TIGHT VICTORIAN Sign of Any Change In Spite Hriiib Columbia. of Po Itlcal Fireworks and Referring to the report of Dr. Opposition Newspapers Mevfn. superintendent of men i ;ti hoopitalo, in winch i was Daily Ne j staled that a lanae iiuhiImt of in i i; N iv. 19. Tin- poii-jltie defect ic wore hereditary bete is nut had rae. Mr. Sloan urged that atH'iir. A mini- -lep. liould be lakrn to prevent it... ......... .. , ....i. .. . vett willi 'lie vi-i"!! Mhen they allow and eiu'our Mlnrnt-t 'teiier:!! atfi Hie iiiHiuiK ni menial tieiee- i iuelf f i (t Die In in iv it Peiilil j'-e ri'iil- ii- liiili taken ly I he n n-fll'lttj: to linl'lj .! the M. I nixer-iir Oulliliiuo nulil Winter. Wit in Ilie ill the jnllire 'he little 11it) i link lliinle. the i"i likely ! tie -""inn and there a pKiviurial eer- W Inn lii'il-lirlii' ILDUP STORY WAS A HOAX kllce at Vancouver Say It Was Concocted to Cover up Theft of Money From Chanti cleer N:t Tlt. Nov. Ill -llrund-c li-dluii Mioiy told hy 1 l;iit'.n, niKht wnteh- i lie ( liaiilli'leer tJafe. il ll p,s In' police todny urroled fu .il i liat. il him with 'Ihefl I r ' ; urn with the dUnp- I'1 or Mllll finiii the ninth ' Friday. I ; pnliee lutt thai lald- ll'i Willi huIiI tin uMi fjirri'i! Iiv i! '.UNM'd men lo hand oxer " "ipv, now inlniilli'd he liad (i the story In coxer up ii'ft a irs V.. Starr, inanaiii'r of ''' t ,. Fn.ienei. and Mrn. Ill Wlil kllll ill ll.ii mill if till' f i Seuiile. They expccl to ''"U lie winter vi.illntr nl vur- J0"li ill I f W'c.llM Il .lllll't . NOTICE. llii' annual mcellujr of ''' Canadian FMilnir '''I Ownerit' AMorlallou vv" lie helil in the fillv Hall lo.nlRhl. Thuwdny. Wernlier 111. nl K. n.m. tupiiihiTM pleane alenil. hr- ami iuoiIiii r a rrnll of human d'-relirt." C.P.R. SHIPMENTS 0? GRAIN TO VANCOUVER Capacity of Elevators Cut Down by Quantity of Tough Grain Delivered There WI.V.MI'Kt.. Nov. Il. W ern liiHiieiili of Bin in over CP. It. to Vatieouver amount ri.3ll t .r- a aitaiii! l.o?l of Trade has sent a reipiest to the Hoard or fnderwrllera at Vancouver asking for a downward revision of Hie fire Insurance rales. BIRTH. A daughter wan l"fti nl lh Prince llupcrl flcncral Hospljil on November IH lo Mr. and Mrs. Find W. flrlmlile, Tenth Avcnun Fasl. itt-hi' lo for the wiiir pt-noil tal year. lui-HiK the name period i&.0H0 rars dae lieen delivered at the lake Lead ami about ;.(0" ut local null-. It l reported that the normal elevator canarlly al Vancouver i MX tnilliKii iiilifU hut ovvinj; to n nn if li louah I'.raln lieinu le-live' etl I here Hi" rapacity i cul ilovvii to five million COLONIZATION OF INTERIOR AREAS ON LARGE SCALE J. 'Morrin "f Vanonxer now in romnuiniealioii with a tyndlenle of Americau who plan rolonUiitlon on a laiwe i-calc of amp in the Necliakn and Hulk-ley Valley and the Peace Itiver. Mr. Morrix left Vancouver thi week on n lenulliy trip Ihrouph Kaiiitii, Mitteouri, Tennc?otee and Kentucky lo meet the principals behind the proponl. XlAV VOMK, Nov. ID. A loan or $10(1.00(1.000 t i Ihe Italian tjuverniiiem fin I Ik purpose of insuring financial support for restoration of ) lie goid standard in llaly liar been arranged llirujigh ;i group of American bank headed ly J. I'. Morgan 1 .;. TWENTY BOATS YET TO REPORT Sales of Halibut This Morning Few Cents Higher Than For Terminu Daly Alaska Manned I'. P. It Yesterday Slightly oer twenty fishing Uiatn have not yet rejiorted and it i i'xwled moot of them will nrinji llioir enletie hen. The Sea Maid urrivwt too lale. today to efl ami her ratrh will be of-feml toniorruw morning along ,4. .. earn . .r . .. .u "jwji, , arrive. irrn tolln i mi: i" i.wlial Might In termed an uuual- ility then- i- n-. Ural policy. The eople of Can- 'ndtttVM Kery-;ada are irulHy of fin of omi- l'rlr"were :i few rent hnrhcrt thin luoruln?. All the boat were American, the delHil of (he aIe, heiiu a follows: Suinel, 25.