I VednHday September 2, 195 THE DA.ILT KEW8 PAG R THREH ft Local and Personal Commodore 1. 1 0'w- Anywhere. H.C. Undertakers. Anytime. Phone Arthur's 41. Cafe Big Clean-up Sale Taxi, 50c. l'hone 078. If THIRD AVENUE Closing-out Sale starts Friday. The Cafe of Distinction. Additions to our previous list Mrs. S. Frizell. ' OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. P Hills & Underwood LondonDry Gin Distilled by the famous London process -the jjin you will ask for again. The standard of purity for over 160 years. . $3.50 A BOTTLE Tlu:i advertisement is not published or displayed by the LKjuur iiunl UiaiM r l.y the tuiVcniuiciit of ltriih (Vilomliift. E xciusive T v. -'in..' , ..... ). - fill I'KHK.Vr WEST OF ENGLAND ST9RE Offers Robe-de-Paris ..; nf the ni.'-l i ii-itf dress lengths llli.igiil..le. Chenile m!v Dre I.' -ugHis !).. lality ticnrgrlle Lrepe with !' jt.n.iii. ... r.iit Velvet. Bordered Flat Crepe , 1 i l.i'f-t patterns ..I .'. i m. li 1ltti f'T jtrefL t UltlTl.o. 'II or r ili' lroik-3 West of England Store Phone 753. COAST 3TEA.MSHIP SEFWICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George - Prince Charles h.,ll.,ILf- ' I'. I!H H'll'l'l-I For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle - t intermediate purls, M ,v. ,,( 'l int p m , ..ml 'iliii l.i anil saiuruay, It. o p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, 4 p.m. For Skagway and Ala-ka Port-. Wednesday. 4. 00 p.m. C ST S-k t . . X I I i I I . I - 1 llHnMI .- upinia iKn t..M niAnh marinuii ii;iiui nuii h iiluii we IV Willi I I yuwuil vnui i"v ver, Fortnightly. .liiitni. TBl.M LEAVE PRINCr RUPFRT. DAILY .ic.pt tundt? 1 1 10 mi. for ITIIirr Curre, IDMONTON, "iinirm, m l.l'ITll inana, n" a..... AOINCV ALL OCtAN STIAMIP LINCt. Clll Ticket Offk, 021 Third An- Prlne Burl. rhom 260 UNION SThAMbHU' COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. ..r " i.'..'''i 'Of VANCOUvm, VICTORIA, 9tnnn B.. tnd Al.rt Tut4, r.Sl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA un IUj. tnd non B, l.lufi, 10 k.m Tot ANYOX, AlICI ANM, STEWART . lundOI. . J of fOHT SIMPSON nd Nil) RU.f CornioHot, rl 2n AiMyi, 4, KarxiKf. Ail Print Rup.rl. BO. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding next iluor to Fneil Hoi. Ii. r Shop, ucruss fi ..in the F.mpi Hotel W'e . arrv a full I of )IGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CAND ES social nnrM iiv CONNECTION Jamoa ZrPitt Proprietor Millc Ro-locatod at 230 Central Street, Vancouvor, Willi inlditioiial iiunliiiu's t.n l he niiiiiui.ii tnie of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also eiilTll'.l in slo.'lv. h .......... I'll 1 ...... A . .... . .... i ....I .JlkMI'f'M .1. v o.iiMuiiiK L'uurgi's n luiving iiiri'.-! no... mv .......... ... Mipi'lv . Two cars at your service. Sneddon Taxi, l'hone 134. If For the busy man or woman. a llrown car saves money, l'hone HO. if Ool to get out by the 15th. F.verylhiiur rc.lnre.l ;if Mrn l'riz- zell's Clorfing-oul , Sale, Friday. Here s ooinu ii x u i t e m c n t ! Many l.adiea .Novelty events with handsome prizes at tin Labor I lay Snorts on Mondav. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Im perial, Caul. Poole,' arrived last evening at 7:30 from loco with a cargo of distillate and gasoline for the company' local tank, M. I,. Hpp. U. S. customs of ficer here, will sail this evening on the Prince Charles for Van comer on a brief trip. Ho ex peels totie back early next week John It. .Mitchell, local con 1 1 actor, has return.! to Massed where he is suirvMng a con tract for lh erection of s school for the Indian depart menl. The music classes will reoieu at SI. Joseph's Academy on Sep) ine uoninarciai class on Monday. Sent.' It. and the Kin riergarlen the first Monday in October. 