ndy, uci""" ; Connote Modi-I I From $145.00 up $47.50 210 a 8l;ir.()0, now $97.50 8 wus o7.ou now $57.50 H ! on b:iiiJ, u very few of carli of (lie above number. GMfljCuMm.Jjd NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ruffles! Ruffles! Ruffle Curtains are the very latest in window decorations; we hnve a wide rane of patterns and colors in stock; your choice, from $1.45 to $5.75 per pair Wo aro supporting Gyro Carnival BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. INTRODUCING PARKC DAVIS & CO.'S TOILET CREAMS Tmn urn liily hh. i.ii i- uf two ;ni l the lolhivv-K -' tcs Will lie prceiited Willi fin' In"". I1 l. Co. Toolh Pn-te. very largo 500 I1 l. (,u. Cold V.rvum for niungr ami as "kin cleniisor 50c 1' 1). v l.i,.'Vaiiiniiig ' ". ' gre..-.l.- warn IliaU rubs into (In1 xktn ami iliiiIr pinkly : ll. C( Almond Oeum for ohappVd hands ami rough."? B0 i tlit kni I' ). Shaving llieaiu. .'I gVnniridiil Shaving .Soap, log lube, live iii"!ilh "I dailv ii:ii, 60c Ormes Limited Tho Roxall Store. The Pioneer Druggists :id Avenue noil tub sired We are Supporting the Gyro Carnival, Oct. 12th and 13th. TUGBOATS. Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 001 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 530 Or. 001 Black 735 Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try 057. Valentin Dairy. Phone If J on llowalt, found guilty on Saturday of an iiifracliou of the 'ity traffic bylaws, was given suspended sentence. O. I. Tinker, who lias been on a fuur moiilhs' trip lo the Old Country, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train. Jim. u. A. Kgzcrl, who has liC'-n visiting ror llie final few weeks iii Winnipeg, returned to Hi? my on Saturday afternoon" i nun. Jim. II. fa, Parker, who has been spending the past few weeks m the south, relurned home on Mm Pnneess Healriec. Saturday afternoon. The I.iheral committee rooms, corner second Ave. and Fourth si rot, uexl to (lie Walker' Muic store are open every after ii'ion and evening. 251 C. A. Dank, manager of the H.C. Silver mine, and Mm. Jin til passenger on the Prince lic.rgc Saturday evening hound ti-oiii Vancouver to Stewart. II. Matey, manager of ' tin luiiiily tthoe store, sailed L Miijlii ii the Prince George for Vancouver on a buying trip. He to he awa about ten duvs. :ia Tan. Mt-Laugblin and ow-mobile, 5 and 7 pastenger Hetw.-en Sec. 2 and Hays Greek llndac. Two pa Mongers 50' each additional 25c. Ud to ! iHenger tl. per hour $1.00 Ki n if Large. . tf The ladies of the itoyal Punilf Mill holtl a silver leu at the home ..f Mrs. Arthur H.iiley. 211 Fifth Avenue West on Thursday, Ool-i.tier 15 from 3 to 6. The ladie if Prince Ilupert are oonlialiy invited to attend. 838 Word received from Ocean I alU by the Meanmr Cardena is iliu! Die nieeiinK adtresed there Krrd Stork was the laraeesl "er held in the paper town. At Hie rloe of Die aMrs the eun .li.late was ftiven an' ovation and itunsliuns were invited but none asked. C.X.II. steamer Prince (ieorge. Cap!. Harry Nedden, arrived front the south at 5 o'clock Sat urday aflernoon. The vessel was elayed two hours at Vancouver await iiir the arrival of a C.P.Il id earner from Victoria and was further delayed eomin; up the coa on account of heavy fog prevailing, almost all the way. The (ieorge, which brought the liithtest nasenper list so far llii aon from Uie south, sailed at 10 o'clock for Stewart nwd was back again last niglil soulli- lniiiii.l. S li.' Intil n heavy lis! 'r.ini liere fur the south incliid-i r i ii large number of paKen-K1 i win" arrived from Alaska n llll' Pi nice I'.linrlci. 14- ANNOUNCEMENTS iiyro Carnival ami Dance Oo tuber 12 and 13. - - j Iteliekah liataar Saturday, Oc tober 17. operatic and tt)Urelancou program. Westholuie next Mon day and Tuesday. Catholic Church Hazaar, Octo ber 21 and 3$. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct oher 30. Hill Sixty Chapter llaiaar, October 31. Augliean ember 5. Presbylerlan November IS, Itnyal her 13. M oo so and 18. I.O.D.H. Church liataar No- Church Hazaar I'urplp Hazaar Nuvein- Hazaar Xovember 17 Haplist Church Ladfcs' Haznar, .N'oveiiifter 20. St. Andrew's Undies' Hazaar, December 2. All Auxiliary Lutheran .Church Undies' Iia'tar, December J. Aid Tan uiubi rang Reduction of $42.50 mmm On a 15M)( Hcmiine His Master's Voice YICTROLA No. 211 Adaptable to Radio nvii- tl2. ., mnv Hi Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Iire'akfaM, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre llefreshmcnls Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf Ilrojher Dills' Dance, Elks Home, rriday I6lh, 8.30 1Un. to 1 a.m. Admission 50c. Ten Singer drophea.l sewfn? machines for sale cheap. A. Mac kettrie Furniture House. 