Value Of Dollar Under King Government. When Ihe Mackenzie King government came inlo power the Canadian dollar was worlh eighty cents in New York. I o- day it is worth just a little more than un American dollar. Thai is worlh a lot In the country. Today a Canadian is mil ashamed to travel and in offer his money for Jit know- it is good, lie lias a prosperous country back of him. . ' When Mackenzie King came inlo power there were bread lines in Vancouver and doles in l'rinco Rupert. Today there is nothing of the sort. Yet the ConM'rvatives will tell you the country is going to the dogs and they wail and moan and howl and demand that the tariff wall be built higher so that a few may become rich. interesting To See Confidence Of Speakers. The speakers at the Conservative meeting the other night expressed the opinion that Arthur Meighen would be, the next premier of Canada and that (icorge Riishby would be elected. Either they were professional optimists -or they were deluding themselves and the people . If they have sized up the whole silualion fairly and well they inusl know thai the Conservatives have no ehiuire of being returned to power at this election and that Oeorge Riishby, good man as ho i, will have to take ecnnd place when the voles are collided. - - Possibly when reference is .made' by Meighenites to Arthur i.,:l 'fi... ...... i . ji.'..1. f , . ... i' .unburn iivuip in? jicai jo cioh i incv un- in t-.t 11 1 n K mi" miiii fuhire electioij. Today people lire not prepard lo risk a change of government with a dangerous policy. Possible Trouble , In Balkan States. Perhaps b; the lime this .is-jn; print news will come that1 there is war in. .Bulgaria or il may be that the smaller slate will' step down. In. any ease the fadjjhflt there is serious friction in the Balkans is danger to the :jvorbI. Narrow Oitlook Of Balkan People. The Balkan stales have been a source of worry to Europe for many a year. It was there (hat the fi-rrat War started and ns long as the present wrangling goesnii there is always danger of other countries being embroiled. f , t The people of the Balkans lark education and the world oulliKik. They do not see .beyond their own; borders and lack that tolerance which is necessary. In the best life. People who live on an eminence and look out over m expanse of country tend lo become broadmiuded whereas Uioe cooped up in narrow valleys become cramped in (heir ideas. ' .So it is with nations. The world outlook is uercsary. Even in Canada, especially in the villages and in places like Prince Ruperl where we nre cul off- from the rest of Ihe world, we are apt to become in Irospective and lose broad sympalbies which are necessary lo civilization: , Ljht, wholesome bread, with the tasty, golden-brown crust, baked in vour own home - can you think of anything nicer? , ROYAL YEAST CAKES Ihe community before Hip advent yiuu;r man and were going into business he would locate at Prince Hupcrl ami grow up with the lown. However he was getting on in years and would make rodiii for others. , Man First The Doctor said he had been a pioneer for thirty years and lie knew Iip was taking a risk in going east lint he intended to be Hipre as he had been in I'rincp Hupprt. He wauled to he a man ralher than a initiisler. He bad always liked lo play games and1 lake part in Hie activities of other men. He had never stood on the dignity of his profession If he was not respected as a man he did not want to be respected as a-oiinisler. In leaving Dr. Grant said Iip sincerely believed he, was following Hie path of duty. He could mil carry his Itolary membership wilh him but il would be a plea sant memory. On lhursday afternoons he would fctlll see Hie men gathered around Hip board and think of them In their places. II was impossible lo live among men here without their having a large part in one's heart. Ten Years Ago ,.. . in Prince Rupert October 23, 1915. The Prince Hupcrl branch ol the Canadian lied Cross Society leeteil officers as follows at the annual meeting which was held last night: President, Judge I'. Mcll. Young; ice-presidenl, Mr. II. I.. Mclnlosh; treasurer, Mrs (i. A. Woodland; secri'lury, J. II Itoerig; executive' cominiltee: