m Yes it whips 1 K easily and is If delicious! Per load IMPROVED li M 1 i4 favorite with British Columbia housewives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of Potatoes Beets Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also lleef. Veal. Pork, Larah. and Million We Deliver Sealu 8 Doodson The House of Quality Sixth Street Phone 455 Fresh ami Smoked f ish a Specialty WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced by experts to be the greatest advancement made in sin ( sheila in the past iO years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load ... .- SG.00 Half lojid $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day we' bux bottles. Ford Models Will be on exhibition about November 10. Prices Unchanged S. E, Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Ctriage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving. i - a , WWWJ GRAIN BOARD KEEPING BUSY Reso.'utton of Confidence In Chairman Passed at Meeting last Night A met"! m;.' nf the lirain Iln;i-! was" lit-!. I in (he City Hall las' night, M.P. MeCalfery. chain. i., , of Hip hoard, i-'tiiviiia tliech.: r. In reporting ummi hi n 1 personal buinc !rip in oulh. when In- undertook make impiine- among I'.an.i.l. i , National KaiLwav officials ..M ials of the (Canadian tloerniii.-:,' , Merohanl Marine, and jj .!, b'-okers in lh microtis ! ; ic hoard. Hip chairman slate I U- hud interviewed V. .y. Kingman. i.j general manager of Ihe wi'-iemi region C.N. It and It. C. Ke.'lev I Pacific ooat -uinriiiteiidcnt ......... nini ui. li inn-maini i of lll' ute grain iraoe generally ami was optimistic as to the final outcome nf (the -diinieni of frrainl through the local elevator. In explaining the opposition prevalent Not h in Kdmorilon and Vancouver against the shipping of grain through Prince Rupert, the chairman aid that he had 'tndertaken negotiations f a confidential nature fur the operation of ihe local elevator, which negotiations would -lake about -a week to ma fii re. and lie asked that the member of Hie local board pass a resolution of confidence in him and he would he prepared lo renorl fully lo I hem when Ihe Imie had elapsed. I pnn tfssin injr Ihe members present that all phases of the grain business in I he interest of Ihe cily h.-nl tieen taken care of. Olof Hansxn movetj that the confidence of the board he re posed in their .-liatrman and lha; Ihe meeting he adjourned for a week when a final report If brought in. Thi wa.1 seconded by Aid. lieo. Oasey and carried. Present at Mie meeting were S. I. Macdonald. vice-chairman. Mayor Newton, Olof Hanson, Aid. iieorgp i.asey and S. Wet. I.. secretary. COUNCIL APPRECIATES SERVICES OF MR. LOVE Resolution to This Effect Unanimously Passed by City Fathers Last Night On motion of Abl. pprry. sec-ended by Aid. Larson, Uip city council last nighf unanimously passed n resolution exprosflinsr regret at Ihe resignation nf I'.rnest Love as superintendent of nlililies and appreciation of the efficient service be had given the city during his three years as superintendent. The resolution i also carried instructions to the cily clerk to furnish Mr. Love wilh a suitable recommendation In conned ion wilh the motion, Aid. McMordie felt thai it might hetter have emarnted from the '.utilities commit i ee under which Mr. Love work.wt. Other members I . : : ORMESUMITED oh: hc oio -eh? we.lu voo co hone: -i dont WANT tOU TO HCNR f G I LLETT'S M 1hooxS51ye Bf lyGitLETrsW JJ&m XZtt LYE j&L 1 !') '.!: iiuulailv tml. as all w !.' atf'.'-il H" n :hc ex-j cellent siTvic iliat had be'nj given by Jli. Love. Hie re.olulmni H.s presented was unaninuusly parsed. J. Pnstulo had a If lor lefore Ihe city council asking it oine arrangement could not be made whereby (he city might remove rock from, lots 3. t. ." and , block It, section 5. on which be claimed he had paid taxes of ove $1,000 during the pail two years. Mr. P"lub offered to deed one' of the lot over the city pro vided it would do the work. The matter was .