page foot B will always $ taste better 9 M creamed with m Made in Canada 'From Contented Cows" You Had Better Gat Youp Name on our list For Dry Kindling Every piece kiln dried and easily split. Largo load $6.00 delivered, or 5 bundles already split for $1.00 delivered, "Taxi" Call 112. Always open and ready to give service all hours. One or two passengers anywhere 50c. Clean Sedans, polile drivers. COAL We have a new coal on hand $11.00 per ton delivered. No dirt and very little smoke. A perfect range coal, nut size and extremely hot. Order a ton nowl Drayage of all kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal .Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced hy experts to he the -greatest advancement made jn shot shells in the past to years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to lake your Instructions, to Uke pergonal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. CirUge, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel We Speolallxa In Plane an Furniture Moving. THE OA IL .TJfl BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus JUST THINK.- PftOF CUCr lS COH1NC TW5 EVENINC TO PUKV THE. PROF. PRYCE AUTO WINNER Drawings at Catholic Bazaar w Uut Night Arfalr Was an Outstanding Success While the financial result has not yet heen definitely ascer tained the annual Catholic- bar. aar, which closed shortly after midnight last evening with the Irawings for the raffles, was the most successful event of its kind yet held. The drawings, in which real interest was taken, were conducted hy Father I'. J. Mo- rath assisted by three men from the audience. The results were as follows: Grand Drawing Ford car won hy Professor H. Aubrey Pryce with ticket 2818 Fifty Dollar Victory Bond, do nated by M. P. McOaffery, Won by L. Miller, ticket 2212. Ton of coal, donated hy Consumers" Coal Co., won hy P. Deoro, ticket 1081. Ton of coal, donated by Kdson Coal Co., won by I'hyllis Sloan, ticket 2535. Other Raffles Kleelric iron, donated hy Mrs II. Letourneau, won hy Miss Blanche Curtin, ticket 83. Coffee set won by John A Johnson, ticket 111. Doll's lamp, donated by Mrs. J Lome MacLaren, won by Leo Waugh, ticket 10. Fruit cake, donated by Mrs. D. . Morrissey, won by Mrs. Hen Self, ticket 40. Child's stove, donated by Mrs. C. fiavferan, won hy L. M. Ivar- son. ticket 151. Doll, donated by Mrs. J. C.! aviaan, won by A. liailey, ticket 19. Child's dresser, donated by L. IJIain, won by Mrs. Leeper, ticket 101. Fur neckpiece, donated by H.C. Fur Co., won by JJ. C. Gibbons, ticket 3C. Tea cloth, donated by Mrs. fi. II. Holmes, won by II. F. filasey, ticket 33. Hat, donated hy Miss A. M Uarbeau, won by II. Sherman, Sr., ticket 116. Ten pound box of home-made candy, donated hy fiirl Ouides, won hy'. Tomlinson, ticket 310 Sail boat, donated by Albert Palmer, won by John A. John son, ticket 11. , Cake, donated hy Rupert ILik ery, won by Beatrice llnrstman, ticket 50. Vanity set, donated by Ilupcrl Pharmacy, won by A, Friend, ticket 90. Cake, donated by Mrs. W Oration, won by Mrs. J. II Meagher, ticket 15. Smoking set, donated by A. Leveque, won by Mrs. Joe Oaron, ticket 29. Cut glass, donated by Mrs Peter Hyrne, won by Frank Dibb,' ticket 11. I 1 ( n nit nn t1r Ail liAilannnnd .In ' nafed by Mrs. D. K. .Murphy, won hy Mrs.,K. Havldson, ticket 193. hleclric lamp, donated by K. C. Oihhons, won hy Mrs. I). Mc- Leod, ticket 23. Oil painting, donated by Bishop Hunoz, won by F.ric, Brenner, ticket 04. Tea cloth, worked by Mrs. O II. Holmes, won by Mrs. J. II. Meagher, ticket 31. Doll, donated by Thomas Trolier and John Dore, won by Mrs. M. Dupuls, ticket 109. j Library scarf, donated by Ketchikan, won by Miss Moya Bailey, ticket 123. Pillow, donated by Mrs. J. H. Jlildlleh, won