M,inueiie in Mamlo i i'prem-nle.1 m the '.innnn ly T. A J ni.-1 leader, of the 1'ro-"d wlilelila iatd to V d ..f lroff"iMe ae- Woman Dies of Heart Talluro I; I; He III: mltea of Storekeepers nuittty HOME TO BE REDY BY NOVEMBER I IHll'l - I,,,. II lliilill Jttillat.l fill' '"; "'"I'O iiuip,' hmiiii ut Ihu- 1,1 'lineellim win, die lio-' ''..,. !,, j,,,,!,!,,, W,,r, , "-v f slnicliire, I niiipleied ,! ri,aiv or '""y by November IS nf P t ent veu National League llrooklyn I. Pilibtirg 5. Philadelphia 3. Chicago I. N. w York I. Cincinnati 9. Motion I. l'oui American Leaguo Chicago I'. Doslon 0. Dciroii I. New York 10. Cleveland I. Philadelphia fl-fl si. lou.- Washington in COAL INDUSTRY .lit. iiiif, in arrir in nir i ..-. ' 1 .. i I ...li --..1 n.. f.nm Vnnmmvir this on .Moniiav H irnui uii " uj 4". ... iuen uamago uono 10 rre- M ,hp K,ai Vancouver BASEBALL Ihev will return eael from Vancouver over the G.N.IL and lake a Cun- "N. Aub. 7. t The , teainr from Monlrenl for ! ' 'mciI alornv in thP'0 rcmrn voyage home, .lame " ' ' -iy held the dialridt in i.miimiii, general paaeenaer a i .r ftvp hour J'!"' - aaonl of the CN.lt. nl Monlrenl I ' i liiuider and liahlnitig i. ih-.voIiiic with I lie uarty and 'ininiiiii by n reei'rd I Morion died of heart storekeeper milferwl - of dollar diun'age l Mi ii epllnr heiiw IIimmI- BETTER RATES BEFORE CROP Mayor Taylor of Vancouver Takes Hand In Freight Rates HQhV VAN;orT.ll. Vim 7 MTiviir J; D. Taylor bus wired Premier n -i.-ong appeal tor entinli-'i-'Mglil rnle before i i in emu oonnnenre lo l bl leleuinm. Hie '"mile Hint he will lake 'ie in calling n great "' f"i" of nroledl by cili- ' Nnnroiiver and aurroiind-J' and iivnnleipnlltleM. HAZEI.TON HOSPITAL llllnnn.. arnuainting Ihem willi diireron' Tart of interest on t'.anada. SUBSIDY PASSED; I MOUNTIES TO HAVE mil 1 ' . i Arthur Meighen.V lliy the t-el lo a tree and iefl tr. (...nservativ oniMi- freie to death. The delay , ,f-r.itc. what lie celled ..I F armor all.anor and ln-m for what lie KINGSTON HAS SEVERE STORM ; BRITISH TEACHERS A party of about 35 Itritis'i (.chool teacher travelling from London. Kngland. under the nu- . ...... r I'.,. pire oi i lie inio ui .- I . .u I I. Mill. atuiietlati wf U14ll'-wkbllCBf, Wfrtinst the tribe. Death fjnie from esjMure wlieu he wa I ietl the (rial ha been became an im- portaM wilne. of the crown, a" ntir II CDC MftWDAV Indian woman named Lucy, han uul iiLiL munuai munvni : : . v wlien .,, ,h ,h ,,r,.4. Uf a- a .onspirary to de-J uuujiunu bm, lt,hltul fi-.al tiu lure of the' . loner were brought out and liu Party or Thirty-Five win arrive rou(j no, lK iruUg(i here until by Train and go South by u,i, ,uminer. She and a woman Steamer interpreter are now II u pert. in Prince IidL T. V. Sandy-wuniicn. who wa in charge of Hie Hoya1 Canadian Moulded Police de iBChmenl wliieh brought the In dian out lal fall, arrived in tb ing. morn 'Oilier cice lo come up at Ibis aMle are an alleinpled murdci charge again.t Fauina Pena as a result of a brawl among mem ber of Hie crew of I he steamer Curacao at Slewarl and a ebarue of theft again! a Smither man named Kdi.uii who i lo tie iie- fended oy L S. M'tiill. SHOOTING PRACTICE I AT TELKWA RANGEj Capt. T. V. 4sandy8-Yunseh.i R.C.M.P.. was an arrival from Vancouver on the Prince George; this morning. He i here to con-, duel an annual shooting course Tor men or the Itoyal Canadian Mounted Police in this district and will proceed tomorrow with Inspector A. K. Acland lo Telkwa where the shoots will be held, that place having a good range. I hey will be back in t lie course or fix e days. Wunseh is a revolver shot or some renon and holds Conservatives Unite In a world V record. Labor and Supporting Ton n.n.... Pounds Subvention Voto LONDON. Aug. 7.