ti,ng . nii ie nunc tan wiin h -ui hi west iicmmi Hie govent-:iit with Ihe Wel represented in the rultinel Mill fnrlhr, p -i. 1, jHilirit" could be carried through lo fruition. M I.un.l FMierie Co.. a mii. enff ctmrerw, A.ul VHIt. del. . LTabor , a'e anaiisieiiirnl are Mil? made ' for a reception lo Premier .Mae ikcnzie King tomorrow morning. warf At Jedvrqy emed yjy ucm'Mll,, .""decision reserved .tury plant, lopeiiier -enot mrw ttl went In Hie liMitnin f The h hieluilert 15.- ''1 -alniftii. about ?., " it ami 1.10 Ion of sell. no lHiiranee on Ihe vrriitg the aeeUlenl. The ii,- lM'tn iii operation for "am awl wa one of Hi"' f it kind "it Ihe I land. 'leiil. II 1 thtnmhl. wa, In- wharf helnp over-: Worker were hny in' " ry at (he time Iml Iherej !" of life. ! f Hie arriileol wafj Hi-- My lv nalm:ii aflerronri J CLOSED SEASON ALASKA HERRING Packers Ask That It Commence at Once Insttad of on January 1 xr.V'lTI.K. . '.. eallle li "ik inii'keiK iiniiounee thai li iw rottenled the l'llilel. ulr- Inn Miu of fiHe lo or-'li ,i i'IomnI xea-on on hevriiva ' ii in Aikuu walen lo ' ini'ni'f Monday lnlead of on Vi'iuber io. ' Tmi rlott'd f'aon now einN on i "iarv iumI ,ee WukefieM, ' Hie larget Ainerieiui fin vm, .all il wa felt Ihe ex-sifi uu tu-eensary for "con-Aii'ion of Hi1 fich and per- pi,r a 1011 of Hie industry." ON GRAIN RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST OTTAWA. OH. ?. Al Ihe final eion of III' I Ion til of Hallway lUt'ti-loioloner hold eerlay eeiiun wn reene 101 Hie sraiu and flour rale lo tbe I'aeifir (wl. whieli hail heen apenlel niol argument i wliieh wa heartl durnitt Ihe pal few day. The argument lalel for three daya. the laol ilay Iteing oertipie! largely hy the province of Alberta mid Sakate-wan wlio .1 iiiioiiv miippurted the i.r.lei fr eiial rale for I'nnfir porl. uov eminent proHMilion of an nlleijied rruil roinbine appeared in the Aic I'.oiirl Ihi morning reinaml wntil Tuesday at the re-tliiesl of the ilefeuce wa granted. The defendant were nllow- il bail wl 3.00 each, no plea beina entered. STOCK MARKET Daly Alanka Ininwell I.. A I Ireinlr Silvercresl . Surf Inlet 11.(1.. Silver . Hiizcl(oii .... Marninl Motley blalu fladlonet '.. Terminus .. flranby .... Howe Sound Silversmith l.ucky J I in tJtacier Hums Indian Selkirk Mayvlew Ihe jMjIifp rteorled lu the where the mayor and reeve of the lower, SalUd Salmon And Bo Shook mainland will he invited lu meet Lott it Jed way on Wednss- him. day I Mr. Kins pak at New Vel- I initiator iii Hie afternoon and 1 ,k . I elitn.ilel nt there will lie a monster nni . .. .11. tallied y the meHing In Ihe Arena at night. 4 Hid. Aked. 1.2" . 1.20 1.10 .17 .20 -2MI .nit H .ni i .07?; .85 1,00 .02 .10 i .... .-'0 .25 4 .27 Vi '.' "... ". 10.00 21.00 .21 .2 m .im .ic ... .2fH .28 .18 .04 .00 .04 .04 .05 .09 TWO MORE BODIES FROMSUBMARINE NFW LONDON. Oct. 2. - Two more bodies were taken Trotn the submarine Mo morning after divers had found the engiuo room flooded. SPANISH TROOPS ENTER RIFF CITY .MADIIID, Oct. 2. Spanish I room I hist murium; entered Ad- Jlr. caiiilal of Adbel Krim, Ihe lllfflati leader. WISCONSIN WOMAN IS 111 YEARS OLD TODAY KKNOSHA, Wis.. Ool. 2. Mr. I.uulse K. Capron elebraled her 1 1 llh birthday today. She hail a daIy cold plunge until past Iho. eumury nnirK. 