rAOE SR THE DAILY HEWS ! tt7 I i w e save you I MONEY ! ! I . QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figure- according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had , over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRUITS I'earlir-. per crafc . . $2.00 I'ea'-he, per doz 40o Aftpie-.. (in- box .... $3.00 Apple. 4 Hi- 25c I'lums. C Hi. basket . . 85c I'luin. S lb - . . 35c Water Melon, per lit. ... 7c Caaha Melon, per lb. . . Sc "rape, per lb." .. .'..'. '36c llaxpherries, 2 hose . . 25c Haxpberries, per crafe $2.75 Mark 'Currant, per crale ... $2.50 Apricot, I bskls. to erale ... . . . . $2.75 liana na. per lb 15c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84 COME TO "Demers" CLEARANCE SALE for GENUINE BARGAINS. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 DANCING At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 0 Piece Orohc.slra. 1 Dance 10c" 3 for 25c Free Ailini-nion. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, the great lady phrenulogiMl from Jeruapm. will read your li".-id like an opn hook. She will lull you all about your pant and present. Don't miss this reat. op-port nnl iy. 820 Third Avonuo West. ll)r. E. S. Tait I DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Offico Hours 0 lu 0. X-rtay Service Phone G86. Open Tuesday, Thursday mid Saturday Kvcnlng$ STORAGE AND CALLIES DRAW Final League Football Game Last Night Resulted In 3-3 Score j A good crowd was present la I evening at llie final game of the city football league when Hie Callies and the Cqjd Storage 'played a draw game, the score being 3 all when the closing whistle blew. T. Jones was referee anil A.! .Clapperlon and M. Lamb acted asj inne-mien. in me opening penoii, ! the Gobi Storage played up lull and the Callies had a little the belter of things. At half time; the core stood 3 to 2 with the Callies on the Ions; end. In the second perioil with the position." reversed, it was evident that the have been seen on local ground recently, the play at times beingi very open and ragged. Il slowed I However that toe unit Morase LAND ACT. D. I i 3 li. Pl 0 9 1 r. 3 f 3 Sport Chat The gons used at the world rhampionsliip heavyweight prize fight March 17. I8'J7, when Jim Corbett lost the title lo Hob Fitz- siinuioiis, has been given by Mrs. Sadie Mariton to ln?r son a resi- LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Lii Land In ?k-pni Uion i Und District. I'rlore Itui-rrt, B.C.. nd tlttiatr loo jirdi nortli of Winter llarlxir, l'rare Island. B.C. TAkE OTH C that (be lUnadlan Fln-Inr Co. Ll(f. of Vancouver. B.C occupa- tiun, sauiHn i,aniifr, iinpnas 10 for rnl'"',n to lett the followlnr d?- Ciiiinipurinir at a post planted it blto lrr mark 40 fret frtiin rock on short line; Ihenre east one chain: thenci north me nunnrca ana ieniy mains; inrnce et to shore line wif rham; ihenre tn a sonlherljr dlrertmn folloulnir the shore tine lo poini oi rixiinienrriiieni, ana con- Kinuir iweiv.' arre, imr- or ie. Mir. tA.iAumi risni.o w. liu ll.lil Ullh Mat, utt Nolle ot InUntlon to Apply to La Land In riiKlir Ijnd Iinirlrt. tterordlnr PI trlct rrlnre liujrt, B.C. and situate north of ItoirflFli nay. 1'i.niaiia uiui. taik notice mat tne i.anaaian risn inr Co. Lid., of Vanciiuer, B.C., occupation, salmon c.aniier, Inl-in1 lo apply for ix-rniUslirti lo lease the followlnu de- rriiM-o tannic .... Coniiueiirlnr at a poi pianira ai ivm water mark, 1 00 ard south T Indian .mf.k. Invi' ihenre northeast oim "tialn: tlwrwe southeast one hnnilred and twenty rhalni; Iwiire Mininwem 10 snore nne one main; inniT ii"riurn mii'i. tn. il.. .iu.r. Ilim