20 1 H. A. Happen, editor o'f lh Mining and Knglitoeriiig Itecord of Hritivb Columbia, was a pa cnaer going south on the Car ina yesterday afternoon fol lowing " visit to Stewart camp. Mrs. W. K. Walker and were passentfers on tbe Car- deuu esterday afternoon goingl aoulh to Vancouver after hav ing spent iht uinmer at Ar- rainiale, wbert Mr. Walker is Mr And Mra.. S. Xprth, parents of Major C. II. North, superintendent of the ll.C. Sii ver tiiiiie. relurnett to the city "mm Stewart on tin Cardena esicrUtt.v afternoon ami left for iii i:at on this morning's train. Mr. and Mr.. North reside in anrnuvr.' s. li. I Hay lock of Trail, mnnager of .he Cons'olidal- ! d Mininv V Sin dling Ca., and Mr, lllaylork wi-re pasllllger yoing south on Hie (Urdena yes-lenlay aftiM'iioou after having made the round (rip lo Stewart ;md Anyox. While at Anyox. Mr lilayliH'k made an inspection ot the Ciranhy smelter. It. F. MrNaughlon, C.N.Il. district passenger agent, who left for the south Saturday night, is due at Jasper I'ark loday to at tend a meeting of the company's Western passenger representatives which will also be attended l.y li. A. McNicholl,s general passenger agent, Vancouver. Mr. MrNaughlon is expected hack ii. I he fit v next Sun. lay. ANMOUNCEiTtENTS Pulkley Valley Fair at Sinlth- ers, Mjiteniber J and l. Anglieiiu Church Haiaar No-veuihcr 5. maim lloyal Purple llajaar Novem-lier 18. Hiipllst Chureli Ladius' All llaaar, November SCSI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxili:irv Hazaar. December 2. Lutheran Chuivh Ladies' Aid Wn iar Deeemlif r liround Stwti , , th.ill.flh.r.ol Xv. . ikl.L..IC. s lhroufhoutlhnllil l.nath ol lh a.w. Ihu.s mtVinibind.nl Inlh.k.rl imDoit.bla. CrttctntUrind in it tn (tclutiv ft.mondt Italiir. VCmcilCra4" X. Cr.il C.I I IIM0NBS CAMD . S V CO, LINITI IT Hrcakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Homo Made Ico Cream and Confection-cry. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased wilh our service. Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phono 17 Shcddon'8 Taxi-r-the original 50c. taxi. l'hone 1 34. tf When hack from I lie holidav. try Valentin Hairy, l'hone C57. t' l?ee Mrs. Frizell's ad. in to morrows Dally. .vews for sale prices. Don't miss the l.et sport program yet offered at the La bor Day Sports, Monday next. Our low rates have been an outstanding success and we shall continue on this basis. Drown laxi. Phone 80. If Jarvi MeLeod, ...Ilnctor of uslonis, who lias Im'.-ii in Stew art for the past day or so on official business, is exieclct back on the l'rince Charles this afternoon. Miss Itutb Young, daughter of 11. Jloyd Youngr, Port Simpson lias left for Skide-iila, Oueei Charlotte Islands, whi r., she wilh lake charge of the Indian Mis ion school. CP. 11. steamer Princess Alice. Capt. C. C. Sainiey. southbound from Alaska lo Vancouver, arrived in port at 2 o'clock ttii- xfternoon and will cleat1 for the south at o'clock. f Albert Farrow, sleaiiihoal in spector, after huving Spent :he past several weeks in various parts of the north on iespec'iou duties, returned lo Vaneguverai the Cardena last night. - . Mrs. W. J. Crawford and her three daughters, Edith, -Muriel 'and Helen, were piistiengers on Hie Canlenu sterdAy afternoon bound from Stewart to Vancouver on a holiday trip. Honald Wilson sails this af ternoon on the Princess Alice for the south en mule lo De troit and Sioux City, Iowa, where tie will spend a Couple of months visiting relatives and friends. s Irvine Moperinoiuf and party of longshoremen of the Pacific Stevedoring Co. will sail this evening on the Priuce Charles for Ocean Falls,' where they will lake charge of the, loadlnz of an ocean-going steamer with pulp ami paper. J. T. l'helun, general superintendent of Yukon .Telegraphs, and John Dure, district superintendent, returned yesterday uf-iernoou after liming made the round trip aboard the Cardena io Anyox, Alice Arm au.l Stewart on a hips of inspection. Mr. 1'he.lan continued through to Vancouver. A. It. Howie, telegraph opera tor at Terrace, is acting as night relief at the (ioveniment I'elegniph ufflce hew for a cou ple or weeks. Arthur Irvine, who has been taking Hie work, lias returned lo llaysport, but will probably report here again when Mr. Howie goes tl lLuel- tou at the middle of the mouth. D. C. Schubert is still away on holidays. Delayed slighlly through having a heavy freight cargo lo handle at Ocean Falls, C.N. H. sieamer Prince llupcrl, Capt. D. Donald, urrivV.l from (ho south in 11:15 this morning. T'ho vessel loaded paper there for Juneau. A distinct falling off in tourist business was marked on the passenger list of (lie Prince Hupert. There were my a few Alaska round-lrippers, though more eatne this far lo go East by Irani. There were also a uuu.oL'i ot loial passeuiiurs. SUNDRIES. 17 ahavaid, reg. 50c. fo'ale Price 10c 15 Assorted Razors, regular price 81.00. Sale Price 25c 5 Itazor Sharpeners, reg. 75c. Sale Price 15c 0 Vano Deodorant, reg. price 75c. Sale Price 15c 5 Viojet Dueling Powders, reg. price 20c, Sale Price . . . . 