OC1 A 'hi ii. iSI'tl ii I., nvs.vnii " ne ii M II in.. I I i Ing i Suspension of Work f Uo llyjtl Canadian PIIILADKLPIII A. ng. 8. flfi tu,l Otc Provin-I with the breaking ..If m Atlantic i a full-fledned still or,lrt iH.ralloim will be urdcrH innLliii. .mlfll Slllllll l i.. . I- ,.r II... IT M V iiiAii !.l orssl Fire Monaco In West Kootenay Incrcaicd as a Result or High Winds Ml -ON. g 8. High wind rnt .(lunllesM forest fires U( uiniiajie in Ihe West ili -i net. The n.ol 'ire in nl Caslletiar ' d juiirtton. 15 mile : f i n. whpro 115 men arc 1 -ave Ihe r out in it ii i I y ! many cases have left i - for safely. Tin I " v-- within half a mile oT '' lirifet itin'l store when II ; il il d down. OMAN IN linSPITAI.- MAN FACES CHARGE ohn Llndbloom Accused of In juring Florence Kelly Rc-mandod Until Not Week afternoon. Florence Premier hoHpilnl nl North Hufiis "'feeing from facial lu- tSelltlrk The Rllualion is virtually Ihel same n in 192S. when, afler the ave neit'tliatbins in Atlantic i.llv had failed, a Ueiir"ii was rdered and remaineil in effeell until 'i!ernor Piurhol Intervened. Ilolh sides then agreed o iirhilratiou. and n n result the nuoc workers receiveil a ten per nt vBti iiierea'e. "YOU ARE FLIRTING WITH DEATH," MAN Undliloom of, Surf .Inlet IS TOLD BY ENEMY MO.NTIU Al.. Amu. 8. -"I'll gH you. F.very tune I look al you, von are flirting wilh death." is whal John llainslmv. alias Williams! of W Ht'linonl Street, is alleged lo have told an enemy, who in turn swuie out a warrant served last mulil by Special Con-tJHhlf Hlanchiird. In police eoiirl today llainslow pleaded nol guilly to a charge of iLrnnieniiiu. and: was held in $11)0 hail until Irfal. STOCK MARKET H.C. Silver Daly Alaska Duuwell nit of a fracas oil . I., and I ut fnr,w Pinrf,r of Huxclton The laller, wime.un he- Purler Idaho . I"aiy Mimislrale II. V. Silver Oresl .... "'o.l in t1() ,.i,vIIP'iai police, Terminus "li' Mil. i.... .. . .... .. ... t..li.U nijiir nun was i e i ..I a 1 1 1 1... - " ,,,,p" '! August tr, w i il oeeleil tl0 jMl,, Ionian aide i,i iii.ii..M. l.ln.l- r M, provincial tlr.inby Howe Sound (Hailstone nf'l was effecled last llayview ' ' '' f Splller and Con Indian MlixLl.... Ml"Mnn, I . .. e Hid. Ail;ei( 1.00 1-23 1.30 M .28 W. .33 2.10 2. W .01 .01 V6 A .05 H .OlS .02 .10' j .22 I OH .18 .in lll.lMI 15.00 '0.00 '.'t'4 .20 .or. .07 I Advertise in Ihe Daily News. , .I1II.-Adiimer Cm. and the pro- PRINCE RUPERT AS OUTLET FOR PEACE In- iiitu innK. Al the ot'enin of (lie iukIiI ithifl lnnl cvptiing, some; twmily nn-ii did not go lu workj ami. tlu morning, the walkout; branift mnTal. The laborer arr ifmMiidinit 5 fur an eiahl hiHir iiy wIkt'mh oOr and 55c u lioiir .i hfini: air. inftde n raid wiy liiluiiy. f the anthracite wage nc-L, ' . . thfl jimmse of Ii near Hutie llaptd ! Mile .if tien Island Laboiers Demanding $5 a Day Whereas bOo and Ibo Per Hour Is Being Paid i A gi'iinrai iiikr or Iaiiorers at; Hhc pialnr I'linnlrurliiiii starlcdl I. M. S?h'arpi KiipfHiilrndent of cimalrurlion for Carter-Hall Ahlinvr .. Hie il;valor con trnrtnra, !latel Him inorninj thai th rale b-iii(j t-'illjA"'' icorJairr with tiiir aljyjninion Pair Wave iale. It w.m un-. likely, lid aM, that this would he clisHKfcl. Sfl pn. aUtPiint of tli clrik but l'iftaUi(o yf Ihr la- ... vTv inornlng that it had I'wn in enm- uiflt. lit dlf iiail.tt. nniA " ii fill' - with the (.arter- JalKtr at the elevator. i.