by II, McKachern, licket 1R7. Kyelel buffet net, worked by Mrs. Hubert Ward, won by A. i riena, ticket 20. j Pair of towels, worked by MYsJ I'LL. CO AH J?7 Ill TO NECLT him. . ' V 5 II. F. filassey, won by Mr. Cum- mings ticket 163. Dresser net, donajed hy Ket chikan, won hy Miss Shirley McKwen. Mrs. Harold McF.wen and Mrs. J. McNulty were in charge of the fancy work and plain sewing booths with Mrs. Charles Hal-agno, Mrs. M. Mcltriarty and Miss A. M. "Barbean assisling. NORMA TALMADGE IN "THE LADY" TONIGHT Norma .Talmadgc has a dual role in "The Lady," her newi ........ . . .T i rirsi national picture, at tho Weslholnie Theatre tonighL She first apppars as a prelly soubretle of the year 1900. Sur- lA'alley of Death From the heights of London theatrical life, a feted beauty and the toast of all Ihp young) tJooJs of London, Norma descends to the depths .with the Comfortable and Sturdy WORK7 BOOTS For field, farm, or (cral work ask for Lcckia't at your J. LtCKIK CO LIMIieU, VANCOUVER, B.C. HAoE. LONC, HJt? WHICH MKE A HIT WITH THK MJSwIkJtv im? -m it. rakic I A 1 ' WiC, in the league standing had been caused through a game in June between. High School and llnrden Mreei mjiiooi- -resulting in -4twn all draw having never beei officially reported. The silua lion now is such that should Booth School vin or draw tomorrow's game thai team will capture the Rochester Shield while should the. High School win, tin standing he even necessitat ing a playoff. The league stand ing. officially received, is as fol lows: . W. L. D.pls. " i Booth Sojiool 5 3 1 II is nrsi a aouorewo ana uer ine,i?h School 3 .1 3 . War Seeks Night Life of Monte Carjo Borden Slreel A leant "f T!nglih International Badminton players wi'l our Canada this winter, playlov in VanwiJvcT on Deernher 18 and 20. The trip has been arranged after months of negotiations between foe Canadian Itad- rounded by a double sextette of.minlon Assortntion ..! the Hail heaulirul nihon girls, .ornmminlon Association of Knglaml. sinss the "Floradora" sonffs ofiSir Tieorze A. Thomas will bah. other days and lakes part in the tain the team and matches are scenes of wild gayeiy whih fol-(already arranged to be played at lowed the Spanish-American, St. John. Halifax. Quebec, Monl- War. real. Ottawa. Kinirxlnn Turnnln Twenty years pass and Norma Winnipeg, Calgary. Keiowna and is seen as a woman who has Vancouver. The team will eon- passed through the maelstrom of.sist of X. F. Devlin, holder of the the fireat War. For four year'Britih siagies ihampionshlp; A. she run, a little cafe just behind K. Jones, holder (with II, S. I he haillefront whorp the IroopslUlx'r) of the, doubles oiianipioH-of many nations take their wpetit!liil; Sir Ooorge Thomas, ex- Jjerre" as they go up into the singles champion; William Swin- den. II, II. C.lartin and E. Hawthorn, bolder? of virions There is a mw on foot !. tart the World Series laeati American and British IrrKips who srames earlier in the future that. fought the long fight in the Oreat 'as been the custom. By run War. She is seen on the edge of the night life of Monte Carlo, with its gamine: tables, its beautiful wome;i, lis half world, its trag edies . nun iiiiiuurr. ning the games so late, there the risk of cold and unpleasant weather. Furthermore, when the pennant winners have been established, usually about 4wo weeks before the World Serle She is thrown into the sordid commerces', interest in baseball life of Marseilles, wliere the hn.;l"Tom" 'lonHt In. all cities man dregs of all nations mingle in the cafes of the waterfront. And she finally finds peace In a little seaport town of France. SPORT CHAT with the exception of the Iw'o that will he concerned In Hie Ms; finals. If the series was started earlier that October 