"AOE SIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices aro no higher than any other store in Canada, Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc SaveTour Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing- eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North CHILDREN ATTENTION! School starts soon and you will ni'i'il all new supplies to start riKhl. We have pencils, pens, rubbers, pencil boxes,' scribblers, and note books. We have a big slock for you to pick from, so come early and look it over so that you will be sure of the best. Our prices, the lowest and best in town, so first come, first served. Mussallem's Phones 18 and 84 417-423 Fifth Avenue E. Prince Rupert, B.C. . . SAVE on Your Meats and Provisions Cash and Carry Boiling Beef, per lb.. . .6c Pot Boast, per Hi 10c. Hound Steak, per Ik. .20c Shoulder Mutton, roast 22 Vz Oainor's Bacon None Better, per lit. sliced 45c Up Biver Kggs, fresh, per doz 45c flainor's Lard, i Hi. bricks 25c Phone 178. Bulkley Market Geo. V. Kerr, manager. Fall Opening CDlnlV H Mn fiHTiinniiv I Sept. 4 and 5 Tho Newest In Styles and Colors Your ni-p. ri ion is cordially in i ted, "DEMERS" House of Quality. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from S to 12 midnight. 5 l'ieco Orchcslru. I Dance 10c 3 for 25u 1'ree Admission. L. J, MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. I PLANE DUE BACK FROM ISLANDS ON WEATHER ALLOWING Flight Lieutenant Karl Mr-' I.cod, in flying boat of tho local fisheries patrol detach ment, will reluru from tho Queen Charlotte Islands the first day now that weather conditions permit. Be will briiiR with him Major E. J. Ashlon, commis sioner of the Soldiers' Settle ment Board, ,vhoni he took LONDON. Sept. 2 Plans haxe IVP.rf ilt1:ili-l I horn Mvite rrfu WRHSLEYS AFTER I JHI II II I EVERY MEAL affords benefit as well as pleasure. Healthful exerdie for the teeth and a pur to digcation. A lung. across last week. On the re-j lasting refreshment, toothing to turn of Lieut. MacLeod one of nervei anJ itomach. the planes will go hack to the Islands to In engaged in palrol work for the halance of the son- son. It is possible that Squadron Leader J. II. Tudhope may make the next flight himself. FLIGHT PLANNED FROM LONDON TO CAPETOWN . The World Famoui Sweetmeat, untouched by hand), full of , RI8 Ambitious Foat to Be Attempted ,off ground. The In Order to Test Out Route powered engine is hen lllKhrr- in.-tal- led to overt-nine this. The journey is Ileitis' undertaken in order to survey the air reached an advanced staste for route hclwcen London and I'lipe a fllirlil from l.nmln ) I own. Tliis will le tlie first ti.A ...... i .i. ii.... lJ-'0 Sir Helperus van llyneveld . , , . " ", a,'k r m Mnlrcal flew from London to South Af-I "? weekly re,M,rt. i Vickers-ltolls IloyceL T " and found that owing to the al- . ' . " . tilude at which the aerodromes ri- " , on the route through Africa""'.."1-."" . ,,Br iiiru.