-pre red !o the Hoard of Works for I'Pi.nr! NEW BADMINTON CLUB FORMING! I.O.D.E. Appoints Committees to Have Charge of Getting Club Going Arrangement were made al the meeting of Municipal Chapter. Imperial Order Daughters of the Umpire last nighl, lo organize an I.O.D.K. badminton club. the new ball on Fifth Avenne t.! be used as the venue. Applica tion for membership are to b' made In Mm. John Ma neon and Ihe following commit teo conij-ing o f I wo n)p,inbpr.s itmj eheli chapter wan delegated to ink charge of arrangeinents: Mls if (iraham and Mrs. .loliu Manson. Hill oil Chapter. Mr. It. Hlanee and Mrs. S. Darlon, (Jueen Mary Chajiter, and Mrs. J. A. Teng anil Mrs. o. A. Ilinrers. Adair Carss Cliajiler. SPORT CHAT With tieorge Mnlimoyle, firsl man fur the Milliard Parlor out of ihe cily, that loam will' lie handicapped by bis absence in Ihe firsl diviton billiard league fixture toiiiyhi and. as a result, ihe Vols expect lo still further increase their lead in the league. i -.. (iiniMiK. id even uiinjr up, me iHillmrd Parlor would have to win he toiiruaiu.eut (bis evening by 7' points. The teams will moid as follows: , Col. McMordie (Vols) vs. C Halagno (llilliar.l Parlor) II 'p in. al Vols. , Sl. Jelmon vs. Oeorge Wnugb. ! n.m. al Vets. I red Pyle vs. Don Hrown, 71ft p.m. al Vols. J Andrews v. V. Irmall, 710 ai Hilliard Parlor. O. p. Tinker vs. Die Unwe. fUo p.m. al HJUlaril Parbtr. The 1025 Hngllsli. flat niohtg season has been curious In Ihe rcpecl that It has not as usua' Cwtl BnUaft ' i nW pnducel a two year oM lo cap-lure the public fancy as a can didate for next year's Derby Lord YVnobtWngfoii't Coronach emerged from I h is Mimmer's rar ing this year a- the outstanding wi.-year-ohl hut hi dramatic defeat in the Middle Park Slakes recently ;ll Ihe hand of Sir Ab llailey's Lex uji.ei I he "kpe" anil now there i apparently no big iwrile for thel?rt reason. In -!:; of this ;l mi oilier of goru ,i..re wimv nruduepil lln.4 year nnin Dip ouit'iiiolMiK one be 'ft i.or.inach. Lex. Swi't and S ire ami Aga Klian '. Mori Mahal, i appearance of all of whom to- racing public will h greatly i'ere-ied in t)i i April when the -ea.. hi lai: again. In Mile of I lie publilied ex- ! !.iiion of Tex Itickard that he pect-s to taue a uuiuher of 'Ulc boxing ii."iii- in his new Madi-on Square i.arden at New York till winler, Ihe public is a little ke.lioal. In fact the rin game seems to lie due for an era f dull days what with Ihe holding out tactics of o many of Ihe ohampion and Ihe runners-up. Kven Kickard doe not .cem lo Ufi lepending on the fight game to pay the inlere.t an his mortgage and is going lo have hockey in the new !adium this win-'er. The new garden will operate however, on a sehdule of one 'ighl a wik awl tti house 'warming feature will be Ihe meeting of Paul Herlenbach and lack lielariev. ORANGEMEN AT HEAD ' OF CRIBBAGE LEAGUE Elks, Prince Rupert Hotel, Orangemen, St. Andrew's, Cold Storage, and C. N. Operating Were Winners Last Night Oame in the men's oclioa of the Fraternal Whist League lal i.ighl resulted as follows: F.Iks. 20; c.nji. .MpolMintcaL 7. Oreal War Veterans, 11; Prince Itupert Hotel, to. Loyal Orange Ii.lge. 20; Mouse, 7. Sonj of lUmada, 12: St. An drew's, 15. Dry Dock. 13; Cold Storage, 1 1. H.N.II. operating. It; KuighU of Coluiuioiii 1.1 The league landlng t daje. Is as rolhiws: i L.O.L. '-. -i0 . . . . ; Dr- Dock 5 C.N. Operating .. 