i "Demers" CLEARANCE SALE for GENUINE BARGAINS. Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 DANCING i At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINQS from 8 to 12 midnight. 1 'Daiieo 1 0c J for J-'reo Admis-inti. L. J. WARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, Hie Kreat lady iireiiol'Ks' from Jerusalem, will read yotir head like ttn open honk. She will li'll you all tilioul your ptiHt nml present. Ilon'l miss this great op-?iorlunlfy. 820 Third Avcnuo West. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST HclQorson Block, Prlnco .Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 0. X-Ray Sorvlco Phono C86. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnlngs Under the city's new waicr bylaw which went into euPi t on August 1 and on whiph pharcrs this month are based, there arr several new features with which many consumers may nol yp have familiarized themselves Under (he bylaw, the waler service connection is increased A one-half inch service now rosls $15; three-quarter inch. $18, and one inch, $21. Eari house is required to have a sep arale service and water account; in future will be kept in the name of the owner and not o'j the tenant. Those consumers who are) supplied through meters will nolice an increase In the rale as, the minimum cost per 100 cubit feel is raised from 13c to 20c The schedule operates on a sliding scale from 1500 cubic feet al 20c per hundred to 100,000 cubic feel or over al 5c. The minimum monthly charge for any service will be $1. A) I rales are subject to a discount month except, where payment U' made six mi in I lis or more in ad-1 TIMBER SALE, X 7208. Sealed Tender will be melted lit the Minister of Land nol later than noil) m the inth day or AniniHt. 195, for toe purrhase of l.lrenre X?oS. to rut IM.-mii lineal feet of Cedar roles and THisi n an area initiated aixwii inree mre lUth and arro rHer from nemo- station. lunj-e :.. roast Msfrlrt. Two ! year will be auoweo tor re- nval of timber. Further tartirnlart of the cnier rore- ler. Victoria. B.C., or imirlrt rtireater. rriiire ltutert. p.t.. TIMBER SALE, X 7342. Sealed Tender will le rereUed by the Minuter of I. and- not later than De n on the lh day of Atimst. I9JS. for thr t'lirrlu-e of l.lenre X73I. to rot i.isu.-WO feet of Cedar. Hemlock. Pal.am and prure on an area situated no MOe inlet adjolnlna; Milton Biter. Iiantre i. Coail liuirlrt Tw ' i vear win tie allowed ior re moval of timber. Further particular or the i-nier tnret-Vl lorla. B.i .. or Dll:1ct Forester, Prtm-e ruipert. B C IN PROBATE. IN THC SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA, tn the Matter or the Admtnif Iratlon Art and In the Matter of the F.Mate of Jark Uirh) torr. rieceaned Inteaiate. TAKF. SOTICF that lT order of III Honor F. VrB. Ynnr. made the I till itar ,f jntv. A.fi Ists. I w-a atxvSnted Ad rnlnlOrator or Hie entnle or 'ark Chrlatorr. doceased. and all parlle narinjr riainia leaint the Miit eiaie are iM-reny required to fiirnlh auie. iicrly veriried to nie on .ir befnre ihe loth day of Auru'l. .! !:. and all partle-i Indeljled to tn- tale ir reoiilrrd tl pav tne amount or their Indcbtedm-" !' me forthwith Si'llIM" WATT, orri'-ial Admltiloinitor I'rlnep Biilert. B.C. tiati'd the 'h da or inR. ijr. V F IfuGilion Tripf JWdsummer km.TaaValll.il' fH aaafaaafataaaatfaH s Round Trip Excursion Tickets To all principal Eaattr a ClUra