-iiuig win ie general a : i . : . ..... . i i.i- . riigni hit iKirinpan rornT loi lg (T.L. ' iruisii i.iiMunnia ininj rains "'"i l to rhln: iin-iirr in.uin tlM-nre s south mains; & rham.; WK-iKe I,a' i..Vll ne ,pl. n ,,f ) u i,.,,r,i ncin i,. lo all -.11 i .,.iw rops. thrwe west o rlMln. more or int. l SSvZSS- "".JAPANESE DESTROYERS r.S; AUCTIONED AT KURE renu ti8ri inu 7th. 1S MINERAL ACT. Certificate ef Imoraxincnta. Kindling! When you are buying kindling why not gel something thai will start the firo in a hurry? We handle only the best there is "Bone Dry Kiln Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you gel value. Full load S6.00 or nicely tied bundles, 5 for S1.00. Our Taxi number is easy to remember, "112", and "Serviee" is our motto. If you use our, cars today you will ue them aain. 50o is our charge day or night "all the time." Dray work of nil kinds alleuded lo promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Honrs y to (J. X-Ray Service Phone C86. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvenlngi Others Aro to Be Sold Soon and Stiol UmiI fni RnlMInn Siokne Miwrai ciim. itute in thi Purposes Ainn xinlnr IHrlslon or CiMltr1 !llrlrt. n Ifw ! .o or Blr llomi Ittvi-r to Ihr en nt ami adjmnlnr the; lOMO, Sept. 2. The delrV-Kdwln M'nnl rialm .... TAkK mitice that i. Pirt Prs uooro ami .Kepono were !nr.lJm.u.r"T :,I"TT' auelione.1 off lo Yaoularo Ka?- tav frtnii thn 'daiw herwir. to ipniv' io me awu of Kure at 7,101) yen apiece ' ' al ,,,e hur'' ,UivM la- recenl,y l.M,t,. ror tor wwr U r Wtilnin fJ"i c.rant or thr air riaim. Ition. The shiis oriifinallv cost .nu runner take noUre thai artion. , i nir ii(m j?, mnt i- r'tiimrmrd im- -00.000 ycin each. I hey are for nr-.,Ji"e of M"b M,nr,"! (breakinp up. the sleel to bo j?1"1 xu "",,h rti of Auut, A.n used for build. iik purposes. "Vlie warsinp aunia aim uie uesiroy-ers Nowake, Matsukaze. Shira- tiki and Ararc are lij he put up for auction at the Sasebo Naval station shortlyil Kusign and cials-of-arins will be removed and placed in the naval nnilseum t be created on the warship Mikasa. LAND ACT. Nolle Of Intention to Apply to Purthaao Land. Iii IIm MimI Iirr(lmir IHatriri of Prtiire nuiN-ri. aiKi Miuatr at nut itti m-h-k wlilrli flows Into Ixntall diver alul IS ml Ira from tit iihmiiIi. TAM; vm.l. that CIIIIihi V. Illrl of ITiier liniwrl. il.i:.. orruimioii Imniirr nun. uilrii'l" to apply for penn.iwk.ii to iiinliar tlir followlBir dc.irll-d IjimIh. - 'iiUiinriK'liiii it a ni iilantetl n the Kiiiiiitoi ronwr or IJ r.aj, uaiiirr rour tlM iire ill rtialiu KHillH-rl) ; tlN-nrc tu rluiti urlrrl; tlirure-IU rliaiiH IHrti-er.y; tlirmr SO ilialni ralerl to otnt of I'oiiiiiirnmiH-ul, ind roniatnlnv 4U irrn, more or lrt. c. v. IIIEI. ' Appllcanl. j Iiall Auruat Hill. ii$. I LAND ACT. In tho Alllii l.aixl 1 1 Kir If I of Ur. TkK MITtr.K thai I, KIIHllrt Kotl Pi.tliT. of Vorli. 5.Y., l!...V., orril- tatlmi lin.kiT, IliK'lMln Ui ipply for kt-mlaaloii to ur haH tlw follow In c tie-mtiImvI laiwta: i.oiiiiiieiK'liir at i txiat nlanurd alxint ft) lulus wMilh of lurliM-'a I'olnl on II cit lo of Tairlfh Mke, about elVMi Inllra -on III or h Yukoti bouiHl.iry llnr; llinicr ' wwl S rhalna; tlK-iin- nor Hi to rhaln; or m i- Mam z nimiu: uirnre - aoiiuirrn fnUowiiiir alonir tl ahorn line of Tatlah I akr lo ihiIuI or ftiiiiiiMiirtfiiriit. all miii'I I'onialii.iir HO m' !, iixirr or Iraa. tl.IIMII.KT SOTT roTTHIl. Alpliraiit. IIWI IJIWIMIIl. A Ki ll I lial- il Anirii.t llilli. Wirt. LAND ACT. ' Notlca of Intention to Apply lo Lata Land In I'riiii'i' imiwr! Lam llrronllnir lilnlrlc 'it ITIimc lliiMrl, and ultiute it Vra talbm liav. M Inlrt. . TAkK OTH K lint Hurnr II. Hlmioll, of Mm, li.r., orruialloii ramirriinaii, Intriirl. In