will always taste better creamed with jMW? Canada 'From Contented Cows' I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors I1' So often you near that remark. II is only because those people who make, it, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try CI Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee il to 'give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Ford Coupe .... $400,00 Ford Sedan . . . . $500.00 Fun! Truck . . . . $200..00 Chevrolet Delvy. . 5300.00 Terms il desired. See the Ford Marine Molor at our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J, L. BL AIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass and dazing. Sash, Doors and 'Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising In Portland Canal Mining Stocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. Cartage, Warehousing, and HIstribiitinR. Team or Motor Service. Coal Hand and Gravel We Speclallxa In Piano and Furniture Moving. OH OH! WILLltl, WILLIC-)) I f1 mrI ,1 Hf v Tl TT X- wtoiunq: vHbTUNC? ( ' I ipivy. yi i I s il il I I v - mini! ill r v i p- . i '""ttt . 1 1 1 i ' i i BBincrMM.iii SMUGGLING TO E ELIMINATED:? ! Co-Operation with United Statesi Expected to Result In Getting i Better Results YANCOLVF.R, Sept. 2 A spec ial despatch from Ottawa to the Star ,sayp: The tvnti-initggling drive of the Custom Department gtd into swing today after con- leren.-e with the Canadian repre- sentnlises who attended the Washington discussion this week force of 2n secret service mem has been organized and is being! drafted into action. All depart-i ments of the governmenl "ri ve been ordered to co-operate. A striking feature of tho campaign the ntuployvtent of an airplane! palnd at Vancouver. , The sky pilots will escort all 'incoming and outgoing vessels to nee there i- nn touch with -lime and (hat I jisl ms laws are obeyed. An airplane patrol, supplied )y I uie i.anaiuau mimary air lorre at Jericho beach, was decided niton as Vancouver's first fighl&g unit in I In- Wiir mi smugglers by Hii- Iiminio!i government, nc-; I'or-ling to ailviccs received from' niiawa today continues llic'Slar. Special tusloms offf?ers and hi 'iniiiion detectives also will .tie stationed here, some of them specially chosen from their in- nie knowledge of rum-running, dope trading and alien traffiek-! nig. niiawa has tiegun drafting first men into ihe special contingent of 200 and selected men will be sent out lo this port with authority to add to their numbers after a careful survey of dislic.ti requirements. ' ! W ith these first sleps the Dom inion of Canada sealed its agree ment with Ihe United plates si'-rned at Washington at the be- triiminu of this week in Ihe for mation of a double border patrol, that will make a co-operative army designed - lo oppress till forms of illicit international trade. Campaign Against Crime While Ottawa strengthened Vancouver's hand in the cam paign ajrainwt irime that has: hitherto baffled the regular cus toms officials, Canadian mounted police and provincial police, fed- li tal ami state authorities on the other side of the line began to I build UJi hjoir part tf Ihe pro gram. Mrst results of life drive were seen In Victoria today, where three men, two speed boats and a quantity of liquor were lipid after Seattle officers had in formed a Canadian revenue boal where to find the liquor-running fleet at Discovery Island. The "lip-off" Systran, regarded as one of the strong points in Ihe great international drive, be gan working