( ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few das we will he moved io our new store Willi (lie largest and finest stork of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc. in Hip North (Inr Mot In us in the past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician SCAR $. iililu! dr-igiis in Crepe-de-Chine and Knitted Rayon Silk Prices range frm. each $1.25 to $5 West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753 WEEK END SPECIALS Sugar ' Going Up! . Ciel your requirements now for Xmas KKi II). Sack Sugar . . $6.90 50 lb. Sack Sugar . . . $3.60 2fl lb. Sack Sugar . . $1.50 14 lit. Hulk Sugar .... 95c 15 lb. llruwu Sugar . . 95c 5 I'kgcs. Lump Siiirar $1.15 5 I'kgcs. Icing Sugar $1.10 All other good.- at reduced prices Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 When in need of HOUSEHOLD MEDICINES Phone 94 WE DELIVER ffuperl Pharmacy 3rd Ave. and 5th Street Phone 94 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 ,to 0. X-Ray Ssrvics Phone C86. Open Tuesday, Tlmrsduy and Saturday Evenings HOSPITAL FINANCING Board Decides to Institute Endowment Fund by Taking Out Life Insurance Hospital receipts for the month of October were 6,57 1. li) and disbursements, including capital expenditure and oiieralion. totalled $5,363.50 according lo t ho report of t lie finance committee submitted by (lie chairman, J. L. Christie, lo the hospital board lasl night. Tlie cost per hospital! hospital days. In connection with future hospital financing, II. V. Birch, managing secretary, suggested the advisability of forming an endowment fund by placing life insurance 011 certain individuals with the lioyiulal as the bene ficiary. President Campbell agreed with the suggestion Mating that he believed it a sound business principle. At some future lime the necessity of build ing a new hospital would arise and il was not too early lo look ! the future ami, if possible. make preparations. Hie board decided to authoriie Ibe finance committee to take out i.000 in surance as an initial step. VICTORIA GOLF COURSE SALE IS ARRANGED TO inn. iifisn iMKf atMiut tn and one ball miles aouth of the Knrlneer Mine.. Tlie water will be diverted from the ttreani' at a Hiini about two mllM from tlu- ter minus r tue ald river Into Tirlsh lke and will be used for hydro-elertrir pnwer iii.mw uHn the Engineer Vine, whosr iM'IdmrK are desrrlled as eleven Cnmn Orantrd Mineral Clalma, surveyed a Lute .Vi. 19, 0. 106, J07, tin, tin, 7. BS. 870. 7, and 164. Omup 1, Calr uisiriri. una niiiire i ptwted on Hie rniunu on ine iKin oiv or October, I9f A copy of this notice and application par- -uant thereto and In tlie Water Art i 811 will be filed In tlie office of tlie Wafer itrroroer ai Aliin. B.C. ObjertlotW Inav lie filed with the aid Water liecorder or with the Comptroller of Water lllrhl rarllamenl liuilditurK. Viriorla, B.C with in inirty any arter the appearance nri IhU uotire In a hiral iinmiwr Yh. . . (l4t ttt tli fir., mil.ll..ti..,. ... I" ..