on sale daily to Sept. 15 Final return limit Oct. 31 Liberal atopover prtvUrgra ang or returning Vi'ai'f the lolkt "back Eaif now while th fare are low Low fareaalao to Zlon National Park mnd Yotlowatona National Park Aak for frea booklet, deacriptivt of thcaa t imwi rcaurta W. H. OLIN 1 & P . Union Station Seattle, Wn. L?ONTAiwc NOALUhJ FAMOUS WATERLOO BRIDGE MAY FALL INTO RIYER SOON into the river this year, the Lon don County Council was told by ('. A I. Mnntiin? iin Pii"ineer of ten ner cent if paid on or be- wh( Mjl ,u, woul (lar fore the fifteenth of the current ! South eighty vance, when a discount of fi I'p',,J-jiam?." per cent will be allowed. I While 11..:.'' iver,i'-p in ih Oailv N'pw m TIMBER SALE, X 7252 Ihfrr HI lw ..rfen-d tor sale al Public Aurtion. at 'ii itie I31U day ol Aurusi, ii. in tin- (irrire of tlx lorai l;anitT, llurn Ulr, .:., ttw Llrrnri! XiJii. In rut I j, iido Jarkiiiiw Tin uii an iirra llualnl i miirs Mtvin ui nipwi lallm. Canadian .Nilunul lullai. lianff 0. i:t HiMrlt'l. Two 3. yir will ttr allowed for re-nmvil r llmlier. Provide anyone unable lo attend the union in tx-rsou may miIhiiII a ieaUtd H'lKler to br opeix-d at the lor of aftc linn and treated a oe bid." further iiarlh ular- uf the Chief Fore ler. Victoria. B.i:.. or IMslrtrt loreater. ITtnfe ltiieri. ux.. i v i 1 1 v - 'ft.- r . . . on I lie rirst sign or collapse n will be closed. The assault case against Solo mon lireinwane was adjourn ed Ibis morning in the police ourt until Monday. TIMBER SALE, X7199. Sealed TendT- will !, received by tfce Mitrirt rreier uoi lairr inau noon on itw Jilh day of SiiKii-t. Iii. for UK- purctoM- oi urvare V;i. Hlnaled mar .a A Seoaratii4i I'olul. Toliuie '.oauitrL CJt. i. to rut isl.ouo feet board rueMure ol lnire, Ledar. Hen tor a. awl Mloam saw- Two year will le allowed for re-luoval of tttiiber. Iiirtlier fartlruUr, of thr Chief Fores ler, Victoria, or the blatrtrl Foreaier. trance linpert. n.C. LAND ACT. Notlta of InUnllon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Skeena luhgr S Land Iinuirl, Prinn IiuimtI, li.C. ami alluale luu yards north .1 Winter Harbor, Peare Inland. B.C. TAkt MHICt that tlir lanadlan F1h-in if ua. Ltd- ol Vaucouter, B.c, utcuia lion, satiipja Uamaars. mieoda to for niilion to lease the following dr rrttied -lands :-- UifMiiieiH-inir at a lol planted l nuu waler tnark 40 fret froin rock ou anurr hue: Iheure aat one chain: I he nee north e hundred ami twenty rlmltu; Iheure uKl ti. ...i.i'e lliw ihh- dMIH: ineoce 4 aoutterly illn-rll.ni followrlnr the Mitre me io xini in conuncureuiein. ana cini-laiollik llv arrc. lieire or leea. TIIK CAIAIiIA HjlllMi CO. LTI fiatol 1th Wat )A LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land in lui.iir Ijii.1 outrirt. Iiecordtnr 1I inrt l-rlii'-e liuieri, is.r. . arel annate north or Ioiflli Bay. Portland l anai. TAk'E M'lTli li thai the Canadian full ine i'ji I lii of Vancouver, li t... orruna tlon. Salmon aimer, mlenda to apply ror nnllon to Irate the roiiowint ue rlliMl taml!-- commeticinr at a t planted al liirh waler tnark. ton yard nooth or Indian moke ImiIim-- ItHlirn northeaat IHM rhaln: theni-e noulheaat one hundred ami tweiilv rlMtint: llaeiiee M-nthwe-t to hoi line one rttalu: Iheure norllrwwt rolhtw Inar llm uliore line lo ftoinl or commence meni. one nniKireii aim twenty mam, air rontaliilnr twelve acre", inoce or lri. THE t:ANAIUA FI8IIIM1 en. I.II tialed mih Mv t0& LAND ACT. ! Notlca ot tntantlon to Apply to Purthaaa 1 1. ana 1 ... t In Skecna llanre ft Ijind fiecnntlnr lt Itrlct or ITince llufiert, B.C., and situate 1 Ha-lac k I'land. ifrioh or Wale lilaml. 