5 Flks 5 O. W. V. A. . . Cold Storage . . Moose C.N. Mechanical K. of C 3 P. II. Hotel St. Andrew's S. of C. ... tH-Mt in !) DtHr Vw Children's Colds Are quickly, pleasantly relieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine If children's colds tre got rid of promptly there will be lea tendency to pneumonia and consumption in Uu-r life. It is the Directed, hanging-on cold that weakens the lungs and develops into serious trouble. No treatment for coughs and colds was ever no popular with the children as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It is m pleasant to the taste, so d( light fully nothing tnd healing and affords relief so quickly that children soon turn to It instinctively when choked up with a cold or annoyeq by coughing. It U mother's favorite treatment for croup and bronchitis, for ahe knows it will bring relief when the midnight coughing spaxms set In. It is wise to always have a bottle st band for prompt um la emergency. Wanted For Sale For Rent com! It ion. Highest price aint by return mail. It. DuntiD. P.O. llox 310, Vancouver, H.U HstabHahwl thirty three ywira. WAXTKD. Young girl lo do light houework and mind baby. Liv in if bsirel. tlood home lllue I'M. HELP WANTED. FEMALE MKN ami Women wanted to learn barber trade and beauty cullure. Wonderful demand r,. i i i .. i. . dmser. Special low rate now on. Tools free. We have Ihirly-lwo schools in Canada and U.S.A. Write or call Moler System of Colleges, to Ilatiiig East. Vancouver, H.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Ford truck. I9S3 inotjel wilh new starter just installed.. gtoi cord tires a!! round; oak bmly; two spare cord lire mounted; in firl ctaso riiechanical condition. I00 iwsh. balMiice to arrange.. Apply Northern Kxehauge. tf FOL'K roomed bouse for sale on Eighth Avenue Went, near Mc-Dride. Apply l.'i3 Higbilh Ave West after five o'clock. 271 FOIl SALK Seven roomed bouse and lurniture. Apply 1S: Flflh Avenue West. Phon Oreen ,f WIlAHFAdF. for boals. Care taker in al tendance. A poly Norl hern Hxehangp. Phone 23 FOltD SKDAN for sale. Only used seven, month. $5&o.OO. Apply S. F. pHrker, I. Id. MISCELLANEOUS WO PAY WOHK-FOIl MKN. To Ihe unemployed or men who work for laborers' pay when (be world's greatest industry need thousands of men a' C5e to 11.00 per hour, eity and counlry nbopn. Wo Irnlit you for. Joba nn truck driven aiUo-inechnnlcs, ignition ex-perls, battery welding and vul-cahisiug. Wo also teach bricklaying, lilesetling and plaslur- r- Call or wrile for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto Kn gineering School, 10 Hastings ?ireei ha: Xanco'iver. II.C. AUCTION SALE MICTION SALK. We n.ra in utrueted to sell by Public Auc lion on niurduy, November 20, at 2.30 p.m. al 2it Fourth Ave. ivist (across from the PrcKhylerian Church.; Ihe fol lowintf household elTecIn: Lpholslered Davenport, Wic L. - I.: i. t-r rocKiiiK- ciiairn ami arm cluiir. dining room liihle, lino- leuin iiiul Congob'um ius Iwd. springs. maltrewHOH, dras, sers. gale leg table Sunbeam beater, centre table, bulfel, roucmes, six bole McClary range, imlr of Porliet e. kit - ciien HlPtisils ami olher artic le loo humorous to mention Prince Itupcrl Kxehan,,,. iioiiiu'rs. DOLLAR STORE See f)ur Hangn of CHRISTMAS GIFT8. Ilemslllnhing and Picollng. Spenlal nllention given to Mail orders. THE DOLLAR STORE, l'honc Ilcd 321. rOH ltr.NT. Warm furmnbe.l room. Mutable for two la. lie! in- enfeoff!. Phone Hed "Oil or call ;!. Secoiid Aveiwe, ct. J77 MHt KM Small xtore or office. Third Street. Two room below, two living ronm above. eiernhaver Hro. t" FOIl IIFNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. If FOR RF.NT. - Large two ftkirey holme, Third Axeuue near Me MeeWin' lirocery. elen-haver llro. If - l RUNT. Houim', five rooms. 727 Fraser SI reel. Win, Dhu-holm, Court House. If F0I;R Room iMiite for Uekt. Hot water heal. Apptf Smith A Malletl, Ltd. tf FLAT for rent. bath and Letourneau. Four rooms wilh range. Apply H. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER t' MODKriN FLAT for llenl. Apply Max llellbroncr. i CARS FOR SALE I 1 932 ohtemoMIe I, 3 passenger louring t9j90.no I 1920 Nash 5 passenger touring IMftO.00 I 1921 overland Sedan.. 