Mrs. A, i;, Wrighl, Mrs. T. D.! I'atlullo, Mrs. F. (I. Dawson, Mrs. W. T. Kergin. Mrs. (. A. Ilix. Mrs Oiler llesiipr, Mrs. E. II. Sliockley, Mrs. II. E, Tremayne, Mrs. Hinclair, Mrs. Camhie, Mrs. H. p. MrColl. Mrs. A. E. llazzett- .lones, Mrs. (I. Humble, Mrs. Hal Peck, Mrs. K. Henning, Mrs. William Manson, Mrs. .Mutin, Mrs. O. U. Arnold, Mrs. II. H. leunlngs, Mrs. A. .1. Oallaud and Mrs. Jarvis McIih). The hoApital board, at lis rc- uular monthly meeting yesterday. decided lo increase the salary of Miss Carmichael, the lady super InleHdenl, lo f75 per monlh, J'ue Keildiug look place last nighl al the home of' Mrs. Sea man. Ilev. W. W. Wright officia ling, of Miss Freda Anderson und Paul Wicks. The groom Is u lineman on the o"ovcrnment Telegraphs ami, the couple will reside al .orlh Pacific. THE Conservatives in I own are jilile siu 1 1 I fie I.iliPral sMk crs are liars of the first water I he, n nd Hip Liberals are just as con - spirit of good will .was latent incident thai every Conservative of Hotary but the reserves hud been broken down and a great change had taken place anions Ihe members. Divergent as Waves Opinions held by llntnriatis were as divergent as the wave. Were there not differpnees, con versation would be lull. The man who never made a foe npver made a friend. Dr. (Srant spoke of various friendships and incidents in his Notary experience and refprred feelingly lo an address, one of the best he had ever heard delivered by the .'late Archbishop Du Vernet on "Democracy and Industry." He told several stories and called upon Consul Wakefield to repeal the famous Oellyshurg speech. In concluding' Dr. (Irani said lie wsis leaving splendid friends, and he fell ,very keenly the goinir away. He was leaving just at a lime when Prince Jluperl was developing a? a port of Hip fut- un. Perhaps it would become greater than any port in Canada Perhaps it was a mistake In leave just now. If he were a orator is a modern Ananias. THE candidate goes into Hie village. ."Now boys, what do yon want? Whatever it i I am will you as long asj's not free bee ur anything I shall havp to pay for myself." . I WONDKH )f Hip courses fi salesmen include I hose rathe colorful stories that all drum mers learn lo lejl when they grtl on the road. .IAKE snys hp fppjs like an auto tire, .A -girl gave him Ihe ir the other jiipht. TIUTH Is stranger than fiction and much more lurid. ONE of Hip aviators at Digfcy Inland station Ibis summer said his marhine could do anything a bird could do excei.l lay an egg. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' DIRECTOR VISITS THE INTERIOR AND TELLS OF SPLENDID PROORESS OF FARMERS. 'continued from page one) ' Hip wheal grown in the provinces of Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba is offered for sale th roil lib the wheat pools, aU Hip director, anil thesp wheat tools are in turn emit rolled by i central board of management. It was bis opinion that Hip wheal pools bad come to slay ns the co-operative iqarLeling on this system hail proved ery beneficial lo individual grain growers. Several thousand new meinher.s had already been signed up for Hie wheat pools this )ear as a resnlf of the success of the lutt pMil operations. Must Come West "A considerable quantity of the grain controlled by Hip pool- must come west and Prince Itu- perl should gel its share" stated Mr. Whlluey-lSrifflths, and il is his inlrulion to make a recommendation at the anbual con vention of the CO..:- fo be held in Winnipeg next month, thai a share of Ihe pool wheat ship ment be sent via this port. The director was much impressed wilh the excellence of the silua lion for shijiping grajn through here iwbiif lir. Jhtviack fit cou- gesibniof AUIVWU'K fhe D.d.r,; oigaulzution s working in close f. CfMieriition with the wheal pibds-and have already loaned them a number of iraipeil officials and leased them elevator spare, 'liree-puarters o' Pur Real Mustard in Your Kit Ri(ht at the top of the lut of camping necetiitiei ii a tin or two of real Mustard. Men who fish and men who (hoot know wbat a ipidne and flavour mustard freshly mixed with cold water add to the ham, bacon, fowl, venison and other good thins they eat in camp. COLMAN-KBEN (Cauda) UnM 102 Amh.rsl Slrjtt MONTREAL t7C ra olmans Mustard aid dictrdon 