- nwn .111111 in mm It ibe 84th day of Ortober. ts. tAi.iM.Mi lim n Mists i ti. E mcr htilt'l aid camp cnhn.x. the cost of which will be l50,oiin. During Ibe past few year, there have been appropriation made by I he city for keeping up and improving ibe course, yet It is six miles froiu the cily and not available lo Ibe public gen erally. waler supply to the city. CAPTAIN KIDD, PIRATE William Kidd, a Scotchman born, was a shipmaster and shipowner who in 1 695 was living in 1 lie town of .New York! In that! year the Earl of Rellainont. governor of Massachusetts Hay. placed Kidd in command of a he was convicted of that crime. Captain Kidd was hanged al Execution I lock, London, on May 23, 1701. I'art of his treasure is supposed lo have Itoeu buried at fiat-diner s Island, N.Y., and never lo have been recovered. From Tbe Meulor. DRESS AGES QUICKLY. I.m: I new ones. Henry C. lilcrirnii. Aeni. ' PR0BLEM3 VANISH V,hen You Wear ONYX Shoes Canada's lies I Know n Shoe for Women und Young Women. Carried in all fillings. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357 Mrs. A. Does your husband like antiques? j Mrs. II. Well, he nreleiids struck on tn v old hats and towns whenever I talk of buying j LAND ACT. ' Notica of Intention to Apply to Purehaa Land In I'rlnre liuperl Land Iteeordinr trii't of I'riuce liuM-rl and situate on the east hort or liaraard Cove. ITIimmw Hoal Island. Hamre four, Coatl OMtrtct. I ALE MiTK t thai SoH.ervllle CaniMiry i oiiiimio Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. oc ; euiiatltiu Mrkerit. Iiilend to iiljf fur perniiMiiui wi purcnase ine lonottinr scrllied laiKb): i:oibiiHinciiii( at a pout planted on the iiortheat slHtre or llama rd Cove, prlnceaa lloal Uland, llaiiK' 4. Coail Dhtrlrt, Ihenre easterly iwcniy rlialin; tlieiHW i wiiilherly atvty chains : thence westerly forty chain; thciire nortlierly five rlialns, tiiorr or InM, to tilth water mark; Ihenre , folloninr tilrh wat'T mark In an Mtterljr ; ana iHinneny oiri-iiou to point or eoiii-i tiiencenieiiL and runtamliia' one huiulrc acres, more or less. 1 SOJIEI-.VII.I.E CANNERY CO. LTII ' Applleant. I'er W. J. Thoinai, A Kent Daled Oel'Je-" jth B CA88IAR LAND DISTRICT. Recording District of Talagraph Crtak. TAKE NOTICE thai John Jacob Fowler. or urrat Glacier. stikin-, ranriier, lend to apply for p-rnilslnn to pur-the folfowlni described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the i west bank of the Sllklns Hirer, near the I (ircnt r.larier, at aoiilheast rnrner; thence runnlnr north 1" iiain: thenre in a ' wester I direction 90 chutns: thence In a ntithrr'h direction n I'halns: thence in an eastern direction to chains, to com niencMnent pom. hated aurusl Viol ml miii 'cR nwi.FH WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Richard Dix in "The Shock Punch" A powerful mixture or dramulic ! iiuimle mid luughlcr lighliiing. A sinusliing iipiiei-i ul lo Hie lieurl and a solid drive to the ftiniiy-Iione. The story of n inillioiiuii v. in overalls, willi liglilniiig in his lis), wlio luiided h juli, u girl und n knockout wilh one iilow. lie thought lie whs quite u lighter till she landed one in his IieiirL A pliulo-plny wilhoiil one dull moment. Hound 1, Laughs-Hound; 2, Love-Hound; 3, llolli. Strong cusl: Richard Dix, Frances Howard, Theodore Babcock, Walter Long, Paul Panzer, Gunboat Smith and othors. COMEDY "THUNDERING LANDLORDS." PATHE REVIEW 35o and 10c TH rum KWB Thundar. November 19 III r On Sale Eveiywhere the Vii '. i a day, it was reported, bad been: The purclia- J3.I8 and I here had been 1575. "' pui chaser- .-hit: s run. I recline . .11 n" it Ml III KUKLUXKLAN SEEMS FUM TO CANADIANS (People In This Country do Not Csre to Dress up Like a Spook and Act Like Fools (Vancouver Sun One big reason why t'.auadintis will not ralty ery strongly Klk Lake is a former ourc oH MotHMl the fiery banner ot the K.K.K. is tterause they are tUiua-diaus. The neit reason is that they will resent Ibe interference affair. The I air. I reason is thai they bava a euM- of humor. Canadians do tint fighting in the oueB. They ! not subscribe to tbe venomous and vcrmino"-habit of prowling around 111 a bed sheet . Canadian justice ..m mil in e.i t.rivaleer with Serial permission J t be supported b .n-.v ina-f..