1 II r. I TAKT N'lTICK llwl the Canadian Fluli ; Hit; ' .. t Id., or VW"iir. B.C... occuri I Hon, sitrnon Cannern, Inlenda to apply ! ror ('rmili lo p'lr'hafe Ihe fnllowinx IdexcrllM-d lamln: , t r.ouuiH-ncinr at a nat rlanlcd at blirh 1 water jnark on went Miore r l.llack Inland; thence norlh iieven rhaln j thence can even chnln: tltenre aonlh I ni'n ciinln: thence we" I seven elialna 1 and C'lnuiiiinr five cre. more or lr I TUP CA1AIUA nslllMIl CO. I.TO i Oated !nd Vav 'oas TIRE S! Owiii In Ihe uiipreie dented advain t s in eruile rulilier and pulton, lire price aro rapidly advancing. Ijnlil Hiilurday, Aupisl Hlli, we will sell tires at July lisl. Iiniiiedialely Miereurier 11 fifteen per eenl udMllici' takes effeel. Savo Monoy Buy Tires Now S. E. Parker Ltd. HALIFAX HERALD HAD I NOT ALL THE FACTS Item Loadlno "P 10 Editorial Attack on C.N.R. Wore Fully Explained by Now Qlas- . gow Eastern ' .. - In regard, to the cdilorial Private Cars in Canada," reprinted recently in the Daily New- from the Halifax .Herald, a 'oca? reader has forwarded to lie "dilor n copy of the New Masgow Hasten) Chronicle which farther explains die incident that (oil up to the editorial bemn wnifen in the eastern paper. The Halifax Herald, which is n strong nservalivo paper, apparently eued on the item from the Knt-t in t'lironiele to launch air nt-t3 k on the C.N. It. management before tlie facts were fully known. The liaslern Chronicle says it is .really too ad that the Halifax Herald chose for a i. xt. to base an attack mon pri-i alc ears, that imrticular 1tenV from the Hnitlerii Chronicle. We are thoroughly in accord with the Herald, on the question of pri- ale cars, a pernieioi sflem ' (hat was Introduced into publip r . :, .." ' , ,, life in Canada by pr.fligat Tory hee,, allownl at 2.8tP. ugain-l iu fiiernio iirHOir nirtj- inn i;ui .. i... .. ... . ., .. London in danper if thousand tons of masonry uddenly collapsed into I he the County Council en gineers deny there is cause for alarm just yet fhi-y admil Hip bridge is slowly sinking. Almost hourly examinations are beinv made lo determine the exact condition of .the historic bridge, and I itlllll l.lli:, niliwurtiia v. ii".' (ui- nmril iiit- otviil.tliij, . i i.. . ii. n r.. .,u ...tt.IlM .... t.:... r.. I urm io iiihhii. tin nj iiiii. riMiipeiin.iir: nun mi - i-a sentiment in Canada is concern-J which will be occasioned Hip site ed, a Ion? (Imp prior to any I.ih-Juf hii stnimlp miU tbrouuli I he ernl advent lo jower. j raising of the w.1ler m Poweh We also nRiee with what Ihe l.kt eighteen feel. The arbi! Herald says ab"id the railway rators were J. P. Stiuih, K.i.. Moloch, whfch was wished uponl inlaid lioiiaj.li), and J. A. W.ni ltnada by a Tory froverniuent, Hell and which Is t"day a terribh I hi rile n of taxation and n drplor-l FISH SALES. able hindrattce to trade. I loth, are nood subject f attack when nroperly idaeed and im fair ateslion of fault in . . a al ab at- Aaam f I n an lady act UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Crosby Marine .Mission; Ilev. V II. Pierce of I'nti Ksaiugloii; Ilev .1. C. Spencer nMlella llt'lla; Ilev America rlcan filidys w t.00 at'ip. s i Heralds use of the tiera is that Melum, H.oon at it was iiftl in-flelail correct. Xor. lo Canadian Fish 0 and 0" samples of Oie pernicious con-! to Canadian Mh Ami Cold Hlor- rtilions nnd practices placed tip-! age Co., on Canada by Tory rule which ill Trinity 3J.OO0 at 10 ami e lit is very difTieull for her to re- Hoyal Fish " cover. IIih reanon we resrrei lliei ananian was il iiilended to convey such 'ape Co. an interpret ion as Ihe llerald in Mayflower. 