" " I I II I , I SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE "WHISKY k : JnjiJ umk-i i, '('i (JuverrmK'tif supervision Hio Qmilily WJiisky of Cunadu- sinccI859 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the i. r'.,..i....l 1 1 .t .. ii . . . 1,IUUI uuuii ui nuniu ur uy ino uuvuntliiuill Ol Hriljh Columbia. Two Can dy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers Xr :t J'Hv !! Iiet in Mint ami ;iMii'l I'nul Flavors 40c lb. Purest Milk Chocolate ' 'in M Ik ! mill Milk. .ui. I Aim I ami U k. ' " . GOc lb. UKML O L.11VU 1 LIJ Tno neiall bioro. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Avenue and Cth Strecl. Phones 82 and 200 I' ! - 'i' n'liij'i ii'it f r 1 1 1 1 1 I tin nii.ili'iii. Mm. I T'lrr- ilm prompt .illi'ii';"!!. PICTURES Just arriveda large assortment of framed pictures 'l . I - I'.i'lL'l I ! I ' ' 1 1 $1,35 to $12,40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. 3rd Avonuo When Vacation Trip ....l- Ml.- I;.. I lll.ll Mill will need lilts llf ( lOilll in rliaiigi"-, (o be cool ami rotnftii table ami I.. -I. Let l ike flat- il'tflaikic! preparation off jtwr hands ' Inniillc ever thing yoi arc likely to-iitfttt, and ond 1 I I 115 V We will have it back promptly, lnillifnUy whiIhmI and ' 'T nls in jn k. t ui'i iiMt in iti r, lo, If you Imve i ni ciMii house I. Ik. Iltti t !::vt' it- look after your household . ii .hi bo piil awa. rcadv for "r rttliirn. Ph mc No, 8 i .hI we i -1 ri r. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY mimm 511 - " iiuWitb , ... COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prln-e Gooi ;c Prince Charles ror Vanrn i'.m. ,,nl ! 'i i. till ii.in., .tint V . 1 1 ; - 1 i 1 1 1 1 .( If pul'ls, ,,ml Saturday, or Anyox and Stownrt i..n.L.v ami I'mlay, 1 p.m. or Skagway 1UI.I Alaska Purls. Wednesday, A. 00 p.m. 2 . . ' t ll..if.Ai- rnnco John fur Quoen Charlotto isianas nun vuuwuu-ver. l'urlniglillv. AILV ... . pINOin TRAIN HAVK PRINCS RUPCRT r(,MONTON tDIV,0NT0N, WInViSJPA ,unU "I" ' '"p ,'rn"'' "'""V'' wmitllPio, til ihhiiU i.,i.rn i:iiml. l lillul illri H Tkk.i n... AQINOV ALL O08AN TrAM4HI1 LINES 0"'. 828 Third A.H Print luprt. riion 2C0 Uhm.. Mlllllg- tl.. ITUI'lt IIUil-rl VANCOUVtP VICTOniA, S.n.on 0.. nd Bl. Tu.id.l, '' HNCOUVtB VJ.. .. . n.u .!urill. 10 A.M. tonTXL.UCt NM- TIWART. 8und, I P.M. 1 A,;,7gN "-.NAM WW C.n;.H... rld. ,., J Local and Personal j H.G. Underlakers. Phono 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's 1'"', 50c. Phono 078. tf I Wo earn - nl vimr unrvion Khftlilon Taxi. Plione 134. If Foolhall to-night AcropolM Mill at 0.15. Storage vs. Calliett. When hack from (he holiday. Iry Valentin Dairy. Phone 657. tf For Ihc huiy man or woman, a Drown car saves money. Phone If T. J. Shenton returned to th? nly thin rnorniiiK from Surf In-Ihc l earner Catala. !t. Andrew's lJanket Picnic lo Dixliy Mand Aununl J. Iloal-leave Cf.w Hay from 10 a.m. to Our low rales have been an uilflanding swccVsg and we shall loiilinue on this hatia. Drown laxi. Phone 80. f ':.IUl. Hltfaniflr l'rinees Alice. :-il. Saintpy, arrival frotn the -itutlr thin mnroin? nl y o'clock wilh .'3 first cUmm itaHeiiier- and -mled again at 10 for Alauku l"iinli. The current issue or the Canadian National Hallways Maga mi- nKe recognition to C. K. H.r--lMli, A. Haines, ami W. II. 1 lim n of Prince Itupert for obtaining special iHisiness for the I'nuipaiiy. I Dr. i. A. Wilson and Dr. !Iipi- Darwin, who have been at-ii'iidiug the United Church pres- li.iiry uiprting here, left on lhi iiioriiiiiu's train for Prinep 'orge where Ihey will attend 1 1 In- meeling of Cariboo prcsby lery. At the regular monthly meet inv of the Hoard of Trade lo night, consideration will he given to matters that are lo he taken up with Sir Henry Thornton LHj,nt of the Cauadiu Nation al Khilways, on the occasion o In- iiil lo Ihe city next week Tin1 one tun truck belonging to ii'o. Casey which went over (he I reel yrtlerday was alvag- Iiv the Kaien (iarage, which i Ittoking after Ihe repair work While Mr. Caspy was driving the i ruck Ihe steering wheel came ''tiiiplelely nIT. leaving him no ailt-riialixe but to jump and le i-ar proceed oer Ihe bank. j'h.' The In? Alrptlo, lowing swiHers of Ions for the Prince Hupcrt Spruce Mills, cached port yesterday afternoon from Alice Ann. On her way In, Ihe tug got a fish net wound ari'iind her wheel and the tug V igwam wns despatched from here to her assistance. The net was rennneil and the lug w.i- able lo proceed with her tow. W. V.. Kidder, toy ami sleigh iiianufarlurer