I; f 1 J ft i aaaaaaav "AOH MX tmi daily mrws Friday, October 2, 1925, . 1J I! I .J Ul !' Diamonds In tire Latest Design Setting Finest Quality Stones from $25 up Value Guaranteed or Money liefunded Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience in the large centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North STRIPED F JNNRI . II A lovely soft, warm cosy material for dresses or skirts. Comes in a nice range of colorings, full 54 inches, l'er yard $2.75 West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753. APPLE SALE An Apple a day keeps the duet or away Roal Fancy Mcintosh Reds, per box ... ... ... $3.00 Mcintosh Reds, jumble park per hoi $2.35 This is about" the last shipment 'of this variety IJuy Idem now from Mussallera Grocery Co. Lid. 417-423 Firth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 CREPE DE CHINE Figured Scarves Now Designs Just Received $4.95 H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours- I) to JS. X-Ray Service Phone 086. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hvenings LA ROSE MINE TUNNEL NEARLY FINISHED NOW Intention of Company Is to Ship Ore This Winter From Promising Alice Arm .Miles Donald of Alice Ann, president qf the Iva Hose Mining' Co. Ltd., is. a visitor in the cily cn business Laving arrived from lite. north on the steamer l'rince lluperl lasl night. He will return (o Alice Arm on the Cardcua Sunday evening:. ; Mr. Donald reports that 380 feet of the tunnel being driven on the La Hose mine to strike ore at 130 feet depth has been com pleted and it is expected the high grade ore will be reached with another 35 feel of tunnel, If this materializes and ore of the high value that was encountered in the shaft is opened up, it is the intention to start shipping at once and continue throughout Hie winter. Ore values found in the shaft on the vein rap 300 ounces of silver. Further mfu- ing from the shaft was inipraeti-J rauie on account or water. Min ing may he carried out through out the year from tjie tunnel vvlnch Ss of sufficient pitch to. There's only one quality of MAGIC BAKING POWDER and that's the highest Jiade m Canada NO ALUM E.W. GILLETT CO. LTO. TOR0HT0.CA. raj ip"' ruvi uiainau. m lit Ulr ..... . . he rawhided during the irtnW " ' J'"J inn-.. I. A .,......: a t k it v mv i . lurm r ''"Wll tilt' IIIUlllllUIII (II IUC ifuiii y Yarden Hailvvay grade and team- ed from llicre to Alice Arm The La Hose mine which lies in the Paul Klayduc Creek valley Diiii' seven miles from Alice Arm is controlled by Alice Arm and Prince ilupert men. ELWOOD BARD THEFT CHARGE DISMISSED Judge Young Throws Out Case Laid by Hindu for Lack or Evidence Ihe charge against F.lwood Hard of theft from the person-in onneclion with the alleged Mihhery recently of a Hindu Huckiu Singh, in the Empress iioici was uismisseu in Judge LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Ium Ln In Prince Biiert Lend necorclin ll inci or crime liurert, and llut! on Uie iicirthwet coist of Hrlilsh Colum bin. Portland Canal, and Ix-lnr at Sr I'olnt. I'nrlland Canal, and lnn nnrtli mavnellc rroru Tree I'omL rcarse Island. TAKE .NOTICE Hut Anrln RrltlKh r. - umbla racklnx- Coniiiaur Ltmlted. ani'ouver. B.:.. ovciiiiall.in 1'arker,. m lend to aifily fur a frasc or Hie follow 'nsr rtcrrilM-d- lands: Cwiiliinrilir at a mn-t nlanlrd at hirh aler mark at S.Ht Point. Portland Canal; 'henre aoutlieaMrrl.v alona hlrlt atr mark for forty -eiaht hnndred feet to i inariMi o. S.S.C.: tlwire aoutherh 10 rlialim. more or lea, to lnu uhp. mark; thenre tinrthwenteily alonr lm water mark fortv-elirlit hondrod tft mn . or lem; tlicnre nonherly 10 rhalng. mnp or lesn, to iHilnt of roni'nenreiiH'tit. an- ontilnliiF 76 a-re. liwre or le. A.'0LO-BHIT'H COI.CMBIA PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant Per Waller E. Walker, Airent Jilted Julr 1 3rd. 10?s ANNDUNGtMENT! El DELIVERY TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 30. 