sdy November 2L 1025 A Nlf TQ.NICHT" S P"7Y BRANTS "Best Procurable fa? (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT D)l!t1 4 fsatd L, YJIm Cm-I 0t 5- LuartMl Cl( 44k ! D)i- Oxdixl t)olUra. Dull- NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen II Iht advertisement ts not published or displayed by the Litltinr Minimi noani or ny in1 linveruriiciil or Hflriah 'Vdomhia One Dollar! That's all it costs to join our "His Master's Voice" VICTROLA Christmas Club M rniMT.-hii' 1 1 f ii t ! it tii.nix in Yirtroin left . v ivilnicil price.' Join now! 'a a dollar down dii .inn wwkly. Your Yirtrola will In? delivered i v. -or whrM'' vu aj! IJoiiie in (inlay! "a. $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & 0M Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Fruit Assorted Pastilles M .dc by Boots Ltd., Nottingham, England T .e tiliHes luivc the genuine Fruit Flavor am! v m I Hi xl.tlO per lb. 'ml Price, ier 65c Ormes Limited ''i"' Pioneer llrnggisls ll. x.dl Store 3rd Avenuo and Glh Street Phones 82 and 200 lion I'm : S a. III. lo " pin. s ndav urn Holiday.- from IS l 2 p.m. and 1 u P E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Ro-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, wilh uddiliouul timi'htnes Tor Ihu inniiiifaclure of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also cnirieil in stock. bi liaiulling cliai-Kcs by Imyliig direct frotn Hie of .supply. Local and Personal 1 U.O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Salvalun Army Sale of Work, lecembr 5. HaplUd Ilazaar Thursday in Hie Church. Parlors. 27 i Hetneinlicr SI. Andrew's Society annual ta 1 1 , Friday, November ii. Invitations only. Women of Moosehearl Legion, kindly iilii'tul mceliup tonight for nominal ion of officer. Curries Taxi and Messenaer Service, l'lionc 5C7. Scrvi.:.-day and nighl. Stand, Garlto i Cafe, if OKI reliable Foothills coal, mil IH.OO; slove I3.50; lump " Consumers Coal Co., Ltd. Phone 7. 271 Sali- of WVirk, Home ikxjkin;: and Afternoon Tea at St. Peter' Church, Si-al ikive, on Thursday, November :6t at 2.30 p.m. 27 i Shipment of I run wick phono-craphs arrived. Hear Hie 1 1 run before you buy. Katr ItsT'ilo arranged. J. Lome .Macl.ureri, Md. 274 I rank stritijrham, well known Anyox harder, is a visitor in tin rily today, having arrived fron Mm- .inciter town on the Garden I'm inorninp. Parrel po i the big nttrac Hon at the J la id if I Church lla.aar on Thursday. Parrel from all over Hip world al 25c There's one for you. Mr-. Finest Morgan, accom pained by baby Mai-pare), relurn- d from Kelrhikan on the Prin ce. Mary on Friday lal after vioiliiijt with her mother, Mm. '.oilier. Mr. ami Mra. C. O. Frieker who were marrietl in Anyo yex-(rilay. arrived In Hie city mi the (:rilfiua IhiM noirtiititr anil wil reitn ii lo the smneller ' town tomorrow nigbt. j: . WVcloii of Vanconvrr -e. i.-iary of the Northland Min-"i '.o. I. id. which nnerale the t roy Mine ul Slerl, in a pu-enuer aboanl the (UnJetia loda l-oui'd from Stewart lo Vaueou- V IT. M. P. MrCaffery. who ua bn confined lo hi home over the week imoI Muffering with a severe cold. i improving and ix now able lo lake an active interest in bit ine again. The fire department re-Mnde I lo five alarm during the monlb of October and the total lo wn iti 5 covered by insurance accord ing lo Hie report of Hie fire chief Milmnlied lo Hie'eily council law) n in lit J'he aajienditure of the department for tUe monlb wax l. I !;..') including $1,077 in al-ar;e lliiiiinenl of Hie depart -men! wit repnrtod to be in eondition. i!,.r llanon, head of the llau-on I rmlM'r Lumber Co.. will leave I hi week on a trip lo Chic ago and Montreal. In the taller cil he will lake tip with the Canadian National Hallway tpiarler the matter of He con tractu in Ihi dilriel and nl Chieauo. be expert n lo elo" ncpotiai ions for pole conlrncl which may retilt in a enhler- able cvi.inioii of the industry ill Hie inierior. ANNOUNCEMENTS llnptist Church Ladies' Aid llaaar. November 20. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary ilazaar. December 5. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Deoembf r l 1 I nilcd Church Ilazaar, 10. Father won't kick at the price Thia it an added Advantage for Tinby's Own Sup The uterneat lather won't find 10c loo dear. In fact it I won- .lrfollv little fnr surli an sntit the oaili rnrwi PAP THRU- One or Two to Meat Pie, Hash, Croquette, Stew or Soup and enjoy the rich flavour and nutriment of prime fresh beef. Jack arcili saii- Ihe Cardena for vn CUBES tonight ma. Two cars al your service slied.ion Tal. PliOIie 13. II UU Taxi and Transfer. service. 1'ay and night. Dybhavu. 50: T If Private Chrisiiuas Cards printed by Host-, Cowan & Latta, lib Street, tl Capt. A. J. Waal, well known Stewart mining man. in a pas senger aboard the steamer Car dena today hound for Vancouver. There were no balilml arrival thin morning. Niw that the ctoe season i effective, it is lielievci that all boat have marketed catches tirade prior to November S. Tbc decision to add a kitchen to Ibe new I.O.IUi. Hall on Fifth Avenue llafl, w raiifi"1 at a meetinif of the Municipal Chapter tft nisht, Mr. A. T. Parkin, reitent, preKidiny. Union xteaiaer Cardena. Cipt. A. T. UickBon, returned at lb 'clock Ibis imifning from Anyox. Alice Arm and Stewart and will 4att al 5 o'clock Ihi afternoon or Vancouver and wayporU. Pasenj(cr sailhiK Ihi afl( ;ioon on the Cardena for Vancouver will include Mw. H. Hankell Jack Zarelli. II. riBd. Mi. F . H lu Vernet.'Mi Atyfe lu Vernei A. .laeobon ami A. JJ. F.vert. Mrs. F. It. Du Vernel and Mix- ln Vernel are leavina for I In oulh ItMlay mi the Cardena on a holiday lour extending over several moirllic. t'hny t'xpeel l vim't California and oilier places while away and return in the spring. You are cordially invited lo in-!iect the display of lll'lkClli:it I III K-1 o.'F, band and orchestra instrument. Also to a demon-it I rat ion of these at J. LoCen Mac- La re n Piano Sale Itoom. 7.30 lo 8.3H Weduesday evening by Dick Perks, representative Vancouver Music Co. Ltd. Aid. Perry hrougtot to Ibe attention of the city council Inst uighl the necessity of pulling in a street light on Ninth Avenue IvaM of Con not Street. There whs ome discussion as lo trie exact location where the lighT wa needed and ii was slatml thai a light was aNo desired al Ihe corner ot eenin .wffnue ami Donald Street. The matter was referred to the utilities commit tee. Canon (iould of the Anglican Cathedral of Palestine and gen eral M'cretary of the Church of F.nglaud Missionary Siclely ir Canada, who will reach the city on tomorrow morning's train has accepletl an invitation to ad dress the (lyro.Club at its luncheon meeting tomorrow afternoon. His subject will be "Man dales, and Nationality."' Archdeacon (i. A. Mix will ulo be a guest of the club ami, in addition lo the feature address, there will be an attractive nm slot! A letter from Ilie llnlibul Fish-' Injl .Vessel Owners' Assoeial ion j approving or the city relinquish-' ing its rights in Cow Hay in re-! hi I'll for 800 feel of waterfront j lo be given by the provincial gov-' crniuont ami urging dial settle-j men! be made with the provincial! government al as early a dale us possible so Hint negotiation' Might be opened with the federal' aoap wmi ouei erne n pemime. tine government to have a hre .kwater tloea teel o frelteued tip emlcarric along m excinite a iragrance, alter warm bath with Baby's Own Soap I aa.ia "It't Bui for F.u tnJ Daly mid wharf creeled on the site was received and filed at la! night's meeting ot ihe cily council. The council has already taken action ul.nif; the lines stig- UKt-d. OPTION FOR BONDS IS NOT ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL Tentative Offer Turned Down and Bids Will be Called When City Ready The Itoyal Financial Corpora- lion of Vancouver bad a letter before the city council laxt n is lit akinjr tb city if it would care 10 give a 15-day option at U7 ;: an iHUe of XV per cent ten-year debenture. -The company declined to make a firm offer a' I hi" figure ami u;r;rcled that, if Xivcii time, it inipiu oe auie i u.e the bondf. Aid. Caey aid that Ilie offer bad been dealt with by 'the fi nance committee and it had been deemed thai it would be an untMiiiml policy to give an option when a definite offer wa no? made. Furl her it might have - tendency to discount the bond it 'he company wax not fuccexxfui in disposing of tlicm at the figure named. In addition to (ha! :ic council might lay itself ojien hi criticism if it accepted an offer without calling for bid, h view of the fact, the finance committee wa of Hie opiniot hat it would be bet to hold tin ixjitds until the lime was ripe In call for lender for the ixxue. Aid. MeMonlie concurred with Hie remark! of Aid. Cafcy Though the offer fcemed to hrm to be a fair one, he wa or the opinion that the only .afe eour' was to call for bids. It wa moved by Aid. Ca-cy and nwonded by Aid. McMordie thai the option be not given. Th" motion wax carried, the mayo-idating thai Hie eily treaxurei nlo coneurri'd will) ilx urporl. MEMORY OF QUEEN M0THEO0N0RED I.O.O.E. Will Postpone all Social Functions Until After Funeral on Saturday II wa deenfede al a meeting of Municipal Chapter, Iiiipcruu Order I laughters of the F.inpire. last night lo postpone all func tion thai might have been planned by the order between now :utd the lime of the funeral of, the lale Oueen Mother Alexandra which will lake place on Saturday a: flminlcr Abbey. Suggestion lo this effect was mad' by National Chapter headquarters in Toronto. A. II. liverls. Seal Ho insurance adjuster, who has beer, here for Ibe jmst few days on business in rnnneelion with the recent fire at the Prince Itupcrl Spruce Mill, will return south on the Cardena Ibis afternoon. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Pr",nce Rupert. Mr. It. M. Ablous. Terrace: II It. Young and family. Porl Simpson. Central F. luiggan. C.N.H.: .. Cox and .1. li. Johnston, city. . TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY ! FLA T for rent. Four rooms withl balh and range. Phone Klackj 3-.T. or Hlack I3. She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad Mr. I. t. Tarka, Conaecon, Oat., writea: "I had heart and nerve trouble, and became ao ahurt of breath 1 could hardly do my daily housework, and waa ao nervou I could not think of Maying atone, a every little aound I heard felt like a ihock to uie. I Saw tf WATER NOTICE. Dlitrtlon and Ut. TAKE .VOT1CK lhl Henry r. (lie r'Th'IV rt-ul fur the Intmrrr OuM Vllnrs Lid. Inc., Imw iJJrv l lnrlnr.1. B.C.. will jH5 fur a llcii t ukr and nw to m. n. pr s-tKl or watrr ml of Wann IUmt which rhw welrrly and drains' htlo Tatlh Mkr aUuil l and i.ih lilf. lulk' miiilh r Us- tnrlnwr Mine. Th waior tll he divi-rlnt fnmi Uw trrani al a immt alxuu l mile rnm Itif If i liillin or llw said ro.T into Tarlh lakp nd will lr ncd fur h dro Hn trir powi'r' niliiiM-f iiih.ii inr ttimiiriT Mine, wiiilv l Imid'ur. an" ilcn-ribod a .'Ipvrn :rown; r,i.iuli'l Mineral uiin'. nirpcu at i.ui, o m. to. I'".. 107. uu. IS. SJ. 9'.. :, 9'i ami ! 1. (iruiip I. r.alar recommended, ao I tried a box, and after taking tha aecond one 1 am now feeling like it different woman." Thia preparation haa been on tho market for the pnt veara and haa aehievtvl a wonderful reputation for the reliof of all heart and nerve troubles. Put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, OaU "MILLBANK" Sieamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT will 1' J.e PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and niteriii.dut.