of KalHiiiaino. Milchtgan. and Mrs. Kidder are vi-iling on Ihe coast. Mr. Kid- ih r. who stopped otT to fish Jtt various points between .laspct Park and Prince lliiperl. express ed himself as being delighted Willi the scenery along the nor ilirrn ii m I c of the Canadian Nu iimiil and plea-ed Willi Ihe many fi-hin;j .treum.s. LABORERS WANTED. I adorers wanted at elevator. Dominion Fair Wauo scale. .Spiny ' 'in the Job. 183 Xdver'l" III 'lie DnOv New ANNOUNCEMENTS I '.Iks Flag Day imd danre lliursilay. August l;. SI, Andrew's Ladies' Itiituar. December' ?. u use Auxiliary SiMONDS SAWS t E Machine Kmves 5 I, ThcyttAy tharp longer. vrw. vnn.B MW CO, UUirtO MONTMAl H.WOtfvt T. won TO r, JOHN, N.tt. I TfTK DAILY ITEWB Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Dreakfaxt, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Itefre-liinenls Our Specially is IJorne Made lire Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Iletail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddnn's Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 131. tf Morte II. Crabj returned to th" city on the Prince Oeorge llii niornin? from a JJrlsf Irip south. Mead our ad. It may mean $10 lo you. Prince Hupcrt Transfer and Taxi. Phone 180-12- U Pal Daly, famous miner from ihe Stewart district, is a through passenger on the Prince George today for the north. Miss Grace Ackroyd returned to the city this uiorning on the Prince George, after having spent soma time visiting in Vancouver, tkish and Carry special Satur day all day until ohl. 50 bas kets Yellow Proeatoue Peaches al 50c basket. Universal Trad ing; Company. Dr. 11. C. W rinch, M.L.A., who has been in the city attending the meeting of the Preshylery of Ihe United Church, returned to Hazellon this morning. Rev. W. J. Parsons and llev .1. II. Young of Terrace, who have Iteen attending the sessions ol Hie Presbylerj" here, relurnetl to the inferior on Ihib niorninsfs train. Rt Marpole of Vancouver. whose firm has the contract fo. owing the sand and gravel from Mailings Arm for the elevator here, was a passenger arriving on Ihe Princess Alice this morn ing. J. J. Carroll, superintendent ol C..VH. steamships, returned lo Ihe city this morning on the Prince George accompanied bv Mrs. Carroll and daughter who will remain in the $ily for a -liort time. C.X.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, villi over l'OO firs I class passengers, ar rived at 11.30 this morning, hav ing been delayed down the coast by fo;t. Over 100 of the passen gers proceeded East by Irnin. The Hoard of Trade has placed largo signlsiards at Ihe Govern nienl and C.N. It. docks directing tourists to see Ihe &U Lakes, Hn!e Rapids, Shawallatus Lake. '.old Storage Plant, Dry Dock Motlakalla, West view Drive nnd view from Acropolis Hill, Slsler Mary Ludovio, who hn compleled a term or six years a Sisler Superior al Ihe Dawson lily Hospital, will arrive In Jun- euu this week to be.-onir Snperlni al St. Anne's Hospital there. Sister l.udovie has been in Van couver for a few days sine" tuning out from Dawson, Misses Gwen and Muriel Holl- by, uletes of A. It. Ilollby, nrriv- eu irwm i lie soiuiu nils liinruiiitr on Ihe Prince George- and vttj speiut some fimo in tho oity the guest of Mr. and MP?. JnU- b.v. lie,,. Ibdlby i their fHthW, Is supt'rinteiidenl mI I lie elevaloi's of the Monlretil llaibof Crtniniis sioii. in last evening' Irtilli ihero arrived Dr. II. C. Wiiirtli, M,j'..A.. iintl Rev. A. C. Pntiml of llniel-lon. Rev. V. II. Sansu'ift'.f lvls-piix, llev. mid Mis, J. II. Young or I'erniee. Mrs. t:. II, Sawle ami Idlin Newtek from llaielloti, ami Rev. W. J. Parkins frpni Ter race lo nllettd ulislriet jneeliu in the I'tuliMl CIiuitIi Jiere and later tn attend the first meet inner the Presbytery (r the I'm led Church Prince Rupert Dis- Scandinavians invited. Swedish service tonight in Swedish Lutheran Chfirch, 274 Ninth Avenue Mrs. V. II. Nickers anil daugh ter Kvelyn are enjoying a holiday at the Prince Hupcrt can nery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and family were Passengers on todays train for Terrace where I hey will spend a couple of weeks holidaying. Union steamer Calala, Capt. Johnstone, arrived from lha south this morning at 8:30 and sailed soon afterwards for Xaas Iliver points. Members of the Faid Doard are looking over the Exhibition building and grounds this afternoon with the idea of havintr re pairs and improvements made in time for Ihe Fall Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McTaggart of Anyox, who have been holiday ing in Terrace, relumed lo the city on last night's train and will proceed north on Ihe Prince George tonight. Charles L. Youngman is ser iously ill in Ihe Prince Ruper? General Hospital. He was in charge of tho local liquoi store while William Millar was awav on holidays. The latter va called back from Hazelton ami irrivcd in the city last night. COMPLETED TRIP. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Lieul. Leigh Wade, U-S. world flyer. and Linton Wells, New York, Ihe first men to cross the United Stales in an automobile without stopping, made the 31)25 Irip in IG5 hours and 50 minutes. Thev started al Los Angeles and fin ished here. DAMAGE TO BEATRICE. VICTORIA, Aug. 7. The keel of the Princess Iteatrice was lamaged for about 52 feet and Ihe hull suffered strain as a re sult of the vessel hilling Louise Rock in the Skeena River la Monday. It will take al least week to repair the damage. TO OPEN DRY DOCK. VANCOUVER, Aug. 7. Hon Dr. J. II. King, federal minister of public works, will open the new sixteen thousand ton dry dock and shipbuilding plan! of Ihe Durrani Dry Dock Co. here on Monday. GAME CALLED. The Gyros and the Sawmill played two innings in their chedulcd baseball game las evening when the match wns called on account of rain. Th Sawmill was leading when Ihe game was called. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prlnco Rupert. Thomas A. D. Ferris and W. . Oswald, Vancouver; P. M. 01-en, Phelan; H. O. Murrill. Wal- kerville. Onl.; S. C. Pepper, llerkeley. Cat.; W. F. Diuns and W. 11. Ross, Halmoral; Mrs. T. Hall. Salvus East: Mrs. C. 11. Sawte, New Hazelton; Rev. and Mrs. .1. II. Young and family Terrace; John M. Kelley, Ade lanlo, Cal.; Paul ' Roscoe, Lake Heiiton, Minn.; Joseph Kelley. Verdi, Minn.; Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. SMITortl and daughter, Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MeTaggarf. Anyox; Mrs. W. H. Eraser and F. II. Eraser, Toronto; Dr. Wtl-( Ham Sager, Port Essington. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Roberl Parks desires to express her sincere thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy and floral tribute re ceived in her recent bereavement.1 SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "-3" will leavo the Prince lliiperl Doalhouso on Thursihiy, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. and on oilier week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. , PRINCE III PERT 1IOAT110USK Phone 381. tkWVlkvjaaV ilal.'i I 1ft art7 .ntTUJJkl grim CATARRH of th BLADDER S,JtTw. RchCiD9it niin'A riii"ifi-iiVir)W' The flavor that children love. What a tribute to the flavor of Kel-logg's Corn Flakes so sweet, crisp and golden-toasted. No other food in all the world can have the joyous flavor of Kellogg's. Serve Kellogg's with milk or cream. All ready to enjoy. No cooking. Alto delicious with fresh or preserved fruit. Get from your grocer all grocers sell Kellogg'i. All restaurants and hotels serve them. Make this compari$on ! Compart th flavor of KNoffa Cera Flokflt with any roodT-lo-tftt cereal and you! approcUta hr Ktllof t out alia all otbvri. CORNFLAKES I gllUL tfT I US' I CORN W 'JAKES CP ft lETCHIUX. WRAfiCr.il, JUNEAU, SIAGWAY ftr VANCOUVER. VICTORIA id SEATTLE Si. PRINCESS JURY Ik P A PAG THREE i J .' LUJ! ALWAYS fft(fff fat (gf imtr gW! afift wrafgwr prtrrt laa asi htf UU tttj-cvua. Tki U mm gcfui t tslUgM H' ' SALMON TROLLERS Ilcfore outfitting it will pay you to inspect our line of Trolling Gear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our stock you will find everything you require Anchors, Ropo, Chain, Marino Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper. Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's fur (he boat we have it. Duals are lost every year by fire have you got your Pyrcno Flro Extinguisher yet? We sell them. Call ntuf sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Host Office) Icanadian VIIWT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Arl 7. 10. 17, 21, 28, II Anul 5. 8, 12. IS. 22. 26 For Buttdalt. Swamon Bay, Etit BIU Btlla, Octan Falla, Namu, Atari Bj, Campball Rlar, and Vancour aiary Saturday 11 a.m. Sgtncy for all Staamahrp Llnta. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qantral Agent. Cornar of 4th Straat and 3rd Atanua, Prlnca Rupart, B.O. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED - to building next door to Fnzzcll Itutrher Shop, aiross from tho Kmpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor