r i' p.xaa rwd All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before A p.ni. on day preceding publication. All advertising received,, subject, to approval. - V: IT The Daily News prince nupEnr - imrnsn Columbia Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F, PULLRN, Managing Editor. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United ' . slates, in advance, per year To all other countries in advance, Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page i...$2.80 per inch .Local Readers, per insertion .... . .......25c per line Classified Advertising, per inserliou 2c per word , Legal Notices, each inversion,. . .. . . 1 5c per .agate line Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Vancouver Assizes Are Full Of Interest. The tuiciTuver aizes this year are full of news interest. ot only is I here the Janet Sniilh murder case, the kidnapping onsu of Wong Foon Sing and the Cowper liliel uit but there is sprung ii i frond Jrial in eoiiiiVlion with fruit dealers and others which has a wide interest as fur east its Winnipeg. I The last mentioned case was somewhat of a surprise to ylbe public. There had been an 'investigation, it was known, but " the extent ui' the ramifications of the alleged fraud are only T just being brought, to light. jHow Much Will You Pay 'To Further The Cause? Wheii a iier.-ou is intensely interested in a cause he is .usually ready (o pay to forward it. Trades Union members pay (regular assessments for their own protection. Those who talk ; wildly and would upset the whole world are usually the people who spend every dollar they possess and who then bowl because someone else has saved a little.' They are. not willing to contribute even to forward the cause they profess to espouse. Al the Labor Party conference in England that was made clear by James .Sexton, the Dockers' member of Parliament, who charged that all the wild group had contributed only thirty shillings to the movement they professed to support. Do Not Depend Too Much On Library. The public library is filling a great need in this community and strangers coining here complin'ient lis on the bright, cheery and useful Institution we. have here. The large number of borrowers testify to the value locally. AH kinds of people use it and it has a good ef feet in providing I lie right kind of occupation for those wlio'bave long evenings to spend. While the library is doing good work, sometimes it has a deleterious effect in preventing people from owning books. For ordinary reading it is all right In borrow but there are al-wny books that one wants to own. They are like family friends that are missed -If away. , Every person should have a private library. The books there will indicate to some extent what sort of person he is. The liooks should be in sight and readily available. A library lends a note" of distinction to the furnishings of a room. Xu sitting room can be said to be complete without at least a shelf of books and some magazines. Xow that the autumn is coming on, is a good time to start a new library or to build up the old one. Xew books will be coming out and will be available soon; Bight now, before the Christmas activities, is the linje'Li plan what books to buy ami what line, or study to carry on. Taking Exercise During The Winter. In a part of the country where the winter evenings are long and. the, days short and sometimes the weather is disagreeable, there is a tendency for people, lo mis the amount of. exe.rHse which seems necessary for health.. Keeping oneself fit is really part of the winter duty. 11 may any vigorous or stimulating game, for Unit oflen is not possible. What is possible is to take some physical exercise at least once a uay. possibly in lhe bedroom. Walking of course every body .knows is splendid exercise nig aioiie'.nini possiiuy do iuM Hie '(bitfflf, each, tine to solve wnypossuije. Keeping fit is necessary . to. health. V AVij ,oflen takj;otdeVIop)ng the mind. We discuss sub-! jecls which have to do wtflw)uM'la activities but Hie body is the! first care, the mind coming second. There cannot ''well be a 'sound mind in an unsound body. Thai is why we believe so thoroughly in playsbeds and playgrounds for lhe children. The average child does uo need any spur lo activity. You cannot, keep him jpiiel. He will lake exercise in spile of everything. The chief difficulty is wilh older people who lei them selves go to seed and become old when they should yet be young and active and muscular and keen and bright and fit. 1 t24 BEST PROCURABLE hM SOTTUO 4 6UAKANUI0BV MCWUCt Of ICOTLMB OfTltLt. It ft unnoaCK 0 SMVtaic auwjvCT hm tcon.ao $1.00 $0.00 $7.50 ...... i . . ' per year 88 88 Friday, October 2. 