1.500 at 10.70 and it anxiety dedupted. The earifi.50 lo At Iin Fisheries. was not .Mr. Fraser's liul Super- intendpnt Martin's of I lie Ftst-ern Hivisimi of Hip C.N.H., which 10.00 and 7-A Geld rlor- OOLD ORC MINIKO CO, LTD. (Hf.L) MiTIi fe I HKHF.nY OIVEt that the . i ..... t. I .rimetm he graciously sent lo Truro as Mineral srte nutroi," irni.h ..lunHiia, a special complement, knowing .1" FZZm..' that Ihe train upon which Mrs fif. Jj VS eraser was travelling reached not m rrrdaor with the actual 'a t " cMtdllPn- has notified the undei Minlrv tl Hip unitPdmiiitrl V Aionasier ai me iinseemuiKiy, wrw(Ji wiBi,ut tmn. mtv nsn hour of two o'clock in Ihe morn-' ineurau a4 m pur.iwhce f s"'i; t , , ... , , I alineral nrj . lameol Ail. intr. from which station a driv", i.iwpirr io. k.i.. b.i: itft. fiasta u of twenty miles to (Juysboro UrJt,!:Z ",,Ml"M to be undertaken, vve reitnd our. Thai ttr aui rr L r-,,fT: . . careless jliarc ill the incident, the Miniafr of Mlm-a a iVialled rer.rt and nml ami il 11 wouiu wnlllil lii. ne an an llllirr.llpflll uiiKr.iuiui c.UHiel,l . naieinmia .mmhi,, m naminni a certaia i" pnb putitilrv 1 1 1 .1 1 u-oulil find anv SUK- lleatlon iiretltaled in the Prmilice of lull - - . ,..i...,., 1 .... . 1 . n. . . in Iwm. OI which ix.hrlt the vale of abaret In the of I tip ald k4d ore Mluinf . LW. V ' ' 01 tne M "v said adirrtuemrnl adiertlMWnl l beaded BOol Ora" '""""J " ftnd So Worthily entitletl as the and a leaiimir paratraph read' aed widow of the late Lieut 'oernor of Nova Seolia. la -imkinc ot Ihe Mile T. up or claim tirii-nain to lb ikikt ore MluMit Mi. l td.. 'J'Sni the linn' lyta Utta. to ta Tliere are. lo ditinn vehta i In M l"l can tie Irared tor four nTm dred feet i II Ihe aiirrara.' " Tlie aald RealdMI l.nciiierra con.aiit f ai nniainr Milrtr- nw n Brtl anF f n Ilt .flarrtvlnr fMaVa1 in rniraoc nurtni uioir.oi "..fH, ,r, fc,, , pri rut 1 it IS INSTITUTED AT MEETINQ and the i inn ha, thiw etiti HERE. icotitiiiued from page one) effeel drunken man. Followin iiieeliiiK oT Hie new A a held. Ilev. i Prince llupert was elected chair-nwin of the presbytery anil Ilev. trace 11 tor a oiaiaore 01 luwi iw i-" said adver!iefliet)l in the aatit pari- arai rontain the rotlnwinr warda: 'One vein vaiiea In wullh frotu I In 30 feet while the other runt from 10 lo If tret." lh. U-4tAnt lnaineaea entlHIient that he had nevpr seen a here folio. The norm tean hhiw a mineraniro width or approatmately in feet. Tlie oulh Ihe 111c dinner the ...t first vein varie. irn m int reel in widin .,i,-rii.n.ni in l be line eara- lresliVtei rrar.h ecmlalna the rollowlnf word uu, ,,f -oprM rul on IIb' e vein at dllfeieiil iincKer 01 ,na.nc, i hown an averare or 11 ler than (Hi.eo to the Ion M tluld. Sliver I and lad." I The Itealdetil (.hftneajr'f con mien t herr V. J. Parsons of Terrace.: "' A ,ve'rae aampie taken acn.M tin sppiclnrv TI10 lialiince (f HlO ,,f ""' "npc ainwil on 01 tu stciti.iry. 1 ue o.iiiint,p a ,wttrtt fw t wWUl of 9 iiippHiik was Liiken up In survey- ay reinm of een tr ton nM iin , ,. . , -i....i 1 ? cent, per ton silver or a lolal of f. UK? of Hie work of the church and renir um Tbrrr t, , ,H,wiin routine busing. 