- Hy f ;iM lo III. Hie I'""'" ('f Y" " approved of the mons yesterday supplementary es-limale KOMM-nm-nf Tor lO.OOO.MOO pounds as I., the coal mill UK i .ilioi- nulled wilh the r dive in suppo'li" ".0 Mil,, which was a slipulallon In eimneelion wiH. the se llemenl coal slriKC. r It... Ilnealcncl Sergeum .leb-o... 1U M ri-lurnod In Hie H'v U' ",(","", fnwn Ocean l a'' NEW YORK FUR SHOP ROBBERY $100,000 Bandits Herd Employees Into Basement and Escaped With Large Amount or Loot N'iV YORK, Aug. 7. Five robber today held up the store and rnetnry or the Harry lllclweis Co., manufacturing furriers, iierueii six employee into me Giants basement nnd escaped with furs valued nl l(HMHMi. Advertise In the Dally News r In.. .. BOSTON GRILL 2 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhar at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Motel, 3rd Ava. parties. and 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. XV NO. 1 82. V tl. I'lilXCK Hl'I'EI.lT. H.C "HIIAY. Al'fil ST 7. 1025. VtlUrOr'i Circulation 160T Slratt Salt 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS. SEATTLE HAS IIS BIGGEST BLAZE IN YEARS RESUMPTION OF COAL INDUSTRY WILL FOLLOW AGREEMENT IN NOVA SCOTIA Coleman Creosote. Co. Plant is Destroyed in Bad Waterfront Fire LIARD RIVER ! MURDER CASE Five Indian Prisoners Will Arrive Here on August 19 to 1 Face Trial . .. , t i . ' . . Seen prisoner arc lo have T1I'K- A" I , 0,!r ''reiiicn were injiirtMl: one special- 1Plr CJIM. ,,(.all wjll at , cofl, l,- eageri.os to see Hie UUite, fell Into Hie harbor and was ,,nuation of .he summer assues .ml damage of nearly hair a million dollars wa Hie wllM.( wH, op. ,ere on 'ire which destroyed the Oilman Creosote Work lier jy ,erore Mr Julk-e li Mi.- II was the fii.l time in two jeaM lhal a general ripe' ,,,,. L' w Paimore'oY It.. . -minded here. All the nl a fire righting equip- wi fUf prow;ute and the am i wo fire lug were ucd before Iho fir was riiiHll) juf,inn who acld when the nder cl"nl- jemirl Marled in June will aa:n he called upon. MEIGHEN IS ON RAMPAGE; Challenge So - called Liberal-. Ftrmtr Alliance In T. A. Crorar'e Riding VI I KF, Aug 7. In the ! RUSSELL SCOTT WILL NOT HANG; FOUND INSANE r.llir.MJil, Aus. 7. Hu-Scott, former Canadian financier, who wa eiileticrd to hang .for Hie murder of a Chiraao drug clerk, won hi last fight In eea!N Hie gal-lyw when Jndze David that evening found him lraiir uixt riMiiMiUtetl huii lo an n-vlum. The outstanding cae will be Hie murder charges against five . Llanl River Indian -four men! .'did oil woman. The prisoner.! who have been at Okalla mnc.;! 4 they were, brought out last fall by the Itoyal Canadian Mounted Police, will arrive here on Hi" morning or August I'J from tin Louth. They are charged with Hinting murdered an Indian boy, Viol or Wastelia Moccasin, at : Thirty-Mile liar. Hard Uiver. on 'April t, 1023. The ly was kill- 'ed, it la charged, because he wai Modern trauiortalioii in Hie Yukon. A motorcycle on riinnr, prupotled by a chaiu-i-overed wheel, cover a i!75-inile Irip in fourth of the time taken by a four-hore team. United Church of Canada in Prince Rupert District is Instituted at Meeting Here During yesterday Hie former Port Smi-p-on and llazeltou district oi the Mollndisl Church met in this city and transacted husiup leading up to Hie handing over of affairs to the newly formed United Church of Canada. There was also a conference with former member of the Presbyterian Church presbytery. At O.ao lu.