192.". not be attained by taking part in but many do not care for tramp nave a suitable companion, it is the exercise problem in 'the best td)y?. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." The Original Label look for It at the Vendors and Insist on QUANT'S 1E8T PROCURABLE." This ndverlisemunt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia DORE SPEAKER AT ROTARY CLUB Tells of Advances In Communl- cation Through Development of Electrio Devices John Dure, superintendent, of Ihe iMivi-rtiinent Telegraphs, was (lie speaker al lhe llotary lunch-! . . i .. . . . , ill eon yesterday afternoon with II. 11. Little presiding. In the course of his remarks he said: Klerlrleily travels at a - spee.r of Kf 0(1(1 miles per second, while sound travels at only 1,- 100 miles per second. KleclricilyJ travels 185 limes faster than sound. Electrical communication makes use or this great speed. Die telegraph came first, thenlm average for the month of "rt.O dav. I Here were a. new res-urjinli and 10 were eencelled. the telephone. Today the tele- If. a and teleolione evervwhere'istraTions supplement each other. They enile simultaneously on the. on same wires without interfering with each other. The telegraph current is usually direct and by steady while the telephone current pulsates or vibrates. Lately radio has entered the field. The cable and lelivraph have n'hack-ground of nearly eighty years, itadio is just an infant but we must consider electrical communication as a whole and the art is still in its early youth. The cable, telegraph, telephone, and radio each have their o nt field. They do not supplant each other, they supplement'.; They are certainly shrinking' the world lo a very sniairi.e. Before the day of electrical communications the arts of coni- municalion were sailing a ship. riditiig a horse or building a road.jusher. Less than ii hundred years ago Ihere was not a mile of steam-railroad, nor a mile of electrical telegraph or cable, no radio, no automobile; no communication facilities excenl human or ani mal legs, wheeled vehicles and sailing ships. First Wireless - The Romans hari lhe first wireless, they used codes of al ternating smoke and flame to flash the orders of the Honian cenerals from one point to the oilier. The Indians in the West later ue. a development of this system. They flashed a blanket before their camp fires. This vn really a system of lieliographiug which gave rise to the heliograph or system f sigualliiiK by sun Hashes used in military signal ling. The tribal runners yave rise to the l'ony Express tised in the Western Stales. There were fie bundled hordes in the l'ony Ex press and eighty riders. Buffa hi Bill was a l'ony Express rider. Letters had to lie written on lis sue paper and the postage was $ for half an ounce. That was in 1K5S, not so long ago. All this great advance in elrc Ideal -communication has taken place in the last eighty years and it is still only in its infancy. The world is rthrinkiiitf lo a very small size these days and wilh the advent of radio the end is not yet. Submarine cables, tele graph and telephone laud wires are being extended rapidly every day, 21.000 miles of new submarine cable having been laid last " ear. A few weeks ago the Mexican Consul (ieueral al Ottawa put in n call lo lalk by telephone wim llabioia, - f.uba. He was put through In fffteeti minutes. This circuit passed from Ottawa to Montreal, Xew York, Richmond, Virginia , Jacksonville, (Florida . thence under water 00 miles lo llabana. It would have taken htm two weeks lo send a letter thai distance. I haven't said a word about our own Yukon Tcrraph system which, without exaggeration, Is one of the most unique telegraph and telephone systems In the world. This may sound fantastic hut nevertheless it is a fact Despite great physical difficulties in keepitiK up the lines it Is performing a wonderful social service. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert 'Hie Princes Patricias regiment is being reinforced with members of Hie University battalion. The sum of l!i was realized al a Red Cross sale conducted yeslenlay by Mrs. A. II. Hazzcl-Jones and Mrs. 11. '.. Walker. A dividend of 91,50 per Minn has been declared by the Hranby iCo., a similar dividend having been paid last July. InEWUBRARIAN IS INSTALLED miss Crulkshanks Takes Charge In Place of Miss Mortimer Who Is Leaving The new Librarian. Miss Crutk- shanks, look eharRe of I he pulille. library yesterday after having spent several I .1..... lays ...III. wim .mis MIjj Mortimer, learning- the routine work as it is done here. uoiii .miss i.niiKsmiuN ..... Mi ' Mortimer were al the Hoard meeting lust night.. Intents are ludnjr made to ship The Librarian's report for the.; j arks ()(. ska S,rlic,. monlh of September showed that ((( ri,(UPljon ?. IiooKs were loanen uuriiijr mi oaj iii .uuruiy "i . being now HUM borrowers I lie list Xew books were received during the month, 13 by sift and 33 purchase while were cancelled a being unfit for further circulation. There are now t,tX3 books either on the shelves or in circulation. Miss Mortimer is heinj? mai-eid here next Thursday. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: WHEX the bees went into lhe ark Xoah kept them lnv the archives. THE latest description of i (doctor is thai of a "two v' PEOPLE here so hunting fo-their health, for recreation, fo;-a breath of pure, air, for plea ure, to enjoys the great, opeii spaces, lo 2et game and for ar eseuse to be away from home. I WISH I were a Tory And could swuliowany rot I then could vole for Mdghen'-' crowd . An would not care a joL I might have bei;n a progressive .mi stoien me i.uterat iun I (I take lite program with a Korke I'ntil I had enough. Liberal I might have been WitJi loyally to King With cheers for elevator and Bui thank the powers I pick and choose Without a parly He And if a parly ask my vole I answer with a sigh: My man what have you Ihere worth while To bring prosperity If you have something up your sleeve Put it where 1 may see. TIIIS is Hie way a poet in one of the college papers expresses the woes of the modern student Eau'l study in lhe fail Holla play football, Gan't, study in the winter. Holla play basket' ball. (Ja oft Jslid.vi1u 'HfoTpring Hfttja rday- baseball. nan'luity in the suurmcr. jiolla.girl. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. J. Doiulas and children Carlisle Cannery; O. Polumbo, Endako; William H. Mitchell. .1. A. Large, X. Murchie, C. Freder-ickson ami .1. A. O'Donnell, Vancouver; A. E. Xnel and V. II. Moss, Balmoral; O. 11. Savvle, .New Hazellon: II. S. Andrews. Miime ......IIj, ii, ii .i vi aeiliiti ymi will liavr t eiilrr an aar- ilpOlljS, .(..111) II. lOUgh, Mllgara,an.r Hi i the llrglMry offUp of lhl lion- I-alls, OnL; tieorge McAfee. Heorgetown; J. P. Kggleshaw, Terrace; It. Oibson, Port Kssing-ton; James Selkirk, New Westminster; Miles Donald, Alice Arm; Miss Rita Martin, Massclt; A. 1". Milehell, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cabrera and family, Massell; Dr. and Mrs. William Sager. Port Simpson. Central J. M. Hrahain, C.N.R.; J. H. Ilricker, Vancouver. , ' Not What Ma Wanted chrani. who had run out of gas on the outskirts, of a country lovvn, suw a boy coming along lhe roa.l carrying a big tin can "Say, boy!" he yelled. "I hope dial's gasoline you have in Unit can." wen, i nope ii ain't," rc turned the bov. "It would lnln like llhl Hie IIIR illrkena UirKenS nn On nut n.n'a A r.n Pan - cakes."- IJosloii Transurlpt. 