1 .aV r Jn PA(J2 TWO TBI1: DAfLY tffc!vtf3 T" More Popular Daily ''SALADA H814 is demanded by more tea-users every day, which proves the excellence of this delicious blend. The Daily News PRINCES RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, ty mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British, Empire and the, United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION t '"Friday. October 23, 1925. FAREWELL TO ROTARY CLUB - THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: BAHF Hnih came very near , .Joining Hip rapk of deposed Rev. H. R. Grant Gives Final ,imi. jM.niPl. Address to Members at Pn, f u,(, season. Luncheon ' - t THE poMtliiluni is swinging A I the Notary Club yesterday. both way. at once, according In afternoon Dr. II. 11. (Irani, pastor of the Prpsbyterian Church here,! who is leaving soon for Kuril William, gavp his farewell ail dress lo tin' members, urging iipim Ihi'iu Hip .value of fellowship hi advancing any cause. He ail Dial Jip was sorry lo leavo the food fellowship of Rotary, one of the most important aids In Hip way of service, an aid in carrying out Hip iilnis ami ob jects of llolary. The doctor spoke of Ihe liar mony Ihiil had prevailed. Hip political HIS slock Is up His ?Kek is down Hp's making voles AJI round the town. Hp's losing ,mit "I'is plainly seen Hp can't win now When. b'ajj$)rg .Melplipn,. AnewsLandard in Radio 7rv H-XJ tx Hkiiiim Walnut Cbt na RSiU Mtu I173W A YUtor-NofiWn EkctrU KmU can bm ImuJImI la yvur which Hie L'.O.ti. controls on Hie prairies. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. A. C. Fowler and I wo I "hiblren arrived home on Mon-lay after having spent Hie last I wo weeks in Vancouver. II. -McEwen, divisional freight ngeiij. Prince Hupcrl, was a bus iness visitor on Tuesday. J. McLaren has gone lo Van- arsdol lo work on (leorgp I.HIle's mineral claims. J. Siegfried ha Ju. returned lo Terrace after having spen' Hip summer in Ihe Densn Ijike country. Win. H. Krr, Wistaria, in town on Monday to attend Die District meellng of Hip larmer Institute held in Ter race on Wednesday, fiovcrnor D. W. Davis, Wash ington,' f.(, who has s'penl tin) last six wepks at Hip ininrcnl claims of Hopjier, Davis A Co. at Kaluui J.ake, is spending n few days in (own. He is accompanied by his associate, II. II. J. Hoar, Kalum 1-ake, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. (ieorae I, idle and Frank Phis. ealor left on Tuesday for" Van- arsdol. Mr. I.lllle has Ihe cabin about completed at his claims there and exnects lo start min ing operations in the nenr fulure. Mr. and Mrs. W. llurnell arrived home on Tucmbiy aflpr a shorl visit in Prince Hupcrl. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prlnoe Rupert .T. C. Hall and C. E. Whilnry Griffiths, Victoria; D. Trerlway, Doitppii; Mrs. II. l. Johnslonn and II. W. Chamhers, Inverness; Mrs. Ira Held and Oeorge McAfee, Oeorgetown; F. V. ). jcouri, Vancouver; Mrs. 0, W. Swansm, Swanson Hay; .. M. iMnuson, Prince Hupcrl; Edgar Provlnse, Hyder. , Central .Mrs. F. flale, FrnncoU Enke fl. Sullivan, Hums bake; . Mc-jphee, Vancouver; W. Murrav 'city. Snd us yourv oil send vou Only Victor Supplies this iflustutcd: bookcbfJuliaJV' tT hWs . , y Distributor? fori . (?0ham K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. r xjsatiiMl K 4 'Tf. Northern Electric resources could cji've you such a Radio A Vlclor-Nortbf rn Electric Radio can lx- iiirrha-d vilth I be Mine confidence tbit you buy a Victor Vlrirola 25 rr of lcailrrblp in the talking machine Indmtry guaranler jou the bet. Tlie raot adianrcil principle of Radio enxlneerlng houwd in cabinet of refinement and beauty ibeie new ViclofNorlliern FJeetric Radio provide a degree of cMrllence heretofore un-equalled. Tk new lrlo.NlKn CWtrk Sl r mA la tarUti mlU ml twper. Iwlrtvd) J th I;!', rimt (ma Itl.M la tUOM. S4J aa lu; mw 1 Ttlwm4 la CaaaJa ktor Talking Maxfitna Cooparr ail Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply 01 Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE t mmm soeuti of icoTuso I ? u I wt.t.KtwM, tyntowm turn.., The Original Labellook for It at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tli Liquor Control Hoard or by Iho (loveniment of lirilish Columbia