'Hie meeting UUm tr ,lie colilimied this lllornillK and the npia-r cut on Ihe v.nlh vein, aernaa ai , 1.1 .. i Ihrhra alnrfil one root fnrtii tlie bottom si'smon iTiu.seu .11 iiuuii. ir the nil. tave asay return or tu The Dologates lerial deleftales TTi the Ilev. William Allan and lr tiaiu Sapur of Port W11- flev. (i. (i. Ilacfcer of Prince llu perl; Ilev. Holier! Scott of renla ier ton kohl, is. u sr lon in all- i.i at Si. rMt.A in.. iiiiiiiai an.1 ll. tuiall. Die followillu: WPie Hie minis- mble amoiint or l.st jr rent lead, a lo mpeliiu Mm ter Inn In allver. or a William Deana, of Ocean Falls; 1 Has tap ui nf iwt tier ton "A selected nample from the donip of, ' Uie upl-er nil 011 tln miiiiIi vein the mrlh vln l ..r lu. liuiMO-laitci. .r llm Simpson; tiesl ore, Vi,i,im or clean iron il poioca wiiii a iracc 01 raiena. aave aav rciunia or ao ceiita 'r imi in told, aji total ir t ..r llila 1flM i.r .ka and II ui.nl. lierrriilati; fd not oa to mine and mill IIm- averaaa ore 10 m.iki llda cla4 or isiitrrulratna." That a tMlnnhlrt. on tlie flr-l vtti- i.r Which amieara Um- word: "Al the F.nd of Trail 111 Vour search ror sin-.- 1 1. ..1 t. r i ii. tewao "re, iw iieen iiioiinird nml , n.u ........ Ilev. C. I). Clark f Anox; Hp. uii m the irovime .,r iir nm, W v . j. I .1 l.'irmia arsons 01 nf Terriipe' h unci , Ilev iur. 4ml llf .,,.,, ,h , M. '" tPine , ,,, noll.it. t ij.- J. II. Yountf of Terrnfe; Dr. II. C. co. l td. .im... ,,- , , ,, 1. . . 11,... a n Thai IIm- ald paiiii.hlc I. m unr i.r 11. riiifh of llazt'lloir. MCV. A. C. iea1mir itMmilM, nml in re.pert t ih.- P.dind of Hazellon;, and ilev. -.X. ISi Victor Sllllnlllll Of KisploX. Itwn" i.r llw Hold ore Mlnuir 1:0. I.td , . . 1 , ... i'. l.arl ...1 llarrle .... ,i.. 1.VIU..1 ne llm folliiwlnr word-Lay deleijsnlos. were -ihi. .ronriy (mcanin iih. Murmn of Prince lliinerL' Cant. Oliver of J""p ,,r""i'' 'l"""' nu wen Ihe Crosbv Marine Mission; K. S. oin-ier, Huhwhi ami oiiM-r." , Smill, of Oce Falls; Mrs. Vhn-foJX?:' l"',"m"'t rM H, "r" enre. C. Joy of I'errace; Mrs. An-! (JJ' w.Mm whici, , llie .1. Hawln Of NlW Ila.eltoii; and over mllea from elllier llin'tllacier ''-".i'V'TVffilX"t I'd... Newick or II.UP ,0 This afternoon the dclejralos 'Z'l,) .T riain.:"''?.''?.. ijre belfajf Ijikcn for u cruise 011 in word- the mission boat Thomas Crosby,' u,.;r?,l:;-iyn VAi AWARDED DAMAGES VANCOl-VF.lt. Au. 7. Con-1 'liiiliuu 1111 nfbflralion here In-J I Jiin.ii' -tin has been awarded :0.uuu aim costs, winch navel Ihail piv r"i: II p 11, Mllre, at Die Mine umc iiMvinir up a ic l ,,r liltli ?,!!, wi'roMw'a,!,,''MI K",,,,,,,,r" "''""lit tier.-"iiiiii'iibh- r. ..01 miIiii ,,r ,,( m, ... I.lalnctl iiro-piiinr llieic 1. ti. 'IiikIi Tn,le July, mi, V M S,o. Mm 11 Mi .ir Friday, August 7 to rjR SIX THE DAILY JTvV8 tJ !t ! . TTS a.a. rz 1 we save you MONEY i QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher than any oilier store in Canada. Good- marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRUITS Peaches, per rrale . . $2.00 Pearliex. per doz 40c Apples, per hox $3.00 Applp.s. 3 lb 25c Plums, 0 lh. haakpl .. S5c Plums, . His. 35c Waler MpIoii, per H. ... 7c Caaha MpIoii, per II). . . 