'CHIEF RANGER VISITING CITY Arrangements Made to Ship Spruce Cones to New Westminster James Selkirk, Dominion chief lire ranger with hfaihiuarlers at ' smins,.r, returned on the I'rinre Ituperl lust night Iroin Alice Arm where lie has 'been spending the past week and . twill uriKM't'il tomorrow tomorrow niiuhl j,i to wln're nrrance- . , a V(w Westminster. Of Ule these seeds have been much in demand espeeially in the t'nl-led Kingdom where attempts are being made to propagate Sitka Spruce. Mr. Selkirk looked over the Silka spruce stand in the Alice Arm district but found the cones unsuitable, almost all lhe timber being affected by Hie Anyox smeller fumes. SKIDEGATE Pete Horvik. skipper of I seine boat Malamule, was fined' trn at Queen Charlotte filly for having his seine out ahead of lime. He vva reiHirted on by lhe. seaplane in charge of Plying officer Hull. On Saturday ,the seine boat Xaas was caught fishing illegal-, by lhe fisheries proie,-ti'i cruiser Marflsh and lowed inlo Lockeport. ', Cap!. P. Armour of the Pach-j eua reports a blj run of chums. at lekeport. Jack McMillan, superintended' of lhe Kelly Log and Lumber Co. came Into port last ni;hl on his speed boat the Melba L. and wa guef of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens while here. Mr. McMillan re ports everything going splendidly at his camp but owing to the ex- Ireme dry weather he is finding a Utile trouble supplying some of his onmps with fre,sh waler. Bert Hanson mid his popular engineer Tommy Mnorehoue were in looking for another load of colioes. The seiner President II. came over from i.ovve iniei ami brought over Mr. and Mrs. hudge who wish to thank their many friends who so senerouly came lo their aid when Iheir home was burned at Saiidspit. There are now Irollers for the Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co. here and all are doing well, the catches running from .' to 100 a boat. The prices paid for eohoes is 521-i cents each dressed. Capt. Jack Simpson of Queen CharloUe City is rigging up hi launch, the Alerl, lo go trollinjr. dvortlse In Hie Hallr News IN THC SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. Bdwi-ni AiriTil W. r.larkr, I'lil.itlff; AikI TMMpla. lbitK'rtn kerr, lM-rriwlaut. T.Vkr: .VTH:K tluf an irtlini -a 'iiiinriici'd sratiiM mi liy H.r ilxrtn-uHiiiad I'ljiniirr Hi clay of ,Mr. lrS. in trnn i,l an .Vvn-rinriil tor Sal- mart Ix-twem yoti and Ox- ruitillff won ni- in in a i ana itirtiurv ui iah SUlw-n (,. hliwk Thrv (SV-SrtMi Hlu 'Si, city or rriiuv itujM-rt. vise u:i. wliirh mi.I Ag-rrriiM-iil It lUlnl iirnst leu., iirn. AMI TAkk .NoTIC.K tint by sil or.l'T if lln lloimr Jintito V.i.i.ir, (laird I lie flit la) tit Srl4iulxr. IBIi. It a ur-uVrnl ifiat Milillrallull X till liollra III It iHwairr ,.il)ll.lil at I'rlnit liurrl, II. :.. iH-i a wm-Ic rr r.sir i--k shall I iVriiirt f.Mxt and iifflrliMil servlie nt tlic Writ r SiimmoiK In Oil artlon iimiii ynii; a.Mi It wa fiirtlwr urdi-retl that tin- tunc for .rnterlnr an airaraii'e liy you to 1bi Wtll of Simmnm. In till ariluii Iw withlu thirty days fter llw lat Hibllrallnn ef urh iwiilrr. ir ii i H.r inwiiiiini u ihici.u ii.i isiraliln Conrl at the Court IIsiih, I'rHiro iiuiierl. in... to On- writ or stimiiinn. IwrHn ullhlii thirty lay of I1 la) eui'.ii-HiiiHi. iiuirrwiM i. if na.Kiur may prowd lierrla. Ii UHi iiiu mil day of Srpld.ihfr, ivza. M. OONZAI.rs.. iMillflior for I'lalnlirr. T0: Tf miliar llolx-rtnoii krrr. Of frndawt. N O T I 0 t. IN TIIK MATTFIl of an ariillialloii for inn nur or rniriainiiai i.priiriiai1 or Title for U't 1, llkirk t; Ij.U 0 ami III, lllisk N ; l.i.H 7 and . Illmk II; IjiU a. ft. 7 and P. Iilork IS; Uil I and f. Illot'k IS; I i,l 3 and 4. Illm k (t; l.i, 3, I, 7, . II and If. liliMk 17; lt It and If, HhH-k to; l.i 9 ami in, lihuk SI; l.oi HI. and III, Illmk ti: l.ot I. 3 and I. Illork til; and Lot .1. Illixk S. all In ll r'lrM AdIIOai. Timimlle of lort simiiMin, Majr IP; Ami, tlic Kat half of nan if rr of l,t u, lianae i. Cont IH.trlrt.. si.rai-i,irv nrimf of iho I,,.. ,.f frtmralra ff Title rovr-rlns: ih .Imivi-land harlnt Imii prNlnr-il In im, II l my llili ntlnn to lamir, arirr the rMilrallon of oim- iiioiiUi front Urn first imbllratloii helror, I'rnvlololial lrllf rl' of Till In IIm shiive lai.iN In Hm naiiir of IIIMllKS J. toll.NSO.N. Tl orlslnal Cirliriraipa i.f Title arc daii-d the Ith AnriMI, loon, the 3rd January, I0H, and