(100. at l3.J0c and (Je lo Allin Firlicrtc.. "mauey. IK.onn. at lie and Cc In Cold. .Slorapo. Oalilution. 15.000. al 12c and 6c to Cold Slornce. Italnier. Sti.OOO. nl 12.50c and fir lo lloolh FilM?rie. Kanaea. 30.000, al 18.10c and Cc to Colli Horace. (itipNIone. 50.000. at 12.10c and Cc to Hnyal Fish (X Wave. 1.000. ut 12.10c and Cc to lloyal Fih Co. PEACE PACT IS ENDORSED Locarno Agreement Ratified by British House With Huge Majority LONDON, Nov. 19. The motion of Rt. Hon. Austen Chamber aln for the rati f cation of the Locarno security pact, whereby European nations undertake never to declare war on each other again, was carried In the Hocso of Commons last night by a vote of 375 lo 13. A Labor amendment In connect'pn with Mr. Chamberlain's motion was defeated 333to130; VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat II.U. Silver ... Ihinwcll I.. & lA ii....... ..... IS ASKING FOR LOWER PorU ii: FIRE INSURANCE RATE'S i,,ieT'I." (iladliiniv ... NKl.SUX. Nov. 10. The Hoard silvercnl ... Howe Sound ....... ... Iltilh Hopo Nallonnl Silver... Hatelton - n ran by RIlverMilIlh Lucky Jim filaole" Indian ! Kid. Asked. I.ti i 1.32 1.12 I.30 1.50 .I3V4 .17 "jO .15 .IN .05 V .00 .2H W .-'l H. .07 Vt .09. .25 .15 .10 ...I IH.00 28.1)0 .3H .141! 10.50 .11 '4 . .50 ts .04 30.00 .12 .15 .02 .2Pn .10 ,00 TAXI W and Boston Grill Ambulance Service Large Upstair pining Hall, Anywhere at Anytime. with newly laid dancing Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. floor for hire. and 6th St, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, MATT VIDECK, Prop. '"'try PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the v least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VMl. XV NO, 2(59. PIUXCK. IllPEKT. TIJUItSDAY. NOVKMHHH III. 125 Lady Hikers Reach Vancouver After Being Two Months on the 1lrUt't Circulation U3 Jti'c J ii t -era nd. retired French number al Washington, who ;it wi ik n it Look lo lie railed "The Lil-enry Holnn if the Knglirli People." Road by way of Prince George Kxuctly two nioiillit on 1 tic roud. .Mi. Sam Joliiiun and Mi Anna Jlorvik. hiking from here lo Vancouver, reached their objective vc-lerdav afternoon according to wont reaching Ihe citv today. Leaving here at 5 o'clock on the morning of September IS, Hie two ladies hiked il over Ihe lies from Prince Huperl to Prince ticoige, went south from lliere over the Qiiesiiel highway and Cariboo trail lo Ahcroft and resumed Ihe journey from there into Vancouver on tjie C.P.H. tracks. Often they were of fered lifts iiul these they did not deipn lo accept, slamlm? resolute on the undertaking to walk the entire distance of auoul 1,-OOii mile". Mrs. .lohiisou it is expected will return to Prince Itupeit shortly Humph Miss Hnrvik may remain longer in the fOUtli. TRIBUTE TODAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED ON VESSEL Burial Service Read and Flowers Thrown cn Water Memory of Submarine Crew Pl.VMOtTlt. Nov. Hi. An mi- pressiy,t iribule was paid by the Navy today to the memory of G8 officers and men who perished in the submarine M-l a week ago. The fleet assembled al dawn at a spot off the coast of Devonshire where the submarine made Ihe fatal dive and the burial service tor those who die at sea was re. id after which wreaths of fl"vns were tlirowu Upon the wa'e' KILLED MOTHER AND SISTER BEFORE SHE TURNED GUN ON SELF HUTTK, Mini!.. Nov. 10. Mrs. Madeline Hon'lli, 30 years of. nee. shot and kilb'M her mother, Mrs. Chillies Schmidt. 