PAG 2 FOmj H Yes it whips 1 ft easily and is if delicious! S OILS i4 favorite with British Columbia housewives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of Potatoes Beets Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also Hoof, Veal. Pork. Lamb ami M'ilion We Deliver Seaiy 8 Doodsoi) The House of Quality Sixth Street Phone 455 Fresh ami Smoked Fish a Specialty WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced-by experts to be the greatest advancement made in shot shells in the past to years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Hair load S3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Will bo on exhibition about November 10. Prices t'nchnniged S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Girtage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Bervlce, Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize ln Piano and Furniture Coving. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm 1 1 l Kill m v. nnfui i i ' aav it j i JJ h . 7T Ttwrts -1 -rm "vou au or ajso I'll, not Hli PRQPQbU3 Tmb b Mita smith Him to MibD 1 ovj know that MtTM AsN'ME. J I r r KETSQ OF riY pHcS 1 ISIS ea.rNrcFu,W..I ANNUAL BAZAAR MOOSE LEGION Affair Was Closed with Dance' Last NInht with Great Crowd Present The annual bazaar of the Mnose Lodge and Ladies of the MooseliP.irt Le?inn. wliirh is known to have been a great fi-j naneial success but for which definite financial relurns canno' " iiikui h was el be announced, came to a 'oeUM to add anolher rKMii to close with a bis dance Insl niirhitl,e 'al1 011 ?,r"' Avenue., The om wil h '",iRned for at which some 500 persons were'new nresenl. it. Music Music was was furnished furnished by bvl""- Pa'l'nw P"n'"sp ni or a a kitchen Kiicnen and an.l will will rs Orchestra ami, during1"0 " '',s f,1 '' fu" "P- Arthur !lic supper hour, selections were niavBii i,v Mic ri.ti M.n-rUnn (iiilis Hover was master of cere- monies and T. 1. Eliioll and Mrs. P. Wingham were at the door.i The affair enme to a close at 3 o'clock this mortiing. The re- freshment. commillee consisloili v. . v-jihe billiard League are as fo!- J. Ilvan. Mrs. A. Strar ban andt, Mrs. Ed. linger. One of the features of the evening was the drawing of lucky tickets for'Ihe grand prizes by Mn Thor Johnson and for the raffles various little girls and boys. Winners were as follows: Grand Drawing First prize, set of silverware, Mrs. 31. McDonald, Dcket 8L. , Second prize, suit of clothes,' H. Strand, ticket tel. Third prize, gramophone, Os car Edwards, ticket 155. Fourth prize, dinner set, Mrs A. Strachan, ticket 275. Fifth prize, snilcase, O. Web ster, ticket (521. Sixth prize, oil painting, Mrs. P. Wingham, ticket 213. Seventh prize cut glass waler set, Mrs. It. Johnson, ticket 215. Eighth prize, Ion of coal, Miss Carrie (Sudmansnn. ticket 57. Ninth prize, electric iron, A. Marsh, ticket 119. - Raffles Hox of chocolates, donated by Mrs. Frank llrochu, won by tiun-ner Anderson. Sack of sugar, donated by Mrs. J. Wicks, vfon by Mrs. J. K. Ivarson. Cushion, donated by lluperl Legion, won by C. J. Whatman. Tea. cjolli, donated by .Mrs. J. L. ilildifch, wm by Mrs. -Jlassd-Herl. Tea cloth, donated by rMrs. J. Ivarson, wort by Jilr. Lund. Cushion, donated by Mrs. fl. Anderson, won by Miss Hulh Sul-li'ig. Centrepiece, donated by Ladies of Mooseheart Legion, won by J. Marshall. Tea cloth, donated by Ladies of Moosehearl Legion, won by Mrs. A. Slrachan. Bedspread and curtain, donated by Ladies of Mooseheart Legion, won by Mrs. P. Laporle. Cake, donated by Huperl Bak ery, won by Miss Alberta Hill. MISS EDITH LEEK HOSTESS AT PARTY Group of Friends Invited Last Night to Celebrate Her Eighteenth Birthday A most enjoyable evening wa spent at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Leek, Second Ave. Weslview, last night when Iheir daughter, Miss Edith Leek, celebrated her eighteenth birthday at a parly In which a number of her young friends