M w w .i.... .i:.i if...-..- m-r i list- urn .iiujwi .... , in i I (iifel oieei willi Willi success. cemed lo le prevu-he was acting from i.ili iiiolivtHud I - " k n ljrt (hut wic ii i-.il to I lie one in happened to lc in- uier if .Major Iliad h representing the City J' m. when he nw.ir-lo' ruilwny rnniinis- BRIAND FAILS FORM CABINET Definitely Refuses to Take Premiership and. Paul Doumer Is Called Mils Nv. A. Uriand. as been seven . times pre-' France, today definitely I to form a cabinet to I HihI of Pnluleve. Tbo - lefonod ln eo-operulr i"in. ' Paul Ooumer, former, minister, lias been siim-'I I'.lysee Pulnei) by the ,'f,,' and II Is umlerslood ho ' i" nlfeiTd Ihe position If ho uke II. TWO AVIATORS KILLED WHEN MACHINE DROPS 500 FEET TO GROUND ,l(NO.fI.l'. Nov. 21. Two Removed by Accused In Good Faith COMMITTED FOR TRIAL ON CHARGE OF THEFT Sam Wlnstrom Brought Back From Anyoic and Will Appear Before Judoe Young for Eiect'.on r.ninnimiil for I rial by Stipen- .Ihirv MiiaUlralc It. M Misly ,.l Anvnr mi a l'liale of Ihefl personal elTeeN rrom i.'iii.i i.r Alirn Arm. Sam Wln- ..... i.....nt,iii iiaek to lh" iii.io .I..- i.ii. . . rliv Mil inornlm? b.v provincial t'.onslable P. Ilroughtmi of ai liotsfonl. Aecosed, who was ur I'llallml 111 Ahbolsford. will appe-o1 before Judge Young in Ihetloun ly Court for eleellon. 'utlier I. Hello of oineiior of l ie lainei" my Wail General Election in Alberta Likely Next Summer; Premier Greenfield Goes Back to Farm KD.MO.NTO.N, Nov. 2. --Following hi-. resignation ex-iircniirr (ireenfiehl. who for several vear had been at ill... I. .....I ..r ii... r - ... . ....... ,i ...l,.,! ihat Ihe milwav' " ,,,c '""'' Boveniiueni in .vincrta. stateil . llial In- i V'tc rmm , KULEno ;I1U"U"1' wm' ',0,mcs 8,1,1 w"' Kuing bark to hi nc'caJ'n. viS,Ui5IelCri i'renitor Hrow.ilee, who has taken Mr. f ircenriehl's place, ire "'MM",", ix I'-leHion were pending and it was nol ! Illat.-hlon I we in- ' . L rln. v ,," " l'l' "ilhin eight inonlhs. , " y"" , V" i .No iiy-lclioi II riiMiv iiiiu in yen lin ing on them. ar expected ,ni cuniiertnni with cabinet reor- I it u il lu I ii tl i. . fijirlf,.li..M t. ill l.. i.n'-i-ni nn-uiiirr of IIk government. The tfi'lii'lal elec-l ion likely l'i : kn place during lln in i ! hI li'-iwi-n m'i'.Jihj and llUI '-I III-; tiillllTIHT. UNITED CHURCH WINS NANAIO 1 'l. railway officials, oeo'alon Handed Down by Judge ""' ,,,' are ln"s nothing there 1' tig in In own in- 0f : Hie iiiter,t of Ihej Supreme Court Favors Them Thre -ill T lloe- .Major - illy rejirrent ihej mvKMIILUt. ov. ;'t.-lll-.'i.mii of lUf (!itv or,ng ,f,mn a deriiin tn the mi-when lie li ie- to re-'prpmc r.Mirt ye.lenlnv in tlieea- i. lilies of that eity f . si. Andrew' litbytrian -lie iKirl"? I looks. l'i,,..-!. 0f NaiiHtnin. whirli w i.e va Iryilig to ron'iai,,.,, ln ,-ivil eoiirl n-e ami hiinl w ithitK , ,i,,,ii,. reuarilmx the h'nal-ny of the vole on Ihe lihure'i i-mi liegiu In flow , (uj.iiin. Mr. Juliee ieni t 'l of l-liiioiiton to' Murphy held Ihal pnerly quuli-I'niiee HuMrl. a it; roil voieri bad uol lieen alUmfiHo in dl of Mavor ,.xrreie Hnir rtpht. A Mie iiiiin-i ihe fitly or Kdmoii-ir. ,,fiil(. oler exewled to i he nhle t form' I lit IIIM n.rOv vkliirtt iiled auaili' i-nie a.