M da December 7, 10?! TBH tJXTTTT WVfWt PAUR NT ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers I' n r.'w da- we will he I Jo uti! now dturo : Mm- lai (,! ami finest f JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc., mi tlir North I I M ' ' ;i - hi I tio past :--QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician MAMMOTH Special Sale of Shoes 41 Pairs Only Ladles' Black Kid High Boots, al per $2.85 Men's Black and Brown Dress Shoes, .Ivh . Aid id leather, rub-Ii'Hm. Thi i a win-.il price . . $5.45 i w imlow for pceial f- ml in XI i --" afnl ' 'iililr"!!' Sline. il- in liny' and V-u'li' Slmes. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357. Fish Dept. .Ml S,ti' Hel'l-.-. . S.i l! Hers it;-. 1 -: - i !. IliilUn.l Hen lliK. Ki'it. Sail i"il t-1 Salt :! Ki-li Kii'an lladilie!. Klaek imI, hii.er. i . Hmoked Hlark I'.nd. s'alllimi. e'e , I'll-. Order Your Christmas Turkey and Goods Early Sealy 8 Doodson Tli l!., .1 ..f yuahlv Phone 455. We Deliver "Jaeger" Underwear For Ladles Tu. ( KUtc.il wi iKhl i'ure W . i ( i i 1 1 1 -. unnhrink juiK fit I iti;. I'liRlmh .i e. li Cfinihlnalion ulyle:-1-ikI. V. or II lnh Nrok; !- ,ii ,,( Sleevelen-t; Knee nr I " Letitflh. v. -tn alno in all ntyles. nee Affenis for Jncer. Bloomers, Slippers, Blankets, Rugs, Children's and Bablos' Wear, Sweaters, Gloves, etc H.S Wallace Co Ltd Phone 9.' 3rd Ave. A Fulton Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 0. X-rtay Strvtcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday iim Saturday hvenlngj .1 COMMISSIONER AND MRS. RICH AT GATHERINGS Heod of Salvation Army Preached and Lectured 'Here Yesterday: Delayed by Washout :iiiiihj.i,i,.r nieh r tho Sal-valioti Army wun a lumy man rwr.ia. ii- preached in Ihe morniinr .,, tMI, njir., f'lntrcli. hi HhjiTt hcitiK "Sanrlifira-Hoii." In I In afternoon In lectured Ini lhi Citadel "Sixty Years S.A." being well filial. Ilo irnnwl ih. wrt( f ,,P urmy fron, H birth in London, England Cti years iiko ami gavn some (nler-ittft farla fftpanlihg the Kinwth f ,r ,,Pnttf Western 'iinailu. mnifteipniT HHlll I hat on In pri-.iMit tour hi hail npem a ii'-w iccne hiKpital al Edni.ni-''i. A new huildinjz bad ih-ch liim lia-rii at CalRiry for rescue "ik ami a campaign is how likI'-i- way at Vancouver for the ,.r I li l :i . il " n"7 ""I'"' lial city. KiM-cial iii' IIIkiii wan! ma. I.- u the lirare lln-fiilal al W.i. i.eK where ,,wr l.Hm, ll.nl. . . w.-re liorn Ih-I yi-ar. . I In- ciiiigniiiiiici- look bi .Hi.liiTice lo VMrinii) cuiintrie j where Hie Hah al inn Army fluff jilie. ami loM many ilorien of "H nary work. The flan in fly- Iiiir in HI roniilrirx ami Ihe trim- I '-I heliiK fireaehed ip many lan- t'liaxeH. Maynr Newlnn, h prenirted. i ei(i'iaet apprerialion of the! unrk Ihe army ilnins: in I'rmcc lliiperl. ' The i:.itnmi"iiner ke attain al titsrlit i m the mihjeel "Forsrive- .'' Mr. Rich tae a Hlhle wad i Mir ami a h(irl at1re on Itriiken Viiwo." ''nnimtlnner and Mm. Ilieh IAHO ACT. Melk ( InWnllon U eplf to Ltt Linl In 0rra Oxrinitp fHdnrt LaM n- mrrtinr nuiil of Prlnr Nufm. I linilr al iMMjoa B I TAkK MftUK llMl IU4H-rt C. tltm of I Vitvrnotrir. B.C., tH-runaiitia rantwryaa. I miPixia in I'm r.r mm nf in ro I. mint (IrM-rtbtHl land xi nw at a pnat plaxitrd nn aa , imnni-i innn iru,f t w, in -ha'n. m.