wore Invited. The evening was spent with games, playing cards ami dancing, Miss Jean Gurrie being at the piano. Those present were: Miss Doris llunn, Miss Mary' Murray, Miss Edna (Hiker, Miss Alice Wutson, Miss Oral lloss, Miss Jean ilurrie, Miss Flilh Leek Teddy llnwe, Clifrnnl (Silker, Ver-iion tilass, Fiank (ilass. Ilarolti Chapman and Thi'iulnre Leok. MAKING ADDITION I.0.DE. BUILDING Kitchen will be Insta ted It was Decided at Meeting Last Night At '"Hng of the executive j"f lhp ''"ferial Order. Daughters nient. '"" '" Uie work "r " will be r earned iul by Mitehell & Currre. The nieeuii last nigm was presmea OVPr nY Mr- A- T- ''Tkin. ....... K LL AK ) AVKKAliLS .,, , , , . I nl l Vlif il n I A inra wna I g tint a it lows : First Division (lames Ttl. Aver, Sgt. Jehon (V)'.... 1 250 250 !". Zicinan (BP).;.. 1 250 250 O. Waiigh (IIP) 1 250 250 Slickney (HP) 2 tHo 211 I. Pyle (V) 2 J 85 2i:t W. J. Nelson (V).. 2 J70 23S J. Andrews (V).... 1 230 2:to llol., McMonHft (Vi 2 J25 213 n.Wtrnwn fHI'). I 200 80!) F. Aldrldge W).. i 20 ?flo O. P. Tinker (V).. 2 til 20J O. Mcllinnyle (HI) 2 (01 20' C. Italagno (IIP).. 2 400 200 Second Division H. IJpwe (HP) .... 3 150 150 W. Long (CS) 3 150 150 .1. Howe (V; 3 150 150 Aldridgc (HP).. 2 soh. 150 1J. Morgan (().... 2 300 150 W. Slfckney(HP).. 2 300 inn JU.Ige (V) ......... I 150 150 J. Bond (O) I 150 15fi I. Andrews (V).... 1 150 150 . McDonald ((IS) -3 H5 lr I", .ieman (tlP).... 2 2J5 II W. Mitchell (BP) 3 112 117 Cm. Howe (d) 2 203 117 M. Andrews (BP).: 3 III 137 W. J. Nelson (V) 2 271 I3rt Dr. Wesl (V; 3 too 135 J. Hlllrnan ((!).... 2 207 131 .1. Krause (F 3 388 120 A. Harvey (OS).... 3 3G) 121 C. L. Ynungmnn (V) 2 231 I 111 J. May (($;.. 3 305 IIP II. l'arr ffiS) .:L... 3 350 ir. W. Bailey- (F) 3 3(2 Ill A. S. HafeA (H) .... 2 22(1 H3 J. Besley, ((1).... 2 218 lO'J S. Darlon F .' 3 318 10A II. Corbel I (F) 3 31 1 105 s. Suga (() 1 8t 81 A. Carlson (F).... I 70 7 (i. Fleming (V). .... 2 70 35 Note. B.P. denotes Billiard Parlor; (I, Orollo; C.S., Cold Storage; V., (ireal War Veterans: F. Prince lluperl Fish Co. Advertise in the Dillv News Was Nearly Crazy From Headaches Mim K. Rrlll, 579 Redwood ATe., Winnipeg, Man., trritrsi "I itu troubled with such gevcre headaches that forar times I waa nearly crazy with them. One day a friend told me about, &cd advised me to ue bo I tried it, and it lai done me a world of Rood. I juft took two and a half bottlin, and I haven't had a headache for a long Unto, now." Put up only by Th T. Mllburn Co., Liniittd, Toronto, Out. RUPERT MAN STAR McGILL Arthur Manson, Son of Former Member, Has Enviable Reputation as Athlete II will be f interest in local sporting circle?, to know that Arl Manson, who received his early education in this city ami who as a youth had an enviable reputation as an all round athlete, i one of Die star football players of MeOill Uhiersi!y. For four years he has played on the Mc-il Senior (earn and he figured prominently in the big games that wen played with Toronto Cniversily early this month, la one of lh games McGill, was beaten by 9 to 2 but local friends of Art Manson. and Ihey are still many although he has been away from here for many years, will doubtless agree that it was none of Art's fault. He played as a middle wins in the big games. A program of one of the '.rames has been forwarded 16 the. DaiJv News office by Jack Ed wards; wbV Aft ' Prince Hupcri for Montreal J his year, whose address j t3o Canada Ontcnl Building ani who sees Art iiutl often. Jack, Jn his letter, say in part: "Artjs very popular In Mr(Jil and is very active In "lions, ue win ne inntugu mis year. Art's picture nppears both In dividually and in grrnup in the nrogram which says he is "famed for his line plunging." In an other place the program says: Bozo" Manson playing his last season at middle wing for the ml and while. Works harder than a soap box salesman in Itussia. A great favorite with the more subtle sex, being forced I" carry a club to beat 'em off." SPORT CHAT People sometimes forget, that there is a good big game hunting listrict just north of Vamlerhoo' A'flicn can lie roaclied a whole lot more easily than tho far famed Cassiar region. Thor" have been a number of moose takej) there by local residents this full. Prince lluperl hunter used lo viit. Utero . buf. yone have on. lui ely. , i .. , . ( , . IF the Knighls of Pylhias heal 'he firejit War Veterans in to night's game in Ihe Men's tWhist League they will share lop place with Ihe St. Andrew's Society providing the latter team loses to the Sons of England. The other two matches of tho evening will be: Mooe vs. Knighls of Colum bus and Sons of Canada vs. Odd follows. With no basketball In nrnsnesl for the winter, il looks like a quiet season is coming up for Hie spoiling public at large. 'I'll' fact thai I lie hntikclli.-ill mmm. cannot be played "Hi ere" because there is no nlaco in which t piay them speaks multitudes m nenaii or me necessity ror a regularly constituted gymnasium and athleiic hall. It is probably Prince Ilupert's worst need a' 'Ins lime and should he Ihe ob jective for the iiexl organization in (lie ciy (hat wauls something ' ' wnii ii in iievoin iis.energie ror Ihe puldlc good. The Junior Foolbnll Leagut season will be formally closed with a banquet In the St. Ilegl ! Cafe on Friilav nlirht. The fe.-i- iiire or Mie evening s proceedings will be die presentation of Ihe nouiiesier Mitepl II) IIOOIIi M-Iiool Jnnioii League cliamidon learn. Members of the other two teams ' Hi Jfcul lif 1 FELL- u For Wanted Sale;; DAILY For Rent 2c per word in IVANTIB OLD Artificial Teelj, Bought, any condition. Highest prices soul by return mail. II., P.O. Box 310, Vancouver. B.C. Ks tflbtjshed thirty three years. WANTED. Young girl to do light housework and ' mind baby. Livo in If desired. Cood home Bide 21, T WANTED. Canvassers to Uk orders for Christmas artR Meltao -Bros. FOR SALE FOIl SALE. House HsM; build ings;' 180 acres land bordering lake; good view, water, 'soil: near sawmill, station, school, rink. 1, 500. L. Ilotcbkiss. Aleia Lake, Onlral B.C. 270 I'OUIl roomed house for sale on Eighth Avenue West, near Mr-Bride. Apply 133 Eightlh Ave Went After five o'clock. 27 1 FOfl SALE Set of Hooka of Knowledge, practically new. Any reasonable offer consider, fel. J'hone Cren 71. 2(10 FOIl SAI.IJ Seen roome house and furniture. Apply 420 fifth Aveiw. West. I'lioto fireen 291. .1 W 1 1. Ml FA QE for boats. Care taker in attendance. Apply Northern Exchange. Phone 23 FOIID SEDAN for sale. Only used seven months. $550.00. Apply S. H, J'ariter, Ltd. FOIl SALE. Black and cream baby carriage in excellent con ditio. Phone 712. :f IIOliSEHOI.D Furniture for sale. Mrs. II. D. Johnson, 5IU Seventh Avenue East. 270 TO RENT TO HENT. Four roomed, fur nished, modern house, wit'i piano and large pantry. Alao three rooms furnished, mod ern. Phone Blue 195. tf FOIl 1UIXT. Small store or office. Third Street.. Two gtoms below', two living rooms above. West ftriilnivffp ltrt FOH HUNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOIl HENT. Large two storey house, Third Avenue near Mo Meekin's (Irocery. Wesl en (aver Bros. ti FUHNISHED HOUSE for llent Mango and other furniture for sale. 215 Fourth Avenue East FOIl HENT. Fiw roomed apnr.- meut, completely furnished No. 7 Waldron. Phone 207. FOIl HENT. Furnished housekeeping suite. Phone 18 or 81. Mussallen (Jroeerv Modern flat for Hem. Apply Max Hellhroner. tf FOUND FOUND. Bell of lady's overcoat. Apply Daily News office. In Ihn league, Borden Street nnd High School Will be present as well as Association officials. t.lnn.mta fni iIia ........... I fi i mm iiiyiK- ion billlat'd lourriament tonight . I.aL..a..,. It.. rt. i r. Ornllo will w an follow: as i-oiig n.oiit storage, vn. l. mill lluian Ulrollo,. II. Harvey iterl Morgnil, "' J, May s. J Beesliy. A. Macdonatd vs (i. Howo. 11, Parr vs J. Bond. IM LCWE T- fcJ U NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c EXCHANGE. WILL EXCIIANoE forty acre farm, houxe, haru, iirchard, al falfa, near Spokane for Prince lluperl improved property Wesleiihuver Bros. CARS FOR SALE. I 1922 OhUmoliile I. 5 passenger touring I 1920 Nash 5 passanmr touring I8&0.00 1 1921 Overland Sedan.. 