1 it is be lieved thai there would be money for the other fourteen clubs In ft .arranging a week or two of in- u , I . , It has now been decided by I COLD STORAGE WINS niose in .cnarge of the Junior- I&J DIf 1 1 ADA MATm Football League that the final H D1LLMIUJ limit II game of the Leacuc will take) place tomorrow afternoon b-' The second divisioh .blljiard twee'n the Booth Memorial School tournament last night between and the High School Confusion the Orcaf War Veterans' Asso v Mm II w n Bt tor tkt nnmt Ltrki U on (. bolt 0 ilu oft hgIl. envy j 1 poor. K$&f WCROOOFHMm! CLEF",' QIKJ I STL FtktVt Scwvicc Ixc Ml IW.ra rM. i i ml Wanted For Sale " For Rent WIXTKll Wharfage for Boats. Apply Mr. Hagen. "Ilallet F." Sourdough Bay or phone 23, Northern l'Jrhnnge. tf KOIl SALK. Forl Swlan ami pleasure Bargain. Phone Ited 720. LOST LOST. Roll of hills. Finder please plume Red 621. Reward. ' 217 CARPENTERS WIIP.N having your house repair ed, see A. II. Mael'heraon. Phone Black 187. tf elation and the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. resulted in vie- lory for fhc latter by an lurgre yrtle score of 6C1 In 019. Individual sonroa were as fol lows: J. Judge (O.W.V.A. , 150; J. May (Cold Sloragei, 119. W. J. Nelson, 133; W. Long. 150. O. Fleming, Vn; A. Harvey, 1511 Dr. J. A. West lift; A. Mc Donald. 150. J. Howe. 150; II. Parr. 92. The league standing to date Is as follow-: flame. Pis. 'Aver, Billiard Parlor . I 712 712 Cold Slorage ... 1 rtfll flr.l War V. lerans . . 1 (519 019 Orotlo 1 581 r81 ODDFELLOWS LEAD IN WHIST LEAGUE Wcose, Elks, St. Andrews and Sons of England Also Winners Last Evening (iames played In the Mori's Seclion of Hie Fraternal Whist League last night resulted as follows: 1. Mooso, H; (Jreal War Veterans, F.Iks, 0; Knfghla of Pythias, 3. Knights of Columbus, 3; HI. Andrew's, 0. Oil. I fellows, 0; Loyal Orange Lodge, 3, Pons of Canada, 2: Sons of Hnglaud, 7. The1 league sntullng to ifale Is as follows: Oddfellows. . . , Ft. Andrew's ,, Klks .. .. ., K. of P. .V.. . H. of 0. . . . .. K. of C. . . ... , Moose ... H. of K 0. W. V. A. .. L. O. L. W. m 0 0 L. Pis. 0 2 0 0 Advertise In the Daily News. 'SSL L 1 i 1 I'll o-"3 Foil HUNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonograph and sewing machine. Walkers Musle filore. U rem UK NT. New house at tW Fifth Avenue West. Phone Ited 720. TO Ill.NT. - Four. ruoinJ houoe and balh, close in. Phone HI. 210 DOARD BOAIID The .Inlander, M0 Second Avenue. Phone 137. BOAIID and Room or Hoard only. Phone lied 'ii7. CARS FOR SALE. 1-1020 Nah five passenirer touring iilSO 1-1031 Overland Sedan 17 on 1-1922 Frd Sedan 125 I -I ion Portl truck, panel body .... 3? l-lfl McLaughlin light 0, S PM - 280 t-Fonl llgbl .lelH ery oliasln rebuilt . 7fc Alt rars guaranteed in gotwl mechnuiral condition. Make your iwn teniu). . KAIEN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Oomlyear Tires, Oni, Oil and Oreae. ' WRHCKINO SKRTCII DAY, OR .Mull 1 . J'hone 52. tf TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call George. Paul or Oust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Rtnde. bakers at your service day and nighl. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Km pre Hotel. EVERY DAY IS $ DAY Nothing Over lm Dollar. Except in Women ' Kxcliunge where Women's Plain Sewinjc and Funny ,,!': .,( ,,,! on nommissiiiii. D-0-L--L-A-R S-T-O-R-E KlNDLINQ WOOD All dry Inside wood, kindling and blocks mixed. IC.00 ner load delivered, UulHide wood, J1.50 per load delivered. Norwegian slylo Salt Alaska Herring in 30-lb. and 80-lh. kegs, 10c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Black 101 COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records, no scratching. Finest re-productions of latest Fox