1st delivery closes at S) a.m. 2nd delivery closes at 10.30 a.m. 3rd delivery closes al 2 p.m. ttb delivery closes al 4.30 ji.ni'. Wharf and Boat Orders Kicepted All orders taken belwepti i.'io p.m. and closing lime will go out on first delivery following day. Last delivery Saturday rxemii? Hiik at tf.30 p.m. Rupert Table Supply Co. Auditorium Vill open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 lo 4 Evenings .... 8 lo 10 Good Muslo both sessions Compeleut. inslrdelors to leach beginners. L. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. indd rlaimrd that BLAME PLACED SHENANDOAH LOSS OF LIFE Having no Parachutes was Like Sending Ship to Sea With- out Lifeboats XSHIXUTOX. kcl. 2 Hefore f Widss Aircraft Hoard, Col. N F. M Dentil Unlay placet re-siii'ssitiility far H Shenandoah d sastrr ami failure of the PNO-lj reach Hawaii, directly on the, .f.uls of the Say leparttiMnt. I Miu-tie.l the fending, f liir Shenandoah i,i I lit Middle, Wot was a "direct violation Ol Mie law" tierausr in peace, litudj activities belong to ( he Army. ! Arrangement t or I he PN0 plane flights locked lik- the work 'f "hungling amateur." j Od. Mitchell severely criticised ! he work of arranging I lie equipment or the Xavy contingent ac-''MiiiiTing the MacMillan expedition. Flagrant mistake, Mii- liell Maid, made it impossible for air men to remain silent louger. : Oil. Mitchell charged the S.ienandoah was not equipped with parachute and was "like 1 -ending a ship lb sea wilhou' lifeboats." , Col. Mitchell said emrinwring data showed the I'.NO idanot Hard had nreiuralinn. I. a. I Iviumi ..-., fnn 'in' tu his nui a;;il. Ilip-atcn BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1924. lias produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,382,05:1; l.ode Oold, $118, 473,100; Silver, $08,821,570; head, $70,548,578; Copper, $187,180,378; 7mu $32, 171.407; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,431,310; Coal and Coke, $200,880,048; IIiiiIiIiiik Slonc, llrick, Cement, etc., $12,225,814; making its Mineral Production tu the end of 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province arc more liberal ami the fee lower than (huso of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or otiy colony in the Ilntisli Kuipire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for noiuaial fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing siuli properties, the security of which l guaranteed by Crown (Irauts. Full information together with Mining Hearts un Maps, tiniv be obtained grali by addressing-- THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINE8 . Victoria, British Columbia. .VII. Practically jll Ilntisli Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been dune are described in some one of the Annual llcporM of the Minister of Mines. Thoo considering mining investment should refer lo iiri reports Thev are available without charge on application to the Department of Mine Vict mu III lit ports of the (ieologi.ul Survey or Canada. Pacific lliiild.ng. Vancouver, are re.oni miMided us valuable sources of information. program and to set on fool investigations whieh mix lit be hurtful lo Ihe republicans and the republican administration. They could initiate a uumher of measures which the President U-4lll4l C1IIMIW4. Mml 111 tlUIUlMtflLr ar'?r" ud not reaeli Honolulu with-jeipose bunseir to lose or public Control Tariff this, and Hint ulanos .ml mln i... . i . , . , rrTJJln "'.T f"r """. -Ic would be Itt.purtuM Iron, lb-..r f 16 6j I Uanl a. was arrested mki tropics and along ti,.