-! jio suppress piracy. However, order. If these fun-agM ..:v.m Kuid turned pirate bimself. aod'Uers hav- the wcr.-t (f law ci. VANPfillVFR PIIPfHAQFP incidentally bad a private battle, force m-nt up tbei fnlllUU 1 Lit lUAtniiOLn Witb 1,1 gunner Moore, in which Ldid they not do - ;ue no nun on ine nead Willi a YICTolilA. N". 18. Mayor bucket and killed him. When fVndray has arrange.! (hp ale of Captain Kidd returned lo Ikmt n the Klk Lake i 1 f course, owned hy 1 he city, to .1. S. Conned of Vancouver for 42.000. suhject to in I6J he was arrested and sent to England for trial al the did llailey prison. Here he was con- ihe endorsement of hi action bylvicled of Ibe murder of Moore. WATtR NOTICE. jA l,M CaiM' poilliea'. isiiles, Kidd was tried for niracv. Dirion and lit: i u . . . tvwe sotici: mat iienrj c. oi-rrrtrhHe denied the piracy charge, and pent for the Engineer OoM .Mine Ltd inc.. wlMse iddrpiw l Eniciiieer, B.C.. will Plly fur a llrense to tafcr and uk 60 ru. ri. nr eriud of waler out of VVann lilvi-r Khlrh rUiws westerly and drain put up a plausible -defense, but tbe odds were against him. and leee. dj tnellllng Willi their countryaie-i s.wash. Haker. Morris.. Stone, Joli'on, el al.. before Canada ha I t go lo tlie eTtjH-iisie and IrouMe ,,f hanging and laHhiiv; tbeni" Kleajrle." "K!:iie.- and all the rest of Ihe giliherisli strike Canadians an funny. They ec no reason fr dressing up like a spook and acting like a darn fool In do utmelhitur lhey ean do at tbe polls in the upea. However, lhtj invasion of LONDON. Nov. IK. Listeners 'with limileil eierlence are gen erally ralher nervous when Ihey rust handle a mulli-valve -el. Flic very size of the receiving apparatus, Ihe complexity pf Ihe wiring wiUiin I lit- cabinet, the number of cunlruls and the. powerful nature nf Ihe reproduction obtainable from even distant stulion give them the feeling thai the operation nf the instrument demands far morn skill than Ihey possoss. Ileal ly I here is not hint: I hat iie'cil cause nervousness.' for ( lie liijf set, if designed, as most standard modern receiving sets nri, with a view lo stability and simplicity of operation, js much eirsier lo work with I him the small sel Unless the range is comparatively shorl. a small set has usually lo be "pressed a little in order lo obtain c' ,,,-wuiiilflu signal strenglh, wliili io pick up dis-I ant trutisutisaiffus Il must be brought to ,,,r'1 sensitive win. I tin ion that skilled handling is required if il in to be prevented tunn liursling into oscillation. I jWiib the large receiver one liasj in hand an ainple margin or' M'vei, which means that Tor, iirnaih'iist receit loll there is no need lo work near the point all winch oscillation occurs. Stahil-I :?mg devices of various kinds. can le ul ami control can le so simplified that even a novice may pick up all the glatHms within the range of the apparatus and tunc them lo good strength wilh case. The most type of commercial receiving -es have, in fart. beu made almost "fool-proof." II is always an easy mailer to Mild and tune in a powerful lransniisioii; where the begin iter, and sometimes alo the ohl hand, in apl to fail in in search uifr for a less powerful signal A strong transmission can be heard over a fairly large rirtre' of i-oiitrol -iHlnigs. The weake, the Iran-irii.