-oi lalion iiii, tlie properly will he unto-l.rl. -hotihl hejniaiM Hv baiideil over lo lln l"i from IVIinonloii t ;iiurHi. i wo do at nMMit. - - " "!w sti t,rXmi AGAINST m ",'' .": HAYNER WITHDRAWN i'gui to lake more in- 'he prairie eily ami oflener. Our lnii-H tation will drnw u II ill lieeotue then ., ..I n, ..i ..ii.. I.. .... ..ni Evidence Showed That Car Was. nidi, i ii ii f.i ..ii tt iii:n... , .... NN ,,,a a"",,,, " 1 UHrK" vn iv to Irv lo Injure , . ;.. , . .! .. i.'llnvner of removing an anlomo- JM-rill HP IIP III I"- , ,.f r.. ii. in bilr vv hieh wan m the rinloily of uir il r .vnn-iin . .,, . , ,. he o;lo' .-ber,ffwn.w.U.drvv -how oppoMlion Mir Panfir iMirt, from I """rl " Z alii ghl l.eoefil t.eii.fil liraelv Idrgelv.i ",l ev lil-nri.' fin hi RpiHly " volved in Ihe removal of Ihe rar by any other innan than in goU failh. Not knowing of any al ii ..I tin n.iiil yrinn for the I'H ' '"i vehteln and Mliiply went lo get Hip propeiiv he ha. I hminhl. Home. of Ihe Unman CulhoUc Church in lTlnr llm.erl rict, ten on nisi I'niy nvinini.. i.m...i i. ...... L.i.,i.i. i....in for Fraser Lakf "n lYi-in Mlll-ll nil i- infill r iiuiii ,11 ,, ,nilay when the twin engines where ho will visit Ihe Industrial ! he inuehino both Mtoooed. Ihe nrl.ool for Unlives. He was ae- l"nnn fnlhno. r.nr. f....i ' ii. n.L ....... ni... I i fmni Ihe city hJ" ' 'Vind, I I I 1 1 I I ' 1 1 1 Ml M " Il'ulher Cocola "f Fraser Lake. HERE FROM MINE ON SALMON RIVER AND SEESjGREAT THINGS IE. O. Weston Says Troy Will bi j Valuable Property Similar to Premier ! V.. o. Vi'loi secretary or the Troy Mine of Salmon Itiver. ioil.iy passing otilh nil I lie Car-"l-iia after visiting I lie in I lit. !i line winter pui arp prriiarniK enrry on esteiiKive work ii'-xl .eaoii. , Mr.JkVrMon iw- 4Wnt ihk de vrli'ufii! h-lhe iHri?lijKrito.: of Uirtr ittteMintrjmiimr t&vin nearer ianiMrlalMrti anil will very oon put lliem in u jnii.il ion where they will he aide lo operate profitably. I: A. Ilagi'n. I In milling engineer, lii reporleil favorably mi Ihe pnnieily. Tbej have pood farililie for pulling in an elerti-ir plant and mill and (In- Bi'idnuK-al rondil ion are Uorli a In niilirale lliat Hip mine will he -Mim-wliai similar to the j I'riMiiier. BOUNDARY IN IRELAND STILL LIVE QUESTION Minister or Education Resigns From Free Slate Government Over It m ill.l.N. Nov. :. Uv. John MaivNeill. miiiisler or edtieallon Btnl former member of Ihe Irish boundary roiiiiniion. rescued from the Irish Free Stale cabinet l"iny over a dipule on the bouiiilary ipieilion. QUIET WEDDING AT LUTHERAN PARSONAGE Miss AMI Starck Becomes Brldo of Hugo Forsberg of Ketchikan and Will Llvo Hero A ituiel wedding took place yes teiilay afternoon, Hev. P. F.. Daislur ntricialinj:. when Miss .Mil Slarek or Prince lluperl been mO the bride of Hugo Forsberg if Ketchikan. The ceremony look place al Mr. Hauler's home, 2U Fifth Ave. .Wlesl. with only n few friends present. Mr. and Mr. Forsberg plan lo make their home in Prince Hu perl.; Hev. Dr. S. S. Oslerhoul of Vnnemivcr. sutierinlendenl of Oriemal Mission for Ihe United Church, arrived in Ihe city on the Caiileim this morning after having sn'enl several