Saturday CAPT. 'G Solomon, tl | thy ways and condensation, a safer and saner in conduct could ‘hardly be found. In words, we h I OYSTRYK—Balvation “Army th—God first, rht add to that, Sermon lat man of Wisdom, ‘teft these acknowledge Him (God) and He ave the essence of right Him last, Him all day Ged in our personal king, our struggles, God all and in all, a and Omega, xperiencc? ee eveal that God by attempting to live apart nowledge Hin), | from -Him or -His Divine Laws i Of| are menaced by perils and dis- while those | aster, and invariably end in a ’ , vho ignored) destination of sorrow and des- CONVOCATION PROCESSION a pair. T r PCTORY There are many who revolt So ae VIRECTO against any restraints of life re reh at 11 #1. 4) loudly proclaiming their inde-| '°°tor Of the University of len hool 8.4) pendence of all laws and mean| 0¢torates at the convocation. 4 LICAN CATHEDRAL junsmulr ‘St, 10 am 0 pm } BA., B.D. Biue 700) FIRST BAPTIST ng 8t Antrobus. Green 812) r PRESBYTERIAN Fast D.D (Green 982) ris? UNITED ieber (Green 613) SALVATION ARMY i reet ; e Oystryk 2:30 pm (Black 269) PACL'S LUTHERAN McBride St } f O, Olsen (Black ' 610) ANGLICAN B.A. LTH, 1:00 am 30 p.m Blue 827) PGULAR BAPTEST it 11700 a.m Service 12:15 I Blue 323 nard A, Thorpe a | THE ANGELICAL REE CHURCH at LO.0.F Hall, Fourth Ave. E, Services nday Sehook d a good ong ser- ingpira- essage Kt Me and find ill search for heart.” Jer. 29:13 Sinelair Pastor: ©, W t Presbyterian Church orship with us. th Ave. East Rey E 3. E. J. Smith oh n Currie, ~~ R 21, 1952 I ) 11 o’cloek vol 12:15, ip 7:30 | both services. mber the Sabbath Day Keep it Holy.” FY CHURCH SUNDAY SEPT, 28 Bods rorming Worship. Appeal to His People, t Choir will sin ° D.m—R, e Nday §¢ hool, arey its: Special invitation. met “ons and prizes, : ‘N—Evening Service. Ton ) | | Such folks however, hor later would impose /man thinketh” {man reeeritly who thought his | 4re }submit ‘to God, even though it) mental, mera! 1 4) 5th Ave. at MéBride ‘St. | ‘ordial invitation A. Wright, D.D. FIRST BAPTIST ALLY DAY in ‘the to be a law thetnselves cannot re- but sooner their re unto main thus very long, filed along Quebec’s winding streets from the old buildings of for convocation ceremonies which climaxed four Prime Minister St. Laurent is seen in right foreground beside Governor-General Vincent MEMBERSHIP DRIVE OCT. 2 Mas:ey Was straint others. “As a cannot then be a ‘rule of human relationship it only reveals deep down for what he really is. There was a upon The being asked to support the! Civic Centre A one-night membership drive is set for next Thursday, Oct. people were a super race His thinking did not make ‘it so. Our greatness then, is to be found in God and His direction We cannot throw off this ex- ternal and internal authority of God, but-in submission find the real, living and lasting liberty Only those, whom Christ gas set free are free indeed The wise, who voluntarily service club and taking part Someone will call at your door to enlist your support of only centre organization and carry kind tending to improve sometimes cuts across human} pein, will, find in God, a wise and TI understanding Heavenly Father ; These accept God's Divine Law as the compelling rule of every- day life. While some would 100k | cinco jt opened in March, upon restrictions and limita~ | ang soon will re ach | Hons, we can never forget that; — "New Book Recalls Civic Centre Societies Act of B.C., operating with a steady deficit | that we have the fullness of ac (tivity. It:is ‘the same as traffte laws Fulfill them, and you safely B h k Day travel. Break. them, and wou eaver 00 iH YS head for disaster. AcKnowledge God, by your de- | votion to your church, your Christian experience, your prac- \tieal service, your daily testi- |mony, and He has promised to direct. your paths. These will }direct your paths. These will lead to fellowship with