8c firapes, per lh 30c llasiiberries, 2 boxes . . 25c Ilaxplierries, per crate S2.75 Mark Currants, per prate $2.50 Apricnls, i hskls. to crate S2.75 Hananas. per Hi 15c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave East. Phonos 18 and 84 COME TO CHANGES IN WATER RATES City's New Dylaw Is Now In feet and Accounts are Issued this Month Under It Ef- I RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals as follow-: Plmer (iolil, $?7.38l,ti&a; Lode (!. s i, 473,100; Silver, $0$.82..570; Lead. $70,5.S.r.7S; Copper. $187 L378: 7. Coal nnd Luke, $!inl,880,0'i8. - I71.1U7; .Miscellaneous Miuernls $l.,:i.3.u; t Slone, Ilrick, Cement, flc, llS.SUtt.Hl-t; making il Mineral 1'rodnrlioii to the r i 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of llns Provimt' are more lilmrat and Hie fees lower than lt ;, any other Province in the Ihiiiumoii. or any colony in the Hnlili Kinpiii' Mineral locations arc gronlcil to tli-covercrs for nwuwial fees. Absolute Titles are obtained liy developing mhIi propcrlM's, Hit" hcninty -f '; i, guaranteed liy Urowii (irauls. Full iufornialion logclher with Mining Hcfiils a d Maps may be old.ni.rd t aildreiiig THE HON. THE MINIfiTEfl OF MINES Victoria, BrltUti Columbia. N.H. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Procrlie- upon which d.-.. work has lieeu done are described in some one of Ilic Annual HejHirts ol Mir of Mines. Those considering mining invcstmenls should refer lo ur repnr1 t are available without cliartre on application lo (he Department of Mine., X ' i Ileporls of the Geological Suney of llanadM, Pacific llmhliiig, Vwicouer. ..' mended as valunlde source- of inforinnlion. WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday nnd Saturday, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee. 3 p.m. BUSTER MM in Seven Chances Our plant tn eipnppi'il lo handle n! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S 11 l you a:it lo ff.i I hik'' III--hi''. ' It I k Hie Itiifr.ii.ii-iiuii. see n-ler .is ,1 4p with - J . 7 7 1" would Im' .iiiIc 011 In- trail. Hp pi"jMi-e In 7 'irls, a proiosed In l ed by 777 mid chased b 7.777. The Helajtru -I nified, glorified and pic-ePt! I II"-'' 1 In , iievspaer ml. In- was jh tAiiinp 1 Willi TweotN-ftoit liuiii-s ui who'll lo lind a Itriaje. V of willing women and only me man Ui ' be M,-f tin fiiiitiirst cometlv niniaiicr that err ! screen tiirM Oirh! tiiri: Slalliers of llit-m! IV . the prflliesl fxtra thai could ! found in II" StnuiR siipporttiirT : Duitar Kcaton, fluth Dvierr T. Roy Barnes, Franklo Raymond, Crwln Connelly lllilllN llllPs. COMEDY -"HIS NEW MAMA." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 2Sc Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating a, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer-, Msctilnlili, Boilermakers, niacksniltli, Pallr makers, Foundiri, Woi;dworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills fto-locatcd nl 230 Central Street, Vnncouvcr, vvdli .I'l-lihuDiil m.oliiiii'- f"i' Hie manui SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER nl o i irned in -tork. Save huniJIing charge- lay Iiumhk dirc t from th -opi.h. HOUSE SLIPPERS LADIES' BLACK KID, SOFT SOLE, SLIPPERS, Willi rubber heel- LADIES' BRONZE KID, SOFT SOLE, SLIPPERS, Willi rubber hiMs MEN'S TAN "ROMEO" SLIPPERS, Mla-lie iil(is MEN'S BLACK KID "ROMEO" SLIPPERS, Ulti-lir ne- JABOUR BROS., LTD. $2.0 $2.00 $2.75