700.00 I 1919 lieu seven naener Inuring I700.64 I 1025 Ford Coupe, balloon lire ear like new t(U0.ft I 19-2 Ford Tudor sedan. IttSA 1 192? Ford C-oupo . $350or I 1021 Ford one ton Iruck. pwnel boly ?375.00 I Ford light delivery ebnssla, rebuill II7B.00 All car guaranteed in rood mechanical condition. s terms ean be arrangeil. KAIEN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Service Sin-lion. Agents f jr McLaughlin. Oakland. ObUmohile and Chevrolet cars, Iteti. ti.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WtlKCKINU SHIIVICK DAY AND MOHT. EXCHANGE. WILL KXCIlANiiH forty Acre fariH. boue, bam, orchard, nl-falfa, near Spokane for Princo llilpert houe and lot. Welen-haver Hros. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or (lust) Kpceinl 0 and 7 passenger Hludo-bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mpr'i Hold. FURNITURE AND RANQES. Home Furniture nnd llanges suitable for every home Christmas goods arriving daily. F.very limn you pass my store call in. You nro most welcome. A. Mnckensio. Furniture Home. f Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggnge and F.xpress Slamhl.itllo's News gland, Phone Hps. Phone Oreen 020. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Hi-y. Sell and Ki. change New and Secondhand Hoods, GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 83U Third Ave. fbote 016 i.. .1 . BRINGING ' UP FATHER By George McManus NH'- m.jtcc-t'r-t Mft'1 ' OMJOV-VOO KNOW MR.CHVTTER-THC tc-te:ll Mt?.. CHATTER too -beMo -rHvr .uLt. . MAM -HE PROPOSED TO TO COME FUCRV OVER - TO tCE. HtSS1 tiw ,UuU m'i to -bee voo- , vctj - I'll. ee heie. : r CHNTTCR- THC ystJtWHCa ' THl OPPOfiiTOMTr TO r-' iff ?Mn PCKW TO TOO - r i ir DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets, than 50c VVANTKB W'ANTKD. Yuung girl lo aisl wilh general housework, out J of town, liood pay. Apply Miss Oillingham, Phone Itlue 1 83, .Jietween 6 ami 8 p.m. OLD Artificial Tee.tn 1 lough t, any TO RENT BOARD UOAllll - : Secoud Aven Articlft Lost nj round, 4t PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STOXL 303 Third Annus Sole agent- t n i We Phonograph. I: llaeoiicis i ; l rumen'- . OAIWERON TRANSFER Phone i" Baggage, Furniture Woilit If you want an- or delivered, s. 0 II x 59 CARPENTERS WHEN having ed. see Ol,r lymfc GOVERNMENT LIQUOR It aoTicc or seencaTKn rci Ka uctaic xotu r. I iiihi i ll du ST Im- wi-tueutJ autre f..r . IIW MMMM blti : kan ermn. n ritttaui eh ... fS. Rlurk I l ' IWlk'ltr !! I , BU' I tlVl If, M . hr pn.tiruv f n ..- mir t-r I' llv iMilllr f..f ...n.. nil. aov "i. LSSD ACT SrrtfSftorl I Tt WOttCt I'fisy Mam, r i . M h MSHS for um on iiwu use. CtSMSwItSMr It i I' ni Mid r Ihrn nnfnrt h itti . (MM f tt iwiwei .ii,. So arfrs. liKir or irlei, sA.anuu n er sjTfl.o rMH' ' . iwrir. 114 l.linllM it Vanri.iii.i rintjanrsglv "i'01 1 ft dw (Pitir .r. - unnniitnnnr ai i t$J rlialtH in a -ffsn ih hi run.' lff lAiWl. ll i'l SMxm( Pas; III'" Itirncr rat i. si in"' wnletlf mnriiK Ullli IMe let pl "r ewilalninr t on " WALI r.t ristif ilMMUS lAMO CT ( IfOMMMi 10 t'f O t-Nolle . UM. la frtate Ruwn mrtpar an ii SMkTjwalkwrlv IH Lot S0J1I nMiim mw-n.1- ai i e milM- Hi a (lie antt)i?at ronw rhalii. mm XI t.tf nnrn niaiHiriiir WtUMtlf I fi wre NWlhrt ,i" LAN0 ACT Notlte af,' Inttntlon U Ap! u l-UflSt , In rejo nuixn i CAISIAR LAND DISTSICT. aerdls Dlatrltl f TtHi' T.MiK otu:c mi if Orett Olsrlrr. U lend In apply fi i""1' rtimr tile tolltlwlnr Ciimmrnrtna" t r 1 swl htnt fit Ihe SliV'i" ' Orfl ntarter. al ! ih- ' riinnins nurth in -ia " -wrfifrlf cltrH-iinn ?" ''" ' ouihrrly dlrw-tl'in f" ' n rlrlr dlrerllnn ' J ii ,iiii.ii. nr,t riiMi tiiriiM fi't LAND ACT- Nolle r Intention to PP' In I'rlhre Hnprl l.iail Cr nl Cni lunar , ' Nnrih lurliarl Mai"' , TAVK .V0TIC.K IH , Prinze nuix-rl. nertlMlt-" . , ,. lii(l 14 iil.v tnr a 1 ' till rtAarrUHMl land ., i Crmimrnrinir al Vr'1 , ,,i i -' fliilll ronl of Nriti '. i lhin irnund hlrh " .' no acren, mre oc ymn hva ' V F! Wftl"'- Inlet nei.iber ih. ! friact nuperu B.C.