Him, richness of a devoted life, and internal peace, and outward joy./ financially and raised the prices |But most remarkable part of of more substantial publications our affiliation with Ged here, Sir Philip, who worked on the is that there can never be a/| Daily Express, has some colorful severance from Him anymore. | comment on Lord Beaverbrook, He has even conquered death | Canadian-born publisher of the itself, amd the life that sub- | Exoress mitted to God’s divine govern- | The author ment here will continue to pe|brook as “A gnome-like of service through eternity. Not|/man with terrific energy just at churehtime, but “IN ALL! dynamic ideas.” THY WAYS” acknowledge Him, LONDON (CP)—Sir Philip.Gibbs, who was knighted as a reporter ;in the first World War has pub- lished a book “The Journalist's London” (Wingate) about papers and their proprietors. He traces the history of news- papers back. to the earliest broad- sheets and tells how ‘taxation suffocated the small papers refers to Beaver- little | PATHS you. ee LUTHERAN’: CHURCH terror on the telephone—a to-} fIt is still a Lord pity that hatred of war's insanity could not prevail over Adolf Hitler.’ REV. H.'0.' OLSON news- | and | Of Beaverbrook’s work as war- | and HE SHALL DIRECT *THy | time minister of aircraft produc- } May God richly bless! tion, Sir Philip says he was “A; italitarian dictator to his staff. mt Speaking of Beaverbrook's de- } | gife for: peace, Sir Phi'fp svrites: Beaverbrook’s optimism and ‘his You are invited to come and Worship at St. Paul's Pater Pan Gift | Litheran Church GI “The Just Shall Live By Faith” toppe SUNDAY SERVICES Phyllis Pullen : Septeniber 28, 1952 '| "NOVELTIES - SOUVENIRS GREETING AND EVERYDAY CARDS HANDCRAFTS - GIFTWARE THIRD AVENUE WEST (Next to Daily News) Phone Blue 709 ‘Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sermon: “Christ the Resurrec- | tion.” | Song: By the Girls’ Chorus Evening Service 7:30 p.m. The Luthe 2r League will pre- their |lounge rooms; ! and physical well-| committee rooms: | teen-age Association, |and table tennis rooms and ‘pri- which was organized under the | ¥ate has -been | dressing rooms. Built in 1944 by the Canadian ; 1946,' government for the YMCA War the the end of its Services at . was. equépped and furnished by | the YMCA at an axditic of $25,000. After a year of service it |purchased by the Civic ‘Ventre Try Daily News Want ‘Ads | | Association tmoney raised” by the past years, the eity as well as Mc- contains an auditorium | a library with more 10,000 volumes; three, four meeting and | crafts room room; billiard | games and team showers and a cost of $157,000, it | nal cost vas $55,000 with | service clubs, for donations and through the Civic = ;}Centre earnivals operated each , summer year. The Association had approxi- from 1940 until last | } mately $75,000 in the bank after purchasing the building but that amount has dwindled to around | $25,000. i ' | t k President Dr | Urging everyone _to join, While there are about coal members in the day, to {without a loss. association to- f it is still ‘far from enough keep ‘the centre operating | 2500 MEMBERS NEEDED i R. G. Large, in| said a ‘PRINCE RUPERT AERO ment DINNER and DANCE 7:00 .p.m., Oct. 4th TICKETS MUST ‘BE PUR- @) CHASED ‘ON ‘OR ‘BEFORE | ' OCT. 2nd AND ARE AVAIL- | ABLE'FROM ANY OF THE } DIRECTORS. j ‘MEMBERS ONLY sent a program called “Thy Kingdom Come.” This con- } sists of a narrator and a) number of Leaguers represent- | ing historical characters. | Sunday School 12:15 p.m. | a FULL GOSPEL : Night School Application Form ‘a TABERNACLE " = | 202 Sixth Avenue West . NAME ; 2 : ” PTE 9 ne gn a renee, 28, 1062 ™ Address Ri Telephone No.. a SUNDAY: : 2 : ce School and Bible m Subject Wanted ..........4....4.. - tn ia i 11:30—Morning ‘Service. TrTTTi ttt titi *: :30—Evangelistic. ) Ral ‘e Commission,” ‘What Is Russia Going To Do?’ usic oC} ar OAXS oye ue mail it to Box 1490. aa “ren's Church, for all| WED.