-mti. and Ibe greater I lie ili-laiu-e (iiitii which it comes the hurpM will tin lulling be Hflen the hme.l inHVemeuJ of Hie klioh .uficc. fn bring il. such a signal or lo reduce il In of foreigners in then- domestic, complete silence after it ha heen fo'iod. jfi 'he illr 'w WEEK-END SPECIALS CCIVIBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL 20 lbs. letrace iurnip In lbs. Carrot. In lbs. Cooking Onion h lbs. IteeU rt Parsnip ToUl 45 lbs., for $1.03 Potatoes, No. 1 Netted liem. per K.K.K. tirganiiers is probably tuiru ark $3.50 enuugn. have a limited quantity l Canada sends I nited Stales' -it 11,1- ....i -.ih ,i bootleg liquor winch ia oHen notjvis you to buy now as prices o giHMl. W hy thea should wej wj nt 1 wer. j , ..... r...s ...- "i-iirc Wa , Deacned Celery.i of trying to bnoll-g a fillle npuri oils justice in to u? RED PROPAGANDA IN WINNIPEG SCHOOLS Mimeographed Publication Read and Passed on by Youths of Prairie Capital t for 25c Choice Cauliflower, per head, 25o and 35c Brussel Sprouts, per lb 15c MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS No. 1 Steer lleef. himhpiarler I cut la Sirloin Sleuk. per lb 25c, i-irioui n oits 1. ier 111 cCi Hound Sleak. 2 lbs 45cj Hoa-t lleef off rooml. per lb. 20ci Hump Uoant. per lb 18c WJNMPWi, Nov. Young. Hhoulor lloast lork. per lb. 25cj lioys in Ihe Winnipeg ochools are; GROCERY SPECIALS spreading red propaganda by. Fig Hare ( iww slock . i.er lb. 20c means tif a mimeographed sheet.' (Singer Snaps ifrwh stock . tj which Ihey are publishing and Ihs 35c diatribiithvt. acctirding to the lelfer Arrowroot lliscuils, 35o' rroe I'ress. niii-e nuiuiiers have, a Ifo ., ,. $1,00 ueen issued ni rar m cotincclton. Knnwflake I'aslry Flour, 10 .lb. wiin me 1'ioueer rairois. an organization of lads who are being educated along soviet lines. The lads are divided inlo patrols sacks 55o lBSS I'hc.k Layer Fig, SO oz. cuts 30o Combination Special uc, as Ihe Karl Marx I'atrol; s Mn ijbiry-s Pork and lleans, 2' and Lenin Patrol. 'Ihe publication in opposed to capitalism ami also against religion, and each reader lsv urged lo be a bolshexisi. The children 1 Cmniod nre timed (, pass the papers along In then- school fellows. POWERFUL RADIO MUCH BETTER THAN FEEBLE B'g Sets are Just as Easy to Work as Small Ones and do Not Need as Careful Tuning. i tHiH StifHei's Tomato Soup ' I Special, S tins for 95c I Kir Oscar Hraml Kippered! Snncks. per I in 5c llerilugs in Tomiilo' Sauce, ter I in r 5c; Ited Head Matches, too count. 3, boxeH to carl 011. Special 35c 3 carlona $1.00 Fls Nnplha Soap, per curloti 80c '.nlario Pure lied Plum Jain, t lb. pail G0c. 'Ibis is a wonderful jam.! Oiiaiilily is limited : Crosse & Blackwell's Red Cab-; bage, large jars. Special . . 60c Lea & Perrln's Worcester Sauce V pi. bottle, special .... 35c 1't. hoi ties. Special C5c Snldor's Chilli Sauce, vlra large size hollies ul real price 30cJ I'Liniil 2 lo each customer while Ihey last . Salada Blue Label Tea, reg. H5c. Special, per lb 750! 1C0 Tins Drl-Pak Prunes, Ws. rg. inc. Special, fin 27'to i I'tione your order early as' this price is far below wholesale! value in case lota,. Jelly Powders are always In sen-sun, assorted flavors, 1 for 25o Extracts, 2 oz. hoi lies, assorted.) :i for 25o Circle Brand Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per tin. 15o, 7 for $1.00 Canned Rhubarb, Vs. heavy hv- nip pack, special. 