, Ivlson; L. Oarfin and W Campbell,; J. J. Miller an 1 P. L. Jacobs, Oceanic; M. W, .Mc Lean, Nans Hlver. A Idler from Hie Toronto Hoard of Tnole was read lo the local board last evening fiiiggcsl lug the idea of a conference lo be held somewhere west of Hie great lakes this fall with (lie bleu of studying Canadian problems The board of trades of llalifiix Winnipeg, Monlrenl, Toronto, nnd Vancouver were favorable lo Hie ideii, and communications might be addressed to any one of I Item rcspeel ing the views held by the local board on thr subject. The letter was referred 'o the Trade and Commerce com unUeo of the local Hoard foi action. I PRINCE GEORGE MAY I QUIT WARD SYSTEM (Matter of Maklnq Change In Method of Electing Aldermen Is Discussed by City Council PRIXCK i.I.kHI.I., Aug. 8. - Ai l Cues! at tlie last meeting of i 1 1 v i-iii;, h .nigh! up the 'i liter mi .,t...:ih ;ig the wart --ri'iii m II I.-, ion of alder- iiii-n. fie, t ra-er and Mayor Muard f.ivon-d t i change wtail Aid. Lambert and Aid. Patterson voiced their ds-e ,t. In order to make toe ehan-e. it will be necessary to -ectire a net it ion reore. lie put into effect unless the PRINCE GEORGE Cariboo. Lodge, A.F. k A.M. held a picnic a I Six-Mile Lake on Wednesday, afternoon. There were about 20 persons presen including members of the eraf. their wives and families. It. C. Armstrong received eveiv cuts from broken glass and W. S. DeMaltos sustained minor injuries when a Ford ear in which they were travelling from OueMiel, went over an e?ii- raankment near CoUonwoo.1 Creek. The Prince Oerge Alhlelie A- Kociatiop is considering sending baMball sJeam Jo Prinee It is perl during Fnir Week. ltev. Dr. C W. Cordon of Win nipeg, I teller knowji as Ralph Connor, witi. be here neit Tues day ami Wednesday lo attend the presbytery meeting of Gari boo district. Arnold, Flaleu, accountant in the local branch Vtf the Royni Hank, ha- been called In O ramie Prairie on account of his father'f serious illness. Miss Hilda Arnelt of Vancou ver is vi-iling here for a couple df weeks with Mr. C. Ternan. HAZELTON Mayor .VevToir of fnuce Hti pert has been invited lo open Hie !laeton Horticultural Society's flower -how which is to be held on August SI. The bridge across the liulkley River at Moricelown has bsen closed for a month ami the new road from Moricelown to Smith ers is now beirig used. Misuiie Flleen ami Dorolhv Paliiiore have irelnrned to Prjnee Rupeii after having- spent two weeks holidaying here. Oeorge Hodgltis and Robert Williiu have left for Hie Kltgagn placer counlry where they will spend Hie next monlh. Mn; K. F. 'hirhbull and child ren have left for Vancouver on holiday trip.. Mr. Archibald of Hie loral I'ni'iU ll.jnk staff lias been trans fened to Fdmoitloii and his plac lia- been lakcQ Jitf IJ. 0. Lucas nf Victoria. Mr, nnd Mt:,;WJ)llam Millar arc vislling jicfc' wilh Mr. am Mrs. Kd iD'dc,. DnugliiM Lay, resident mining 'en riiion hay been inspecting lhu I inning properties around th- huadwaters of the Tclkwa Rlvrr VJHO't) THE, OO HC J XOOnC L C'tus t Int j. rinjt SfWvKt. lC.l-" il ftnuia. riM tnnnd. For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent II' By George McManus NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken WANTEB WANTKD. Driver Tor milk round. Must be used to horses. Apply Valetin Dairy. Mcltride Street. 