-f evening a sumier was served at which delegates lo the I'nited Church presbytery mid n goodly nnmbertif inem-J hers of the I tided Church in I'rinre Iltipert joined together. r" rr- ! : ' 'I Hev. (i. (J. Hacker presided. CASSIAR HAS GOLD REALLY Shipments Arriving at Wran-gell Said to Provo Paying Proposition WRANQELL, Aug. 7 That gold is being taken In paying quantities from the Telegraph Crook, district, despite previous reports that the spring stampede Into the Caspian district was a fiasco, was proven when first shipments arrived here yesterday by boat down the Stlklne River. Some claims on Gold Pan Creek are reported to bo paying from S25 to $30 a day per man. Nows of tho gold really coming out of the country has resulted In many persons who abandonod claims rcstaklng them. PHILLIES AND PIRATES LEAD Cincinnati Rod. Going Strong In National Lenguo Senators Down In American - NKW YORK. An jr. 7. The Cin- Dr. . A. Wilson, former in St. Andrew' Church, Yan-couver, and more recently suier-intendent of missions for the Presbyterian Church, in the course of an address at the sup per, stressed the necessity of Jbe United Church continuing (o put forth every effort to keep the church a leading factor in the life of the northern country. Me i. poke of Prince Rupert as-being the logical centre oX the new l.resbyleiy and said that Prince . . . . . . i. 1 ...I I not needed so that isolated, place Dial had not had ministers lulglil be fully manned. Withdrawal of Militia and Opening of Mines Monday is Announced HALIFAX, Aug. 7. The signing of a six months' interim -oiih-a.-t. wiHnli-iiwal of the militarv from the Cine Hretou min ing areas. riM-ommeiii emuut of work on Monday and the appointment of a commission to investigate the entire coal mining in dustry are development which il is expected will occur in rapid succession a a result of the agreement of the 'Uritih Empire Steel Corporation and their miner employees. lo accept the government proposals for a return to work after five mouths of idleness. , SYDNEY, Aug. 7. The miners and Hie sleel company sign ed the contract today and work will resume on Monday. HORACE DU VERNET THREW HR Wf EC Urges Prohibition s- l.C. Silver Dr. II. C. Wi'lnch of Hazeltnu,' Daly Alaska in a short address, urgcdlllie pco- Hiuellon ... pie lo still keep as their ideal L. & I.. ...... national prohibition. Dr. W-rincb Premier IS REVISITING CITY " " " "m fiPF Rfl&T m THEN Former Local Resident Is Now VIA Will AllLlIl ,"lr TOOK TO WATER Horace DuYernet arrived on -- yesterday s Irain tn Ureenville.i Petersburg Authorities Invest!-' Swulh lUirolina. afid is the guest gating Report Brought to oT his mdThe"r,.''Alrs. F. 31. DuJ Them by Young' Girls Yerhet. He is on a business trip! in Hie interest of bis firm,! PKTKHIIL HO, Alaska. Aug. 7. Messrs. Hudson A Itigby, whole-! FeiK'ral i ajdhorilie stated -ale lumber merchants. They yesterday that two girls, five and are oue of the oldest firms-op-! three years of age, had informed crating in Dixie Land. ithem that Tom Rise" had beaten Mr. Du Y'erent, who was one of, his wife on board af boat and the pioneers of Prince Rupert,! thrown her overboard, then left two years ago for the south .juiutiins himself inlothe water lo take up a position under his leaving the children on the mov- cousin, Robert Parker Du Y'crnet, later on going into the lumlier business. He is charmed with the south and Hie southern people. He was struck with their politeness, hospitality and the religious atmosphere prevalent everywhere, lie believes there is a wonderful future for the south as it is now coming into her own. Mr. Du Yernet travels