9 Boston Grill m A ....., , 1 Large lptair Dining Hall, . Afii ... i with newly laid dancing, floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latent and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YOl. XV . NO, 229, pmxci-: ni'pKUT, n.c, fiuday. octohkh 2. 1025, Vftttrtfty'i Circulation 1MS PRICE FIVK CENTS. SITTING OF RAILWAY BOARD IS CONCLUDED COWPER LIBEL CASE STARTED YESTERDAY AND IS PROCEEDING TODAY Great Reception Given Mackenzie King at Calgary and Preparations for Monster Meeting Vancouver CALOAHY. Oi l. 2. W ild Hie mi.mic ex. cplion if Hit Ut .in' ommi air meeting. Premier Markciuic Kmg addressed he i .igrl audience of lii campaign mi i.ir here lnt night. Ik' devil with the luriff and tent' wed In-, plea tor we-lern ih'i .turn Willi ii view In enabling the government lo carry .1 M-i-. lie xlmweil rlrarlv that with ilividnl forces nu- WHARF CAVED 111, UIU UJUU ,,., Vancouver FRENCH DEBT IS ARRANGED Final Meetlnn of Commission Makes Temporary Aqree-ment Covering Five Years. WASHINGTON. OcU A ''inporary iigreement oveting I'fiiod of five yearn wa reach ed at a final meeting yetlerday r'f Ihe Ameriraii-rreneh debt ciininUnloiier for Iho funding of 'In? war loan. The aifangeiiHMit provide for annual payment of 10,iM)0,t)00 by France, which will be considered 11 full, cutrenl Interest on the lolal debt. FRUIT COMBINE CASES REMANDED! Ball of $5,000 Each Glvon British Columbia People Ch.aro.ed With Price Manipulation VANtUHVF.ll. Oct. When nix of the llrilish Colombia ae-eiised in connection with (he BUYING LOGS AT MASSETT INLET Former Local Lumber Man Organizing Business of Benefit to Loggers on Islands J. A. OT'oimell, formerly ac-uunlailt Hi Ho- I'rinre Itupert pru.e Millc, arriutl here on the rinee John tat night fruiu Mas-etl Inlet where he i making nuilgeiiienlH for the jobbing uf ) lo Hie Vaneuuver in.irket dr. OTMiiioHI ha order for up o two milium fret uf lug nuiiliil) ami he i now lining ti oiiiier up lu produce them. It eipeeled that Hie, first barge oad will be bjeobvl Uierir bVorc hrilma. and. ;fler1hefjnah-f latloil is. fculiUkl. fl JiJlded lu chip a hnrire load per mouth. While definite ari'angemeiit hae not leen made il i eiteei-e. ilmt Ho lleeate Strait Towing 4.' larj;e Hrumroek will traiiKport Hie luy couth. Airplane and high grade pruce; will he uel hy the Yaiicumerj mill and the lower grade nnd liemlork ami cedar will be taken by Ihe pulp mill. i I'iie omrtnnity affordetl by Mr. O'ltoniiell for them to ell log f liouhl prove a boon to the loyser ' the IIiimI. There i al iire-eiil practically no log- vinyi going on in Ma.elt Inlet ami Mr. OTionnelt i able to offer a ! prires a were ever paid before. Mr. OTionnell will return to Ihe land tomorrow ntehl. BRAVERY CITATION FOR TWO POLICEMEN i SIlATTl.i:, Oct. l'atfolmeii lo Hush and Jand wlio capiureii; Ihe three bank robbers 1. 11. i Johnson. Jauie Fanning, aliai William Mcr.ai'tliy alia William ilallan, uud James Kemjall of Chicago, have been recommended for n bravery citation. Hush found Johirsoit in a woodshed ami Sands captured Callau by t-rnwIiiiK umler u house after him with a flashlvghl. 