in Vancouver today', it is said, when various depart- j ments or the Kovernmenl were direclejl to assist the United j States forens in every fidssible i way. This is interpreted as a i direct order lo Customs nnd oilier I inspectors and their subordinate 'lo advise the new border police 'body here of any liquor cargoes! aboul lo leave which might have j suspicious nspecla. . When the force now being en Misled al Ottawa is completed and' I the chief of the Const Patrol reaches this city, the, "Hp-ofr" information will be propejly "'led and despatched to the pro authorities 1. II..II- l' per in He Ulllieil Stales Thl. "I..-I.I- l ..if Vi ,'V"" - i lion" ...in will then bo supplemented by the patrol's own detective.'1 Well-known ' x-boollepgers and several suspected lil-Jaekrrs re Si i II tins 111 ii lllli Iw.l I nnn Mr, . ..,..!. I ' ' III -llllll K- 'conference now proceeding in Ot-; tuwa, as one of the strategu 'points from which the new in- teriiijtional "espionage, nlitt iTis- line system will be strictly ap- plied. At this part of the dls- i-ussion the airplane decision was arrived at. Officials pointed out Hint owing to Hie intricate const line here and the many channels for sly business, water craft could not hope In compete successfully against the, entrenched liquor industry. This wo only on? pari of the work, for the dope smugglers required constant checking. Consequently It was fell that only eyes from the air could he expected to spot all Hie -rn., ,;.,,,.,. '"."-- uev.iiry mat iii.u was was 'ing ..mg "n,.,!,,.. n against law and order. I T A TIC Fl Fl.TRIr.ITY . Ilnrn . n,,.,,.!""'1"''! several eoring chances. tAUjEj AU1U rlKCj! and Spark Sometimes Results From Filling of Tank Through Rubber Hose i!,a" ing I.ONTWJX, Sept. 2. A peculiar mishap with a Ford motor car the the Pvn:l.i n ,i-ni,.- to which ijpeeJnl attention lus bien drawn in Ihe report of his Majesty's Inspectors of Kiplos- ives. n l,ns bun ill.ovrn,i n, .i u mere filling of a petrol tank may cause enough friction electricity to make a .spark and set (be car i on fire, rnhnnrdlv Ihe accident led to a fatal fire, and experi- ments have shown that the dan per is all Hie greater when the O. petrol is run through a pipe, es pecially a rubber one, into the pelrol tank of the car. m The big Shell pelrol works nl Shell Haven have issued strict orders thai before filling the tank of any car Ihe tank mut be connected lo the earth by means of an Iron chain. The car, having rubber tires, is insulated from the earth, but the iron chain conducts to the earlh Ihe static' T" electricity generated by Ihe fric- ' lion of the oil running through ) Ihe pipe or into the tank. MUMMIFICATION OF if BODY IN FEW YEARS in Woman Burled In 1312 Found to be In Perfect State of Preservation' NAPLF.S, Sept. 2. A striking example of (he mummifkmHnn of a human body by natural pro. V.a ..a I J I.....'. .'II - I t..-i-n u.in ifv.-ii ill..! iii-- Hin Vnlolla, in Ihe province of Saler no, wflh Ihe exhumation of Hie body of. a local resident, Rosa Scarpa, who died in UM2. The body was found lo be in a per-feet slate oft preservation; even her clothes were In a sort of petrified condition, but retained their original colors, 'FhiiiWtv ; J Ii f mumntitoalioti process might hnve been due lo peculiar chemical qualities ift Ihe soil, the authorities ordered Hie opening of an adjacent grave, but the corpse in the laller grave had completely dewunposcd. This therefore, led to Ihe belief ntnong devoid unlives thai a miracle hnd