days at Anym He is on a lour of Ihe coast In ronnccllon wllh church extension work and will ho Ihe speaker al u ronpregallounl supper Ihal is to be held in the local church tn night. Two Civil Actions, One Appeal and Three Divorce Cases Comlno up Next Week Two civil aetioii", an for the eltii'S ande of h court and, for (Hat reason, no jiirie have been" empanelled. One of the efVil ca-es is a claim made by lluvh liillis, a filiprman. agiviu-J '.the Prince lluperl Hotel foijtilaiiiH'-c!! in Hie sum of S3, Coo. (iillis makes I hi claim as a fe-nll of a fall in the tieer parlor of Ihe hotel when he -talc Ihal lie broke three ribs nod ili-laincil other injuries. He claim Ihal lie inis-liiok the itoor of. Hie lavatory and, opening nil iinbarnil door fell IK reel dowK a hart into the basement of the' "hotel. 1.. V. Patmore ba t!oi ae fur Hie pSunliff while tb'j; defendant will be repreeiiUM "Kl0" '.uu-alci. the second civil action is that of Hubert II. Ilourke v. the :'anda PhmIiicI Ltd. The plau-tiff. uhu is a coulraclor of S n r i n swalcr. Saskalebewan. claim-' the um of ?8,5at for damaaes a a renill of the cancellation of a lodging eoul met and a further sum of 8l as a balance due on lo?s cut. The defendant company operates a sawmill at Usk. William. Man- oii (ionzaleo have Ihe eae for Uie-plaiuliff and Patmofe & Fulton for the defendant. Pal mure A Fulton will make eerliori application lor the selling aside of a conviction and line of U00 imposed by Masis- Irale MiH.lyinoiil aaiusl t'lara Drown of this city on a charge of unlawfully selling Ibpior. The Kroumls are thai a plea of guilly was entered on behalf of Ilie appellant without her knowledge by her rounsel at thai time. W. K. F'isber. DioiTe eaes to come up will be follows: MarJorie Mcllae of Smither vs. James Mcllae. Patmore & I'ullon for the petitioner. C. K. Ylreberg Vs. Ouia Ylre-berg. hagberl Lund co-respondent. Williams. Matisou ' Hon-zales for the petit inner. Lillian Orlrude Itolhwell vs. William Itolhwell. Patmore 'A I'ullon for Ihe petitioner. HARDY PERENNIAL IN LEGISLATURE Road to Corbln Brought up as Usual by Tom Uphill In Speeeh of Labor VICTOIIIA, Nov. 21. .The load lo Corbin has been discussed and shelved. II will nOl bo built just yet. Tom Uphill, Labor member for 1 ernie, has some supporters al Corbin ami he placates them each year with a speeeh on Ihelr needs. Corbin, il seem, is somewhat off the beaten track. It needs transportation and need It badly. Yet Corbin has In gctj along, just as hundreds of oilier places in Drilisli Columbia have to gel nlonig. without a road. The difference between Corbin and oilier connminilles I that Corbin bus n spokesman who unges lls inclusion in Ihe places lo be reached by automobile. dverti in the Dully New 25 TAXI Ambulance unci 4 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service lit with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. library floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XV NO, 273. I'lUNUK Itl'PKIlT, H.tl, 'TUESDAY. NOVU.MIIKU 21. 102.'.. YMUrdir'i Circulation 1W3 lrt aalM. 472. