Che : VOL. XLI, No. 228 a = ert dk. Daily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’s NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—P since Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1952 TEN CENTS (including comic section) DAILY DELIVERY a Z hi 7. ae ! 5 FAREWELL—The planes and men of three RCAF squadrons line up at Uplands heir departure for a trans-Atlantic flight, the largest movement in The F-86E Sabre jets will take off Sept. 29 on a leapfrog movement part of Canada’s air division contribution to the North Atlantic (CP from National Defence) est Coast’ Beachcombers’ Test Case ay Reach Supreme Court of Canada » north arm of the Fraser River and later refused to give them up to Len Carson, agent for Johnson Walton Company after | he refused to pay them salvage When police intervened, the men again refused to give up e . Librarian > 7 At Peiping fot the logs and they were charg- | ‘p ' T lk Criminal Gode which tates: || © CQCE TAIKS VANCOUVER Pretty Mrs Kay Gardiner, on the staff of the Vancouver Public Library left here two weeks ago to go abroad. It was a surprise to library board officials Friday when they learned she had arrived in Pei- ping with a party of Canadians for the Communist sponsored peace conference. Peiping radio lists the arrival of Mrs. Gardiner as a child ren’s librarian. She is the wife of Ray Gardiner, former news- paperman, now an_ executive secretary of the British Colum- mbia bing e the “Everyone is guilty of an in-| dictable offence and liable to| yi three years’ imprisonment who refuses to deliver up to the praper owner ... (or agents) . any such lumber, masts, spars, the | saw logs, shingle bolts, or other —idescription of lumber, boom chains, lines or shackles.” Judge Boyd in county court dismissed the charge in the summer of 1951 on the grounds that beachcombing is an estab- lished practice in Canada and that Watts and Gaunt were en- titled to a salvage fee for re- covering the logs. By Company VANCOUVER A spokesman | | for the Canadian Pacific Steam- | ships said the company will not) |attempt to refloat the Princess | |Kathleen and “replasement of | the ill-fated ship is being stud- athieen Preeria Woman MLA Call Charges By Solon ied.” The spokesman said the coastal liner—-which sank Sept. 7 with no loss of life after running onto a reef near Juneau, Alaska—has been “finally abandoned” to the underwriters Gocred Leader Assails Last Years Politicians VICTORIA—In a statement today Nancy Hod- ges, former Speaker of the Legislature, criticized Social Credit Leader Solon Low for his charges in an U.S. Bombers address last night that patronage by old-line parties had greatly increased the taxes in British Columbia. Within Reach Of Russia eee see ‘| “patronage, as practised by old- s | line parties in B.C. have greatly increased the taxation of the people. “In B.C.,” he said, “there have been men who bought their way into office and kept themselves there by continual blackmail. All they thought they,had to do to stay there was to buy nylons for ladies and whisky for men.” MRS. HODGES REPLIES -| Mrs. Hodges said she could say from first-hand knowledge that) ‘it would be difficult to find) more conscientious, hardwork- | ing and responsible public serv-| ants than the Liberals and) Conservatives who have held of- | fice” during the time she has: been a member of the legisla- ture. SEATTLE @ A top United States Air Force official said on | Friday that targets in Russia are within reach of jet bombers flying from American operated airdromes abroad and refuelling | in the air enroute | This assertion by Air Under secretary Roswell Gilpatric was | ;contained in a prepared address } during which he also cited other | instances of progress in air power | rearmament and replied to crit ics who charge a lag in pro- duction. Daily News NEW COMMAND — Air Vice- Fe ee " oo em ete & LAST CHANCE—There are only a few hours” have not seen the zoo on wheels eh cs eft for those who at the CNR station. The African Zoo train, in which this rare Gibbon ape from Siam is living, leaves tonight. The ape never drinks, just dips his knuckles in water. Doors of the zoo close at 8:30 o’cl t, ending @ week-long stand here, The zoo was sponsoréd here by the Prince Rupert Shrine Club with proceeds going to help children in this city and district. The zoo underprivileged train. will be attached to the passenger train leaving here and will stop over at Terrace all day Monday. Marshall Hugh L. Campbell, 44, of Salisbury, N.B., has been appointed air officer comman- ding the RCAF’s air division Reporter Misses Death A Daily News reporter escaped | “Their honesty and integrity | overseas. Air Vice-Marshall Campbell leaves the post of She said Mr. Low’s charges Canadian chiefs of staff repre- reflected upon ihe present Pay Gifts. has been of such high order| ~ * that B.C. has been ean free from the taint of scandal.” : From Fund Stevenson Discloses 1,000 ~ Donors Contributed $18,150 By The Canadian Press LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Governor Adlai Stevenson ideath or serious injury Friday] . ; i inist D CF Jack- Crown Counsel §. J. Remnant |©nce. lafternoon when the car he was p+ cote cane aust ane co ee pir © 80S| appealed the decision, and the bia peace council. He also is a , ; : Washi . quarters Mm | cation. Both had been mem- pes iat a Appeal Court of B.C. reversed | “delegate to the Peiping confer+|dtiving went out of