been wrought. COACH APPOINTED AT VICTORIA HIGH SCHOOL VICTORIA, Sept. 2. A coach for the school teams has been appointed in Ihe person of WIN I ill III Clni'doil Itr.'lrl.lrllli ujl.ri ii. ill " i, Un ,.! a .!.. ,,.ol ...r.,uLi..i lln was t.hysical inslruclor at the summer school for teachers recently concluded hero The trustees are desirous lo I nrtokll rn irn flit, ulnfiiir. f .nl,f.nl . """i" iiiit I'MljlllH HI Allium I . ' . . trilllllu flu, I fi i.w..l ,ln,,l ..f l. ed as probable Mnoffieial recruil; Hrilndrilh's work will consist' In in 1l.e neW device jorganuing. iraimng and encur- Straleglo Point !nguig pupils in athletic gunies Vancouer wau chosen, al lheand eporl, CALLIES WIN GILHULY CUP Game Last Nloht Resulted In Score of Two to Nil Against Sons of England Defeating the Sons of F.ng-land t to nil. the Callies las-night won their third football trophy of the reason, the Oil-huly Cup. The Scots were value for their win, though lb1 Sons had a fair -hare of the play in n ragged game which, a far as been good for a 2-1 -core. The Knglishiueit. especially Johnson HuseVrl on the forward line. Thp fH was late in starting Ihe fog and rain interfered wi,h ,Uv- 1 ' Gal," hsM' ti,e ,'r!u1' in ""'Ir fr in the first nna s,ra" "' :ron cjo- in on a rebottnd after Moloiiuall had bit the post. Tta second goal came in" secontl half, when Scott scored on a cros from Alex Mitchell. Turf Jom was referee, A. Clapperlon ami .1. ;. Jotiuslon were line'hieii, and the teHin took the field as follows:. Callies T-.. McLean; M. An- ilrews and '.l. Harris: i. Mitchell. : ta a m .M t urr,, am' ",M", ,;"n: Mclougall. I. will. W Mitchell and W. Hamilton Son of Knjrluml A. Ilickens; Waugn and O. Howe; II. Han-sun, A. Hales and fi. Keley; . Long. F. Russell, J. Johnson, I. (iurvich and J. Farqutiar. The final standing foi Ihe Oilhuly Cup is as follows: . W. I.. 11. Cnllies t 0 8 Sons of F.ngland ... 2 2 i Cold Storage fl 10 Sport Chat For the first time in many years, it negins to look now as New York will not participate the World's Series. The Yankees iiave been out of the running Tor some lime, with .Manager lluggins trying lo blame Italic Ruth and vice veisa Now the proteges of Manager John Mi'iiraw, Ihe (Hants, have been slipping in smsh a manner mieiy iti.it, u now look like a ntvotu ..r.t-.i 1I..1 it... (..(ii .....i ' "' Toil - lk.... ,,klk.-1t ie big spoils "are divided next month at Hie World's Series. The Pittsburgh Pirates now look good to win the National pennant, while il appears Mini there will yet be u struggle lietween life Washing- Ion Senator and the Philadel pliia Allilollcs for Aiiierloan League' supremacy. Prince Ruperl players ami fnns fliinnjr Ihe next ten day will be lm o visiting nggrega lions from various parts or Hie north. The New Mellnkntlan baseball team is here today, and next week baseball aggregation will come from Knluhlknn and Anynx. Them will also be a football eleven from Ocean Falls The locals should roiiH'inher that Ihey are l-nsls and net ns such, bul should not hinke their hospitably overflow. While tin visitors stiouDI be given all good treatment and be rihown every courtesy, there should be no an lion bul Dial will jnnke for clean and full eompctllinn between Ihe various aggregations. May Ihe games be played fur Hie sake (if good sport nnd mny Ihe best learns win I S MM I Miss s A. Mills, principal of Horderi street School, relurneil lo Hie n'v on the Prince Rupert this moil ing after huvitig spent the summer vacation In Victoria. PAGE FOUB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui - Tvjivj or nee co-v will. Tlif "l I I f Et tV I'M COMMA. If 1 C)Hl 1 ; WIVE KG NM v,tTH H) TCLl-'iOU MOT TO VAUbTLU I -V A, I...