?day, November 19, 1925. &NGOLEJJM COLD SEAL .Jut-Rugs - Tim OA1LT JTKWB - mBB In k SEAL v (A, Save Money, Time and Trouble.See thematYowDmlmX i i l r it . An iaeai rug ror vour amirm rnnm or living room MfBTi "BARRYMORE" GUARANTEED Axminsters on display at T- Y Y T 1 barries Home furnishings rd Avenue Phone 123 TTV all ruit Assorted Pastilles M.i.lr 1. Boots Ltd., Njtlingham, England t - f 1 1 1 haw id. Fruit I l.inr iitnl rc- .! Ml. 0(1 per ill. ' Pi H P. JK'I ll. 65c Ormes Limited I1' n-'! Urt'KKi'l- rd Avenun nnH flth Sfrit U. ..ll Slore Phones 82 and 200 Htm : X .i in t" '' p. in. iwl ll1:!., trout 12 I" 2 ..iu. -1 : i f 7 lit 1 .!ll. NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy rozeo (for it n... t. yLD.vv rer ion The Finest Obtainable on the Coast anHian Ijich AV I nrl Vfn-inra In I fH . U - " "J V7 t-i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. M.'Ilc ii. i iiiiii.nirv triiiimi' 1 1 1 1 1 .1 Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi ttddilional tniicliuios fur llu) luamifucluru of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also curried in .stuck. supply. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Cuniua Taxi and Messenger Service. . Phono 5G7. ScrvLv lay and niglit. stand, Carlton Cafe. . n Did reliable Foothills coal, nut 8H.00; stove 1 3.50; lump 11.00. Consumers Coal Co., I. Id. l'lione 7j All members of Huperl Legion 15 an- reuoslcd to attend meeting tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in MHiopoiL. Hall. HalnpayerV Association annua! nuri'liiitf Friday at 8 p.m. in City Hall. Election of officers. Ad-dress. Full altendanco rco,ucsl-ed. 27, Shipment of liruuswick phonographs arrived. Hear tlio Uruns-wiek before you liuy. Ilasy terms arraiiHed. J. I.ornc MaoLaren. Ltd. 7 1 A check fur from Hill (Jo Uliapler, I. o. I. K., in connee-lion vAti ihf Children's WarJ was tweiral at I ! meeting or Mie hoxprtjil foard last nijrlit. I'rince Huperl lias almos' 'uriufd (lie riffht to call tirel' the ll6v City for Iwauliful roe nri lill ItloofuinK in Alex Yule' tiarden on .Meltrfde tslreel. in fact, nt'V lud ar opening dail The matter of apnointiiiK b i-omiiiiiicp I o make jirepnralioti' for the fonvention here next year f the H.U. ltiitaU' Asoeiu-lion wa furl her lafal oxer for a month at the iiit-eliii of the I .inlal hoard last ntpht. FmIIht F. Hlanehin leH on lust nilil K train for ndmonton and Falher Allard and Father Kray wer paiengers for Prince tii'orae and Terrnee renpeclivcly. Falher Allard lfl for Stewart hy Hie steamer J'rince Itupert. Molorship Norew, Capl. I.u illiains, arrived in port at 7.30 lln tnorninir and is unloading est ,oxe of fnnen halibut from hetciiikan al the ocean iloek for tra:iKshlpinent 1-jist over the whm'I will clear this afternoon in rn'oiiineudatjon of the fi nance committee, the hospital hoard decided lal night to di vide S50 for Ihe purpo-e of cee Itnttmg Chrtslmas al Ihe honpi- lal. H. W. Mirch. secretary, re poiii-d that Irxal firms had pro nused to donate turkeys fo- Clirlma dinner at the insiitu tion. The regular monthly mci-ling of the hospital board va liehl in Ihe hoxpilal last night. Thosi present were President S. K. Campbell. Directors J. II. Chomp sou. J. L. ChrUtie. C. II. Klkins and Leo Waugh; Managing See rctary II. W. llirch and Miss Jimii Harrison, H..N., lady supe; intendenl. i-apt . Neil McLean, master of tin' Reamer Prince Charles which has been lied up here for the winter, Chid Officer W. (lleeson, Second tiffieer eorxe Odes. Purser Fi-eil Coram and Wire- le-i itperati'r Jerry Foote will sail for Vancouver on tho Prince Itupert tomorrow morning. Chief Fmsii'e. r C. F. Davis, Chief Slew-aid .1. F. Walker and Second steward 11. S. Uriscoe will remain here with the ship for a week lunger. The hospital board was in receipt of a teller from ihe ImlUn Agent s office lal night statins thai some mistake mul have been made in eouneclioii wilh Ihe elTorls of the National Protective Agency lo collect $21 from (corse Clifton, a Hartley llav Indian. It was claimed that !!ie arcouul had been paid. Tlc mailer was referred to the finance committee. In connection Willi another account of $IH8, ; I ti principal of which had (jihmi rnllcclcd by Ihe Agency, the board