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FORMER ALBERTA PREMIER BACK TO FARM GRAND JURY CHARGES CONDITIONS AT BRISTOL BAY JUST AS BAD AS EVER EDITORIAL HOSTILITY OF EDMONTON'S MAYOR TO PRINCE RUPERTI ril ha liffii received here Mayor Illntihfiml of Ivl-:i appeared before the ii Hallway Commission- PORTLAND WINS ASSIZE DOCKET OPENING GAME ; HOCKEY SERIES . j UtJllliOVA. .Nov. 2i. Charges that paroled pri.-ouers, "the n"" !,,e eur," ' 5'iy!?hU eriminal-. wtUe einplujed in the Teams Were Ted at End or Second period After Which tanneries of the Ala.-ku Peninsula in the vicinity of Hering Sea Rosebuds Got Odd Goal maitrale'r. d.vi-;un ami Ihrei"' - divorce uiN will roiupric Ihci VAXCOl VKI'.. .Nov. .' i. In the docivet al the MCion of the Su-jopeiiin yame of the wi;.lern preine tUmrl ,.B!iz's opeiiiiisiboekey Ifastie seaoii played in licit- on liecemher 2. There will tfie arena here tal nishl. the he no criminal eae before Ihe: Portland llo.-ebinl look the Yan- rouvrr .Maroons into camp by i margin of one sroal. Ihe M-ore beinx three lo two in favor of the Portland team. The' visitors led off well, .-eor- intt two goals during the 'irs! period. In Ihe scvond period Vancouver eau?ht up with their rivals and the Ihird period sfarl- ed with everything set for a fi?bi lo a flni-b. There was a ood deal of excitement when Ihe vis- ttors seored Ihe- final jtoal which gave lliem a lead which tli- y h.lil until the end. SOVIET RUSSIA STANDS ALOOF: Will Not Enter League of Nations or Any Other Similar Organization MOSCOW. Nov. 2t. - Sovie Itussia intends to continue' lo stand aloof from the leauuo of nations ami similar organiza tion, art in ;r foreign minister LitviuolT declared yesterday. He said the Locarno security Irejrly would nol alter Ihe Soviel foreign policy. HELD UP BANK MESSENGERS Robbers Get Away With $50,000 After Shooting Policeman In Chicago :llir,A(.0. Nov. robbers held up Ihe sender ami guard, ; rioiisly injured a 31. Five bank mes-hol and evaded a filit and escaped with approximately SOO.OOO this morning. COLONEL PECK WAS CHOSEN TRUSTEE OF VETERANS CANTEEN!-'-- VICTOIIIA. Nov. 21. The War Veteran who are member of the Legislature yesterday chose Col. Peck and Drigadier-Oeneral Od ium to be trustees of Drilih Columbia-. share of Ihe Canadian canteen fund. The (wo will choose a third member to form a board which will function tinder Ihe federal statute passed this year. TWO YEAR OLD SON OF MR. AND MRS. ED. HUDSON DIED MONDAY Bristol Bay Cannery Scandals .Once More Aired by Grand Jiny at Valdez in Report just Issued were louhiiued in the report of the grand jury at Valdez. The jury staled that cannery employees commit the greater pari ol Hie violent crimes of the territory and annually make half the business for the gruml jury. Itigid cxumiiialiou of employees for the p irpoe of barring narcotic addicts, deeiier-, --- ates and criminals is advocated in the report, which criticized the Drislol Day coiniiijssioneiT for placing hail bonds so low that some felony defendants did not appear to answer the charges. WHEAT PRICE TOOK JUMP AT WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE WINXIPF.O. Nov. 21.