-r nnmi hi.o r i,e expiraiiun oi mc iireseni ... - .... ,, , ui. n.- ... - x i, . i lit- iiri ifT-jsr- - i immii. isi ma nnivinpiiii i mi i-ni.inni i iimitfi .us siii-t r belre Ptipendiaiv t, Uiere is inlerventkui, which MeLrmt'on a ehane , al ireenl apparent Inland Jtevenue Act fined ftoo with v tni.nih- in jail. I nmff n it n tut am i ki:ai n wlWUUiltl Itl the GRAVE DANGER vlnsiaW Uvlmenl board on the wrk on the basis of Si ten hhurj day was sranled by Ihe provincial board in view of the nature or the work. Hie Trades I-ibor runcil look Ihe view Ihat union iwRes should be paid for eight hours mid time and a half for Ihe extra Iwo houri. Mr. Mn.Viven, deputy minister of labor, and Mr. -Harrison of Ihe adjustment board will arrive In Ihe city tomorrow- and it is cvpectftl (he present irounie win then le settled. Strikers' Mooting A resolution was passed nl a Hireling of the striking laborers last night that strikers refrain from taking alcoholic beverages luring Ihe period of the strike Hie laborers are nol organized but agreed nmonx themselves lo make certain demands on their employees and these liave lisen omiorsed by Ihe I. WAV. who are supporting the sinkers in an en- filenvor to obtain their demands. There will be another meeting tonight. RIYERJSFEATURED The last Issue of Hie Family Herald and Weekly Star, publish-ciLin Montreal, enrries a long ar ticle under Ihe heading: "Heller Duller for Peace lliver District." Accompanying the article is a map which traces a route starliuix from I'nucc Coupe, Joining the GfcN.II. al or near Vauderhoof and coming mil to Ihe Pacifis Ocean at Prince Itupcrl.. Ihe map shows only Ihe central portion oMtrlllsh Columbia. . FAMILY IS BURNED CI-'N'TIIAl. VAI.bKV. Aug. 8. Halibut arrivals Ibis morning totalled 107.000 pounds. iix Vtneriran boats landed .132,000 Earl Halg Made Presentation to Campbell Sip Henry Thornton's Representative at Montreal MONTH1.A1.. Aug. 8, Field Marshal the Karl Haig, l.ady Half .111.1 iiiemtiei- nf Hie Hlillsli Km. Five members of one family wcr. shown throughout Caniida BOSTON GRILL mm Large Upstair Dining Hull, J Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere A Anytime. nances, banquets and wedding Stand Roy1 Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. For ratis, apply to Iioslon nd 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDCCK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper v Phone 457. XV NO. 18.1 v ,r PIUNCB MPKHT, B.C., HATT HDAY. AUGl'ST 8. 