aplv for a li-aae of tlm fol-lowhm ilrai rlliid Imiil . Cominriirlnr at i t plantnl alr.ut 9U rluln. wcrlrrly from tlif N.K, rortirr or l.i.l lito. lianro ft, Omni liUlrlri-lliriur !! rluin; iliriii-r north llirra 'ham, imiir or lr, In Mill water1 murk; thi'iirc . r iy noiir hull alir mink to I'olql r . iiiniirtii -iim nt, ami roiitalnliK I iiri". tiiiire .ir lr-- Et'lEXE II HIMfdOX. Applliant. Dated IJrd July, tRtt, TOE DAILY rTTTvVS Wednesday gtn.... . H"'"-" Z, lit, RATE TO CHINA IS CHEAPER THAN COAST - i Plan to Encourage Export Trado Seems to Work Hardship on Local People Canada is selling .hread to China cheaper than it is selling if to Vancouver, says the Vancouver Star. 'llr.it is, the wheat of our Western prairies is laid down in China at a lower cost than that same griin Is deliver ed to Vancouver bakers. In return Chinese living in China and Chinet living in this elly are tioycotling the trade of this port. They aim to Karrolte the very people who are feeding Ihem. Here's the proof: I Hailways give a special freight rale on grain through this port intended for evj-ort. That rale is. per Ion, 4J.50. Ocean rale to China Is, per Ion. L'.75. Total rale to ('lima from Calgary, per ton, $7.25. Hallway rate to Vancouver from I'algarjr, per Ion, $8.30. In anolher way. the domestic railway rale on grain lo Vancouver from points in Alberta is 11 cents per I mo pounds. 'Th.V. same grain laid down in (lie ele- town and hack hv Alan J. Cnh-!M",C l"a' Hil attempt lias been ' -! t ham and A KllioH i.r i,wi niade to flv to the Unoe and " uasia utna- winter flew to Hurma ami hack.lack. a'"1 "w'" lo " nature. '" l,ra,J "l l0al u ,s cheaper It was at first hoped that Sir or the country it is a much more ." u ' " Sefton Urancker would accom- ambitious feat than the flight to pany Ihem, hut he is unable to ,I""na. do so. 1 I The trip, it is hoped, will be PROPS FAVORABLE made late this year in a IMI-50 . t 7 ir of the same type as was used on the flight to Hurma except that the 210 h.p. l'unra engine will j he replaced by a radial air-cool-1 ed Jaguar engine of 385 h.p. In ALL PARTS OF CANADA No change of importance ha taken place in crop conditions ilurin; China Canadian railways give I In cheaper freight rate to encourage export trade. If that trade 'boycott again-l linli-h I'oluin- slnps keep up I'anadia'i ad in China imi-l be made Jearer. UNITED CHURCH AT FIRST MEETING IN VICTORIA LAST EVE YICTOIUA. Sept. 2.' Last levelling the first meeting of the difficulty in getting the machinery-. ".,r, ""r:.. United Church ... this rity was LAND ACT. u r.....i fr..,.. Iheld when repie-entatiVHs .d Hie ' . a. Nolle of inuntton to Apply, to Purchti sections. Iii Ouebec Province Lna Icetinrnl eomlll inn. "lr tlllnpv Congregational, l'resbyterlan and Methodisi churches met and. ...... - ' Mizriifii nil. run Htm iimfiii iliitii in ik una iirrornin DUtnrt of prlnre pooii and in i)ntain Harvesting , ' " aid TAKK .NOTICE that GnM--llllril Mm. i.... !.... : tlie district. llMl. or Vancouver B.C, ornipiiion -)'.-,. m warm ui, j mm rinner, Inlrnrts to ptly Tor per-Weatlier. Ill the Maritime I'rov- . . . . 'MS lnrf,MSe' lhe de i.res the u.lk promising ASIATIC CHOLERA .,..i'.i T- 1 pproi- ixcepi niai appeals are only lair, ma le ly la -h."