-rt- .t l- rrtrfn u.nlhwp1 rnr- 'i." f I -.1 U nr. Hantrr tbm'w r .n. nr iraiu. rim of -v.r !in of - t i'imi i p. mi .f rmnmriiiviiiMi, and ' --..rtfairciif f1, ar-. m -i. r : IH'HEfT r njtsf. f .f.rillrant Ptr Wo n viirbri). ttm We Save You Money Christmas Goods l .n'. I 'up unil Suueer- in V'' iH. i. I hkIiIi and I.i-ni. A laie eee(iiin i.. ,i,.,.o frm. fri'in 75o up I nml I'ninled IMiinn Snme-HiiiiK particularly attractive. Y'n will appreciate lu lautj". Very snitahle for CliHlina f5ifl. At mot fnon-nhle iirieen. iih I. hum Handkerchief direcl fri.ni Hefnl. The fine) in Ihe world. In pretty h"e. From 50c up i:ceiilionally ttnod value in I.adie' Silk Hoe. Always aceeplahle. Tapelrie in heauliful fancy hnxe. From 30o up Christmas Business Is good. There's a reason Gordon's Grocery Sventh Avenue East Phone 447 DRESSES for Evening, Party or Afternoon In great vnndy at most nimlerate prices "Demers" We aim lo please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Slop Isfight Couyris One dose of Buckley's Mixture brings immediate relief and sleep returns. Keep it handy acts like a flash on coughs, bronchitis ant all throat and chest irri tations. Stops coughinc spells as soon as taken. Wards o?f the more dangerous diseases pneumonia, flu, etc All druggists sell Buckley's Mixture "Strong" or"Modified"on a money refunded guarantee. 75c 40 doses BUCKLEY Jk MIXTURE ktf 'MOCNFICD W, K. Bucll.r, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Torant I 205 . anil ll.cn c.cclHrv V.linlnnr u i... i... n'.i n.... ......k,, i.,..i. ..i.. i ... M,,.i,. ,.win i ,iin .. ...i'IimhIcI hv nienilicr .r llm Hi.nt - ,., ., n...K. ..iii. - be here fur Ihe citailel ineelin loniKht. '- - - - - EXAGGERATED SENSE OF NATIONALITY OBSTACLE AGAINST BANISHING WAR (eonlinueil from pane, onel i " Kranee w,im Uwg population and had carrely forty million, While (ierroany. her neifr1ionr Uor (P 1ittX-ei al Hie frravc-hacl xixly-lwn million ami wa. 1)l(. a, a, t, r,Mains were increaxin. If Ihe present ralii'owrre.l to their laM reniinp continued in 85 -earn -,e (JermaiiTjpaP,t UkI Poul" wn-iwuld haw Kft.OO(l.o an.liM,un),P(1 by Mup,.r Sprgoanl u- Kranee from 2S,fMt,0(Kl 30,- IMMI.OOO. An iron rina: had been drawn around lierinany and several of the polit-icM reullinc from the 'r..!.. ..r . ' . nil I A. 1 i...m I i NIJ il l nniiir ill. iinti j to be moitified eUe liny likely In eaue war in the future. I The League of Xalkn wn formed In ileal wilh Itllure di put,, but I ...ted Slalei. "'f come m berate Ihey feared ine aiHiu-aiion ni soirei(rniy and Canada al objeeted Imt weul In, although she wa now Irving lo have the objertlonahH elaue removed. Ureal llritain wa well aware that any firl -l.i nation could mil he injured . .11 . ........ . . 1 I . .. .. t ' ' ! 7,; V . . that wa why he fc trle.1 Jo havff lierinany treatetl in such a manner that he could work mil her ..wn -alvation. Frauee on Ihe ii. her hand wa lryin tn prevent liermany a?Hin Itecoiiinip a na 1 11.11 and she brought forward the imslcr- threat of armlHg and 1 raining her colored troop. Locarno Peace Pact .MWIIIkl'lll I J. IIIKI .111.'. A .... . - . . . 1 The referred lo -peaker tllMM1:lo .... nBll (llnriro improved outlook since the .o i-arno seeurHy pact had heeu -litued under which Ihe nations ...neerned agree to rei-ognire, Mr and maintain the present hound ary bet ween. France and Ucrinany as Ihe corrcrl one. The jidae touched nn mailers of trade ami its value and alse nn the international court t( jnsfiee on which Hie U.S,y.enale would vole nn in January. He pictured Ihe conation of Eurcpe Willi its neglected nml war-Injured children, of Hrilain with its unemployment. 