'EStw lBB SSSSSSK I BBB BBBBBBF raTaTarHHHr FararaTaTaTaTaTaflHEBfiBlBHi aBHBBBBflBBJPaw , BBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ RT BBBflBBVHaAi 'sBBVBVftk BBJBBVBVBVJBBVBVBVBVB1 yPpppHHppppHHpHijH. kTABHHHBhHBBBBBBAVBBBBBBf iBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBET BJ Uoblo Jones t unfa, w ih hi I tilled .Slates amateur golf hampioiishp cop which he again lipids Cowper Being Tried for Libel Vancouver Assize Court; Case Opened Yesterday Afternoon VANCOl Kit. Oi l. 2. The trial or J. S. Cowper, ediloi of Ihe weekly publication charged with ilefamatory libel, was proceeded Willi yesterday afternoon in the assize court. The charge nruse out of an article published in the Saturday Tribune in connection with Ihe death ofJauel Jsmilh , on 1 July 2. llefemlant's counsel advised Ihe court that they wnuld&iti-mil publication of the edition of the paper in which the story alleged to be defamatory to I. 1.. Maker, employer of Janel - Smith, published. -C - . was GOOD RECEPTION TO NICKERSON ery He Paid Visit and Alice Arm ti. W. Niikeison, accompanied bv W. II. .Montgmeiy. returned ' The chief witnesses of tin? af, ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Maker, the former relating events in 'ounccliou with the Janet Smith rase Mrs. Maker's evidence cor roborated that of her husband. -- No new evidence was brotiighl Accompanied by W. H. Montgom- out. in to Anyox Anvm ' . STORM IN JAPAN WAS SERIOUS HAPPENING from a p.lilial trl lo Alice Arm!Thepe Wcpfl 42000 HouM$ papt, tlllll .IH.)l' IITI1I ll'JIUII llittltlt! been given a goxl reception. A meeting wa held at Alice Arm) and al Anyox they met a great1 many of the citizens and the reception accorded them was very encouraging. C. I'. llyles of Ihe logging department of Ihe Pacific Mills returned to (iri'iut Falls on the Prince Ilillx'i ' last niulil. ly Submerged In Toklo TOKIO. Oct. 2. Further de tails of Wednesday s storm show 20 killed in Yokohama ami six in Vokostiku by slides. Fifty houses were razed by Ihe slides and enormous damaigc was caused to Hie railways. , lu Tokio. 42.00(1 houses were "r"v submerged. Hon. Arthur Meighan Holds Big Meeting at Winnipeg and Talks on Live Questions of the Day WINNIMKO. f)e. 2. Addressing 11,000 people al a Conservative rally here last night Hon. Arthur Meighen devoted much tinie lo Ihe ipiedn of railways and Ihe lariff. lie reiterated the contention that if Hie railway debt continued to pile up. bankruptcy or amalgamation would bo bound to follow, lie thought Ihe Inlltjr would be hotter than the former. v ; Speaking tut Ihe railway rales, (he Conservative leader maintained that any adjustment worked oui should benefit, .all pails of I lie coiinlry. On Hie tariff he, remarked: 'Follow the interests of Ihe wtijjo earner ami sou tau t go wru,ug." Most Important Sitting of Railway Board Ever Held is Just Concluded Impression was that it was final effort of big interests to hold something not rightfully theirs 1 OTTAWA, OH. . Hie .--illing oi the boanl of railway rumiiii!ioiier wlncli Jia- jiial loiirliideil wa one of (he ino;t iiiipoitaiit ever heid, teilaiiily Ihe niol iiriorlatit to Iho West. Il ha been a t might fight between Ka.t and West but wh.tli will win eaiinot be foiei-a.lel. If the Vel lose-, it i certain (hat the fight will be continued until Ihe Pacific coa.t gets fair treatment from the railways. Colonel Thoma Vien look, his eal on the board for the lirst lime so anything may happen. (!. .. Melieer. Who has been leading the fiht Tor Ihe West, -onltnucd to do so during the present sitlins atKl lie was ably Ducked iiy s. . Woods, former attorney