238 The Liberal committee rooms, rorner Second Ave. and Fourth Sin-el, nest to the Walker's Music store 'are open every after noon and even in?. 251 At I o'clock yesterday afternoon the fire department had a run to the residence of Mr. l'elemon. 13S i3;bth Avenue, West, where a aiitainey fire did no damage. Two dances were Ueld on' Sal- unlay night. Arthur's orehestrn gave a Cinderalla affair in .the Melropole Hall ami in the Huston Hall there was a good crowd where music was dispensed by Kiuar Anderson on the accord ion. . II. T. Tripp of Juneau, grand matter for Alaska of the Masonic l.odye, arrived in the city from the north on the Prince Chariot !asl night and left by this morning's train for Washington, D.C. wnere ne will atteua a conven tion of the craft. The Somerville Cannery Co. floating cannery Laurel Whaleu left at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon for Vancouver in tow of lh- Hecate Straits Towing Co.s tu Cape Scott. The Caw? Scott is now in command" of uapl. Han-Hen., formerly of the tug Progressive. , V Taking of evidence in the cas: of Dick Ldgar, charged with fhefl of $100 from the person of Mr. Phillip Douglas, was concluded in the provincial police court Saturday afteraoon and the case was adjourned unlit this aflernoon for argument ol counsel. C. J. llabideau, who has been engaged as an electrician on the elevator const ruction for the past few month and who look an active part in tho city base hall leggue during his stay here sailed last night oil Iliu Prince (Seorgc forvVaneouvef eiiroutelo I'ort Arthur. Having in his custody, C Hen- son of Loekeporl who will serve six months at tlkallu for selling Ihtuor and S. Holland of Slevvart. who is to he coiuinllted lo the mental hospital at Hssondale I'lovincial Cun-l.-ililu Markland saite'd last niyht on the Prince (ieorge for the south. Delaed hy lo-avy fogs down the coast, Union steamer Car- ItMia. Capt. A. K. Diokson, ar rived from Vancouver and way- ports at 7 u'eloek last night and. after discharging cargo, sailed for Stewart, Anyox ami Alice Arm. The vessel will sail from here on her reHirn sotilh at 5 o'clock tomorrow aflernoon. Mr. ami Mrs. C. K. Imeson and family, who are leaving Hums Lake to locale in Vancouver, ar rived in the city by last night's train and sailed for the south on the steamer Prince (ieorge. Mr. tm'eson has been in business u' Hums Lake for several years and his departure from there has caused a good deal of regret in io community. FUNERAL NOTICE. A funeral service for the. lale Mrs. A. H'. Phillips will bo held in the United Church tomorrow afternoon at 2.J0 o'olock. John Dore, superintendent of Yukon Telegraphs, left by this morning's train for llazeltou on official duties. J. Fred Hilchic sailed last night on the Cardena for Stewart where he will visit the Indian Mine of which he is president. Sid Hamblin sailed last night for the south on the Prince (jcore lo join and return with Mrs. Hamblin and family who have been holidaying in Van couver for several weeks. Karl Thlel, secretary of state for Alaska and United Stale surveyor general for llie ter ritory, reached the city from Juneau on the steamer Prince Charles last night and continued south on the Prince George on his way to Washington, D.C Hon. 11. II. Stevens of Vancou ver relurned south on the Prince lieorge last night after having visited Stewart, Anyox and Aljce Ann willi (ieorge J. Hushby, the conservative candidate, on cam paign business. Mr. Dushby report having been accorded good receptions at all the points visit' ed. OLD COUNTRY CONDITIONS MUCH IMPROVED SAYS LOCAL BUSINESS MAN WHO RETURNED ON SATURDAY. (cotitinued from page one) municipal government and private interests, liuilding costs are two or three times greater than they were before the war. Itolb the coal and shipbuilding industries, Mr. Tinker found, were ufferiug from lack of or- ders and high cost of production, thus giving rise lo labor troubles. Oil was proving a serious com petitor of coal. Road Building A great improvement in roads in the Old Country was mention ed by Mr. Tinker. Throughout laiglaiul, Scotland and Wales there is now a network of finu macademjzed roads. The iniu itry of transportation lias a '. awr program in hand and the' county councils are also doing extensive