PAflS wo The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to .all parts of the Hrilish Empire and the United btates, in advance, per year ........ r $0.00 To all other countriesin advance, per year $70 Transient Display Advertising. ... .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ........ ,$2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion '. . 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Noyces, each insertion 15c per ngale line Contract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation" Telephone -Editor' and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to apprnval.- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY IDITIOll Wednesday, Sept. 1923 Privy Council Takes Initiative. While Canada has been talking about abolition of the right to take Canadian cases to the Privy Council the Privy Council itself has taken action to forward Ihe idea and has decided to restrict cues coming before, it to lhoe only which are recommended by the (Inventor in council or for which leave is granted! by the courts thenwlves. Titer hope is also expressed by them that the courts will mil see fit to grant permission except in constitutional cases. 11 is often claimed that the Hrilish constitution is largely a growth rather than a set t( enactments. .So we find it in tlti-case. The British court has sensed public opinion and has forestalled any drastic action on the pari of Canada by ilseir withdrawing from functioning in a manner distasteful to a large section of the Canadian people. Discussing Hie new ruling L. ACaituou, addressing die uinaoiait Har Association said: "This indeed is more than evolution. H nearly amount to a revolution. What a contrast with the British attitude in 187(1; even where, a in (Juebeo, an appeal exists de piano to .. .... . il : i. ; iic inn cuiiiicu in ccriaiii cnes, u win. now ne necessary to obtain in all such cases, leave In appeal from, the colonial court appealed from. II is In be Imped that our Canadian courts wsli discourage such applications and by' their decisions will helo the privy council to adopt a policy restricting the exercise of. the prerogative yi.yery iniporlanl.vouslitulumul ruses,. They shouh consider as final llie judgment of our Viiprenie court fit all cases where the interest of the general public is not concerned. In private litigation, leave to appeal should be curtailed, as the costs are so high, that even the successful party considers favorable judgment of the privy council an expensive luxury." Bigotry And Ignorance In Canada Says Visitor. A New York preacher, Dr. YV. H. Hninsford, visiting in Toronto a few days ago showed himself critical of religious lire in this country. In a newspaper interview he is ipioled as saying: "You have hud a union of three churches .and I see the head of the United Church is reported to have said: 'Now llii'l we are imjed we shall be able lo strengthen the Sunday blue-sky law.' That is not Christianity it is the subjection of Christian principles to tradition and legalism. If that is the oulv LIKEABLE LAD WAS CAMPBELL Vancouver Journalist Tells of Past Life ot Boy Who Attempted to Rob Bank W. t. Dc(iracs, a clever Van couver newspaperman, in all ar llcle dealing wild the boy who attempted to rob Hie Hank of Coiiinirrcn owl was caught in a trap', says: Fred (iunp'bell, ltf-y earmold "two-gun bank bandit, is a 'mystery boy." Three times in I lie hand. of the juvenile detention officials, once. Hie instigator of a daring break in which a guard was sc- erly beaten up, and biter an escape from the Hoys' Industrial limn,, al t'.oiiitt tain, Campbell lias yet a warm spot in Hie hearts ol Hie men who handled him on those occasions. Is Likeable Youth l'here are very likeable things about Fred. He is a mystery to me. .Never whining; never making rash promises- to mend his ways, and never reviling his luck, when tie wished lie could be very sociable, lie appeared to take cverylhing us a matter of course. the smooth with Hie rough, ami had a rather fatalistic way looking at life," said Captain II W. Collier, probation officer, win admits that Campbell had ecr possible chance to work out hi' own salvation under Hie approve' probationary methods, lml Ur Ifd not "make good." "He lias not responded to Hie pronation system, is i.aptam Jollier's uny of putting it. "A siaart boy; with a good ordinary education, ery Itright. with more than ordinary determination foi u youngster, and possessed of an adventurous .spirit, Fred would have made an ideal soldier under iroMr leadership. The trouble is hj put avyay In a bad star.-' Although young in years. Campbell has apparently had the exjierieneie of men years oloer than hftnself. He has been a sailor, worked around whi-e, u nl has always mixed with men bis senior. Il is that fact which Jifficials beiiee has been Ins mi doing. "He is a boy of impulses, aim when Hie urge takes him he ju; follow the line of least resistance," said Captain Collier, "mi: you can't help liking the way lie lakes his medioine." Al the I toys' Industrial Hume Hie news of Campbell's latest es eapade drew an amazed '"Well. Hie litUe raral. Did he do thai 1" from the matron, and il was plain from the lone that the young bank bandit had another j friend there. Home Is Divided kind of good the United Church van do, then llie sooner union is Then? is another ansle to blasted the heller. That is the sort of downright bigotry w hich .Campbell' story. Apparently the is inning joiiiik peupiu iroui ine cinin'li imlay. "The trouble here in .Canada is that you are. smothered it ignorance," he said. "There was something wrong with ytnir education system n generation ago. and n a result people are afraid Hi think along intelligent lines. Clergymen dare not teach Hie truth. They mut leach tradition and bigotry. In re ligious knowledge and progress llie. United Stales is "far ahead of you." Needless to say we do not agree with Dr. llaittsford. We be-l'?ve Hnk de.gree or intelligence in Ibis country is quite eipial to Ufal Wm United Stales and thai . the educational sVteni a gijeratRift ago