1025. Ytttirdtf't Circillto 1M8 Strttl ! B7 PRICE FIVE CENTS. DRASTIC CUTS ATLANTIC SHIPPING RATES MYSTERY SURROUNDS REAPPEARANCE AGED MARINER NEAR CAPE FLATTERY British Interests to Reduce Emigrant Fare and Merchandise Rate m a W m m - . a iglit against snipping combine is now on de clares Canadian government investigator JovTHKL, Aug. M. Dm -lie cut m rale Iroin Europe i i will l' made liy Itritioli interests according U an an- i t Mm- morning b W. I. It. Prelim, government iu- l Ihe alleged shipping combine, ok hi arrival fnuii i fft .ill- will he brirtlglil from llrilaiii hI $10, rattle will ted to Hnlili I"irl tl Bib er bead aim! tiierrh-iiHlit v be leducfd. I'rt'-tmi renewed tin? charge llittt the romhiiie lo niniii- exilcd ami added: "The fight again! tfi -hi- ur i UW oil." . J ! m w w w ri rn w t w y tun aaiftinnn i i in iv i n u l n ii in i nir n m a i IN POLICE RAID; end of august . . I llniiklnn Off nt Nanntlallnna "niici ui nam omiwi nviu - ... Butte Rapids Were Vlsllod ' ""TOn "'""" """ by Officer This Morn- Operator Way Cause STRIKE IS ON I AT ELEVATOR Willi 11 U kPra tsij , j belief Ihat a upiiioii bMiard Mr hurlii2t ln-'forc, more la-Itorfr ar now on their way here from WiniMjr. No advance notice of the strike was jlvcn, Mr. Hhenrer Utel. 'IIjr wuIL.iihI ii f Ialtse nf- to; 1i, iBring j;;.rnt which JiikI ilartl 'thin wfek. t . t y - . ;.r 1 Iobtcr iMliermeii al Lavitnupequt' Hny. I'niicc F.dwanl Island, are shown utiloadmig arl of their ratrh. HALIBUT PRICES arnewere are sun ai work, me, kt)V UP 11 CD TnHAV I'onlrarliNg ropi;iaii;- t pro- AKt DC 1 ILK lUlnl leeled frm delay tU- th workj iy a utrifce rlaiiKe in the contract ! Nine Schooners Marketed 1G7.000 II was aniKMinced .hy thej pounds al Fish Exchange i f.nliip rUtimeil Miitl I PEACE RIVER IS DISCUSSED tee to Meet Sir Henry Thornton pounds, and three Canadians 35,-j ...... .tn. ii-;- i.niier The iiuestion of the outlet FRENCH LOSSES IN SYRIAN FIGHTING nice Service l.eaaue before IhcyiTwo Hundred Killed; Six Hundred tcfl for F.nglaud nfler lourln Woundod and Most of Canada, presented C. K. Howard. Equipment Captured personal representative of Sir - - Henry Thorulon. with a silver JKUI.1SAI.F..M. Aug. 8. .French hvenrlv i Ins morning in the San Commander Maude, Who Left in May for England Aboard Ketch, Turns Up Near Starting Point K VICTOHIA, Aug. 8. The thirty fool ketch -Half Moon," in wlilch Loiiiiiiaudei' Mutide, 70-year-ohl retired naval officer, lelt Mayue jslainl early its .Muy for the long voyage to Hugland, wa sighted' yesterday afternoon flying distress signals off I)e--tru-'tiou 'Island, '10 miles south of Gape Flattery, a radio message la-l night said. Mstery surrounds the appearance of I he craft so far north as, on i v a tnoiilh ago, the "Half Moon arrived at Sunla Barbara lioiiud for the Gauala. The ra iio oierator al Destruc-' timi Island went out in a li ;a I and .tsked Commander Maud what he wanted hut Maude if:-. nori"i all ii'ieslions aiiil. afler! -ailiua itrn'itii! i lit island, headed iim;Hi aaain with his distress siK"al si ill flyiiis. tit stfeainer Newinstton has tieen instructeil to keep a lookout fin- the "Half Moon." WHITE MEN TO COMPETE House to House System Inau-guarted by Victoria Vegetable Dealers y al a lower ii ice because of their lower standard of living and reduced costs. ' The while produce dealers have now decided that the best vvav to compete with the Orien tals 1? to adopt their own meth ods. Thirty house-to-hous' "The board fell that this was. tmcks are now a part !r BOOTLEGGING