1 f. dinada throughnut he r length and hreadlh Die voice of llacliel slill niourniiiK for her -Children could he heapl. Some would never he able Ift forget. Sixty thousand home could not forget the war. There were ruined lives and broken hearts. If the righ' Hi ink in; men and w omen did no! hand themselves tnpclher lo pre. vent il. II would follow as sure as night followed day thai war would come again, lie urne.l In the strongest language al his command Hint Ihey should not -it hy nml alhAv it In come again hut drive the damnable thing to hell, so Hint it tnighl neve again he seen in this world, never. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST BURIED WITH NAVAL HONORS Victim of Tranlc Shooting Accident was Laid to Rest Yesterday Hi. Andrew's Anglican Church liediK filled In rapacity wilh sympathizing friends of the deccaci' and lif family, the funeral ton' place yesterday a(tirniion of 'U-latf Kdward Howe tyho mci indent h suddenly last Wedncdav afternoon as a,retdt ol a tragi-shooting accident. Archdcacoi i. A. Ilix ollipiaied ami funeral arranseiiicnls were tinder tl; aii'plces j)f the Itoyal Canndia'. Naval Volunteer lb-nerve with t lull. O. Undertakers in charge. A parly of fifteen members of Ihe naval reserve under rnm-maml of I, lent. It. I'. I'nndei-, assisted hy Llcul. Waller Hurne ami 'F!ngineer Lieutenant F. I O'inn, attended. The parly iiiarrheil from headquarter to 'he chapel of Hip U.K. Undertakers ami the coffin draped in :he While Kitten, wax hnrne tn the iearne hy f"ix paiilllearers him peorJel In Hie ctiurch. After the xolemn ami iinpres iml tututr ..r l'n..i.,i .f which lh parent are iiii'inlicif, ;lhe enrteffe move.l lo J'airview !frneltry where inleniicnt took (place. Hie eflllln was preeeil tl l' naval )uy. carrying the many wreath ami, immeiliately belli!' ! 'the rakel, one of Ihe naval rat- intr enrried a wreath in the form of an anfhor exieulei in liltie ,.. -,,. ow,.r- .Mirmi,iinie,l ui. a ...., ..... ,..,., llatiee of the l irsl North M.C ltejrimenl. Flowers Flower were sent hy .Mr. and Mrs. J. Howe and family; Ihe rainiiiandiir.r nllicer. odlcers anl . .. 1 V I linen ill 1 lie ikmui i.aiiiiiiimi .utiii Volunteer He.ere: liaushters "and Maid of Kwrland; T. S. "Pa a rt A l nnd fst W'i'ttriA II n,,,,; oraKe l.o.W t.uU Mr and Mrs. Win. Sarnoski, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Maedonald. Miss Jean Ciirrie, II. J. Quewneville. Mr. and Mrs. (i. Hill, Chief and Mrs. Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wer-miK. Mr .and Mrs. T. nouller. Mr. and Mrs. (iurvieh and family. -"win Canadian d., Sous of Km L land ., Mr. and Mrs. ,,.'... Walter Shaw, C1.;. Uenrye Shaw," Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellae and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Peaeook, Mayor Newton. Mr and Mrs. 15. Munro, Mr. and Mrs F. ilapp. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henrpe Johnston. Mr. and Mr. Hurl. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Mellae, Miss Srherk, Misses l 1 iiil irnmant1 ln niial lsi lliv Seoll, Mr. and Mrs. Shellon, Mr. land Mrs. Jack llalchford, Jabour ' 1 1 tf lint Mr unil Krmib garet Kyolfson, , Miss Mahel Vierlck, Tom Tofney, Harry Cor-hell, Stanley Mercer, Miss l'ear! Thomson, Miss I.oUie llouller. Ceorge ' Shejiton,... ijsnsina M. AHnigcdjjsf ifetirg(Vllonir, Hill MttWgomery, lr. and Mrs. 1tH. Kyolfson, Miss Muriel Forsyth. Vernon ilas, Miss tlene Currie. Miss Alice Watson, Miss May Thompson, Hill Hopkins llarr Kyolfson, Miss Marie Husanich, I.eo Onntali. Miss Lilian Wors fold. Hill Dyer, Dan Kristman son, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Mussalem, Mr. audi Mrs. Melh Davies, Mr. and Mrs. MrCnrmirk, Mrs, Win. Sims ajal