07 years of age, her sister 15 years old, and then turned the gun on herself, ending lier own life, at Ihe family home today She recently suffered a nervous breakdown. DOWAGER QUEEN. ILL. LONDON, Nov. , ID, Dowager Queen .Alexandra Is .critically .111 will) heart attack. REV. GEORGE O. FALLIS. . " "" v.- . mm 3 A Pastor of Canadian Memorial Chiiri-h, Vancouver, who led a delegation of Vancouver pastors to cities in Washington and Oregon1 ill connection Willi International (loodwdl Sunday lliis week. Some fifteen Vancouver pastors crossed the hor-' der and preached thai day and I heir places in Vancouver were laker by puslors n-i'in I lie older, nbv LUMBERMEN SHOULD PROTECT BUSINESS H00H00 CLUB TOLD VANCOI VF.H. Nov. 10 Unless the lumber dealers take steps Immediately lo combat the cam pawn being waged against con struction of frame houses In the I'uitcd Slates, the industry in Canada will suffer serious loss, II. A. Kendall of North Tonowan- da, N.Y., told the lloolioo Club today. ! StMt (tlt EOT 4.4 4. ARRESTS MADE MURDER CASE. . IIAZKI.TON. Nov. lit. Tlirce -uierl"- have been arretted hy Hie provitirial polii.'i in connection with the rtiiiMMi.-ed iiiurili'r of .Matthew McLean, Hazcl-tou Indian, who was lost from tin. pi are about a year ago ai d whowe remain were discovered recently al jniIvii. a coroner s jury iai'-r liritiin in a venJiel !hal deceased had nit-1 his death an a remit of foul play. ODD SHIPMENT NEW ZEALAND COMMISSIONER OF SALVATION ARMY WILL VISIT CITY j Commissioner Rich oT I lie Salvation Army and Mrs. Rich are now on the coast cn route lo Juneau where they will attend the annual congress of Indians of the Northern CoasL At the conclusion of the congress. Commissioner and Mrs. Rich will visit Prince Rupert, Port Simpson. .Maxell on and (Jlen Vow-eM. VICTORIA COUGARS DEFEAT CANADIENS Exhibition Game In Montreal Results ,n 5 to 3 Victory for Pacific Coasters MONTREAL, Nov. 19. The Victoria Cougars. Dominion hoc key champions, defeated the Can adieus or the National Hockey League by a score or 5 lo 3 in an exhibilioo game here last nlglit.. Advertl in the Diily News PRICE FIVE CENTS. INSANE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ON INCREASE WO WOMEN FROM RUPERT COMPLETE LONG JOURNEY TO SOUTHERN GOAL Hnister Brings Up Serious Problem of Mental Defectives HTOlWA. Nov. lit. Ilnti.i Columbia - raring for in i.' li)-.iiuN and asylum one tnenl.illv dcrr.liu' person mil' ur population according li figures presented in the! lure by Hon. Willium Slo.ui, provincial serrelnrv. vho! i it resolution lu uulhorizc the aHMiilmeiit of a special t1 t j nive-ligalc lh' mIiioIioii. M Si.ijn staled lliul the increase, of insane in the province v 2 IihiI lieeu uiil of nil proi'orlion lo tlit im-reusc of pop-i!' ) n l In' present year, the condition ti,d readied a IVERNMENT IS 'iim'i serious ap"-ri. Mental defect ive. I lie minister i i inijctl. HUM numbered about IHMi mill, of lli total iiiiiiiImt. trr cent had been born of Canada, (if the