..r rhaliiii west. nKre or ', frwti , REPORTED YOKOHAMA I OhIO, Sept. Five ea.if Asiatic clmleia are reported :tl Yriknhama and two de,illi have taken place from liie di-eure. TWO MILLION BARRELS HALIFAX, X.S., Sent. 2. II is estimated that this year's apple crop in the Annapoli Valley will (reach two million barrel; some what lex than the average annual yield, due lo unfavorable weather. 12,000 SING IN CHORUS DHKSDHN. Sept. I.-A re union of male choral societies of Saxony recently brought to- geUier 25,0(Mi lingers, including quests from nil parts of uer- rnauy. A feature or the flr-l concert wa u program by a male chortle of 12,000 voice. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. ItKillY ISLAND It a i n i n fresh soulbe;,nt wind; barome. tor, 3H.I5; temperature, 53; sen choppy; t :5.i ujii. npukH steam er I'rincess Alice due Prince llu pert at 'i p.m. 1)I:AD THKK I'OINT Clear. calm; barometer, 30.01; t em per il t lire, 52; sea smooth. DULL 1IAHDOII I'art cloudy. light southeast wind; barometer, afl.02; temnfiUiire, 55; sen siiKxitb; 8 p. m, spoke tuotorship Apex, Anacortos for Ketchikan, 100 miles from Anacorl; U p in. spoke tlio steamer ('nrdeiin abeam Ivory Island, southbound. Noon LOCAL NEWS NOTES M. 1'. MrCa'fery reUl.iieil the ct'y mi the I'rlnce Unpen after au atMMnce of a fortnight in the south. Miss lilanohe JlacDonald f the llisjls School tenching staff, ami Iter mother, Mrs. Marlxm- returneil to the city on thf I'rinrr Ituperl I la t morning after hating spent tho suinmei vacation in the south. Mr. and Mrs. I. Kemlgll ol .Nor III Vancotner arrived ... tin; city on the Priori- llupe.l tin-morning from the south and will pend a couple of week here visiting with their daughter. Mrs. U. II. lkms and Mrs. liar ry Ilreen. Mrs. T. J. Jefferson, formerly nf Telkwn, was an arrival on the strainer Prince llimrl tin-morning on her way lo Jaiei Park.- Mi. Jefferson died re cently in Seattle. He was prdm incut in lhe interior district ainl was interested, in lh devebip menl of the Upper Ittver i.n areas. Joaph Aayward. areonfjian'e.i by Miss Sayward, i a t through this morning on bi- way lo Jaer, vther he will pend a holiday. Mr. Say ml is the owner of considerable properly in Victoria, inoltnlinv the Sayward ' Dloek on.Dotigla Street. Me was the founder nt the llolwood iof tUnirse mid at one time owned and operated tin lumber mill now operated by the l'uget Sound Lumber l.ompanv TWO DROWNED ANUIIOIIAOH, Sept. 2. -Unhid Pallersou and Schiebei I'll 1 1 -olt, iitfed IB, were drowned ye lerday when they fell tiff a ("Million into the water. TIMBER SALE, X70G1. Tltrle ttll) m offi'iril -4lr at I'lilill Auriiofi, at impoii mt I he uili iia ui frHHnjJr, IK-., in tin. .,rti,, i,r li' i.Ijiiii, , .. .i. .. . r r'lrmi imiiiit. iiiiiiii i,aa . 1111 l.li'rilit WIKIH I.-M..V.MI II a I II III g, X7U8I. lo rill 1 !.mi Jackimtc llr. ..n an fresh southeast wind; liarome-tor, 30.0H; teinperature, 51; sea! chotipy. DHAD Til UK POINT Clear, light norlliwest wind; barometer, 3(1.1(1; lemperature, CO; tea ujioppy; 11:15 a.m. out steamer Prince Jiilm so.ill.lH.und. DULL JlAlllK'lll'oggy, fresh northwest wind; barometer, .'10.10; temperature, (50; inoder-alo swell. Hick OrrViiwell leliirneil from Vaucoiivei mi the Prince Hupert I his morning. TOO LATF. TO CLASSIFY J'Oll III' N 1 Moilern up. to date fui' llaiMi llloik Aiioiv Max Uehoiuue i,f( arra nuatil at.. . n t .