tn onlnl of fininenre inent. nne hundred and twenty eluln. and ronlalnlnr twelve acres, more or ies. the CAAriiAi nsiniu en. lu fialed anili . tits . IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT Or BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter of the Adiulniftntlon Art; and In l Ik Matter of Die Ksute, of Jack Chris lurr Itereaeil InleMlaie. TAKH OTICK that by order of Ills Honor V. MrU. Youim. made the nth n i.r Julv n ias I was aiiiio nteil An mllillfator of the estate of Jack Christoff. dereated. and all parlies haviuK iiiin aralii"! Hi ald eilale an- hereby r I milred to fnrnUli same. proi--rly yerlfledj lo me on or liefore the 30lh day of Aiiirii't.; t li IU1T. and all nirlle. IlKlf tiled to til' A.i.t. ... ...iiiir-.ft il n.v the anuiunt of their lndejtedne. P. d furthwltli I MlllMVN A. WATT. orrn-ial AdmlnH' --.iior Prliiee Unpen IV' liateil the snth it' of llltT. tili TIRES! Owing to Hie nnprece-ilcntcd advances lit crude rubber and cot I on. tin prices are rapidly advancing. .V nl II Saturday, August Hlli,- we will sell tires at July list. Immediately tlmieafler a fifteen per cent advance lakes nffecl. Save Mryney Buy Tires Now S. E. Parker Ltd. Do You Want a Summer Holiday? Make this summer a continuous one by enjoying perfect health. Take "Frult-a-tlves" regularly and your summer won't be spoiled by bilious attacks, headaches or stomach and bowel troubles. "FRUIT-A-TIVE8" The Fruit rono laxative ilenl of Texa-, vho.e father wa one of Corbel t'ts trainers. Mr Cold Storage inlended to equalize i-Manlon purchased the old be.l if possible, and their efforts were 1 from Andrew Todd. r.. of Car- son "a "a' 11 m rewarded. The game was per- H.eSSWII Sine the day Of IIm l,n. nnl a enrol a nm. Ihal little. Floyd FitziMmmons of Lo Angeles, who faited this week I team will be a serious contender ' lck I"Py signature lo with the Callies for I he (.ilhulyja al Harpr Gr ' "P- (up, (he first game of which will be played on Monday evening, live, II. Lambe and A. Harvey scored for the Cold Sloraee, lemoer, announced after a ron ferenee with the champion that as a re.ull of Iempey's banishment' by the New York lioxiiuc while Have Scnlt uis resnonsil.t,,JI"'i;0. heavyweight for the three goal, for Hie Cale-!rl'al1M ld ayreed to fih Ionian. 1 Harry Wills for him '"wmi here The learns lined up a follow? :j,,Mr Clitadrro next July I." Cold Storage: A. Murray, C.l Whatman, Ii.'Jack, if. Carlson. I A belter prolan, than eve. A. McDonald. S. Darton, J. Cor-t"fora ' arrauged for the bet I. A. Harvey, i Lambe, Hiwiiwi .imwub nwhch ,w llye, S. Elder. Callies: AV. Hamilton, J. Harris, M. Andrews, G. Abbolt, S Currie, It. Woods, A. Mitchell. II. MrDougall, D. Scott, W. Milchell. J. Ilitmilton. held at Telkwa on Luton- Day. September 7. Horse racing, buckinsr euleU and steer throwing will he the features oi the day. A fiew dancing pnvilio?. FRUITS FEATURE LOCAL MARKETS Many Varieties Being Offered Butter Holding Firm Slight Advance In Sugar Outdoor tomatoes are now plentiful on the local market and are selling at two pounds fo-35c or 5 ceiil.o for a S lb. basket. Semi-hot house tomatoes are selling for 95c for a' 5-lh. basket. - - - Freestone preervinz peaches) are now plentiful and retail jrram around 2 np rulr II is nn, Prunes 20C-25t' esperted that orices will be lowe-Apple 25c but ralher an advan. e U pr I'cache, peeled 25c idiesieil. : AprlCOlS. ID 30i' Preserving nlnni are now at I Nuts their best. The price runs from 3 to 13.75 according to the particular variety wanted The buy-ins: public should not confuse plums witli the prune variety which will be on the market at lowest price about September I. Preserving Itartleil Pear, wrapped fancy lork. .ire now on the market lit I he price is hiu. A big saving can hi- made by waiting for local Il.C. unwrapped stock which will commence to arrive about the latter part of this month. (oidn 1 lan tarn Corn is due ir about ten days. Haspberries are 0"W plentiful ami sell (mm f:t. t.. 3.,5 er crale. Strawberries are over. 