No Exchanges. Terms: Strictly Cash. No Charge Accounts P.O. Box GC7. Christmas : Perfumes NOW ARRIVING. KxdiiMve Odor- by the best French. Knghh find American Perfumers CARON'S, GUERLAIN'S, HOUBIGANT'S, COTY'S, ROGER & GALLET'S HUDNUT'S, ATKINSON'S, SEELEY'S Etc. Prices from 25c to $13.50 See Our Windows Rupert Pharmacy Phone 04. i 3rd Ave. and 5th Street We Deliver. ACME IMPORTERS Third Avenuo . others .i valued i on raymeni oi i-'no or reasons. i.oru neaiu- seeui.i m was a ii)ift(r several a! from -') to :S0 each. The Kantislina country, stain-ijieiled many years ago, has pro-(iiiccil much placer sold and is known for the richness uf copper and silver ores. NHsou declined to discuss his find, and left immediately with an ouifit for the' Kantislina. t The largest slampedc since that into the creeks around Fairbanks is expected to follow Nelson's discovery. Tin- nuggets were found on a inliulary to the Ktinllsliiia river .hebiw a large . glacier, where 'more than $1,011(1 worth were 'lii' ki-d up against a ledge, most-lv in larpe nuwels, Nelson ad mitted later in the day. Nelson obtained a loan on the hix nugget and bouslit his outfit to .return to (lie Kantislina The route is via Kobe on the Alaska railroad (JO miles to the forks of the Kantislina and Tok-lal rivers. Nelson said the region is Utile prospected and includes many unexplored creeks. FISHERIES LABORATORY FORMALLY ESTABLISHED SKATTLK. Dec. 7.-A weslern federal fisheries laboratory was formally established at the Uui versily of Washliijslou tide wee $500 at Ketchikan le sore because the Admiriilly. " , which recently succeeded in forc- ccorilini to informal ion re- iiik noon the (ioveruineiit and ceived here yesterday by A. II. Parliament a program of nava' Zirglcr, Hie batibill seliooiieriliuildiutr which will cost ll.'H.noil.- Foremost, seized last uinnth by customs olllcials on a liquor charge, was ordered released upon payment of n $500 fine says tlu Kctrhlkau Clininiclc. The order; is said to have been Issued upon direction of the secretary of the treasury lo whom the cae was nrosenled, and lie is said to have Issued the order on .Saturday. The local I'nltcd .Stales marshal's ijl'icc, in whose ouslodj the Foremost lias been kept, has not yet been ollicially informed of the action, they announced, and lint Foremast U moored at the Vnnl (Jove float with two ciWoiliuiis on board. The Foremost was seized when a customs olllccr boarded the vessel upon lis relurn from a trip In Prince ltuperl and discovered a quantity of liquor on hoard The vessel was ordered seized and was placed in custody of Hie meal coast guariUiucn un til afler the case had been heard In courl. The court refused In order the release of the boat on the grounds Jlial it was nulsidn of lis Jurisdiction, and the case was appeak'd lo llie-K'LTeiary of the 000 within the next few years. has found I lie humble taxpayer n Utile sceptical about the Value ol his share in. the bargain. 'Pic ordinary man knows thai oK.- ooii.ooii is a lot of money a good deal more, for instance. than the (lovcrument spend. each year on education or on riinuimr the post office but he finds Mime difficulty in uraspm what Lord lleatty is giving Inn. in relurn. Seemly he is willing In pay for, but he has a persist ent notion, which Lord Ileal'. y may call "amateurish," that be paid u nood ik-4l for it In the Ureal War ami In the sinking of the only fleet which menaced u. Hut apparently he is nut to oper his mouth, except lo swallow gratefully what Lord Heally chooses to drop In. Anything by way of remonstrance is' rebuked wilh a gibe at his amateurishness and lack of information, liven his patriotism is suspect in Lord Meally's eyes. Wonder what makes the leaves turn red in Hie fall?" "They are .bluidiljwf; .j think how green they have been all summer' - . Monday. December CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE QOY. Suspender. Vail. (iauiitlcl (Sloc, 1'nderwenr. T" Handkerchief. Rool, RelU. Cap. Mackinaw. Stiil, () etc. Any one of lhce suggestions would be accepts Id boys of jour on Christum morning. "AOS 8CT THE DAILY NEWS ... ? In I I I I I ! II I I I I Jllll I M p I ll IPI II I J 1 U--T-J l-M ' ' ' 1 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND IN COMFORT Bang! Exacting Buyers are Bang ! Hitting the Bullseye Bang ! Gunning for Bargains 9 at Every Shot at Our Annnal Christmas TEMPTATION SALE We list below a few money savers in Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. Call early while the range of sizes and patterns are complete Men's Department J 00 iPr rent Pure Wool Markinaw Uuals, Heavy Norfolk styles, extra large storm collars. Regular $10.50. ?7 8 TKAIPTATJON SALE PRICK Y,'0J 100 cent Pure AVool, H) oz. Leather Lined Mackinaw Coats. Tlie best Mackinaw coat on the murkoL today. Regular $17.50. ?19Rt: TKMPTAT10X SALK PHICK fl.OJ 100 per cent Pure Wool Mackinaw Shirts. Double pockets ami double shoulders. A real heavy shirt for lieavv wear. Hegnlar $0.50. frf? QC TI1MPTATIOX SAIjB PHICK fU.W Wool Flannel Shirts in Hrown, Nuvy, (ircen and (Jcey. No! alt sizes and shades but all sizes in lots. Regular $2.50. . 