181 OKXF.RAL SERVANT Wanted Mrs. F. Melt. Young, Fourth Aenue Fast. WA.XTF.D. Plain dressmaking. Reasonable rates. 718. Fraser SlreL If POSITION WANTED LADY requires situation wit'i doctor or dentist as assistant and bookkeeper. Apply to llox Sflt,' Daily News office. IBS FOR SALE FOIt SALE. (iaslKMl "Sea Hawk "; 37 feel overall; 8 foot beam; new cabin; new gas tank; good dinghy; 2 anchors and rope; 6 h p. heavy dot) Fisherman engine. About tw i years old, in finest working condition, price 1500. Apply D. Hrown at Smith & Mallet s shop. FOIt SALK. Stove trouble ol- vij. Why worry about your old stoves when you rnn es-ehange them as first payment on a new Pit KM I Kit HANOI" and have complete satisfaction. I la la nee on easy naymenls. Prince lluperl Kxeltange. Phone (".55. tf FOR SALC Seven room fully iiKMlem house; exceptionally well built; splendid location: hot water furnace; garage. Corner 1'ourlh Avenue and Dunsiuiiir Street. Also entire household furniture. Apply M rs. Atkins, Plionb 83H. UHXITIJIIK iHMiglit. sold an J exchanged. Dominion inlaid linoleum and Harry, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, inlaid linoleum. Furniture and range of all des cription for sale. A. Mackeu zie Furniture House. Phone 775, FOIt SALK. Pleasure hull in good condition. Cabin over engine and canopy lop. Suit able for 5 ti.p. engine. good sea boat, First I0D takes it. Write. Hoi ?G3; Dally News. (f FOIt SALK. To loggers, timber cruisers. Rebuilt cruiser. 30 by 10, 20 h.p. medium engim Sleep file. Roomy, Oood pea boat. Cheap. Phone Mark 138. FOR SALK. Household furnit ure. Apply CIO, gcvculh Ave. Host. Phone lllue 2f8. K1 OOOD piano, for sale. Snap for cash. Phone Itlue I CD. FOR SALK. clarionet for 5I7.&0. Phone 100. tf TO RENT , KIR RKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's .MIIXIC MON;. f FOR ItLNT. Two room furnish ed apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red flo7. if FOR RKNT. Modern house, live rooms and bath. Monro Hros. FOR RKNT. Clapp apartment Wcslenhaver Urns. tf BOARD HOARD The Inlander, 8atl Second Avenue Phono 137. HOARD and Room or Hoard only Phone Red 707 MIND TO AX.TVW- V?CtL- r mc MVa made 0ME. HINO -HC MtCHT M WEUU CEAO. , LOST l.oST. -Small dmgh with oar- from Salt Luke- .-1 dav nulii W o .1 i 'hum painted on -lei ii. t-iitdi'f, phoiif lilue It' ward. ! I M 1 : LOST. Wiil the ;irl win. lt.ik the wjo nlmi" coat front the Auditorium I ' - i u-lav night 1 1 1 ; - ! i. ii i -.ii.. tt Hryanl A reer: txiii si. LOST.- Iiownlovvn. I.iru. brown paper cnveoie addr. -ed District Forester, i uiUer please return to Di-lrnl r"orele?" office, fUiurt lloii.e. H5 LOST Black and a iitU collie ti without collar. I nider ple phone 9M. Ri-WMrd tf BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF LA8THHPK i-CVCLB Marine F-nginea- - i-II.P. without cluleh ItKS.UU 4-H.P. I cylinder' MD MO. 00 S-H.P. I cylimUr llt 1 5 0.00 H-II.P. I cylinder III) K-ILP. t cylinder MD i&ll.Ot tO-II.P. I cylinder I.D ns.oi AH the above xeept the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Cear. and full eleiirical and propeller equipment. The best that mony enn buy. lUsthojie Hros.. 171? Oeorgia St. W. Vancouver. H.