November 10, SEE THESE rnrMfU IVrtDV i f iisi BEDROOM CLOCKS Lots of Girls would appreciate one as a gift. A clock Is really needed In the bedroom and these neat HtUe fancy clocks make a nice little personal present when no other kind of clock would fill the bill, Prices from $4.00 to $7.50 John Bulger Jeweller Three Big Specials This Week Only . Llbby's and Sterling Catsup - dc-li :atup ami k e reccmed a ji..1v urul liaxr leu Miuiiy. Itrf. 35e f no on Sal- tin 4 Bottles 90c. Alto Helm Vinegar, 3? nr.. 1 1 1 : iir i 'iIt, Special, 2 for 75o Jilil reWVeil a of Palmollve Princess Soap Flakes. Mne 1'isl m t' in .1 X ?V. Special, one week, 2 for 35c B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phone 45 COAL COAL ; 1 1 m your coal ! 1 1 winter. Have i i llrco tUial? A " hot cnal at $11 i ut. ie. stove $12.50. Lump coal, i in. riml will no! i'ii'" with soot. ' inmle you low i lumber,, nln nt-small deliveries. v TAXI clean Sedans crvice ilny or ' liarj;is, SOc for one i i -tijtfr. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue. Phones 189-112 Bargain Sale DRESS HATS WINTER COATS All this Week "Demers" House of Quality Phone 27 p.o. Box 327 Fur Coats & Jacquettes I'tquislte Stock of Fur 1 'minings nt low prices. B. C. RJR Co. Net Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, FIRE DRILL AT GEN. HOSPITAL (Recommendation of Lady Super-' Intendent Is In Hands of House Committee Pointing lo the recent fire at I In; Prince ltu.Pt-t Spruce Mill an an fxaiiij.).- f wml might happen ir a nuifuralion broke "ill In I he hi...iinl, Miss Joa llarrUon, H.N., HIy Mll icrinlen- denl. in the cnurne of her mouth l.v rt-iMirl t., ihc ho.phii liounl lat iiftfhl, ui-jxo.i thai etpp be taken In organize t ! hnpiia! staff against mich an emergency. .MU Harrison uggelcd ila t lil of lln nlHir MimiM Jm- mail" ami thai wiriiMi member should In' assigned io tafcp certain pnle in llir event of fire. This would help to prevent panic -ami wan a rMirf llml j(,,f., j UUtlli lioxpiiuU. Mm Harrison ug-ueMed Hull hrc drills might also Im held and I luil I lie fire fightim i-iluipiii.Mii in I he hospital ulimil l ! finilarly inpccJed. Members of the board agreed wild lli MipgfMion and the mailer wan referred lo the houe eommltle. to deal with. Mix Karri on naked tlia -."iiii'llinia be done in connection wiili I lie path from the nur.-es' home lo I he hopilHl w hich w in nurd a condition thai nurses jiniilil nol use it without jrptlinr Hi. ir feel wet. Thi was lo re- fcneil In Ihe house committee for nMenlion. It purling generally on lb riiintiHl of the luKpital, Mil llrrion report sialyl thai I Is niniiili of October hud been a very liuy onr Willi a Inxh a 01 pulienl in lh h'iiilnl on two orraaion and an iinuually large pruportion of iry mck -api. II hail trn nwi'in.Hr)- In put tlra tri in two wur.l anil ur th lilirary private ward. MifH HarriMin arknowllul ilnnatinti HimI hail Min nimli' to llio lnt. piial ilunnjr thf month ami alci aiiiioiinrp.l ihnt llir Workman r.miipnMlion Moan I during it rrrent vill hero Imil been -I rit.l Itie ne nf liixpilal farili-(! for itn work. CHARLEY'S AUNT IS COMING TOMORROW Famous. Farce to be Shown Picture at the Westholme for the Week-end In Tlii mti'i'ii MT-imi of the in-tfinaiiimally fanunw farri i liarli' Aunt. Iiy ltramlon rimiira will be Hie feature al-H art Mm here luinurrnw. Syil Chaplin ha the title role anil the fciippnrliitii i iHimpil of plaer nf wnle repute. a lae play "Cliarley'i TIMBER SALE, X 7475. 1!r iM t "ff'TMl fr f II til,- ii i ii in mi Itie llh 0 m IWNrliilirl. I9r. in Ihr "lfflr "f Uw i.iain.-i k..t.-iiri . rrliur llulvrl. B.i: Ihr I irrurr ? 