I 111" Ifilll .Vl'lllnlifl- I S II 1 . raluil u..li and are n red ISJ5l' 5i.l, ami iniuitc. ' .. ' nd ll-Htry Offlrr-, 'rlli fliipert. ,l.f .. Sth Spiileinl.ar. 1011 11. v Mart.Fiin, limilnr of TitUs. Frlilay, Of-lober 10! " My clothes used to be yellow - now they are snowy white" "I always had trouble with my clothes they used to come out to yellow. Then a friend told me about Rinse. I found it makes a wonderful top solution. Th! removed every bit of dirt and then it all rinsed out completely. There was nothing left to yellow the clothes as there was no soap to stick it was all dissolved. "I am now delighted with my wash my clothes are always snowy white." A letter received by the makers of Rinso. Just skat tome Riiuoiato a Muctpui, add hot im, and youll get lh wonderful soapy solution that is the only soap you nrJ for your art tuba, your boiler, your wauV ins machinr. Rinso latli dirt out. Lrvrr Brothers Limited, Toronto. Rinso Goods - Free One Can PALM-OLIVE TALC POWDER FREE with enrli lubiV of l'alni-lMive ShavliiK (Irtvun 35 cents One GILLETTE RAZOR and Blade FREE with ear-h lube of Ilexnll Shaving Urrain 40 cents Ormes Limited The Pioneer I)ruggtls. Itexall Store. 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Phone 82 and 200 Wholesale and Hetail Druggists m TIMBER SALE, X7051. Tlwre mill be nfffrrd for ale at I'ublHi Auillon, at nooo mi tin ateifa day of, SMitrtnlrf-r. Ifl. In tin .iff.' or tm li.rrnl Hanrrr, luiriM l.akr. Ih Llrrnre X7U1I. lo rut 7S.0UU Jarkpiiw lira uu aul area ilUialrd alMHil 5 utile .North of linker Uk SUlk.ii, lunar I, Coatlf Ulairkt 7 In re )nn lll t allowed for r inuvat of tlniber. "Provided any one unable to mend the aiidlun in t,ii may submit a sealril ii-mifr in rw p-mHi ai in mn.r or iw lion arul Irraled a one hid." further riartlrnlars of lhe rhlef rrel er, Vlrtorta. .;., or Putrkl Foremer rrnwe. nui-ert. TIMBER SALE, X 7468. Sealed Tender will Iw reeled by Hie VlnUler of I a lull al Vlrtorta not later thai tHxin on the ffsd itar of Orloher, ii.. ior 1 1 if ir-i.a' nr i.mnre nr, in rut tfif.uou feet of Sprui-e and llnii-kn-k ihi a:i area sllusied on Vkwii Inlrl approiimalely 7 mlle fnun I'ort Clements, V.CJ., mine liuiert lilmrlrl. Two if year will lie alluyved for removal of Umber. Further rllrulr of I lie chief For-eler, Vlrlorla. nx.. or lilslrlrt rores-lf. Cflin'e llni'rrt, H.C. TIMBER SALE X710Q There will be nrfered for aale at Ptibll. Alirtlon. at nmiuxui lhe 1st iv i.f (in,.. Ur. Url, In the orflre of the iWeM Sim-rivUir, .smllher. II.C, IIm l.lrei.re a 4iiiD. in in i aio.uuu lineal reel of l.rdar I'oles ami I'lllni on an area adjoin. Inir ha ftao, norlh wett or llatellon. Calar Mlrlrt. Three (jj yrars will be allowed for ri-niovai nr nniurr. , I'rovliled that an)- one unable to attend Hid aiH'tlon In liernoii may siiliinll a sealed tender tn be iM-nei at th hour of aurtlon and treated as one bid. further narllriilar of the Chief Forest rr, Vlrtnrla. II.C. or District forestei I'Mni'e Hmwrt. II C. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intsntlon to Apply lo Purchass Land. In the Land llernrdlna lilslrlrt of Prlnre lliierl, ami situate on Ulr falls Creek whlrh flows into iu Kmlsll lilver annul g miles froiii It mouth. i,TUV.X,.,.T,.r,: W ,fl"r" "'U-ert Spruer llll I IiiiIIj..! tit to i... I,... -. ' . .: 1, ,iinf iiuin-ri, iirr.iiia1 .lion lumber tnaniirarturers, intends lo fee v for ierinl.iu In mrrhae the fol .Inwhir described lands: - ..., ,r ,, a punien siin.ii to rhaliK northerly rrmu the southeast ror her of Ui (II, Itanae four; thetira 40 rhaliis northerly; Ihenre tlx rhalns raster-l.v; thenre III rhalns simlherlif; ihenre 10 rhnlns westerly tn point nf roiumenee-!esi"' ro,,u,n,n" Tes, more or 'mixer. nurr.riT sriu'CK tuu,, UMiTrn, Ai.pllrsnl W Sttttttttl Sale - - Special Value $10.00 Girl's Wrist Watch We offer this little watch as a nii'o gift for the Utile girl. The case Is gold filled green, white, or yellow wilh n 15 Jewelled movement and we (tuaraulee it to be a reasonably good limn keeper. John Bulger Jeweller New Shipment Fall & Winter Coats Just Received, On Sale at Moderaln I'rlres Bail's . Third Ave. Phone 051