family, Mrs. Duncan Mackenzie and family, Sergeant ami Mrs. Mcilincliy, Mr. and Mrs. .lame Hoyd, Hupert Bakery, Dave Hude-ina, Mike lludema, Mr. and Mr.. Eddie Clapp, Three (llrl Friend Mr. and .Mrs. II. (iawthorn and family, .Mrs. C 'il. Tupper, Miss F.dwina llllehey,, .Misses Lilian Long and F. Ililchlngs, Frank Aldridge and A. M. (lameroy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred fiilhuly, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. C.lassey, Mr. and Mr. D. MrOillnugh ami family, Mr and Mrs. Bert Long, .Mr. and Mrs. W. (iilrhrisl nml Mr. and Mrs. A. Iverson, I. .().!.. Nn. 2310, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKeiule, Mr. and Mrs C. .1. I.indiiuisl ami Barney, W Itaymond and mother, Mr. ami Mrs. Ben Self, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gavalier, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Hichiuonil. Diek'tlrecnweij returned from Vancouver on Ihe Cai'dena yesterday afternoon. 91 Everybody Well Pleased Everyone is astounded at the wonderful bargains we are offering, for we are determined not to take a single yard of material away with us. WE POSITIVELY CLOSE DECEMBER 24 ' ENGLISH CRAVANETTE A fahrie rniieh in vogue fur Suits or Hummer dials, in two prelty shade.. 2i inrlif!. Hepular $.'1.50 per yard. Closing Out Special, $2.75 TR I COSH AM A very popular knitted fahrie for Dresses, Mouse.-, Hlips or Underwear of splendid wearing and washing quality. ISegular $2.00 per yard. Closing Out Special, $1.25 West Phone 753 This is Our Popularity Contest 54 INCH BLACK FARMER'S SATIN It will pay you lo slock up 011 this satin at this price. It's always needed for Moomers, Aprons, etc. Regular 80c ynrd. , Closing Out 8pecial, 60c. RATINES In plain and stripes, guaranteed fast colors for House liresses, etc. Regular up to fl.00. Closing Out Special 45c per yard lo each person making up an order of Five Dollars from following Articles on Sale in our Slore. Box Chocolates, Candy, Nuts (shelled or In the shell), Christmas Stockings, Table Figs, Table Raisins or other Raisins, Navel Oranges or Jap Oranges or you can order your Christmas Turkey and leave a deposit to count on the order for $5.00. The beautiful Prize on display in our windows goes to the one getting the most voles You also get one vole for each 1.00 when you pay last month's hill The above offer is tor rash sales only. B. C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. SPECIAL SERVICES AT UNITED CHURCH Ten Wore Men Than. Women Were In Attendance Last Evening Commissioner Rich Spoke In Morning In spite of the inclemcn! weather, there was a good attendance al (he service in the United Ohurch lasi evening and, the announced idea or "More MiifrfrnXVhVn'" se'ehred lo have caught well, an olllcial census revealinv I hat men were ii. Hie majority hy ten. The program of Ihe evening consisted of anthems by a special men's choir, vocal solos hy A. Clapper- Ion and llev. liven Baker, a vocnl dtiel by J. S. Wilson and Frank Derry and a trombone solo hy W. 11. Derry. The address of I In- evening was hy llev. ft. V. Hacker, the Ionic being "Could Ye Like Men be Slrnngt" At the morning service, Com mi'ssioner llieh of Ihe Salvation ririy addressed the congregallon and there was a solo by Rev. Evan Baker. Next Sunday evening there will he a special service by the women of Ihe church. QUIET WEDDING AT LUTHERAN PARSONAGE Jack Iverson and Petra Matilda Pederson Were Marrlsd Here Saturday Evening ,, . ,, . , , . , , nr. i it. imini min-iuii'i on Saturday at a quiet wedding at the parsonae, 2l Fifth Ave. W. when 1'elra Mntilda Veilerson liecame Ihe bride of Jack K. Iverson, both of this city. Miss Atfnes Iverson wasj bridesmaid and the groomsman of England Your Chance! 