- tsilnt each FRIDAY at 9 a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAY. 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN lorluiylllM Mr VANCOUVER via QUEZ.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al II p.m. for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all loU tM.-ra i:anada, I nilrd Slalc. WHEN REMITTING tand Canadian National Eiprcta Manay Ordrra and Fora'gn Ch.qoe,. WHEN TRAVELLING carp, Traellarc Chaquaa. for sale I . i.mailtai. S I I'.va. Ticket Aaviv-v and Etrr orrire. YOUR NEXT EXPRESS SH'PWENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt, Ticket Offlct, 628 Third A, prince Rupert. Iicanaoian) PACinc vaitwai 3rd Avenue lUMrlet. Till, ii'.n-e . l'd mi tl-around oil 4he isth day of o. lober. lvi. A eop or ihia notice and aiilnaiiort pursuant 'ihei.-to and to the Vt i .Vet, Ull. will le riled m the orriee of ihe Water lleeonler al Allln. B. ouJetn. uuj be Med with Ilie Mid Water lte-orler or wllh the Ounptn.ller or Water logins. Parliament ltmlding. Mrtorla. li.C. will) in thirty daja arier the appearaitev of this noliie in a lM-al iwwrpaper. The date or ihe nrl putillrallnn or thu no-lice I Ihe till) day or oetoher, t4&. E.NOlNtKU OOLU MINKS LTD. I.NC. Henry C Uleevru-h, Vaeul. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchaae Land In I'rluce Huisri Land neeordlnr in-Irlcl or l-rliico bupert and slluale on the east abore of barnuid Cove, prlnveaa Royal Island. Hanre roiir, Coail HUirlet. TAKE .oilcK Hut Soinorvillo Cannery Uumpany l. nulled or Vancouver, n.... uk cupalloii tvaikera, lnlenda tu apily for; Hrmlloii lo purciime Ilie Mlowlna" d -ecrllHd land: . Ciniiiurni'luif at a post pUnled on the iorltHat shore or liamaril Cove. ITIih-cm: tloyal lUnd, llauge 4. Coast ItiMiict. 1 hence easterly twenty chain; th-nce southerly alvty chain, ttionre westerly TorlV chains; thene tiorlherly five rtialns. tuora or leu, lo til at tt water mark; then'-e followlna hi arli water mark in an easterly and northerly direction lo point of commencement, and containing una hundra acres, more or less. I SOMtHVILI E CA.NNEUV CO. LTD - T Applicant, i per W. J. Ttiviiia, Ayenl baled Oclotmr IMh. tVii i Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far inCHIUK. WIASCE. J11KU0, SUCf AT far TMCOCVER. TiaCRlV ul SE4TTU KreaAcr 16. 30 DttnWr 14 KrtBktr 3, 20. Dcttakr 4. 18 si. rmax euikhx For Buttdala, Swanton Bay, East Balla Btlla, Ocean Fade, Namu, Alert Bay. Campbell Rlter, and Vancouier eiery Saturday 11 a-tn. Agency for all Staamehlp Llnca. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing truni Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Saneon Bay. and Alert Bey, Tueaday, 8 PJa. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bat. and f wanion Bay. Saturday, 10 A. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River Canncrlea, Thuraday pjn. For PORT EIKPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM.' STEWART, Sunday, 8 p.m. US 2nd Avmuo. Barnaley, Agent Rupert. a.O. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzed itultiicr Shop, across from the Km press Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor Only 5 Weeks to Christmas i;:nie in ;iinl chouse your Christmas liil'l -we shall be only too pleased lo sel any article -aside lor you. GIVE FURNITURE THIS CHRISTMAS Barrie's Home Furnishings Phone 123 COAL COAL Let us put in your coal Mipply for the winter. Have you tried our Heco Coal? A nice clean hot coal at S11 per ton, nut size.. Slove coal $12.50. Lump coal $13.50. This coal will nut fill your pipes wilh soot. We can quote you low prices on lumber, also attend to small deliveries promptly. TAXI- New clean Sedans a' your service day or ninhl. llliai'Kes, 50c for one or. two passengers. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avonuo. Phones 139-112