was as good as il was in the United States and agtr4l ijeql betler than in some states'iif the Union. The illiteracy in Hiis i ouitlry docs nol, compare with that of the. count rv to the south. " - ti'r A '" . United States Leads In Many Things. , Still it must be admitted that in many things the United .States gives us a lead. There are some educational institutions i mm wiiii n we have been able lo learn much and from which we. may vet learn. They have experimented with education but that ha been in spots and not generally throughout the country. We do not Miink it is verv good taste for the eminent clergyman to come lo Ibis country mVl talk like he did. young bandit is the victim of a divided home and the lark' of li,ome environment aid to be responsible ror his waywardness. Campbell's mother, now, occupying a responsible position in an Tlastcrn city, in apparently of a very lijgh type. Twice since he has Iwen in the hands of the jpxenlle authorities ic has written asTiing to be kept fully informed of hts welfare ami re- pictiiig the authorities to keep an eye (n him. and do everything t'Ass'ble for him. Hi father's whereabouts are unknown, but the first time that Campbell came into the hands of the probation officer, when 15 years of age. was on a clrnrge of stealitiig money from his fattier. Later he was again held on a pelty theft, and then on a burglary charge, and H was while Agents (or. feS ' tf (f$hawirr K9WRED:L Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Spruce Shiplap, $15.00 per M Ctdar V'Jolnt Double Check Cedar Rustic Cedar Channel Rustic Cedar Boat Lumber Albert & WcCaffery 11 Phones 116 and 117 'i wiB smd-yoa- AlRJt-llllUirdltM- booklf-teatind- Hoguy iK DAILY HEvrfl ANNOUNCEMENT CARS detained for this that, wtlli another inmate of the house, he overpowered a ifiianl early one morning ami escaped. The guard was aide lo hold on lo the other inmate, hut Campbell was no' picked up again until Hie city police seciiicd him some days later. Eighteen Years Old For this escape he was sent lo the Hoy' Industrial Home, where he made another successful break for liberty, and Jie was on Ihe wanted list at the police sta tion when he fssnyed Ihe bank robbiry on Friliy morning which led tp his arrest. ' i According to the official records Campbell was IS on Aug. 22, so hat he Is ru ix days oer Hie nge Ht which he would be dealt with under the Juvenile Offenders' Arf. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupart Halibut landings al Prinrn Huperl for ihe month of Aumi.l established a new high record mark, 2,100. ton pounds having been handh-d during that period, Anyox will oend a foolball team here to compete with Prince Uiiperl for-lhe Kxhibilion 'up during I'alr Week? There Is a political scandal In .Multiloba. Sir Hodmnnd Ilnblln. ex-lreniler, J.- H. Howden, Dr. W. II. MouliiKUO and Oeonre It. Hoblwcll, former member of Hie. cabinet, are being charged vtt conspiracy to defraud the HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert K. 0. Heaslall, Mr. and Mrs, J. 8. North and II. .1. McNeil, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. )nn-ovlch anil Mrs. Ji. n. MucKnlght ami daitghler. Anyox; 0, slon. fold, Keiclukaii. Central 0 corse Hum, Liverpool J. 0 The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announces a complete line of new passenger cars embodying many interesting improvements. A limited number of these new models will be in the hands of your local dealer in the near future. Advance orders arc now being booked. These will be filled in strict rotation. Sec your local authorized Ford dealer. TRUCKS Heeves. C.N.U ; II II M. h Smllliers; It. W M u .. ,i I The Man in the Moon I J-YSi- i! .11' ST now she's a regular fhu- ! Icr, t Willi cropped hair, swagger and owing; Hut no matter how much we , may rap her She will hitch to a man with a ring. . WIIliN a society writer runH short of copy she iU iIowh and writes nn article about long hair coining bark. Hut it does not. Till' hunting season is coin ing and it Is certain that from that time on no good sportsman will bo seuii .passing the buck. i , I ONHF. knew a man who w is called lo the bar. " He did nol sober up until morning, A DUMIHILL Is a person who knows Ml He mid earns lews. WITH so many w'lbl women circuses are goinif out of T1IH tongue was made to think with, The brain was made to chillier, Tlie ear was made lo sen fair play, Hut no one nose what' tho ' matter. treatTn storI forart lovers Outstanding Painters are Repre sented in uroup Received Here from National I Ar Gallery A treat is hi nU,n f ,r Incut it lovers at the rfiriiivminK 1 hlbltlon as a remit of (he uree-s' S" 9 TRACTORS SPECIAL : TRAIN Telkwa Barbecue, Sept. 7 Standard Sleeping Cart and Day Coaches Leases Pnii. -e Huperl 1 1 :; 1 Arrive 'felkw .1 . K::t" lletiiionig Lchvc Telkwa M : ! Arne Prun e Hoped H .10 s Slops made at all station en roi l. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP. Make Your llesenalions Karl. CN.R. Ticket Office. Third AientH- Or Ltt- nl Agent at Your St iti iti TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Or. 001 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. O. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. of the Fair Hoard in obtaining nn exhibit of twenty palnliiigs from the National Art (lattery, Ottawa. The pictures are already here and, after the prince ltunert Inhibi tion, will bo forwarded to Vic toria for exhibition. The paint ings cover a wide rnnnr. of Interesting subject and the artists are: Cn'rl Alliens, James' Mnc-donabl Harnsley, .lohli William liealty. Franklin llrownell, William Hrytner. F. Schullener. V. H. Claim. Frederick S. Coburn. Maurtrn rullen, Charles Do Helle, Herlhe )e Clnyes, Francills Flamnng Daniel Fowler; Clar ence A dilution .Ins Utile (Ira- bnm I reil s Unities Lawrens "ar. Iloherl llarns. Hubert Hulincs and Francis Johnston,- Nl9hl phoni 6S7 639 Or. CO' Black 735 Wood! Wool Now is your DRY CEDAR Full load . t Half load Largo sacks DRY BIRCH Per load ... $.00 HydeTransfer 139 8econd Avenui Phone B80 Night or p WE BUY BOrTUt