- Allanh. lMHltjU(n, ui ,L Ueitt after but only 3 was found on Coal "vet ' ?"Mr officers in "' , ,bar ltari-' '....ntr.-l , . would a. make f it f certain 1 . Ihe uis ois iiersou. iwrsoii Har,l iwni l,nil inieu ih. me verrf eioevlml . in cn-. aiifa,-. . ..... .i,..,,,,, . - " ri'iiuuiirnne evil mi II oi alliance i , 7, r.. larnr raies or pa any lanrr ,AKh 1,1 ' ' ' I-"'- The :ie,ra.s, imir.il o.umu. .. ' if in .ho JUntHU DAVY IIILL i---iu .vnofrson waiu.-r ex. M,WJe , the r-enalc would parrel cimtainlnv an aerea, inner ne tea EI.trill.KT N0TT I'OTTKn. Applicant Fred Lawaoti, Am-tii Dated Aug-uat 10th. !(. irn uu mo uingiuie Mienanuoaii, CLOSES FOR, SEASON t"! before'lhe Naval Cou'rl of Inquiry, thai Commander did n,,t h',',, "'- a1' JUNKAl. Oct. 2. The sawmill ,r,BMjownc .f the Juneau Lumlvr Mills has vke lo H,a"e ,he '""""'I-hI. s Livur couree io ' lane uie "" muiiii. """. can hardly hope fur reelection in 1U2G. 'J'his aplies especially lo Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Arizona. The democrats hope lo elect senator in those stales lo succeed republicans now in the Seuale. -In a number of other stales, more over, they hope lo make gains. Hopes are Hl;h For instance, In New York, the friends of (Soverunr Al Smith, believe if he runs for the Senate he can beat Senator Wudsworlh, republican. In Massachusetts, Senalor Jiuller, republican, is in danger of defeat al the hands of former Senator' Walsg. democrat. In Idaho, Senalor flooding, republican, is oxposed lo danger of defeat by former Senator Nugent, democrat. In California, former Senator I'helan, demo-eral, may heal Senalor Short-ridge, republican. II is posslldc l.ut hardly probable thai Wil liam (J. McAdoo will be the democratic nominee in California. In several oilier stales the hopes of the democrats are high of vviiuilnjr. Loss of Ihe Sonule by Hit) ie- puhllcaiis would probalily huvr; lar-reacning political ctlecls. In the first place, l'resident Uoolldgo would find himself In trouble If (he Deinorruls captured the Statu. Xhey would bo able lu enibu trunk his leislullve doubllf iiiak ttie ms of Ihe complaints that litany exist ins ratca are eicessive and are bear-inz heavily on the farmers. i Should Ihe democrat xain both K-en close.! for the ieason. hav- "an iii';lb, and Senate, they would, of og been operated five month. ai"wur "v" snu , t,ur,e .,r. eed 1H a Mil l-eriwl of three monlhs longer ''"u'" A,"',r" ' H'!baed u, low or HMemle tariff than operations were continued , l",,",ri' ia"'' '" sigi,als,.a, This -would be vetoed, last year. !fn"n ""' sk"'s '" i.r.sumably, by Ihe l'reidei,; Six million board feet of lutn- 'er wew cut this season, accord ng to noy iiiitiierroni, manager. fhe lumber was sold locally am :,oii'striicted iu boxes for the various salmon canneries, and 150,000 feet of clear spruce was -hipped lo I he Stales. There remains 50,000 feel of cut lumber lo be shipped. RECORD DELIVERIES GRAIN SEPTEMBER YVINMP K;. del. 2 deliveries .DEMOCRATS MAY They Th'pk They are Almost Sure to Win In 1926 Elections EMBARASS COLLIDGE WASHINGTON, Oct. . (It. Canadian I'ressi. democratic Mint not without a protest from 'numerous sources where the ex-isiuig rales are considered too htgh. CONTROL SENATE CA!; ! BE DROPPED IN RUSSIA MOSCOW. Oil. 2. The o-ini-riii! of education has Uc.