'The local butter market is still firm with prospect of a further increase in price. The wholesale price in Seattle i nw 53Mic e.-poViid. -.New-' Zealand butler, which appears on tin IJ.C iitr-ipfll, No. I. Ih. ket late in I lie fall, i alsi firm jtoasling C.tiiekn in price. The prospect are that butler will he high this winter. L'priver shipments of vege- has been wmjJH niner last yraHf are eoimncifi;f to appear The final league standing is. a .L1 M,e ?"Hin.li. J'wo . hundred) un he local markels. and ar-i follows: Callies .. fi. V. V. A. S. of E t'.old Storage W. 4 t 1 0 cars are ejpeclel in Ielkwa forlr a Verv fine variety. Green the day ami negotiation are also! ttfiiw fro, 0nriver are unrior in prosresu lor a speeial tram Milo ' anything wliieh has appeare'iy,, j be run from Prince Iluper'.. B ne niartt from the south Another aurunion or tne ia will he the presence of the K it -wanga band. JOE SCOTT MAKES ' HIGHEST SCORE AT PARK AYE. RANGE and have a very fine flavor. The following list shows The Irap -.ho'iuig at the Park ComiKiuml ... the market prices ' prevailing today: Avenue range last evening r-j Cheese soiled in Joe Scott again taking Alberla solids' .. .' 30o D" WATSONS StoUT Builds Up Your Health Fa!! mmdt t ben. 1 prk', , which MtkM tbrf (sUm. KM at all UUr Mar. af write la eft t ALU: A CO. M : Trmpmmr St, Taraala, Oal. Almonds. shelled Jordan.. tl.OO! Ilrazils ami filler In Sftc Walnut, broken shelled . . . 50e Walnuts, shelled halves .... CSc Sugar Wliite. per 100 HM Yellow, per 100 91JD& Flour Flour. Itt's. No. 1 hard wheal Pastry Flour. 10's .... Pastry Flour. IUs ... 13.10 Fish White spring Kalmon .... lIHo lied sprintr salmon 25c llalilMit, lb 15c lo 25c Smoked Kipper. Hi. ... . .... lie Kippered Salmon, lb X&c Smoked lHarkCo.1. lb 20i. Finnan llaihlles. lb. 25c Salt Mackerel, lb 24 Eastern Stilt Herring. 2 foe .. 2&c Salt Ci-lfish Fillets. It 36c lloueles Sail Co. I bHck. V . 26t Mat3 35c lb. I (to ami 45r Mam. sliced, first grade . . . 55c Ham, whole, first s;rade ... (5c llaeiin. back, sliced flnc Karon, side ire lo 6c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, ulronlder 2r Veal, loin 3Hr p,,,. Pork, sh shoulder I pork, loin . . . Pork, leg lleef. (Hit roast 0C. ln rhnm Iom Mutton, shoulder 28s Feed -JAr ... to.- . 3Hf . . 1 5c lo 20r Butter lu.r. boilina li'W In 15c llrookfield, Shamrwek ami Wootl-ijif ink ;. 30c to I5r land, lb., v 5e lle-f. roast prime r 3c 1 K. C. D 50c lnb. chops ... J. 80 anderhoor "c(Lamb. shoulder ... ... .. 32c Lard Mutton, ler foe ji'ure t rfnib. log 55 first place. He made the bel Ontario solids .i Jc 100 lbs, score so far at the local range. Stilton, lb 35c and I0c Wheat, No. 5 S3. 15 breaking 18 out of 50 pigeons. iKraft Oitlats ... I2.f3 The results were as follows' J. Scott 21 E. C. Gibbons 21 0. AlMnson 21 H. Nicfeerson 20 D. Stork 20 K. Tail 17 . Geo. Tile, jr 15 J. Keefe 15 II. Lit lie It " Advert lp in III? Dally New CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Wtttarn Region. able to Iln- 1 oiler of tlM- Treasurer, 111 jilixii ,linn.il Hallway-. The lowe-. 