1 fiC TEMPTATION SALE PHICE fl.UJ Wool Flannel Khaki. Shirts, all sizes in lot. A useful working shirt. Hegnlar tiji to $H.0O. CI QC TEMPTATION SALE PHICE .; y l.sJ Pure Wool Fancy Check Shirts, "O.W.O." make. One of the finest made shirts in Canada. Hegnlar $5.50. ?A AC TEMPTATION SALE PHICE p4.4d Wool is advancing so take advantage of these prices A Winner in Underwear STAN FIELD'S "HED LAHEL" L NDEHWEAH. Yon all know tlii make. A guaranteed underwear. In combination and two-piece styles. All sizes. QC TEMPTATION SALE PHICE .1 . . TURN MULL'S NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR IN COM-IUNAT10N and TWO-PIECE STYLES All Mies. Regular $1.50. M QC. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE ( fJJ WOLSLEY'S UNDERWEAR, REST KNHLISII MAKE. In robiuatioii tyle only. All sizes. Regular X.OO. tfC CC TEMPTATION SALE PRICK . ." jJ.UJ TURN HULL'S ".MARINO'UNDERWEAR.-- Combinal.nn and two-piece. All sizes. Regular $n,00. ffl QC TEMPTATION SALE PRICE 1 Boys' Department The Famous "Armor-Clad" Slid, with 2 jwir of pant- T ic strongest Roy's Suit made today,. Double knee, double i double elbows. Reinforced m crotch. A wonderful hunt w suit. 1 TEMPTATION SALE OFFER 25 PER CENT 01 T Roys Fo Serge Indigo Mine Serge Suits. A wll 4rc-Two pair of kiiiU. tAII iies hi style like father wtfur. R n up io iu.uo. r 1 M ML TEMPTATION SALE PRICE Ilojs' All Wool MuckiiiHW (, sue TEMPTATION SALE PRICE (i.W.O." make Roy' Punts Just (he thing for wlioul wear, in slock. Regular tip to :i.f0. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE y 4 V $5.95 All our c 51.95 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Phone 359. WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. ' "His Supreme Moment" Samuel (loldwyn. glamorous, scintillating fa.-liion hov) of romance and fineries. An adaptation of May Ed ginloii s celebrated story. The glitter of the stage, the MimpliioiiMiess of elegant society, the danger and hardship in wildest South America these form the backgrounds for a mighty love that fiifils its climax in "His Supreme Moment." Two beauties vie in wit and charm for one man's love. The story of a society girl who braved mob vengeance and a man's mad love. None should miss The? Loves of all Nations, a seipiel in natural colors showing beauties of,every race and clime, and the latest Paris creations worn by two of the screen's prettiest girls. If a pretty miss gave yon a kiss, would that be your "supreme moment." Notable cast. Ronald Colman, Blanche Sweet, Cyril Chadwick, Ned Sparks, Nick de Ruiz, Jane Wlnton, Belle Bennett and others. COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c. BIG GOLD NUGGET FOUND IN ALASKA Willi Mie an ival of Di . II tra-uy by V Zuwlcr and I. Jlich, head o' Hie iliisnn of u. Owe on actiaif of Hie uwiirr? scientific inquiry "f Hie I n.'eij . sf:ilii ftnlierm hil.-il'il :mil VALUED AT S7J1 assistants, and Dr. W. I- .VNCllOll.USi:, tee. 7. C. R. Nelson delhercd a void nugget to t lie First Nalnyial Rank yester-l day weighing 'J ounces and val-j iij.iI tl !k?ll 'I'll., iiifF'nl u':i . 1 Thompson, head of the inlei Raised Money on it at Bank andi "alVuJW fisheries commission i ti ill.' wi i hi: Itlff ill 1 1 llijk 1 1 ii if 1 1 . Roturnod to Kanilshna on I - , ' n ' Ala3ka Railway ui niigi ii it'll aim uun::i tui iimi fish. SCHOONER FOREMOST CRITICISM OF LORD BEATTY BY ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ON NAVY j ; Manchester (iuanpu" Lord Realty ha been defend oik Hie Admiralty wiMi more CTH I nriWP UEJrVv,i"r ",an discrelion aain-Ol ILL DLlM) IltLU W,a . calls the "eampainii of iill-oiformeil criticism" conducted .liovered iiiKanlisluia river and! Fl,hln J"8"1 w"! . purely political or personal Use Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Your Grocer hi it XMAS SUGGESTIONS To make . lil of nil Ilia' it sn,l,,blc ii 1 i iMiher long mid tedious We wdl give and then In help von -.elect our (iifls wi-c v Please Observe the Prices For Ladies (Moves are always in ceidable from Silk Hosiery is a I way- preferable from .... Lingerie is mosl desirable from ,v s?l "' ' Handbags uro very suitable from ):'.0i House Hlippers are very comforlalile from L'' .Scarfs are very fashionable from '-'.," Towels lhat are washable from . :' For Children Toys and Hulls I lint are indeslriiclible from Aluminum Sels lhal ore iiiibrenkable from . . 7""' For Men Forsytlu) ami Lung Shirts wilh Collins and Cuff' that are detachable from ,, The Vales aro Unbeatable Tho Price Is very R in i asonabl Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645 3rd Ave 7th St.