-ii considering a !rooal to litn male capital tellers from (In llussian script. In favor of Uu-proposition it is nrguod dial ihe Oriental nations incorporated m' f frain lo the LnUeslie.nl hv ti.!leaders profess to be Ihe Soviet Federation are not a-- anadian Naliotial Itailvvays diir-j'Phly eiicouragotl oer the pco-culoUKHl lo employ capital let-ns September just closed ex-llPC'ts for gaining ronlrol of lhe,ler and thai II would he i-asier ee(.., th,. conUiineil September Senate iu the election of IU2o.i leliv cries nt both 1U23 and ll2l.'hey ' that as things slant! During Ihe inottlb just closdlnow l,,,- ' almost sure lo win. i lolal of tK..ii:i cars were tie- They are less ooufident of guin- ivered at the Lake Head asrainsl 8 control of the House and i,C51 in September tt2i and 12,- '"i 5 5 in September Vi, LEAGUE BASEBALL National League llrooklyn 5. Philadelphia 0. American League -Washington I, Boston :i" Cleveland 0, Chii ago 3. Hetroi ja.SI. I.ouis I. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE IS IIMIHIY 0IVKN that til reacrvr exIrtliiK wn Lot milL llanke Cum lilsirlcl, It cami'liurt. 7 i.. it. nkiEX. lienuly Minuter of Lamb l.indi Uetiariineiit, Vlrlorla. B.C. ll(l Sl't 1 MINERAL ACT. Cartlflcata of Improtamenta. SfHikane Mlnera! Clatm, altuate In tin Atlin Mlnlnir DlUxlon of Catalai Dlttrlrt, (in the wet aide (if lllr llun niver ui tin- cur. i or ana aajotninir tin Kdwln Mineral Claim. TAKK KOTICE Dial I. (red t.awaou. litem fur Amea S. I.awann, free Miner'r Cerliricate Ni. 10ir.C, Intends , Mil? clays finni Ihe date hereof, tn apply tu the Milium llrrorrier for a Cerllfleale of I in niveinpntK, fur the purKte of iililalnlni a Crown oranl or the nlttive claim. And furltHT lake nollre that artlnn under aerllnn S7. must lie rfiinnmnced lie fore the loatic nt ouih Certificate of Im Itrnvemeiist. fin led this 30th day nf Aunitt. VP ift LAND ACT. In the Mtlln t.and IiKtrlct of Cannlar. TAKK MITICK that t, :llplilitl Nnll I'nller, of New York, ivy., I'.s.A., tieeti natlmi broker. Inleed tn annlv fur per mliwloii In fitirrhnne the fiillnUliiir lie rrlhed land: r.oiiuiMMirinr al a ll planted alwuit tn -liHlna aelilh nf luelne'n I'nllil n the west lde nf TerUli Lake, aluxit eleven mile, wnilli of the Yukon iMinndary llnej ilience weft (0 rlinlna; thenee north 40 chain: henee ent f) ehalna; thenee anti'tierlv fnllnwlnf ahinir the Mmre tine nf Tarlsh Lake tn txiliit of riinitneneement. nald point out that it is e-nsily sibly for them to gain the Sen- ale and lose the Houte. The chief reason why this is o is that it so happens that a number of senator republicans will have to slaud fur re-election next year iu normally democratic lates. They were swept into office iu IP20 in the laud- for I hem to learn ItUMsian if capital letters were excluded. NOMINATIONS VANCOt'YIUt. Del. 2.-a.ion totlay were: North Vancouver: J. W ltlor. Ntuiiin- Currv. Nnnaimo : Samuel Ou.hrie, Labor. BIRTH. A eon was born al Ihe l'rince slide for 1'iesideut Harding andjltuperl (ieneral HiMpital on Oct ober 2 lo Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilus- sey, 1130 Second Avenue, Mrs. P. S. ltonney and family! sailed last night on the l'rince' Ituper. for Vancouver enroule toj New Weslmiuslur where they will visit with Mrs. ltonueys par- enls. AdverMxe In the tallv News LAND ACT. Notltt of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Land In l'rince HuM-rt Land Hecnrdinr hlatrle or l'rince Ilupert, and altuate al Yea till bn Hay. Maett Inlet. TAkK NOTICK that tlurene II. Slmpaiin, nf MaMeit. Il.c. ucrupatlnn caniieryuian, Inletida lo apply fur a leane ur the ful- Inulfi riMeellirf lunila. Oiiiiiiisnrinir at a pot planted almnt! i riiains wrairriy rriiin tne ,i.t. corner nf Lot Itlll, llanire II, 0,i,t lil.trlcl: Iheneu iw alt rhaltm: thence imrtli llirea rhillna. inure Or lea. In hlirh u.tee mrl iheiiee ealerl.v alnnr hirh water mark to' ihiiiii in criiiiiiieii'ineni, ano roiitalnlnr t terra, more or !. , EUUCNK II, BIMPS'I", AMlc,m ...... mm ,.,w ma l AND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaae Ling. fn ttie Land Kcriirdinr tilnlrirt of I'rlnre iiineri. aim ni'iinie al liir rail Crerk wlileli flnwa into Kcstall lilver annul IS mllea friuii tin nmulli. TAkK IVOT:K that Cllfliiii r. niel f flHll..