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boalhouse, Agents Phone 381. TAXI Taxi C7 Phone (Coll Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Special fl and 7 passenger Slurit- bakr at your service day ami Mailt. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mocker Block Across from F.mpri'-r Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggago, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone un. P.O. Hot iiiti COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV Process Columbia Records no scratching, Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots, Sonus and Instrumental music by world famed artiste. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPCnT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE, New and Secondhand Fnrni ure Store. 'o Huy. Sell and Kx cbntige New and Secondhand Hoods. GEO. PAPADUPULI8, .1t Third Ave.. Phme i KEITH'S CAFC. When in Htewart visit Keith's Cafe in Iving I'.dvvard Hotel now re modelled. Up-lo-daln Dining Room and I.tuii'li Counter BOB KEITH . Manaaee. V t t"f-fef4- 4 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4- 4 Saturday, August S Higb l.o.i a.m. JO.-J ft 0:1.' p.m. 20.0 " Low lo.Ji' a. m. :.! " i:':"i(i p. pi. 1.5 Sunday, Aunust 0, High i :Tr a. in. . IH.O fl. I7::io p.m. lu.S Low . 1 1 :0l ,,.,,i. 3.11 " -'.1:11 p hi " Monday, August 10 nigh 5 ; - a m n o f 18 1 iiiii 18,3 Low 11 51 am, 5 3 1 'HI I - Articlet Lot! and ound.&c for lets than 50c PHOTO FINISHINQ P. J. RYAN P.O. Il. t tJ Prince flii i Srviee and - MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-ooixa. rw is tti MuhM)!. V. Iim I rhw T ViMMtf TiK-tsr . . . Widwj4y ., T !! Arm, lltmtt A rrvw- :. I t i ... t rH sir w nitw u. T AlMla eMitt tUBl I T Ql Clurtoil IlIlM r : ) 11-COsusO. fri Um ImU a my. vSkr-.M. i l I rm Vih T !.( .... WHW I rU ... . tm Any, Ah Arm, ltrttsM TOW' WrMnrMfcii' stinntsyv . Irm erl shwms u4 Mm s ie h Mtiw4s) ,. from AUtta eii Mni . i frsitl Qui CtxfMl lU4 Pii- BOX C0LLE0TI0N 3? ) QMS A 4UM ' IN AM. t Slk SI Sit r. A r)Ual i Sib Aw. a Tlwii" n I Ilk arbru- A I life A. a Omrot -i lfe llf .r ir. in a. en. si -1 H MrferKlr -I n. Otrrt. HM-rea. Ail. Wbsrf 0 T.r. wttirf 0. T. f. sutlsi Hd r A TM S Snt Ar A oil. .1. -I list tt A 4m SI. STEAMSHIP MOVOIENfS VMla ITHi. i' t ; TuxtS) - . 11,1. I.J WrtthrMby I'm. . saiHMtajr . i iuii ' . I'riiHfii" vi' a. 1'rliKr ;.. . From Vance wir suitilay- . l antt-n Mi4Ml m. I'rtHi VVilitely frii' . I N')r w. I'riltrn Iln M. CllaU Mtntilo -u. rrinif-For fori Slmpton tni N Bit'' truitr- : i iU From eon Slmpton mi N "" StiMHar . atii For Alalia WntWMUy t'riii. , , Assii'l III M. I'rtllll'"- lull I J . PrHM-ii." tlli II - . iner I - '. Prlnre Aio 31- I'rlnajHW Iniil'r From Atatta , XumUy , ITiin Ii'. AllS'i' S ss, I'rtnrrs 1 hill' ' lf--. rrliirrM AIM"' IS- . ITIIMT" lull' ' !. t'rltirras Alice is ..-rriiiCMs l.otii" For SUwart, Anoi and Allc MoiMlay -t. rintriM , Vi.lliliiy . frlliri' '111 ' , ,1 l'rMv- . frlnm Oii '' From lltwart, Anioi and Alii " , Tllriutty r. Mntina WnliMKilav run' t Saturday . I'rini' . For g o. Iilandi Aiimi't. tT rmee Jnliil II I'rluif JiiIiii. From Q.0, lalandt Atint I '. 'i I'flrira fulin. It I'rlnrr Jnhn. Advertise in the Dally