control as ie gy . ie bers of the House in the last in FAK. 08 Te tediehedh, GN dns -0f the Alderman. Anna. Sprott: city |b entered the city limits and 4 rom Nai onal fence) _ decade and supported succes- : vote found" tive judges dissenting and an- |Council representative on the/crashéd' off Highway 16 pe sive governmen’ . ad other reperting in favor of a library board, said that when! The driver, Eric Sandérson,| y, ji “The charges implied they (Bro new trial, the board approved Mrs. Gar-| 25 returning to the city from| ugos. avs to were derelict in their duty in| ee diner’s two-months leave of : not having ex: d such it- while Mr. MeDonald said he is con- ion te ta ie wae | Port Edward when the accident | ° oe wae ee : : ; -. absence, it had no idea she was A a Def uation as he now claims to have ees another test “y the | going to the peace conference. | occurred I ence existed.” he Supers Court of Canada be- “Tam very alarmed about| Except for shock, he was not/} . ded | cause the Apogee Court's decision | tis, said Alderman 8Sprott.| injured. Of Baltics ‘Col- tor wk tnbete Senpanies coat Gardiner will certainly be| The car, however, was severely | if A Fii A reel veacheoumens of BC.” ‘called to account why she did damaged. Wrecking crews took; ISTANBUL ®—Yugoslavia will oug 19 t Streets : : |not specify where she was going| more than four hours to retrieve | stand side by sid ith Turk 2 2 year and beach- oe nibs 0" ; zr ke He estimates about:100 |when she asked’for the leave of| the-car from. its resting plage. off | “in the: » Brings in nd auto- ¢ombers &fe’ operating in the | absence. | the road. | top Yugoslav military leader said “Mrs. Gardiner’s library | does not involve any selection of Greater Vancouver area. books for children. She handled | the movement of books and KS GAIN WHOLE HOUR AT IGHT IN CHANGE TO PST ‘tect Danineue ‘Found on Lone Kodiak Beach KODIAK, Alaska ()—A_ lone and weakened boat operator, adrift for 11 days and reported overdue for 20, was found on a Kodiak Island beach Thursday down to his last four potatoes Tom Eley, 58, was found near a cave by two duck hunters Except for his weakened condi- tion, he was reported well and sound B.C. Liberals Choose Valley VICTORIA ()-—The British Co- lumbia Liberal party convention will be held at either Kamloops, Vernon or Penticton, the asso- ciation headquarters here Friday It is expected the convention will be called for the last week in October or the first week in November. cross the province tonight will gain t when Daylight Saving Time comes season i tonight before midnight should set r so they will wake up at the right ind party lovers alike, the extra hour will daylight saving time has been fought ts inception and at the Jume 12 election igainst it. inight tonight, for another six months ifie Standard Time. DROPS DIVORCE ACTION \ctress Rita Hayworth said here today © proceedings against Prince Aly Khan he might resume proceedings in future, [ don’t know,” Synopsis Cool moist Pacific air is still streaming into.the province today from the west and cloudy skies are general. Some shower ac- tivity persists along the coast. There will be some clearing during the day in south coastal sections with showers persisting over the north coast. Interior sections will see “variable cloud cover with occasional showers through the afternoon, particu- larly in northern sections.” —— ~~ PROPOSED FAR EAST ROUTE neem" —wn om EXISTING ROUTES AND SANTIAGO | —Scandinavian Airlines System last night 9 EUROPE 1 Plans for op of ay. the first California to Burope air service | Forecast ite; @.. “Orld via the new Greenland air base of | Cloudy with showers. ron . _@S, Danish and Canadian governments have jatures like yesterday. Winds val f S ofe ee ; , backing to south- " exploratory flights over the shortcut polar Coun wee 28, Oe oinos iM tener a two flights have been scheduled for |, port Hary and Sandspit 60; oe ped passenger service is scheduled to begin | 1 week from Los Angeles to Copenhagen. | Sunday, showers job | reported least 20 by evening. High today Prince Rupert 57 Outlook for Sanderson said he believed a} today. puncture in the left front tire| Gen. Payle Yaktehitch..madey caused the vehicle to go into a@/the statement at Ankara just slide and after careening for) before coming to Istanbul. A Yu- jabout 20 feet the car crashed} goslav group came here from | into rocks at the roadside and| Athens where it had similar Injured Man VANCOUVER (CP)—An injured worker was flown here Friday from up coast Kemano in a | turned over. talks of co-operation in defence |!400-mile mercy flight which | Sanderson climbed out of the/ of this area. Pilot Denny Denroche described |car unassisted. | iidiiag ables ca summnese — of the teughest in his | _ He ae ee ene) Me Accompanied by Nurse Betty scene was ike glass ant it's } B C Soc iS Renshaw, Denroche ate |easy to see Why the Chamber of | Commerce urged the Public works Depattnent to sand te Plan Annual ~~ Meeting Nov. 13 Children Balloons VANCOUVER (CP) — Annual | jmeeting of the British Colum- | bia Social Credit League will be anne y sFA.E. | held in New Westminster, Nov. | BRIDLINGTON, Yorks, En i INGTON, TOrks, SN8-| Hugh Shantz, Vernon MLA, agg ee named as league president re- haniniag as Ge aee doesnt like cently, said here Thursday that ve , |new officers will be elected at | balloons | the meeting, resolutions debat- rns , zens tov | ’ Until recently, dozens of toY| 44 ang organization plans Arthur Horex, 47, of Duncan, B.C., injured when struck on the head by a falling plank at the Aluminum Company of Canada project. Horex later was described in poor condition in hospital. Den- roche said the flight which normally takes a shade over three hours took twice that long —six hours and 10 minutes. RCMP To Reach Full Strength By Year End EDMONTON (?)