—8:00—Prayer Meeting. mi “fy 12 years of age. Coe ou senio . TU E aun People. }rR1—8:00—Christ “Ambassadors M.— Bible and , Prayer Hour * . * THURSDAY Come and Worship at Prince “ue ‘man Bible and Prayer Rupert's Pentecostal Church 'Green 331 Rev.:C. Faweett Board of School Teustees—District "No. 52 If interested cut out the above ‘application form and Subjects that have been given are English for New Canadians, Typing, Bookkeeping and Woodwork. Night school will offersany subject for which a class of fifteen is enrolled and for whith a‘teacher is available. one pment Delegates from the worlds of learning, diplomacy and industry Laval University to the civic days of centenary célebrations at Msgr. Ferdinand Vandry, of 59 awarded honorary (CP PHOTO) Civic Centre Offers Something for All citizens of Prinee Rupert financial resources unless it i supported. During 'Centre has brought varied enter- 2,/tainment to the with representatives from every offering all types Of recreation. |) Located at the corner of Bride and Second Avenue, the centre the | with a seating capacity of 800; in this city where|one targe and two small gym- both young and old may meet }nasiums; on activities of any| than ;ymembership of at feast 2,500 is ‘required -to allow the eentre ‘to keep going without .a:less. “With winter coming on, this is the only plaee we'have where |, | members ‘of the family -can do something,” said. a director of } the assoctation. “Children ‘receive instruction | and training in petfeet- énviron- i and Mum and ‘Dad ean J | join them im learning erafts and /] |taking part in-spotts and other jJ | entertainment.” “The Civic*Centre a} 4 memorial to those associations, contributing groups:and ‘patrons | who give both of their time and y ;money to see that it ¢arries on | each year in‘its endeavor’ to: pro- vide healthful physical and 80- , cial life to all. f “It RECREATIO FOR EVERYONE “4\bring them ‘so as to be able to | ever ‘learn ‘to draw, many weil) ,, 4\and it is better to begin immed- must not close. It needs and seeks your MPO se — > : Bey * riniwe Rupert wuiiy iNtcweo Saturday. September 27 1942 e &. | | Victor Amadio to Instruct | 4 Painting at Civic Centre | The very fine exhibition of paintings by Victor} ‘started a sudden interest in painting and the num-! ‘ber proposing'to join the art classes increases daily. | These classes begin on Mon-¢@——— fore I}day evening in the common | ents to work in whichever med-| lounge of the Civic Centre 4nd ium eomes easiest and choose the instruction will be given by Mr. Amadio. The instructor wishes all who |have oils or tube watercolors to Those. who, like Mrs. Kathleen ; Hill, Magee are interested in portrait} hstatt working right away. He begin a rtrait. gj 'says that very few people * ” = another part of the room; be set up a still life model ¥ known artists being among! those who cannot. He believes ‘time spent on drawing is wasted Deucherty and Mrs haug, fatély with color |more ‘interesting. ture or a colored photograph For watercolors he believes in| with an open foreground from using god quality rough water-| which they can work. Mr. Did- \edlor ‘paper. Cheap paper he ricksen will no doubt be paint- says “won't co-operate but with ing a sea picture entirely from good paper an amateur can memory. éften achieve surprisingly at- tractive results. | them being,'Mr. available for‘them at the start |so that all they need to bring} jon. will be a’ large plywood drawing board and charcoal. Tiny draw- ing pads are not approved. Mr. Amadio wants his stud- Amadio’s style (Continued on page 6) STAGE SHOW and DANCE VANCOUVER RADIO REVUE MONDAY and TUESDAY September 29 - 30 At ‘Legion Auditorium Starring RCA Vieter Reeerding Star EVAN *KEMP TALLER O'SHEA Iti¢gh Comedian ‘LITTLE BAMBI Calling Square Dances Stage Show and Dance — Adults $1.25 STAGE