'r any ii ikKm hot nere' .sarlly tceepicd. W A. klVOM AMI. Ui .K-ral Miiu r. Winnipeg Man AiiriJ" sih. to' laaaaaV ' V fc ft fl0JH aH I CANADIAN SERVICE .Norwegian uoai bVD Ilrnn tt.00 Napoleon Limbergcr 70o Shorts 82.ll1 Hoquefort "5c, Middlings ... 12.50 Kilanvlh MDarlejr Swifls Hullercup, lb, .. .. I5c poultry Mash 13.90 Oorgonzola, lb.. 75,Rpecil Fgmssh 3.00 McLaren' Cream, jars 15c & S&ejoyiter shell $2.60 Jaok 5icrateli food $i.Q Eflfls llteef scran 14.50 Alberta fresh seconds .... 10c Ground oil cake i.8ft H.C. fresh first &' llahv chick feed xS.no H.C. fresh extras Local pullets ... ... Local new laid . . i FROM MONTREAL. TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON 1 pallia Anir r. si-pi f. oil. In Milonla ma; s. -til. m. orl. t7 u ina . An, s:-. -i-pl Ocl. t TO LIVERPOOL Miranla . . nir. l Alauula . . iepl. I TO OLASQOW. Atliciila Ainr. M. -iept. II, Oct. V 1.1'tllla . snv. v'! Satnriua . . Sept. 4 FROM NEW YORK TO QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL Lai'MlUU . All NT. l.urlllNllU .. A nr. it I miii'-iiiM 1 1 rr. -J'J l arliillila ..Sept. i TO CHERBOURO AND SOUTHAMPTON tipiilaiiiii Suar. 1. -'I'l. v, i'l llereinrarla . . . Alia;. . -fst . H, Oct. 7 Manrelanl -opt. i, :i. on. II to LONDriNnrRRV am n olakqow Vegetabh SE.ur.o tr.MiLiis win be received at. Sweet potatoes. III Ibe ornce or tin- Chler tys;liieer. Wlnnl " irHiv (.....pi, D-t. Man., unlll twelve o rlwck ihsi.i arsicy, IIUUCU . nrarrin), me :m uy """"v .M III, Illincil ... . r.r Hi. renewal or replacevieul wilt) con-, rete (ill or lliirty -fniir woixien rairrrif orreii I'J'I'P'TS, ill. il sIiiIIht liltliion, awl ronstrurll ofj Mion opr iln ft. W 7 ft. reinforced roiicrew Ik.i eui 'reen onions, per uoz. ', , , , I iJcai iiani-iii's, uuin n rriir puii-i'iiiwni. I'taiis ieciricatii'li ail form of eon-liari may If seen ami form i.f Inwler ruined at the OfflrC' t Chief Kiirliw.r. Wliiiilner. Man.; Iilntrlcl Knrlneer. Van- 'iiver, B.C.: Ulctricl Kinrtneer. KdmunUin, lla.; HI Onion fciijiwrr, rnnre iiDirri, li e IiivIhIihi Lnirineer. I allrary. AIU. Tenders will not lie eoiiSlered unless ni1e mi the form nupplleil liy me runway IMT rent of tlie value of ll' wurk, pay Celery New potaloes, 7 lb New potatoes, iMtek New beets. 5 lbs. New carrots, 0 lbs Yakima Itulehagas, I lbs. :liiian.v ana acniuipanien ny an arrrineui . p iH'qili' or a cIMCtered balm efpiai vi !" .mi 1 1 mw i , l ..., iirno 10 "" Cnlihaife, local Il.C, lh 5n H.C. head lettuce. 10o, 3 for 25c (iarlic, iinfiorted. per Ih. . . COe IM Cucumbers, each .. 5c, Iflc, tireeu peas, 3 lb Leeks, bunch Yellow beans, 2 lb fireen In'Siis. 2 Ih liceeii t'.nrti, do Fruit 'iinne. gunkiftt, do.. l-eiii'iii'. Simklil, doz. It;inan;i, lb. . . .... California grapefruit, Comb Honey ,, . . ... . Ilnsphr cries . Kxtraciei' Honey, 111. amen nu . . Atisr. ir, i alifomla. . Any. I llalen. Jilllk, 3 lbjj, . TO PLYmOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON l.iiiinnlru .. Aosr it i:sriiiia .. epl. & ta pi VMAitTu.r.urRRnnna.UAMnuRA 35c to 6ft.Fine oal chops 12.75 Crushed oats ... .... (2.7S 11)0 Fine barley chop ... ... $2.90 Whole corn 13.90 -c: Cracked corn 81.00 5o.Fine comment 8'i.QO 106 . - J0tst L. Mayne, who in connected Bpjwilli the Marconi Co., was a 5c senaer for the south on the Cal- .. .. tOc 15c 2 for -5c tflr 20c lTjc A .'I.'ic f nntnliii('iiM 15c mid -"c reacliK.'iloz Wlc and Ml I'luin-, lb ' ii Murillo 4'hcrries, 1 Oils, crale s.'.iii Wnler melon, lb. ?c Pi iu haxkcl , , . -5tc and liOc ; Dried Fruits Amisnu iepi. ori. in, -sue. iiillnlstus, package, lb I I-Pmll llllll 1'CCl TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL OlllllgO I Xi-viliia Aug- i:. -u urn in Aur 7 '.llrliTl H'f el 10c Datex. JiroiiiPiIary .'