WITH YELLOW PEDDLERS ! : of the one of the questions on which: white men's organization, which Sir Henry Thornloil should, re- obtains much of its produce ceive Ihe opinions of the board, from white farmers growing and therefore a committee of five tmrk crops in the vicinity of was annointed to arrange for his Victoria. . Ihe organization is! visit here next week. The com-1 meeting wHlh snei ess even great -miltee consist of D. TliQin- er than had been anticipated. m 11 tnr...rr.rv r. r. nih-i : , r ibon's.'j. i. McLennan ami S. K. TinpCDADV HAQ 111 1 ijiirtui iinu BAD CONDITIONS Children Doad and Dylna as Re- 1 1 suit of Prevalent Soarclty of Nourishing Food DI'Hl.lN. Aug. 8. According lo u report from the mayor of Clontuel, the largest town in 'Tinperarv-. conditions are bad salver at the ?. Ililt-tiarltnujeastutllics in the recenl fighting' "Cliildreu have died uf slanat;on Hotel. Mr, llowurd was iiitchame of Ihe special Ira" which conveyed the parly fr'uYn Vancouver to Montreal. The salver, ulably Inscribed, bears a facsimile of, I'url llaig's signature. 'The field marshal lhaukcil Mr. Howard for his services, ami said (hut he tipprcci-nled Ihe kindness mid courtesy nt Siicdlah iwaiusl Syrian rebels and others are dying of illness aggregated 20tl killed and (100, caused by the prevalent lack of wounded. Much of Ihe French equipment whs captured by the tribesmen. CALIFORNIA 'QUAKE. I .OS ANHF.I.FS. Aug. 8. Slight earthquake .hoek. were felt hurio'd 111 ileiilli when fire de . i:iimiiiIiiii National officials. He Hcrum-ilmn San Jacinto and SnnN''rHi W -1 Tern lory iroyeit 1 mi r lioine heru tlrjiilso praised the service f Ihe Diego .i s'ini- Nn damage tuorntng. ntad. Mr Iovvhci replied briefly p e t uourishiiig food. LADY BYNQ AT JASPER. JASPF.lt. Park. Aug. 8. -badv Hyng is again a guest at Jasper Park bodge ami will remain here unlit Lord H.vn returns 'o I'.d-monlon fcoiii his trip to Hie Advertise n Uj Dally News GOV'T LIQUOR Commissioner Davidson Replies to Assertions Made by Victoria Police Commission. VHTtiHIA, Aug. In assertion of 8. Iteplyinx fhe Victoria e coiiunif-sKin that local lionllivHrs eeure their liquor supplies stores. s from the ov'enunenl Commissioner Hugh uTnTui Toulo rfltrpreveHT a fef lam aini.uni of liquor being sold VP TOIIIA. It."'.. Aug. 8. lu an for this pu-tnise owing to the effort ut forestall Oriental peiie- possittiirty of illegally iiuying Iratioii lulu various lines of com--Hquor on another irsi)ii's per-inerrial endravur, estecially with mil. He pointed out thai the regard to the marketing of gar-!.nuor Ad provided for vendors iiii.n inirk rrn'U. while men have lo refuse lo seel) liuuor to any- Board of Trade Appoint Commit- : , himse-to-house neil-imiM susoei-ie.l of boot leasing and dling system. jsuid Iha! I lie ruling was being If is now more than twenty; enforced a much as possible, years since the first Chinese' to;ped.l!er with his bit? straw bas-IUMC fAPFTfiWN HAS "v" !'""'' - ., ,,... ...J i.,.,i,i ,.r ...I. .1 .. til- il.an those duiins the middle of,,l,c 1 vv "Ml' - 7-" the week. .... Arrival and salc.swere: Amerloan Hranl. 