(, ll,l(U.Mt (I ! ...... ...l..u I . ! , ,, ....... ,,i-f-uii,ii.iii imiuicr- Inan. InleniU tn apply fur tT"ill''ii tn iMirrnnur iiiiinwinr ncaeriiiea lainla- 'IMineiielnif at a inl nlnnied at the annihueiit enrnee t.r l.ut Ann ii.n.. r...... I henre til rhalna wnitlierlv; thciie to i-haliia ueaterl.vi llienee to rhalna nnrth. erlv: llienee 90 rhalna eaiterlv in ix.int nf riiininrneemeiit, .and ruiitalnliif 40 arrea, ill"! V ,11 ,VV, c. r. MEL, Kl'mtui' hated ,u.i uto, mm. WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "Quo Vadis Day Phones 423 539 Or. 601 Black 735 t.adit'! $1,00. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. 59 A gigaiito gliftermg spe t.n e depicting 'ft. . . nti..) and barbarities ol un tenl Home. V kul lib i' pn pli'i i drama. Willi u cast of tJO.ooo lieudnl bv Kind J.i'iinng- . wlm h rn be seen Uie golden glories o. a Unman b,.iiip. Ihe luxuries, the wine and sng. Hie heaotilul vvniiu n. e' Magnificent srencrj nrd ettmg-. rtllli Arabiun hur-i loll African (ions. .1 unUuued hulls. bofde of olhei .. nial. i harioteero, liorenieu, marcs, bje girl, v -i virgui. guards, elc. etc. Huge ui.) principal.: Bruto Cattellanl, Andree Habay, Alphonse Fryland, Rlna De Llguoro, Elens Do San-gro, Lillian Hall Davit as l.vgn. who-e bean.v rum i- t crowd I" nier. . and Emll Jannlngt a- Nero, the w -' the Cut -.ii- MACK SENNETT COMEDY "GKINNCriS IN SILK," TOPICS OF THE DAY. 60c and 25c TUGBOATS Night Phones 087 539 Qr. 601 Black 73S Dollar Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October 1t, 2nd and 3rd. I live von ,, tuoiue ii I ,a,,. j,M,k ( ,( over. I. might mean a big saving . vuu. Pillow Oitlon, 40 and Si inciea wide, reg. :c and T- Sale, 2 yanls for .J0. White nannelelle, .111 uu hc wide. rcg. :i. wd tor S de i yanls forvftl.UO. (Jrey Striped llamiolelle, reg. and a:..-. Sale ..... vt,M fur $1.00. .Sheeting, leg. K3c. Sale. 14 yards for (10. 2 dozen lla.nl TuvveU, reg. toe. Sale, :t ,Nlir fr 0(l, Canton Flannel, reg. 10c. Sale, A vards lor i no Kimouu Cloth, reg. 81.25. Side. 2 rd rnr il.o. Prints, suitable for lioiike droimes and aproiu, reir I". Sale, 7 yards for $1.00. Heller nalily PrinU. reg. 10c. Sale. :, vai.I for 00 While Cotlnii, Till iiieJiesi wide. Sale. ;, aiiU for l on flrey Collun, 80 iiiclu' wide. rg. 25c. Sale, 0 yartN Mr $1.00, HU(81 Oo"li,S (5re U",lU", yr""- Su,e- f'-'f 20 pieces of Cretonne, reg. :15c. Sale, t yanls for .00. Uarks .Stranded Kmlm.ideiy Cultoti. all colprn, 20 skeio for $1.00, Arl Silk Klo.s, reg. 1.00. Sale, IJ for 61.00, Monarch Flo "WiSd,", reg. ailc. Sale, 0 for $.oo. Monarch Silk Hosiery, reg. $1.06. Sale 1.00 Petiiii.ui's Hosiery, (ireen Heather, leg. $1.25 to 1.0, Stt I (i? $ 1 ,00, Lisle Hosiery, reg. 75c. Sale, 2-nlr.s fur S1.00. '. ul T -r'' 6.0U. Sale. 81.00 uer imir lantielello Ntglilgi.wii, reg. inl.io und $1.50. Ha" Children; nai.tiejelle Niglilg.,ws, reg. $1.25. Sale 05c l.hildrun s esl und Hrawers, all xiZ(Vi (vii t'8 ' all ' a" " ' n-g. $1.25 a piece. Sale, $1.00 per snIL Chililreii s Combiiinliiinx, niivn 2i to 32, reg. $ i) to $1.75, Sale, $1.00. Ladies' Vcs, 75c to H5c. Sale, 2 fur $1.00, l-mlirs' Silk and Cutlim Hlooinerw, reg. $1.50. Sale, $1.00. Uiil.lren HreseN 2, i und 0 years, reg 75c. Sale, 2 for p 1 MJ, Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7lh SL