. 25c lluiMitittj bulk, 2 IIm 25c 20o 35c 50o rates run inrnrinatii.ii from Arenu or IHiick Looking 1'jgM SoC and ilOC vlXU Bit" W H,MnM W tNVlullH Figs, 2 lb. for 35c sla today after having snent Ihe . s'0,pasl few days in the city. Mr.) . 28c 25cl 25c AdvertDe In Ihe fiallv New LAND AOT. Nolle of InUntlon te Apply te Purthasa una III Skeena lunt i ImI Iterordlnr Oii trlct of rrlnm Hmrl. Il.C- and illnaie Havslark Islai.l. soutli of Wale l.iami n.v. h msc lon.aloes. lb. 25c lnc iW r)V linn, Salmon Camier. inlerels to appiv ... 1 ,,rr ywr-iM.n mi' iiiiHiwjna ilesrrltx-d laml I On I omiiiciK'inir it post planted at hlrh wairr in.ru on wesi nore or naviai'k ieir. I.tond: thenee north seven chains. ... I Ihenre earn een -ham; Ihenre south z.tr een rnin: tiienee we-t seven chains. . and eonimninr flu- mn-., inure nr li - Tin: asaiuan risiu.iu r.o. LTI .lef ...! Mm uunnnnsuwxBMHnnnniuintin V. otel TORONTO In Conlrocf Shopping find Uutinoss District 2V0 ROOM3 too Mih e.iw.i. n.it.. J! liUHUI'UWI'LAN j I WIMwaf tMOM.aON, MAN-O. ClIR. ittnnnKnnnttKnmnmtntitttttwa' zx prince orge aaM Saturday, Auyu" 8 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Buster KEatON ill ' "Seven Chances" If you want lo go laiigli-!iiiir. hnkle , jJtbugalontiiH. llo-ler i it fft Willi 7."i" r:,777 woultl-lie hriiles on lit trail. r Il's chiH-k full of bride- hi full r.-g ili i; fum flappers, fat in.HiiS and -kimi) v-iinp-: IJc.i Tm, flap(erele who flipper!) -flop "vr Inni to , (KMi.lMMi inm nini ker. lie make. hum look piker when il -oinr to making be. He proM.e lo 7 girls, i proMi-ril ii. ,j 77. eI by 777 ami based lt 7,777. The t-l 4ag nified. glorified and pie-eyed by llu-lei In tn newspaper ad. he whs jul wmup-il wiih ( Twenty-four hour- a is wlwh lo find a I ndu. A h of willing women and only tine mau U N the 1 It's Hie funniest romeily-mmaiice Ihal ever il -creen. iirl: liirls! (lirl?: Slather, of theni! 1so h Ihe prettiest extras Ihal could he foiiiid 111 Ilnllvu Strong Mipporlnig r .i-l: Buitcr Kealcn, Ftuth Dryrj, T. Roy Uarrtes, Franklo Raymond, Erwln Connelly ilianv "lln-r-. COMEDY -HI3 NEW MAMA." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 2Sc INVOICE No. A 1255 All pnoil- 111 Ihi- ,-tnre lieiiiiug (he iImic h if higher niimlier, haf been rertiyd iut fur Ilruarj-, l25. , Tlio&e Goods, arc subject lo no spoclat reduction Jter i fill redui'liioi 1- eflerlivt on nn ' iif"rjMr loie uiiilcr our -cImmIiiIc of -lork turuori year, lu other word any good- received prior I" I" I, IOTi, if not alreadv oi, do tiol j ti -1 1 f -hrlf ) instead of being mi a-.cl ore actnallx a li.ibilily. CUSTOMER'S PRIVILEGE II i Ihe cuslomer's privilege lo deniaud a s it icou 11 1 on all gtMKls wliu-li do nut bear a tnghei tlinii A 1 S55 which covers ewry item ufi Ihe fir-l -Hh : of goods received on Kelrnar- I, IWSS,. pfovideil 1 , ca.".h fr sftme. Creilil an oiinl. are nnl lubjei t diafoiiuL OUR GUARANTEE . No dep irtuicul tn tin- -lore will le allowed ' (lie iiiMtirc iiurnlier on nnv arlidr m flu- Fiie in save Ihe -pei uil )i- oihi! for depnrfni'Mil t! -Ii" This Policy to be Maintained Ncl 111011II1 we will announce tln iii"ii r 1 Ihe fu-t -Inpiiieiil iciim eil mi March I. KUTi. Tli i-eiil ili-i(imit will be Uien effeilie mi all goul in -VIirn.ir . UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. HOUSE SLIPPERS LADIES' BLACK KID, SOFT SOLE, SLIPPERS, Willi rubber Imel- . . 2' LADIES' BRONZE KID, SOFT SOLE, SLIPPER8, Willi rubber liri-U $2- MEN'S TAN "ROMEO" 8LIPPERS, Kin-lie fiidi'f MEN'S BLACK KID "ROMEO" SLIPPERS, Kln-dir. iilc- JABOUR BROS., LTD. $2.75 $2.75