3 tins 25c Rupert Table Supply 4 Phones; 210 - 211 212 - 298 REMNANTS H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton Friday and Saturday R PRINTS em GINGHAMS TOWELLING FLANNELETTES TABLE DAMASK 5j DRESS GOODS EMBROIDERY RIBBONS LAlES "a SILKS s See Them! Many Other Attractions REMNANTS Si' LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding nel door to FrtxzcU HuMier Sh. j from Ihe Km press Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jainet Zarelll Proprietor WINTER IS HERE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY UNDERCLOTHING, fTC, tun mt CHILDREN AND YOURSELVES " .ire -n-wiitg I it nil -Mi., n- v., OM Will IMilt.P l, the I-ill. .wing . Children'- Louis. L.tdic- Hac.;i... gown-, ami Hlinise-. etc. - in I lie I' lillilli THIS SALE COMMENCES WEDNESDAY and CONTINUES TO THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, Nov. 18, 19, 20, and 21 Missv.1 i-hv I moil Hum., .izP. rrtmi 5M In f.' . to if. OO. Hale price 75c Oirl' VesU ami Drawers. er rul wowl rroni an to reg. .J5 prr pesra. Hl. 3 for $1.00 dirl' White Fleece-lined Drawer.. .ixc fnun . ng.WU: Hale price 3 for $1.00 Girls' While Tiiriibiiirs Goltoii and Whi liinatioii., sites from So to :t. reg. f2 sHle $1.50 Uirls' Pure WimiI tkoirlMiiatioiis, ToruliuU' t.- frvm It In 3L .se jqc per eent le Uirls Penman's US, UoiiiUiutu.iiN sii from - only, reg. $3.85. Sale. r suit . . . $2-25 Infanls Pure Wool Ves., Nud Silk and Wo,.! ...... W :. ; 15 per cent leM inns vviiiie neeee iuUi Vtu, gianl ijmvLIx V0, reg. price up to LO. Hale nne 50e Siies SK to 3S. reg. up lo I..M) Hide 65c dirlV Heavy IHoomers, sites from lo o pi . Kale 3 for $1-00 Children's Wliile and Natural Fleece. tied sizes, reg. up to br. Sale pm c 2 for $1.00 uniitiren s hieeper., ajl mses. truing for . . 15 per cent le Oirls1 llaiineli'lle Niglilgowns. sites from i I 1.S5. Hale 85c iris Owls, sizes from lo 11. Sale . . 20 per cent le wins nweaiers, laicsl style, and colors, from t i reg. price from ei.no L, o.n(i. Sale . . Hoys' Bxlra Heavy Fleece-linefl HlurU and I" sizes, up to $1,0(1 reg. Hale... Hoys' Tiger Hraml Shirts ami Draver's.",nikc,i upjo $1.50 each, to clear al each Ladies' Pure Wool TurnlmU Ceelee Loi'iiImiiiiIi. hiiiI ankle length; short ami long sleeves, pi iiiff from ().()() to K7.Tr. i,..r -..,i wi.. ..... Ladies' Watson's Pure Wool C.oiiiiinlhiiiv niikle length, short Bhll tdliir atlsisti a II a. rp 20 per cent le ...... , w I ...l:....l l?:ii. . . .. r i.mics niiK ami uoiiini vesiM, g(M,j value, all sleeves, reg. Hale prjee Ladies' Silk Striped Hloomers, reg. .n7. Sale Ladies' leav Hloomers, good quality, reg. l.o v Ladies Hlotimers, sizes up to t reg. $1.25. Side Lnilios' nni.nelelle Niglilgowns, reg. Sale Ladies very good quality riannelelle Niglilg" $1.B0. Hale Ladies' extra special Flannelette Nigiiigovviis. r- Sale Sa Ladies' Sweater's, InleVl' styles' and colors, r. s lo $0.00, nil wool; In clear nt Ladies' Sweaters, reg. price up (r $0.75. Sale pre l i Ladies' Sweaters, reg. up mLRO. Sale price .17 Ladies' Wliile Voile HloiiseH, teg. MM) to fl''11 , . .l'" "sli'iit'iVliimry of'rer - Ladies Assorted Blouses, in mW, (leorgelle, t,; Cliilie, etc., reg. up lo (fH.oO, to clour at . $2.95 C5c 85c $3.95 80c $1.10 C5C 85: 95c $1.00 $1.50 S II! $G.50 $3.45 $1.50 H . ' 75c hi' ii' $1e50 JABOUR BROS., LTD. . fjr ' , -,u CI. Phone G45. 3rd Ave. ana m