—Commissioner L. H. Nicholson of the RCMP said Friday the force is expected to reach its full strength of 4,402 men before the end of the year. Commissioner Nicholson, re- turning to Ottawa after a rou- tine visit to detachments in nor- thern British Columbia and the Yukon said in an interview the force has already recruited half of the 400 men required. He left by plane later for Regina. | balloons were release dail | ballo ns er ! relea d “_ drawn up. |bearing children’s names. The} The part however, ia, nob |balloon which Peers landed farthest | away brought a prize to the boy or girl whose name was attach- ied | But the R.AF. has a jet fighter | station at nearby Carnaby and |fears were expressed that the! |balloons might be sucked into| BREAN, England CP)—On holl- the intake of jets |day at this Somerset seaside re- Some avaiation opinion sug- } sort eight-year-old John Morgan gests that the balloons wouldn’t/| got struck in the mud and called do any harm, But the pilots don’t| for help. His father, Leonard like the idea so the daily contest | Morgan, 56, fell dead as he ran to has been banned. the rescue. likely to amend its “program,” jor platform at this time. | It is expected the meeting will draw up to 1,000 delegates, \he said, Commonwealth Parliamentarians Eat Way Loggers Do—Dessert on Plate HONEYMOON BAY, B.C. ()—Commonwealth parliamen- tarians satisfied their appetites in a logging camp cookhouse Thursday and ate dessert from dinner plates the way the loggers do. . They also drove eight miles over dusty logging roads under a sun turned into a red ball by forest fires to see a 140-foot tree topped by a high rigger. Touring members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, several in the colorful costumes of India and Pakistan, inspected this Western Forest Industries operation in the heart of Vancouver Island following a bus trip from Victoria. Comedian of Dumbells Dies TORONTO @— Red Newman, 67, who rolled audiences of the 20’s in aisles with his character- ization of a flea-harried First World War infantryman, died yesterday at his Wasaga Beach Resort hotel of heart attack. He made thousands laugh with his song “Oh, It’s A Lovely War” when he played with the Dum- bells across Canada to packed houses. He appeareti briefly on Union First 30-Hour Week Contract Signed In B.C. VANCOUVER () — Cooks and deckhands employed on Vancou- ver Barge Transportation Ltd. in | vessels unanimously voted to ac- jcept a 30-hour week and wage increases, it was announced on Friday. The Seafarers’ (AFL), Noted Spanish Writer Dead ROME ()—George Santayana 88, leading philosopher and poet, died last night. The noted Spanish writer died in solitude in which he lived twenty-five years of his life. His final and most important book was “Do- minations and Power,” published during the final last year. ‘ International bargaining for about 20 men, announeed their approval of what is believed to be the first 30-hour week con- tract in the province. Under the contract, deckhands and quartermasters are placed under one category and paid a basic rate of $175 a month, $1.50 an hour overtime and $1 an hour for cargo handling. The company agrees to guaran- tee one hour cargo handling a day, figured over the period of one month. disclosed today that 80 kéy Illinois State officials received $18,150 in supplementary pay “gifts” out of a fund coritributed by about one thousand donors. Stevenson'symoye came: in. the a ot ie oat Republican demands that he make 4 full statement rd thé .con- The presidential candidate also said he will make pubilc his personal income tax returns for the last 10 years tomorrow. He said Senator John Sparkman of Alabama, his running-mate, will be glad to make his income tax returns public. B.C. Veterans Apply For Liquor Clubs VANCOUVER (CP) — British Columbia veterans plan to ap- peal to the Provincial govern~- ment for permission to go ahead with building licenced clubs. Nearly a dozen clubs applied for new licences when the fed- eral government clamped down on building in 1951 because of material shortages. “But we can see that there is still a materials shortage,” said David McKee, exetutive secre- tary of the B.C. Command of the Canadian Legion. “The government didn’t give a fixed time for tle delay and we had it more or less lined up with former Attorney-General Wismer to get the licence through when the political blow-up came.” No date has been fixed for the appeal yet but McKee said it will be “in the near future.” ’ UBC STUDENTS USE TEAR GAS TO HALT STRIP TEASE ACT VANCOUVER (—Engineering students used tear gas on Wednesday night to break up of British Columbia's dignified Brock Memorial Hall. Engineers exploded tear a strip tease act in the University Ss gas pellets just as a near-nude stripper started taking off some of her few remaining clothes as an encore, The girl, known as “Laurette,” was part of a troupe of entertainers from Seattle who were performing before 400 freshmen. University officials have tion into the incident. Broadway. ordered an immediate investiga-