decided not lo demand interest. , ANNOUNCEMENTS llapltsl Clmrrli Ladies' llaftar, November 20. St. Andrew's Ladies' Iti.nar, December 2, Aid! Auxiliary Lutheran Church Ladies' IUnir. Ucuember 1. Aid Her Nerves Were "All Broken Up'; She Could Not Sleep Mri. David Galloughrr, 37 Lrnl-burat Ave, Hamilton, Ont., writ: 'Sty nerves were all broken op and I could not aleep at nigbt, and I would have to get up out of bed and walk the floor for hour at a time. After Using a Box off will visii holidays. I Began To Feel Much Better, and after using a few more boxes I eonld eojor my rest aj well ai ever I could." . II. & X. Pills bare been on the-market for the patt 32 years; your nearest druggist sells them; put up only by The T. Slilbuf n Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Two cars at your service Sticddon Taxi. I'hor.e 131. If D'J Taxi and Transfer, service. Day and night. Uybhavn. 50c T. tf Private Christmas Cauls printed liy Hose, Cowan & La I la, 4th Street. If C. L. Currier of Seattle, representative of the Chicago .North-vetern Itaflway, was a visitor in Ihe cily yesterday. He lefl on last nighl's train for Ciiscome. John Uybhavn will sail on the Prince Huperl tomorrow moinin, for Vancouver on a brief hus'-nss I rip. He expect lo rcluyi to Ihe city on Wednesday. The condition of i. Lawrence, whoMias been critically ill in lln-hospital for sonio weeks suffer-iiiK wilh cedar poiniiuing, i reported to be somewhat improved Kat' I.eroy failed to make an apHarauce in Ihe city police court this morning in answeV ft) a charge of drunkenness and bail in the sum of $25 was estreated, i Herbert Taylor, who has been employed on Ihe mechanical stafT of Ihe I'rince tupcrt Spruce Mills, -tails for Vancouver on the Prince Itupert tomorrow morn in i.aiiadian .National Ilnilways. Tlfe en route to Peiitie4on where he over the Christmas Inited States Consul and .Mrs K. A. Wakefield will sail on the steamer Prince Itupert tomorrow morning to siiend a month or six weeks on holiday visiting Van couver. Ilrliiugham and Portland. They expect to be back abou New Years. A communication from the provincial secretary respecting amendments lo the local hospital bylaws was referred by the hospital board last niglil to the house committee for attention before the annual general meet ing of the Association. CP. It. steamur Princess Mary. Capl. C. C. Sainley, southbound from Alaska ports to Vnncouver, is due here tomorrow afternoon. Among- Ihe passengers goins from Prince Huperl to Vancouver lo Vancouver on Ihe vessel will he .loli it ilalseth ami llelnW Hn! elh. local fishermen, who are g-ninu lo Norway (o spend the winter. Hdward Lipseti, head of the firm of Lipeii a Cunningham, who has been here for the pas' fortnight while II. T. Willed. local manager has been on a I rip soulh. will return lu" Yottcouor on the Prince Huper-tomorrow, morning. Mr. Willeli, Kvho wa accompanied south by Mrs. Wil leli, is ilue back oil (lie Calal-i this eu'iilng. An 'article on Mining Develop ment in Central llrlUsh Columbia in lOiti appear In ' "Vslern Canada" published by t7ie de partment of coionuation. Wit " agri culture and natural r0uf teourees of Ihe Canadian NallOirtl llailway. II Is written by Fred Nash of lerrnce and should be an aid In placing the mineral resources of lint" part of the country before n number of interested people. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. N. P. Sleaey. It li. McCandlis. P. ('. Shalcross. .1. D. Smilh and H. Ilorie, Vancouver; W. H. Slokes, Ocean Falls; c. j currier, Seallle; H. tolmsdn, Smllli-ers. Contral Mrs. r. Gale, FranuOlLakc. MRS. WILLIAM FROST LAID AT REST TODAY Service Took Place this Afternoon in Catholic Church, Father McQrath The funeral of the late Mrs. William Fro;!, who met he dealh by drowning last week, look place Ibis afternoon with a service at 2.30 in the Catholic Church, Falher P. J. Mcdrath officiating. Interment was in Fainiew Cemetery ami the ILL". Undertakers were in charge of arrangements. Those sending flowers included Mrs. J. I. liildilch. RAISED $2,000 TO SAYE ANCIENT TREE "SF.ATTLK, Nov. it). Washing Ion's oldest inhabitant, a cedar tree 2.300 years of age, has been spared the ax through the generosity of nature lovers of