Kcneral f Alberta and Mier counsel. Hie (iaims of the West were; present who nerje thi'jJnlr,"o al .Hie 'Aancijave.r hear EXTRACTION OF GOLD SUCCESS fully discussed ami the legitiimeyj Good Results From Cyanide Proof the order issued by the two cess With Black Sands Re- t ouimissFimers 'JfcKeovfii and' ported by Engineer In lx"i-. OHCS' Charge Tug. was a flacked by the oppo-. Complete success of the can- '.ci:s or i lie western route. j iue process lor lite extraction oi To a Mrilisli ColumJjian the pure gold from the black sands rthole an?uuteufs seemed like a 0f Mas?ell Inlet following a demand on the arl of the more ;nonlh's lest run is reported by powerful interests of the Kast i:. r. Cabrera, niiuing engineer in juclinling tire Canadian Pacific charge of the work, who arrived Itailway. the city of Winnipeg, from the Queeu Charlotle Is-and the Hoard of Trade of MVm-jands ou the Wince John last I real lo hold on by sheer force to' night. a business which their smaller; Mr. Cabrera is here to meet neighbor considered was his John M. Tough of Niagara Falls.: by right. MOSTLY AMERICAN SAN FHAiN HSCO, Oct. 2. Harry Jackson alias Jacohsou,' said by the police in be wanted in conucidioti with a 25.000! merchandise theft, wa- arrested last night and hooked et route to Windor. (miario. LABORER HAS THREE WIVES IN CITY OF TORONTO IS CLAIMED i ( UK INTO, Oct. Sheffield, a laborer yesterday. The poliri has three wives living etil part s of the city. married years. within a period of well known Ontario mining man-and one of the discoverers of;, the Kirkland Lake mining wealth,'1 i who has become iuleresled Ini. CATCHES ARE SOLD r iu "raw; , j IIant black sands. They will,, . , ... ,,leave for the Islands on the'' Most or the catches sold at the ; J((in lomorrow nih, fish exchange-Hos. were morning Mr T( havii arrjm from American boats. While hosf.or m ,er( v lruin- the price was lower than yester-j Hay it is "till tiiy'i enougu to uc profitable. Sales were: i , American ! Western 24,000 at 43.10 and' 0 lo Cold Storage. ' . j Mars iM'OO al 13.70 and C lo Cobl Storage. . j Eureka Id.oon at 13.80 and ii; lo Mooth Fisheries. Valorous lO.ootl at 13.80 and 7 lo Cold Slorage. tiladys y.000 a 1 1 and 6 lo Moolh Fisheries. Kastern pom ,3onj to Hoyul Fish Co. Canadian Inured II. 8.000 at 12.50 and 0 to At lin Fisheries. Inez. II. 7,500 at t io C"ll Storage. HARRY JACKSON IS .50 and 0 ARRESTED BY POLICE JEWELS STOLEN FROM DRESSER Daughter of F. W. Woolworth Looses Three Quarters of a Million Dollar's Worth NFW YllUK, Oct. 2. -When Mrs. Jaine Donohue, daughter of the late F. W. Woolworth, stepped inio an adjoining room in the 1'laz.a Hotel apartment Wednesday night, jewels valued at 750,000 were stolen from her dresser drawer. Mr. and Mrs. Donohue lately returned from Kurope, and were 'slaying at Die hotel while their home was lieiug renovated. The entire loss was covered by insurance WILL SUPPORT PROGRESSIVE Portage La Prairie Liberals Behind Harry Leader Against Meighen WTNNII'lUi. Oct. 2. The Liberals oT Portage La Pralrln j riding decided not tij nominate a 2. James candidate to conlcsfj the ridlu? was arrested, a,gaint lion. Arthur Meighen. claim ho .Conservative leader,, The con-in differ- venlion decided' io' support Jhe whom be caiidnlalure of lltirrv Leader, the ten' progressive who iMeitfU. n in 191. defeated Mr.