50 Votes Phones 45 and 574. was Chris Winther. Following the ceremony supper was .served at the home. 113 Seventh Ave., where Mr. and' Mrs. Iverson wilt reside. LAND ACT. Notlca of IriUnOon to Apply to Laaaa Land. Id Prlnre nupm Land Rtswdlnit M-irlrt nf l'rlncp lluix-rt, and Uuate "ti nurth ntxirr r SlianiHai Bay, yuwn Charlullp Island. B.C. TAkK MiTIC.K that Juar miilln stranir and Ili.Lx-rt C nrw, or VanciMivir, fl.CM oerupallun rannrrymrn. Intt-iiJi to tinlr ri.r a Iam&a nr Itu. fnllriuln ft..i rrll"Ht rorcshorr at Shannon Bay. Ouwq cnariniip iiino: CuninienriiiF at a pM plantnt nn ttif .lvor r SImiinoii Bay alx.ui &00 trt In a RKiilliwrslcrlv (iirwtuni (nun n.nlh wot comer of Lot ISIS, uld ft U-lnj norlhvast .nirr or an nllrllnii lo pur-rhj by Jai. Fltdinir Slranit: thriirr uihrlerly rollowlnir hlirh water mark or Shannon Bay about 7 00 trel to a post rrri noiiih and 767 fwt t tt iuith-et corner or Lot 1 5 ( S ; thrnre ejl IIS. 5 Terl 10 the hlarti water mark or an llam belnir an apiillrallon to lease by Hubert C. Uo4e: Ihenee norllierly. west erly and soulhweuterly folluwlng the hlh wairr.niarK or ii liiiu to a poini vv feet south and 1153 feet west or south west ronwr I1IB-. thenee west too feet: Ihenre north SJn reet. nnire or h'SS; thenee east s reel, nior nr less to tlx pmnt or mmnieitrenient, and rontalnlnit 8 arres. more or less. ROBT. nossE and JAS. lIKLMNd STnANO. AppllranL cer w. M. 11. Mitrneii, Aaent. Oated .Novenitier tfllh. !. LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Laaaa Lan In Prlnre l 11 pert Land Beeordlnir Dlstrlrt or Coast Kaniro &. and situate on North Harhnel Islnnd. TAV'K MITICK that Alfred Swanson, or rnnre nuperi. orrnpaiion Mariner,, in tend to apply Tor a lease of the follow Inr described lands: Commencm al a post planted on the south point or Monti Harhael Island 1 then around hi ah w ater mark to the point of eominenrenient, and rontalnlnf 30 acres, more or less. ALFRED SWANSO.Y sppllranL a. k. wnrnt. sent. Dated October lh. iota. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. Racordlng Dlatrlct of Taliaraph Craak. TAKE .NOTICE that John Jacob Fowler, ui umi utintr, siiskiiiv, riiiciiert in ll'J?' K lands: pur '!'.!1 5., V,'"1.". SK Oreat Olarler, at southeast corner t theni rtinnlnr nnrih to rhalns; thence in a westerly direction to chains: thence In 1 southerly direction to chain; thence In an easterly nirrrnon to mains, tu cum llienceinetil Kt, Daltd AUfUll tut, mi. iOUX JaCOS fOWUS Store Third Avenue Offers for One Week Only Fruit Specials For the Christmas Season We have jusl received a tarsre shipment or all varieties. Fresh llallowi Dates,' per Ih. 10c Dromedary Dales, per pkg., for 45o; 3 Tnr , . S1.00 Dainty Dales. 2 pkgs... 45c Sultana Itaisins. per lb. 15c 7 for $1.00 Currants, per lb 15c 7 ror $1.00 Shelled Walnuts, halves, per lh 60c Shelled Almotids, per lb. 65c Manchurian Walnuts, per lb 25c California Son Shell Walnuts, per lb 45c Chestnuts, per lb. ., .. 35c 3 lbs $1.00 Mixed Nuts, per lb. .., 25o 5 lbs '. $1.00 Layer Figs, per lh. . . 25o 5 for ... ... ... $1.00 Table Haisins, per pkg. 30c 5 for ... $1.25 Candy, Toys, Dryfwods, French Clocks, nlsn F'resh Turkeys and Oeese, all at reduced prices. IMnre your order and be sure nf having your re. nuircmcnts fyied. Satisfaction Guaranteed Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575. Phones 18 and 84 417-43 5th Ave. Cast