17. I. rill t.m.UOO fll ..r Mtrui-r. llrml.M-k Ur I u lul n Ihe wlh f T. I- uihI. Hu-tunlMii Intel. uaeHi CMrloil ' 't yr IM t lld tar r ...... .1 Ml llinl.r ii...ul mv nih linaliWi hi Itlrnii Hie inliim in rTB iMJf Mull s Maw, leiHler In I tN'l1I l m t i w tim ami irt-tlMl ie Din r.iniw mrii'iilin nf lit.' llef Fin Irr. n turn. H. '.. "f !Hirlr .irir. i'riiM-e llniwrl II ' . Th rurrhlnir Ayrnt, MrtorU, JMk 1 114 II i Hill "IS " " " ..A mi. fur Ihe imrrluw r l.lriMirr Ii. ml l.mi.miii f- r Srue, llfii tark, IUImiii iml I -Jr on i ! ,"" lt Channel. nnr . i ' ''r,?,V. all"eit fnr r. re- Tu ii ear UI I tieival f iiiiiImt. . . Iurilir iMiriiiar "I inr Ir. Victoria, nr... or Ploirln roreaur, rlnce Mnwrl. n c. in Plitir LAND ACT. Notka f InUntlon to ppi to . I III II NniUIHI in. il ...... - Itl,- ikiIiii nr riiiiiincncinienl, ami rinilainini A. K. VVrlitil luted Ormlicr lam. tv friDca liupcrt, u.C Api'Mcaiii , AiMt. (c illtcntlonhfi lr tmtktmf 1 ausat ma M I WhrtMsa f I iittti fmu f 1 VICT HULA I 1 IMlMtwif I Read the Above Then ask yourself whether you can afford to miss saving $37.50 on this attractive "His Maker's Voice Victrola Hie stage. Model 80 Former price $135.00 New Price $97.50 Sold on easy payments Victor Ta!k4 MacMM Cwapaflgr Aunt" ha already sroeil over three million dollar nml hold (be money. making record for In every eivillml country in lb" world which, in addition lo giving it an international reputation, has futahlishod it a a play with Hie liflsio qualities of farce comely that can be LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaia Land. In Prince luipert Land nerordlnr PI trlft. and ltnah at .Newroinho MartHir I'llt Ulaml, iIhmii one mile. nnrtlicat from ihe entrance to Petrel Channel, and about one mile mmllierlr frtmi l he nortlieait corner of lot 0SJP, Take nolle that VVallaco Flherlra iin.iiu.i nf Vaiu'onver. II. C . orrunalloa rainier) men. Inlcnd to apply fur a leant nr lh rollowlnit prem-rllied ltwls Cinninenrliiir at a ot planted about mill., in a aniitherlv illrertlon fmin the northeaM comer of Lot SOlSI't thence inn III t.ll eliMins: tlicnce tvct (1.00 chain: Ihcnce nnrlh rt.TO chain: thonco ralerl.V ineamlcrlna' ahma lh hian water mark to pom or nHiiinenrrnirin, aim rmiialnlnr t.P" acre, nmre or le, VVAl.UrE l'i.IIF.niE tlMttEP. Applicant. Piled September loth. till. vwh rrsTTTt mem FINE PROGRAM BOOTH SCHOOL Parent-Teacher Meeting Was Well Attended and Enjoyable and Instructive Time 8pent Tlioi .(r-vcn.ty or more person who alli-ndi'il the r,1r,'nl-lenrliiTi' ineollim Int evening enjoycil n mont iriteriliiiK nnl iliverxifiH priwram. The liiMineiiM of the evening wan qtilrKly Hoipi of, Mr. Arnolt orcJipyhip the chair in tin' nliM-nri1 of Mm. spencer who Jut xickric. In hfr home ami lo whom I he meeting exlpndeil a ole of nympalhy. A cnrnmilloe was appointed lo purcliai a clinch for the llor-deii StrPi'l School, il heinj? pointed oul lo the mi'i'lloR Dial Ihere wa no couch n Ihi school on which lo place a chitil who milil Lc taken nick during xchool hour. The flrt Hem on flip program was a sonjr iy Mrs. M;ic.Millan. accompanied 1y Mi. Marsh. Fallowing I hi T. f. V,ilon delighted the audience with a mi n;.' and rcrilallon. The fealurp of I ho evening was an illulrafftd talk on llono- lulu and the Hawaiian Island by Mis llolhwell. A each of the view of lhee wonderful inland wa flahed on Hie screen Miss Itnlliwell niade the audience feel thai they were Mantling beside her seeing thee tropical inland in reality. The merlins then adjourned lo Hie basemen! where Mrs. Dar linglon had on display the hat made by Hie girl in the pcoml year High Schmil millinery clas. Ilefrehmenls were served by the ladies of the aocialion. DIET KITCHEN AT HOSPITAL NEEDED Report of Miss