7.000. nl 15.10c and 7.70c" lo Pacific Fisheries. . j Itose Spit, It.OfiO. at 12.30c and 7.90c to Canadian Cold Storage Co. Prosperity A.. 11,000, atMLIOc and ;.80c to Canadian Cold Storage Co. CANADIAN NATIONAL SERVICE PLEASING fnr ili.-eussion at the Itoard of trade meeting last evening by J r Mnf.niinui. win. referred to the! endinz niniliiee Hun vegan railroad. He felt that Ihe northern territory' w primarily . old , 0.1' d: territory or CAJl. territory aifd, iji the interests of Canada, Hritish Columbia ami Northern and CeittrtiL,H.G, lllis irniiorj ?i.hhih .. for the C.N. II. to develop?! He felt that something should be dune by the htcnl board to slreuctheu the position off Sir Henry Thornloti in obtaining this country for the C..N.H. and so curing an outlet to Ihe coast via the northern route. lii.- shoulder appeartnt on the streets of Ilrilish Olumbia coast cities During the Seymour. 10.M0.' aU10.30c andruggle at hdmonlon between, pa,i ;ewvears Orientals l,ave on- ... . .a.m. I . . (1 1 11 II r.. II. 1 . : ...I n A...l....1 ....... .n, ! nil Mnw ' a"" l,e ' "c lumni uiiua. iii"imiiui; i iC lO tlill Fisheries. i""' Lituya, 32,00(1. at tO.Oe 5c Ut Mouth Fisheries Arctic, 28,000, at 10.80c and 4c, to Canadian Cold Storage Co. Anna J., 17.000. at .12.70c aird 0.50c to Pacific Fisheries. Hilda, 8.000, nt 12.80c ami 0.50c to Canadian Cold Storage Co. Alki. 7,000, at T.M'.Oc and 0.50c lo Pacific Fisheries. Canadian and and C'UUrol OI me ivninoniuu mm misniess, uir ..tiiiiicis tuiiiu.ii- ing ami working in conjunction wilh Oriental farmers ami store- keeners. A groat many white storekeepers were, forced put of business by the encroachment of Ihelr Asiatic competitors,' who we're ahle to offer woods for sale ARRIVED AT VICTORIA NJuch Entertainment Planned In Capital City for Warship's Officers and Men VICTOHIA. Aug. 8. H.M.S. Capetown arrived here yeslerday from Prince Hupert in the course jof a coast cruise. The first function being held here in honor of the officers and men of the warship will be a smoker that will take plare this evening wilh the (ireatWr Vet erans as hosts.' A committee from the city council consisting of Aid. Shanks, Woodward and Mil reliant has been appointed lo lake charge of the entertainment of the sailors. The plans include provision for sight -seeing lnp about the city. free admittance to.the theatres and to the amuse(uenl centre w here it is planned To stage a, swimming gala. SALMON STOCKS IN RIVERS OF PROVINCE INCREASED THIS YEAR OTTAWtA. Aug. 8. It is ex-per!cd Ihat 1'.'25 will prove a re cord year for the re tor kilux of, Hritish I'l.lumbia rivers .with salw mon. The fishery department aiiuouiieed today Hint inorivyili.ui mi,iiiii.niio small salmon m had been released this yeah. Il IIiq, Fraser Hiver water nearly 50,-ooo.ouo fish have beeiT iefeased. "These figures tt not iijltidn ttie large niunliers of other' fislt hali-hisT iiniiuaU.v mid ieleae, in H.C. waters. B.C. ADMINISTRATOR OT'TAWA, Aug. 8. Chief Jm Dice Macdoiiald of the Appeal Court ha- been unpointed ad-mitiistruii'i Tor !ri'i-i r.oluintita duciiig 'lie inoiiih of September jrtlifi I p ;'"n c 1 (iovertior S'u -I (tot vv aOi- 'ii'