1700.00 IWIU lleo seven pitasefiger louring J700.00 I 1925 Ford Coupe, balloon tires car like new tfl50.0ft I 1922 Font Tudor sedan. 1126.00 I 1922 Ford Coupe fSBO.Of, I 1921 Ford one ton truck, panel body 375.00 I Ford light delivery ekal. rebuilt I7S.(M All cars guaranteed in good mechanical condition. Eas Uerms can be arranged. KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Agents for Mnl.aughlin Oakland. Oidsmobile and Chevrolet cars, lleo. li.M.O. and Federal Trueks. WHECKINO SKIIVICF. DAY AND NKiHT. MISCELLANEOUS BI PAY WOIIK FOIl MEN. To the unemployed or .men who work for laborers' pay when the world's greatest industry needs thousand of men a' 05c to fl.00 per hour, elly and country shops. We train you for jobs a frock drivers auto-mechanics, ignition experts, battery welding and vulcanising. We also (each bricklaying, lileselting and plaster ing, (.all or write for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto Engineering School, 10 Hastings ftree- Fa; Vancouver. B.C. BOARD HOAIID The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. DOLLAR STORE See Our Range of -CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Hemstitching ami I'icoling. ' Mptvial attention giv!n to Mali t orders. THE DOLLAR STORE. Phone lied 32 1. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or (Inst) Special 6 and 7 passenger Hludc-bakers al your service day and nlghl. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empre.u Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANGES. Home Furniture and Hanses suitable for every home. Christmas goods arriving dally. Every lime you pus's my store call in. You nro most welcome. A. Mackenzie, Furniture itome. tf ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Baggage and Express Sland:Lilllc"H News Stand, phone 352. lies. Phonn Orecn (520. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We. Bey. Bell and Ei- change New and Socondhaml floods. GEO. PAPADOPULI8, 3 Third Ave. Phone flirt ?'" 1 1 UKC UKC Mlt Mlt) M1T MlTv , , , ' Article round,4e . MALE HELP WANTED. STENOUilAI'lu , IHUile pet Agency; . annum. w inatir.i: !': oil on fin M . P(mul-t. c Sertetary. rniftaion. !' a Novemlwi : HELP WANTED, Fttn MEN and learn barl..' culture. W for barbers ilrettsers. , . now on. T" thirty-two si a1 V. Moler SIi m Hastings l- i- PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC ITOH 303 Third Atinvl Sole agents (or i Phouographs. I Ilaciiurls if. I M slrumeiit. CAMERON TBAIKrilt Ptione 1 Baogaoe, Furnltun twt. If you want an j ? or delivered, P.O. Ib i 3 CARPENTERS WHEN having v. i ed, see A. ?! Phone BUak MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-ooisa. re is it T Vlfltsuttr " ManUf ii in TiM4irf WwiMatUy ru ' . f SSturttajrs 'via " Sm. ti !" T Al, Allca Arm, St1 fr"J f MsUy . . ' YidM4Jft To Snjoi, Prl Slmpscs tv eslnts TharUy Ts AKtli rint :.I'JU " T" Qyis Chrtll UlMf rtel" " HMr Ii To lltotrt Promloe- -Salnrl(r . IN-COMINO. From tho fait MoOfiiTI. Wr'!iH -'J: at From Vantowttf Sontlays WMjrMxtay Thur)) . ...... ,!' From Ssroa, " Sfm, - , Tuexlajra ... , IYhlaa . i From Anjoi. rorl Slmpaos Rlaaf rolnta t Salunliya . . From Alaaaa rolnta tl; Per I, i From Ou..n Charlotta la""' NntrMlllir V'. From Siaoarl nd rramHf l Sunla . PRINCE RUPERT TIW , Thursday, Novemoer , High .1 H 15:1 it Low 1) 18 '! 22:0.. . T Friday, November 2 , High :IK ' 1 10 O.i ii Low 10:07 ' SalurdaV, November J f High .......... 5 i" 1 0:M 11 Low 1 1 . :00 n 111 , i n m rrt , ?:-i- Sunday, November e a-'n ii m ' . High H:l. I1"" ot' Low 12 15 o m'