thirty iter hum in Canada only 'ii ht wnl had been born in LOAN TO ITALY MADE BY BANKS IN UNITED STATES : KLAN PLANS TO HOLD PARADE i ; - , Imperial Klailk Says Three Thousand Expected to Take Part In Vancouver YANCOLVFIt. Nov. ID. Major L. L. Powell, Imperial Klazik of the Kauaihan hiiijMils of the Ku Klux Klan, who is now in Van- i comer arter having been held up for about a week al the tiorder. ! announces that in about a week or ten days there will be a parade ,of Ihe new hooded order with something like three thousand I taking part. ! The Imperial Klazlk stated that Ihe Klan was now well established both in Vancouver and Victoria and brandies were be- irg formed in North Vancouver, F-a.l Vancouver. New' Westminster and at two plat-es up the I raser vallejv In Saskatchewan Files Sent from B.C. to Fight also seven or eight organization Destructive Pests In South- are under way but so far there ern Dominion has been no invasion of Alberla. As joou as the organization VICTORIA, Nov. ll. Nineteen is ready, a permit for the big hundred lace w;ng flies in spec-' parade will be sought from Ihe ial boxes stored in a refrigerator chief of police here and the Union aboard the big molorship Aoran- Jack will be carried al the head le fefl hist niahj for-A'ew Zca- ."f Hie line, ' land where (hey will battle in park and pleasure ground of the southern Dominion lo protect I oaks and other M'ees from Ihei' depredations of the green fly. The shipment w.is collected by enlomtdogisls from under the loose bark of the pine trees in Uie Okanagati district. The; Shipment Hrilish Columbia flies it is e-pecleil will prey on the green flies and hold in elieck Iheir de-Iruelion of the deciduous lree in New Zealand. DOMINION BOARD OF ' TRADE NOW MOOTED Would Fi I Post of Non-Political Advisory Body on Colonization and Agriculture WINNIPFC. Nov. Il. -- The formation of a Dominion Hoard of Trade in recognition of Hit" aspiration of ;lic maritime provinces for the creation of a non-iol lu al advisory tioard on co .on nation and agriculture, was rniioi'st'd in a resolution parsed a i! t-'iai session yesterday of ne f s: I s i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wide ceonom- t( 'Oil f-venre. BIG PRICE FOR STEWART ORE From Porter-Idaho Fetches S9S.61 a Ton at Selby Smelter VICTORIA. CSov. 1D. Payment for 07.11 Ions of ore sold to the Selby Smelter near San Francisco al 1H.0I a Ion has been received by officials of the Porter-Idaho mine on Ihe Marmot River near Slewarl. it is announced here. Fitly tons more is now ready for shipment. POLICE SEEKING W. J. RICHARDS VAXCOlVF.ll. Nov 1J. W. J. Richards. who escaped from custody while handcuffed and about to be incarcerated in okalla prison farm, Saturday night, is since then believed to have molested women three lime on Ihe streets. Detectives who answered a call yesterday chased Richards through (tie streets but he eluded capture hy clauilx'ring over a high board fence. COMMISSION TO REVIEW TAGGING OPERATIONS V.VXiHH VF.R. Nov. 19. - Sal mon lagginu operations carried on during Hie summer by Caua- litMi and Fluted Slates fisheries fficials will be reviewed at a meeting of the international Pacific salnmu commission in Seal- He next Tuesday. T date three thousand salmon have been Incited in Rrilisb Columbia waters. PUBLIC NOTICE. The Light and Power will be shut off Friday between IS noon and I p.m. for about 30 minutes lo connect up Grain F.le-vaLor. - Cily Light Dept.