this stale It stands 200. feel hili, is 58 feel in circumference, and 18.1 feel in diameter. The Washington Natural Parks Association raised 2,000 by popular subscription lo buy (lie monarch, together with 20 of its companions, which stand 35. miles from here. The land occu-i pied by the prove will be (set aside as a state park. " VALUABLE FOXES FROM RE. ISLAND MONTH HAL. .Nov. I'J. --One uf I tic iiutt valuable shipments uf silver black foxes ever handled has been moved by the express department of the Canadian Na-lional Hailways from Prince F.d-waiil Island lo Toronto. The animals which numbered 2011 and all of pure tired slock, have a rns value exceeding xuOO.nno, Hie individual value of the animals raneiing from 1,000 1o 5,000. FIGHTING PARSON IS IN VICTORIA HOSPITAL VICTOHIA. Nov. H. Hev. F. L. Stcidienson. widely known among smmi'iIoukIi of Ihe Yukon' ol.l rush of 25 years ,'ifio as the "fighting parson " of the Klondike, is con fined to the hospital here for treatment. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Digby Island Cloudy, calm;' barometer, 2i.07; temperature,! 10; sea smooth; G p.m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch, abeam Lawyers Island, bound for Trcadwell Hay. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 2'J.HO; tcmpcr- iture. 30; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Itainiug, light outhwet wind; barumeler, 21L- lU; temperature,- 12; sea moderate; (i.20 p.m. spoke steamer Ad miral Walsou. Ketchikan for Seattle. 122 mile from Seattle; II p.m. spoke steamer Prince John abeuin Pine Maud .south bound; ti p.m. spoke tanker Cat li wood left Anyox bound fori Slewarl. Noon Diby Island Part cloudy.1 light southwest wiiidn barometer,! 30.00; temperature, 18; sea sinoolh. Dead Five point Haining, calm; liaronieler, 20.80: temporal lire. 10; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Overcast. ealtn;i barometer, 2tt.li I ; temperature.! 10; sea moderate: i a.m. spoke lot: Pacific Monarch off Separation Point bound for Trcadwell Hay; w. Id a.m. spoke steamer 'ardena abeam Camplicll It Ivor soiilhbouml. A SURPRISE People are surprised at the iuirk action uf simple buckthorn bark, magnesium sulph. c.p. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika. This removes stomach OAS in leu minutes ami brings out a surprising amount of old, poisonous mailer you never) thought was in your system. No mailer what you have tried for stumacli trouble or constipation. Adlerika is so wonderful in ils QUICK action that you will be astonished. This excellent inlestitiat evacuaul slops that full, bloated feeling and makes ou enjoy eallnp. Don't waste lime with pills or tablets but gel It HAL Adlerika action today! Ormes Limited, Drug-; KlMs. I 7t Only Kraft Cheese AOA THRU Kraft it not a kind of Cheese made liy DIFFERENT firms. It is the cheese originated by the Krafts, made in Canada by the Kraft Company with the original patented Kraft process. You can identify it by this trade mark. 30-23 "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" Dinner Ware at Smashing Values 1 , EMBOSSED "KEMLYN" DECORATION Wilh deep border design of laurel wreaths on Royal Hlue background edge and scroll designs in rich golden yellow, burnished gold edge line. Ilest English semi-porcelain (open slock).. H7 Piece Set $33.50 52 Piece Set $19.50 We are also offering at special low prices Gold Edge and Verge Line in Hie same high grade as shown above (open slock). ' 07 Piece Set $26.50 ."2 Piece Set $16.50 3(1 Piece Set, in floral design onlv $10.50 CROCKERY ODDMENTS Oval Vegetable Dishes, each 35c .Medium Size IMalters, each 35c Dinner Plates, each Tea Plales, each . Soup Plales, each . Gups and Saucers 25c 10c and 15c 20c and 25c 15c up l inch Olass Nappies neat ilesign.-cach 10c Glass Tumbler in neal cut grape design, per doz. . . $1.60 Exceptionally good value in high class China, Dutch Silver and Fancy Goods Before Purchasing Your Christmas Goods do not fail to get our Prices. We save you money Yabh for Kuf lire Advertisements Gordon's Grocery Seventh Ave. East Phone 447 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd.; GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man., Dlr Night Phones 687 539 x Gr. 238 Black 735