05o 20 Vanillo Heatis, reg. price 30c. Sale Price . . 10c 5 Xrnas. Crackers, reg. price $1.50. Sale Price - 75c 5 Slipper Hed Pans, reg. price Si.25. Sale Price .... 2.00 3 Sterno Kitchenettes, reg. price 3.00. Sale, Price 50c 0 Sterno Kitchenettes, reg. price $2.00. Sale Price 35c 0 Slerno Stoves, reg. price $2.00. Sale Price '. . . .... 35c 70 Feclo Disinfectant, reg. 25c. Sale Price 10c 15 Tlicrmnfujje, ,reg. price $1.00. Sale Price , 25c 0 Pacolo Disinfectant, reg. price 75c. Sale Price ....'. ..... 15c 1 Pacolo Disinfectant, r?g. price 77i Sale Price . . . 15c 4 Fly-O-Sari in litis, reg. price $1. Sale Price 25c 4 Fly-O-Saii in bottles, reg. price 50c. Sale Price 15c 2 Heefer's No .Moth, reg. price .$2. Sale Price 25c Harganis in every line at Mrs Fruzell's Closmg-oul Sale on Friday. The event of the season The mile race will be one of fie main features at the Labor Day Sports on Monday. Fred Olberg, failing lo answer, in the city police court this j morning to a charge of inloxi-1 cation, had bail of $25 estreated. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Larscn, who have been south on a brief vacation trlit, relumed to the city on the Prince Kupert this morning. O. A.-Woodland, local man ager of the Imperial Oil Co.. returned on the l'rince Huperl this morning from a business trip to Ocean Falls. W. E. Mack, teller in the llovnl Hank, sails this afternoon on the Princess Alice for I lie Okauagan country, where he will spend a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jenner, who were married last week at Olds, Al berta, are now visiting in Vancouver and Victoria, and are ex pected home at the week end. Morlev Shier, well - known powder traveller, arrived from Vancouver on the Priuce Huperl this inornimr and will spend a couple of days in the city before proceeding to Stewart. Mrs. 1). O. Stewart anil sons, who have been spending the past couple of months at their summer home at Houndary Hay, near Vancouver, returned home on the Prince Hupert this morn ¬ ing. Miss A. M. Harbeau, who has been on a trip south for the past three or four weeks, relumed home on the Prince Huperl this morning accompanied by her niece and nephew, Mary and Hill Sargent, of Haielton. who were visiting in Victoria. SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "23" wdl leave the) Prince Hupert lloathousc on! Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on oilier week days every Ifour from 2 p.m. Launches, row boats and canoes for sale or hire. PIUNCE lUPEHT HOATIIOUSE Phoue 381. 5 .Mechanical Pencils Gold Filled, reg. price $1.50. Sale Price. . 50c II Howard's Fountain Pens, reg. price $3.75. Hale Price . . $2.00 4 Howard's Fountain Pens, fluid Hand, reg. price $4.75. Sale $2.50 DYE POWDER AND SOAP. IXTwink, Yellow and Pink, reg. ' price 15c. Sale Price 05c 3S8 Klkays, Soap Dye in Assorted colors, reg. I5c. Sale price. . 05c EYE WASH 5 Cryslos Hye Hemedy, reg. price 00c. Sale Price . . 15c' 2 Nadnico Eye Water, reg. price 25c. Sale Price .... 10c 0 Sumis Cineraria Morritiva, reg. price $1.50. Sale Price ..... 25c KERB TEAS 3 Nadnico Herli,Tca, reg. priee 25c. Sale Price .. 05c 7 Hexal Herb Teaj reg. 35c. Sale 1'rict? ... , 05 11 Dr. Carter's K. H. Tea reg. price 35c. , Sale Price 10c ' BATH POWDERS 7 Peuslar Hath Sparklets, reg. price. 50c. Sale Price .... . . 10c Q Crystal Velvet, reg. price 25c. Sale price . 05c 3 Sanilol Halh Powder, reg! price 25c Sale Price 05c , 17 Ormes Hath Powder, rej price 50c. Sale Price 10c Ormes Limited Pioneer Druggists Third Avenue y lit Department! We have a fine assortment of ' CRETONNES, SHADOW and CASEMENT CLOTH and CURTAIN MATERIALS BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. One Door East Daily News Office IIcanadianT 'aaiitX FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage (X Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fw IETCHIIAN. WRANGOL JUNEAU. SIACWAY Fir TANCOUVEI. VICTORIA uj SEATTLE Atrial 7, 10, 17, 21, 28. 31 A.,ul 5.8, 12, 15.22.2fi Si. PRINCESS MART For Buttdtlt, (wanton Btrr Eott B.IU Boll. Octin Ftllt. Na.-nu, Altrl Bn, Ctmpbtll Rltor, and Vincouitr titrj (aturdaf 11 a.m. Agtnci tor all tlttmihip Lln.t. Full Information from W. C ORCHARD Qtntral Atnl. Cornar of 4th ilrttt and 3rd Aitnut, Prlnca Ruptrt, B.C.