-. . .. .. "I I I 1 on i i 1HJ Gi i ni. . W w.4 For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent CLiv. III I .iT V ' NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Adverliiement taken for leu than 50c WANT WANTED A man of character anil ability, whole or part time, who will find this opportunity a sound basin for a iMiceesafid career. Contract backed by liberal commission term with a, at rung progressive rompany. Non-medical examination ftolirie. issued in addition lo other competitive features. Apply giving full particulars, Northern Life Assurance Co., 0(0 Hasting St. West, Vancouver, U.C WANTKD A goril home offered to Public or High Seliool girl in return for light service. Mrs. H. O. Crewe, p. o. ln 70S. Ptnce Itupert, H.C. J03 WANTKD A small furntftherf Iioum by Seplomher 20, near elevator. Itox 272, Daily News Office. WANTED.- Oeneral servant p- p Mrs. Hesner, 303 Komth Ave. Fast. If WANTKD. Plain drwMmakttiur. HeaonaMe rat mi. 718. t'raer 'Street. tf WILL EXCHANGE Will exchange to acres Lulu Island, rloup to Vancouver, for Prince llupert p r ii p er I y. Weslenhaver, Hro. FOR SALE FOR KALK.- Dining mom mitea. be I room mules. Chesterfield suiles, ranges. stoves, bed lineai, tvwels, . window blind, inlaid linoleum and printed linideiimn. lounges, c bairn. Cbirrionieres, Dresners, lied, steads, maltresees and springs. Dining tables, kitchen tables, lalde oilcloth. A. Mackenxie. Furniture House. Phone 775. FOR 6ALi: Upholalertng and furniture repairing done on the premises by expert workmen. Lei us quote you on re. pairing your old furniture. Reasonable prices. .Call and insert our workshop. Furniture bought, sold and ex-changed. Agents for the PRK-MIIiR HANOI;. Prince llupert liichaiiKs. Phone 862. if W'li HfNI.U-T-l i - JH. flr on .... Gran- oerry i.ane, cieareii, wim iwo large dwelling houses, suit-able for beer parlor or any other biisinesa; I miles from Powell River paper mills, with 2,(m standing population. Oood car mad. Apply F. Itlppun, care Daily News Office. jt7 FOR HALF Cheap, Locomotive tz riue 33 li.p. boiler; 110 1b. pressure; verllcnl s I e a ro IMinip. about 10 h.p., pitmp intake K"; 25(1 lent K-ineh iron pipe, slightly iiseif. I'nlver.al pipe nozzle. Apply to Ilox .'73, Dally News Office. gOH Kill ALK. At Anyox. lono speedy runabout "Kagle;" zrt x 0; ill) h.p. Peerless four cylinder engine as good as new Apirly Capliiiu Nwlden, bnr.' "(.mtico, A11.VOX. II.C. 203 I'"" WALK OR RKNT. Seven ' roomeii ruily modern bouse. 7fio Player piano for tnoo with .in music rolls Apply Mrs. Atklnsf Phone 238. if nm HALfr- IlOlisehtild effects, iiiiist be sold liiiinedlalely. Party biavlng eity on Satur-ilay. 787 l'rnser Si. mr, 'FOR fiALF (lood healer and wirucr haliy carriage. Phone Red '.'it tf Advertise in the Daily ,'ews MR JlCCb' AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale will be held at rooms over Pacific Lunch, "! iJi i..i.i eeond Ave. W . on I liur-d iv 'I. ut .';.'iu p.iii cuiisi- -, tii ' ing of Dining Tubh'. i;im,i. lioiible nod Single Metis. It 1 1 - I reaux. ah Stniid, liirpe' Lino, Heaters. Water Healer, !'; ' IHlK StOVe. IMOle. l.hC.I J : v iVawers, T I . sJheet. 1 f Illunkels, Plant v Tatdes, etc JJ Philpolt-Kvilt A Co Lid . j en--in. ,"' w.i. II, ...,fi -oil Mi TO RENT FOR Ill-NT, Pianos, player pianos, phonograph- and sewing machines. W Jker's Mush- Store. If FOR IIF.XT. -Two room tumisti eil apartment hv day. week or moii lb. Phone Ue o; tf KOH UK X I - - A S. e,i riaiuied modern houe. i)dv .Fred Clark. Phone 615. !C, FOR RKNT - Four-riMoo.-.l fur nisheil flat, close in. Phone 31.1. tl FOR lkS l Moden. h.iu-e. tl rooms and bath. Munr.. Itro FOR RKNT. Claitp apartment WeaUnuavor llros. tf KINDLING WOOD Ml dry inside winmI, kindling and block mixed, . per load delivered. Hillside wood. 11.50 per load delivereil. Norwe gian style Sail Alaska tier, ring in 30-lh. and ke, 1 0e per lb. ' ISAACSON ftMl Cove. Phone Hinek I fit BOARD HOARD Ihe Inlander, H3" Second Avenue Phone 137. HOARD and Room or Hoard only. Phone Red 707. COLUMBIA RECORDS NHW Process Columbia Reoords no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest I'm Trots, Song and Instrumental music by world famed arlUls Call in and hear theifi. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC, STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 07 Phono (Call (ieorge, Paul or Oust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Sliule-bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from KmpresM llolel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B 0. Taxi Sorvlco CARS MKFT ALL TRAINS. Timi's iirriiuged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phcmo I7"7 Baggage, Furniture Moving, If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Ilox COD FURNITURE. Nw and Secondhand Fu ml. ure Store. We Hoy. Sell and Fx- chnngo Now and Socomlbnnd Ooodi. QUO. PAPADOPULIS, 3(i Third Avo. Pho-in M. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Tdewart visit Keith's Cafe in hing Fdwnnl llolel now ro-moilclleil. I P to date Dining Room ami Lunch Caunler BOB KEITH - Manager. Articl und,4t WSTtS SOTlCt l I""' J'l .Ifi.r ..f ihr ... l im.iH if. i ' :lli l' . ,,, Om- .rf.,,.t..li Ii,. .! i in r- lit ill ii i . It,) - .. I ! ' ! i. i. i.h I I VI i LSS0 CT NMH ( IUIhj U f;'f t ima In I i ii ltn tn ' if I-: H" II I' i . " .inlill Tiki Notii i; mbii I mSjh lfwi- I. Ii, MHi ( , ii lr'tfirt ll.- i . ii it., i tnt . Uo-l. i 1 1. . . i, , t , . . lur ini hi -tO I " .Hi-M'l 'I- ... i .4r irr O W l .-r hlin. . Jk.l.' M -Hla:lt ; V. .V.I l-r M. ImihI Uh ! LA SO CI. Milks ( mum' t " ain, ii ' :i ini a v tl.' Tkl loll' I ifl Slrtnr. "f -marii.il no-mji l-.l'KI H. x ' rrl l liikl olntlM-iirliiir f ll r n'l .!' "on. i U I i I" "tl!' 1' ' tM .! K.'ll'i i :n ii' f I f It i i l Us iri I rtiri'ii' m-nt VMS. Ji'' HtH4 ll "Ih D ACT Nolle l InlMll lr" " Ml Fflm-f an o i.i iimi-ii ' Oh iivsiIIi rlnii,. it--r ii in r t lit.fi ' l-i.i.l MiTM H" i'1'i.'i. in' rtf (Mm- '. iiiiiu- 1 .orrniM iifiiiv i 1 rtaUl- ii rill I' Inenr- nniwii IhrfV' f flew I" i rlwlNf in ' wmllnrlv 1 in rtMfn l'i l.e I I Mll iin S'ttl LAND ACT, . i .rJ, a I In tlw Mml Ii" ' i Hnpsri. ma ' Mrh ri ' hoof i ' TVKK Norn I ' Mills, Umllnl Una tuniivr ii ' WH- fi i i-'iflH luwifur il'iinl i iWitniiK si iiik 1 1 '(Minn ihtii'ii ' in-r of i 'il i' 1 rwin Ii..i-Ihril Iff i III" n" I" i" ' HSHIH . It'll' 1 meat, nt rmiun- 'pium:k ni el ' I mml nriil ib. ,e'!s LAND CT. u.i i.. . iniintlan I 'Pf1' w US. I In frlnw loirn ' iiimrii i nr i i Hi Slwnimn I' O.r. Mnti'l THt: Norn R , Sirmir, "f rsniieriiimn. mi" " !, . slim In purrlii ' ImmM. . . ciinitiiriii'inir ' simlh Sfntir ' ' Miiillivesl . ; simili ao rlmlni- : innri' nr I''-" ,'J' f .. ..il.... I,,, nm. lull" 111' ... if mftit. !!' nf i-tinriiM-m iiMire nr in ,as. iirni"' Dittd July lib.