-Thr price of wheal took auolliei' jump on the i-M-ain exchange hei'p today, Ihe advance varying from 2S t" 0 et;nl.. a bushel. The firreit,- vasSko ltririig Liverpool cables. HEARST MUSIC COMPANY HOCKEY TO TORONTO St. Patricks of National League Win First or Two Game Series Against B.C. TOUO.NTO. Nov. 31. The St. Patricks ol Ihe National Hockey League defeated the champion learn or Ihe wesi. the Cougars of Victoria in Hie first of a two game series here last night. The sraine wa iiluved under eastern VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal D.C. Silver Dunwell llazellon I., and I ,1'remler Porter Idaho ilvercrest Surf Intel Terminus (Sladslono liranby Indian !c. P. II. Daily Alaska The ileal h occurred in llii' Marmot Prince lluperl (leneral Hospilalillufus .. a in o'clock yesterday niornliuz ol Harry, the two year old son of Mr. and Mr. I'd. Hudson of Ninth Avenue and Conrad Slrccl. Funeral will lake place tomorrow afternoon from llayner Droi. Chapel lo Fnirview Cemetery, Rev. Waller Allen officiating. Howe Sound Unlit Tlopo National Silver .. Silversmith Lucky Jim Clapje Selkirk Dayvlew Did. Asked. U15H 1.83 ,1.37 1.30 .13 .ftJH .00 IU.00 $W .1 18.00 xOC 28.00 .38 .tin .in . '.5NH5 ,.lll .05 1.50 .HHi 2.30 .15 .09 .07 .05 -28 Vi .011 .09 .18 30 00 .12 ;,i5 ,21H AS .28 .01 H .09 H NARCOTIC LAWS INFRINGEMENT iadinitlinp during the (rial on a ! Man Who Posed as Chicago Doctor Sent Down for Yaar and a Day COItnoYA. Nov. 21. .rter posing ror four years as Ir. (John A. Flanders a Chicago phy-sieian. serving as mayor oT Kenai for three years and ministering lo the medical needs of Hie carreries at Drislol Day and Kenai. Hudolpli !riess was ron- iti efSPtal nWifa WsWer he statutory charge that he was not the mail he pretended lo be. He was hot convicted on the statutory rharjre. f itin.. .fin. i.i C. .T.tiii.n ..lA.IEi.ul HEAD AGAIN ARRESTED, student passed through here yes- , ;lerlay enrouh- to spend a year Charged by Provincial Police of'""'1 a ',a-v ' r,'deriU penitcn-Manitoba ,ia,y at M, Xt!il With Theft of $385,030 WI.NMPIKi. Nov. Joseph Hearst, former head or the Hearst Muic ompany. was ar-icsteil las nisht b.v the provincial police on a charge oT theft id slJHo.ncin. Hearst wa out on hail awail-Ihr trial on oilier charges connected with Ihe failure of the company. VICTORIA LOSES AT STILL CAUSES GRIM TRAGEDY Man and Two Children Lose Lives When Homo Is Burned at Portland POltlLANU. Oregon, Nov. 24. Floyd Cap. 36 years of age. bis sou Douglas, four: a daughter Klualielh, seven, were burned to .death and the home destroyed by rice at midnight. The mother and infant escaped. A large slill round on a blazing oil siove in Ihe ruins offered grim evidence of the cause of the trugedy. fire officials here stale. PEARLS FOUND LONDON OFFICE Necklace Valued at $80,000 Loit In Canada Sent to Dead Letter Department LONDON. Nov. 2t. A pearl necklace valued ut $80,000 re ported lost by llou. Mr. F. J. jllyigh on her arrival here last August from n tour of Canada has been found in Die Loudon dead letter ofHco where it was sent anonymously. For some time it woman at Lake Louise, where Mrs. Dlywh visited, bad been suieeted of the Ihefl. ' WARNING. F.very person in IheCilV using wiiler should be very careful and nol waste any as our main connection will not bo completed before nextvTuesility. City of J'rlnce lluperl. 273 I