through the states of Maryland. Virginia Teunesse. North and South Car olina and Georgia and, speaking or the liouor law. he is yet to Hud I the Hrst drunken man. prohibition is I here to stay Tor ever, he says. Mr. Du Yernet will go south Rupert people had a great parti Sunday, returning to South Car lo play in setting a high standard olina by way 0r the northwestern or morals and religion Mr the states norlh country. The eyes of a the people oT Hie district would1 be on Prince Rupert. Dr. Oliver Darwin, ror.mer superintendent of Methodist Mission, followed Dr. Wilson. Hav ing relumed recently from a nlo-j tor trip on the prairies, Dr. Darwin said he was confident thai PREMIER MINE TO RAISE CAPACITY OF CONCENTRATOR The concentrator at Hie Pre- i mier mine is t. be enlarged so ai least len muiityi peoo. n ww.nu j( W1 ,,,,, mtn, ,iau 4(l0 settle on Hie praise wilhiit a few, 0! ()f on, ft (a). aceonuK ,0 years. Then Prince Rupert wou dj,,,, mmncemenl made in come into its own. Industrially. Vancouver bv R. W. Wood, pre and commercially. He also stres- , . , . ,. Premier tlol.l Min sed Hie necessity or the church ),K rimviivg a trip ut in measuring up to its new t'lHir-lH,,clio, ,( t,e ,,ro,,el-tv. luuilies. Men should be released from districts where they were STOCK MARKET einnall Reds, by trimming the (a.(( emphatically that all re-i Porter Idaho"'.. New York Oianlynsterday, are, .t experiments with Ihe 'hand-. Silver Crest ... now but three and a half gamcsj ,lfr or linuor, Including govern-.Surr Inlet behind the Giants white Ihe , men! control and beer parlors. Terminus Pittsburg Pirate, winning fromjhmi been a failure. He gave In- Dunwell the llrooklyn Dodgers, widenedl stances where In some section Marmoi Metals the gup tit Hie top nnd ale nowj0f . united Slate. South Caro- Rufu two hair games ahead of lliu.Htin particularly, prohibition was Granny proving fully successful. One Howe Sound The Philadelphia Americans man had reported, nfter travel- Selkirk. lire leading Washington In the ling eighteen months through Gladstone American League penuanee race slates where prohibition wns In llayview by one full game. c.oruinued on Pire 6. .Ind o Hid Asked 1.30 .21 .01 .02 .2114 .31 2.27 U!!5 .IDV, w2 If. Vi . I i .05 Vi H 1 .51) 2.0(1 .IS .12 JO" 13.00 15.00 20.00 .01 .03 ?14 ?n ,h5 .oim .00 .07 tug eralt. ltie vessel ueaciieu itself and the girls ''crawled ofr when the tide lowered and walked to a cannery three miles dis-t-tant. The authorities arc drag- gins Wraugcil Narrows south of here for the bodies, tine or the ; children staled that her parents i had been ilrinkiiiu. BARON BYNG IS j ON WAYSOUTH Governor General Returning to Civilization After Trip to Northwest Territories WIN.NIPLO, Aug. 7. After a journey of thousands of miles which carried It i in to the fur thermost regions of Canada's northern hinterland. 1 hi run Hyng of Vimy, Governor General of t'.anada, is ,on his way back lo ci iliiulhut. It was the Hrst lime that such a trip was ever undertaken by n Governor General and. in the course of the journey, the parly encountered much or the hardship experienced by the scattered population ot the north country. FURIOUS STORM AT SASKATOON Tops Ripped orf Cars and Wire Services Interrupted Crops Damaged SASKATOON. Aug. -J. districts in Northern Sas katchewan were visited by a ter- rifle wind and diall storm yesterday. The gate ripped the lop tiff three cars of) a Canadian Na tional freight train, caused damage In dm telephone and telegraph service nntj forced passenger iraln to remain here 33 minutes while H(e "dorm passed, There was considerable damage o 'he e ipg