Trots, Bongs and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call In and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. lire Store, We Buy. Sell 'and F.t. change New and Secondhand idoods. GEO. PAFADOPULIS, .1! Third Ave. Phoie Mfl ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High Low High Low' Friday, October 23. n.m. 17.2 ft 17:07 p.m. IJH.9 " 11:12 a.m. .H.7 " Saturday, October 24. t:37 a.m. in.ti ft , IH:IH p.m. I7.K" 0:01 a.m. 5.0 " 12:17 p.m. 0.5 " DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTVD OLD Artificial Teetu Bought, any roudilioii. UiglM'st prices sent by return mail. II. DunsUin P.O. Box 3 to, Vancouver. H.C Ftalilihed thirty three years FOR SALE FOR SALIl Dining room sullen, bedroom suites. Chesterfield suites, ranges, stove, bed linen, towels, window blind. Inlaid linoleum and prititej linoleiiuin, lounges, elmirs. ChifTionferes, Dressers, Bedsteads, mattresses and springs. Dining table, kitchen tables, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. Phono 775 FOll SALK. Furniture, consist ing of dining and living rooir suites, bedroom furniture, kit -eli rn range and healer. All in good conditio). Phone 1(5 for appointment. If TO RENT Artidti Loit aaj ROTH WELL'S TRANSfU If you or Coal Wood Furniture Mo!ng Hagg.ii. , Stand:l.ilMc - - 3&2. Ite I' CAMERON TRAftSrtH in i- Baggage, Furniture Roit want any dejivcred, k ct P.O. Hoi C 9. H O T I C I, vi Tiir: vuthi - f UHK irf I'm... f J I nl j III. . . JM- l. : II . i. t. . II iul : tiki I; lil-Hk .' l . I I '. II l. i. i tmt i. at k . ll Hi llw lil : ' I Ml Sl)ufH HI. Mtp i 'f r-s'l If vtw r ra4i i.Ht lll'ICirt i rrii'iri- f line I ai iwr immUi fr in v larrr,r. I'Kirnlciul t . . to Ibr tbvr larf HltlK V tnllS i ltlirirlM of Tllfc 1 1' I'lh a4 KaW-rl IjUI llrCktltt I'l.' tS0 SCT lim-Wil. .rf an .- itfiliri 1 1i41. lhltllift. . if ItW fi.ll B larr. I Mim . la m .Ih. dk iv-rilMa r.twt ' kMN I It rhaii.. h n, m Nttlta IrUnllaA u rp' 1? Ih I'Hi Rmwrl I Inn, ?kI Ml m . .1 v . Ik- rlMfaam i, l-rlt.l . I Ihll,' MkMlhr.. rwwn t lt u)i 1 lllf 111 i rkaia itvirr rr'ih r VsWIr minMi-Htia . ' list i.. i, ,,f . . "usUaluiiia 1 nn ir wiujiii 1 1 1 1 1 ' tXlf) siHalprf f il; LAND ACT ftMit f lulinilan 4 t'r w 10 Las4t l rmri Kunrri I ' im I. aad uiuiU about jM rhaii,. ...i vtirMj l..filir.i .11,1 ad Amm k m rtuii,. . . ' ' ltl,r inn V iJMillnl. i,f V4m-mnrr. snwnnitrn. Hilm.1. ! i'f lb Mlimlnt pr. i ammrtiif i j- . . .B no . lullw Hi trim ih- nn n..-" SMrrr llrvrt. ln$ ft SrfcKtfwr !(; hMi Umnrr .(. . , h,i,.. rH mrMKtin( t NMl tldr m mw .,r f-wUlciitir i on art. m i1i'i' LAND ACT' la lh A tun lafiit m-ir tuk juitii r. iimi collar. r jw rk Mtlnn hn.Vr. lal iil mii.i id parrlMMi "nimi liniK; 11 tiniiudu' Im it m m.m . rluin KiVih nt llariii. . r lit"- .t Trlh lt h nf Im Tiiknn b"inl ! ja rnains: Uwikh fntlowlnr abriit Itw Hi . Mini ..r ... i wrrl funuininr M r rurm kt X V 111 t 'Itliii'' rrr 1 i O!" nrnaf IOO ! it MINCML ACT CallftlA -1 lMa,aiii llflU . SpoHsno MUiml riaiii iiiiii Minmr im OUlrlrl. nn lh ri ' lllrir In lh rM .if tixt nun Minorsl i inlni. tut1 kAvii-v t r ...... niiii.r, iiihi rni'fnr Ami-1 s liu.n i rrtifirm- n 7TiM". in' 1v Ihe ftllo Iwrfflf ' niin iirriirnrr rr iit'. . . IIT IIH I'tIM' Crmtn Oram f I lie almvf ii llirinrr Mlf n'li nnlr soi) it, mini M 13 rir ih i.ii ii Hfh r H' rrmntiii. '.IM ih's flih its nr CASSIA! LANO DIStSICT' tr. n-rrrnipn ni.lPlrl r Tll,'. , i' TAKr MiTICK Jnlin ' r nri n'uripr. suvin' lrn1 In anptv fnr r"1""'- , , rif Ilia rnltnwinr l''fll'1 ',' Ciiinmrnf !n ( ami ii'"' ! inli nr llio AMlno n ,n ""ii niSPiar l miilllirmi rnnnliif iwit-ih tft cnln' in;,' ' Hlti.rl itlrerlliNi tS rh'n "f n apirrlv iHrri-lion fl Inrnrrinriii tmii. uta AUrUII !. tOI. -nu,ill JOHN MC0B 10