The luxury of being really comfortable is within the reach of all W I -.11 Li 'M.kJ i.'i r r y aw ii . jit. m r Mil IH mil B$ WJ , t A I K ' ' 11.11 . m al Ii .v I IJv rfl JliMM Caw (I UM t4 II .3. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear provides genuine comfort at surprising low cost J . If . - r r' Mi 3 fi ' df(tj tmt NaMfi lrwi Ur 'arwr of Ik tmma k Jt hm iM STAX" V-T t : tl TSD Trj-v N. Wear Stanficld's UnshrinV able Underwear and enjoy the luxurious comfort of a warm fabric, soft as down and sooth ing to the tendercst skin. Get fit that feels jurt right for Stanfleld s great range of sizes allows every jnembcr of the family to be certain of snug, tailorcd-to-fit comfort. Sunfidd'i will not shrink! Given ordinary care in wish in e according to our duectiorM, it will I ftp iu im and snug, uilored to-fit thapc at long you it-And it tml itrenuou war. Mule in all sixes, style and weights for every member of the famiiy; pure virgin wool, 1ko wnoi and mixture of wool and tlky cotton, priced from SI to $10 Stanfield's Underwear weetest flaid fhocolates ' Fancy lulro. per box $1.00 o tN mill Fruits, per lo 531.25 -oiled, per box $1.25 .'id X a t (Centres, per box , $1.25 uin I lie Orient, per lox $1.50 Uicktails, per box $1.50 -' Hi's from the Knsl, per liox $1.75 I miMial Fancy Centre) Two New Lines 1 Maid Fruit Drops, assorted and Lemon fla- - "v per Hi 40c wuv Miut. per ll C0c Ormes Limited Wholesale and Retail Druggists HexaU Store Pioneer llruggils Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train Service . PRINC RUPIRT Old PRINCI CHARLES Will Icivk PRINCI '"i m VANCOUVER, VI0T0RIA, IIATTLC mvl liilerimdKU' tliiin n R0Y tt 9 .m, iikI SUNDAY, 11 p.m. . PRINCE RUPtRT rnr STEWART ANYOX, WE0NE8DAY, 10 p.m. PRINCE CHARLES fill STEWART. SATURDAY. 10 p.m. ISLANDS. " iepl Sunday It JU a in. f.,r PRINCE 0EOR0E, w'NNiPEa, jiii ihiIiiu Mtvrn i:n.l, rmiril suir. aaiNfiv hi nnim imyiuip LINES. T,t Offk., B2S Third At, PrlBtt Ruptrl. EDMONTON, Phon 280 Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try C57. Valentin Dairy. WatkiiiH eniatie I'. Oddfellows' whist dance, November 10. Presbyterian November 12. Itoyal her 13. Moose and 18. l'lione U I'ruilucts. Ilcpre-C. Miller, Uluo 2'J5. ir He sure to lrin Hulul Min-ulrel Si'ienailo, Unileil Church, November 5 and . 50c and 25c. Urol her Hill are holding a daiii-o lonight at 8 o'clock at 'heir home. Arthur's orchestra. Ml invited. Admi.sMioii 50c. Just received an exquisite selection of ladies' dresses In Crepes, Satins, etc. moderate pr(es. Mrs. Qrahlman, Third Avenue. , 218 A. l. MHlhfon, maiiaucr of Waleit Inland cannery, relurne'l n the I'rince llupi-rt thiii mom iiik to aneouver where he will upend the winter. The Liberal committee room?. eorner mtoihI Ave. and Fourth Street, next to the WalkerV MiiHic store open every after noon and evening. 251 Alle Norske kvlnner og menn, torn er Intereseret I at starts et sangkor, onfordres til at samles I 8venskeklrken 9th Ave. East. Fredagskvell 23 de. d.s. 217 I ii ion steamer I'.alala, Caul. A Johnstone, arrived from the oulh at 10:30 last nipbt an failed at midnighl for Arty ox anil .Naa Itiver iHiints. 'Ike ves- el will be hack in port south bound at 10 o'eloek tomorrow morn i n . I'lie football team picked l IfaMrth ScIkmiI to play the Hizh rliool eleven tomorrow after noon oniti of Crate, Donald. Kami, CollUun, Kelsey, Morris, Smith, Hiekens. Nelson. Murray. and Carrie with Itinzwell a Mire. The game is likely to be elosely eon(eted. Mrs. Myhill-Jonrs, ncrompan- tfd by her two son and mother, Mrs. J. Y. Maednnabt, sailed on Hie C.N.II. steamer lhi morning Mr Va homw v e tvmisv ialiat treatment on her left er wniesi wa erlously injun-d while oneiiiiiijc a I in of molasses at the l.ambly ranch, Lewis is land, on luesiiay. The Counlv (url ease of Wal lace Iliehardsnn vs. the Hi? Hay Lumber Co.. in which a wasrc eluini for ?3(tl.Htt under loKina ron I rn-1 i involel. started this inorninp and was adjourned sine die to tie the plaintilf further upiMirl unity to enter slalemen' of claim. W. K. Fisher appears 'or the defendant and Milton ionzales for I he defendant com pany. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct oner 30. Hill llaaar. Sixty Chapter October 3t. I.O.D.K. K. or P. wlnsl drive and dance, November 2. Anglican vember 5. Church llaiaur No Minstrel Serenade, Church, November 5 & ii. United drier- and Church Hazaar Purple llaiaur Noviyn- Sereamiugly funny farce, "June," Westholme, November 10 Ilaiaar November 17 Haplist Church Ladies' Hazaar, November 20. Ail St. Andrew's Ladles' Auxiliary Hazaar. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid CATARRH BLADDER it Saroual Kvb Capnii (MIDYl Rimtrof mt'Mlf frflu Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. HrcakfaM. Lunches. Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre llcfie.ihments Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itclail. You will be pleased with our service. Lot us please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Two earn at your service ilieddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf C. A. l'yne of prince (Jeore waited Hits nmrtiing on the I'riuee lliiperl for Ocean Fall. Sewing clause for children will be held every Saturday from i to i p.m. at Mrs. J. Field's '32 .Second Avenue. The Liberal eouiiiullee nioiiif. orner Second Ave. and Fourth reel next to the Walker's Muie it ore are open every afternoon and evening. 251 , Dance for the benefit of a sick Norwegian in htetropole Hall Saturday night. Llndseth's or chestra. Refreshments. Come and help a good cause. 218 h. L. HoherlsoH of the C.N. It. ily ticket office slaff. Calvary, md MrJi. Hubert son were pas-etiB-ers from the tram lasl nigh lo the boat this moruinx in the course of a western vacation trip. Joe Martin, convfrled of theft and sentenced j-vlenlay byJude voumr lo four yars in New Westminster penitentiary, was taken south this niorniiiK on th. Prince Itupert by Provincial Constable Smith of Anyox. W. Louis Win?, proprietor of the Travellers' Cafe, left for the . ... . . . . ports that Ihe sawmill is operat ing steadily concentrating prin cipally on fish box lumber now hal Ike market abroad is not very favorable During Ihe re cent dry spell, Ihe mill was clos ed ilium for a week for repairs WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. DIUHY. ISLAND. - - Hatpin? calm barometer. 30.28; temperature, 15; sea smooth; 11:25 spoke steamer Mogul an chored oil (ienn Island foithound. 11.50 p.m. spoke, motorshlp Apex, Ketchikan for Anncortcs, 0(J miles south ol Ketchikan, DHAD TjlHK POINT.- Hahitnjr, onlm; barometer 30.1 6; tempera ture. U; sea smooth. HILL IIAIIHOU. - Overcast. Calm; barometer, 30:l; teinper- alurc, 510; sea, smonlli, $ pjn. spoke steamer Anyox. Hlulijier THIRD TRIAL GILLIS MURDER Charles Morris Before Court Today at Victoria and Strom-kins Gives Evldenoe t 1 YldOltlA, Oct. 23. Paul Stronikiii!, utar witness for the! Crown in the Heryl O. murder cae, whose testimony was the main factor in the conviction of linker and owasli now under Keutenee to hang on November i for Hie murder of Captain Gilli. took Hie stand yesterday afternoon at the trial of Charles Morris, similarly accused. Slromkins swore that Morris was a member of the hi-jackiup expedition that resulted in the killiriK of (iillis and his son. The trial will continue all day, it is expected. WERE ADRIFT found. FOR 53 HOURS Fishermen of Schooner Skandla Had Trying Experience In Storm Off Alaskan Peninsula To drifl for 53 hours in an open dory on the stormy waters off the Alakan peninsula was the recent experience of A. Miller and Saxe Chilberg, fishermen of the American schooner Skan- dia, when they were separated from (heir boat during a storm near Seal Itocks about 15(1 miles "oulh of Nuka Hay. Their craft iiriiie! asiiore with holh men Mifferfiwc from exposure and lack of food. The captain of the Skandia, a brother-in-law of Chillier?, broke down and cried when the missing men were JAPANESE GIRL FATALLY HURT Struck by Auto In Vancouver; Driver Charoed with VANCOLVFH, Oct. 23. Nobu -ouin on ini morniiifss sieamer Kabayashi. a ix year