road work. Motor traffic is increasing by leaps and bounds and the railways are feeling the competition. Mr. Tinker spent the most of i his time in the Old Country visiting his home in the Lake district of Cumberland hut also visited most of the large centres of population both in L'nglatitl and Scotland. The weather was splendid, June and July being perfect with the temperature! going as high as M2. The month of August was showery. Coming across Canada on Hie return journey. Mr. Tinker found the weather rather cold. He visited the Maritime Pro vinces, Ouebec, Montreal, To-! rontn, Winuipeg, Calgary and J'Mmonton. There was a veritable cloudburst in Quebec dur- ira the day he spent there. On! me prairies in i lie provinces oi Saskatchew an and Albert a there was snow on the ground, the depth around Calgary being about twelve inches. It was expected that the snijw would break up and permit of a continuance of threshing operations which had been interrupted. With Politicians Mr. Tinker was not long s in Canada before he became fully aware of the fact that a ' I II II Ui J1JII guilder Supplies Send us your name and uiI send vou this illustrated; boob dj beiubful nom.es.. Distributors for: tfOham K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. IMI mum .avu 7f f- t rrt.- an tiaarttgsgt Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster We are supporting Gyro Carnival Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 ani 117 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lauder, and on washday morning you probably feci like singing the same thing. So why not end that ancient drudgery to-day? THRIF-T SERVICE Just call for our T1IIUFT-T SBHVICK which will do every bit of the washing aud iron the flat work too. Willi Ihe wash out of wash day that " hale to get up in the morning" feeling will be gone for good and all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge SI .00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Hotelier Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry o full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor LAST ALASKA TRIP OF PRINCE CHARLES: C.N.R. Steamer Will Conclude; Service to Skagway and Wayports With Sailing This Week Sailing 'from here at 1 o'clock on Wednesday aflernoon, the C.X.II. steamer Prince Charles, cneruliCapt. Xeil McLean, will make election campaign was in pro- "1P ':l ! s year in the press. He travelled on the same, Alaskavscrvice. train Trom llie Maritime Pro-i The vessel arrived here on vinees to Montreal with lit. llon.l " t 6 o'clock, last night with Arthur Meighen, Conservative bumper list of 180 passengers, leader, and on the same train! 5 of whom boarded the steamer i i l ... ......Mll "t Skiifru-m- Skagway vvtiiln while ?ri 75 tin more re trot got; from Montreal to with Premier King. Winnipeg He heard: aboard nt Ketchikan. The most e latter deliver an address at t.ochraue, Ontario, where the train stopped an hour. Of course, on coming home lo of them continued south on the Prince George while a few went east by train litis mornin. Prince Ilupert. the most striking. ROOTI FGfilNP. PASW thing Mr. Tinker saw was the ..r ...nr.. mm. elevalor. It presented a very HhAK J A I HAKM (IN imposing spectacle lo him. as' - when he left oii May 22 founda-j chinaman Found Not Guilty of tion work was still in progress; KeeDlno Ltnune Fe tale and the superstructure had not commenced. CANADIAN MILLER Comox Still Ashore In Albernl Inlet But Expected to get off In Day or Two VICTOIUA, Oct. 1 2. Of Hie two vessels which went aground Albernl. The Oomox stuck on Lamlnl rock and Is expected lo be dislodged iu a day or two. Whits Man Is Fined $50 i ('ban Lung Toi. Chinese, was tried on Friday at llazeltou bc- l:ilt . ..I I a! !. tir.iiu.juMice oi uici U7AC DTCIAATCn VYAo Kt-rLUAltU! peace, on a charge of keeping , liquor for sale. He was acquit-' ted. On Saturday morning 0, Stephen was fined $50 at Haz-j elton by Stipendiary Magistrate S. II. Hoskins on a charg of selling liquor. j in Albernl Inlet in the fog on: Saturday Ihe Canadian Miller TOO LATf TO CLASSIFY wns re-floated and proceeded to ' LOST, Hunch of keys, perhaps in Post Office. Finder please return to Daily News office. Wood! Wood! Xow is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Service . Phone 686. , Open Tuesday, ' Tlulrsday and Saturday hvenlngj FORD Improved models vill 4c on view this monlhv Wo have two present typo Sedans upon which we aro offering special inducement s. S. E. Parker Ltd.