-, imi, . Surili ,r nmurr Ltk -uiinn. luanai.- 1. i .,1,1 Dlsirirl. Thrw yrr. will h allnuril lor n limvsl of llliilier. "I'lovlilwl ui) cur iinabtr in allrmt tlx ail'llon III lier- m mt.v 0111111111 a x-ailcit iniuer 10 uv wr nrn al II hour or am-lion and Irvalnl a. .,ni. ,,, furllirr lurtirulara or tlw chi.r r,.r..i LAND ACT. Notlta of Inlanllon to Apply to Purchaia una, III tlie iJIld llrronllinr liUlrl.i ..r 1.-1,.-. Iliil-rrl. ami iMtlnv a x.rtl..ii t ,()i imiily foiir mi,, u,,,,,, riV(. ' i, V.mi li.ttilrt. ,To1h. W.' .V'.M ',H'ir l.lmllMl ... n,i. lui-ii, 1 inrrrnaiua, iiitrml .... ,--,,,,,-,,.. ,M ' iiurrii4u l r follownir ilr.rrllH.il Ijiul.. i:iHniiiriirlii at xnl ilanlrl at thr ...niri ! mi ini'iiiy-innr l raurr run 1,. i.nail nrlrt; lliinrr .Olllll iMrlV -It,., rli.ll,.; ih;,V,.B '"V," ...... mo 111 ruin rmn. '!r:.'.V nr.K','- 'll!fl' "' thru.! ......... ..n. ....... nun inarK in i. mi ,r au HUZZtl.t S l.lIITKi fjatd Auiuai 1 Hi K.U.. iV$'l'"','U' Prince Rupert Annual Exhibition SEPTEMBER 8 to 12, 1925 THE BIG TIME IN THE NORTH More and better exhibits than ever and more attractions than ever' It will be a big time and you will enjoy it. The first Art Gallery to be seen here. District Championship Football and Baseball games. Two bands in Constant attendance. Captain Ash, the world famous sharpshooter. Platform entertainment dances and everything else to make you happy. $500 SCHOLARSHIP CON TEST You can help the students in this contest by purchasing your tickets in advance. And besides you may win a valuable prize. Get your tickets now and you will help your own candidate and may profit yourself, also. Fair Office City Hall, Prince Rupert, British Columbia WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow NlgliL, 7 and 8 p.m. "CHICKIE" The -1. r of a little girl who wauled 1 11 . . The mheiiliireo of a lumuiitic un h i hve led. Tin gtnriou mndrrn prt t vuii h her lefrc. A phnt pi mn r' n. 'he of a tiiudern -l inKr.i(.lier. Id . n j eutc i he offered all In- inillii. Inr her !,.,.. Sti-girl, a million luuked migliH I i. ) r lr longed to anolher. The yetr . Iig h .irt pl.i that U Iweu rend by million- I in itnlie i llower-, Dorothy Mitrlutill. Iltrbarl Ib.-wiirU. V hod, lra Saintersofi, Myrtle Hledntao. ('). t and olherf. VAUDEVILLE Howard Webiler. movitiff i in peron and Dalley Daye, uiiin al come. I) and Nonsense.' Laugh 'till w COMEDY. "HOLD MY BABY." TOPICS OF THE DAY Jji mid 10k. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floallna Dry Oock Englfioor, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blackimllb, P't,r' makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTniC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant In cipnppeil In handle n, kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Ladies' New Fall Coats Due of the ino-l itiiporlanl pnri'liu!'!. n woin "; the I'liiii'-e of ii year ix her full cnnl. M' ih . Wi: alw ;i - eiideiivnr lo "eeiire Kiirinciil- llu" Hie niiiiule ami linluied to rill I lie ileiniiud t ' xlylen. If yon Iuivb ocrusinn ti Imy your rout now v;:' ii .oplrmlid Hioire liere. All lliu new ninnies at uioileralu iriei'- r $15.00 to $65.00 ajiaHBiaMajaieMiBMaaMSliH Jabour Bros. Ltd. Agent- for Holeproof llosnry. Nemo (ioivc' llcui'W paMeru-. Turiiliuirs K Wuon - I Ar' li Defender Mhoes in.il Dominion ltuhl"' pi ' .lr