old Jap and may be away for several a yiel uhn.n .umm. months. Jim Sheen will take eare of all hosiness at the cafe dur ina Louis Wing's absence. Mrs. A. T. Parkin, resteiil of the municipal chapter of the I.O.D.K. here, report that so far as they have been able to ascer tain .the gross lakiugs for the recent musical performance at the Westholme Theatre for the (wo nights amounted lo $7 il and the expenses will lie somewhere around JMG0. Cporpe McAfee, nianagpr of the llfp Hay sawmill at ('.corse lown. arrived in the city ycsler day afternoon and will return lo Ihe mill In day. Mr. MeAfee re eently brought her from llivers Inlet where I hey had spent the summer, was fatally injure I yesterday Avhen jtlie was struck by an automobile driven by Hoy Kelly. Kelly was charged with manslaughter and released on hail. MUCH GRAIN BEING SHIPPED TO COAST Advantage to Grain Growers of Eight or Nine Cents a Bushel In Western Route VANCOt'VF.H. Oct. 23. A special despatch lo the Sun says dial shipments of grain from the prairie lo Vancouver are increasing rapidly. "We Inspected the largest num ber of ears on record of grain consigned directly to Vancouver," staled T. W. Young. Dominion grain inspector al Calgary. All told there were 331 inspec tions and of Mils number 2IS ears were consigned directly to the Pacific Coast, 83 lo Calgary firms and six lo Medicine Hal milliny firms. Hut 215 were no'. nil flint will find their way lo Vancouver, a safe estimate being Mint 50 or GO of these billed to Calvary will eventually be laid down at Ihe coast. I'he reason advanced by prairie grain men for the increased flowi to Ihe Pacific is Ihe advanlag"! which the Vancouver premium: provider the shipper. It is es- timated that Ihe difference In! price between Vaneouver and I Hoy for An vox. 330 miles from'" '""'fog i in the neigbboihood Anyox. !' tlf 8l' ,0 1,0 a t'usbel, and this is Noon 'certainly a very great incentive DKillY ISLAND. - Halning. 1 wesfward flow calm; banxmeler, 3O.30; lemper- Jature, Ail; sea smooth. tiiI'.m iiiit n, calm; baroiueler. 30.IC; temperature. t; sea sinoolh. HILL HAHllOll. Overcast, light northwest windj luiromeler 30.10; temperature, 53t; light swell: ) sooke stcjnnrvr lir.iv ,iuhmiiii Iriaugle Island seiilh iboimil: 10:30 a.ti). spoke tupri i Lome lowing Drumrgck, abeam null Harbor, bound fop Port Alice. ' v" . ' Advertise In the Dally News. 35 D.D.D. A drop on tny cctrma tore or llchtnc rniw lion anl you u w abl to rret and alrrp orK more. Think lust a dropl tail worth iryfir Olt trial bottle today. Tl Jinl 11.00 .n rtlimt .r mtf Trt V, D. D. nh It; ORML3 LIMITED Fred Stork, M.P. Liberal Candidate respectfully solicits Your Vote and Influence at the forthcoming Dominion Election on Thursday, October 29 lIcANADIANjf PACIFIC "kiaiurir IAJ Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far UTCfliUX. WRAKCEU, JUXUD. SUCWAT Far UJtCOl'Ht TICTOIIA aaj SEATTLE - Octal 9. I), 30 dd.fcf 13. 23. Ntmattr 3 Si rxiiciss KATtia For Butadala, Swanaon Bar, Eaat Btlla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Alart Bar, Campball Rliar, and Vancoutar try Saturday 11. cm. Agancy tor all Staamahlp Llnaa. Pull Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral AganU Ccrntr of 4lh Slraat and 3rd Aranua, Prlnco Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing truiu Ittncc Huprrl. 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bar. and Alart Bay; Tuaaflay, S P.. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and S anion Bay. Saturday. 10 A-SI. For ANYOX, PORT SirPSON and Naaa Rler Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. US 2n Afaaua. I. Barnalay, Aunt. Pmmm Ruatrt. Id. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzed HuMier Shop, across from the Empress Hold We carry a full line of. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor siandard o, Purity for over 1 60 years Gin you will ask tor again .1 i v t i x a sv -fra -r -sTdb.m. $3.25 the bottle This advertisement Is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by tho Government of .. . British Columbia. the