SHOW MODREN DANCE—Old Tyme 9 - 10. p.m. 10:15 to 2 a.m. Children 25c, Adults 50c Adults $1.00 } } 195 Available to Members Only 'Amadio on display in the Civie Centre lounge has} whiehever subject they prefer. ; Mrs. Beauchemin and Miss 9 work will have-a model and will! a among those werking will | likely be seen Mrs. Poole, Mrs. ' Valder-' nee Then some may prefer. because it iSito pring a print of a good: pic- | Some will prefer oils, among 4 and Mrs. Meuse, ’ As at least a third of the Jimmie Baldwin, ‘Mrs. L. M. ] group are beginners without Greene, Mrs. T. ‘Priest, Mrs. F.4 | materials, ‘Art club paper will be Cpyistie, Mrs. J. Rogerson, Dr. 4 Galbraith, J. Tasman, Ray Sah- | Many are so attracted by Mr. in watercolors § PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC CENTRE *x Schedule Why Get Soaked? | BE'DOLLAR-WISE Buy Our LOW COST FOURS For Example: 0-DAY TOUR By ‘Air To HAWAII! AS LOW AS D7 . from Vancouver INCLUDING RETURN TRIP] BY AIR AND HOTEL IN HAWAII ‘ —— MANY OTHERS —|ie ENQUIRE ? bia eel BOX 1278 PHONE BLACK 63 a7 aw Ne 188 C Ata Sn ee 2-1953 * BASKETBALL PRACTICES OFDY LEAGUE'PLAY , SCHOOL elles eS OO Tues; and Thurs. Afternoons ~ PEE-WEE REFEREE: roan BADMINTON | ADULT CLUB .... TEEN-AGE ROLLER SKATING JUNIORS 'PREN-AGE ADULT OPEN SQUASH ADULTS HANDBALL ‘ADULTS TABLE TENNIS ... BILLIARD AND*POOL TABLES .... BOXING WEIGHTLIFTING—For Adults and Teen Seniors— Tuesday and harsday evenings, by appointment SPORTS a Noon Hours and 5 to*6 p.m, by appointment JUNIOR Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays ROYS, 6 to 9—Woodwork Tuesday and Saturday Evenings GIRLS—Woodwerk ~.. Saturday. Afternoons., i _ Friday, 8400 pin: * TEEN: -AGE ‘ BOYS—CRAFTS .. GIRLS—CRAFTS - Wednesdays, 7:00—10:30 p.m. ADULTS Sundays, 1:30—5:00 p.m. tEGINNERS’ © 5 Thursday Afternoon BEGINNERS nee ADVANCED CRAFTS AFTERNOON CRAFTS CRAFTS AND HOBBIES BOYS, 10 to 12—-Woodwork w Tuesday—3:30 p.m. Wednesday-—-7:00 p. m., f un... Wednesday—3: 40 pm as Wednesdays—7: 00 p.m. Tuesdays—7:30 p.m. Thursdays—7:30 p.m. &y Wed, and Thurs.—-2:30 p.m, - Organized Games Wednesdays and Fridays—3:30 p.m. Thursdays—7 p.m, Fridays» Dhysical Classes . Saturdays—2 p.m. ys TINY TOTS Y 6 p.m. by appointment Noon Hours and 5 to 6 p.m. by ap} cdi teh SUP AEC JUNIOR s SICAL RECRE .. Tables in Teen and Adult Rooms BOYS’ PHYSICAL In Teen and Adult Rooms ‘Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays TEEN-AGE Educational, Cultural and Social SQUARE DANCING ADULTS NATIONAL FICM*BOARD MOVIES (Auditorium) : IMITRLE THEATRE ...............:..---c.-.c0 al... SYMPHONY ........ PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC BAND ............... CASUAL CARDS (Adult Recreation Room)—To be announced PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS ......................... To be announced UNIVERSITY EXTENSION ‘COURSES ‘MUSIC APPRECIATION . ALL ‘GROUPS COMMENCE WEEK OF OCTOBER Ist UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Cards, Dominoes, Checkers and Chess ‘are available at desk for recreation room. Students — Mondays—7 p.m. Adults —— Mondays—8 p.m. Tuesdays—8 p.m. ve Tuesdays—8 p.m. .. Mondays—8 p.m. JUDO BEGINNER GIRLS ..... ADVANCED BOYS . BEGINNER BOYS ‘ADVANCED BOYS .. To be announced . Friday Evening ‘BEGINNER GIRLS . GIRLS’ PHYSICAL RECREATION Mondays-—3:30 GIRLS’ PHYSICAL RECREATION Fridays—3:30— BOYS’ PHYSICAL RECREATION .. Fridays—3:30-—5:00 p.m. TREN RIFLE CLUB .......... WOMEN’S KEEP FIT Tues—2:00 p.m. and Thurs. 8:00 p.m. MEN’S GYMNASTICS ........ SQUARE DANCING ......... ‘BEGINNER BOYS .............. Wednesdays—-2:30 p.m, ATION Mondays—3:30—5:00 p.m. —§:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. cciutswt+saeu. TO Be Announced . To Be Announced i sate canal Gus . To Be Announced aa To Be Announced Wednesday—8:00 p.m. Wednesday—8:30 p.m. . Friday—-7:00 p.m. Friday—8:30 p.m, . Sunday—-1:00 p.m. .. Sunday—2:30 p.m.