Helen Kandat, R.N. on Recent Inspection Is Presented to Board The need of a diet kilclien in I lie loral hospital us a reiuiile in connection wild the proper conduct of Mie training school wa again referred lo by Mi Helen itandal. II. X., registrar of the (Irnduale" Association of llritisli Columbia, in her rc- IKirt on ber recent visit of in-sielioti to the hospital which was prvenleii to the. board lasl nishl. President Campbell concurred with the suggestion and Ihe mailer wa referred to I he lhoiie oomiuillee for the purpose nt ueAnf nliiitip if toenliAii ir II has been produced!,, ,,, u4 Ilfti,,,fl fln,i ; mi, to make an esliiuale of the cosl. . Mis llanilal'. report also re ferred lo Ihe fact lliul plaster in illm Viipdn Ilkiilrt ii erftetiiiir appreciated, ' ,llnl,11i,i n,.,i n.u .. illiei in iiiiiiiK nil') imi .iii .i' . , . , and understood tn any la.,KUi.c;!r)H j. . Tbomp "Charleys Aunt was first, . produced at llury SI. Kdmunds in Suffolk in IKU2 with W. S. I'en-ley starring, and wa then brought lo London, playing first! ' ' nre still touring with it in ling- TIMBER SALE, X6491. iuml, and each year it Is put on,i T,.Ki.r. ih Ih- rivpj to i Jin London where il Is one of Minnirr ur i ! i v it ,"" . ""J (he "draws or tne iioiiuay sea son. Some nf Ihe great stage stars who have played in "Charley's Aunt" were the original W. S. l'Miley, who is said lo have made a million and a half dollars oul of il: Lyn Harding, Urandon son. chairman or me house tommitlee, staled that the build-lug wa sellfiui; and snggesle thai the matter of making re-,.. i.iinlil 1... Ii. n nvae nnlil Die J Ihe noyalty Thlr and then ( flishr..?lllhifr nl Ilia (llnlin ...otio wlier.i vvnere II u.ran ran con eonlln.! , n- r - i ' . mill ,tu,j, cou ol , , rc ,ouly for four year,, a olnl of .j,, :- nMl rpor,. perrormanys. Ihe fan.e o imlrA i(.UWs Attn! .(fiLi,,, rtm(lil,ou rtf tuAJfit! t ir.c rtO Charley ;,arey wide and seven louring com panic started oul through the provinces. Several companies The board was fortunate. Mis llamlal slated, in having Mis Harrison as lady superintendent and she hoped Hint she would prove a successful as she gave promise of being. HAZELTON Last week three pars of high Duke j J un la n lloyce, lleeves Smilli and Kra(0 0re were shipped by I lVrnint"l',TnT,"ur.. A- ,:- w flrsl Harris. One carload,' from V orth urlncl inianii. of prlnrit Unpen. wriiMUem ,;Ww. Units to apply rur a lrae of llw foiww- Hit derrlbc1 laiul:-- ,..,,, nn the c.miimMiHnK at a ol Pi'"' ?n,.I! south iKilnl or North rurhjel I""'1; t the ttim arl.unil huh watrr nijra imlnt or ctwiineiirMiirnt. ami oniainini r 'ai'iIIED WAWW.n A. E. Wrlihl.' VnU DalPd October Itlli. )9tJ. e.lnr Huron. " r . LAND ACT. f Nolle of intantlon ToTpplf to Lia tand In Prince llupcrt I. ami n'"'.?.'"'''. m in iiariiari ii.ih f r TAKE .NOTICK that Alfrfd ;" rr nc nuHTi. ocriiiwiiim ft; ten.l to apply fur a Im Of Uw fu W ,TnV' at", r-t Ph-ltf !X I'homas, Mis Nina HoucleauH, played in America ny turarnoi. The Christies gave Ibis pic-lure nn especially elaborate pro-iluclion and II Is said lo be Ihe funniest feature Mint Ihe screen ha offered Ibis season. Mis Mary MacKenxie of Mur-ieelown was a guest of Mrs. C. II. Sawle here last week. our Mile mountain, went io Anynx and two carload froin the Silver Cup lo Trail. The wealhcr In llio dislrict i sllll exceptionally . pilld and, so far, I hero at e few signa of Mrs. K. MrCulclieon of Detroit, who Iralni'd for a nurse in the llateltott Hospital, lias forwarded a check for 120 to bo applied to the fund for the. furnishing of the .Nurses' Homo. Coulribu lion to the fund now total $1, "3U.50. The ohjeollvn was $, 800. Mrs. Oeorge Henson has left fOr Vermillion, Alberta, where she will visit with relatives. Hie Man Who Talked at Random sat in the window-corner of the Pullman's smoking HE compartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large opinions in a suety voice. It ,grew late, as so often it does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped print- .... lllg CHI. Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with his advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and added himself to the congestion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving cream; brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar he knotted his advertised on an advertised button, neatly tie,gave his advertised suspenders a tug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who never reads advertisements! Everything worth using is advertised. Everything that isn't, rarely is. Read the advertisements for value's sake BURNS LAKE V. 11. Purser of Maidstone Sask., was a visitor here lal week. He is looking over the territory with a view to locating a large body of farmers who wish lo come West. He was favorably i!nprt,sed with the, Cheslatta district, south of here. I itev. W. II. Ashford, on reluming from Vancouver lat week, was accompanied by his parent. Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Ashford and his sister Miss Annie May Ashford. i-4.yW -r- R. C. Slnnyer has relumed lo (his district from a trip to Wainwright, Alberta. Cjiicken Ihieves have been busy here lately and William McKcnna and Andy Huddy are advertising lo Ihe effect that the. people who raided their chicken houses will be proseeulcd unless they settle promptly for the birds stolen. VANDERHOOT Olney IteiH and S. I. Oilbert are building two boats for Ihe public work department, one to bo sent lo Miworlh and the oilier lo Isle Pierre. Harold Wheelend Smitfi and Miss Kalherine Maud- HulTman. both of Fort SI. James, were married ' last' Tuesday morning liy.Hev. IL T. McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A'verill left last week for Chllllwack. Miss Kallileen Malliews has arrived froin Vancouver In lake charge of Ihe public, school at Fraser Lake. John Hoberls of F.ngen wa fined $50 in the police court here last week for unlawfully pointing Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Some women, even though they realize what a waste of time and what a tiring job washing is, still they struggle with washday because they think laundry service is beyond their names. Iiul if they'd only try our Thrift-T Service they'd know how economical laundry service can be. Kverylhing washed clean, your flat work ironed, wearing apparel just to iron ami the cosl is only 5c per ll. and lc per piece. fiet rid of washday and you'll have many new hours a week to use them a yon wish. You'd like to have them of course, so don't let the pennies stand in the way. 'I Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. a firearm at I. K. Landon. P. Hums & Co: Ltd. shipped a carload of entile from (his district lo Prince Oeorge last wee!, and will ship another carloa.1 next month. The Vanderhoof Hoard of Trade has already asked J. A. Fraser, M.P.-elect for this district, to endeavor to have an experimental farm established In this district: On a hunting trip List week in Ihe flreer Valley country, Archie Stewart and F.d. Slmonson shot and killed two moose. Francis Micks also killed a moose in the same valley a few day ago. POLICY OF NON-RESISTANCE "My wife insisls on our hav ing a fall outing." "And you stand for il?" "Oh, yes. Heller a fall outing than a falling out." Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at t5o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 057